A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:12 am

http://www.leninology.co.uk/2009/06/naz ... s-too.html

FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2009

Nazis have roots, too

posted by Richard Seymour

You know, sometimes I think the BNP's Nick Griffin is in danger of forgetting his roots in the romper-stomper 'Political Soldier' wing of British Nazism. Then I think, "no, of course he isn't - he just wants us to forget". So, let us be a little inconvenient and a little bit awkward, and recall the roots of the British National Party and its current leadership.

Let's start with the first leader of the modern British National Party (1982 - ?), John Tyndall. He had always been a Nazi, and a rather old-fashioned kind at that. Mein Kampf, as he famously said, was his bible. From the League of Empire Loyalists to the first incarnation of the British National Party (1960-1967) to the National Socialist Movement and then the Great Britain Movement, he was always rather fond of the 1930s style steet militia clobber... He was also unabashed in his appetite for Nazi policies. For example, in a 1965 article for Spearhead magazine, named after his paramilitary organisation, Tyndall explained that: "with the numbers of murderous asocials and perverts on the increase, as a result of our sick society, there will be an unanswerable case when the day for the great clean-up comes, to implement the final solution against these sub-human elements by means of the gas chambers". Holocaust-approval, not Holocaust-denial, was the trend in those days.

Tyndall's magazine was also conventionally Nazi in its opinion of who the enemy was: "So that the claws of Jewry may be prised off, it is vital that every man in the street becomes Jew-wise. And the first step towards Jew-wisdom is Jew-consciousness . . . The Jews own Britain . . . Time and time again in recent history it has been shown that World Jewish Finance can make or break any established politician or financial enterprise in Britain". This isn't to say Tyndall didn't know how to dissimulate. His 1962 book, The Authoritarian State, was by the standards of his previous outbursts a far more controlled polemic, and he learned in this period to find euphemisms and to craft his Spearhead pieces in a vaguely 'academic' manner, delegating the more explicit ranting to a columnist with the pseudonym 'Julius' - this was Martin Webster, the future leader of the National Front.

Tyndall was still a Nazi when he joined the National Front in 1967, leading the members of his Great Britain Movement into the organisation. The Front was the result of a merger between the League of Empire Loyalists and the old British National Party. The LEL component was already disintegrating. It had been more of a fascist club than a political party, focused on persuading elite opinion. The merger with the BNP provided some experience with organising on the ground and in working class areas. Both Tyndall and Webster were to become leading figures in the new organisations. They had learned throughout the 1960s that you couldn't use explicitly Nazi language and get popular support in Britain, and that racism against migrants from the Commonwealth was more likely to gain support than antisemitism. So, they reinvented their style of address accordingly and successfully took over the new party. The Tyndall-Webster leadership did not advertise their neo-Nazi background, and the party presented itself as just another right-wing nationalist organisation. At the same time, the party's Honour Guard was used to attack antifascists, leftists, students whom the party didn't like the look of and, most importantly for them, black people. They pursued a murderous race war. Its activities were complemented by the explicitly Hitlerite British Movement, which had developed a following among football hooligans, and was handy with the ultra-violence. Predictably, of course, even as this was taking place, the NF were at pains to claim that they were victims of left-wing violence, and tried to prove, without success, that the publications of the IS (pre-SWP) and IMG (Tariq Ali's old haunt) were inciting physical attacks on the fascists. If anything, small groups of left-wing activists didn't stand a chance in physically duking it out with the NF's thugs, and the NF knew this. Tyndall boasted that while the police pretended to keep apart the Left and the NF, his version was that "the police saved the Left-wing".

The NF experienced a dramatic surge during the 1970s, thanks to the collapse of the postwar settlement and a surge of racism encouraged by mainstream politicians (including Labour politicians). By 1973, the formerly tiny organisation made a breakthrough of sorts by coming third in the West Bromwich bye-election. By 1974, the party was defeating Tories and Labour politicians in local elections. The weakness of the Heath government discredited it in the view of many right-wing Conservatives, some of whom broke away to join far right groups. But it was precisely at this point that revelations about Tyndall and Webster's Nazi proclivities appeared in an ITV documentary, and it caused immediate problems with that layer of members who had joined the organisation without understanding the ideology of its leadership. It also gave the party's ex-Tories and 'modernisers' the chance to change the leadership. Tyndall was later booed and jeered as a 'Nazi' when he attempted to make a speech at the party's annual conference. He was replaced as party chairman by the former Conservative John Stuart Read, and the new leadership was able to marginalise the Tyndallites for a time. But Tyndall had plenty of experience of organising within fascist sects, and he knew that if he maintained control of propaganda and kept a secure base, he could relaunch his leadership when the time was right. His ally, Richard Verral, took control of the party's journal, Spearhead, and used it to denounce those in NF who supported a nominal commitment to parliamentary democracy as purveyors of leftist propaganda. Eventally, Tyndall managed to reclaim leadership. The votes continued to rise. By 1977, the NF had 200,000 votes nationally, and had 19% of the vote in Hackney South and Bethnal Green. It was in this period that the fifteen year old Nicholas Griffin was first taken to National Front meetings by his father Edgar Griffin. By 1978, Griffin had become a local party secretary. He aligned with the more explicitly neo-Nazi 'Political Soldier' wing of the National Front, against the conservative 'Flag' group.

ImageThe role of antifascists in the NF's decline in the late 1970s, particularly in the Anti-Nazi League, is predictably a matter of sharp divisions in the historiography, and I don't propose to labour over them here. (See the reviews of David Renton's book, When We Touched the Sky, for a sense of this). The matter is obviously complicated by feelings toward the SWP, which took the initiative in founding the organisation in 1977 following the 'Battle of Lewisham' (pictured, the confrontation at Clifton Rise) in which antifascist activists and local black communities physically confronted an NF march, and stopped it from proceeding through the area. But whatever else people think of the ANL, it was able to unite broad groups of antifascists, including the Labour left and trade unionists. It was undeniably a mass social movement. It not only mobilised large numbers of people, but it also gave confidence to many who might have been scared of the Nazis, and helped resist some of the right-ward shift in British politics on issues of 'race' and immigration. Martin Webster certainly blamed the ANL for the NF's collapse, believing that they had been unstoppable until 1977. And personally, I am not convinced by arguments that say Thatcher stole the racist thunder of the far right by articulating her own anti-immigrant arguments. First of all, it carries the implication that Tory racism is an effective anti-fascist strategy. Secondly, and as a consequence, it overlooks the fact that the far right have done best when the mainstream parties have validated their arguments, whether today or in the years after Enoch Powell's 'rivers of blood' speech.

At any rate, having invested so much in the 1979 elections, standing in 303 seats, the National Front lost all their deposits and almost went bankrupt. They started to look for the root of their failure in the commie school system. 'Red' teachers, it was decided, were indoctrinating the young with marxist poison. And so, they used their youth publication to encourage students to report teachers, who would then receive a visit from a couple of boys in bomber jackets and DMs. One teacher, Stephen Harrowell, was targeted for a NF campaign just for teaching a history lecture about the Soviet Union. Others were beaten or had petrol poured through their letter box. But that campaign was a failure, as was almost everything else the NF did in that period. When I was growing up in the early 1980s, one still heard of the NF and there was still an ominous aura about them. Their associations with Ulster loyalism meant that their logo was daubed on the brick walls and buildings in Northern Ireland, alongside the usual charming array of death threats and community notices. By the 1990s, though, the NF were a groupuscule and had been overtaken by a new party, the modern BNP.

ImageThe modern BNP was the result of a merger between a split from the NF in 1980, led by John Tyndall and the British Movement. They formed the New National Front, and then in 1982, the British National Party. Old hands like Andrew Brons and Martin Webster remained in the NF to plot and wrangle with different factions, and it is partly the decision by Brons to side with the 'Strasserists' against Webster that led to the latter being forced out of the party for good. Nick Griffin remained in the NF, still a 'Political Soldier' advocating a 'revolutionary' strategy. When Andrew Brons was deposed from his leadership role in 1984, Griffin alongside Patrick Harrington and Derek Holland, also of the 'Political Soldier' faction, rose to dominance. But in the late 1980s, they broke off to join with the far right Italian terror suspect Roberto Fiore in his 'International Third Position'. (Fiore is one of those held responsible for the Bologna train station bombing in 1980, itself reportedly part of NATO's 'Operation Gladio', involving the use of far right activists in stay-behind armies to help resist leftist insurgency). It was while he was in the leadership of the ITP in 1990 that he lost his left eye, supposedly when a shotgun cartridge exploded in his face, which is why he has the glass eye.

