So, what would you do if Danny Casolaro asked for your help?

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So, what would you do if Danny Casolaro asked for your help?

Postby Searcher08 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:00 am

I have long found the Promis saga of great interest, but considered it kind of dead and buried; now we find that many of the people involved in that are still in the middle of the tsunami of poo that Sibel Edmonds found herself in...

Now suppose Danny said - "There is someone carrying on where I left off - will you help her?"

What would you say?

Shifting from wishing her luck and keeping safe...
to actively assisting her?

So... there is a R.I. forum member whose father and two friends were killed by the same set network of people that Sibel points to. To me this brings the world that Jeff writes about very much "inside the tent"

She is going after The Octopus. She has already managed to get the investigation into the murders re-opened (a remarkable achievement)
and getting loads of website traffic from... Saudi Arabia.

I feel what she is doing is really important and that she deserves support.

Her username is desertfae (real name Rachel) ; her website is

She has made loads of short videos on youtube (with the aim of keeping herself alive) and has already made contact with people like Ted Gunderson and Promis-hacker Michael Riconoschuto (who is now calling her from prison).

It would take a couple of hours to watch them all, they are generally Vlog style (rough and ready) and probably need to be watched from the beginning as the material builds.

The background to the Promis case is here
The Last Circle by Cherie Seymour

I think that most people here are a lot brighter than the Octopus members - we might make a surprisingly big difference... and have adventure, entertainment and real-life scary experiences into the bargain.
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Postby American Dream » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:15 am

Well, I hope Rachel is aware of the controversies around Ted Gunderson. See for example:


Also at the same site:

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Postby Trifecta » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:51 pm

She needs to stay way clear of Gunderson, not so sure about MR tho?
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Postby stoneonstone » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:02 pm

How very strange. Earlier this morning I was thinking about the large box of documents I have from an access to info request with the RCMP about Promis, from the early 90s. Thought about tossing it, or looking up Bill Hamilton after all these years to see if he wanted it for old-times-sake.

If it's useful to someone, better than putting it in the recycle bin.

Globe and Mail reporter Eric Reguly might have some documents he'd like to get rid of now - at one point he was also researching Promis (as I was)...and was so freaked out, a friend actually wrote a play about his experiences/fears/findings/reconstructions.

Riconnoscutio is, well, like Ari Ben Menashi; what he knows first-hand, and what he molds and sculpts from second and third parties into recognizable objects, is, well, impossible to sort out.

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Postby compared2what? » Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:02 am

That reminds me: Recent Suicide of Major Turkish Banker. I've been meaning to check for ATC connections before posting, but not getting around it, so don't know that it's related to SE. Just that it reads more like "suicide," and fits the very broad profile.

Businessman Colakoglu found dead
Businessman Ali Nuri Colakoglu was found dead with a bullet wound in his dead in Istanbul on Saturday.

- 27 / 01 / 2008 07:53

Businessman Ali Nuri Colakoglu was found dead with a bullet wound in his dead in Istanbul on Saturday.

Ali Nuri Colakoglu, a member of the Colakoglu family who owns the majority shares of a Bank, was dropped off by his driver for a hike in Beykoz.

A gun shot was heard in the direction where Colakoglu was hiking.

Police crime scene investigation units found Colakoglu shot dead in the head. A pistol was found at the scene.

The first findings suggest it was a suicide, it was reported. The investigation continues.



The family's business is significant enough for another member to have made the Forbes Richest People in the world list for the last two years. Although obviously, it would be an enormous leap of non-logic to conclude that being a billionaire in Turkey (out of a possible pool of 21 in 2006, and a possible pool of 25 in 2007, per the same source) is sufficient grounds for reading any one of them his Miranda rights.

So fwiw. It was the mention of real-life scariness that shook it into my mind, and I decided to post before it fell back out.
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Postby Hammer of Los » Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:38 am

I would have to second American Dream's caveats about Gunderson and Riconoscuito. Without making any accusations, my strong personal feeling is that neither of these individuals is exactly to be trusted.

Sibel Edmonds of course, is a very curious case. I certainly support her efforts to get her evidence looked at. But, well, I know I'm paranoid, but I'm a little unsure as to whether to take her at face value. I'm sorry to say it, and I know some round here will decry my attitude, but there you have it. If I had the time or energy or inclination I suppose I could spend weeks closely studying everything Sibyl has done and said, but I dont.

ps I'll take a pass on the real life scary experiences, thank you.
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Postby desertfae » Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:48 am

American Dream wrote:Well, I hope Rachel is aware of the controversies around Ted Gunderson. See for example:


Also at the same site:


