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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:32 pm
by Grizzly
1 in four deaths in New Zealand.
[Video] ... 0964996768

Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data

Arrest that truth teller!

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:49 pm
by DrEvil
I think people might have noticed if one in four dropped dead.

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:21 pm
by Grizzly
New Zealand ARRESTS Government Database Admin for Revealing 24% DEATH RATE for certain COVID Vaccine Batches ... ne-batches

BOMBSHELL! Covid Vaxx Killed MILLIONS Worldwide! – Leaked Whistleblower Data ... -data.html

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:22 pm
by stickdog99
A Simple Analysis of New Zealand's Official OECD (Organization for Economic Co-ordination and Development) Mortality Data

6.4% non-COVID excess mortality in 2021, 10.7% non-COVID excess mortality in 2022, and 9.8% non-COVID excess mortality (so far) in 2023!

Here is the link where anyone can download these data to check my work.

Here are the OECD data for New Zealand from the start of 2020 to the 40th week of 2023:

Total deaths, total excess deaths, percent excess mortality, and COVID deaths per year --

* 2020: 32,522 deaths, -168.8 excess deaths, 25 COVID deaths
* 2021: 34,802 deaths, 2111.2 excess deaths, 6% excess mortality, 26 COVID deaths (1% of excess mortality)
* 2022: 38,478 deaths, 5787.2 excess deaths, 18% excess mortality, 2,280 COVID deaths (39% of excess mortality)
* 2023*: 28,993 deaths, 3,548.8 excess deaths, 14% excess mortality, 1,045 COVID deaths (29% of excess mortality)!

See this official New Zealand webpage to see how these data line up with the vaccination rollout.

According to Wikipedia (that proports to have gotten these data from New Zealand's official website):

* 95.8% of the eligible New Zealand population aged 12+ have received one dose
* 94.7% of the eligible New Zealand population aged 12+ are fully vaccinated

So let's recap. An island nation closes its borders for 2 years and institutes a total authoritarian state to force its entire population to get vaccinated (ostensibly to reduce excess mortality) before reopening its borders and easing its authoritarian restrictions in early 2022.

Because of its island nation status (and the unique ability to keep out COVID that this status confers), New Zealand manages to avoid any non-negligible COVID mortality in both 2020 and 2021 as well as any excess mortality at all in 2020 (year 1 BVE: Before Vaccination Era).

Then, as New Zealand rolls out millions and millions of magic injections:

* in 2021, NZ has a non-COVID excess mortality of roughly 2,100 (6.4%)
* in 2022, NZ has a non-COVID excess mortality of roughly 3,500 (10.7%)
* through the first 40 weeks of 2023, NZ has a non-COVID excess mortality of roughly 2,500 (9.8%)

How many thousands of New Zealanders in excess of expected mortality need to die before any corporate news media organization or politician calls for any investigation or even so much as makes mention of all of these ongoing, mounting, and continuing excess deaths?


*Notes on methodology

The 2023 data is just through week 40 of 2023.

* 2020: expected deaths = 32690.8
* 2021: expected deaths = 32690.8
* 2022: expected deaths = 32690.8

This makes it pretty clear what methodology the OECD is using to calculate excess deaths. It's just the number of deaths above the expected 32690.8 per year value.

Using the 2020, 2021, and 2022 data we can calculate the expected deaths for the first 40 weeks of any year is 25,444.2. This value checks out for all three previous years.

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:21 pm
by stickdog99
Systematic review finds child mask mandates are all cost, no benefit

A new systematic review has been published in Archives of Disease in Childhood, one the journals of the British Medical Journal, by Sandlund et al. titled “Child mask mandates for COVID-19: a systematic review”.

Since no randomised controlled trials have even been conducted on child mask-wearing or mask mandates, the authors systematically reviewed observational studies and included 22 in the final analysis: 6 found child mask mandates were associated with lower rates of infection; the other 16 didn’t.


But the studies with null results weren’t just greater in quantity; they were higher quality too.
Of the six studies reporting a significant negative correlation between masking and COVID-19 cases, five had critical and one had serious ROB [risk of bias]. Of the 16 studies failing to find a significant correlation, 1 (6.3%) had critical, 10 (62.5%) had serious, 5 (31.3%) had moderate and none had low ROB.

