Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby 8bitagent » Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:24 am

An honest question: Has there really been any progress in "9/11 truth" since 2004? The year any last semblance of substantive real truth went out the window, and formed into the Alex Jones Loose change Fetzer bizarro circus of bullhorns and fake planes. Actually, it seems like as opposed to a lot of people "waking up" since then...even most liberals still believe or are back to believing the official story hook line and sinker. People need their myths and fables, and to disrupt that is to spit in the face of their baby Jesus or Santa Claus constructs.

Occam's Boxcutter points away from the "bin Laden did it, they hate our freedoms/blowback" blahdee blah, but to even be open to the possibility of questioning such powerful for a Christian to question faith or existence in Christ or an alcoholic admitting he or she has a problem.
I mean...folks...even John Pilger, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Scahill are convinced of the official story and think 9/11 theories are distracting. That's pretty alarming.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:45 am

I don't come pissing in your thread, ok? keep this discussion here, ok? Ya got your own whole thread for it. Y'all would have Daniel Elsberg working for the man

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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby norton ash » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:00 am

Occam's Boxcutter

'Boxcutter' wouldn't even be in the 9/11 lexicon if it weren't for Barbara Olson's fake phone call. This is one of the most brightly glaring discrepancies of the official story, and needs to be more widely known.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby Montag » Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:04 pm

8bitagent wrote:
I mean...folks...even John Pilger, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Scahill are convinced of the official story and think 9/11 theories are distracting. That's pretty alarming.

Yeah, it's pretty impressive what ridicule can accomplish. People like this IMO are afraid. Just like academicians (of which Chomsky is one) progressive public intellectuals fear for their reputations too. I have much more respect for people like Peter Dale Scott, Jim Marrs, Michel Chossudovsky, Webster Tarpley, Michael Parenti, even Alexander Cockburn (who has researched some deep political stuff even though he believes the fairy tale of 9/11).
Last edited by Montag on Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby Montag » Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:20 pm

wintler2 wrote:You're not making any sense to me, 82_28 - wikileaks is not creating a market for leaks, nor is Assenge a publicity hog. Your 'wikileaks is an attack on the freedom of the internet' stuff is pure Alex Jones and, with no substantiation, is juvenile at best.

Assange reeks of a Manchurian Candidate to me... Has anyone seen him interviewed? He has similar affectations to Prince.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby ninakat » Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:13 pm

Kevin at Cryptogon really says it well, IMO (emphasis mine):

WikiLeaks Founder, “Constantly Annoyed that People Are Distracted by False Conspiracies Such as 9/11″

July 26th, 2010
People often ask me if I think this source or that source is disinfo…

My response is always: TREAT EVERY SOURCE AS DISINFO.

You’ll avoid disappointment when the thing starts serving up rat poison—which, unfortunately, happens a lot.

I haven’t shared this before, but in early 2008, someone from WikiLeaks wrote to me. This person wondered why I hadn’t mentioned WikiLeaks on Cryptogon. He wondered if maybe I hadn’t heard of it, or had concerns that it was a front of some sort.

I simply wrote back that I was aware of WikiLeaks, and that I was hopeful and skeptical at the same time.

That remains my stance today; on WikiLeaks and every other source.

So, who knows… I’ve read interesting things on WikiLeaks, many of which I have linked to from here. Does that mean that I’m sure it’s not some kind of front or honeypot? Not at all. How could I know for sure, given what’s knowable in the public domain about WikiLeaks?

Julian Assange’s recent comment in the Belfast Telegraph about 9/11, however, may be a more tangible source of concern for me. I know Assange isn’t an idiot, so I see three other possibilities:

1. He is profoundly ignorant of the vast body of material that demonstrates that the 9/11 spectacle was a false flag operation.

2. He’s “picking his battles” and not wanting to have to deal with the inevitable conspiracy theory stigma that could threaten his media access

3. He’s running a limited hangout/honeypot

Of these three options, I doubt that it’s number two.

Also, I’m aware of all the stuff John Young has up over at Cryptome from some anonymous mole on a private WikiLeaks list. Again, who knows.

Vet the data as you would anything else from any source. Use your skills of discernment. For me, the most worrying thing about WikiLeaks is the promotion it receives from the corporate media. Even the trash talking Wired is promoting Wikileaks by constantly mentioning it.

In the end, though, obsessing about disinfo this and disinfo that is generally a waste of time. It’s safe to assume that damn near everything we come across contains disinfo.

There is the issue of stench, however. Sources that say, categorically, that there’s nothing to see here on 9/11 smell really bad to me. As bad as anything can smell. (See my maggot bucket if you think that I don’t know what smells bad.)

We just saw the WikiLeaks release of the Afghanistan information, does Assange forget the pretext that was used for the invasion?

9/11 remains the elephant in the room.

Via: Belfast Telegraph:

His obsession with secrecy, both in others and maintaining his own, lends him the air of a conspiracy theorist. Is he one? “I believe in facts about conspiracies,” he says, choosing his words slowly. “Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It’s important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there’s enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news.” What about 9/11? “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” What about the Bilderberg conference? “That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes.”
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby Montag » Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:19 pm

Yeah, that is a good post Nina.

p.s. I was kind of joking about Assange being a Manchurian Candidate, he acts pretty strangely though -- almost as if he doesn't have a pulse, haha. But what else would we expect from a hacker cum journalist hiding out from the most powerful governments of the world?
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby Penguin » Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:25 pm

There is that angle.

We shall see, I hope.
and that I was hopeful and skeptical at the same time.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby 8bitagent » Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:58 pm

Montag wrote:
8bitagent wrote:
I mean...folks...even John Pilger, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Scahill are convinced of the official story and think 9/11 theories are distracting. That's pretty alarming.

