1962 Gulf of Tonkin LIMPET op = 1964 'Incredible Mr. Limpet'

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Betty Friedan upsets the Life Boat. Carol G. goes overboard

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:52 am

robert d reed wrote:Let me get this right...

Your saying that her work needed to be pre-emptively smokescreened in the 1960s, by the engineering of a television series named Gilligan's Island- a series that had to be made for the primary purpose of getting the title on the air, as a tactic to sow confusion in the public mind ?

Did you see the July 16, 2007 AdWeek story about 'Gilligan's Island' and a 'candidate branding survey?' I wrote about it on July 11.

Deja vu all over again. Hellooo "trend-watchers." :twisted:

I'll come back to that....

The TV show, 'Gilligan's Island,' was probably already in the works in 1963 before the title character was named. After all, it's just a rip-off of 'Swiss Family Robinson' which Disney had done in 1960 because it is a social-Darwinist theme, " survive, or perish."
Thus it is perfect for militarist propaganda and the 1944 movie 'Life Boat' served the same purpose back when the Office of War Information was regulating Hollywood.

The value of group survival, tools, and weapons is highlighted in these survival narratives and this is also probably the motive for the recent 'reality' show called 'Survivor.'
All competition-themed shows promote social-Darwinism which is the necessary ethos for militarism and capitalism.

Look at the year of the pilot for 'Gilligan's Island,' 1963. Feminism erupted that year.

1963 was the year of Betty Friedan's book 'The Feminine Mystique' which popped the cork on feminism, already a concern of the FBI which saw feminism as related to socialism and even Communism.

On January 10, 1963 A Floriday Congressman named A. S. Herlong, Jr. entered into the Congressional Record a paper claiming to list "Communist Objectives for America" which included "Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce."

To this day even many women disavow feminism as some kind of evil plot against 'normality' and John Birch-er Anita Bryant got lots of fundamentalist Christian traction defeating the Equal Rights Amendment.

So Betty Friedan was considered to be almost literally a witch trying to kill the American family with the poisoned apple of...feminism!


Betty Friedan, Who Ignited Cause in 'Feminine Mystique,' Dies at 85

Betty Friedan, the feminist crusader and author whose searing first book, "The Feminine Mystique," ignited the contemporary women's movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric of the United States and countries around the world, died yesterday, her 85th birthday, at her home in Washington.
A brilliant student who graduated summa cum laude from Smith College in 1942, Ms. Friedan trained as a psychologist but never pursued a career in the field. When she wrote "The Feminine Mystique," she was a suburban housewife and mother who supplemented her husband's income by writing freelance articles for women's magazines.

So the dangerous feminist agitator wasn't even "in the field."
But Carol Gilligan was. She had solid Harvard creds and had been at the top in her class since 1958 and went on to lecture at the University of Chicago in 1965. Then she taught alongside THE name in her field, Erik Erikson.

Carol Gilligan's Curriculum Vitae just through the pertinent time period before 'Gilligan's Island' -

A.B. Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 1958
A.M. Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1961
Ph.D. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1964
Doctoral Dissertation: "Responses to Temptation: An Analysis of Motives"

A.B. with highest honors in English Literature, Swarthmore College, 1958.
Phi Beta Kappa, 1958.
Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1958-59.
Ann Radcliffe Honorary Fellow, 1958-59.
A.M. with distinction in clinical psychology, 1961.

It's pretty obvious that Carol Gilligan was an Ivy League intellectual superstar early on with an independent attitude on gender. And that spells BIG potential trouble after Betty Friedan starts a revolution 'just' as a housewife with a degree in psychology.
So whether Carol is invalidating gender recruiting themes by 1963 or not, she had the potential to become another Betty Friedan. And she did.

Everything about her work and personality suggests that her views were independent and iconoclastic. Those times were solidly male-dominated and women experts were seen as novelties, not innovators, especially in elite Ivy League behavioral science departments where most research money came from the US govenment, especially the CIA and Pentagon.

