Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land.

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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue May 08, 2018 12:11 pm

Defector: WikiLeaks ‘Will Lie to Your Face’

He was a true believer in Julian Assange and his secret-spilling operation—until he realized what Assange’s grand plan really was.

Last February, leaked messages from a private WikiLeaks chat group offered an unfiltered glimpse of Julian Assange, complete with misogyny, anti-Semitism, and a clear, early preference for a GOP election victory. Now the U.K. man who leaked those messages is stepping forward to explain why he turned on the secret-spilling group, which he argues has abandoned its truth-telling mission altogether.

Iain (The Daily Beast has agreed not to use his last name) is a 41-year-old writer, artist, and musician based in Edinburgh who joined a small circle of key WikiLeaks supporters after meeting with Assange in 2013, and remained connected to the group until October 2016.

“I never understood at the time that these people are really quite fanatical, and not in a good way,” said Iain. “They will lie to your face, they will lie on Twitter… The pressure is being piled on, the lies are being piled on.”

Iain knows he faces risks by publicly criticizing WikiLeaks now. Previously unpublished portions of the message logs show that Assange harbors lasting animus for those he views as opponents and traitors. While strategizing a response to a critique by former WikiLeaks volunteer James Ball, Assange lays out the need “to create doubt that he’s an accurate narrator.” Of Birgitta Jónsdóttir, an Icelandic politician who worked with Assange on the first big WikiLeaks release, he writes, “There’s no trust, one cannot trust a back-stabber, but there is an alignment of interests.”

In February 2016 Assange offered this this ominous observation: “WL enemies end badly… Sometimes it is because we cause it to happen, other times it seems like fate.”

Iain entered WikiLeaks’ orbit in 2012. He was a longtime liberal anti-war activist, but until then most of his political engagement had been through his art. He felt the need to become more directly involved in a worthy cause. WikiLeaks faced global pressure during the Chelsea Manning leaks, and Iain was outraged that so many mainstream news outlets that had benefited from those leaks had later turned on Assange.

He got Assange’s attention through supportive posts on Twitter and his now-dormant website, titled Martha Mitchell Effect and later Hazelpress. In 2013, his writing style and staunch support of WikiLeaks led Ball, by then a journalist at The Guardian newspaper, to accuse him publicly of being Assange writing under a pseudonym. The real Assange was amused by the mixup and invited Iain to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for a visit, according to Iain, who told his story to The Daily Beast in a telephone interview and over email.

He made the visit that spring, settling into an embassy office that served as Assange’s living space for a chat that stretched to three or four hours. “It was very relaxed,” said Iain. “He’s very charismatic, nattering away about all kinds of stuff, and he’s very well informed.”

Assange began granting Iain insider access for some of his articles and promoting them reliably over the WikiLeaks Twitter feed, while Iain occasionally filed Freedom of Information requests on Assange’s behalf. In May 2015, at WikiLeaks’ request, Iain set up a private Twitter direct messaging group called “WikiLeaks Plus 10” for Assange, himself, and other key online supporters. The group was described as a “low-security channel for some very long term and reliable supporters who are on Twitter.”

It’s the logs from that group—containing more than 11,000 messages, over 1,200 of them from the WikiLeaks Twitter account—that Iain leaked to The Intercept late last year. It led to a 3,000-word exposé accompanied by redacted excerpts from the log. Assange responded to the story in a series of tweets accusing one of the reporters of harboring an anti-WikiLeaks bias. He dismissed the leaked messages as “freewheeling banter and quips” and not “editorial policy.”

Iain said he felt compelled to leak the messages after the revelation that Assange held friendly, supportive online conversations with Donald Trump Jr. during the election. Before then, Iain had struggled to understand WikiLeaks’ sudden embrace of the alt-right. After the Trump Jr. chats emerged, Iain went back over the logs of the WikiLeaks Plus 10 group chats and also dug into Assange’s pre-WikiLeaks history. “What happened in 2016 was just so shocking to me. I was just trying to figure out, What was that? Where did it come from? And so I started looking back.”

He finally found what he sees as a kind of Rosetta Stone into Assange’s thinking in a leaked email Assange wrote way back in 2007 while soliciting support for the nascent WikiLeaks concept. One of the goals for WikiLeaks, Assange wrote, “is total annihilation of the current U.S. regime and any other regime that holds its authority through mendacity alone.”

“‘Information and false information have always been weapons, used at all levels of society, from the family structure to the state, and WikiLeaks... uses both, and not just to inform or mislead society, but to literally reshape it according to a singular viewpoint. It is a viewpoint that speaks of ‘annihilation’ and then acts in the taking of political “scalps.”’”

— Iain, former WikiLeaks supporter

The “total annihilation of the current U.S. regime” line, which got some attention during the Chelsea Manning leaks, explains everything, said Iain, including Assange’s curious embrace of alt-right conspiracy theories and memes during the 2016 election season and beyond.

WikiLeaks baffled some supporters when it started seeding or promoting fake news about Hillary Clinton’s health, Pizzagate, and even Democrats engaging in satanic rituals at the same time it was releasing genuine material stolen from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.