The BNP was to continue the tradition of dissembling in public while maintaining Nazi organising principles. Even so, the BNP was still publicly committed to a 'revolutionary' anti-liberal stance. This much Tyndall insisted on. His own books discerned liberalism as the main source of decadence which had undermined the educated elite's resistance to communism and those racial Others supposedly behind both communism and finance-capital. The BNP's 1987 manifesto pledged the suppression of rival parties, since: "The old system of party warfare must come to an end, and political forces within the nation must be coordmated together in a mighty effort of national reconstruction". And it still railed against the "self-perpetuating oligarchies" of "International Finance" who supposedly pulled the politicians' strings - although at this point, they declined to mention that these "oligarchies" were, according to them, Jewish. Feeble subterfuge, but no more feeble than their current pretence that their racist incitements against Muslims is purely a critique of religion (an alibi that would probably not have worked in court were it not for the credibility given it by mainstream publications). But once again, the Nazis learned to adapt their language to tap into more popular forms of racism. From the early 1990s, the BNP's antisemitism was being rearticulated as racism toward Asians in the East End of London. At the same time, the BNP had formed a new militia organisation called Combat-18, (the 1 and the 8 standing for Adolf Hitler's initials), whose street activities were run by a violent former British Movement member named Charlie Sargent. The organisation was responsible for bloody assaults on the BNP's opponents, including one particularly notorious attack on ANL leafleters in Tower Hamlets in 1992. Combining an attempt to control the streets, as it were, with a strategy that exploited the racialisation of housing allocation that both Liberal Democrats and Labour councillors had engaged in, they managed to increase their support sufficiently to get Derek Beackon elected as a councillor in Tower Hamlets in 1993. This success led to the BNP making its first efforts to separate itself from C-18, in a bid for respectability. They opened new 'bookshop' (headquarters) in Welling, which was followed by a 300% rise in racist violence in the area. One of the victims of this surge of violence was, famously, Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered by five racists whom the police did little to pursue. The ANL had been relaunched in 1992 and, working with other groups, sought throw the fascists back into utter isolation. Local leafleting campaigns took off to ensure that Beackon would not be re-elected: he had won a bye-election with a majority of only 7 votes. In the full elections, shortly after, he lost the seat. A 50,000 strong protest outside the BNP's headquarters was battered by riot police (the infamous Territorial Support Group responsible for the death of Ian Tomlinson), and vilified on the BBC. But it was one of many mobilisations to exert a salutary effect on the BNP's morale. It wasn't until a combination of racist violence in Burnley, encouraged and exploited by the fascists, and a make-over after 1999, that the party were to recover. One other welcome result of the antifascist campaigns at the time was to hammer the Liberal Democrats after their nakedly racist campaign implying that white voters were suffering from 'special treatment' given to Bangladeshi communities by the Labour Party.

It was at this time that John Tyndall, perhaps looking for a few influential 'Nazi radicals' to bolster his position in the party, invited Nick Griffin to join the BNP. Griffin had been attending BNP meetings for some years, and had urged the party to see that the voters who backed the BNP in Millwall and elsewhere didn't want a 'postmodern Rightist party' on the continental model, but a militant organisation that could defend the slogan 'Rights for Whites' with "well-directed boots and punches" . Against any electoralist strategy, he argued that it was more important to control the streets than the council chamber, and that power was a product of force and will, not rational debate. He finally joined the party in 1995. In 1998, having defended the 'Political Soldier' line for years, Griffin abruptly switched sides. He aligned with Tony Lecomber's 'modernising' wing of the party. In 1999, he challenged for the leadership, and won. This 'modernising' didn't mean abandoning Nazi sympathies. (Lecomber has been known let the mask slip from time to time, as when he unwittingly told a reporter in 2004: "Do you remember Cabaret with Liza Minnelli, the part where, one by one, the Hitler Youth, our fellas, stand up and start saluting and singing? That is right stirring that is, gets the blood up every time.") The issue was how to represent oneself to the public. As Nick Griffin later explained: "As long as our own cadres understand the full implications of our struggle, then there is no need for us to do anything to give the public cause for concern ... we must at all times present them with an image of moderate reasonableness". For the duration of Tyndall's leadership, the BNP had been contemptuous of any propaganda tactics that would compromise its hostility to liberalism. Moreover, as Griffin and Lecomber complained, Tyndall's fondness for posing in Nazi uniforms had proven a severe "handicap" for the party. The media-friendly strategy that Griffin adopted was in fact to adopt the keywords of liberalism in many ways. Watch this clip from Panorama, where Griffin explains to KKK members what his present orientation involves. He basically instructs them on how to repackage fascist arguments in saleable terms, using liberal catchphrases.

ImageThe infamous leaflets the BNP have distributed attacking Islam assert, among other things, that the religion is 'intolerant' and promotes the 'molestation of women'. (Other leaflets blame Muslims for the heroin trade). The BNP have posed as defenders of free speech and civil liberties, utilising the racist fiction that Muslims are enemies of traditional 'British liberties'. After the recent election results, Nick Griffin could be heard explaining that Islam was a menace to womens' rights. The organisation that spent the 1980s promising to crush feminism was now pretending to be its champion and spokesperson. In the same way, while Griffin had responded to the nail bombing of a gay pub in Soho by engaging a depraved attack on gays for "flaunting their perversion". Of late, the BNP has attempted to tamp down its explicit homophobia. And as for the Nick Griffin who declared the Holocaust the 'Holo-hoax' and accused Jews of controlling the media in 1998? Now he's dissing antisemitic conspiracy theories as if he had never written what he had written and said what he had said. The BNP, absurdly, even has a Jewish councillor, although this didn't stop the party from fielding a candidate in this year's elections who maintained that the Holocaust had been a positive process that resulted in the benefits of dentistry and plastic surgery.

The BNP has also learned to imitate the tactics of the Liberal Democrats, tapping local grievances and espousing a 'community' based politics. Take as an example their breakthrough in Burnley, where they acquired their first representation since 1993, following terrifying race riots. The local Labour bureaucracy was profoundly complacent about the events and the upsurge in fascist activity at the time, downplaying any suggestion that racism was a local issue. The trouble was that, as John Rhodes has argued, the riots that took place were the result of long-term processes in which the growing contempt of locals for the Labour party combined with the racialisation of local politics by 'Independent' political forces in the area. The running down and neglect of these council estates had already produced youth riots, and clashes with the police in the early 1990s, which were just reflexively condemned by politicians and press. From the mid-1990s onward, Labour's vote collapsed locally. The party's endorsement of neoliberal policies meant that in practise it supported the accelerating destruction of the local manufacturing industry with low-wage jobs in the service economy replacing it. The growth in poverty that resulted meant that a quarter of the town’s population lived in areas deemed to be within the 10 per cent most deprived in the country. Between 1996 and 2003, the proportion of votes going to Labour fell from 61% to 30%. And the turnout was miserably low, so that in fact only 12% of potential voters actually backed Labour. In the same period, due the weakness of mainstream opposition parties (who would vote Tory or Lib Dem?), the local Independents started to benefit from increased support. And they had begun to attack Labour from the right, accusing it of 'positive discrimination' in favour of Asian communities. Shamefully, some of these accusations came from former Labour members on the council, while the Lib Dems, Tories and the local paper, the Burnley Express, was all to happy to repeat these claims. Further, it turned out that Labour councillors - far from lavishing undue attention on Asian residents - had been promoting a de facto segregation in housing to keep Asian residents out of their wards. It was in the most 'segregated' wards, with the highest number of white residents and the lowest number of Asian residents, that the BNP later got councillors elected. On top of that, because local councillors tended to act as lobbyists for their particular ward, the distribution of resources acquired 'racial' dimensions which the BNP could exploit. They did this by knowing the wards, finding out the racist beefs that most exercised residents, what was supposedly done for Stoneyholme and Daneshouse but not elsewhere, and so on. The established parties and the Independents had pulled local politics to the right, racialised issues of funding and investment, and softened the terrain for the fascists. Once more, though, this is not a simple story of the BNP picking up Old Labour votes. In truth, while many local Labour voters, out of sheer despair and stupidity, backed the BNP, proportionally more Tory voters rallied to the BNP. And since 2004, the main beneficiary of opposition to New Labour combined with anti-BNP feeling has been the local Liberal Democrats. A pretty miserable state of affairs, it has to be admitted, but better than allowing the BNP to run the council.

