Dreams in Times of the Highly Weird

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Postby judasdisney » Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:12 am

Sunny's dream reminds me of these excerpts from Robert Monroe's "Journeys Out Of The Body" which Jeff quoted in this Rigorous Intuition entry:

I am standing alone outside my house.... I see a group of aircraft emerge from the cloud cover, just above it. They approach, and I note that they are not typical aircraft or rockets.... They are not like any airplanes I have seen before. No wings are visible, and each machine is gigantic.... Each is shaped like the head of an arrow, V-shaped....

Gasoline is unavailable, electric power has been shut off. there is a great sense of fatality among everyone. It doesn't seem to be the product of atomic war, and there is no concern as to radioactive fallout. There is principally a feeling of doom and the breakup of civilization as we know it due to something momentous having taken place, a factor beyond human control.

My own personal experience with dreams of this type are too numerous to recount here, although one interesting note is that the dreams have changed over time. I'm not a person given to optimism or hope, nor would I characterize the "changes" in the nature of the dreams as "hope," necessarily, but my own conclusion for my ultimate personal fate is that I have already altered it.

For example, I used to have three reoccurring dreams. I don't anymore, but one of them involved being trapped in my own neighborhood during the beginning of a nuclear war as one of the U.S.'s own missles was launched from a silo nearby and either malfunctioned or was deliberately aimed at my neighborhood. I woke up as the missle was striking ground.

In another reoccurring dream, I was at my workplace when some sudden news had broken and a wave of distress was spreading among the employees. I was told that a chemical weapon attack had been launched -- no details about from whom or why -- and sirens outside had begun as we were told to immediately find shelter, but my workplace was on ground level with no obvious place to hide. A number of us decided to flee the workplace and run to the nearest nearby business that might have some type of basement. As we flung open the exit door and ran into the parking lot, I smelled some type of invisible chemical and I immediately couldn't breathe. As I recognized that I was going to die, I woke up. The smell of the chemical and the sounds, events, etc. were all very vivid, textured & visceral.

Later in life, I had several nuclear war dreams, but they had changed and I was farther from the point of impact. And I've never had the "chemical weapon attack" dream again (although when it was "reoccurring," the events repeated, all in sequence, and I recognized during the dream that I knew what was going to happen next, but I could think of no other options during the dream to change the outcome).

Some time ago, after I had made a decision to leave the country for another continent, I had various dreams about a feeling of safety (and horror) upon learning about the complete destruction I'd escaped, and seeing maps of the destruction of places I'd lived.

When I have these types of dreams of escape across great distances, there's also a feeling of euphoria.

I do keep a daily log (not quite a journal) in which I record dreams as often as possible, especially dreams which are vivid or significant. I've found it to be a very worthwhile effort, and it only takes a minute or two upon waking to write down one's dreams.
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Postby soulsurvivor » Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:00 am

In 1990, I had a series of dreams that showed me the rest of my life. It was my future self showing me what's to come, what's still happening. I "saw" all the major events that had/have direct effect on me. The dreams were seen as happening sequentially in my time, and have proven over the years since to hold true. I understand that in spite of surviving personal health complications that the most difficult is still "before" me. I have 2 dreams left to be fulfilled. Neither are welcomed. In the next dream, I lose my husband, home, everything, which will quickly lead to my last dream. I understand that I then have a choice to stay here in the US or leave. If I choose to stay here then I will die a death of starvation due to the environmental conditions of a nuclear holocaust landscape, eerily similar to the aftermath seen with 9/11 tower destruction. If I leave then I will live a comfortable existence until being connected with the universal lightsource and moving to a new existence in a higher vibrational reality.

I have related all this to those I know, but I try not to intrude on my family and friends with my "predictions". I hold hope that one or more of their reality creations will supercede my own. I understand that if/when my next dream becomes reality that I will come online and issue a warning to the eastern US.
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Re: Dreams in Times of the Highly Weird

Postby dada » Sat Jul 14, 2018 12:38 pm

Feel like sharing a dream I had last night. No particular reason.

