Just had major UFO Sighting

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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby jingofever » Wed May 14, 2014 4:13 am

BrandonD » 13 May 2014 23:23 wrote:Perhaps this is an honest mistake, but why on earth is my response on the GLP forum listed on the Texas UFO Sightings website, and why is it listed as someone else's response for a different UFO sighting? Hardly anyone viewed my GLP post, and literally one person commented. It almost makes me think of some bot collecting up comments on Houston-area UFOs across the internet.


I am guessing that the forum thread was supposed to link to the Godlike Productions thread which they somehow obtained and they got your sighting confused with another sighting.

How far away do you think the UFOs were and what do you think they were flying above? Can you make a Google Map of it? And could you make a sketch of the UFOs?

I saw a UFO once. It was a big blue glowing object hovering over an empty field and should not have been there, if only because of FAA regulations it was obviously breaking. It seems obscene to go on puzzling over which cereals to buy and folding socks if that thing was real. But I cannot do anything about it, cannot absolutely rule out every mundane thing it might have been. I mostly never think of it but it sits there in my mind threatening to upend everything I believe.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Wed May 14, 2014 4:56 am

jingofever » Wed May 14, 2014 3:13 am wrote:I am guessing that the forum thread was supposed to link to the Godlike Productions thread which they somehow obtained and they got your sighting confused with another sighting.

How far away do you think the UFOs were and what do you think they were flying above? Can you make a Google Map of it? And could you make a sketch of the UFOs?

I saw a UFO once. It was a big blue glowing object hovering over an empty field and should not have been there, if only because of FAA regulations it was obviously breaking. It seems obscene to go on puzzling over which cereals to buy and folding socks if that thing was real. But I cannot do anything about it, cannot absolutely rule out every mundane thing it might have been. I mostly never think of it but it sits there in my mind threatening to upend everything I believe.

Yes it was my conclusion also that the link was probably supposed to go to the GLP thread, and the quote was misrepresented. But that in itself is very odd.

First of all, I didn't tell the Texas UFO Sightings about posting to GLP. Why would I? I posted to GLP at about 3am and very few people read it, there are hundreds and hundreds of posts that pop up on GLP every day, how did the Texas UFO Sightings people find my thread? I think that anyone who knows how GLP works, how many people start threads and how briefly someone's post occupies the front page if no one comments on it, will find this strange.

Second, I posted to GLP anonymously, how did they know that I authored both of these things? I did not copy and paste, I wrote a detailed report to the website and then wrote a very short summary on GLP. If my sighting was authentic (which it was) then a reasonable outsider would presume that there would likely be more than one witness. Even if by some weird coincidence they happened to be up at 3am when I made that post and noticed it, how could they conclude that the anonymous poster on GLP and the person who sent the report to Texas UFO Sightings are the same person? It could have easily been some other witness to the event, and they did not contact me to confirm that the GLP thread was mine.

Also, why did they include the comment "people reply that they think it is meteors"? This is a totally FALSE statement and gives the impression that multiple people concluded my sighting to be meteors, thereby diminishing the credibility of my account. Even if they are referencing my GLP thread, it was one single person that commented about meteors, and if one takes my account at face value and still concludes that what I saw were meteors then I'd have to say that person is quite dim.

What does all this add up to? Well, I have to ask myself the question as to whether this scenario makes sense:

The clerk guy who takes reports for the texas UFO sightings website happened to be awake and on GLP at 3am during the short period of time when my post was on the front page, decided to read my post and made the conclusion that this was the same person who sent the report, but did not bother to contact me for any sort of confirmation. Or for some reason he was thorough enough to go searching through other forums for posts I had made, but not thorough enough to bother confirming with me, and not thorough enough to post the link correctly, and not thorough enough to attribute the meteor comment to a "person" rather than "people", and not thorough enough to even attribute my reply to the correct event.

The whole thing just strikes me as weird.

I will answer your other questions in another post, since this one's getting long.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Wed May 14, 2014 5:43 am

jingofever » Wed May 14, 2014 3:13 am wrote:How far away do you think the UFOs were and what do you think they were flying above? Can you make a Google Map of it? And could you make a sketch of the UFOs?

I saw a UFO once. It was a big blue glowing object hovering over an empty field and should not have been there, if only because of FAA regulations it was obviously breaking. It seems obscene to go on puzzling over which cereals to buy and folding socks if that thing was real. But I cannot do anything about it, cannot absolutely rule out every mundane thing it might have been. I mostly never think of it but it sits there in my mind threatening to upend everything I believe.

I've never made a Google map, but I went ahead and took a screen shot and drew the points in photoshop.


The red point is the parking lot where I was standing, and the red circle is the general area that I estimate the vehicles were hovering over. Off to the left I attempted to represent the 3 main colors that I saw on the vehicles: purple, blue-green and a light golden yellow. But I can't seem to get the colors right. It is very frustrating. When I bring the purple over to the blue hue it looks too blue, and when I move it too the red hue it looks too red. Same with the blue-green color, and the golden yellow seemed to have almost an orange at the very edges. It seems that they were complex colors and not just one flat color.