Importantly, part of the BNP's new strategy has also involved making far more effective in their use of the internet than their opponents. This is not a novelty introduced by Griffin. Nigel Copsey's informative discussion of this question points out that the Nazis were extolling the virtues of the internet since 1995 as it was 'the most significant development for politics since the invention of the television'. They understood fully the potential for reaching out beyond their marginal enclaves, and the focus paid off. BNP voters read the party's website and rely on it for news more than voters for any other organisation - according to this research, while only 4% of Tory and Labour voters use their party's website as the main source of news, 12% of BNP voters do. This is a comparatively sophisticated operation. The website contains reams and reams of regularly updated 'news' articles, racist polemics, misleading statistics, inventive but ultimately bizarre Youtube videos, and of course glowing photographs of the BNP higher-ups cuddling old ladies and things.

And so here we are. Despite the splits in the BNP throughout the decade (which the adept factionalist Griffin is surely used to), despite the leaks and the divisions and PR blunder, the generation of Nazis that had seen the NF almost decisively break through in the 1970s, and fail, has managed its comeback. The two BNP MEPs are both 0f that era. In fact, Andrew Brons was a member of the National Socialist Movement when it was launched by Tyndall, so his Nazi roots go back even further than those of his boss. If Tyndall had not bitten the dust in 2005, he would now be part of the same leadership, further underlining the continuity. The BNP's current strategy involves elaborate dissimulation about those fascistic dispositions, with careful restrictions on what party members may say in public, and labyrinthine procedures for getting to internal meetings. Matthew Collins, a former BNP member who left the organisation, has revealed how this works. He asserts that while the BNP has publicly abandoned its commitment to forced repatriation new goal is to effect ethnic cleansing by introducing a system of apartheid that would, through increasing harrassment and pressure, force the non-white population to leave Britain. This is what is meant by 'voluntary repatriation'. It would be a system of authoritarian terror that would, of necesssity, have to wipe out all democratic institutions and political opponents to achieve such ends. Who can say that Tyndall's dream of gas chamber eugenics might not become an important technology in such a process?
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:39 pm

http://www.thestar.com/news/insight/201 ... itism.html

Islamophobia: The new anti-Semitism

The post 9/11 decade has ushered in a new era of hatred and mistrust, where even fellow citizens are suspect — if they're Muslim.

By: Haroon Siddiqui Columnist, Published on Fri Sep 16 2011

One byproduct of 9/11 has been Islamophobia — fear of Islam and its adherents, Muslims. Rather than recede with time, it has been growing in the United States and Europe, while Canada has not been immune to it.

Hardly a month goes by without some controversy over hijab, niqab, “honour killings,” polygamy, “forced marriages,” “sharia,” prayers in public places, such as at Valley Park Middle School in Toronto, or over how far free speech may be invoked to disproportionately demonize Muslims and Islam without running afoul of Canadian and European anti-hate laws.

There are arguments, for sure, over:

• What constitutes Islamophobia. A critical study of Islam and Muslims obviously does not.

• How we got to this stage of what Prof. John Esposito of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. — the most prolific author on the subject — calls “the new anti-Semitism,” a “spreading social cancer.”

“In the past 10 years, we’ve seen an exponential increase in hostility towards Muslim fellow-citizens,” he tells me.

“This hatred threatens the democratic fabric of North American and European societies and impacts not only the civil liberties and safety of Muslims but also, as Norway shows, the safety of all citizens.”

Anders Breivik’s murder of 77 people in July to protest what he perceived as the Islamization of Europe was the most extreme example of Islamophobia. But there’s no shortage of incendiary anti-Muslim rhetoric. And there’s also little doubt that anti-Muslim demagoguery has moved from the margins to the mainstream.

Across Europe, far-right parties have made record political gains and are partners in some coalition governments. In the U.S., four Republican presidential candidates are openly on a warpath against Islam and Muslims. Twenty-three states are in various stages of banning sharia, Muslim religious law, as though its imposition was imminent.

It was not supposed to come to this.

In 2001, George W. Bush said that his war was on terrorists, not Muslims or Islam.

But he went on to claim, just as had Osama bin Laden, that his crusade was guided by God. His wars in Afghanistan and Iraq turned into disastrous occupations. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed. There was Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, torture and indefinite detentions.

Wars, especially long ones, need propaganda that, inevitably, produce narrow nationalism and cultural warfare.

If the jihadists were on a holy mission against the evil American empire, the U.S. and its NATO partners were targeting peoples and nations in need of our democracy, even if by force, and whose women needed liberating.

Just as the Muslim world turned against the U.S. and Europe, Americans and Europeans turned against Muslims, including their own minorities, nearly half of whom were born in Europe and North America. Fellow citizens were cast as strangers and potential fifth columnists.

Thousands were arrested. There was religious and ethnic profiling, mosque surveillance and warrantless wiretapping.

Canadian Muslims avoided crossing the border into the U.S., unless they absolutely had to, and stopped flying overseas through the U.S.

As collective guilt was spread, former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher and others said all Muslims were responsible for terrorism.

Conflating Muslim terrorists with all Muslims was just the beginning.

If Muslims over “there” were our enemies, Muslims “here” must be as well. If the Taliban and others in far-off lands mistreated their women, Muslim men in the West must be doing the same. Hijabi women here had to be rescued as well, even if we couldn’t make up our mind whether that piece of cloth represented oppression or rebellion.

Several groups exploited the fear factor after the terrorist murders in New York, Madrid and London.

American neo-cons demonized Arabs and Muslims to push their war agenda.

Evangelical Christians — believing that the eagerly awaited End of the World wouldn’t happen until all Jews returned to the Holy Land and converted to Christianity — joined right-wing Zionists. For both, pro-Israel equalled anti-Muslim.

Many among them made alliances with European right-wingers who had traded their old anti-Semitism for anti-Islamism, which was “only a slightly modified version of traditional anti-Semitism,” says Jocelyne Cesari, fellow at the French National Centre for Scientific Research.

Uri Avnery, longtime Israeli peace activist, wrote recently that when he saw some anti-Muslim German blogs, he was “shocked to the core. These outpourings are almost verbatim copies of the diatribes of Joseph Goebbels,” the propaganda minister for Hitler. “The same rabble-rousing slogans. The same base allegations. The same demonization.”

European extremists have been skilful in exploiting public panic over economic crises, unemployment and a loss of national identity under the European Union and globalization.

Combining xenophobia and Islamophobia, they said no to Muslim immigration, no to Muslim Turkey joining the EU and no to multiculturalism that mollycoddled Muslims. The message was delivered in the liberal language of women’s liberation and gay rights.

In France, Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front Party, is leading Nicolas Sarkozy in the polls for next year’s presidential election.

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, the anti-Muslim MP, led his Freedom Party into a partnership with the centre-right government. He wants to ban “the fascist Qur’an;” forbid the building of mosques, “palaces of hatred;” and impose a tax of 1,000 Euros a year on those wearing the hijab, “a swastika.”

Wilders was a key source of inspiration for Breivik, who belonged for nine years to Norway’s far-right Progress Party, which is now the second-largest party in parliament.

In Finland, the right-wing True Finns won 19 per cent of the vote in the elections in April to become the third-largest party.

In Sweden, the Democrats with neo-Nazi roots won their first seats in federal parliament last fall.

In Denmark, the land of the 2005 Muhammad cartoons, the right-wing People’s Party, which works with the governing coalition, calls Muslims “cancer cells,” “seeds of weeds” and “a plague on Europe.”

In the U.K., about 50 per cent of mosques, Islamic centres and Muslim organizations have suffered at least one attack since 9/11, according to the European Muslim Research Centre at Exeter University.

Instead of confronting the right, the mainstream parties have been pandering to or partnering with them.

Belgium and France banned the niqab (as has Quebec since). Italy, under Silvio Berlusconi’s centre-right government, is in the process of doing so.

British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel followed Sarkozy in pronouncing multiculturalism a failure.

Six German states banned the hijab. Some others instituted Muslim-specific questions in tests for citizenship, denied those deemed to have a religious orientation.

