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Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:58 pm
by undead
Wombaticus Rex wrote:Watched and I'm baffled by why you'd laud this as the ultimate RI movie, I just don't see it. Great flick, though.

Obviously it's because Greeks are the best at everything, and everyone else just copies them. So it's Greek, has sexual perversion, has reality distorting control freaks, therefore best RI movie ever. Although as I told Jack before I think to be the best RI movie ever it would have to have actual sex with children as part of the movie. I know the children in this one are kind of child-like, but I don't think that counts.

I can't really suggest a best movie for this place, but the movie that most reminds me of RI is Happiness.


When a young woman rejects her current overweight suitor in a restaurant, he unexpectedly places a curse on her. The film then moves on to her sisters. One is a happily married woman with a psychiatrist husband and three kids. Unfortunately the husband develops an unnatural fascination for his 11 year old son's male classmates, fantasizes about mass killing in a park, and masturbates to teen magazines. One of his patients has an unrequited fascination for the third sister. Meanwhile the apparently stable 40 year marriage of the sister's parents suddenly unravels when he decides he has had enough and wants to live a hermit's life in Florida. Obviously, the whole movie is slightly warped in its viewpoint and certainly presents abnormal relationships among all of its parties.

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:00 pm
by undead

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:27 pm
by Project Willow
I don't understand why there's any debate really, I just assume that the definitive RI movie has been and is, of course, Eyes Wide Shut. I think I may have found its replacement over the weekend however, and it took me most of Sunday to recover from having popped it into my player without first reviewing my Netflix queue.


For sexual sadism, slavery, torture, etc., etc., Seriously, do not watch this...

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:56 pm
by norton ash
^^ Jeff's done some good writing on Salo, Pasolini, fascism.

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:06 pm
by Project Willow
^^ I know, although I must have blocked that post out. His FB movie list is how it got my in my queue while I wasn't looking, and so I had to raz him about it yesterday.

Here's a link:

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:10 pm
by norton ash
More on Pasolini:

In Teorema (Theorem, 1968), starring Terence Stamp as a mysterious stranger, he depicted the sexual coming-apart of a bourgeois family (later repeated by François Ozon in Sitcom and Takashi Miike in Visitor Q).

justdrew wrote:
hey, btw - what's that movie about the guy who shows up as a guest of the family, and ends up having sex,one by one, with everyone, before leaving them? german iirc.

This describes Teorema.

I'm staying peripheral for now and not reading the spoilers, but it sure sounds like there's a strong Pasolini-Bunuel influence on Dogtooth.

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:28 pm
by Stephen Morgan
I also first looked for a film called "The Rules". I like to be different, so I thought I'd ignore this great long thread, not see the film. Anyway, looking at the trailer I now realise I saw this film late at night on Channel 4 a few months back. Didn't like it.

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:39 pm
by hava1
going to download eyes wide shut, better be good :)

salo is old, and and "ultimate". Won't be able to watch again, though.

Project Willow wrote:I don't understand why there's any debate really, I just assume that the definitive RI movie has been and is, of course, Eyes Wide Shut. I think I may have found its replacement over the weekend however, and it took me most of Sunday to recover from having popped it into my player without first reviewing my Netflix queue.


For sexual sadism, slavery, torture, etc., etc., Seriously, do not watch this...

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:53 pm
by Bruce Dazzling
hava1 wrote:going to download eyes wide shut, better be good :)

salo is old, and and "ultimate". Won't be able to watch again, though.

Project Willow wrote:I don't understand why there's any debate really, I just assume that the definitive RI movie has been and is, of course, Eyes Wide Shut. I think I may have found its replacement over the weekend however, and it took me most of Sunday to recover from having popped it into my player without first reviewing my Netflix queue.


For sexual sadism, slavery, torture, etc., etc., Seriously, do not watch this...

Eyes Wide Shut IS good, but watch it with the understanding that Kubrick's version has never been seen because the studio re-edited it after he, erm ... died.

