Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:42 am

Spiro, yes, Maas is in full damage-limitation mode, appearing on Illner`s talkshow, giving himself a "human face", feeding solemn promises to Der Spiegel and the rest of the awful German mass media. This "full report" he promises will almost certainly be a lengthy and near-unreadably boring set of carefully-crafted excuses, spiced up with a handful of insignificant mea culpas and must-do-betters, and explaining precisely nothing.

Meanwhile, we still have NO official account of what actually happened, not even any reliable binding statement as to where exactly the truck entered the market, or at what speed. We just have the clearly-forged Bild "dashcam video", plus several alleged eyewitnesses giving accounts that are demonstrably untrue; e.g., at least two separate and unrelated English "eyewitnesses" claiming that the lights were torn down by the lorry and that the market went dark. 1) The lights were not torn down. 2) The market did not go dark. Several films and umpteen photos demonstrate this for a fact:


Of course, the claim that the market went dark served to cover for the fact that none of them could give a description more detailed or informative than "It was terrible.".

And it is very striking indeed that practically all of these alleged eyewitnesses are tourists. German TV (Deutsche Welle) had to go to Sicily to find a guy who claimed he had been hit by the lorry; he had two slight bruises on his face and was sitting happily on his sofa with a permanent weird smirk while giving his interview -- in which he and his girlfriend said that the lorry had entered through the MAIN entrance on the Kantstr. side and not through the narrow gap on the Budapester Str. side.

1 min 35 secs, Italian & German, English subtitles can be enabled:

Honestly, now: Does Guiseppe Lagrassa really look as if he had been hit by 40 tonnes of articulated lorry moving at high speed? Or does he not rather look as if he had had a drunken altercation with a cop [or a kitten]? DW posted this to YouTube three days after the attack. And there he is, strolling round his living room in sunny Palermo, fit as a fiddle and happy as Larry. He says, "I was hit by the lorry". What a story! Yet the DW hacks don`t even bother to ask this remarkable survivor how hard he was hit or on what part of his body. (In the face?) Porco dio...

Meanwhile, German eyewitnesses to the incident are remarkably thin on the ground - practically non-existent, in fact. And get this: There was apparently not one casualty among the people working in those huts. Not one.

NB: I have yet to see a single interview with anyone WORKING at the market who claims to have actually witnessed the lorry tearing through there. All of those people -- all of those prime eyewitnesses, German-speaking Berliners with a grandstand view of the lorry`s route through the market -- seem remarkably reluctant to talk. Why? Even more remarkably, the awful German mass media seem inexplicably reluctant to interview them. Instead, they send a film team and an interpreter to fucking Palermo, 1,602 kilometres away.

So, nearly a full month on, the question is entirely justified: What the actual fuck?
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:08 pm

Somebody called "Blaubär" at the German discussion board "geomatiko" has gone to the trouble of finding, reading and translating several Italian media interviews with The Remarkable Guiseppe Lagrassa:

http://geomatiko.eu/forum/showthread.ph ... 35#pid9635


Mr Lagrassa says that, after he had been hit "very hard" by the back of the truck on his "left shoulder and his head", his wife helpd him up off the ground. Then they walked away together "as far as possible". Then they met a kindly German doctor who brought them to a hotel (WTF?) and gave them first aid there. Then this same (solitary?) medic borrowed a car from the hotel * (WT actual F?!) and drove him personally to the Bundeswehrkrankenhaus (Army Hospital), which is in Scharnhorstsr where Mitte meets Wedding, i.e., fucking miles away, and certainly not the nearest hospital.

The Army Hospital ** also happens to be just across the canal from Thyssen-Krupp`s HQ on Friedrich-Krause-Ufer, where the Polish lorry-driver Lukasz Urban was not permitted to unload his 21 tonnes of steel, and where Anis Amri allegedly a) shot Lukasz Urban at around 4pm, before b) finally starting to drive the truck, complete with dead driver, at 7:30 pm, half an hour before the attack.

(Yes, this is the Official Story, as far as it can be made out. I am not taking the piss.)

