Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby 82_28 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:02 pm

Yeah, about the coverage. What the fuck do you expect? Bombs just went off during the motherfucking Boston Marathon injuring hundreds and some deceased as of yet. Like, really? What do you believe the top story of the day to be then? Millions of people affected one way or the other.

Also, yes, more than likely a right wing plot in the sense of it being such an international event and pinned on the right wing in order to create sympathy with the value of the ease of destruction by what some think is the left wing, which it is not. Thus it's all right wingers all the way down to the bottom of the barrel and we are all slowly being transformed into wingers in the name of safety.

Safe from what?
Last edited by 82_28 on Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby compared2what? » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:03 pm

brekin wrote:
8bitagent wrote:The style of the attack has all the hallmarks of an Eric Rudolf white militant type of attack, coupled with the date being so close to 4/19.

I agree.

I don't know. White militants bombing the Boston Marathon? That just seems like a very white target for white militants.
But then someone who would do this already has crazy logic so who knows?

I guess I vaguely think of white-nationalist-type actions as targeting mainstream culture more than non-white people. But you could be right.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby wordspeak2 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:05 pm

Undead, I agree with your basic thesis about how these things are run, that authorities find an unwitting idiot who will set the bomb and not even know who sold it to him... that's very possibly what could have gone on here. I have a hard time believing that with the intense level of domestic security in 2013 someone could have planted a bomb at a major international event like this, without authorities knowing. But I'd be happy to hear a case that I'm totally wrong about that. Does anyone really think this could have been pulled off by average Joe terrorist wannabe of whatever particular persuasion, while DHS was sitting around in offices drinking coffee?
You don't think bomb-sniffing dogs are good at what they do, though? I guess I don't really know. Re: drug dogs I've heard mixed reports. I've heard plenty of stories of drug dogs finding drugs, and presumably they're behind all the weed-mail interceptions, but, on the other hand, I've heard blatant stories of dogs searching a car with lots of weed in it and not finding it. Who knows? Maybe you're right.
Unfortunately, I'm pretty doubtful that any evidence will surface that even adds to a strong circumstantial case that any authorities were in on this, though it seems very likely to my intuition, and Reddit will continue to downvote into oblivion anyone who suggests it might have been a false flag.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby 8bitagent » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:17 pm

General Patton wrote:
8bitagent wrote:The style of the attack has all the hallmarks of an Eric Rudolf white militant type of attack, coupled with the date being so close to 4/19.

However, now the media is floating the idea of a young Saudi behind it... ... Wx_4PIufeu

There is no evidence for a Saudi except for a single stub from the NY Post, no one else is reporting that, only denying it.

It has all the hallmarks of a dozen possible groups, but you're welcome to throw darts at the board like everyone else.

Oh it's just the NY Post? Figures. I recall the 1996 attack, noone claimed credit and later it was believed to be that guy bombing womens clinics and gay clubs.
Way further back I remember reading about bomb blasts carried out by a leftist group from some Latin country, out in Chicago during the 1970s.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:22 pm

wordspeak2 wrote:Unfortunately, I'm pretty doubtful that any evidence will surface that even adds to a strong circumstantial case that any authorities were in on this, though it seems very likely to my intuition, and Reddit will continue to downvote into oblivion anyone who suggests it might have been a false flag.

See, the difference here might be us Bostonians. Not to say that New Yorkers and Londoners aren't feisty or distrustful as a whole. Hell, half or more of New Yorkers don't buy the official 9/11 narrative in one way or another, right? But we are a whole 'nutha breed. "Oh, it was just a lone wolf? Nothing to see here, move along? Nah, chief, I think I'll stay right the fuck where I am, fuck you very much. Now. Tell us more, your majesty. For example, where were you on April 15th at 2:50pm? Hmmm? Oh yeah? Not buyin' it, asshole. Prove it. I don't give a fuck what your job or security clearance is, buddy. Prove it." Etc. Multiplied by about 700,000.

