Animal Uprising Thread

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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Burnt Hill » Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:43 pm

82_28 » Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:46 pm wrote: Wild boar is quite good when smoked.

Yeah but I can never find rolling papers that big.
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:48 pm

ok I have been holding this one for just the right occasion


my niece and I have been smoking pot for over 40 years....and when this pic went up on Facebook we really took some grief from family members :D
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Burnt Hill » Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:13 pm

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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Cordelia » Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:59 pm

Turtles aren’t "toylike" domesticated pets to “kiss or snuggle”!

To prevent people from getting sick, the CDC published a handy, kid-friendly fact sheet, telling people “don’t kiss or snuggle with your turtle. This can increase your risk of getting sick".

Worse, make the turtle sick.

Why your adorable pet turtle may make your child sick

By Cleve R. Wootson Jr. August 30 at 11:06 AM

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say small turtles are at the center of a salmonella outbreak. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Investigators trying to figure out why dozens of people across 13 states have been stricken with salmonella poisoning have stumbled on the reason behind the outbreak: adorable tiny pet turtles.

People started getting sick on March 1, according to a statement on the outbreak by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In five months, as the outbreak spread, 16 people were hospitalized. Twelve of the sick were children ages 5 or younger.

Doctors and researchers started asking questions of the victims and found that six had bought a turtle from a flea market or a street vendor — or had received a turtle that turned out to be a salmonella-harboring gift.

Although this may not come as a surprise to anyone suspicious of murky green aquarium water, turtles aren’t exactly the healthiest pets.

The health dangers from turtles are so serious that federal law prohibits selling or distributing turtles with a shell length less than four inches.

The CDC has generally encouraged pet seekers — particularly homes with small children, elderly adults or people with compromised immune systems — to steer clear of shelled reptiles.

All turtles shed salmonella in their droppings, the CDC says, and salmonella can end up on their shells or skin — or in the water they swim in.

Children are especially at risk, because, as The Washington Post’s Dina ElBoghdady wrote in 2012, “kids couldn’t resist kissing the toylike reptiles or placing them in their mouths, sometimes contaminating themselves with the salmonella commonly found on turtles.”

To prevent people from getting sick, the CDC published a handy, kid-friendly fact sheet, telling people “don’t kiss or snuggle with your turtle. This can increase your risk of getting sick.” ... 35c621fecb

(At least there's a Turtle Rescue League.)

"Turtles are incredibly long-lived animals. Your average pet turtle or tortoise can live anywhere from 60-100 years, possibly more with good care." ... pet-turtle
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:51 am

Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Cordelia » Tue Sep 19, 2017 7:27 am

A man wrestled a rattlesnake to show off. He was bitten in the face and nearly died.


Victor Pratt knows a thing or two about rattlesnakes, as he made clear to reporters last week, after regaining consciousness in a Phoenix hospital.

Always has. He played with rattlers all the time as a child, he told NBC News 12. Later on, he learned how to cook them.

"You cut the heads off. They taste just like chicken," he said, a mic clipped to his hospital gown — a bit hard to understand because his face had swollen up.

Pratt even learned long ago what a rattler bite felt like, after a mishap as a teenager, though that of course could not compare to the incident Sept. 7, when he tried to re-create his childhood memories in his late 40s.

It was at his son's birthday party near Coolidge, outside Phoenix, he told NBC 12. They were at a lake. A rattlesnake happened along, as snakes tend to.

Continued.......... ... b16eef6a09
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Cordelia » Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:34 am

Giant pythons keep attacking people in Indonesia — and humans might be to blame

By Cleve R. Wootson Jr. October 4 at 4:11

In all the man-versus-python stories, the snake is almost always the coldblooded antagonist.

Reticulated pythons like the ones involved in two attacks in Indonesia this year are among the world’s longest and strongest. They kill by coiling around their prey and squeezing until its heart stops. Then the serpents swallow their victims whole.
It’s certainly the stuff of villains. Even when the end result isn’t death, the attacks often make international headlines.

