'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby JackRiddler » Mon Jan 22, 2024 10:03 pm

Recalling Trump's "World Peace" Program
- Fondle globe together with MbS & Sisi, sell $100s of billions in arms to Saudi Arabia
- Support massive escalation of Saudi attack and hunger blockade against Yemen -- 100,000s more dead.
- Escalate annihilation bombings in Syria (and Iraq) -- support occupation of 1/3 of Syria and announce you will "TAKE THEIR OIL".
- Massively raise "defense" budget beyond even where it was.
- Launch fewer drone attacks (still more than 10,000!) but manage to kill more civilians in these anyway.
- First, threaten nuclear war on North Korea in front of the UN. When South Korean peace government outmaneuvers U.S. belligerence by waging a peace offensive, push them aside and horn in on the action for a showy meeting with Kim, but have it all fall apart anyway.
- Start trade war with China, massively escalate belligerent rhetoric.
- Threaten to invade or bomb Mexico.
- Withdraw from JCPOA, threaten war on Iran.
- Appoint John Bolton as National Security Advisor. Pretend MEK or other false-flag attacks on shipping in Persian Gulf are "Iranian." Assassinate beloved Iranian general who actually defeated ISIL along with his Iraqi counterparts in a surprise attack during a diplomatic mission at the Bagdad Airport. (Unbelievable act of terrorism.) Ignore Iraqi demands that American forces should withdraw from their territory (ditto with Syria).
- Withdraw from rapprochement with Cuba, re-impose maximum blockade, arrange for some CIA color action to attempt an overthrow of that government (this is war; it's a new war insofar as it's resuming the old one that had been in suspension).
- Approve sales of arms systems to Ukraine, reversing Obama policy of "light arms" only. Suggest in a phone call with Zelensky you will delay these if Ukraine doesn't proceed with case against Hunter Biden. Have CIA guy who was listening in on the call "blow the whistle," leading to this incident laughably becoming the sole basis for an impeachment. Arms shipment delay may have happened, for 2 weeks, but the arms flow, escalating tensions with Russia. Media & D-led "resistance" suggests all this is more evidence Trump is a Putin puppet.
- Withdraw from remaining nuclear weapons treaties with Russia, including the crucial INF.
- Continue with "new generation" of nuclear weapons.
- Recognize Jerusalem as Israeli capital -- anything they want!
- Recognize laughable pretender as "president" of Venezuela, escalate sanctions, back non-existent coup attempts; invite Guaido to your State of the Union (producing the only standing ovation from both parties), act surprised and angry when flood of VZ refugees results (note: these are acts of war; this was one of those new wars that Trump supposedly didn't start, but turned into a war).

What am I forgetting here?

True: Mostly in the trend of the imperialist wars getting worse and worse with each year. Very little has been reversed since Trumpexit, some of these wars have gotten worse.

No counterfactuals if you want to contest any of the above (i.e., arguing "it would have been worse if x was in office...").

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Elvis » Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:35 pm

Trump also wanted to invade Venezuela, but for once, the Blob served a useful purpose by stopping him (as they thankfully did with Trump's desire to use nuclear weapons in Afghanistan).

A great book by Michael Glennon details how the US neocon foreign policy/national security network spits out policy "consesus" that no 21st century president has been able to effectively defy. Glennon's "Trumanite vs Madisonian" analysis explains a lot about why this is so.

National Security and Double Government
Michael J. Glennon

- Clear analysis of the roles of the "Trumanite network" and the "Madisonian institutions" in making U.S. security policy
- Provides a new spin on the "double government" theory of key 19th century English constitutional scholar, Walter Bagehot
- Features a broad and extensive array of supporting evidence from the Truman through the Obama administrations
- A concise summary of organizational theory to aid in understanding why concealed government security actors resist policy changes
- Contains an Afterword providing developments and insights since publication of the hardback version

New to this Edition:

An Afterword addresses the emerging danger posed by populist authoritarianism, and rejects the notion that the security bureaucracy can be relied upon to block it.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:45 pm

https://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/ ... m=mastodon
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:34 pm

What am I forgetting here?