This was not, as it might appear, a cynical bid to garner Donald Trump’s favor; nor was it simple pandering to a new funding base, argues Iain. It was part and parcel of Assange’s alignment with Russian President Vladimir Putin against their common adversary, the United States.

In retrospect, the shift was apparent way back in 2013, during Assange’s failed bid to win a Senate seat in Australia, Iain said. To that end Assange established the country’s WikiLeaks Party, with a platform built on government transparency and libertarianism. But just weeks before the election the party was roiled by a controversy over its ranking of other political parties in Australia’s ranked-choice voting, preferencing, in two races, the white-nationalist Australia First Party and the right-wing Shooters and Fishers Party above the liberal favorite, the Australian Greens.

The WikiLeaks Party blamed the choices on an “administrative error,” and Assange took to Australian TV to deny any role in the scandal, saying he was too preoccupied helping Edward Snowden to pay attention to what was happening in the party he led.

But as soon as the election was over, the WikiLeaks Party transformed. Its website was suddenly overrun with posts that would have been at home on Kremlin outlets like RT and Sputnik. “The puppet politicians who Washington intended to put in charge of Ukraine have lost control,” read a post on the Ukraine conflict. “The government of Crimea, a Russian province… has disavowed the illegitimate government that illegally seized power in Kiev and requested Russian protection.” Posts on Syria described the 2013 Ghouta chemical-weapons attack by forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad as “unsubstantiated” and “staged.”

“The party’s website content now operated solely to legitimize Russian propaganda by placing it under the umbrella of WikiLeaks’ valuable brand of truth and transparency,” said Iain.

Four months after the election, in December 2013, Assange’s father, John Shipton, led a WikiLeaks Party delegation to Damascus and had tea with Assad. Shipton, the party chair, told a local TV station that the WikiLeaks Party wanted to open an office in Damascus, and after the trip the party tweeted that its members had seen firsthand “how Syrians defeated the conspiracy of more than 86 countries.”

Iain was appalled by all of this and wrote articles lambasting the WikiLeaks Party’s new direction. Despite Assange’s smiling photo on the front page of the party website, Iain accepted Assange’s assurances that he had nothing to do with the party’s overnight embrace of Putinism, until WikiLeaks followed precisely the same path to influence America’s 2016 election. In October 2016, Iain withdrew from the WikiLeaks Plus 10 conversation and ended his public support for WikiLeaks.

More than a year later, when the Trump Jr. chats surfaced, he returned to the chat group one last time to archive the contents for a wikileak of his own.

“Information and false information have always been weapons, used at all levels of society, from the family structure to the state, and WikiLeaks... uses both, and not just to inform or mislead society, but to literally reshape it according to a singular viewpoint,” said Iain. “It is a viewpoint that speaks of ‘annihilation’ and then acts in the taking of political ‘scalps.’”

“It has succeeded in empowering harmful fascistic structures against those who believe in and uphold progressive values,” he continued. “As a result, it is and will remain dangerous to all of us, whether we know it or not.” ... -your-face
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri May 11, 2018 12:34 pm

Ecuador 'bans Julian Assange from taking visitors and phone calls' in embassy where he's been holed up for almost six years
WikiLeaks claims Mr Assange is being refused contact with the outside world
He is no longer allowed to have visitors or make phone calls, WikiLeaks claimed
Comes after Eduador withdrew his internet access in March following his tweets
He's been living at the embassy since June 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden ... calls.html

Pamela Anderson begs Kanye West to help free WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in bizarre letter ... t-release/

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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri May 11, 2018 12:52 pm

i love dupe threads ...this should be fun

way to go.......spirit of the community!!

Democrats sue Russia, Assange, Trump campaign ... 5e08628070
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby liminalOyster » Fri May 11, 2018 12:56 pm

It's interesting the frequency with which British tabloid stories about Assange are posted here.

SLAD, I'm curious about your position on him. I see that you would revile him for his indirect support of Trump's win. But I wonder if this has changed your overall view of him. For instance, it seems clear at this point that Assange is a political chip. Do you disagree?

If you do, I am curious if you think the Brit's treatment of him is just and/or if Ecuador's increasingly tight forced isolation is humane, regardless of much else about him. Last time I checked, even SuperMax prisoners are allowed phone calls and visitors.

Do you agree with The Sun's assessment that there is anything "bizarre" about Anderson's letter to Kanye? I don't see it.

Except in the sense that Anderson is stepping outside her assigned role as sexpot and punchline. I suppose that is "bizarre." And for which I think the mockery of her gets raised a notch. Probably not so unlike Kanye, really. Money and celebrity aside, one is a woman (and so-called sex symbol) and the other is a black man; both are members of groups whose base collective identities have coalesced into political movements (more or less) over the past five years.

Yet, not so unlike Anderson, while it's pretty easy to call Kanye a big-time useful idiot, some of what he actually said about slavery could have come from the mouth of Dick Gregory at one point in his career.

I guess in sum, whatever an individuals' politics (and/or political culpability) may be, I don't think anyone good is ever going to come from mass derision and public shaming of individuals who with varying degrees of ambiguity are saying things that have some importance to broader discussion and discourse.

