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Re: WTF Happened in 1971

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:04 pm
by liminalOyster
Belligerent Savant » Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:02 pm wrote:“That’s a right wing talking point”

I don't have much interest in any political discussion that doesn't foreground the preliminary work of mapping manipulations of the political field. Identifying who is behind those talking points currently circulating is today's version of asking cui bono (and will probably be wholly impossible within another decade or decade and a half).

If someone who proffers "left wing talking points" (gender reassignment is liberation, ukraine is liberation, third party candidates are spoilers, blah/etc) is the one calling something a "right wing talking point" as a conversation stopper, then yes, that speech act is performing the useful idiot's stagecraft du jour.

But it would be silly to not also foreground another aspect of this: many people who associate as avant conspiracy theorists or para-political investigators, etc disproportionately skew libertarian-ish (both in left/right senses, btw) and as white men now approaching late middle age, from what I've observed. That's a demographic very reliably likely to trend right with increasing force each year.

Sure that trend is skinned as vaguely anti-authoritarian and breaking away from the herd, but the basic talking points that accompany it are pretty damning towards suggesting its mostly a mundane form of becoming conservative and approaching mortality with: 1) greater intellectual rigidity, 2) more concern for one's self at the expense of concern for others, 3) less interest in the larger social field and its inhabitants, plus 4) a willingness to assume younger people are corrupted and stupid.

So our old binary - the partisan management one, not the actual and important one that Jack points to, that is - reproduces itself easily and the "right wing talking point" is something along the lines of "I used to be Left but things have changed," or "the Left left me" or "I take each issue on its face" while the song remains the same as ever.

But then who cares? Because: there's a genocide on and we are in a new hallmark orgy of foreign aid for imperialist bullshit on three fronts and abortion is being banned and the healthcare finance regime never toppled and the cops are still pigs and universities are being intellectually decimated by a performative Maoism falsely attributed only to "the Left" while still benefiting "the Right" and both are just $S$ hungry fucks, and etc ad infinitum.

Re: WTF Happened in 1971

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:08 pm
by Belligerent Savant
While I appreciate and align with aspects of the above, the essential point of my earlier comment (that you quoted) is that -- as I articulated in a subsequent reply to Jack -- attempting to distill talking points into currently-framed definitions of "left" or "right" is inherently foolish and counter-productive.

Part of the reason the "Liberals/leftists in America" thread was started was to call out the hypocrisy and extensive goalpost-shifting that has occurred among a subset of those that identify as "liberal" or "leftist". The same applies to those on the "right" in America, of course, but since 2020 the cognitive dissonance and contradictions, broadly, on the part of many of those identifying as 'liberal'/'left' has been more blatant (and practically satirical if not tragic).
That said, in this era one of the prominent aims appear to be to create divisions within factions, and then again creating further divisions within the resulting sub-factions (etc); we're observing this phenomenon across most if not all tribalist affiliations many Americans may align with ("Left, "Right", etc.).

The efforts to generate ever-more discord, division and confusion among citizens of a given country seem to have been expedited/pushed into overdrive mode.

(As one current example, it's been interesting to observe the extent many of those that opposed covid-related fascist policies are now rigorously calling for the censorship/suppression of the right to protest blatant acts of genocide perpetrated by the Israeli govt. Of course, many of those against the actions of the Isreali govt are otherwise perfectly ok with U.S. govt support in the Ukraine. Round and round we go. Hypocrisies abound.)

That said, I take issue with a couple snippets of text; first:

...2) more concern for one's self at the expense of concern for others...

This is an increasingly dangerous position to hold, and frankly it's increasingly foolish to hold such a position without qualifiers in our post-2020 world.

The following positions are absolutely NOT "libertarian" positions (though certainly libertarians -- among many other types of political adherents -- may well subscribe to one or more of the following); to the contrary, the following are positions that should or could rightly be held by any 'collectivist' (at least they would be, if not for all the conditioning, priming, nudging and related propaganda techniques employed increasingly aggressively across populations to distort views on how 'collectivists' could think -- and the way 'collectivists' in this current era largely think, apparently, is largely in alignment with dominant status quo, pharma conglomerates, etc.):

- Rebuking outright ALL mandates AND Lockdowns as egregious affronts to fundamental human rights & ethics (not to mention the harms caused to humans collectively and the fact they are not based on sound science); this includes, of course, mask mandates;

- Rebuking the non-science notion that a personal medical choice made by a given human has any impact whatsoever on another human. This DANGEROUS fallacy directly contributed to brazen otherizing, segregation, and blatant discrimination. This is the antihesis of a collectivist mindset, and yet most that fully subscribed and clamored for such policies -- such as 'vaccine passes', etc. -- considered themselves "collectivists"/"liberals";

- Rebuking this false notion that a social credit system and/or 'central bank digital currency' would benefit the majority when it's far more likely to lead to further restrictions, controls, and subjugation of populations (as already demonstrated in at least 1 or more cities in China);

- Rebuking this false notion that austerity measures of any kind to combat "climate change", or worse, "climate alarm", is in any way beneficial to the majority. This is yet another Trojan Horse/Bait & Switch tactic, all to the detriment of the majority, as are most if not all of the other points raised above.