Domestic deployment of thousands of national guard units from eleven different states wearing unmarked uniforms, used to crush protests in DC along with the regular fascists cops. I particularly liked the part where they would snatch people off the street in unmarked cars.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:43 pm

"…filling the pockets of the City of London, Wall Street and the rest of the money markets…"
-- Neil Oliver


Looks like many NATO countries such as the UK are talking about drafting (aka conscription) their male & female citizens to fight for the Globalist New World Order and against Russia. The Western nations all fought for the JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL ✡️ during WWI, WWII, and now want to do the same thing in WWIII. The Globalist Prime Minister of the UK is an unelected Indian man named Rishi Sunak that signed a 100 year agreement to come to the aid of Ukraine with troops. They need to start the war before President Trump is re-elected, and they now know that his re-election is an inevitable outcome.

The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL have plans to bring forth their New World Order agenda, UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. The ATF, FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, DOD, DHS, DOJ, NATO, FEMA (and often State Police in Blue states) are all Globalist Terrorist Organizations, they are not agencies/organizations protecting us from foreign & domestic enemies or following the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, but rather THEY ARE THE ENEMY, THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS, THEY ARE THE ONES COMMITTING THE FALSE FLAG "HOAX" EVENTS. The Democrats, RINOs, & NeoCons are ALL GLOBALISTS. They are using the WEF, UN, EU, & other organizations to turn the Free Range Slaves into 15 minute city & FEMA Prison Camp Slaves.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Sat Jan 27, 2024 2:37 am

Did you seriously read what you posted above and thought "you know what? This sounds sensible and worth sharing!"

Here's from the description of another one of his videos:

Adolf Hitler’s most poignant orations during the second World War which had been buried for almost a century are now available for the world to hear, along with English subtitles. He was the most beloved German ruler and the last world leader to stand up to the Jewish Communist New World Order Agenda. If he had won WWII, the entire world would not be fighting against the New World Order still today.

Here are some of his other video titles:

6,000,000 LIES

Pretty sure we have a hard rule against posting Holocaust deniers here.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Elvis » Sat Jan 27, 2024 10:34 pm

During your week off, think about whether you really want to post Nazi propaganda here.

What do think this is, the Canadian Parliament?

Grizzly » Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:43 pm wrote:"…filling the pockets of the City of London, Wall Street and the rest of the money markets…"
-- Neil Oliver


Looks like many NATO countries such as the UK are talking about drafting (aka conscription) their male & female citizens to fight for the Globalist New World Order and against Russia. The Western nations all fought for the JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL ✡️ during WWI, WWII, and now want to do the same thing in WWIII. The Globalist Prime Minister of the UK is an unelected Indian man named Rishi Sunak that signed a 100 year agreement to come to the aid of Ukraine with troops. They need to start the war before President Trump is re-elected, and they now know that his re-election is an inevitable outcome.

The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL have plans to bring forth their New World Order agenda, UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. The ATF, FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, DOD, DHS, DOJ, NATO, FEMA (and often State Police in Blue states) are all Globalist Terrorist Organizations, they are not agencies/organizations protecting us from foreign & domestic enemies or following the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, but rather THEY ARE THE ENEMY, THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS, THEY ARE THE ONES COMMITTING THE FALSE FLAG "HOAX" EVENTS. The Democrats, RINOs, & NeoCons are ALL GLOBALISTS. They are using the WEF, UN, EU, & other organizations to turn the Free Range Slaves into 15 minute city & FEMA Prison Camp Slaves.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby alloneword » Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:20 am

Elvis » Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:34 am wrote:What do think this is, the Canadian Parliament?


I just want to point out that the words and views expressed in that block of text (below the quote) are not those of Neil Oliver, is case anyone was wondering.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:22 am

True, Oliver is more you garden variety right-wing moron with his own show on GB News, the UK's answer to FOX/OAN.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby alloneword » Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:37 am

I'd disagree with your characterisation of Oliver as a 'moron', right wing or otherwise. He got a lot of things right over the last few years. That said, I don't really like his hair, although I'm given to understand that a lot of people do. Also, his eyes are too close together.

I can't really argue with your description of GBN, though. They do seem to regularly provide all manner of right-wing ideologue with a platform to spread their odious lies and disinformation. I mean, just look at this cunt (the one in a white shirt). :shock:
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:15 pm

He [Oliver] got a lot of things right over the last few years.

He sure as hell did. My only exposure to Oliver have been video clips shared on Twitter of his editorials on Covid policies and climate ‘alarm’, and he’s been largely spot on in his observations.
Frankly I could give a shit about his outward appearance/physical attributes as it has no bearing on his thoughts.