I can't believe this is the only dream thread here, but it's the one I found, so:

An ex-girlfriend visits unexpectedly, wants to do mushrooms with me. She goes over to the bookcase, right in front of the spot where my stash is hidden.

How did she know? I wonder. Then I realize, oh right, she's in my dream, that's how.

I'm not really interested. Those mushrooms have been sitting there for a long time, I'd even forgotten they were there until now.. I give her the mushrooms, say she can have them. She is insisting we do them together. Before the argument resolves, the scene changes like in a film, to a laboratory, or a space ship, or a laboratory in a space ship, all silver walls, blinking lights. There is a big warmech-like robot made of a translucent blue metal in the lab, with wires and flexible pipes hanging off of it that run to the walls and ceiling. A circular door opens in front of the robot.

The scene changes back, I'm arguing with the ex. A giant transparent circle opens up down the hall, the robot is stepping through. Puts an end to the argument.

The robot is moving slow, but a midget in a red robe glides out in front of it. Fast little fucker. I have a visceral reaction to the insectoid way the midget moves. I know It must be a wizard. God, I hate wizards, I say to myself.

I run into a row of rooms off the hall, like a railroad flat apartment, similar to the house I grew up in. I peek out of one of the doors. The red wizard is sliding around in what is now a big, wide hall. When it spots someone, the giant robot goes after it. It's easy to shake off the robot, but the quick wizard is some sort of tracking device, whatever the wizard sees, the robot targets.

I'm moving between the rooms of the railroad flat, trying to keep out of the line of sight of the wizard, who is now moving back and forth in front of the doors like a guard. I figure it's better if I go on the offensive, because if the wizard spots me in the rooms, the robot is going to blow them up, and I'll be trapped inside. So I run out. I point a gun at the wizard, and a coil of rope shoots out of it, wrapping the wizard up. Try and teleport away now, you cowardly little shit, I think. Immobilized, the wizard shrivels up under my hateful, withering gaze. Just decays in front of my eyes.

The robot is training its weapons on me, however. As I turn and half run, half fly away, I'm thinking I may just have a chance to get out of this, now that the red wizard tracker has been taken care of.

But then my cat bites me on the arm in the wake world, knocking me out of the dream. That's how he lets me know it's time for breakfast.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: Dreams in Times of the Highly Weird

Postby dada » Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:31 am

Ordering a lamb shawarma plate from a truck. The guy preparing it feels like an old, old friend. We haven't seen one another in other in so long, we've forgotten each others names. He asks me mine, and I say 'George.' I think I may have given the wrong name. My friend seems mildly disappointed, but still very warm and open.

My friend tells me his name, it's difficult to understand, he repeats it many times for me, five syllables; 'Es a din a min.' I say it until I get it right.

Some other stuff happens that is mostly inconsequential. Walking down eighth avenue past Penn Station in the middle of the night, towards the fashion institute.

Cat bites arm, I wake up with my friends name in my mind. Such a strange name, I google it. nothing comes up, but google suggests "Esidimeni."


Horrible situation. The person in charge of this tragedy was just elected to a new position. People are outraged.

So many things wrong with planet earth, and I don't just mean the tragedies, I mean like a 'banality of evil' thing. Who said that, Hannah Arendt? I look at S Africa news, it's the same soulless trash as here, as everywhere, from politics to everything else. But everyone is doing their best, I know. I mean it: Everyone is doing the best they can.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: Dreams in Times of the Highly Weird

Postby thrulookingglass » Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:45 am