Yeah, it's pretty impressive what ridicule can accomplish. People like this IMO are afraid. Just like academicians (of which Chomsky is one) progressive public intellectuals fear for their reputations too. I have much more respect for people like Peter Dale Scott, Jim Marrs, Michel Chossudovsky, Webster Tarpley, Michael Parenti, even Alexander Cockburn (who has researched some deep political stuff even though he believes the fairy tale of 9/11).

I just dont see how the Wikileaks guy, Naomi Wolf, Scahill, or the leftist rags like Mother Jones, Common Dreams, DailoyKos, CrooksandLiars, Huffpo etc can claim there is no coverup.

And Greenwald SHOULD know, since this is from Salon: ... index.html

Sen. Graham: Bush covered up Saudi involvement in 9/11

The former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee tells Salon that the White House has suppressed convincing evidence that Saudi government agents aided at least two of the hijackers.

BAM. This to me is a shotgun of real "truth". There it is, "Bush white house covered Saudi government role in 9/11". Not even freaking Michael Moore put this in his white wash film. Yet noone ever talks about this!

Here's another one:
9/11 hijacker money and help from Saudi officials ... trail.html

Regardless if you believe "al Qaeda" by themselves or the CIA/Pentagon or whoever was behind 9/11, the fact articles like this came out to me is shocking given these leftist academia folks seem to think there is NO substance to the coverup claim.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:21 pm

pengu (in another thread) wrote:And the people dissing Wikileaks - could you at least support your disapproval with something tangible?
All Ive seen so far is dislike of Assange's personality. Of course I am always skeptical, but so far, Wikileaks track record has been pretty good. Never mind the resources aimed at smearing and silencing them, and of course they will most likely be the target of far worse yet.

Yeah, something tangible please.

BTW Anyone been through the wikileaks 9/11 stuff yet?
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby 82_28 » Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:35 pm

Joe Hillshoist wrote:
pengu (in another thread) wrote:And the people dissing Wikileaks - could you at least support your disapproval with something tangible?
All Ive seen so far is dislike of Assange's personality. Of course I am always skeptical, but so far, Wikileaks track record has been pretty good. Never mind the resources aimed at smearing and silencing them, and of course they will most likely be the target of far worse yet.

Yeah, something tangible please.

BTW Anyone been through the wikileaks 9/11 stuff yet?

That's my point that I made about the "market for leaks" that I made. I sure as hell ain't going through it all. I know all I need to know about war. My dad and Smedley Butler told me all I need to know. Like Kevin at cryptogon says, this is probably a honeypot. The media has pounced all over it. They only do that when ownership/management has been given marching orders from on high. Every paper, every channel, every mainstream website is covering this. The Internet, as I said in the post some disagreed with, was one big WIKILEAK in the first place. Wikileaks as an entity, whether intended or unintended is corralling the free information stream on the web into a spot that can now be mined for "outrage" and "waste" and well, useful for continued distraction. That some have a "personality issue" with Assange comes with the territory we're dealing with and have been for some time. You look for the hints. You look at what you would do were you in some position of power to wield very powerful information and then you defuse it. How? By the details in the cracks. Highlight well known details that anyone could find and collate from web boards, in the field interviews and then you market the fuck, via a subverted campaign of "truth", out of it and it becomes irrelevant. In may case, this is all too smart, not "by a half" as I like to say a lot, but too smart by a quarter. There is just barely enough to see that this "campaign" and the players involved and the subject material is all meant for another purpose, a very near future purpose. The back story of Assange having to ply the world in secrecy just so he can make all known, is, I am afraid, a huge tell. THE BACK STORY. His having to travel in something akin to "hiding". All bullshit.

All of the above, comes with the territory. Here we are. No Joe Blow is going to delve into that "wikileak" and say, oh damn, jesus christ, we been gettin' lied to.

No, it is to discredit, in eventuality, the free flow of ideas period. At least in a global nature. "Something must be done". It will be soon. Something is up and I fear something very big is coming that will make all of our fleeting conversations on the web completely impossible in a short manner of time.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:46 pm

I'm talking about the stuff on 9/11 that wikileaks released last year, not the recent data dump of Afghan war documents.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby ninakat » Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:56 pm

82_28 wrote:No, it is to discredit, in eventuality, the free flow of ideas period. At least in a global nature. "Something must be done". It will be soon. Something is up and I fear something very big is coming that will make all of our fleeting conversations on the web completely impossible in a short manner of time.

Could be. This "revealing" kind of reminds me of Rumsfeld the day before 9/11 declaring that $2 trillion was missing. One of those "wow, look, he's so honest" honeypots too.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:56 pm

All of the above, comes with the territory. Here we are. No Joe Blow is going to delve into that "wikileak" and say, oh damn, jesus christ, we been gettin' lied to.

That actually says more about "Joe Blow" than it does about wikileaks.

To me what you are saying reads like this:

"No one is gonna be bothered sorting through all the information they have provided so obviously they are scam artists."

The only way anything important ever comes into the public's view is cos people sift through pages (thousands of pages usually) of stuff to find the important bits.

If no one is prepared to do that then whinging about the people who put that information into the public domain is just ridiculous.

And ... look at the history of the organisation.

How many leakers have been caught by the wikileaks "honeypot"?

None, even Manning was dogged by someone (Lamo, what a turd - Lamo by name lamo by nature,) after a private conversation, not via wikileaks.
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Re: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

Postby 82_28 » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:18 pm

That actually says more about "Joe Blow" than it does about wikileaks.

This where we're at however. I don't know how bad. I don't know how well the human condition can bounce back. This shit is untested and we will see where we wind up I suppose.
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