- 'Trans Rights': 'Trans Women are Women' and related rhetoric has led to blatant misogyny and intrusion of MEN into spaces reserved for women. Not to mention the vile promotion of mutilation and harmful medications on children/teens as part of an ideological push to normalize non-science rhetoric (among other ulterior agendas). See the Trans thread for more details on this topic. Clearly there is a need for acceptance and understanding of humans with differing views of their identities/sexuality, but as we've seen with just about all topics of import in this era, this topic has been overtly co-opted by bad actors with malevolent intentions.

- Etc. (other examples can be provided)

Much more can be said about this -- and much has already been typed about these topics across myriad threads, but in the interest of time I'll simply quote a snippet from stickdog, which covers much of it:

stickdog99 » Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:25 pm wrote:...If we can't get well-meaning collectivists to own up to being marks for our con artist establishment on something as comparatively trivial as the COVID pandemic, is there any hope for awakening them to the perils of what ascetic rituals and deprivations will next be required of them to remain virtuous in the already proceeding "War on Existential Climate Change"?

Lastly, this tendency among certain groups of individuals to freely disparage 'middle aged white men'.

It would be interesting to see any 'polls' or data that demonstrate this claimed 'prominence' of 'libertarian views' among middle-aged white males (as if this fact alone is a "bad" thing -- if any other race/persuasion was broadly associated with a specific mindset in similar fashion it'd surely be labeled racist). In any event, such data -- if even available -- may well be subject to bias, confounders, and other forms of statistical magic tricks, if even available other than as a trope/overly-broad generalization.

Speaking only from my perspective: as a 1st generation American (English was the 3rd language I learned in my household, after I started grade school) raised in a solidly middle-class town in Queens NY (perhaps the most socio-economically and ethnically diverse region in the world) with parents from South America and Europe, I can say without reservation that many of the individuals I encountered online and/or in the real world that broadly rebuked many of the above points I raised above come from many diverse backgrounds: they come from multiple races and creeds, multiple age groups, various income ranges and political affiliations. I travel quite a bit, both for work-related reasons and for personal reasons. This broad range of backgrounds is something I observed across many different places in the U.S. (less so in "blue" urban areas, however).

In short: things are not as they may be presented within certain curated echo chambers.

(Needless to type, OF COURSE there are groups of individuals that have demonstrably libertarian views, and in certain regions/locales a solid contingent may well be 'white' and male -- among other races or sex -- with self-serving interests. But it's patently incorrect to attempt to insinuate that any of the positions bulleted above are "libertarian" views, exclusively)

I don't consider ANY of the points/examples raised above to be "libertarian". To the contrary, each point speaks to a deep interest in human rights and ethics, as well as the ability for each human to operate with a reasonable and expected measure of agency. There is absolutely no reason to view this in a negative light when assessed soberly.

An EDIT with a caveat that a fair amount of the above is not, necessarily, a direct reply to Liminal's post, but rather an amalgamation/composite of generalized sentiment among a broad demographic with presuppositions of [currently prevailing] 'collectivist' mindsets.

Re: WTF Happened in 1971

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:44 pm
by SonicG
uhmmmm, to reiterate, I didn't post the link to push some gold-bug or crypto-currency agenda. Maybe I saw that connection when I stumbled upon it a few months ago and enjoyed a stoned evening looking at the charts. I understand and appreciate the points about Bretton Woods and the beginnings of US Dollar hegemony and domination, obviously going along with post-WWII projection of US military power to "keep the peace". But I do think there is something important about when the gold standard was abandoned and the economic development following it: The US had to deal with a humiliation in Vietnam and further assert economic dominance so as not to get stuck in such traps of post-colonialism. I think Nixon saw China as a massive slave-labor force that could benefit the US in the long run and that was a big part of the opening...

avant conspiracy theorists or para-political investigators, etc disproportionately skew libertarian-ish (both in left/right senses, btw) and as white men now approaching late middle age,

While I obviously fuck with those two aspects, I abhor the way "libertarian" has become so loaded and associated with a bunch of Republicans who smoke dope. I am only libertarian in the Anarchist sense, and
2) more concern for one's self at the expense of concern for others

Nope, not at all. I am still committed to the fact that my true liberation impinges on the liberation of everyone else, from the poorest African to Elon Musk...

3) less interest in the larger social field and its inhabitants, plus 4) a willingness to assume younger people are corrupted and stupid

Nope and nope. I am American by birth but have lived some 30 of my 58 years in Mexico, Japan, and Vietnam. I am a globalist in viewpoint by nature now. American No. 1 exceptionalism is painfully obvious to me, especially how much it has seeped into the liberal brain.
As for 4), I have no problem accepting what is going on with young people vis-a-vis the electronic environment. For example, while I grew up on books as the be-all and end-all for "knowledge", we have to recognize that a post-literate society is coming. I am more than fine with letting go of the past, not reifying the pre-Internet age as some Candidean BOAPW peak of humankind...OK, now I am rambling like a late middle age old fart...