Friedan's book popped the cork on feminisim just as the Pentagon was preparing to ramp up their 'Father Knows Best' miltary recruiting themes for Vietnam. For instance, Gomer Pyle left Mayberry to join the 'USMC' in 1964.

JFK had ended US involvement in Vietnam on 10/19/63 by signing National Security Advisory Memorandum #263. Just three days after he was killed LBJ put the Vietnam War right back on track by signing NSAM #273. (Oddly, that memorandum restoring the war was drafted the day before JFK was killed.)

CIA operatives, Navy SEALS, and South Vietnamese divers were all participating in limpet mine bombing of North Vietnamese ships in 1961 and 1962 with the infamous Operation Vulcan disaster as a low point in that covert war effort.

That's all to say that plans for the larger Vietnam War were well underway in late 1963 when the pilot episode for 'Gilligan's Island' was filmed.

And that show, like many others, was a recruiting narrative.
You should check out how many TV shows and movies in the Vietnam era were about widowed men raising their boys.

Because gender is the number one social identity used to obtain military recruits. Obviously, the recruiting theme is "Real Men Fight"

Even before 1963 feminism was already an FBI concern due to it's support from socialists and implied threat to male authority figures so COINTELPRO was suppressing feminist groups just as it was suppressing civil rights and anti-war groups. Keeping a lid on women was a national security goal and it still is.

Enter Carol Gilligan.

Carol Gilligan was in the early 1960s a rising star in sociology research at Harvard (CIA research territory) who was working with sociology superstar Erik Erikson and, to the great alarm of CIA, establishing the study of females as a legitimate subjects previously ignored and, even worse, she was finding that female moral development was in some ways superior in protecting group survival than male moral development.

Not exactly the message we were getting from 'I Love Lucy' and
Gidget Goes...' and 'That Girl' and 'I Dream of Jeannie' and...etc.

So the legitimization of female moral development is not something the Army Research Institute, which was started at Harvard in 1916 for WWI, would like its target demographic of boys and young men...to know.

This is why Disney, a Pentagon asset since WWII, specializes in instilling American youth with gender stereotypes to be harvested later with fake news about the need for 'real men' to go kill foreigners. Disney males are portrayed as action-adventure figures and females are portrayed as obstacles for males to either overcome - witches or vulnerable victims - or prizes to be claimed AFTER proving one's worth on the battlefield.
"Chicks dig scars."

These stereotypes last a lifetime and are National Security State projects first started by the Psychological Strategy Board in 1951, a year when Army Field Manual FM22-10 called 'Leadership' declared on page 38, "Reward evidence of aggressiveness by every means feasible." Hence the useful but necessary foil of nurturing mothers, sisters, girlfriends, and wives as 'the wrong way to behave.' The bad 'guy' in CIA-controlled recruiting-oriented movies is always a 'gal.' Like the original 'Manchurian Candidate' villain who was...Mom, the Mom-churian Candidate.

So the 'life boat survival' sitcom similar to 'Swiss Family Robinson' which CIA-for-kids Disney had just done in 1960, was rerun in 1963 and included a Sad Sack anti-hero threat-to-group-survival character closely resembling box office star Jerry Lewis... who was cleverly given the name of the dangerous female at Harvard who could make a good and even scientific case that Father Does Not Know Best... Mother Does-
Carol Gilligan.

Because discrediting male dominance and violent aggression would've taken all the fun out of marketing war as a way to prove manliness and protect one's weak and helpless females who will bed you as your reward.

Now. How do you suppose JWT Advertising slipped 'Gilligan's Island' into their July 16, 2007 press release on 'candidate branding' just five days after I wrote about Gilligan vs Gilligan here at RI?

Because it is a fraud. I looked at their survey and it sticks out like a sore thumb that they tagged on 'Gilligan's Island at the last minute. Gee, why would they do that?

And who are and what is JWT?
More on the second hijacking soon...first back to 'Mr. Limpit.'