Outside of the Oliver clips I’ve watched in other platforms I don’t/haven’t had exposure to GBN so can’t speak to the ‘right wing’ sentiments, but I’d think by now those who endeavor to think objectively/critically would discard the inclination to infer or dismiss a position outright based purely on a ‘right wing’/‘left wing’ tag placed on a platform/source. Especially since the boundaries of how those ‘wings’ are defined have shifted quite dramatically over time, particularly in the last few years.

Of course some views are largely specious (or largely consisting of cliche positions by a given tribal affiliation) but a position should be deemed specious/largely substance-less based on the merits not the labels anyone would proactively place on a given position.

This is how priming/conditioning/sentiment manipulation works, by incentivizing reflexive groupthink rather than critical thought.

(I’d agree there are plenty of views out there, as already alluded above, that can be readily identified as [mostly] value-less/clearly propagandistic w/out a need to dig very deep, and perhaps GBN curates such content more often than not; I can’t say given my lack of exposure to that media platform. My comments are more broad-based/generalized.)
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:13 am


Regardless of what one opts to believe, currently, regarding the causes and reasons for 'climate change' (however anomalous or not compared to historical patterns), the below passage clearly articulates that there is, indeed, IMMENSE money, influence, and politics involved in these policies ostensibly aimed to 'solve' the 'climate crisis' problem.

So: while no one here disputes that the oil industry is very well compromised by greed-driven (and other) factors, it would be foolish/naive to continue to insist -- to the extent anyone here still does -- that this 'climate change' agenda isn't AT LEAST as compromised, corrupt, and driven by other factors that are not benevolent, at least not by the top-end drivers. In fact, over the last ~15yrs there has been far more funding/investment in 'climate change' agendas than oil/gas... though it appears, given the below info from a recent CNBC segment [clearly, a mainstream source] that there is/will be a shift -- nudging tactics, various corporate incentives, etc. -- developing to signal that ESG and related policies may be on the verge of being incrementally phased out.

Even if so, whatever [agendas] replace such policies will be to the detriment of the commoner, while continuing to greatly benefit the very few.

Mar 20

If you've ever wanted to understand the power and influence that the proxy advisory duopoly holds and *actively uses* to push ESG, you need to watch this exchange:

CNBC's @AndrewRSorkin leads off by (correctly) describing the reach/influence of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and begins to ask how it applies to ESG — their Global Head of Stewardship, Lorraine Kelly, immediately tries to walk back his comments:

[video clip at link]

Despite pushback, @AndrewRSorkin doubles down — correctly laying out *exactly how* investors outsource their governance decisions to ISS.

Kelly then flatly denies the reality of how her business operates presently.

[video clip at link]

But, what especially caught my attention is, in attempting to argue with Sorkin, Kelly *inadvertently admitted* that he is correct.

While describing their new "ESG skeptic product," she confirms that their new product is not their own research, but an alternative set of instructions for voting that ISS will "implement" for clients.

Which means she admits clients pay ISS to *vote their shares* for them. Companies don't review their advice because that would defeat the whole value of ISS's "service."

This is why contracts require ISS to act as a fiduciary. Companies expect to rely on ISS doing their job, which based on their track record, they clearly cannot.

[video clip at link]

ISS auto-voting client shares makes a huge difference.

For example, in 2022 ISS recommended supporting pro-choice activists' proposals at Lowe's, TJ Maxx and Walmart.

That same year the Texas State Affairs Committee dragged them into a hearing to explain why they used Texas pension assets to vote against Texas law.

They clearly got the message because in 2023 they recommended a vote AGAINST the *same proposal* at Coca-Cola.


This proves two things:

1) Sorkin is right, ISS's "advice" controls a ton of votes and 2) by changing their advice, *on the same proposals*, they're showing that they were violating their fiduciary duty to clients.

Kelly also attempts to bolster her arguments by claiming ISS only supports 50% of ESG proposals and because of that she considers them "centrist"...

But the problem there, again, is that ESG is a radical departure from the consumer and shareholder focus of a company.

Supporting 50% of scam proposals isn't "centrist," it's a clear admission they don't take their job for clients seriously.

[video clip at link]

She ends the interview by attempting to make it sound like ESG proposals are losing investor support organically.

What she leaves out his that a significant portion of the drop is because ISS stopped supporting them after @ConsumersFirst and others called them out for playing politics with their clients votes.

If the proxy advisor duopoly is ever broken up (as it should be), this exchange will perfectly illustrate why.