It's also occurred to me right now that perhaps I can't get the colors right because they're on a white background.

As for the shape, my eyesight is poor and I was not able to make out the shape of the vehicles, to me they were flying lights, though the lights seemed to change size. My gf has better eyesight than me and she could make out shapes. She said that the light somewhat illuminated the surface of the objects. According to her, the first one we saw was roughly a rectangular shape, slightly larger than a helicopter body, and the second object we saw was even larger than that and had the more classic saucer shape. They were both zig zagging around, but it was the saucer craft that rapidly flew right up to and circled the rectangle craft, and then the rectangle craft flashed a bright golden light.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby ShinShinKid » Wed May 14, 2014 3:11 pm

I'm telling you, B -- people are locked in. There's a good chance the UFOs were seen by people in the area...
I literally had to drag people out of a building to get them to see...even then, not one would go on the record to report what they saw, but they were all on the phone with loved one's after...
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu May 15, 2014 9:32 am

Here's my UFO pic ...I know what it is ....any guesses?

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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BOOGIE66 » Thu May 15, 2014 10:12 am

seemslikeadream » Thu May 15, 2014 5:32 am wrote:Here's my UFO pic ...I know what it is ....any guesses?


Is it a parachuter ?
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby 82_28 » Thu May 15, 2014 12:19 pm

I think when it comes to "UFOs" that to spot them it takes one part enthusiasm and one part skepticism. People always like to jump to the conclusion that by "UFO" you mean extraterrestrial. Not really. That was created by hype and propaganda, if you can call it that, during the grand space race. As for myself, I am fascinated by everything in the skies. This includes birds, airplanes, satellites, planets, meteors, stars and etc. When I see something that doesn't jibe with expected behavior, I totally notice it. And it's only been a few times. If you see something, you saw it. There's not going to be anyone, at least here, that will doubt that what you saw, you didn't at all see.

Speaking of "space race", it just occurred to me, you are in Houston as in "Houston we have a problem". It's funny how that saying has become so widepread. It all shows the power of both observation, imagination and the truth of what you indeed leaves you speculating.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby Luther Blissett » Thu May 15, 2014 1:22 pm

Just to go on record offering a dissenting opinion against ufos consisting entirely of psychological phenomena. I've written about it before on here, but my entire extended family (consisting of both maternal grandparents, three uncles and my mother), family friends consisting of two parents and four or five boys, all had a close-proximity, daytime, half-hour plus sighting of a UFO during a camping trip in Montana in 1959. Both adult men were pilots, and my grandfather had thousands of hours of flight time by the time of the sighting and was an expert in flight technology and experimental craft. The UFO that they saw was solid, metallic, and had counter-rotating separate moving parts and visible fins.

We believe that in this instance, a tulpa can be reasonably ruled out for any number of reasons. And I believe that this was an exceptionally high-quality sighting, and if it was a nuts and bolts craft it be a reasonable assumption that there have been other nuts and bolts crafts sighted as well.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Thu May 15, 2014 6:11 pm

Luther Blissett » Thu May 15, 2014 12:22 pm wrote:Just to go on record offering a dissenting opinion against ufos consisting entirely of psychological phenomena. I've written about it before on here, but my entire extended family (consisting of both maternal grandparents, three uncles and my mother), family friends consisting of two parents and four or five boys, all had a close-proximity, daytime, half-hour plus sighting of a UFO during a camping trip in Montana in 1959. Both adult men were pilots, and my grandfather had thousands of hours of flight time by the time of the sighting and was an expert in flight technology and experimental craft. The UFO that they saw was solid, metallic, and had counter-rotating separate moving parts and visible fins.

We believe that in this instance, a tulpa can be reasonably ruled out for any number of reasons. And I believe that this was an exceptionally high-quality sighting, and if it was a nuts and bolts craft it be a reasonable assumption that there have been other nuts and bolts crafts sighted as well.

Thank you for that account, if you don't mind me asking how fast were the parts rotating on the craft?

It is my impression that what I saw were physical crafts as well.

This whole idea of tulpas occasionally strikes me like an elaborate and desperate attempt to dismiss UFOs as fictitious. Why do people feel inclined to replace one unbelievable theory with another equally unbelievable theory? Tulpas are apparently objects that we've magically conjured up from our subconscious and projected into physical reality - Isn't that 100% as outlandish, or even more so, than the idea of physical objects that in some way defy our modern conceptions of physics?

I'm not saying they're definitely NOT tulpas, when you get to this level of weirdness I do not rule anything out - but like I mentioned before these things definitely did not seem to be aware that I was watching, or connected to my consciousness in any way. I'm well-versed in all the UFO/abduction literature and was instinctively taking notes of the experience and how it compared to what I've read in the past. I've recently been listening to a lot of Richard Dolan's podcasts and he often tells his story of the bright UFO in the daylight sky and how it seemed to be aware that he was watching, and his strange sense of knowing that if he looked away then it would disappear. Well the first UFO actually did disappear from my view (obscured by trees) which is why I crossed the street over to the parking lot, and when I got over to the parking lot it was still floating there, along with a second craft.

