Animal Uprising Thread

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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:06 am

One Million Cannibal Ants Trapped in Soviet Nuclear Bunker Have Escaped
By Hannah Osborne On 11/4/19 at 8:14 AM EST
A "colony" of up to one million cannibal ants trapped in a nuclear bunker for years have escaped, scientists in Poland have said.

The ants, which had no food source other than their dead nestmates, were first discovered in 2013 were found to be solely made up of worker ants meaning they could not reproduce—how their numbers grew so large was a mystery.

In a study published in the Journal of Hymenoptera Research, researchers have now studied the colony to understand how it functioned—and installed an escape route to see if its members would leave their home given the option.

The team, led by Wojciech Czechowski, from the Museum and Institute of Zoology and the Polish Academy of Sciences, were carrying out a survey of bats living in an abandoned Soviet nuclear bunker when they came across the wood ants living in an ammunition bunker where nuclear weapons were once kept. The ants had no access to the outside world and appeared to have come from a nest above that was positioned over a ventilation pipe. When the ants fell down the pipe, they were entombed in the bunker.

nuclear bunker
The nuclear bunker where the ant 'colony' was found. The bunker was abandoned after the fall of the Soviet Union. Wojciech Stephan
However, after returning to the site two years later, scientists found the colony was not only still there, but that it had grown in numbers. This was despite there being no obvious food source, no heat and no light. A population estimate suggested there were hundreds of thousands, if not one million ants living in the bunker.

Ants are known to set up colonies in unusual places. Nests have previously been found in the chassis of a car and inside a wooden box in complete darkness that could only be accessed by a tiny skip at the base. However, in all other cases, the ants were able to come and go. "The masses of Formica polyctena workers trapped in the bunker had no choice," the team wrote. "They were merely surviving and continuing their social tasks on the conditions set by the extreme environment."
nuclear bunker ants
Close up showing the ant colony in the bunker. The ants survived by eating their dead nestmates. Wojciech Stephan
nuclear bunker ants
View of the bunker after being reopened in 2016. In the foreground the ant ‘cemetery’ that sustained the colony can be seen. Wojciech Stephan
In 2016, scientists found the colony was still there and the team set out to analyze its behavior. They installed a boardwalk that led to another ventilation pipe that the ants could use to escape the bunker. A year later, they returned to the site to find the colony had almost completely vanished. The team inspected the corpses that had been left behind and found bite marks and holes, mostly in the abdomen. This, they said, was evidence that the ants were eating their deceased nestmates in order to survive.

After being provided an escape route, the ants appear to have made their way back to the original nest. On falling down the original ventilation pipe, they were able to make their way back, so the bunker was "deserted."

"The survival and growth of the bunker 'colony' through the years, without producing own offspring, was possible owing to continuous supply of new workers from the upper nest and accumulation of nestmate corpses," the team concluded. "The corpses served as an inexhaustible source of food which substantially allowed survival of the ants trapped down in otherwise extremely unfavourable conditions."

Researchers say the case of the cannibal colony shows the extremes wood ants will go to in order to maintain self organization "even under conditions going far beyond the limits of the survival of the species."

They continued: "More generally, the present case adds a dimension to the great adaptive ability of ants to marginal habitats and suboptimal conditions, as the key to understanding their unquestionable eco-evolutionary success." ... er-1469573

Woman Found Dead in Ohio Was Killed by Her Own Great Danes ... 38811.html
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby PufPuf93 » Wed Nov 06, 2019 5:12 pm

Squirrels are behind most power outages in the U.S.

The American Public Power Association (APPA) says that squirrels are the most frequent cause of power outages in the U.S. The APPA has even developed a data tracker called “The Squirrel Index” (TSqI) that analyzes the patterns and timing of squirrel’s impact on electrical power systems. Turns out, the peak times of the year for squirrel attacks are from May to June and October to November.
Typically, the squirrels cause problems by tunneling, chewing through electrical insulation, or by becoming a current path between electrical conductors. “Frankly, the number one threat experienced to date by the U.S. electrical grid is squirrels,” said the former deputy director of the National Security Agency in 2015. ... ue#image=9
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby chump » Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:58 pm

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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Cordelia » Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:36 pm

Carry on, Carrion. :thumbsup

Trump border patrol radio tower taken over by hundreds of vultures

By Brooke Seipel - 01/10/20 08:47 PM EST

Federal officials are working to address a kettle of vultures that has taken over a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) radio tower in Texas, creating what officials say is a safety hazard.