In short, almost all studies with critical ROB had pro-mask results, while all studies with moderate ROB did not. Table 2 below gives a breakdown of the various types of bias the reviewers found. The 6 studies with pro-mask results are listed first.


All six studies,20 ,21 ,22 ,23 ,24 ,25 reporting a negative association were potentially confounded by crucial differences between masked and unmasked groups, including the number of instructional school days, differences in school size, systematic baseline differences in case rates in all phases of the pandemic, testing policies, contact-tracing policy differences and teacher vaccination rates.

Almost all these confounds seem to apply to the worst of the bunch, Jehn et al., who found “the odds of a school-associated COVID-19 outbreak in schools without a mask requirement were 3.5 times higher than those in schools with an early mask requirement.” Unfortunately, this study was so bad even pro-maskers interviewed by The Atlantic said it was embarrassing. Among its many problems was that even though the study period was 15 July to 31 August 2021, "Some [schools] didn’t begin class until August 10; others were open from July 19 or July 21. That means students in the latter group of schools had twice as much time—six weeks instead of three weeks—in which to develop a COVID outbreak." No wonder the researchers didn’t want to share the raw data.

That study was published in the US CDC’s in-house propaganda rag Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, but even prestigious peer-review journals like the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) have published similar rubbish by pro-mask scientists who gerrymandered results through a conveniently selected study design, as Sandlund et al. explain.

the Boston observational study [Cowger et al.23] stated they could infer causality between lifting school mask mandates and increases in student and staff cases by using a difference-in-differences technique. However, a subsequent reanalysis called the methodology and results of this study into question and failed to find the same association when expanding the population to include the entire state or using different statistical analysis and also found the initial study’s results were likely confounded by differences in prior infection rates.26


But the issue of child mask mandates isn’t just about mask effectiveness; it’s about potential harms too, such as negative effects on language learning and communication.

Mask wearing causes reduced word identification57–59 and impedes the ability to teach and evaluate speech.60 There is a link between observation of the mouth and language processing, and people of all ages continue to focus on the mouth when listening to non-native speech.61


Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:29 pm
by stickdog99
Each month since January 2022, at least one hundred more New Zealanders have died than would be expected by any reasonable mortality baseline. What changed in 2022 that accounts for New Zealand's all-time record mortality (by at least 3,000) in both 2022 and so far (through the first 40 weeks) in 2023?

And before you say COVID, NZ claims a 95% full vaccination rate. Weren't these injections supposed to protect against COVID mortality?

As far as I can tell, corporate media, the medical establishment, and all of our political misleaders are somehow managing to currently ignore extremely disturbing continuing excess mortality rates that would have been trumpeted to the high heavens had they occurred in 2020 or 2021.

Just look at the OECD data:

Huge, ongoing excess mortality numbers stand out in Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Israel, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA and to a lesser degree in Chile, Norway, Portugal, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland.

Now look at the Our World in Data excess mortality rates:

Taiwan, Singapore, Qatar, and South Korea are off the charts! And Japan, Brazil, Ecuador, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, South Africa, and Thailand all remain disturbingly high.

And nobody is making a peep about all of the continuing excess mortality that is almost exclusively occurring in highly vaccinated countries as far as I can tell.

So what gives? How many more must die before anyone sounds the alarm about all of this ongoing excessive mortality?

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:52 pm
by Grizzly ... 7097961041
"The federal government long ago back in the 80's passed a law that gave protection to pharmaceutical companies when they provided vaccines. There's no liability, complete protection." Except maybe the State level? Court room Discovery is going to be a bitch for them!

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 8:10 pm
by stickdog99

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:08 pm
by stickdog99

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:01 pm
by stickdog99
This Silence Is Not Golden

At least the UK held public hearings, even if they were gamed from the start. There is a smidgeon of honesty that they held them at all. After all, the Covid era of public policy, in the US and all over the world, was the worst deployment of compulsory public policy in our lifetimes. It affected the whole of life in ways that were unthinkable even a year before.

It was not an act of nature. It was designed and deployed by men in power.