Anti-Islamic sentiment crosses ideological lines.

Its proponents include leftist intellectuals. In the 2008 Swiss referendum to ban minarets, left-of-centre voters voted with right-wingers.

When German central bank member Thilo Sarrazin said in his best-selling book Germany Does Away with Itself that Muslim genes are inferior and that Muslims are incapable of being integrated, he was backed by former chancellor Helmut Schmidt.
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:01 am

Left/right convergence in France


Several items from Tendance Coatesy, on the Voltaire Network, on the French far right’s links to Putinism, and on Godard’s fascist turn.

http://antigerman.wordpress.com/2014/06 ... in-france/
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:43 am

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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:59 pm

From Meta-Politics To Mass Murder – A New Right-Wing Extremism


http://anarkisterna.com/blog/2011/08/25 ... extremism/

It is horrible. The massacre on Utøya and attack in Oslo’s government district is the worst right-wing terrorist act directed against the Scandinavian labor movement. How could it happen? How could such an extensive and long-term terrorist plan go completely unnoticed by the security police?

Let there be no mistake about it, this was a political deed, politically motivated and directed against political targets.

The first official reaction was the opposite: to depoliticize the terrorist attack, as an outcome of madness or evil, directed at everyone, at ”open society” as a whole. To be met with the same kind of crisis management like a tsunami, with appeals for calm, sadness and national cohesion.

Also in Sweden the prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt at his press conference appealed to the need for cohesion, national unity, rather than focusing on what political threats were aimed at us, since such a discussion would only benefit the uttermost ”extremists, living in symbiosis with each other”. Extremists, a totally non-political force, a form of hooliganism lacking motives.

Why does it hurt so much to analyse this new right-wing extremism? Why aren’t we even allowed to pin the epithet ”right-wing” to it?

Security police analysts sitting in TV sofas have assured that they have a good insight into the ”white power milieu”. And still, they could not foresee this.

These two aspects are interrelated. They are part of the same blindness. The search light has been directed in the wrong direction. We do not have one extreme right-wing anymore, but several. The new form of right-wing extremism that has taken shape in Europe over the past five years did not emerge from the periphery. It did not emerge from the neo-Nazi groups or white power milieu (a designation that neo-Nazi groups themselves stopped using ten years ago, when the white power music scene fell apart). It did not emerge from the street-fascist movement that the security police routine-like monitors.

The terrorist deed came from within established right-wing populism, the extreme right today considered to be housebroken, euphemistically called ”immigration-critical”, ”islam-critical”, ”xenophobic”. It has much closer links to the Sweden Democrats than to the Swedish Resistance Movement or the Free Nationalists, the heirs of the white power scene. This new current is an extreme right-wing acting on a European level rather than nationally, being pro-Israel and pro-Zionist rather than anti-Semitic, islamophobic and culturally racist rather than rooted in racial ideology, seeing the cultural struggle as a major venue, and disguising its rhetoric in a supposedly ”anti-racist” language rather than an onerous and stigmatized extreme right-wing rhetoric.

It increasingly appears that Anders Behring Breivik’s massacre of young leftists was planned far in advance and the target selected with care, to provide maximum shock effect in the community and maximum circulation of Breivik’s opinions, summarized in the 1500-page copy and paste manifesto ”2083 – A European Declaration of Indepence”. The diary part of the text shows how the terrorist action was planned in detail, making it one of history’s most documented acts of terrorism. The massacre was only a means, to draw attention to Breivik’s worldview and provoke more terrorist acts. Instead of focusing on those in power with high positions, he chose to focus on the grassroots, those without personal protection. A ”quantitative” act of terrorism rather than a ”qualitative”. The number of dead young people would give his deeds greater impact and shock effect than a single act of terrorism directed against the ”heart of power”.

Breivik’s views, as expressed in the manifesto, are well-entrenched in the two pillars forming the base for the new European extreme right-wing: counterjihad and cultural struggle.

The CounterJihad-movement

The CounterJihad-movement has arisen from the straggling Islamophobia that has grown since September 11th 2001, inspired by the conspiratorial Eurarabia-theories. In the past five or six years, a network of European blogs has been created, gathered under the label Counter-Jihad. The leading ones have been Gates of Vienna, Brussels Journal from Belgium and Fjordman from Norway.

In April 2007, the network came together for a joint meeting in Copenhagen, ”UK and Scandinavia CounterJihad Summit”. The meeting was organized by bloggers Gates of Vienna and Fjordman, to bring together and coordinate the new movement, supported by Anders Graver Pedersen’s Danish network Stop Islamisation of Denmark (SIAD). In addition to a load of bloggers from Norway, Denmark and Sweden, one sole Scandinavian party participated with representatives: Ted Ekeroth from the Sweden Democrats. This event was followed by annual conferences in Brussels in 2007, Vienna in 2008, Copenhagen in 2009 and Zurich in 2010.

Gates of Vienna summarizes the movement’s goals in a brief manifesto:

”The goals of CounterJihad are:

1. To resist further Islamization of Western countries by eliminating Muslim immigration, refusing any special accommodations for Islam in our public spaces and institutions, and forbidding intrusive public displays of Islamic practices.

2. To contain Islam within the borders of existing Muslim-majority nations, deporting all Muslim criminals and those who are unable or unwilling to assimilate completely into the cultures of their adopted countries.

3. To end all foreign aid and other forms of subsidy to the economies of Muslim nations.

4. To develop a grassroots network that will replace the existing political class in our countries and eliminate the reigning multicultural ideology, which enables Islamization and will cause the destruction of Western Civilization if left in place.

The main ideologist and organizer of the network is the Norwegian pseudonym Fjordman (Peder Jensen), who also guest writes at Gates of Vienna and Brussels Journal. Breivik calls the ideology he accedes to the ”Vienna School of Thought”. Most of Breivik’s manifesto is directly copied from Fjordman’s texts, and Breivik declares Fjordman to be his favorite author. After the terrorist deed there have been speculations about the link between the anonymous Fjordman and Breivik. Ted Ekeroth has himself on his blog vouched for Fjordman, that Fjordman and Breivik are separate people. At Gates of Vienna Fjordman argues that he never met Breivik in person.

Godfathers and financiers of the Swedish branch of the CounterJihad movement are the brothers Kent and Ted Ekeroth of the Sweden Democrats, who conducted a series of anti-Islamisation conferences. Their Anti-Islamisation fond finances the movement’s conferences. Member of Parliament and international secretary of the Sweden Democrates Kent Ekeroth is also signatory for the bank giro for the important Swedish movement-blog Politically Incorrect.

If the CounterJihad bloggers’ role in the first place has been to conduct a ”cultural struggle”, more political initiatives have emerged from the movement as well. Anders Graver Pedersen’s SIAD has tried to create a European equivalent through Stop Islamisation of Europe, SIOE. The CounterJihad movement and SIOE have also shown great interest in the emergence of the militant movement English Defence League from the British football hooligan scene. Through a combination of Facebook, social media and provocative violent demonstrations in front of mosques in connection with football matches, the EDL quickly grew into a major mass movement and is described by the British police as the biggest threat to internal order in the UK. EDL’s ideologue Alan Lake was invited over by Kent Ekeroth to his Anti-Islamisation conference in 2009 and in the summer of 2010 the Swedish equivalent, the Swedish Defence League was formed by a bunch of SD-backers.

Breivik showed great interest in the English Defence League and on the Norwegian forum Document.no he has advocated the start-up of a Norwegian counterpart to strike at the Norwegian anti-racist organizations. On the forum he describes how he has been using the EDL’s Facebook group to spread his propaganda material, has had chat contact with several leading EDL:ers and helped them formulate ideological texts. Breivik and the EDL have shared the same fascination and identification with the Crusaders as a symbol of the struggle against Islam.

Norway’s central forum for an anti-Islamic debate is journalist Hans Rustad’s Document.no, founded in 2003. In the past year, the association ”Documents venner” (Friends of Document) was formed, organizing seminars with big names from the CounterJihad movement (as Roger Scruton), but also personalities like the Swedish provocative artist Lars Vilks. Breivik has been an active writer on the forum and also participated in the seminars. At the forum, he advocated the line that Rustad’s site should become the basis for a cultural conservative newspaper and tried to promote the creation of a Norwegian EDL or a Norwegian version of the Teaparty movement. Document.no has collected Breivik posts here.