The agency released a request for information (RFI) this week seeking possible solutions to the approximately 300 vultures roosting on the CBP radio towers at Kingsville, Texas. One solution includes netting to deter the birds.

"A population of vultures have built up and are roosting and nesting on the tower structure on the railings, catwalks, supports, and on rails and conduit throughout. Droppings mixed with urine are on all of these surfaces and throughout the interior of the tower where workers are in contact with it, as well as on areas below," the RFI reads.

"Since the presence of birds attract more birds this rural tower will be a frequent and constant target for vultures."

A CBP official told CNN the birds living on the structure is "generally creating a safety hazard."

"They will often defecate and vomit from their roost onto buildings below that house employees and equipment," the official said. "There are anecdotes about birds dropping prey from a height of three-hundred feet, creating a terrifying and dangerous situation for those concerned."

A report by Quartz also claims that feces from the vultures are disrupting communications by living on the tower.

Federal officials are working closely with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Texas officials, Fish and Wildlife and environmental experts to make sure no birds are harmed as the agency tries to relocate them from the towers.

Vultures are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the USDA notes they are known for nesting in massive numbers. The USDA also notes that the birds can seriously damage power lines and cause outages or disrupt communication when they choose to nest in such structures. ... f-vultures
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Harvey » Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:14 pm

Deer rips off hunter’s face as he tries to shoot it


A hunter needed 50 stitches to close his face up after the deer he was stalking clattered into him while trying to flee. Vincent Saubion, 36, had to be airlifted to hospital after being struck head-on by the terrified 150kg animal during a hunting expedition in southwest France back in January. The impact tore a huge flap of skin from his face, slashing underneath his left eye and down across his nose. Mr Saubion, who is of Basque origin, told local media he wanted to stay with his pals and carry on despite blood pouring from the horrific wound, adding: ‘It felt like I was drunk, but it actually took half my face off.’
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Cordelia » Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:15 pm

Fox From Berlin Steals Shoes: They Found It More Than 100 Inside Its Den

From the German city of Berlin comes a story and a video about a fox who chose shoes for its prey.

It has stole more than 100 of them around the city, and many residents of the Zehlendorf neighborhood in southwest Berlin report that their shoes have started to disappear.

Slippers, sandals and other footwear were disappearing from the residents, but they soon found out that the culprit was a curious fox. One of the residents caught a fox when it had a pair of blue flip-flops in its mouth.

He followed the fox and later found about 100 shoes in its den. He also found his running shoes in the den, and some other shoe owners claimed their shoes after the resident posted photo online.

See how cunning the fox from Berlin is, who skillfully stole the shoes of the locals. ... de-its-den


(He seems to prefer colorful, well ventilated shoes.)
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Harvey » Sun Aug 02, 2020 6:38 pm

Has anyone ever heard of Saturn the Alligator?

The enticing gaps in this story which one could drive a Bagger 288 through notwithstanding, the alleged details are so interesting it is worth a view.

'Hitler's alligator' that survived Battle of Berlin dies in Moscow

An alligator who survived the bombing of Berlin in 1943 and is rumored to have belonged to Adolf Hitler has died in a Moscow zoo aged 84. "Animals are not involved in wars and politics," the zoo said.

An 84-year-old alligator rumored to have once belonged to German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler died in Russia, the Moscow Zoo announced Saturday.

Saturn the alligator escaped from a Berlin zoo amid Allied bombing on November 23, 1943. The 3.5-meter animal appears to have survived on his own for the remainder of the war until British soldiers discovered him in 1946.

Read more: 'Hitler supporter' museum project halted

No-one knows exactly where and how Saturn survived in the intervening years.

He was then transported to a Moscow zoo where he has lived peacefully ever since. Zookeepers say he died of old age.

"Saturn had a long and varied life," the zoo said in a statement. "This is an extremely remarkable age." Alligators in the wild tend to live a maximum of 50 years.

The Moscow Zoo posted a video of Saturn on Twitter. "Moscow Zoo had the honor of keeping Saturn for 74 years. He knew many of us as children. We hope we didn't disappoint him," they wrote.

Hitler's pet?

The rumor that Saturn had belonged to Hitler appears to have first been born after he arrived in Moscow, and has never been proved. Saturn appears to have been born in the United States in 1936 before being moved to Berlin.

"Almost immediately, the myth was born that he was allegedly in the collection of Hitler and not of the Berlin Zoo," the Moscow Zoo said in a statement. The rumor is widespread in Germany as well.