Many of times I've watched myself drop out of physical consciousness into that nonsensical dream realm. What an extremely odd shift occurs as the standard five senses fade and something else takes over. I've even perceived "beings" that reached into my consciousness to take me from the presence of reality, I usually go quite reluctantly. I used to love the way cannabis would let me flow right into that realm of sleep, dithering my thoughts into tepid scatterings. My dreams have been extraordinarily putrid lately and as many do, I find them hard to recall. One of them recently ended with a young house cat (orange tabby) battling a snake. The cat was winning for a bit and I even rooted for it to be victorious but the snake overtook it in a constrictive hold, wrenching the cat in a viscous bind as it's fangs dug into the jaw of the suffering cat. It was gruesome, left me feeling like that's what life is, the more you struggle, the more you fight, the more wretched evil binds you, for evil true definition is the absence of care. I get angry at Christian/Jewish imagery as the snake being vilified. The snakes of earth are beautiful creatures to me and are usually more scared of us than we are them. It's a "shark week" scenario where the majestic great white is portrayed as menacing rather than the efficient predator that nature's forces lead it to become. I had a truly disturbing dream a year or two ago where some humanoid like tall dark figure took me by my left arm pressing me forth, all that surrounded was like an endless open realm with nothing in it. My anger grew towards the being who wouldn't unhand me and I finally flipped out and basically told it, "If you don't unhand me, you and me are going to have a go!" and I intended to pummel the shit out of it. It let out a slightly bemused hmmph type of expression before finally stating, "relax, I'm just taking you to meet someone." I responded angrily, "I'm quite capable of taking myself there". We approached a great white snake (actually was a little grayish in color with many defined details in it's scales) and I marveled at its beauty. I was place directly in front of this snake which was slightly larger than I, standing on its tail. She said to me, "It's good to see you here again." To which I responded, "I wish I could say the same." I can't quite recall what happened next but she said something like, "come with me, there is something I wish to show you..." and I gazed deeply into its eyes for I know the eyes are the windows unto the soul and glimpsed an image of what this 'great snake' wanted for me. As I gazed into its eyes a future spread out before me of some manly god-king type of being it "promised" to deliver me if I just allowed it to bite me. Visions of thrones and women, but never to be truly loved passed forth and I recoiled from it's "offering" with my thoughts bearing a response like, never for you are you to deliver my future, for my future is mine and mine alone! In retrospect I was a bit ashamed of my reactions. I literally began to retreat from the snake in horror knowing this being could only cause trouble for me, as I did so the snakes presence became more menacing and limbs began to appear from it (this truly reminded me of the snake of the garden of eden, which was said to have limbs). Now running away to escape this creature I reach the barrier of wherever I was. My will was strong though and I said to myself, Fuck that, I'm out of here! and began tearing apart the fabric of the space I was in. My will drew forth claws out of my hands and a God-like voice amusingly laughed stating, "that's right, don't forget that you have claws". The great white snake started to become startled and distressed, uttering to the strange dark humanoid figures that were around her, "ok, he's starting to hurt me...get him out of here..." and with that I was awakened. It was troubling to say the least. Didn't the God of the bible say he'd take the limbs of the snake away? She still had them. It was odd. In retrospect, I wished I stood to fight her off and not allow her to intimidate me. When inside the dream though I "knew" if I she was able to bite me, I might not ever escape her. I did make an assessment of the situation and judged that her reaction time would probably be quicker than mine, so I had decided against the fight. I used to think dreams were just misfirings of neurons during some dilapidated state, now I find them extraordinarily troubling. How can we meld into some new realm where anything seems to become possible? It makes me doubt the very fabric of reality. There's a part of me that's been trying to destroy reality itself for I feel it's gone too far into the hands of evil. That's just me though...it's the Aries in me...crush your opposition with overwhelming force, leave it absolutely no avenue for victory. A voice from beyond once told Hitler, yes that Hitler, to move or he would be killed by an incoming artillery round so he did. God, I wish he didn't.
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Re: Dreams in Times of the Highly Weird

Postby dada » Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:30 pm

Someone very close to me, I guess you might call her a 'mother figure' did a holotropic breathwork session once. In her session, she saw herself crossing some mountains in Central Asia with a group or family or tribe or whatever, and I was there, but I was her young daughter. While we were climbing over a difficult pass, I was bitten by a snake, and died.

She was very upset by this, and what it might symbolize. I told her not to worry about it,

Interestingly, after that I got the world record on qbert. Qbert hops around a mountain of cubes, chased by a snake. The cat won, this time.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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