It's already a meme. "You fucked with the wrong city." Stay tuned.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby divideandconquer » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:29 pm

I thought this was strange. The Daily Mail originally reported: "A source who was speaking with authorities told Mail Online that there were shotgun shells in two explosions, which sprayed onlookers and runners with massive amounts of shrapnel," but then later deleted it from the article. Although, they also originally posted "Up to 12 people dead and dozens more seriously injured as two explosions rock finish line of Boston Marathon." ... pital.html
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby 8bitagent » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:30 pm

The big keys of course as some are pointing out, the reinforcement of the "soft target/anytime anywhere" as well as the city now being on virtual lockdown.
Post 9/11 people were thinking big, what could the next 'big one' be. But as we've seen, one only need 1/1000th the deaths of 9/11 in this media saturation age
to cause similar psychological results. This even comes when it was feeling like all was calm and the 'terror threat' feeling had all been diminished.

Imagine had OKC or 9/11 happened in the age of endless smart phones/instant social media online/cameras everywhere?

brekin wrote:
8bitagent wrote:The style of the attack has all the hallmarks of an Eric Rudolf white militant type of attack, coupled with the date being so close to 4/19.

I agree.

I don't know. White militants bombing the Boston Marathon? That just seems like a very white target for white militants.
But then someone who would do this already has crazy logic so who knows?

Well I mean I agree 100% with General Patton talking about the dart throwing. It's just immediately Eric Rudolf and the 1996 Olympics came to mind immediately.

It's been pretty obvious that attention is made to how bumbling "Muslim terrorists' are post 9/11. Shoebomber, Time Square Bomber, Underwear bomber. Inept.
As 82_28 and others have pointed out, there is a lot of "dont tread on me" types who are really wacked out...but then there has been an awful lot of FBI sting entrapment
"terror plots" where by a "radical detonated what he thought was a real bomb but in fact was a cellphone given to him by FBI informants".
The 1993 World Trade center event is curious, as officially it was an out of the blue event. The limited hangout is that yeah, FBI informants were in the plot but they were
inserted to try and stop it.

Speaking of the 1990's, this event also reminds me of The Siege
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby 8bitagent » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:42 pm

kelley wrote:you mean a white liberal target? because that would be the qualifier, and not race.

this may sound callous, but i don't know what's worse-- the attack itself or the burgeoning coverage. at least once a bomb explodes it's over. this thing is only a few hours old and already i'm going to have to have a complete media blackout to make it through the next few weeks. it's just relentless, and sickening.

Ultimately in this day in age, it honestly would not matter if a lone unassisted white guy or middle eastern or New Zealander was behind this event.
These events serve the main purposes of pumping the state and system with exactly what it needs with noone questioning it(other than those "pesky ACLU people")
and to of course be served to us as this multi angled HD media bonanza to flood our Facebook walls, texts, RSS feeds, twitter and television coverage.
Little details like "FBI informants" or "suspect had been monitored" that come out weeks later at the bottom of page A14 only matter to us "kooks".

If say, white extremists or Middle Eastern Islamists were genuinely behind American terrorism, then the joke is on them. For if OKC was 100% Mcveigh and 9/11 was 100% "al Qaeda", their anti government beliefs and actions brought them to do something that could not be more of a boom of benefit for the government or 'system' they claim to hate. Unfortunately, I do believe most people don't quite get this concept.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:47 pm

8bitagent wrote:Little details like "FBI informants" or "suspect had been monitored" that come out weeks later at the bottom of page A14 only matter to us "kooks".

Can we maybe wait a little while before throwing in the deep-pessimism towel?

Give this city a chance to mourn first, then a chance to gather itself, then a chance to start asking questions.