Hi, someone on the phone pointed out this post so I had to visit.. and first respond to this.
I am very aware of this site newsmakingnews.... I'm also very aware of who's running that site and the fact that VM is actively helping Philip Arthur Thomspon in his trial! She is not the "expert" she claims to be, and is spreading disinfo. Her paperwork she has is not a full record of all of the events, and what she does have in most cases was received by deceit or theft.
So, just because Virginia hates Ted, along with a few others out there doing the same thing (disinfo) this does not mean Ted or Michael are bad. Honestly, people like to underestimate me based on my gender or the fact that I'm a victim or something... I do have brains, I can figure out who is on what side, and unless you are actually talking with these people to see what is said outside of public view it would be hard for you to know or understand.
I realize you're just seeing stuff out there on the web, but please realize there is a network of individuals out there that are trying to destroy crediblity of people that are actually trying to make a difference in this situation.
Check out some of my videos I did on VM.. oh yea, did you know she just had dinner with Sid Siemer a couple of weeks ago?? yea, they are friends..:::things that make you go hmmm::::
All that being said .. I also wanted to say "HI" :)
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Re: So, what would you do if Danny Casolaro asked for your h

Postby desertfae » Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:12 am

Searcher08 wrote:I feel what she is doing is really important and that she deserves support.

Her username is desertfae (real name Rachel) ; her website is

The background to the Promis case is here
The Last Circle by Cherie Seymour

I think that most people here are a lot brighter than the Octopus members - we might make a surprisingly big difference... and have adventure, entertainment and real-life scary experiences into the bargain.

I feel what I'm doing is important too... not just for justice for my dad, Fred, and Patty, but all the others that have died in this mess. I think it's time for all of it to stop and even if I can just make a small dent in it, it will be all worth it.
I already responded to someone else in this thread about Virginia and her associations as well as her real motives behind what she does.. but did you know that Cherie Seymour aka Carol Marshall is just as bad as VM?
For instance, if you actually read her book all the way through you'll see she contradicts herself in regards to the papers she "aquired" (stole).
First she states she gave them to Marshal (Michael's dad-who btw was in a nursing home at the time so obviously that didn't happen). Then when talking with someone she was asked if she had the papers.. she stated yes after she supposedly gave them back to Marshall. Then they ask where they are.. she says in a "safe place".
She has 'some' truth in her book, and some lies.. you have to pick out the true parts.. it's not all about drugs and drug rings as she thinks.. thats just one arm of the octopus-
It's about power, it's about a network of people that think (and in a lot of cases) can get away with whatever they want. These people are across the globe and are all interconnected.

I also think that people here are smarter than a lot of the criminals involved in the octopus. Here's the key with them, a lot of them are 'reactionary' instead of thinking things through.. and that plays to my advantage.
Honestly though, I can't ask that anyone, anywhere actively help me in this because too many people have died already.. I can't take the chance that someone would be hurt helping me. I've put myself in danger doing this and don't want to put anyone else in harms way.. these people are very 'ugly' if you know what I mean.
Thats not to say if someone has a document or whatever that I would discourage them from sharing it at all.. or if someone wants to get me paperwork or whatever... I just don't want anyone getting too deep into this due to the nature of it, ya know?
The octopus has a way of tangling you up in it before you realize you're a part of it... it's highly complicated and with so much disinfo out there you really do have to go through stuff to weed out the bad info. Also when speaking with people involved you have to do backgrounds on everyone to see who you can trust and who you can't... which is one reason I never get enough sleep lol.. I need more than 24 hours in a day :lol:
Soon enough, a lot more info will be coming out on my site too.. I'm working deeply on some 'situations' right now which is taking a lot of my time.. which is one reason for the lack of a video this last week.
Be watching my site for more info over the next 2 months.
One more thing... if anything happens to me over say, the next 3 months or so, share my story... I have multiple people I trust, in multiple countries that have copies of ALL of my paperwork, documents and letters, with instructions to share it all on my site and multiple other sites if something happens.
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Postby desertfae » Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:16 am

stoneonstone wrote:How very strange. Earlier this morning I was thinking about the large box of documents I have from an access to info request with the RCMP about Promis, from the early 90s.
If it's useful to someone, better than putting it in the recycle bin.

Globe and Mail reporter Eric Reguly might have some documents he'd like to get rid of now - at one point he was also researching Promis (as I was).experiences/fears/findings/reconstructions.

Riconnoscutio is, well, like Ari Ben Menashi; what he knows first-hand, and what he molds and sculpts from second and third parties into recognizable objects, is, well, impossible to sort out.


If you are willing, I would like to have this box of documents instead of you throwing them out... email me at and I'll give you my mailing address.
If you know others that have stuff please share the same with them.
As far as MR-everything he's told me up to this point has been supported with documented proof.
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Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:00 am

Hard to believe that Ronald Reagan was corresponding about October Surprise and black ops. Very hard to believe.