The zoo dismissed the story of Saturn's alleged provenance. "Even if he belonged to someone in theory — animals are not involved in war and politics."

"It is absurd to blame them for human sins," they added.

Some historians have debunked long-held beliefs that Hitler was a strict vegetarian and was kind to animals.

This aparently 2005 article in google translation is suitably, Ballardian.

Children can piss him off too

Saturn is 69 years old and mostly peaceful - even if the children annoy him. Saturn, the alligator from Berlin, has lived as spoils of war in the Moscow Zoo for 60 years.

By Andreas Albes

Saturn is the last German in Russian captivity: an alligator, 3.50 meters long, with green scales, a wide mouth and sparkling yellow eyes. In July 1946, soldiers of the Red Army brought him from Berlin to the zoo in Moscow. He'll be 70 next year - a pretty old age for an alligator. He shares his five by five meter aquarium with a female 30 years younger. He prefers to sleep. There is food twice a week: fish, rabbit, rat.

On the thick glass pane through which visitors can marvel at it, nothing points to Saturn's special history. "If people knew what a sensation he was, there would probably be a snake like in the Lenin Mausoleum," said Vladimir Kudriawzew, head of the reptile department. "With us it is much too narrow for the many people anyway." The guards only reveal Saturn's secret only when school classes come. It even happens that they open his dwelling a crack and the children are allowed to piss Saturn with a broom style. Then he sniffs dangerously. "But he's actually a very peaceful character," says Kudriawzew. "Only in 1970 when he almost bit off the arm of a young guard. He was too inexperienced and tried toto feed him out of hand. "
What is certain is that Saturn comes from the Mississippi area

The details of how Saturn came to Russia are unknown. All documents about it were destroyed when the Moscow zoo administration burned out in the 1950s. It is only written that Saturn was born wild in America in the Mississippi area in 1936. And there is a black and white photo that shows it ready for transport; tied with thick ropes and a wooden beam between the mighty pine trees. At the Berlin Zoo, only 96 out of 16,000 animals survived the war. The aquarium was completely destroyed in the devastating bombing night of November 23, 1943, when 9,000 Berliners died. Officially, it was said that all 20 to 30 crocodiles and alligators were killed. Many lay in the streets with bodies burst open. However, there were also press reports,According to which some of the dangerous reptiles are said to have survived and wandered through the city in search of food.

The now retired archivist at the Berlin Zoo, Dietmar Jarofke, believes it is possible that Saturn comes from private ownership. "Back then there were enough crazy people in Berlin who kept such animals at home. It wasn't forbidden. And a Mississippi alligator is not much longer than one meter twenty at the age of seven. But it could also be that Saturn is the Berliner Belonged to Zoo, which survived the bombing night and was brought to Leipzig like most other animals. From there the Russians took it. "

Saturn was a real attraction for Moscow in 1946. Because there were only two crocodiles. And he went through a lot in his new home. The area of ​​the zoo, which is over 150 years old, is small, lies in the middle of the center and is divided by a four-lane road. Many a building is dilapidated; in the old aquarium it was almost knocked over by a concrete slab that had come off the ceiling. "Saturn must have sensed the danger," says reptile boss Kudriawzew, "because a few minutes before he crawled into a protective niche." A new aquarium was built 15 years ago, but the move didn't get him. He refused to eat for four months. He was just skin and bones and almost died.
"So he will definitely be over a hundred years old"

"But today he's healthy," says one of the guards. "He is a tough guy. Typically German. Makes everything very slow. So he will definitely be over a hundred. That would be a world record." Nothing should be missing from Saturn until the end of its days - this is guaranteed by the company that took over the sponsorship two years ago: the French fashion manufacturer Lacoste, the one with the crocodile logo.
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby chump » Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:19 pm

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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby PufPuf93 » Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:16 pm

Kayak fisherman and Great White off coast of Humboldt county, CA

November 2018

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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Harvey » Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:26 pm

Apocalyptic scenes at Chester Zoo.

And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby liminalOyster » Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:35 am

"It's not rocket surgery." - Elvis
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Re: Animal Uprising Thread

Postby Harvey » Tue May 23, 2023 2:01 am ... me-but-why

Orcas have sunk 3 boats in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same. But why?

"The orcas are doing this on purpose, of course, we don't know the origin or the motivation, but defensive behavior based on trauma, as the origin of all this, gains more strength for us every day," López Fernandez said.
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