Please. Thanks.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby 82_28 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:51 pm

FourthBase wrote:
wordspeak2 wrote:Unfortunately, I'm pretty doubtful that any evidence will surface that even adds to a strong circumstantial case that any authorities were in on this, though it seems very likely to my intuition, and Reddit will continue to downvote into oblivion anyone who suggests it might have been a false flag.

See, the difference here might be us Bostonians. Not to say that New Yorkers and Londoners aren't feisty or distrustful as a whole. Hell, half or more of New Yorkers don't buy the official 9/11 narrative in one way or another, right? But we are a whole 'nutha breed. "Oh, it was just a lone wolf? Nothing to see here, move along? Nah, chief, I think I'll stay right the fuck where I am, fuck you very much. Now. Tell us more, your majesty. For example, where were you on April 15th at 2:50pm? Hmmm? Oh yeah? Not buyin' it, asshole. Prove it. I don't give a fuck what your job or security clearance is, buddy. Prove it." Etc. Multiplied by about 700,000.

It's already a meme. "You fucked with the wrong city." Stay tuned.

Indeed it is a meme and it is dangerous on a number of levels. One is that it catalyses deeply engrained sentiments, which have really only surfaced in the "coolness factor" in the last two or three decades given the likes of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. I've known some Boston motherfuckers and all I can say is you are a "breed" that makes others "lash out" -- esp about sports and shit. Remember the story about the Boston dude who was on the construction crew who buried some jersey in the concrete of Yankees' Stadium in order to curse the stadium itself? I do dig that kind of superstition and am down, But it is very exclusive and off putting and that this meme is growing seems to be *part of it* because it will in fact grow from here and there will be no level heads. It's techno-tribalism and it is growing. The truth will be lost in the growing meme. Keep us posted about what you see and hear 4th.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:55 pm

82_28 wrote:
FourthBase wrote:
wordspeak2 wrote:Unfortunately, I'm pretty doubtful that any evidence will surface that even adds to a strong circumstantial case that any authorities were in on this, though it seems very likely to my intuition, and Reddit will continue to downvote into oblivion anyone who suggests it might have been a false flag.

See, the difference here might be us Bostonians. Not to say that New Yorkers and Londoners aren't feisty or distrustful as a whole. Hell, half or more of New Yorkers don't buy the official 9/11 narrative in one way or another, right? But we are a whole 'nutha breed. "Oh, it was just a lone wolf? Nothing to see here, move along? Nah, chief, I think I'll stay right the fuck where I am, fuck you very much. Now. Tell us more, your majesty. For example, where were you on April 15th at 2:50pm? Hmmm? Oh yeah? Not buyin' it, asshole. Prove it. I don't give a fuck what your job or security clearance is, buddy. Prove it." Etc. Multiplied by about 700,000.

It's already a meme. "You fucked with the wrong city." Stay tuned.

Indeed it is a meme and it is dangerous on a number of levels. One is that it catalyses deeply engrained sentiments, which have really only surfaced in the "coolness factor" in the last two or three decades given the likes of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. I've known some Boston motherfuckers and all I can say is you are a "breed" that makes others "lash out" -- esp about sports and shit. Remember the story about the Boston dude who was on the construction crew who buried some jersey in the concrete of Yankees' Stadium in order to curse the stadium itself? I do dig that kind of superstition and am down, But it is very exclusive and off putting and that this meme is growing seems to be *part of it* because it will in fact grow from here and there will be no level heads. It's techno-tribalism and it is growing. The truth will be lost in the growing meme. Keep us posted about what you see and hear 4th.

It could be dangerous, maybe. Again, let's wait a little while before reaching a verdict.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby 82_28 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:09 pm

FourthBase wrote:
82_28 wrote:
FourthBase wrote:
wordspeak2 wrote:Unfortunately, I'm pretty doubtful that any evidence will surface that even adds to a strong circumstantial case that any authorities were in on this, though it seems very likely to my intuition, and Reddit will continue to downvote into oblivion anyone who suggests it might have been a false flag.