But scientists and snake lovers say the strikes may be more than just alarming stories about reptilian foes. They may be the indirect result of our global food chain’s insatiable desire for an inexpensive product.

The latest snake attack victim was Robert Nababan, according to Metro. On Sept. 30, he was riding his moped home from his security job at an oil palm tree farm in Indonesia when he came across a gigantic python lying across the road — and tried to move it.

Accounts diverge from there. Some say he was simply trying to clear the road; others say he was trying to capture the snake.

What happened next is not in dispute: The python latched onto his arm and began to coil, the reports say. At some point, it also bit his head. He was able to dislodge the animal, possibly with a machete, but not before he was seriously injured.

Continued.......... ... 5d6ed75d7d

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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:14 am

I saw that headline written a bit differently, like this: "Giant pythons keep attacking people in Indonesia — and Palm Oil might be to blame"
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Cordelia » Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:13 pm

Maybe WaPo bosses have investment interests in palm oil manufacturing. :shrug:
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:19 pm


Giant pythons keep attacking Indonesian people — and palm oil might be to blame
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby norton ash » Sun Oct 08, 2017 5:20 pm

Yet another kind of oil busy destroying everything.
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:49 am

Dozens Of Octopuses Found Mysteriously Crawling On Welsh Beach

Dozens of octopuses were spotted emerging from the ocean every night for the past few days along the Welsh coast in what is being touted as a rare occurrence.

As many as 25 curled octopuses were seen three nights in a row including Friday at New Quay beach in Ceredigion in west Wales. Brett Stones, the owner of SeaMor Dolphin Watching Boat Trips which ran dolphin tours in Cardigan Bay told the BBC he saw the octopuses as he returned from a day at sea and added it was unusual for them to come onto land.

"It was a bit like an end of days scenario," he said. "There were probably about 20 or 25 on the beach. I have never seen them out of the water like that." He also offered a possible explanation for their behavior: "Maybe they are getting confused by the bright lights in New Quay harbor and maybe they are dying off after summer or getting knackered after the recent storms."

Pictures and videos of the octopuses were also posted on social media.

Stones encouraged people to help the octopuses back into the sea when they saw them and said some of the wayward creatures had later washed up on the beach and were found dead.

He told the Telegraph: "They usually hide in the rocks some two or three meters below the surface. We’ve tried to put them back in the sea where we can but we have found a few dead ones on the beach in the mornings which suggests they may have got confused and stranded."

The curator at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth, James Wright, also told the newspaper that while he was aware of two other incidents of curled octopuses roaming in north Devon and Wales in the past week, the number witnessed in Ceredigion was very unusual.

"This account of a number on the same beach is quite odd," he stated. "But them even being found in the intertidal is not common and suggests there is something wrong with them I am afraid."

"As the areas where they are exhibiting this odd behavior coincides with the two areas hit by the two recent low-pressure depressions and associated storms of Ophelia and Brian, it could be supposed that these have affected them,” Wright added. "It could simply be injuries sustained by the rough weather itself or there could be sensitivity to a change in atmospheric pressure."

Steve Simpson, a lecturer in marine biology at the University of Bristol, said it was incredibly rare for octopuses to venture on dry land: "They are fairly vulnerable on land and it’s hard to imagine they have found a new food source. They may be aggregating to reproduce but they do tend to be territorial and solitary," he told the Telegraph.

However, this is not the first time octopuses have been seen coming onto land. In 2011, an octopus was filmed crawling over dry land at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve in San Mateo County, California. In 2016, Inky the octopus which resided in the National Aquarium of New Zealand, crawled across the room and disappeared down a drainpipe into the sea. ... ch-2607906
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat Nov 11, 2017 12:57 pm

BY DANA DOVEY ON 11/11/17 AT 8:09 AM

The rare frilled shark is considered a “living fossil,” as its makeup has remained unchanged for 80 million years. This summer, researchers found one alive and thriving off the coast of Portugal, adding evidence regarding the resilience of this ancient sea creature.