Google Map, showing the distance between the Army Hospital and Thyssen-Krupp HQ:

https://www.google.de/maps/dir/Friedric ... 52.5351739


I suspect that Mr Lagrassa may have spoken his last word on this subject. And I would love to hear from that kindly anonymous carless German doctor-chauffeur. But I bet he too will remain discreetly silent, if he exists at all and if he knows what`s good for him.


* Yes, Berlin does have ambulances. In fact, ambulances were all over Breitscheidplatz just minutes after the attack, loads of them, doing absolutely nothing and standing around for hours. And yet that kindly anonymous German doctor felt obliged to borrow a car from the hotel and drive Lucky Guiseppe personally to the Army Hospital, miles away. Why?

** Yes, the Army Hospital does accept civilian casualties. It is still a deeply peculiar choice for the treatment of someone who had suffered minor superficial wounds miles away on Breitscheidplatz and then walked away to a nearby hotel under his own steam.
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:52 pm

Imagine you had been hit by that truck in Berlin. Imagine you had then been treated and transported, for hours on end, by a remarkably kind and patient and helpful medically-trained stranger. Wouldn`t you want to know that doctor`s name?

Imagine you were back in Palermo two nights later, looking as if you had just played a slightly rough football match in the park, but otherwise perfectly hale & hearty and strolling round your house while the assembled journos hung on your every word.

Wouldn`t you want to pay tribute to that heroic solitary medic? Wouldn`t you then say -- at some point in the course of your countless interviews with the Italian media -- "I want to extend my thanks to Dr. Stefan Schmidt" (or whatever the fuck his name was)?

I know I would. And I can think of absolutely no good reason why Dr Anonymous should insist on remaining anonymous, if he actually exists. (And why did no journalist even ask for his name?)

This whole yarn stinks. Stallholders ALL frightened to talk / a faked & edited "dashcam video" fed anonymously to Germany`s worst tabloid / a far-right politician predicting one day after the attack that the culprit would be found to be a Tunisian refugee (correct! amazing!) / British "eyewitnesses" demonstrably lying their heads off / a Sicilian "survivor" talking a complete load of shite / a heroic vanishing doctor-chauffeur who insists on remaining anonymous / Berlin police ordered off the case and told to shut up (and therefore posting sarcastic cat-photos to their Twitter account) / a conveniently dead "culprit" in Italy four days after the incident / a Public Prosecutor`s Office that can`t explain the most basic details of the attack plausibly four weeks on, and flatly refuses to answer any questions at all / ID found under the driver's seat, cellphone found in front of the lorry / etc., etc., etc. (I have not listed half of it.)


In the light murk of all this, I want to make a request, but only to people who have actually bothered to look into the story beyond what the corporate media have broadcast. Please help me make sense of this incredible farrago without using the terms "crisis actors" or "paid liars". Because, so far, I can`t.

Thank you.
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby Spiro C. Thiery » Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:38 am

http://www.huffingtonpost.de/2017/01/14 ... ef=germany
Verdacht gegen die NRW-Behörden: War Berlin-Attentäter Anis Amri ein V-Mann?
HuffPost Video/js
Veröffentlicht: 14/01/2017 09:33 CET Aktualisiert: Vor 1 Stunde

Der Berlin-Attentäter Anis Amri hatte im Laufe des vergangenen Jahres Kontakt zu einem V-Mann der Polizei - das kam relativ schnell nach der Amokfahrt auf dem Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt heraus, bei der zwölf Menschen getötet wurden.

Warum konnte Amri vor der Tat frei herumlaufen, obwohl er längst im Visier der Polizei war? Eine mögliche Erklärung: Totales Behördenversagen. Eine andere mögliche Erklärung: Er war selbst V-Mann.

Mehr dazu seht ihr im Video.
http://videos.huffingtonpost.de/news/vi ... oplay=true
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:54 am

^^Ha! They scrubbed it:

Leider ist dieses Video nicht mehr verfügbar.

Andere Videos der Huffington Post finden Sie hier.

Damn, that was quick. Too good to be true, that HuffPo would ask such an obvious question and take it seriously. Some HuffPo employee just got his knuckles rapped for attempting to commit journalism.

