The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby Grizzly » Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:53 pm

The Atlantic Council has a CBDC Tracker
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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby Grizzly » Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:06 pm ... 9554087964

looked for the chemtrail thread, couldn't find it...

Dark times ahead…

Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda

We got six months? Happy Beltane.
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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby BenDhyan » Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:20 am

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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby stickdog99 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:05 pm

EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen: "Misinformation is world's gravest problem."

uropean Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today declared that “misinformation and disinformation” are greater threats to the global business community than war and climate change.

“For the global business community, the top concern for the next two years is not conflict or climate,” she said in her speech at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. “It is disinformation and misinformation, followed closely by polarisation within our societies.”

The solution, according to von der Leyen, is for businesses and governments to collaborate to quash disinformation. “Many of the solutions lie not only in countries working together but, crucially, on businesses and governments, businesses and democracies working together,” she said. “While governments hold many of the levers to deal with the great challenges of our time, business have [sic] the innovation, the technology, the talents to deliver the solutions we need to fight threats like climate change or industrial-scale disinformation.”

To illustrate her point, von der Leyen mentioned the upcoming election-heavy year, calling it “the biggest electoral year in history”, and warned that bad actors may exploit the openness of democracies to influence elections with disinformation.

In the latest WEF Global Risk Report, misinformation and disinformation were ranked as a greater risk to the world than everything but extreme weather. Polarisation, the housing crisis, cyberattacks, economic downturn, supply-chain disruptions, and even nuclear war ranked beneath misinformation in the WEF risk report. Misinformation was rated more than three times higher in risk level than the erosion of free speech.

Fears about the democratisation of information have been an enduring theme at WEF conferences in recent years. Having been concerned by the threat of disinformation in the context of 2016 election interference and Covid-19, Davos attendees say they’re now focusing on the risks of AI.

“The disruptive capabilities of manipulated information are rapidly accelerating, as open access to increasingly sophisticated technologies proliferates and trust in information and institutions deteriorates,” the risk report reads. “Even as the insidious spread of misinformation and disinformation threatens the cohesion of societies, there is a risk that some governments will act too slowly, facing a trade-off between preventing misinformation and protecting free speech, while repressive governments could use enhanced regulatory control to erode human rights.”


Translation: "Everyone would finally agree that their elite superiors are as totally awesome as I am if we seized total control of all information outlets. The only thing we have to fear is free speech itself."
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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby Grizzly » Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:44 pm

BREAKING: Johns Hopkins Wargames Disease X Killing 150 Million People, Collapsing Government ... fd62425438

Alex is right more than he's not....
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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby Elvis » Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:19 pm

“The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.” ― Joan Robinson

‘A tribal clique’: Lagarde denounces economists at Davos

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde launched a stinging attack on the economics profession on Wednesday (17 January), accusing analysts of having “blind faith” in their models, which often bear little connection to reality.

Speaking at an event entitled “How to Trust Economics” at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the ECB chief also suggested that economists constitute a “tribal clique” whose models largely discount the possibility of “exogenous shocks” such as pandemics, climate change-induced weather events, and sudden supply shortages – all of which have severely impacted Europe’s economy over the last few years.

Lagarde, a lawyer by training who previously served as the head of the International Monetary Fund, also noted that upon assuming her current position as ECB president in 2019 she explicitly warned its Governing Council and analysts to “beware of models”.

“Many economists are actually a tribal clique,” she said. “[They] are among the most tribal scientists that you can think of. They quote each other. They don’t go beyond that world. They feel comfortable in that world. And maybe models have something to do with it.”

“If we had more consultations with epidemiologists, if we had climate change scientists to help us with what’s coming up, if we were consulting a bit better with geologists, for instance, to properly appreciate what rare earths and resources are out there, I think we would be in a better position to actually understand these developments, project better, and be better economists.”

‘Not helping the fight’

Lagarde’s fiery comments echo remarks she made in an interview with Bloomberg TV earlier on Wednesday, where she criticised money markets for “not helping the fight against inflation” by being too optimistic about rate cuts being introduced earlier than expected this year.

Money markets are currently pricing in six rate cuts of 25 basis points (0.25 percentage points) each over the course of 2024, with the first cut coming as early as March.

However, Lagarde warned that, although rate cuts will “likely” be introduced by the summer, crucial wage bargaining data used by the ECB to determine monetary policy will only be available in “late spring”.

“We will know a lot more probably in April, May, because the bargaining agreements are being negotiated in the first quarter of every year and the results come in after the agreements have been closed,” she explained.

Eric Dor, the director of economic studies at the IESEG School of Management, told Euractiv that markets were indeed “a bit overoptimistic in December [by] implicitly forecasting a cut of policy rates early in the year”.

However, he noted that more recent ECB data on bond yield curves shows that “since then, markets have become more realistic”.