Fred found out about what was going on.. confronted JP Nichols and was told to back off. He approached my dad and told him of what was going on-he wrote Ronald Reagan who was about to run for president or already had announced that he was running to let him know of his concerns. Reagan wrote him back IN DETAIL about October Surprise and other black ops programs. At that point either Fred or both my dad and Fred (I’m not sure cause I was only 13) broke into JP Nichols office and either took or copied paperwork proving everything.

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Re: Reagan?

Postby desertfae » Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:23 am

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:Hard to believe that Ronald Reagan was corresponding about October Surprise and black ops. Very hard to believe.

I'm aware that some won't believe me, but guess what, thats not going to stop me from exposing all of this :)
I take it you haven't visited my site so I'll explain something about me - before I started looking into all of this I didn't believe in an 'conspiracy' stuff- I actually used to think that Reagan and the Clinton's were good people, although I never liked the Bush's.

Rachel aka desertfae

From Wikipedia
Iran-Contra Affair

Main articles: Iran-Contra Affair and Reagan administration scandals

In 1986, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found the Reagan Administration to have illegally attacked Nicaraguan territory, funded in part by selling arms to Iran to fund the Contra insurgents, which had been specifically outlawed by an act of Congress. The Iran-Contra Affair became the largest political scandal in the United States during the 1980s. President Reagan professed ignorance of the plot's existence and quickly called for an Independent Counsel to investigate, but while the arms sales and hostage releases were going on, Reagan allegedly signed a presidential finding authorizing the actions after they had already begun. The ICJ, whose jurisdiction to decide the case was disputed, ruled that the U.S. had violated international law in Nicaragua due to its treaty obligations and the customary obligations of international law not to intervene in the affairs of other states.
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Re: Reagan?

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:02 pm

desertfae wrote:.....
I take it you haven't visited my site so I'll explain something about me - before I started looking into all of this I didn't believe in an 'conspiracy' stuff- I actually used to think that Reagan and the Clinton's were good people, although I never liked the Bush's.

I found that quote and the 'Reagan envelope' at your site.
I tried to read some more but your webpage keeps crashing my browser.
Maybe it's that video clip, I dunno...

Do you have any more info on Reagan than that envelope? Love to see it.

But I can't imagine Reagan was let in on the October Surprise arrangements William Casey and George HW Bush were working on. The info was too sensitive to give to the script reader. Reagan was not that bright and had Alzheimer's earlier than folks realize so was kept out of lots of loops until it was time for a signature.

I once worked at a big speech event Reagan did and was interested to find out that there was a White House agent ready and responsible for killing the public address microphone, I guess if Reagan said things too wacked out. Makes sense given his mind.
And the stuff that he was allowed to say...ouch.

All the topics that come under 'The Octopus' are important history to know.
Good luck with your digs and do put stuff up here, too.
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Re: Reagan?

Postby desertfae » Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:28 pm

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:I found that quote and the 'Reagan envelope' at your site.
I tried to read some more but your webpage keeps crashing my browser.
Maybe it's that video clip, I dunno...

I'm not sure, what browser are you using? I use firefox myself and never have a problem with it. . I wouldn't think the videos would crash a browser

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:Do you have any more info on Reagan than that envelope? Love to see it.

But I can't imagine Reagan was let in on the October Surprise arrangements William Casey and George HW Bush were working on. The info was too sensitive to give to the script reader.

Within the coming few months look for more stuff on the site.. one person involved in this told me that some people were highly pissed at Reagan for writing Fred.

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:All the topics that come under 'The Octopus' are important history to know.
Good luck with your digs and do put stuff up here, too.

I mostly update my site more than the various other sites I'm a part of.. it's easier than going to a bunch of different places and posting the same thing-I'll try to remember to update here when I do an update on my site though.
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Postby 8bitagent » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:13 pm

Two words: Indira Singh.

In her breakthrough 2005 era interview she goes extensively into PTECH(the US government/al Qaeda technology company in Quincy, MA) and how it
was a real life artificial intelligence software company octopus that lead to the globalist controllers of Islamic terror, Saudi elites, child kidnapping, drug smuggling, arms sales, BCCI type banks in Dubai, and officials in the US, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. In other words, its Promis wrapped up in a 9/11 package.

Mark Lombardi and Danny Casolaro are heroes in my is Terrence Yeakey, Gary Webb, the Franklin Coverup investigators and everyone else whose been suicided for exposing the truth.
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Re: Reagan? *crash again*

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:39 pm

desertfae wrote:
Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:I found that quote and the 'Reagan envelope' at your site.
I tried to read some more but your webpage keeps crashing my browser.
Maybe it's that video clip, I dunno...

I'm not sure, what browser are you using? I use firefox myself and never have a problem with it. . I wouldn't think the videos would crash a browser

DOH! Crashed yet bagain. Fourth time!
I just tried to open up one of the document jpg's on the right.

Firefox. I'm gonna hafta give up on your site. Hope others have better luck.

Maybe someone could try linking to those jpg's here at RI to see them.
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