From which it follows, for me, that posting British tabloid stories without commentary starts to look rather like an endorsement of (or cynical compliance with) the basic politics of lurid and thoughtless derision. I doubt you endorse those. Yet I really don't understand how you see things - politically, philosophically, intellectually - despite all the material you post here.
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri May 11, 2018 1:06 pm

I can't wait for Roger Stone to be indicted ....and I think he will

For instance, it seems clear at this point that Assange is a political chip

he has no one to blame but himself for that ...he inserted himself into the political

I see that you would revile him for his indirect support of Trump's win

indirect? ....I don't think so

The Sun's assessment that there is anything "bizarre" about Anderson's letter to Kanye?

I find Kanye's relationship with trump bizarre

Brit's treatment of him is just and/or if Ecuador's increasingly tight forced isolation is humane

he broke the rules Ecuador set for him is his fault

Kanye a big-time useful idiot, some of what he actually said about slavery could have come from the mouth of Dick Gregory at one point in his career.

that's silly I see nothing similar between Kanye and Gregory

Yes I have changed my view of Assange when more facts became available I stand with Snowden and Brown

the post above is NOT a tabloid and I agree with it every bit of it

Defector: WikiLeaks ‘Will Lie to Your Face’

He was a true believer in Julian Assange and his secret-spilling operation—until he realized what Assange’s grand plan really was.

Last February, leaked messages from a private WikiLeaks chat group offered an unfiltered glimpse of Julian Assange, complete with misogyny, anti-Semitism, and a clear, early preference for a GOP election victory. Now the U.K. man who leaked those messages is stepping forward to explain why he turned on the secret-spilling group, which he argues has abandoned its truth-telling mission altogether.

seemslikeadream » Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:08 pm wrote:
Several members of the board, including Snowden, have grown disenchanted with WikiLeaks. Snowden has for some time considered it to have strayed far from its laudatory transparency and accountability missions,

“Democratizing information has never been more vital, and @Wikileaks has helped,” Snowden tweeted. “But their hostility to even modest curation is a mistake.” The mild rebuke drew a sharp response from Assange: “Opportunism won’t earn you a pardon from Clinton.”

EXCLUSIVE: The Freedom of the Press Foundation has routed half a million dollars to WikiLeaks. But Julian Assange’s embrace of Trump split the group’s board, which includes Edward Snowden, and now it’s on the verge of a major break

The free press group’s impending split with Assange is a microcosm of a broader anxiety over him amongst his erstwhile allies, now that WikiLeaks has made common cause with extreme right-wing forces, principally Trump and Putin

“Suddenly the voice of WikiLeaks seemed to be all about questioning one candidate—Hillary Clinton.” When the group’s tone began to resemble that of Nazi publications’, a source said, “something is wrong”

Snowden, sources close to him tell The Daily Beast, has felt for a long time that Assange has taken WikiLeaks far from a positive, constructive vision of what Snowden believes WikiLeaks could—or should—be

“When the guy in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, who is normally of the extreme left, is echoing Nazi publications, something is wrong”

After the 2016 election, when Trump’s fortunes had clearly turned, WikiLeaks floated to Trump Jr. the trial balloon of convincing Australia to appoint Assange as its next U.S. ambassador

“This is the final mark of someone who’s in it for himself,” says journalist James Ball, who once worked for WikiLeaks, of Julian Assange. “He’s a sad man in a broom cupboard”

Barrett Brown

As Brown pointed out in another tweet, it was all-caps exasperating that Assange was in this case “complaining about ‘slander’ of being pro-Trump IN THE ACTUAL COURSE OF COLLABORATING WITH TRUMP.”

“Plainly,” he observed with bitterness, “the prospect of a Clinton in the White House was such an unimaginable nightmare scenario that all normal standards of truth and morality became moot and it became necessary to get people like Sebastian Gorka into the White House to establish order.”

Brown had a visceral reaction to the news, first reported by The Atlantic, that WikiLeaks had been advising the Trump campaign. In a series of tweets and Facebook videos, Brown accused Assange of having compromised “the movement” to expose corporate and government wrongdoing by acting as a covert political operative.

Brown explained that he had defended WikiLeaks for releasing emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee, “because it was an appropriate thing for a transparency org to do.” But, he added, “working with an authoritarian would-be leader to deceive the public is indefensible and disgusting.”
It is not surprising that Brown felt personally betrayed by Assange, since, as he explained on Facebook Tuesday night, “I went to prison because of my support for WikiLeaks.” Specifically, Brown said, the charges against him were related to his role in “operations to identify and punish members of the government and members of private companies that had been exposed by Anonymous hackers of my acquaintance, via email hacks, as having conspired to go after Assange, to go after WikiLeaks.”

That sort of activism, dedicated to making public secret wrongdoing, Brown argued, is very different from “colluding with an authoritarian presidential campaign backed by actual Nazis while publicly denying it.”