A chronicle of what’s been shattered yields a litany of horribles: educational losses, ruined businesses, rampant mental illness, medical injury, homelessness, job upheaval and loss, depleted arts, wrecked families and communities, inflation, ruined national accounts, a generation of students traumatized, bitter political divisions, and a widespread lack of hope in the future.

That list is only a fraction of the cost. And the words above are anodyne to the real experiences of people. Whenever the subject comes up in private conversation, the result is a jaw-dropping accounting of personal despair and tragedy, often followed by tears under some circumstances. Constitutional government was shot and most of what we believed was and was not possible in public life was torched by the sheer ferocity of tyranny pushed by mostly unelected bureaucrats.

None of what you just read is overtly disputed by anyone. Hardly anyone can be found today who defends what happened, except perhaps in the most sheepish terms, and nearly always with the obviously false proviso that “We just didn’t know then what we know now.” That seems like a shabby excuse for what’s resulted. These days – again, mostly in private conversations – hardly any apocalyptic prediction seems beyond the realm of plausibility.

The public silence over this entire subject is beyond bizarre. There are political conventions happening all over the country. They are attended by thousands. Everyone is rallying about and for something. But the Covid response hardly comes up. When it does, it is quick and perfunctory conversation and quickly dropped. The only two candidates who dwell on the topic at all – Ron DeSantis and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – are systematically marginalized and silenced, with large and active juntas of opposition working around the clock.

Recall that all the mainstream media outlets cooperated at the time – together with all large tech platforms – in cheering on the Covid response from the lockdowns to the masks to the shot mandates, while actively silencing dissent. We have all the receipts we need to prove that they all acted at the behest of government actors. Given this history, perhaps it should not surprise us that they are silent today. No one wants to admit what they did to us.

As a result, hardly any revelations about Big Tech censorship, excess deaths, contaminated shots, misused funds, or corruption of public officials and academics get media attention at all. To many of us, what is happening and what is revealed daily amounts to a parade of scandals, except that the national media doesn’t care in the slightest.

Both political parties were involved. So keeping silent on this whole topic is the one thing for sure that both Biden and Trump forces agree on. They don’t even have to discuss it. They just know not to go there. Once voices sign up for one side or the other, they fall silent on this and act like nothing really happened. Biden is never asked about it, but then he is not asked about anything. Trump has only been asked a couple of times, and responds as if it was long ago, he did the right thing, and otherwise offers zero in the way of specifics, even though his administration’s response arguably wrecked his presidency.

The Trump partisans have the strongest reason for silence, and enforcing that on everyone else. Trump greenlighted the lockdowns in March 2020. By the time he lost interest in the Covid response, the bureaucrats took over, and he was reduced to tweeting objections.

Even in September 2020 – after Scott Atlas had convinced him that it had all been a huge error – the CDC imposed an eviction moratorium that wrecked the property rights of millions of landlords, and kept that rule through the year. Did Trump approve them or was he powerless to stop them? In effect, after lockdowns, he was president in name only – a rather humiliating reality for a man who promised to use his awesome power to make America great again.

Huge corporate retailers gained massive advantages over their smaller and locally owned competition, driving many out of business. Not one of them has publicly spoken out about what turned out to be the luckiest break in their histories. Nor have they been questioned about a possible role in pushing for lockdowns and their prolongation, not even Amazon even though their founder is also owner of the Washington Post which pushed the Covid response for years and still does.

As for academia, most colleges and universities in the country shut down, locked kids in dorm rooms or banned them from campus, and then forced their students and faculty to get shots they did not need. Objecting to this led to major purges and cancellation, so most people stayed quiet. Hence the “best and brightest” have no reason to investigate or pursue justice.

Thus does complicity in all these crimes against liberty, property, and personal autonomy disable what would otherwise be serious examinations of culpability. The result is the universal muttering: “It was long ago and never happened anyway.”

All this kind of socio-political analysis might explain the whole of the silence. Still, some of us cannot shake the sense that there is something else going on, something to do with the national-security state and the bioweapons program. Who said what to whom and how and why? We know for sure that whatever happened occurred between February 26 and March 13, 2020. Some people know for sure: Trump for one, but Tucker Carlson and Fauci and Farrar and many others besides. They know but they do not say. Why is this? What terrible secret is being whispered among the elites?