Anyway, the spooks had been all over Amri, a solitary drifter with a criminal record. I increasingly doubt that he had anything at all to do with the "hijacking" of that lorry. As things stand, I believe he guessed he was being set up as a patsy and panicked and fled. But fled from where, and when exactly? I've still seen no evidence at all that he was even in Berlin on the day of the attack.
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby Spiro C. Thiery » Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:27 am

It's still available at the article link. Just a denial from the Interior that he had been a contact for the feds and the speculation that, while that might be true, maybe he was working undercover for the state of North Rhine Westphalia, and a quote from Minister-president Hannelore Kraft stating that her state's dealings with Amri were intended to gain insight into terror cells, which official would have to have considered. The video continues by reiterating questions about why Amri had been released under the direction of the NRW Interior Ministry after his arrest in July with a fake passport and narcotics , and why he had not been one of those detained when in November several "Islamists from his milieu" had been arrested. And, finally, at the end of the video is the report that today a spokesperson from NRW denies that he was a source or informant in NRW.

Even the story as they are presenting it reeks V-Mann, but like you said, Mac, that could be as much an indication of his being groomed to take a fall, or who knows what else. As we know from the NSU case (and virtually every case involving "assets" of intelligence agencies the world over), these people know no shame.

I'd like to restate my takeaway, irrespective of who-did-it: beefing up intransparent security infrastructure and further militarizing police and police-like agencies.
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:45 am

Thanks, Spiro. Yes, the NSU affair was and is a scandal. That whole years-long series of murders, one of them with a spook sitting in the same Internet cafe and later claiming to have heard and seen nothing, then the convenient alleged suicide of Böhnhardt and Mundlos., etc. etc -- Where to start? As long as that hair-raising bullshit is not seriously investigated there is no reason to believe those very same spooks will investigate the Berlin incident honestly.

I weary of ostensibly-left journos saying things like: "Böhnhardt and Mundlos and Amri - surely you're not suggesting those people were Good Guys?" Of course I'm not. I'm saying that even being a Bad Guy is no proof that you committed any particular crime, much less that you weren't encouraged and permitted to get away with it. Elementary Logic used to be compulsory when I was a first-year uni student, about 300 years ago (gefühlte Zeit).

Anyway, I await Maas's promised "full report", though not with bated breath. The death of investigative journalism and of serious political opposition has made it easy for spooks everywhere to get away with anything at all.

This in particular still bugs the hell out of me:

MacCruiskeen » Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:32 pm wrote:Image

Are we expected to believe that Anis Amri emerged from this vehicle entirely unscathed? Not limping? Not trembling? No injuries, no bruises, no torn clothing, no blood? Nothing that would attract anyone's attention while he stepped out of a lorry that had just caused a massacre, strolled back down the very busy Budapester Straße just as the shops were closing, and set off on his leisurely four-day Grand Tour of Europe? No one saw him go?

Is Anis Amri James fucking Bond? No. Even 007 cannot make himself invisible. Anis Amri has supernatural powers.

That giant jagged hole with a ruined chalet and a quarter of the Black Forest jammed into it is, of course, where the driver's seat is located. Notice how the entire windshield is bent back behind the wood.

Is Anis Amri the Incredible Hulk?
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:17 pm

Spiro, you'll probably have seen this today (banner headline in the print edition too, with full-page photos):

Die Skandal-Akte Anis Amri

Ein V-Mann fuhr ihn nach Berlin

★Wer wusste was? Wer hat was vertuscht?
★Warum mussten zwölf Menschen sterben?
★Gibt es jetzt einen Untersuchungsausschuss oder übernimmt ein Sonderermittler?

http://www.bild.de/bild-plus/politik/in ... .bild.html

Freely translated:

The Scandalous File on Anis Amri

A police informer drove him to Berlin. [V-Mann: undercover agent, often recruited from a criminal, Salafist, neo-Nazi, or "anarchist" milieu, depending on the particular case]

- Who knew what? Who covered-up what?

- Why did twelve people have to die?

- Will there now be a Commission of Enquiry/ Fact-finding Public Investigation? Or will a Special Prosecutor be appointed to take over the case?

That a V-Mann drove Amri to Berlin was of course already known many days ago. It may or may not be significant that Bild has now decided to lead with the story. At any rate, it's nationwide publicity for the sheer outrageous fishiness of this case, which can't be bad. The stink is now unignorable.