Free Press Group Ready to Cut Off WikiLeaks

The Freedom of the Press Foundation routed half a million dollars to WikiLeaks. But Assange’s embrace of Trump split the group’s board, and now it’s on the verge of a major break.


liminalOyster » Fri May 11, 2018 11:56 am wrote:It's interesting the frequency with which British tabloid stories about Assange are posted here.

SLAD, I'm curious about your position on him. I see that you would revile him for his indirect support of Trump's win. But I wonder if this has changed your overall view of him. For instance, it seems clear at this point that Assange is a political chip. Do you disagree?

If you do, I am curious if you think the Brit's treatment of him is just and/or if Ecuador's increasingly tight forced isolation is humane, regardless of much else about him. Last time I checked, even SuperMax prisoners are allowed phone calls and visitors.

Do you agree with The Sun's assessment that there is anything "bizarre" about Anderson's letter to Kanye? I don't see it.

Except in the sense that Anderson is stepping outside her assigned role as sexpot and punchline. I suppose that is "bizarre." And for which I think the mockery of her gets raised a notch. Probably not so unlike Kanye, really. Money and celebrity aside, one is a woman (and so-called sex symbol) and the other is a black man; both are members of groups whose base collective identities have coalesced into political movements (more or less) over the past five years.

Yet, not so unlike Anderson, while it's pretty easy to call Kanye a big-time useful idiot, some of what he actually said about slavery could have come from the mouth of Dick Gregory at one point in his career.

I guess in sum, whatever an individuals' politics (and/or political culpability) may be, I don't think anyone good is ever going to come from mass derision and public shaming of individuals who with varying degrees of ambiguity are saying things that have some importance to broader discussion and discourse.

From which it follows, for me, that posting British tabloid stories without commentary starts to look rather like an endorsement of (or cynical compliance with) the basic politics of lurid and thoughtless derision. I doubt you endorse those. Yet I really don't understand how you see things - politically, philosophically, intellectually - despite all the material you post here.
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri May 11, 2018 6:27 pm

Leah McElrath

Wikileaks is promoting Sarah Palin who is defending Julian Assange - all of whom are being promoted by Gateway Pundit, Cassandra Fairbanks, Jack Posobiec, and the Washington Times (which is owned by the Moonie cultists).


Ah. Makes sense.

In that certain traitorous way.

Palin features prominently in this new article about Aleksandr Torshin and Russian influence on US elections. The Palin link hadn't been reported until today. They may be reacting to that.

Documents Reveal How Russian Official Courted Conservatives In U.S. Since 2009 ... ium=social

WATCH: Sarah Palin heaps praise on Julian Assange in surreal video — and apologizes for ‘being a stinker to him’
11 MAY 2018 AT 12:11 ET

Sarah Palin speaks to ABC's "Good Morning America"

Former Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin this week praised WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a champion of freedom — despite the fact that Assange leaked her own personal emails all the way back in 2008.

In an interview promoted by WikiLeaks itself, Palin acknowledges that she was once angered that Assange had violated her privacy by posting her hacked emails, but she says that she has long since gotten over it.

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“We do have a lot of history,” she acknowledged. “He leaked, published somehow a few emails of mine and I was so ticked off. He was such a foe until I started figuring out where he was headed with his agenda with what he’s doing is trying to provide people with information so that we can make better decisions for our own lives for the community, for our country, for the world and I really appreciate him more.”

Now, however, Palin sees Assange as such an asset that she says she personally apologized to him over her past statements attacking him.

“I appreciate him so much I actually apologized to him for calling him out, and kind of being a stinker to him,” said the former Alaska governor. “I appreciate that he’s all about freedom. He wants people to have information.”

Watch the video below. ... ME.twitter
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby Jerky » Sat May 12, 2018 8:16 pm

Just a quick reminder that this is the REAL Assange thread. The other thread represents the nadir of pop conspiranoid rockin' teen rebelion-cum-cult-of-personality hero worship, wherein the Blonde One can do no wrong, and those he despises can do no right (no matter how many warning bells his former associates try to ring).

If you have something substantive to say about Assange, say it here. If you want to tongue his ballsack clean, do it on that other thread.

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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby JackRiddler » Sat May 12, 2018 8:37 pm

Actually, this thread constitutes one small part of one poster's daily or hourly obsession with making the board look ultra stupid by kicking up a really really stupid headline that I would really like to be allowed to not see just one day and be able to forget, and probably will forget, once this forum is just too unbearable with Teh Stupid and I go away. It's kind of like if this board were a Mozart and Hendrix concert and someone parked a sound truck next to it permanently blasting Lionel Richie's "All Night Long," an earworm that I mention intentionally in the hope of infecting you with it.

The real Assange thread, at least for serious people who can read, research, think, and debate cases on merits, has been running since 2010 over here: ... =8&t=30362
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby JackRiddler » Sat May 12, 2018 10:14 pm

FYI and apropos history on "Real Assange" threads:

JackRiddler » Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:11 pm wrote:.

Message to Posterity: Wikileaks Threads on RI

In November and December 2010, the Rigorous Intuition board saw the near-simultaneous creation of many threads approaching the Wikileaks phenomenon from different angles. Long discussions developed organically in several of these, and sometimes seemed to be held in radically alternate realities. As an aid to your historical research, this notice is being posted in six of those threads on Dec. 10 [2010] to remind you of the others.