The CounterJihad movement has thus in only a few years evolved with ramifications into the parliamentary camp, a ”culture struggle” current through the blog networks, a militant street branch – and now with Breivik received their first terrorist expression. You cannot view these different expressions individually, but assess them on the basis of the entirety they form and the interactions that occur between their various branches. What distinguishes the different branches is one of degrees, not one of species. Their basic analysis and world view is the same, the only difference between them is the perception of temporality, how imminent and urgent the threat of Islamisation is. The ”moderate” elements believe that the war against Islam has not yet broken out, that there is still a chance to reverse the process politically and curtail the expansion of Islam – while the militant elements (both the street militant as the EDL or the terrorist one with Breivik) consider the war to already be upon them, the political class to be corrupt to the core and time to be too short for anything but direct acts of resistance. 2083, the main title of Breivik’s ”terror manifesto”, alluding to the year in which Islam will have won the war and it will be too late to act – an allusion to when the Ottoman Empire stood at the Gates of Vienna 400 years earlier, and ”threatened the European civilization” last time.

Cultural Struggle

Islam should not be seen as a religion but as an ideology, according to the CounterJihad movement. They equate Islam, Communism and Nazism as three forms of totalitarian ideologies. The Marxist ideology is considered guilty of having opened up the doors for the process of Islamization, with the goal of destroying the Western world.

The way the left is seen is taken from the French New Right (Nouvelle Droite) and their discussion of cultural struggle and meta-politics. According to this view, the Left in 68 tried to challenge capitalism and lost the battle for the political and economic power, however it managed to take the cultural power. Economic ”hard” Marxism collapsed with the collapse of real socialism, while ”soft” Marxism was able to keep its grip on the institutions producing knowledge and ideology: education, research, culture and media. Through their controling of the production of ideology the Left achieved a cultural hegemony, the privilege of problem formulation and thus set the framework for the fundamental values and norms which since then have shaped all politics. The root to this ”soft”, infiltrating Marxism, ”cultural Marxism”, which made its ”long march through the institutions”, the New Right saw in Gramsci’s theories of hegemony and the Frankfurt School. The concepts of cultural Marxism, multiculturalism and political correctness are used parallelly by the New Right to describe the same phenomenon.

In Sweden, the theories have mainly been put forward through the Nordiska förbundet, their bloggportal Motpol, the community Nordisk.nu (where Breivik had an account) and their publishers Arktos. The ”metapolitical” struggle, the struggle for the problem formulation, words, concepts, norms and values are seen as the precursor of politics, and the blog authors and ”trolls” of the comment fields as a vanguard in this cultural struggle. The fight against ”political correctness” and the underdog perspective that unite the extreme right (and parts of the established right) are in the theory of the New Right formed to a coherent political project.

Mathias Wåg
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:59 pm

http://www.leftfootforward.org/2014/05/ ... isemitism/

The BNP returns to its roots: Nazi-style antisemitism

By MARK GARDNER | Published: MAY 22, 2014

This is not neo-Nazism, it is old original Nazism, echoing Mein Kampf and Der Steurmer

ImageThe BNP seems set for a whitewashing in today’s European and local elections, but as the ballot box recedes, so the party has now fully returned to its old Nazi-style antisemitic heritage: and the torch is passing to BNP Youth, a new generation of great white hopes, destined for the same old futile, stupid, antisemitic dead end.

At times the language and targets, “Zionists“, “neo-Cons“, “capitalists“, “globalisation”, resemble the modern extremes of far-Left, Islamist and (especially) New Age ideology.

There is, however, nothing modern about BNP antisemitism, not even when they swap the word “Zionist” for the word “Jew“ (as advised here by party leader, Nick Griffin).

It is a very serious antisemitism that blames Jews for nothing less than the destruction of European nations. This is not neo-Nazism, it is old original Nazism, echoing Mein Kampf and Der Steurmer.

In public broadcasts the party still targets Muslims for ugly racism, but within its own circles the deeper antisemitic ideology is resurrected. Nick Griffin shows the way in this BNP TV video, entitled ‘Europe Rises Again’ (note that wording, ‘rises again’). It was filmed in March at a far-Right conference in Rome. From about 55 seconds to 2 min 08 seconds, Griffin warns against globalisation and (from 1.20) “another Zionist war” that wants the “blood” of Europe’s young men. Then (from 1.40), it is Europe’s nations being:

“murdered…cold-blooded, calculated and deliberate by the Zionists, the neo-Cons and the capitalists”.

References follow to “vampire banks” and (7.44) how European “elites” are “not politicians, they are banksters’ puppets”. This is old Nazi territory and Griffin’s imagery of “banksters’ puppets” and “vampire banks” fits it snugly, like a Hugo Boss SS tunic.

Where Griffin leads, BNP Youth follows. Their recent video, ‘BNP Youth Fight Back’ has been understandably ridiculed, but is no laughing matter. It is under three minutes long and begins with BNP Youth Organiser Jack Renshaw decrying the enforced “bastardisation” of the British people. Other young faces follow, demanding to know who is responsible for a range of crimes, from national debt to poor education.

The answers come next, beginning at 1.14 with “the banksters” (yes, “banksters” again). Then, at 1.20, an especially well-worn scapegoat:

“The heartless Zionists, who’s interests are foreign interests, who send our soldiers to fight and die for private profit of greedy politicians.”

Continues at: http://www.leftfootforward.org/2014/05/ ... isemitism/
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:56 pm

And on this side:

Britain First 'battalion' invades mosque demanding removal of 'sexist' entrance signs

The far-right group have given Bibles to Muslims and conducted 'Christian patrols'

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ho ... 07978.html
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:48 am

http://nycantifa.wordpress.com/2014/07/ ... st-nazism/

Polish “Fascists Against Nazism” in Britain

Posted on July 11, 2014 by valdinoci

An illuminating backgrounder on fascist organizing in Britain’s Polish immigrant community. There is the same dynamic here in the New York City, in Greenpoint’s Polish enclave. But can you be a fascist and an anti-Nazi at the same time? Maciej Zurowski says Yes.

‘Christ of Nations’ in London

Maciej Zurowski

Workers Have No Country

It was one of those typical London neighbourhood events, where crusties and punks rub shoulders with local working class families. On June 21, a free techno, punk and reggae open-air festival in Tottenham’s Markfield Park, dedicated to the ‘international language of music’, offered residents of the north London borough a chance to enjoy the heat wave together. But the fun ended abruptly when up to 40 football hooligan types crashed the party, pelting bottles, throwing rocks and shooting flares at unsuspecting visitors. A young man was stabbed – fortunately, his injuries were superficial.

ImageThe attackers, who had also assaulted an orthodox Jew nearby, ranged from teenagers to middle-aged men, and wore T-shirts bearing slogans such as “Great Poland”. Most of them were local residents – members of a loose homosocial grouping named Zjednoczeni Emigranci Londyn (United Emigrants London), which largely consists of football ultras of a rightwing persuasion. According to the stickers they have been putting up around the borough lately, ZEL is at the forefront of fighting communism: crossed out hammers and sickles, and a graphic of a muscle-bound skinhead kicking someone on the ground, accompanied by the slogan, “Good night, left side”. Indeed, it appears that even a bunch of punk rockers and local families enjoying a day in the park can be construed as communistic.

Swiftly reacting on social media, the Socialist Worker Party’s front organisation, Unite Against Fascism, referred to the thugs as simply ‘neo-Nazis’, while withholding any further details for the time being. (1) Far-right Polish migrants violently attacking fellow members of ‘our multicultural society’ – these ingredients just proved too spicy for the comrades. And so UAF embarked on a tightrope walk, demanding “Nazis out of Tottenham” on a Monday evening protest in front of Tottenham town hall, while at the same time national secretary Weyman Bennett distanced UAF from any “backlash over immigration”.(2) Unfortunately for UAF, however, the first slogan begs the question as to where the Polish “Nazis” are supposed to go if not back to Poland.