See, the difference here might be us Bostonians. Not to say that New Yorkers and Londoners aren't feisty or distrustful as a whole. Hell, half or more of New Yorkers don't buy the official 9/11 narrative in one way or another, right? But we are a whole 'nutha breed. "Oh, it was just a lone wolf? Nothing to see here, move along? Nah, chief, I think I'll stay right the fuck where I am, fuck you very much. Now. Tell us more, your majesty. For example, where were you on April 15th at 2:50pm? Hmmm? Oh yeah? Not buyin' it, asshole. Prove it. I don't give a fuck what your job or security clearance is, buddy. Prove it." Etc. Multiplied by about 700,000.

It's already a meme. "You fucked with the wrong city." Stay tuned.

Indeed it is a meme and it is dangerous on a number of levels. One is that it catalyses deeply engrained sentiments, which have really only surfaced in the "coolness factor" in the last two or three decades given the likes of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. I've known some Boston motherfuckers and all I can say is you are a "breed" that makes others "lash out" -- esp about sports and shit. Remember the story about the Boston dude who was on the construction crew who buried some jersey in the concrete of Yankees' Stadium in order to curse the stadium itself? I do dig that kind of superstition and am down, But it is very exclusive and off putting and that this meme is growing seems to be *part of it* because it will in fact grow from here and there will be no level heads. It's techno-tribalism and it is growing. The truth will be lost in the growing meme. Keep us posted about what you see and hear 4th.

It could be dangerous, maybe. Again, let's wait a little while before reaching a verdict.

Dude, the opinions I had on "you people" existed for a long time before today (all because of sports teams). I just find it funny/telling that it's all "you fucked with the wrong city". No, nobody did. They fucked with human lives and destroyed perhaps (at least hundreds) -- you live in a qualified educated yet insane city that is now dealing with the past it seems to think still exists and is now scaling to the meta by probably false flag events. I'm not gonna make this AT ALL a Boston argument, because that is not my point. Say something like this happened in fucking Denver or Seattle or Vancouver or where the fuck ever. There wouldn't be no tweeting about "you fucked with the wrong city". It's the beginning of 2001 "writ small". I would put my money is that you are being preyed upon, because of such attitudes known to exist. In Seattle there would just be a bunch of people running around, but no, "you fucked with the wrong cities" as some meme. They could be preying on "massholes" as a conduit to something else nation/continent/world wide.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby Luther Blissett » Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:24 pm

Every place has a different spirit. Nature and culture are always wrapped up in this interplay. The soul of every place is different.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:29 pm

82_28 wrote:
FourthBase wrote:It could be dangerous, maybe. Again, let's wait a little while before reaching a verdict.

Dude, the opinions I had on "you people" existed for a long time before today (all because of sports teams). I just find it funny/telling that it's all "you fucked with the wrong city". No, nobody did. They fucked with human lives and destroyed perhaps (at least hundreds) -- you live in a qualified educated yet insane city that is now dealing with the past it seems to think still exists and is now scaling to the meta by probably false flag events. I'm not gonna make this AT ALL a Boston argument, because that is not my point. Say something like this happened in fucking Denver or Seattle or Vancouver or where the fuck ever. There wouldn't be no tweeting about "you fucked with the wrong city". It's the beginning of 2001 "writ small". I would put my money is that you are being preyed upon, because of such attitudes known to exist. In Seattle there would just be a bunch of people running around, but no, "you fucked with the wrong cities" as some meme. They could be preying on "massholes" as a conduit to something else nation/continent/world wide.

Sorry, you are interpreting the parochial nature of this city in the worst possible light.
There are more positive lights. You may want this to be "a Boston thing", dude.

Again. Please. Wait. Just. A. Little. While. For. The. Love. Of. Fucking. God. Please.

Thank you.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby Canadian_watcher » Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:30 pm

popping in to share my sadness and outrage. it is so wearying, this senselessness.
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