Investors outsource their governance decisions to 1 of 2 firms — and both firms have made it their mission to advance ESG using their duopoly power.

Screenshot from one of the video clips:

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Thu Mar 21, 2024 5:59 pm

No one is disputing that people are exploiting the hell out of the situation. Duh. Disaster capitalism 101. The problem is your continued denial of there being a situation in the first place. Seriously, even by modern denier standards you're way off on the fringes. Probably because you're late to the game and haven't had your denial thoroughly debunked and shoved down your throat often enough to get a clue and shift your position to something a little more palatable, like the professionals have done over the years.

Behold, the progression of the deniosphere:

It's not real > It's real but natural > It's real but we don't know enough > It's real but it's too expensive to fix > It's real but we can't do anything and should just adapt > It's real but CO2 is good for plants > It's real but we need oil > It's real but Blackrock is selling ESGs.

And, shocker: if you go digging through the various sources for all these arguments over the years, it's the same fucking people and money all the way.
Example: Will Hild is the CEO of Consumers’ Research, who have gone full anti-woke and anti-ESG (their website has a fucking "Woke Alert" section), with ample funding from people like the Koch brother(s). Before this job he was at the Federalist Society. Normally associations like that should be a huge red flag around these parts, but you seem oblivious (or you don't care, which is almost worse), and keep blithely posting these insidious fuckers because they keep giving you catnip.

Hild isn't opposed to ESGs because he thinks they're bad, he's opposed to them because they're fucking with his owner's business. Just another cog in the dark money propaganda machine.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:43 pm

My point is simple: whatever fluctuation to the climate globally is NOT due to human-caused factors, and further, CO2 is NOT the cause of ‘climate change’ or ‘global warming’. (Even if one insists on this premise, those within the 1% with their corporate jets and yachts, and multinational corporates, utilize far more gas/oil many times over compared to the plebes in aggregate, and as such any notion of climate-based austerity measures [for the commoners/general citizenry] as policy is AT BEST foolish at the lower-levels of the bureaucratic food chain, and blatant attempts at power/control/wealth grabs by the top-tier ‘prime movers’ of such policies. See my prior post above Re: ESG as one of many examples).
Much of these falsehoods and ‘predictions’ (which historically have been comically incorrect) are based on modern day ‘magic tricks’ — faulty models, statistics and highly selective criteria, not to mention a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance and bias. All via a combination of earnest faults, and further up the chains, purposeful propaganda.
My position is nowhere near as ‘fringe’ as you believe. Perhaps step out of your echo chamber and you’ll realize that, with the passage of time, my position is gaining momentum, broadly.

I fully grant — as already mentioned in this thread at length — that excessive use of gas and oil have all manner of negative consequences on the environment (and as already underscored many times, subject to its own corrupt lobbies and malevolent interests), and that there need to be numerous alternative forms of energy implemented by developed/developing nations, but that’s a wholly separate topic. — and let’s not forget that for poorer regions/cultures, the accessibility, reliability and overall markedly lower costs of gas/oil as a form of heat/fuel/energy remains a critical factor in any considerations Re: uses of various forms of energy.

There is no just cause for ‘climate alarm’. Weather is subject to fluctuations, historically (though I do not rule out that regional/locational weather may well be influenced by certain technology. This is already acknowledged under ostensibly beneficial aims, as reported by mainstream press [climate/geo-engineering, etc]).

A few added points of consideration — nuclear energy seems to be gaining traction.


"a twenty-year veteran of green tech now says we need to use more, not less, energy, especially natural gas and nuclear"


And as a further indicator that my overall sentiments aren’t as ‘fringe’ as touted by DrEvil:

(I have not watched this video/documentary yet, but I understand it challenges the notion of ‘climate alarm’)

EDIT: one more screenshot —

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:26 pm

There is no just cause for ‘climate alarm’. Weather is subject to fluctuations, historically (though I do not rule out that regional/locational weather may well be influenced by certain technology. This is already acknowledged under ostensibly beneficial aims, as reported by mainstream press [climate/geo-engineering, etc]).

I really don't get this. You're all aboard with us having technology for geo-engineering, but you're still refusing to accept that the total output of industrialized civilization and human activity can change the climate? They both work on the same principle - release things into the atmosphere to change the weather/climate - except the latter is several orders of magnitude larger. We are geo-engineering the climate, that's why people are worried.
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