Maria Demertzis, a Senior Fellow at Bruegel think tank, stressed that the fact that the head of the ECB told markets their predictions were amiss is “brave” but refused to be drawn on the issue of forecasting.

“Who knows who’s right?” Demertzis told Euractiv. “If the whole market is thinking that way, are they all wrong? I don’t know… Given the uncertainties that we see, I wouldn’t put my money on anybody.”

The ECB hiked interest rates on ten consecutive occasions to curb soaring prices between July 2022 and September 2023, bringing its benchmark deposit facility from -0.5% to a record high of 4.0%. It paused rate hikes at its two previous rate-setting meetings in October and December.

‘The track record of forecasting is abysmal’

Lagarde’s comments also came on the same day that Eurostat, the EU’s official statistics office, confirmed a previous flash estimate that year-on-year eurozone inflation increased from 2.4% in November to 2.9% in December – down from a peak of 10.6% in October 2022 but still well above the ECB’s 2% target rate.

The ECB’s own forecasts see inflation dropping to 2.7% this year before falling below 2% in 2026.

IESEG’s Dor stressed that one current “major source of uncertainty” surrounding contemporary inflation predictions is the attacks on shipping vessels by Houthi forces off the coast of Yemen, causing a spike in shipping costs that could eventually be passed onto consumers.

“If this situation lasts for a long time, the surge in shipping rates could imply a rebound of inflation in the euro area,” he said.

Asked about the ECB’s own inflation forecasts, Demertzis was scathing.

“If you look at the track record of forecasting, it’s abysmal,” she said. “The fact that inflation returns to [below 2%] in two years’ time is by construction. The models that they use force it to return to equilibrium and inflation to 2% in two years’ time.”

“I think forecasting right now is much more an art than a science,” she added. “Forecasting at this point is just not reliable.”

Lagarde is right about that, of course. Look at ECB inflation forecasts of recent years— :rofl2

ECB inflation forecasts g.jpg

How can economists & central bankers get it so wrong?

Galbraith Belmont Syndrome.jpg
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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby Grizzly » Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:32 pm

David Icke's Gingerbread Cottage
Icke has been right on so much. But here is why I don't trust him...

There’s a moment in my live show with David Icke where I completely lose it.

“I know why you haven’t been killed for saying the stuff you say,” I yell at him. “It’s because you are one of them! You are part of the Trap!”

It was something like that, anyway. You’ll have to check out the podcast yourself (I’ve now depaywalled it) : ... medium=web
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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby Grizzly » Sun Jan 21, 2024 5:05 pm ... 7d0c813ee2
Hospitals Injecting Staff With Live Ebola Vaccine That Sheds In Colorado, Warns Doctor

Hospitals in Denver, Colorado have been vaccinating their staff with live Ebola, with a shed rate of up to 31%, according to whistleblower Doctor.

I don't know. I don't trust Doctors anymore. Never did, really...
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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby Grizzly » Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:05 pm

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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby stickdog99 » Thu May 02, 2024 3:47 pm

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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby stickdog99 » Sat May 18, 2024 5:19 pm

Headline Translation: No deal on the global pandemic treaty. Half the world rejects the WHO’s yoke.

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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby BenDhyan » Wed May 22, 2024 1:14 am

Report: Klaus Schwab to Step Down as World Economic Forum Executive Chairman

Arch-globalist and head of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab has reportedly informed staff that he will be stepping down as WEF executive chairman.

A WEF spokesman told the website that the Forum will be changing its governance structure and that as a result, Schwab “will transition from Executive Chairman to Chairman of the Board of Trustees” by the start of next year.

Although Schwab has not officially named a successor, the Financial Times reported that former Norwegian Foreign Minister and current WEF President Børge Brende will take over the top job in Davos.

The final decision will reportedly need to be cleared by the government of Switzerland, which hosts the group’s annual Davos meeting. The reported move by Schwab to step down from his leadership role in the group comes despite his previous claims that he wanted to stay in power and run the WEF for decades to come.

A German-born economist, Schwab started the World Economic Forum in 1971 with $6,000 in startup funds. Now a $390 million per year business, the Forum sees world leaders, top-flight businessmen, and alleged thought leaders descend — often by private jet, ironically, given the frequent focus on climate change — to the Swiss ski resort town of Davos where they bend the metaphorical knee to Schwab every year.


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Re: The Covid19 New World Order and the World Economic Forum

Postby stickdog99 » Wed May 22, 2024 5:09 pm

Beyond a naive economics to a political economy of how things actually are

Violence has been the basis of our economy for 500 years

It seems to me that we’ve been doing political economy wrong for the last two hundred and fifty years. Any honest political economy of how things actually are would start by focusing on the following aspects of society:

1. The disproportionate impact of violence. A single bullet changes the course of history for hundreds of years, dynamite can move mountains, and now a single bomb can erase a city.

2. The willingness to use violence. This is a small subset of the population.

3. The ability to organize people to commit violence on a mass scale through the use of persuasion, fear, and legitimation. This is an even smaller subset of the population.