Where is the curiosity to know what it is? After the Great War, there were years of hearings and resulting books and public debate. After the onset of the Great Depression, it was the same: many years of official investigations. It was the same after World War Two, the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, the S&L crisis of the 1980s, the Iran-Contra Affair, 9-11, and the 2008 financial crisis.

Looking carefully at a big episode and finding out what went wrong is a national ritual – or was. Why is this not happening now?

The silence is not golden. It’s dangerous. It is even treacherous. The Covid response ruined everything the world identified with America: freedom, rights, decentralism, commerce, individual liberty, and bravery in the face of trial. Governments together with all the commanding heights betrayed all those values. We need to know why. We need to know how. We need to know who. The silence could mean there is more to come. Which is to say that silence equals death.

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:49 pm
by stickdog99

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:56 pm
by Belligerent Savant
Very well-summarized/articulated.


There's a very worrying and ignorant narrative trying to take hold regarding the injections. Many late-to-the-party critics of the jabs completely fail to acknowledge a fundamental truth. Because it exposes how morally reprehensible all of them are.
To their core.

Their position is that IF everything we had been told about these injections being necessary, safe and effective had been true, the situation would have been fine and their promotion of them would have been acceptable.

Only in hindsight, with revelations about how ineffective and dangerous these drugs are, do they have anything to apologise for. And only with the benefit of that knowledge should any attempt be made to stop them.
This is complete nonsense.

Let's ignore the fact that it was BLINDINGLY obvious that these products were unnecessary, ineffective and dangerous from about January 2021 onwards. Let's also assume that everything the manufacturers and advisory committees claimed about them had been true: They were absolutely essential to address a genuine emergency, they were as safe as could reasonably be expected, and they worked as advertised.

Absolutely none of those things would have excused anybody promoting or supporting the rollout of these drugs.

Here's why: In 2020, governments all over The West had taken the barbaric and illegal decision to remove basic rights and freedoms from their citizens, in the name of public health policies. The implementation of these policies was understood, from the outset, by those who enacted them, to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

If they didn't kill you, they were likely to make you poorer, devastate your mental health, destroy your business, deny you access to health care and more besides. Nobody, anywhere, was unaffected by lockdowns.

These injections were presented to the population as a CONDITION for these tyrannical, murderous, completely unnecessary restrictions on freedom being lifted. For some people, it was implied that they could lose their ability to earn a living, travel abroad, receive medical treatment or participate in free society, if they refused to take the jabs.

You cannot, ever, offer a permanent medical procedure to people under these conditions. No matter how safe or effective said procedure might be and no matter how severe the illness it is supposed to address.

The only way in which this would have been approaching ethical acceptability (again, assuming the drugs were not, in fact, designed solely to cause injury and death) is if all restrictions on freedom had been lifted prior to anyone getting a shot and absolutely no link had been established between the uptake of the drug and the future implementation of lockdown policies.

As a doctor, or politician, or broadcaster, your ONLY obligation was to state unequivocally that nobody could be offered these procedures under such coercive conditions because it totally violated fundamental medical ethics. You didn't need to see any studies or graphs or models. You didn't need to trawl through all the trial literature, underlining stuff with your stupid red biro. You just needed to say, "No. Not like this."

Failure to take that position demonstrated a completely unacceptable disregard for the moral principles that should govern our approach to healthcare and the role of medical professionals and government.

Believing all the obvious lies you were told about these drugs at the beginning was not, and is not, an excuse for your endorsement of their roll out. There WAS no excuse for this.

If we fail to understand this truth, we set a very dangerous precedent for what could happen in the future. We also allow certain figures to maintain positions of authority and leadership who have demonstrated an astonishing lack of moral understanding, not to mention common sense.

You were wrong. And you weren't wrong because you were lied to.
You were wrong because you're incredibly bad people whose opinions and advice on all matters should now be regarded as irrelevant trash. ... 13008?s=20

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:32 pm
by stickdog99

Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:13 am
by Grizzly
US verges on vaccination tipping point, faces thousands of needless deaths: FDA
Top regulatory officials call for clinicians to speak up and drown out misinformation. ... cials-say/


Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:36 pm
by stickdog99