Spontaneous suggestions on the organisation’s Facebook page painfully laid bare the limits of ‘broad-based’ anti-fascism: “We need to be able to correctly determine who is here as a legitimate fellow European and who is here to cause trouble,” stated a UAF supporter, calling on “the authorities” to “send them packing”. Someone else demanded “immediate deportation”, telling the “Hitler-loving cunts” to “go back to Poland”. Yet another poster’s contribution is worth quoting at length: “The extraordinary audacity of these pond scum makes my gorge rise. We have enough derogatory ill-bred chavs in my town, we don’t need any more very common louts. However did these racists get in here?” UAF responded in the only way it knows how: by breathlessly deleting, removing and blocking the worst offenders.


As for the ‘neo-Nazi’ tag, it is not strictly true. More likely, United Emigrants London are a motley crew of football hooligans with loose ties to the National-Radical (aka NaRa) milieu around the National Movement coalition, which contains narodowcy (nationalist) groups such as the National Radical Camp (ONR) and the All-Polish Youth – the latter two harking back to pre-war organisations of the same name. Marching under the slogan “god – honour – fatherland”, NaRa is ideologically informed by hard-line Catholicism (3) and the legacy of National Democracy (aka ND or Endecja), a Polish bourgeois movement originating in the late 19th century. National Democracy’s most illustrious leader was Roman Dmowski. The founder of the Camp of Great Poland, Dmowski was a political anti-Semite and Germanophobe of the highest order. It is he who coined the slogan, “I am Polish, therefore I have Polish duties” – words that also adorn the website of Patriae Fidelis, a Polish organisation in the UK to which we shall return later. (4)

With its core support at university campuses, historically NaRa represented a radical continuation of the ethnic and religious nationalism formulated by Dmowski. From 1934 onwards, it adopted the tropes and methods of European fascist movements, such as the ‘Roman salute’ and a fetish for stylish uniforms, and organised street violence against Jews and left activists. During World War II the NaRa camp was part of the underground resistance against the Nazi occupation, as well as constituting part of the Polish government in exile.(5)

Things got messy for narodowcy under the Stalinist dictatorship, which had conceded the ethnically homogeneous Polish state demanded by nationalists.(6) In 1947, the founder of the violently anti-Semitic National-Radical Camp Falanga group, Bolesław Piasecki, set up the Pax Society in cooperation with the Soviet NKVD ‘law enforcement’ agency. His job: to promote a ‘progressive, secular Catholicism’ – ie, promote Stalinist rule in Poland and act as a mediator between the regime and the national church. While some narodowcy turned to supporting the Solidarność ‘union’ in the late 70s, others had grown rather fond of the United Polish Workers Party’s brand of national socialism – especially after its opportunistic anti-Jewish purges of 1968.(7) Like the Grunwald Patriotic Union, a grotesque ‘anti-Zionist’ propaganda group formed under the auspices of the 1980s regime of Wojciech Jaruzelski and prominently staffed with veteran ‘national Catholics’, some Pax Society old-timers supported the introduction of martial law in 1981. To these hoary patriots, Solidarność represented “unPolish”, “Masonic” and “Jewish” interests. (8)

Fascists Against Nazism

As we have seen, the NaRa camp’s historical record of fighting ‘communism’ is chequered at best. There is little doubt, however, that it stands for an organic Polish nationalism rooted in the country’s specific history: its anti-Semitism is accompanied by strong anti-German and anti-Russian resentment. The 1944 Warsaw uprising against Nazi rule serves as a patriotic reference point similar to ‘Britain’s finest hour’ – except that it conveys a distinctively Polish nationalist blend of tragedy and defiance. It is not so unusual to hear NaRas fervently decry Nazi crimes, even if they are referring to crimes against Catholic Poles exclusively. Some engage in holocaust denial – not to absolve Hitler, but to convey the message that non-Jewish Poles were the biggest victims.

Sometimes, Polish anti-fascists are at pains to suggest that neo-NaRas wilfully ‘misrepresent’ the true ‘anti-fascist tradition’ of Polish patriotism. But there is little reason to suppose that the white, crowned eagle adorning their standards is really a Nazi eagle in disguise. Banners displayed by United Emigrants London at a ceremony in Markfield Park earlier this year featured a crossed-out swastika next to a crossed-out hammer and sickle.(9) The purpose of the event: to celebrate the so-called ‘day of the cursed soldiers’. A public holiday in Poland since 2011, this commemorates the nationalist partisans who fought both Hitler’s and Stalin’s troops – as well as committing the odd anti-Jewish pogrom in the process. As a conservative Polish website reminds its readers, Stalinist propaganda “unjustly” referred to these men as “fascists” and “bandits”.(10)

A Nationalist International

Despite everything, a genuinely neo-Nazi underground has been present in Poland since the late 1980s. Initially organised in skinhead networks such as the Aryan Survival Front (AFP), it now primarily coalesces in the Polish chapters of Blood and Honour and Combat 18.(11) Given the well-documented atrocities of German occupation forces on Polish soil, however, Hitler-worship was never likely to gain much traction among Polish nationalists and has remained a relatively marginal subcultural phenomenon. In the course of the 90s, boneheads increasingly chose ‘NaRa’ over ‘NS’. As ‘Robson’, the former manager of Poland’s most prominent neo-Nazi rock band, Konkwista 88, remembers, “National Socialist and Hitlerite imagery was totally unacceptable for many Polish skins – so they supported Legion, a ‘national-Catholic’ band, instead.”(12)

What NaRas and Nazis have in common is that they find themselves increasingly at odds with the realities of a globalised world. Perhaps in response, an emphasis on ‘white nationalism’ has been in the ascendancy – an ideology that often requires tricky juggling between transnational ‘white brotherhood’ and loyalty to one’s respective country. National Rebirth of Poland (NOP), a Third Positionist/NaRa organisation illegally founded in 1981, may serve as an example of this trend. Despite its long-standing struggle against the scourges of both immigration and emigration, it has had to come to terms with the implications of European Union membership: after 2004, some of its economically fraught recruits decided to look for work abroad, although the NOP website stresses that its ‘Division England’ activists are only “temporarily residing” in the UK. When not commemorating “Polish fighter pilots who defended British airspace from German invaders during World War II” – a commonplace one would not put past UAF – they are, presumably, dedicating their energies to the international solidarity of the ‘white race’ at the expense of more strictly patriotic commitments.(13)

Some organisations purposely prey on the sense of alienation felt by Polish migrants. There is, for instance, the “Polish youth association”, Patriae Fidelis, which has chapters in at least five British cities and presents itself as a mild-mannered, independent support group for Polish expatriates in the UK.(14) Occasionally, Patriae Fidelis will organise street protests over discrimination against Polish migrants – a theme it liberally amalgamates with defending Poland’s “good name” abroad, as well as calling for a nebulous “fight for Poland”. Those who follow the call and show up at demonstrations are usually treated to irrelevant speeches about World War II fighter pilots – and, if they are lucky, Patriae Fidelis might just invite them to a public discussion with Robert Winnicki, the leader of the ‘All-Polish Youth’. Behind the paternalistic facade is, unsurprisingly, the aforementioned National Movement coalition, which contains all manner of unsavoury forces, ranging from ‘national conservative’ through to NaRa.(15) The political violence against the left, pro-choice activists and LGBT groups that emanates from some of these organisations in Poland is brutal – and occasionally murderous.

Identity Politics

It is perhaps worth stressing that, despite the National Movement’s concerted propaganda effort for the Polish diaspora vote, the coalition scored a derisory 1.39% in this year’s EU elections – much less than the far-right parties of the core west European countries. As is so often the case with fascists, they mainly pose a problem at street level. But even an unpleasant gang such as United Emigrants London – which has graced Patriae Fidelis events with its presence and whose members have reportedly been used as security staff – does not necessarily consist of incorrigible fascist thugs. True, some members may be seasoned veterans continuing their chosen lifestyles in exile. But, according to local residents, the group has seen a considerable growth over the past three years, pulling in many teenage hangers-on.