Re: WTF Happened in 1971

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:33 am
by Elvis
Belligerent Savant wrote:austerity measures of any kind to combat "climate change"

Austerity is what we get now, by doing the same things, by not investing. Why do you associate climate policy with austerity?

Why do you put climate change in quotes, as if it's not real?

Re: WTF Happened in 1971

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:00 am
by Belligerent Savant
‘Net zero’, 15 minute cities, and other current or looming plans are all absurd ideas. There is no ‘climate alarm’ and as such no justification for austerity measures.

Climate fluctuations have occurred over time, as observed throughout the history of the world, going back well before humans or human industry. The notion that *everyday, regular* human activities are the primary (or even secondary, etc) causes of 'dramatic' changes to climate is simply quackery.

Certain human activities, on the other hand, do lead to more pollution, of course: plastics in the oceans (exacerbated in no small part by tons of useless plastics-based masks discarded wastefully, etc), a number of countries (and corporations) dumping waste, oil and petroleum/petrochemicals in oceans, buried in unauthorized locations, etc; extensive use of pesticides and chemicals on crops, etc. All of these things lead to immense ecological and environmental harms (which of course also harm all living beings/things). This should be the primary focus -- policy and concerted efforts to minimize environmental/ecological harms.

But this notion that everyday human activities and/or CO2 is causing 'dramatic' alterations to climate and that ‘we’ can ‘stop’ or ‘curb’ climate ‘extremes’ via whatever implementation of policy [etc] is simply absurdist non-science. It's far worse than that, actually, as these current and/or proposed 'austerity' measures are part of increasingly more overt efforts by those in power/influence to impose yet more control, restrictions, and impositions on everyday humans, cheered on by those propagandized to believe they are the 'smart' and 'empathetic' ones, subscribing to these affronts.

**However: the extent overt and/or clandestine geo-engineering efforts may be influencing climate locally and/or multi-regionally remains TBD. It may never be properly determined by the layman, in any event. By way of 1 readily-available example: ... -sunlight/
“Geoengineering Faces a Wave of Backlash Over Regulatory Gaps and Unknown Risks”

We live in an exceedingly/increasingly stupid time.

Edit to add: I realize variations of the above may be uttered by certain politicians. The positions I hold on this topic are based on my assessment of information over time, not any sort of tribalist affiliation. Similarly to how a significant percentage of Americans dutifully donned useless masks -- in no small part because it was signaled that Trump scoffed at mask use -- there are a significant percentage of Americans 'on both sides of the aisle' that will hold views based primarily on tribal/political affiliation or solidarity rather than sober assessment of available (and also not-so-readily available) information. Whatever anyone may think about the positions I present here, they're certainly not based on whatever is uttered by a given politician or political party. In some cases the positions I present here may sound somewhat similar to positions uttered by a given politician or talking head. Why would that be? Perhaps to delegitimize valid counters. To poison wells. To send a 'signal' that such views must automatically be ascribed as (the horror!) "Right Wing".

Or perhaps: I'm simply wrong on this.

I always consider that I may be wrong on a certain issue. It's part of the reason my views are generally not static, but evolve, in part or otherwise -- when warranted -- over time.

Dogma -- in any form -- is a form of thought control.
Secularism has become a form of dogma for a subset that refuse to consider that, perhaps, a re-assessment is in order.

Re: WTF Happened in 1971

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:40 pm
by Elvis
Belligerent Savant wrote:no justification for austerity measures

Again, why do you associate climate change mitigation policy with austerity? Investing and building out infrastructure produces prosperity---not austerity. Austerity is the existing, prevailing model for the economy. The Green New Deal will pay us, not cost us.

Belligerent Savant wrote:Climate fluctuations have occurred over time, as observed throughout the history of the world, going back well before humans or human industry.

This oil industry talking point is irrelevant.

Belligerent Savant wrote:The notion that *everyday, regular* human activities are the primary (or even secondary, etc) causes of 'dramatic' changes to climate is simply quackery.

This framing is weird; what does "everyday, regular human activities" mean? It means human activity. I think you're promoting quackery.

Belligerent Savant wrote:But this notion that everyday human activities and/or CO2 is causing 'dramatic' alterations to climate and that ‘we’ can ‘stop’ or ‘curb’ climate ‘extremes’ via whatever implementation of policy [etc] is simply absurdist non-science.

99% of climate scientists disagree with you. The handful who agree are mostly paid by the fossil fuel industry.

Belligerent Savant wrote: It's far worse than that, actually, as these current and/or proposed 'austerity' measures

Which austerity measures?

Re: WTF Happened in 1971

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:49 pm
by Elvis
Exxon knew about climate breakdown. So it funded climate denialism. ... 7482062037