This experience does not seem to share any of the qualities associated with those "consciousness interactive" UFO experiences that I've read about. It really seems better explained as 2 physical objects. Though I am certainly not ignoring the fact that there is a great deal of "grey area" in this subject with regard to what we think we know about our own minds and external reality.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby ShinShinKid » Sat May 17, 2014 1:07 am

I fully agree with Luther,

The whole psychological aspect is usually championed by people who haven't witnessed the phenom.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby justdrew » Sat May 17, 2014 2:01 am

well, the "tulpa" thing - a tulpa could take any form, what are some of the other common forms people are generating? I can't really think of any. Seems like if that were something the human mind or collective mind of humanity could gin up, we'd know about it to some broader extent.

Anyway I know of zero reports of "tulpas" in the last century-plus not originating with Blavatsky. Of course I could well have missed them.

and if it's "extra dimensional" / "trans-brane" / "whatever spiritual" - how is that not also a form of tech? Tech is used to transport in the 3 common dimensions, why not in 8 or 9 more lesser-known ones too?

(I secretly love constructions like "more lesser-known" :wink: )
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby 82_28 » Sat May 17, 2014 4:36 am

Just to set any kind of question about the record here, I do not doubt this sighting. I was just saying that your eyes were open. However, if so many were around in central Houston, why are you one of the only ones? It's because you look around. You notice shit. A tulpa could in fact be real and not real simultaneously which, I would think that makes anything of this nature "ultra-real".

Yeah, I know, right?
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Sat May 17, 2014 5:06 am

justdrew » Sat May 17, 2014 1:01 am wrote:well, the "tulpa" thing - a tulpa could take any form, what are some of the other common forms people are generating? I can't really think of any. Seems like if that were something the human mind or collective mind of humanity could gin up, we'd know about it to some broader extent.

Anyway I know of zero reports of "tulpas" in the last century-plus not originating with Blavatsky. Of course I could well have missed them.

and if it's "extra dimensional" / "trans-brane" / "whatever spiritual" - how is that not also a form of tech? Tech is used to transport in the 3 common dimensions, why not in 8 or 9 more lesser-known ones too?

(I secretly love constructions like "more lesser-known" :wink: )

The tulpa stories I am familiar with are related to famous authors who wrote characters in their stories and then later met that exact character in real life. This has happened a number of times strangely enough, and it's generally attributed to a "tulpa" sort of phenomenon. I personally think it's more reasonable to consider the possibility that the mind of creative people can occasionally become dislodged from the chains of linear time and peer forward. This seems to me more probable than the idea the the author's imagination "created" a complete autonomous living person.

Many years ago I had a dream of a person, who I then met on a bus 3 days later. It is my opinion that I somehow looked forward in time, rather than the idea that I somehow created this person as some sort of tulpa from my imagination.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Sat May 17, 2014 5:35 am

82_28 » Sat May 17, 2014 3:36 am wrote:Just to set any kind of question about the record here, I do not doubt this sighting. I was just saying that your eyes were open. However, if so many were around in central Houston, why are you one of the only ones? It's because you look around. You notice shit. A tulpa could in fact be real and not real simultaneously which, I would think that makes anything of this nature "ultra-real".

Yeah, I know, right?

Yea I really can't explain why I can't seem to find others who saw this. There are a few explanations that come to mind, such as the fact that there are quite a lot of trees in Houston that could obscure one's view, and also that there were very few cars on the street that evening when we drove out to look for the crafts. But still, those explanations don't seem totally satisfying. It could be that there was another weird element involved.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby Searcher08 » Sat May 17, 2014 6:50 am

I was left wondering the same by an experience I had in the late 90s. It was the summer, and I was waiting on a 6 am bus. I heard a crackling / roaring sound like a mixture of tin foil in a microwave and jet afterburners. I looked up an saw a light about 1/4 the size of the full moon slowly make its way across the sky. It had what seemed like gobbets of light coming off it and the sound from it changed with the light changes. It took maybe a minute to cross the sky. It was REALLY noticeable at times with flashes / glare that were like an arc-welding torch. There were no colours associated with it, just silver-white.
For the next couple of days, it was constantly on my mind and I was as baffled as fuck that none of the sleepy local papers mentioned it (these would have had it as headlines for a month) . It was a disturbing sensation - as though for a few days, I was the only person who could see the colour purple.

I wonder if part of this is that the social trance that most people are in most of the time means that the locus of our attention is primarily either our own internal dialogue and imagery or our own body / kinaesthetic sense - in either case we are unconsciously looking down and in a state of foveal vision - very little of our attention is left for consciously visual scanning.

This experiment reveals two things: that we are missing a lot of what goes on around us, and that we have no idea that we are missing so much.
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