Here are the current top-of-the-board discussions, with start author and date, in order of the number of posts as of Dec. 10:

The Wikileaks Question
by JackRiddler » Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:10 pm (27 pages)

Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land.
by seemslikeadream » Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:29 pm (9 pages)

Questioning WikiLeaks Thread
by Montag » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:50 pm (7 pages)

Cryptome founder/Wikileaks co-founder:"Wikileaks is a fraud"
by lupercal » Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:19 am (5 pages)

The rush to smear Assange's rape accuser.
by barracuda » Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:17 pm (3 pages)

Cables Shine Light Into Secret Diplomatic Channels WIKI!
by seemslikeadream » Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:29 pm (2 pages)

PS, There are other shorter current ones as well as some older ones, so be sure to prompt Skynet to do a date-delineated search for you. Hope you are enjoying your flying cars and conveyer belts, cool jumpsuits, jauntes to Jovian moon colonies, casual sex changes and group marriages, and governing your Galactic Federation of Sentient Species by means of the Universal Metamind Congress. How's immortality treating ya? Do you still "get" irony? Do you trust Starfleet?
We meet at the borders of our being, we dream something of each others reality. - Harvey of R.I.

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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby minime » Sat May 12, 2018 10:18 pm

Greetings from the future, Jack. We got your flying cars, youbetcha. Immortality is scheduled for 2039.
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun May 13, 2018 7:47 am

so odd Jack asked me to do this and I took the time to do it and now?

why is he bumping all those Assange threads right now? :roll:

he thought this was just fine for 8 years he asked me to start this thread

everyone here thought it was just fine that this was the Assange thread

I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the duplicate threads to my threads being posted now....right? Silly games

seemslikeadream » Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:29 pm wrote:Jack has asked me to combine the Assange threads, let's see if we can keep all posts Assange here, thanks.

previous threads

Whistleblowers on US ‘massacre’ fear CIA stalker
Secret Archive Grim View of Afghan War - Wikileaks ONLINE
The political spinning of the WikiLeaks exposé: Antiwar whistle-blowing or war propaganda?
The Anti-Nuclear WANK Worm
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth
On Wikileaks (VII): Take Up the Wikileaks Challenge with Pride and Honor
Julian Assange wanted in Sweden for alleged rapes
WikiLeaks founder hires star lawyer over Swedish claims
Fact-free accusations about WikiLeaks
The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War
Slain U.S. Nazi Millionaire Had Parts for Dirty Bomb.
The BND, CIA and Kosovo's Deep Stat
How to train death squads and quash revolutions
Wikileaks is who?
wikileaks:-Cover-up of murder of civilians and journalists
WikiLeaks Personnel Are Under Physical Surveillance
Wikileaks to release over half a million 9/11 intercepts
Exposing the Black Budget
How to train death squads and quash revolutions
Fusion Centers Will Have Access to Classified Military Intel
Manhunt For Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange
WikiLeaks founder has his passport confiscated
Julian Assange ~ Oslo Freedom Forum 2010
WikiLeaks guy on AntiWar Radio now

Assange: The Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land...


…as no doubt the story of Julian Assange’s escapades in Sweden will be known once it inevitably makes its way into the hands of one of the goofier Hollywood directors – say Robert Zemeckis or Mel Brooks, or perhaps Stephen Herek of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. It would do better in the hands of Andy Wachowski, where he might do for Julian Assange what he once did for Keanu Reeves.

Who could ask for a more beautiful set-up? It’s a story fit for a tabloid, yet it might be transformed into something an intellectual could read without embarrassment. This latest adventure is the stuff of pulp fiction, and chock full of Langley spies, computer hackers, crazy feminists, flatfooted cops and sleazy rags in the female kingdom of Sweden!

Julian Assange is a character that might have been ripped from the celluloid frames of the Matrix: flaxen and lanky, he moves through cyberspace like a superman. When, on those rare occasions that he does emerge into the real world, it is to perform Kung Fu exercises. He hardly ever eats or drinks. His corporeal body can normally be found sitting in front of a MacPro or two, while his digital alter ego commutes and computes, battling the odds and the system in fantastic virtual combat. Like Neo, he is a natural-born hacker who hacked just for the heck of it until he discovered the Matrix. He had hundreds of remarkable hacking achievements to his name when in 1992 he pleaded guilty to twenty-two of them. We like to think that someday, after he has passed on in the fullness of time, he will become a kind of guardian angel for hackers, or perhaps the Greek God of Cyberspace with His Golden Board, forever surfing the web.

His adventurous style and quick wit have earned him many Swedish fans, and so when Fate led him into the sun-drenched late summer of Sweden, Julian found himself dazzled by reddening apples, cooling lakes, and boisterous crayfish-parties. Captain Neo soon paid the price for letting down his guard! It was only a few days later that this unassuming computer geek awoke to discover his own face plastered across a tabloid’s front page, and the headlines screaming Arrest of Double Rapist Imminent! Imagine yourself on vacation, visiting friends, and finding yourself suddenly the object of a nationwide manhunt. Captain Neo felt the eerie presence of the Matrix, and he pinched himself to make sure he was still in the real world. The newspaper was still there on the table, and it told him – and all of Sweden – that two women had accused him of rape, and that the police were closing in.