Why did noted propaganda expert Nancy Snow (who is associated with the USC Center on Public Diplomacy) take such an interest in the movie this thread is named for, 'The Incredible Mr. Limpet,' when Don Knotts died?
Seems I'm not the only one who sees its significance as a psy-ops device.


February 26, 2006

The Incredible Mr. Knotts

I'm a man of the world, Andy. Why, I've even been to Raleigh!" – Deputy Barney Fife, aka Don Knotts

Don Knotts died February 24 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles at the age of 81. Andy Griffith, his lifelong friend and co-star, was by his side. Kids today will know Don Knotts as the voice of Mayor Turkey Lurkey in the 2005 film, "Chicken Little." A native of Morgantown, West Virginia, Knott's passing affected me deeply because he was just one year older than my father, Victor Donald Snow, Sr., who died in March 2005. My Dad had a wonderful sense of humor, loved Andy Griffith and Don Knotts, and I'm hoping that he and Don will have much to laugh about together on that great front porch in the sky. While most Americans remember Don Knotts as the fumbling, bumbling, inept, but lovable Barney Fife on "The Andy Griffith Show," my fondest memory is Don Knotts as a talking fish in "The Incredible Mr. Limpet." I saw this 1964 movie sometime in the 70s and was taken by the innovative filming of that time--the transformation of a milquetoast everyman to heroic animated fish. The film made me laugh and cry, which is life in general, isn't it? Henry Limpet wants his life to have meaning. He falls into the water off a Coney Island pier and you are taken along for some cinematic magic. Not only does Mr. Limpet's wish come true, but he also manages to find love along the way and help the U.S. Navy locate German U-boats. You absolutely love Don Knotts as fish or man, and what could have been a laughable tall fish tale is an enduring piece of celluloid of a funnyman with a heart. It was the "Finding Nemo" of its day, forty years ahead of time. Any child or adult with the heart of a child should have this movie in the family collection.

I wish, I wish, I was a fish. --Henry Limpet

So who is this Nancy Snow who wants us to all have a copy of 'The Incredible Mr. Limpet?'

A former Fulbright scholar to Germany, Snow served from 1992-1994 as a United States Information Agency (USIA) and U.S. Department of State (DOS) official in public diplomacy and international exchange. She serves as Senior Research Fellow in the USC Center on Public Diplomacy where she conducts research and teaches courses on anti-Americanism, American propaganda, press and public diplomacy, and global communications.

Well, no wonder she dug this counterpropaganda movie meant to mask the disasterous Operation Vulcan, US terrorism that blew up like a limpet mine in 1962 into a Hanoi public trial of captured US divers. Yeah, that can generate that darn anti-Americanism.

Snow winks at propaganda while being a USG propagandist. Hiding in plain view.


Snow co-wrote a book with the leading academic advisor on propaganda in the UK named
Phil Taylor. He advises NATO on propaganda. Big time mind bending.

79) 'The Revival of the Propaganda State: US Propaganda at home and abroad since 9/11' (with Nancy Snow), The International Communication Gazette, Vol. 68, Numbers 5 & 6, October/December 2006, pp. 389-408.

Seems NATO's advising propagandist, Phil Taylor, also sees the 'rich meaning' in TV and movies, especially Steven Spielberg's product-



I like the name of this Rand paper- "Enlisting Madison Avenue."
I wonder if Ann Mack at JWT already read it. 8)
Last edited by Hugh Manatee Wins on Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:03 am, edited 4 times in total.
CIA runs mainstream media since WWII:
news rooms, movies/TV, publishing
Disney is CIA for kidz!
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Postby tigre63 » Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:06 am


Proof that Don Knots is a mason.
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Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:20 am

tigre63 wrote:Proof that Don Knots is a mason.


Cover: "If I can do it, you can do it."

There's a career in being an anti-hero. Because that's part of gender-based recruiting, too.
Just ask Urkel.


Or David Spade and Rob Schneider.