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:00 pm
by Project Willow
hava1 wrote:salo is old,

Like old home week for me, a festive family reunion. :shock: :partyhat

Sometimes all I can do is laugh in the face of horror. I did have a Salo themed nightmare last night however, except there was an accountant in it too.

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:11 pm
by hava1
Bruce D, ok, will remember that when I watch. Its probably going to be tomorrow.

PW, yes its one of those movies that when I watched them back then I didnt see their immediate relevance to my life :) same was Clockwork orange. Movies do not wake one from dissociations. love does.

Your nightmare reminds me I need to sort out tax issues :), "the accountant", seems like a good title, for a horror film.
Bruce Dazzling wrote:
hava1 wrote:going to download eyes wide shut, better be good :)

salo is old, and and "ultimate". Won't be able to watch again, though.

Project Willow wrote:I don't understand why there's any debate really, I just assume that the definitive RI movie has been and is, of course, Eyes Wide Shut. I think I may have found its replacement over the weekend however, and it took me most of Sunday to recover from having popped it into my player without first reviewing my Netflix queue.


For sexual sadism, slavery, torture, etc., etc., Seriously, do not watch this...

Eyes Wide Shut IS good, but watch it with the understanding that Kubrick's version has never been seen because the studio re-edited it after he, erm ... died.
Project Willow wrote:
hava1 wrote:salo is old,

Like old home week for me, a festive family reunion. :shock: :partyhat

Sometimes all I can do is laugh in the face of horror. I did have a Salo themed nightmare last night however, except there was an accountant in it too.

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:27 pm
by charlie meadows
Bruce Dazzling wrote:Eyes Wide Shut IS good, but watch it with the understanding that Kubrick's version has never been seen because the studio re-edited it after he, erm ... died.

Comments on EWS...

Jan Harlan, Kubrick's brother-in-law and executive producer, reported that Kubrick was "very happy" with the film and considered it to be his "greatest contribution to the art of cinema".[49][50]

According to Todd Field: Stanley was absolutely thrilled with the film. He was still working on the film when he died. And he probably died because he finally relaxed. It was one of the happiest weekends of his life, right before he died, after he had shown the first cut to Terry, Tom and Nicole. He would have kept working on it, like he did on all of his films. But I know that from people around him personally, my partner [Leon Vitali] who was his assistant for thirty years.

Given that Terry [Southern?], Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman saw the first cut, Leon Vitali had access to it (as well as Todd Field's ear), among others (Sydney Pollack?), and none of them said anything about the final cut released by Warner Bros., are they (any or all) complicit in the conspiracy?

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:29 pm
by Project Willow
hava1 wrote:Movies do not wake one from dissociations. love does.

Then I am totally and completely screwed. :cry: Jkg

Actually Hava, that was beautifully said and worth repeating.

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:40 pm
by justdrew
norton ash wrote:More on Pasolini:

In Teorema (Theorem, 1968), starring Terence Stamp as a mysterious stranger, he depicted the sexual coming-apart of a bourgeois family (later repeated by François Ozon in Sitcom and Takashi Miike in Visitor Q).

justdrew wrote:
hey, btw - what's that movie about the guy who shows up as a guest of the family, and ends up having sex,one by one, with everyone, before leaving them? german iirc.

This describes Teorema.

I'm staying peripheral for now and not reading the spoilers, but it sure sounds like there's a strong Pasolini-Bunuel influence on Dogtooth.

ah yes, that's it! Thanks Norton.

I've not finished dogtooth yet. but one scene reminds me of something... had me wondering if this was an older movie or something. maybe someone else can remember what' tickling my memory... The part where some toy gets thrown outside the fence, and the dad has to get in his car, drive out, open the door, pick it up without setting foot outside, then reverse the car back inside. I would swear I've seen that happen in some other movie. or maybe read it in a book. :shrug:

Re: Greatest RI Movie Ever: The Rules.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:23 pm
by JackRiddler
Mildly peeved (also with this thread). Today I wandered around being bored at this job, occasionally thinking essays about Dogtooth in my head. I shall return to these asap, but once again it's night night and morning threatens with more boredom.