The shark was discovered off the Algarve coast by researchers who were working on a European Union project in the area, the BBC reported. The aim of the project was to "minimize unwanted catches in commercial fishing," but the team unknowingly unearthed one of the rarest and most ancient animals on the planet.

The frilled shark has remained the same, both inside and out, since the time of the dinosaurs, with scientists dating it back to the Cretaceous Period, a time when the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops still roamed the planet. The creature is incredibly simply and unevolved, most likely due to the lack of nutrients found in its deep-sea dwellings, a previous Japanese study on the shark suggested. The examination revealed that its diet is 61 percent cephalopods—the same class that squids and octopus belong to.

This fish is rarely seen by humans but has lived on the Earth since long before man.

Related: Nine pound crab breaks seabird's wings before eating it alive
This deep sea dweller is usually found between 390 and 4,200 feet below the surface, which is why it’s rarely seen and wasn’t even discovered before the 19th century (despite being around long before man).

The shark caught this summer measured around five feet in length, but at their longest can be around six-and-a-half feet, IFL Science reported. The Japanese study on these rare sharks showed that they may also have the longest gestation period of any living creature, 42 months.

Related: Don't break the tail: Paramedics use forceps to extract whole fish from man's throat
While its name may sound unfitting for a beast that swims the deep seas, according to Mental Floss, the frilled shark is named after its gills. Pretty much all other sharks have separate gills, but the frilled shark’s first pair of gills stretch all the way across its throat. In total, the shark has six pairs of gills that have “frilly” edges.

This living fossil has remained unchanged for 80 million years.

The shark also has a unique mouth shape. Its jaw has more than 300 teeth neatly lined in 25 rows, which, according to professor Margarida Castro of the University of the Algarve, are specifically designed to help it “to trap squid, fish and other sharks in sudden lunges,” The Portugal News reported. It’s lined with spines called dermal denticles, which, combined with the teeth, give the mouth an all around frightening look.

All in all, it’s unlikely you will ever come face-to-face with a living frilled shark, but if you do, it’s safe to stay: Keep as far away as you can, and whatever you do, try to avoid its ferociously awesome jaw. ... gal-708764
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby 82_28 » Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:25 pm

Hunter gored to death by cornered deer in rare attack

A hunter has died after he "was charged and pierced by a deer which stabbed him with his antlers".

Regis Levasseur had cornered the animal in France's Compiegne forest, about 50 miles north-east of Paris.

Police said 62-year-old had been acting as a beater, who help to flush out and corner prey, during the hunt. He was unarmed.

"Normally the animal would flee, but this time he decided to charge," Guy Harlé, president of the local hunters' federation told The Local. "It came after him.

"The antlers of the stag are like many knives piercing you, there is nothing you can do. This tragic accident reminds us that we do not play with a wild animal. There is an inherent risk with hunting."

Mr Levasseur had reportedly been due to get married in the next few months.

"For him, hunting was more than a hobby; it was his life," said Mr Harlé.

The killing came days after French hunters with hounds sparked uproar by shooting dead an exhausted stag at close range after cornering it in the garden of a house on the edge of Compiegne forest.

The hunters reportedly fed the animal's carcass to their dogs after killing it in the village of Lacroix-Saint-Ouen.

Footage of the cornered stag, filmed by anti-hunt activists, prompted France's environment minister Nicolas Hulot to criticise hunting with hounds as "a practice from another century".

Footage of a cornered stag, later shot dead at close range by hunters in Lacroix-Saint-Ouen, caused uproar in France (Fondation 30 Millions d'Amis) ... 42311.html
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Cordelia » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:05 am

These turkeys rule the roost in Falmouth

It was Thanksgiving Day and I thought it was the ghost of the Thanksgiving bird. ... /151019915
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