CIA runs mainstream media since WWII:
news rooms, movies/TV, publishing
Disney is CIA for kidz!
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Postby robert d reed » Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:18 am

she was finding that female moral development was in some ways superior in protecting group survival than male moral development.

Not exactly the message we were getting from 'I Love Lucy'

Hugh, as a media critic...you'd make a great Commissar.

I mean, you're simply atrocious. You're the Barney Fife of media critics.
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Re: Betty Friedan upsets the Life Boat. Carol G. goes overbo

Postby jingofever » Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:38 pm

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:Enter Carol Gilligan.

Carol Gilligan was in the early 1960s a rising star in sociology research at Harvard (CIA research territory) who was working with sociology superstar Erik Erikson and, to the great alarm of CIA, establishing the study of females as a legitimate subjects previously ignored and, even worse, she was finding that female moral development was in some ways superior in protecting group survival than male moral development.

We should note that she was doing all of what that paragraph describes well after "Gilligan's Island" went on the air. In fact most of her work was done after the show was cancelled, such as the study on why men choose to enlist.

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:who was cleverly given the name of the dangerous female at Harvard

You still haven't shown that she was dangerous, despite all of your writing about Betty Friedan, Gomer Pyle, the Navy SEALS, Kennedy, Disney, Mr. Limpet and the Manchurian Candidate. Oh that's right, you're providing "context." But context for what? Remember your theory is that Ivy League Disinfoteers named "Gilligan's Island" to hijack Carol Gilligan's name. Given her research up to late 1963 (no published papers) why would they want to do that?
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Postby MinM » Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:53 am

et in Arcadia ego wrote:HAH!



Let's hear it for Evil Chicks!


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Re: Betty Friedan upsets the Life Boat. Carol G. goes overbo

Postby isachar » Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:37 pm

[quote="Hugh Manatee Wins]
This is why Disney, a Pentagon asset since WWII, specializes in instilling American youth with gender stereotypes to be harvested later with fake news about the need for 'real men' to go kill foreigners. Disney males are portrayed as action-adventure figures and females are portrayed as obstacles for males to either overcome - witches or vulnerable victims - or prizes to be claimed AFTER proving one's worth on the battlefield.
"Chicks dig scars."

These stereotypes last a lifetime and are National Security State projects first started by the Psychological Strategy Board in 1951, a year when Army Field Manual FM22-10 called 'Leadership' declared on page 38, "Reward evidence of aggressiveness by every means feasible." Hence the useful but necessary foil of nurturing mothers, sisters, girlfriends, and wives as 'the wrong way to behave.' The bad 'guy' in CIA-controlled recruiting-oriented movies is always a 'gal.' Like the original 'Manchurian Candidate' villain who was...Mom, the Mom-churian Candidate.


Because discrediting male dominance and violent aggression would've taken all the fun out of marketing war as a way to prove manliness and protect one's weak and helpless females who will bed you as your reward.


I wish, I wish, I was a fish. --Henry Limpet


Quite insightful stuff there Hugh. When you're on, you're on.

Don't know about the whole Gilligan/Gilligan connection, but the above gem is why I never tire of reading your analyses.

I was all of about 8 or 9 years old when the Amazing Mister Limpet came out and I can still recall it very vividly, even though I haven't seen it since. It was certainly one of the movies/media that I was subjected to that inclined me to want to join the military when I was in elementary and Jr high.

I was one of those skinny little kids who grew up in the late 50's and early 60's being incubated in the war cult - not by my parents - but almost exclusively from the media, and somewhat from the public schools.

From the time I was about 8 to about 14 or 15 I wanted nothing more than to join the Marines, or the Israeli Army! And I wasn't even close to their typical demographic.

Yup, they had me. If it had lasted another two or three years, I'd been off to Nam, and probably would have wound up with parts of me being sent home in a bucket.

Thank God for pot, a couple really good friends and teachers who challenged my thinking, and most of all for Nixon, without whom it would have taken me much longer to have recognized the evil face of the war mongers empire and their killing machine.

Best regards.
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