4. The stuff that you can get with the mastery of 1, 2, and 3 — oil fields that power the world economy, literal gold (silver, copper, platinum, and cobalt) mines, and control of entire countries and their citizenry.

So, putting this all together — there is a small subset of the population that is willing to use mass violence, this has a disproportionate impact on the world, and these people control the resources that everyone needs. These are first principles that nobody wants to talk about.

The reason that the people in government, banking, and management consulting are so absolutely horrible is because they are the interface between the monsters who have mastered 1 through 4 and the rest of the economy. They launder the violence at the top, take a cut, and then translate and normalize it into everyday life.

The peasants (that’s anyone who isn’t a billionaire) are not allowed to talk about any of this. Indeed, they are not allowed to even think about any of this. The closest they can come to this topic is to watch Hollywood movies that glamorize and celebrate the monsters who have mastered 1 through 4 above. The peasants are only allowed to study peace and non-violence and sing Kumbaya anytime there is a dispute between those with power and the rest of us. Marx wasn’t even capable of having this conversation, focusing instead on the falling rate of profit and assuming that it would lead to collapse that would usher in a workers’ paradise (see my nota bene below).

The paradox of classical economics over the last two hundred and fifty years is that it has legitimated, normalized, and distracted us from the violence at the top while simultaneously trying to expand the scope of the normal (non-violent) economy in hopes that the normal economy might one day crowd out the violent economy to become the whole economy. So classical economics gaslights us and also tries to act as a force for good.

What’s happened in the last four years is that Capital got tired of playing grab-ass (small rates of return in liberal democracies for the past 50 years), took off its mask, and regressed back into the naked brutality of conquest. With Covid, the biowarfare industrial complex just said, ‘F*ck you peasants, we’re more than willing to use violence on a massive scale to take your bodies, your DNA, your savings, and your lives and there is nothing you can do about it.’ Government, banking, and management consulting were more than happy to help them do that. And they proceeded to murder 17 million people and take all of their wealth and are planning to keep doing this for as long as possible (with the help of the WHO, WEF, World Bank, IMF, and other institutions).

There is a small wrinkle in all of this which is that Capital is not monolithic (it would like to be, it’s heading in that direction, but there are still some internal contradictions and conflicts). I believe that we are witnessing a leadership fight between the military industrial complex that has run the world since at least World War II and the biowarfare industrial complex that wants to be in charge now instead.

The traditional military industrial complex is nationalistic; led by macho generals; uses planes, tanks, bombs, armies, and propaganda to accomplish its goals; and focuses on control of markets and natural resources (primarily oil and precious metals but also food and shipping lanes). The biowarfare industrial complex is globalist; led by psychopaths in white coats; uses intellectual property, gain-of-function viruses, disease, and propaganda to accomplish its goals; and focuses on control of minds, bodies, genetic material, and data. There’s some overlap of course.

It seems that the military industrial complex got pissed off that most wars stopped during Covid and they are eager to reassert their right to run the planet via conflicts in Europe, the Middle East, and Taiwan. The biowarfare industrial complex want to take over the world without firing a single bullet but is happy to kill people in other ways. Capital hedges its bets by investing in both the old guard and the new upstarts.

Where does that leave the rest of us? I don’t know. My point in writing this is to shine a light on the obvious and abundant violence in the system. Violence has been the basis of our economy for 500 years, the rest of the economy was mostly just to keep people busy until the next war, and that violence has accelerated over the last four years as the biowarfare industrial complex has attempted to take over the world. Covid had nothing to do with health, it was the ruling class doing what it has always done — using mass violence to increase its wealth, power, and control.


Nota bene: What Marx missed is that unfettered capitalism does not lead to collapse and communism but instead to fascism and one world government. (The revolutions in Russia and China were in pre-industrial agrarian economies and, as I’ve written before, they ironically facilitated those countries’ transition to industrial capitalism.) Marx was right that overproduction leads to falling rates of profit but what comes next (that he failed to anticipate) is consolidation, monopolies, corporate capture of government, and world war between the major industrial powers in order to become the last Mega Corporate State standing (in a global game of Survivor that costs millions of lives). That’s what happened in 1914, 1940, and 2020.

As I pointed out a few weeks ago, what’s different and truly terrifying this time is that Capital has gotten wise and formed a cartel to resolve conflicts and divide up the spoils. But as I said, the traditional military industrial complex is feeling raw about being left out of the negotiations and is trying to reassert itself via hot wars wherever it can. That’s why everyone is on edge and it feels like the end of the world — because the twin Leviathans of the military industrial complex and the biowarfare industrial complex are engaged in a battle for control of the entire world and they are trampling the rest of us in the process.

So the revolution we seek is to stop the violence at the top while building an economy based on actual innovation and respect for the rule of law. How we get from here to there is what we must urgently figure out.
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