No, Captain Neo did not passively wait for the police to come to his door. Captain Neo is no stranger to the tactics of the Matrix. Ever since Julian’s WikiLeaks website had published the Afghan War Diary (a huge pile of secret intelligence reports that reveal the dirty war the US is running against Afghanistan), Uncle Sam has been hunting for ways to have him carted off to Guantanamo. The Right Wing News site has, just below an icon of Sarah Palin, recommended a summary death sentence for our hero: “Can we have a CIA agent with a sniper rifle rattle a bullet around his skull the next time he appears in public as a warning? You bet we can -- and we should. If that's too garish for people, then the CIA can kill him and make it look like an accident. Either way, Julian Assange deserves to die.” Other right-wing American sites bristle with similar murderous commentary about our beleaguered computer programmer.

Captain Neo understands death squads. To forestall further threats, Assange publicly placed a huge, encrypted file onto the WikiLeaks site. This file contains all the most sensitive secret information he has in his possession. He called it Insurance, and thousands of activists all over the world await the password that will release this Pandora’s Box onto the heads of the US administration.

Instead, the Matrix plays dirty and lets loose a sex bomb upon our intrepid Neo. When you can’t contest the message, you smear the messenger. Sweden is tailor-made for sending a young man into a honey trap. Sweden has particularly thorny anti-rape legislation, where a conviction might be secured from something as thin as an anonymous accuser’s allegation.

In any case, our lucky Neo Julian Assange was only able to enjoy his fugitive-from-justice status for a few hours. By noon, the charges were already dropped, and he was free to be defamed from one end of Sweden to the other, not to mention the countless websites. It’s a simple system: the websites show the headlines, and the headlines report the web gossip. It’s Character Assassination 101, but why in Sweden of all places couldn’t the dirty tricks department make the accusations stick?

Swedish bloggers uncovered the full story in a few hours. The complaint was lodged by a radical feminist Anna Ardin, 30, a one-time intern in the Swedish Foreign Service. She’s spokeswoman for Broderskapsrörelsen, the liberation theology-like Christian organization affiliated with Sweden's Social Democratic Party. She had invited Julian Assange to a crayfish party, and they had enjoyed some quality time together. When Ardin discovered that Julian shared a similar experience with a 20-year-old woman a day or two later, she obtained the younger woman’s cooperation in declaring before the police that changing partners in so rapid a manner constituted a sort of deceit. And deceit is a sort of rape. The prosecutor immediately issued an arrest warrant, and the press was duly notified. Once the facts were examined in the cold light of day, the charge of rape seemed ludicrous and was immediately dropped. In the meantime the younger woman, perhaps realizing how she had been used, withdrew her report, leaving the vengeful Anna Ardin standing alone.

However, before we absolve the Swedish police as unwitting, if zealous, dupes, please note that Swedish law strictly forbids police and prosecutors to release to the media the details of any rape-connected complaint. The Expressen had all the details of the case, including the names of the accused and the complainant, within a matter of minutes. Please note further that the right-wing tabloid Expressen belongs to the Bonnier family, the biggest media owners in Sweden, who are not only pro-American but very much pro-Israel, too. As you know, the pro-Israeli lobby is warmly supportive of America’s Middle Eastern wars, while Assange and his WikiLeaks have the potential to undermine America’s weakening support for the war.

Were the criminal reporters of the Expressen that good, or is it possible that Ms. Ardin willingly collaborated with the Expressen in targeting our plucky Neo? She interned for the editorial page ofGT , the Gothenberg edition of Expressen. f

Ardin has written and published on her blog a “revenge instruction”, describing how to commit a complete character assassination to legally destroy a person who “should be punished for what he did”. If the offence was of a sexual nature, the revenge also must also be sex-related, she wrote. Ardin was involved in Gender Studies in Uppsala University, in charge of gender equality in the Students’ Union, a junior inquisitor of sorts.

In other words, she was perfect for the job. In order to frame Julian in Singapore, they would have to fit him up with drugs. To frame Julian in England, they might have to report he had skinned and roasted cats or at least dumped a kitten in a trash bin. To hang a frame on Julian in Sweden only required reporting sex between consenting adults.

If the setup was so perfect, why did it fail? Overreach, as always. When Anna Ardin maneuvered the younger girl into assisting her in her revenge, she overreached herself. When the girl withdrew her report, Anna’s “deceit equals rape” accusation failed. However, this is just conjecture, and the true facts of the case lie deep in the vaults of the Expressen.

Hopefully it is all over, and our Neo will continue his perilous runs for the benefit of all civilization. And the Swedes? Perhaps now they will recognize that they went too far. “When the reporter from the Washington Post realized that I was not joking, (said a Swedish legal figure this week), that it does not need more than one woman's word for the police to arrest a man and charge him with rape, he said: “But my God, are you completely crazy? It's worse than Iraq of Saddam Hussein ...”
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby JackRiddler » Sun May 13, 2018 1:43 pm

liminalOyster » Fri May 11, 2018 11:56 am wrote:It's interesting the frequency with which British tabloid stories about Assange are posted here.