If there really is going to be a serious public investigation, they should start by forcing Bild to reveal who gave them that deeply fishy "dashcam video", who filmed it, whether it was speeded-up, who edited it, how Bild acquired it in the first place, and whether or not the maker/owner was paid for his services. And they should get technical experts to take a very close look at the uncut original and try to determine, to the second, exactly when it was filmed. (Do dashcam videos have a time-stamp on them?)
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:15 pm

The excellent Elias Davidsson has joined that geomatiko board with a sharp and succinct summary (in German) of the main weaknesses of the Official Story.

Davidsson`s fluent in about half a dozen languages, from Icelandic to Hebrew, and he reports something very strange indeed about Dalia Elyakim, the only Israeli to die in the Berlin incident. The Israeli government have refused to recognise her as a victim of a terrorist attack; instead, they say, she died in "a road accident".

Her family are said to be outraged by this. No Israeli official or politician met her coffin at the airport or attended her funeral, as they would normally have done with any Israeli victim of a terrorist attack abroad.

[2] Interview with Nakhshon Av, “ישראל הכירה בה רק כנפגעת תאונת דרכים“ (“Israel recognizes her only as a victim of a road accident”), Maariv (Israel), 28.12.2016, B006.
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby semper occultus » Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:37 pm

...theories on motive Mac...destabilising Merkel before the elections..?
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:58 pm

I prefer not to have any "theories" before the crime is actually investigated. Many motives are imaginable. Yeah, weaken Merkel, drive Germany to the right, provoke a backlash against refugees, "persuade" Germany that NATO and the "Atlantic Alliance" are not up for discussion, discourage any talk of rapprochement with Russia while US troops build up in several bordering countries (including Germany) -

My "theory" is Gladio. The purpose, as ever, is to frighten the populace into begging for more Authority.
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:22 pm

An English-language Israeli report from Jan 1st:

... Dalia Elyakim’s body was found only several [?] days after the attack, as it was buried under rubble. [?! - There was no "rubble"! There were two smashed stalls/huts. The attack took place at at 8:02 pm on Dec 19th. The market re-opened on the morning of Dec. 22nd. Officials identified her body using medical records and DNA samples.

The family, meanwhile, has been fighting Israeli bureaucracy in order to get the state to recognize the Elyakims as victims of a terror attack. The state has listed Dalia Elyakim as the victim of a traffic accident, without taking into account the context of her death. A spokesperson for the National Insurance Institute said that Israeli law did not recognize car-ramming attacks abroad as terror attacks. Under the law, such attacks must be aimed at Jews or Israelis in order to be considered terror attacks. (!) A family spokesperson quoted on Channel Ten called the law “insanity” and demanded that it be changed.

Filed under: Germany, Terrorism

http://hamodia.com/2017/01/01/israeli-i ... ciousness/
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby Spiro C. Thiery » Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:38 am

"Case #Amri: What does FedAdmin have to hide? More and more unresolved & explosive
questions. Internal inquiry insufficient."

relevant link:
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby MacCruiskeen » Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:55 pm

Sahra Wagenknecht wrote: #Amri Case: What does FedAdmin have to hide? More and more unresolved & explosive questions. Internal inquiry insufficient.

Good on Sahra Wagenknecht! She's great. A real brave exception in the Bundestag, and amongst her mealy-mouthed colleagues in Die Linke. And she's absolutely right that an internal inquiry is not sufficient. These crooks will never investigate themselves honestly.

Elias Davidsson has just published a detailed two-part analysis of the attack, in German:

Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt-Anschlag – Obduktion eines Verbrechens
Veröffentlicht am 16. Januar 2017

Elias Davidsson


I wish there was more available in English, but there's hardly anything. The attack has performed its intended task abroad, and so the foreign media have moved on. ("The Muslim refugee dunnit, case closed. Europe is Under Attack.")
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Re: Lorry attack(?) at German Christmas market

Postby semper occultus » Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:29 pm

YVES CHANDELON: was his mistake to trust the senior EU/Nato bosses above him?

Date: December 27, 2016

Author: John Ward

he more details of this confusing case emerge, the more it looks like Chandelon was a whistleblower, and Berlin attacker Anis Amri was a Patsy. This trail of events may yet lead to NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg, and the EU’s Federica Mogherini

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