There is nothing particularly new about disaffected émigrés and their descendants turning to chauvinism. The fascist Grey Wolves, for instance, have been recruiting among Turkish working class youths in Berlin for decades. As a member of the UK section of a Polish antifa group, Crew 161, told the Haringey Independent in reference to United Emigrants London, “when people like this first come here, they feel very alienated, often because they can’t speak English very well. Perhaps this is a way they can bond with each other and feel less alienated.”(16) What is more, a historically conditioned narrative of martyrdom has informed Polish nationalism since the early 19th century. It constructs the Polish nation as an eternally maltreated, yet messianic ‘Christ of nations’ that can do no wrong.(17)

Suffice to say, the Polish experience of the 20th century has only reinforced this concept. It is easy to see how this type of identity politics can offer the socially ill-adjusted an ideological refuge – especially when faced with mainstream British chauvinism of the UK Independence Party variety. Organisations like Patriae Fidelis zealously exploit this national complex, never shying away from feeding and amplifying the characteristically Polish sense of being treated unjustly, misrepresented, underappreciated. When Weyman Bennett invokes the local “Polish community”, which “goes all the way back to the 1940s, when they fled the Nazis”, in the Morning Star, groups like United Emigrants London can be included. Indeed, this stuff is an integral part of their ‘identity’.(18)

Unity Is Strength

The question for communists, then, is not kicking the “Nazis out of Tottenham”, but one of long-term integration of migrants into the local working class. At first, this might well involve small acts of outreach. For instance, although not really in need of such concessions myself, I was nonetheless charmed to receive a letter from the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition that outlined in Polish why I should give Tusc my vote in the May local elections: because I live in one of the most austerity-stricken boroughs of London, and because my interests do not essentially differ from those of native working class people. Naturally, this project also involves countering the myths, half-truths and carefully cultivated notion of victimhood disseminated by the nationalist intelligentsia of Patriae Fidelis from its comfortable Chiswick headquarters. It is divisive poison that runs directly counter to the real interests of Polish workers both at home and abroad.

UAF’s continued advocacy of multiculturalism – the cross-class politics of celebrating difference and looking to ‘community leaders’ to represent their flock along ethnic lines – will not do the trick. Readers may be surprised to learn that the UAF London demonstration for UN Anti-Racism Day 2014 was joined by Patriae Fidelis chair Jerzy Byczynski, who took to the platform to speak out against “totalitarianism”, “extremism” and discrimination against Poles.(19) And indeed what the would-be community leaders of Patriae Fidelis officially stated in response to the Tottenham attack heavily draws on multiculturalist arguments: “This generation of children … living in the UK suffers even more than their peers in Poland. This is because there is still no Polish youth sports teams, Polish theatre groups, Polish libraries. Poles in the UK are still very atomised, which mostly affects children … Poles in the UK must start to unite. Let’s create Polish cultural groups in every district in the same way that Jewish, Turkish and Kurdish minorities did in the UK … We already have proven patterns of how to take care of our minority: let’s use them.”

What we really need is working class theatre groups, working class cultural societies, working class papers, working class libraries and a working class political party that represents the interests of all workers internationally – regardless of ethnicity, nationality or passport. Not to mention working class boots kicking the pampered behinds of Patriae Fidelis.


1. http://www.facebook.com/UAFpage/posts/10152152205295814.

2. ‘Police seek London neo-Nazi knifeman’ Morning Star June 23.

3. Polish Catholics are split into two camps: Vatican loyalists tend to favour a substantial separation between church and politics. Radicals and ‘national Catholics’ reject the 1965 decisions of the Second Vatican Council (a dialogue with other religions, state-guaranteed freedom of religion) and insist that politics be shaped in Catholicism’s image.

4. Rosa Luxemburg gives an impression of Endecja activities in the first chapter of The national question. Acting in the interests of the propertied classes, the movement engaged in strikebreaking and, according to Luxemburg, “incited ‘national’ workers to assassinate socialist workers”. Lenin referred to the movement as the ‘Polish Black Hundreds’.

5. As the leader of the National Radical Camp, Jan Mosdorf, put it in a speech to the All-Polish Youth in 1938, “We are not fascists or Hitlerites – primarily because we are a purely Polish movement.” Mosdorf, who had argued since the 1920s that the Germans were the worst enemies of the Polish nation, was arrested by the Gestapo in 1940 and murdered in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in 1943.

6. On this question, Stalin admitted to having been crucially influenced by Stanisław Grabski, a National Democrat member of the Polish government in exile whom he had met. In return, Grabski referred to Stalin as “the greatest realist of all”.

7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Polis ... cal_crisis.

8. http://www.11listopada.org/wiadomosc/na ... olaboracja.

9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5QUD2oamFw.

10. http://bydgoszcz.koliber.org/?page_id=8.

11. The Polish Blood and Honour website states: “Forget the ‘patriots’, the flag-wavers and the grovellers to kings and princes” – a postulate that inevitably puts it at odds with the hegemonic NaRa camp. Conversely, the National Movement’s home page renounces the most recent neo-Nazi fad, autonomous nationalism, as follows: “We declare that the so-called ‘autonomous nationalists’ operating on Polish territory are in reality hostile to us and our fatherland. Their organisation is inspired by German, radically anti-Polish political forces. We do not want to entertain any relations with this group of pagans and National Socialists other than tracking them down and bringing them to justice. Their activities must stop now.”

12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqTgYEKJ9M0.

13. http://en.nop.org.pl/2013/12/07/divisio ... our-heroes.

14. http://patriaefidelis.pl.

15. In a Facebook post of March 2013, for instance, Patriae Fidelis had the “honour to present the National Movement’s declaration of principles”, which included customary themes, such as “maintaining a Polish national identity based on Christian fundaments” and a “struggle against the promotion of cosmopolitanism”. However, the National Movement does not seem to have an actual political programme, instead focussing on historic anniversaries, commemorations, and ceremonies (http://www.facebook.com/PatriaeFidelis/ ... 0615294025).

16. http://www.haringeyindependent.co.uk/ne ... 6349.print.

17. The term, ‘Christ of nations’, was originally coined by the Polish romantic poet, Adam Mickiewicz, in Dziady, a loose cycle of dramas published between 1822 and 1860.

18. ‘Police seek London neo-Nazi knifeman’ Morning Star June 23.

19. A video is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzQjZCmvXPY. Compare and contrast Byczynski’s moving speech at the 2013 congress of the National Movement in Warsaw – on Polish pride, Polish heroes, and highly taxed Polish entrepreneurs being “slaves in their own country”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVbSESr-vmA.


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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:35 am


Published in September 2009, an analysis of nationalism, where it comes from, and why anarchists fundamentally oppose it.

Against Nationalism - AFed.pdf
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:32 pm

https://antigerman.wordpress.com/2014/0 ... tisemites/

Anti-Zionist antisemites

15 jul 14

Of course anti-Zionism is not the same as antisemitism. But some anti-Zionists are antisemites. Here’s three examples.

1. Parisian anti-Israel protestors besiege Jews in synagogues.

At the weekend, it is reported that “three Paris synagogues sustained anti-Semitic attacks over the weekend with rioters sending three Jews to the hospital.” Note well: not the Israeli embassy, but Jewish synagogues.

In the 11th arrondissement in eastern Paris, breakaway anti-Israel marchers “tried to force their way into a Paris synagogue Sunday with bats and chairs, then fought with security officers who blocked their way, according to police and a witness.”

A police spokeswoman said the Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue in eastern Paris was targeted during a service, and worshippers were blocked inside while police pushed protesters back. The spokeswoman said all those inside left safely by Sunday evening.

Aline Le Bail-Kremer watched the incident unfold from her window across the street. She said protesters came from two directions and converged on the synagogue, grabbing chairs from sidewalk cafes and wielding bats as they tried to push past security guards.

Another synagogue on Rue de la Roquette in Paris was attacked by rioters hurling stones, according to the Times of Israel. Earlier on Saturday, rioters hurled a Molotov cocktail at a synagogue in Aulnay-sous-Bois, a suburb of Paris.

On the march itself, “Among the protesters were those who carried signs reading “Gaza is a concentration camp” and “Anti-Zionism,” according to local reports, and some called out “Death to Jews.””

One French Green Party politician defended the antisemitic attacks. Pierre Minnaert said it was “not surprising” that synagogues “under attack” when they support Israel’s policies.

Protestors doing antisemitic quenelle saluate. Via @mendelpol

Protesters demonstrate against Israel and in support of residents in the Gaza Strip in Paris, July 13, 2014.Photo by AFP via Ha’aretz.

A protester wearing a gas mask and a kaffiyeh holds a fake rocket with the Israeli flag, swastikas and a nuclear symbol during a demonstration against Israel and in support of residents in the Gaza Strip in Paris.KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/AFP/Getty Images, via IBT.

Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators holding banners and chanting anti Israeli slogans march through Paris, via Independent.

Video. JPost report.