Not really, it's the predictable activity of one board poster who started this thread many years ago by seriously posting something with a stupid headline by none other than Israel Shamir, but who at least used to understand that Assange is the long-running No. 1 target of a defamation and destruction campaign by the U.S. foreign-policy establishment and intel apparatus; before joining said campaign. I guess who stares into the abyss, etc.
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun May 13, 2018 2:01 pm

SLAD, great work on the Wikileaks stuff - can you be persuaded to put it all in one thread for easy reference? (I know that's not your usual thing, please don't be annoyed.)

JackRiddler » Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:14 pm wrote:
seemslikeadream wrote:
The boring truth about those Julian Assange smears


According to prosecutors in Sweden, authorities in Stockholm will pursue a vague "molestation" charge against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

There is precious little evidence available in the public domain, though the few details circulating make me extremely sceptical of both the rape (which seems 100 per cent false) and molestation charges against Assange. More on that in a minute. But for the wild-eyed, spittle-flecked conspiracists bloggers - and Assange himself - the charges reeked of a U.S. government plot.

Automatic forfeit for leading with cliche ridicule. I see no reason to proceed.

SLAD, great work on the Wikileaks stuff - can you be persuaded to put it all in one thread for easy reference? (I know that's not your usual thing, please don't be annoyed.)
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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby JackRiddler » Sun May 13, 2018 2:08 pm

Right, because even back then you were starting multiple threads on the same thing, usually with wacky and confusing titles lifted from others' headlines and reams of non-sequitur copy-paste. The basic problem that continues. You could always just tone it down and civilize it, curate your classics and not cause so much clutter and spread. AD manages that, in response to years of complaints including from you, why can't you?
We meet at the borders of our being, we dream something of each others reality. - Harvey of R.I.

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Re: Assange Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue May 15, 2018 2:19 pm

Assange Hacked Ecuador Embassy Comms System, Set Up Own Internet

Nicole Lafond

PA Wire/PA Images

As Ecuador funded a multi-million dollar effort to protect Wikileaks founder Julian Assange during his stay in the country’s London embassy, Assange returned the favor by hacking into the embassy’s communications system, the Guardian reported Tuesday.

According to a new Guardian report outlining the details of the spy operation designed to protect Assange, the Wikileaks founder’s hack allowed him to intercept professional and personal communications of the embassy staff and set up his own satellite internet. The Ecuadorian embassy was warned of Assange’s behavior in 2014 by a surveillance company that was hired to film Assange’s interaction with visitors.

Assange has been living at the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012 to avoid extradition by the Swedish government, where he was wanted for sexual assault. Those charges were dropped in May 2017, according to the Guardian. Assange is still living at the embassy because he is wanted for jumping bail in the United Kingdom, but longtime loyalist Rafael Correa, who was Ecuadorian president from 2007 to 2017, recently said Assange’s days of protection are “numbered.”

Assange is also hiding out to avoid the U.S. government extraditing and charging him with crimes related to his 2010 Wikileaks case, when he published a series of leaks of classified military information provided by Chelsea Manning.

Read the Guardian’s full report here. ... or-embassy

Revealed: Ecuador spent millions on spy operation for Julian Assange

Stephanie KirchgaessnerLast modified on Tue 15 May 2018 14.00 EDT
Exclusive: Files show at least $5m went on activities including spying on guests at London embassy

Julian Assange addresses the media from the balcony of Ecuador’s embassy in central London. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images
Ecuador bankrolled a multimillion-dollar spy operation to protect and support Julian Assange in its central London embassy, employing an international security company and undercover agents to monitor his visitors, embassy staff and even the British police, according to documents seen by the Guardian.

Over more than five years, Ecuador put at least $5m (£3.7m) into a secret intelligence budget that protected the WikiLeaks founder while he had visits from Nigel Farage, members of European nationalist groups and individuals linked to the Kremlin.

Other guests included hackers, activists, lawyers and journalists.

In the lead-up to the US presidential election in 2016, his whistleblowing website WikiLeaks released several batches of emails connected to the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Last month, the Democratic National Committee filed a lawsuit against the Russian government, Donald Trump’s campaign and WikiLeaks, alleging a conspiracy to help swing the election for Trump.

Documents show the intelligence programme, called “Operation Guest”, which later became known as “Operation Hotel” – coupled with parallel covert actions – ran up an average cost of at least $66,000 a month for security, intelligence gathering and counter-intelligence to “protect” one of the world’s most high-profile fugitives.

An investigation by the Guardian and Focus Ecuador reveals the operation had the approval of the then Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa, and the then foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño, according to sources.

Ricardo Patiño and Julian Assange
The then Ecuadorian foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño, with Assange at the embassy in August 2014. Photograph: John Stillwell/WPA/Getty Images
Correa has defended the decision to give Assange political asylum and described the UK’s behaviour towards Ecuador as “intolerable”. Neither he nor the Ecuadorian government had any immediate comment.

From June 2012 to the end of August 2013, Operation Hotel cost Ecuador $972,889, according to documents belonging to the country’s intelligence agency, known as Senain.

What would happen if Julian Assange left the Ecuadorian embassy?

The agency used a “special expenses” budget to pay for CCTV cameras to be installed in the embassy weeks after Assange moved in.

At the same time, documents show an international security company was contracted to secretly film and monitor all activity in the embassy. The company installed a team who provided 24/7 security, with two people on shift at a time, based at a £2,800-a-month flat in an Edwardian mansion building round the corner from the Knightsbridge embassy.

Even the then Ecuadorian ambassador to the UK, Juan Falconí Puig, seems to have been unaware of the operation until a council tax bill for the flat was posted to the embassy in May 2015. The arrangement had to be explained to the ambassador in a conference call with Patiño, according to a source.

The security personnel recorded in minute detail Assange’s daily activities, and his interactions with embassy staff, his legal team and other visitors. They also documented his changing moods.

A flat in central London
The interior of the apartment in Basil Street, which cost £2,800 a month to rent and is round the corner from the embassy. Photograph: Chestertons
The team consulted Assange about each person seeking to visit him. Guests would pass through a security zone, leaving their passports with staff there, according to sources, and documents seen by the Guardian.

The passports were used to create a profile that described the visit and gave background details of all his visitors.

Worried that British authorities could use force to enter the embassy and seize Assange, Ecuadorian officials came up with plans to help him escape.

They included smuggling Assange out in a diplomatic vehicle or appointing him as Ecuador’s United Nations representative so he could have diplomatic immunity in order to attend UN meetings, according to documents seen by the Guardian dated August 2012.

In addition to giving Assange asylum, Correa’s government was apparently prepared to spend money on improving his image. A lawyer was asked to devise a “media strategy” to mark the “second anniversary of his diplomatic asylum”, in a leaked 2014 email exchange seen by the Guardian.

This included a joint press conference with him and Patiño in London, and the publication of an opinion piece for the Guardian. The fee including other costs would be $180,960 for a year’s media consultancy.

Supporters of Julian Assange outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2017
Assange supporters gather outside the embassy in Knightsbridge in June 2017. Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP
But the documents showed the way in which the relationship between Assange and his hosts deteriorated over time.

In an extraordinary breach of diplomatic protocol, Assange hacked into the communications system within the embassy and had his own satellite internet access, according to a source who wished to remain anonymous. By penetrating the embassy’s firewall, Assange was able to access and intercept the official and personal communications of staff, the source claimed.

In 2014, the company hired to film Assange’s visitors was warning the Ecuadorian government that he was “intercepting and gathering information from the embassy and the people who worked there”.

The escalating cost of the Operation Hotel surveillance operation was also an issue for Ecuador’s financial controller’s office.

Julian Assange with legal advisers in the Ecuadorian embassy in London
Assange talks with his then legal adviser, Baltasar Garzón, second right, inside the embassy in August 2012. Photograph: Sean Dempsey/PA
Carlos Pólit, the then comptroller general, wrote to the then intelligence chief, Pablo Romero, in March 2013, asking how $411,793 could have been spent on special expenses in five months without a single receipt.

More than half that amount – $224,699 – was spent on three undercover agents for Operation Hotel: a captain in the Ecuadorian navy, a colonel and a counter-intelligence operator. They were typically given monthly cash payments of about $10,000, according to official accounts, for services classified as “intelligence and counter-intelligence operations”.

Romero said documentation relating to “the security of our guest” needed to be kept to a minimum given the “high sensitivity of the case”.

But the Operation Hotel outgoings were a fraction of the intelligence agency’s special expenses. In Assange’s first two months in the embassy, Senain spent $22.5m on 38 other operations with codenames including “undercover agents”, “counter-intelligence” and “Venezuela”, according to official documents.

Documents seen by the Guardian show Senain made multimillion-dollar payments to internet surveillance companies for spying software. One was Hacking Team, a cybersecurity company based in Italy.

Hacking Team did not respond to a request for comment. Documents show it was contracted directly or subcontracted through other companies by Senain between 2012 and 2015.

It is unclear how the Ecuadorian government used the surveillance tools. But investigative journalists working in Ecuador say they have often been forced to move their websites abroad to avoid cyber-attacks and hacking attempts. Others have been prosecuted through the courts. Facing fines and criminal charges, some were forced into exile.

Ecuador’s president, Lenín Moreno, shut down Senain in March in response to what he called the “ethical outcry of citizens”.

He said the move was intended to “guarantee the security needs of the country”, in what appeared to be a pointed reference to the resources the agency had dedicated to protecting a person who had very little to do with Ecuador’s security.

Ecuador’s comptroller is investigating how Senain spent $284.7m between 2012 and 2017, the majority of it on special expenses such as activities connected to Assange. About 80% of the overall budget went on such expenses last year, according to a statement on the comptroller’s website.

This article was written in collaboration with Fernando Villavicencio and Cristina Solórzano from Focus Ecuador ... ssy-london
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