2. Meanwhile in Frankfurt, Germany:

A demonstration in Frankfurt against Operation Protective Edge erupted into violence, with protesters tossing stones at the police.

According to the Frankfurter Rundschau paper, about 2,500 protesters appeared in downtown Frankfurt, screaming “God is great,” and slogans such as “freedom for Palestine” and “children-murderer Israel.”

Eight police officers were injured. One sign at the rally was titled, “You Jews are Beasts.”

German media reported that after the protests, groups sought to locate Jewish institutions. The Frankfurt police said Jewish institutions would be protected. It is unclear if the goal was to attack said institutions.

According to the Rundschau, student organization Left-SDS, Islamists and some members of the Neo-Nazi group National Socialists Rhein-Main attended the anti-Israel protest. Flags from Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Hamas were on display at the protest. Banners compared Prime Minister Netanyahu with Adolf Hitler. Supporters of Assad’s regime were also present at the protest.

In a bizarre act of cooperation, German journalist and publicist Thomas von der Osten-Sacken reported on the website of the weekly Jungle World that Frankfurt’s police allowed the demonstrators to use a police vehicle and loudspeaker to blast anti-Israeli slogans. According to a police statement, the authorities allowed the use of their equipment in order to deescalate the situation. The Jungle World article sarcastically titled its account, “The Police, Friend and Helper.”

Spontaner Protest auf der Zeil. Foto: Rolf Oeser. Via Frankfurter Rundschau.

Independent report.

3. #HitlerWasRight

Meanwhile, the hashtag #HitlerWasRight has been trending on social media, showing the extent to which Holocaust denial and Nazi ideology have permeated the anti-Zionist movement. Read more about this here
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:10 pm

LOL. what Anti Semitism rising in Europe?

As all these articles illustrate, the once virulently anti Jewish white right wing/fascist/neo Nazi groups in Europe have in recent time become staunchly pro Israeli
and anti Muslim/Arab.

http://www.newsweek.com/far-right-polit ... rael-68583
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blume ... 56497.html
http://www.haaretz.com/news/german-neo- ... m-1.247193
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... right.html

The harassment of Jews coming out of worship by young Parisian Arab youth is despicable, but overall I'd say the larger climate is much tipped toward
anti Arab/Anti Muslim than anti Jewish. It's all pathetic...Rodney King's "Can't We All Get Along?" should be carved in stone and bronze on every corner of the world.
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:25 pm

8bitagent » Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:10 pm wrote:LOL. what Anti Semitism rising in Europe?

As all these articles illustrate, the once virulently anti Jewish white right wing/fascist/neo Nazi groups in Europe have in recent time become staunchly pro Israeli
and anti Muslim/Arab.

http://www.newsweek.com/far-right-polit ... rael-68583
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blume ... 56497.html
http://www.haaretz.com/news/german-neo- ... m-1.247193
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... right.html

The harassment of Jews coming out of worship by young Parisian Arab youth is despicable, but overall I'd say the larger climate is much tipped toward
anti Arab/Anti Muslim than anti Jewish. It's all pathetic...Rodney King's "Can't We All Get Along?" should be carved in stone and bronze on every corner of the world.

Yeah- this thread illustrates the ambiguous nature of white nationalist scapegoating today. In the UK, the EDL is on to Islamophobia but the BNP prefers Judeophobia.

I'd definitely agree that Islamophobia and anti-Arab Racism are more socially sanctioned and widespread today (on both sides of the Atlantic). Also that the "New Anti-Semitism" trope as a cover for ethnic cleansing and other such crimes in Palestine is tired old bullshit.

That said, there can be really misguided thinking on the other side, very much including Hamas supporters.

There is a better way- unfortunately those who embody it tend to get less support and recognition than the bozos...
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby 8bitagent » Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:24 am

American Dream » Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:25 pm wrote:
8bitagent » Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:10 pm wrote:LOL. what Anti Semitism rising in Europe?

As all these articles illustrate, the once virulently anti Jewish white right wing/fascist/neo Nazi groups in Europe have in recent time become staunchly pro Israeli
and anti Muslim/Arab.

http://www.newsweek.com/far-right-polit ... rael-68583
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blume ... 56497.html
http://www.haaretz.com/news/german-neo- ... m-1.247193
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... right.html

The harassment of Jews coming out of worship by young Parisian Arab youth is despicable, but overall I'd say the larger climate is much tipped toward
anti Arab/Anti Muslim than anti Jewish. It's all pathetic...Rodney King's "Can't We All Get Along?" should be carved in stone and bronze on every corner of the world.

Yeah- this thread illustrates the ambiguous nature of white nationalist scapegoating today. In the UK, the EDL is on to Islamophobia but the BNP prefers Judeophobia.

I'd definitely agree that Islamophobia and anti-Arab Racism are more socially sanctioned and widespread today (on both sides of the Atlantic). Also that the "New Anti-Semitism" trope as a cover for ethnic cleansing and other such crimes in Palestine is tired old bullshit.

That said, there can be really misguided thinking on the other side, very much including Hamas supporters.

There is a better way- unfortunately those who embody it tend to get less support and recognition than the bozos...

While there are the David Duke types who speak in Syria and across the Arab world to speak against Israel and or support Holocaust revisionism, even the BNP and former Combat 18/NF/etc groups
are now solidly pro Israel: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blume ... 56497.html
Europe is now all about Islamaphobia.

I used to see Hamas as part of the proxy jihadists, now I simply see it as modern day Warsaw Ghetto fighters. I mean shit, not like globalist elites like Saudi Arabia or Qatar give a shit about the plight of Palestinians. Even their proxy al Qaeda/ISIS/Sunni militant groups don't truly care about Palestinians. It sickens me that a progressive country like Israel(champion of women and gay equality) has turned so rabidly racist toward black Africans and Arabs.
I'm sad that we haven't moved past that.

Last night I went for a long walk and noticed thousands of sheep. Half black/mixed color and half white. And none of them were fighting. They were all snuggling next to eachother or eating weeds in peace. Noone cared that the other one didn't look like eachother.
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby jakell » Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:10 am

I've seen a couple of mentions of the BNP above, not in the usual stream of long pasted articles of widely varying age, accuracy and relevance, but an actual mention.

To talk of the BNP at this time means very little, they have become an insignificant pimple, and even in their heydey careened quite markedly from one issue to another. When they did (rarely) address Jewish issues it was always to a very lukewarm response, the reason being that antisemitism has never been much of an issue with the British and therefore not really a significant part of British Nationalism.
It seemed that the only times when they addressed this was in their ill-fated attempts to gain an international presence, and mainly about attracting the attention of (and appearing in solidarity with) American White Nationalists, not about playing to a home crowd. I've discussed this more extensively in my series earlier in this thread.
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Re: A New Europe: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Nation-State

Postby American Dream » Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:53 am

8bitagent » Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:24 am wrote:While there are the David Duke types who speak in Syria and across the Arab world to speak against Israel and or support Holocaust revisionism, even the BNP and former Combat 18/NF/etc groups
are now solidly pro Israel: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blume ... 56497.html
Europe is now all about Islamaphobia.

I used to see Hamas as part of the proxy jihadists, now I simply see it as modern day Warsaw Ghetto fighters. I mean shit, not like globalist elites like Saudi Arabia or Qatar give a shit about the plight of Palestinians. Even their proxy al Qaeda/ISIS/Sunni militant groups don't truly care about Palestinians. It sickens me that a progressive country like Israel(champion of women and gay equality) has turned so rabidly racist toward black Africans and Arabs.
I'm sad that we haven't moved past that.

Last night I went for a long walk and noticed thousands of sheep. Half black/mixed color and half white. And none of them were fighting. They were all snuggling next to eachother or eating weeds in peace. Noone cared that the other one didn't look like eachother.

I do agree that some of the far right, such as mass murderer Breivik, have swung over in this time to Islamophobia, immigrant bashing, anti-Arab racism, that sort of thing. Of course interest in pumping the memes of anti-Semitism is continuous and should be expected to recur in different places and times, as this thread suggests.

As to the ongoing assaults on Gaza, I would differentiate between the people and the government, while acknowledging a significant ideological convergence. Same principle would hold true for many, many places in the world. As to Hamas as an organization, I would suggest that there is much more nuance than simply choosing to see them as either "part of the proxy jihadists", or as "modern day Warsaw Ghetto fighters"...
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