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Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 3:36 am
by Grizzly

If Jeff wont post/write/blog, any more come to us, guess we'll just have to bring him home, to us.

Yeah. Long time...

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 4:36 pm
by thrulookingglass
The deluded memes of capitalism are being exposed to daylight. "Bad money dies, I love the scene..." Money is a wretched thing to work for. Desperately trying to recall that blog post of his...something like, "you just can't go home after that." Pretty sure Jeff is suffering from that mode of thinking. "They" got to him. During the Bush dynasty post 9/11 apocalypse, this place was scratching off the right lottery ticket, then "they" changed the game. Dr. Hoffman isn't seeing patients today. Tin man covets a more mortiferous axe. Until the day is done.

Until the day is done.

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 5:13 am
by 8bitagent
I didnt know Jeff has a twitter, but Im so sick of anyone criticizing the DNC/Biden/neolibs called a "bad faith right winger nut"...see it against me online, and literally anyone posting similar stuff to Jimmy Dore, Chapo Trap House and I guess what Jeff has been retweeting. The media I feel is "gaslighting" everyone into being for a return to neocon Bush-Obama-Clinton "normalacy". Only now the media and social media is pushing the idea that any form of questioning or conspiracy theories isnt just bad, but "dangerous accelerationism"

We literally just THIS WEEK in mainstream news saw news of human consciousness merging with machines, Trumps Space force and Elon Musk SpaceX working together with DARPA in the militarization of space and colonization of Mars, US military and China military tension ratchetting up, media fueling the notion of civil war in America by the fall, the total collapse of the economy and society and food supply, 2016 celebrity pop singer death on steroids, oh and thousands witnessing a large UFO in Brazil that allegedly crashed and the biggest cluster of UFO activity in years. Oh and a 6.5 earthquake that hit near Area 51. It's as if all out posts on RI in the Bush era 2000s tulpa'd into the bizarre early months of 2020 and beyond. So yes, PLEASE can we have just one new Jeff Wells blog post here? Or something? I mean the FBI "accidentally" released the name of a top Saudi official involved in 9/11 and the Epstein saga continues to spool out...its truly a very interesting time to be witnessing everything. If 2001 was the summer of sharks, and 2016 was the summer of clowns leading to the election, summer 2020 is going to be the summer of lord knows what.

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:12 pm
by Iamwhomiam
I miss reading Jeff's postings, too, but I understand he's not the same guy he was 15 years ago, and although he's still a writer, RI belongs to his past. Who would want to be stuck groundhog day like, where you were that long ago, doing still whatever you were then? Every time someone bemoans his absence it reminds me of Ricky Nelson and why he wrote Garden Party. I'd bet some of these folks haven't even read Jeff's archives completely. When I came across RI back in 2005, I had never before encountered a writer with a style and way with words like Jeff. I appreciate being exposed to Jeff, RI and it members opinions, even though it hasn't always been 'fun'. Most of my time here I've enjoyed, though, tbh. I've learned a great deal in my many years here. Reason for fear is abundant. The words of a prophet are of no avail. Shit's gettin real, real fast.

Be here now. Anyone can request Jeff's FB friendship, just ask him, like many of us have. Someone mentioned he has a Twitter account, (I don't), but that would be another way to coax his attention, if you have such an account.

Edited to add: I can't believe I misspelled prophet!

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:42 pm
by JackRiddler

If you don't have a Facebook account, GOOD! I salute your resolution, no irony intended. You have chosen the right timeline for yourself.

But if you do, Jeff Wells is yours to enjoy daily. I know, it's weird that he ended up as a professional FB/Twitter curmudgeon. But he is still basically the same guy, just older, talking much the same stuff as he did here, but in shorter form. With the bonus that you get to see all his Frank stuff, which is often hilarious. (Who would have thought I'd be such a fan of his Sophie Trudeau impression, when I haven't even ever heard Sophie Trudeau talk in person?)

So, unless you've never had truck with FB -- which again, is the RIGHT THING, DON'T BE TEMPTED -- I find the lamentations on this oft-kicked thread rather funny. Also, can't resist saying he and I probably agree on more shit, at least on what we each post there, than any two generally do. This is probably a reason why, when I demanded that he either ban me from here or make me the boss of it, he chose the latter, even after I detailed what I intended to do with this Great Power. (We -- Elvis is now co-monarch -- haven't done much, mainly because I'm lazy. Or busy. Nowadays one forgets the difference. Sorry!)


Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:46 pm
by liminalOyster
I don't do FB but IMO twitter is pretty much a perfect format for this site's founder. He tweets a lot and is wry, insightful and really fucking funny.

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:54 pm
by Iamwhomiam
^^^ Ready remedies to assuage troubled souls!

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 5:25 pm
by Grizzly
Wait... are you sure you are who you are, Iamwhomiam? Because you sure speak for a lot of folks. Must be the 'new normal', thing./s

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 7:19 pm
by Iamwhomiam
I speak with my own voice, as I always have and only for myself unless authorized to represent others, which I'm often solicited to do as an officer in a not for profit environmental corporation dedicated to protecting public health. And of the latter, never once here.

Grizzly, it's a more than a bit beyond my imagining - but what have I written that you see as me speaking for other people? Are you saying you agree with what I wrote or are you just criticizing me? - please be clear so there can be no misunderstanding.

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2020 3:35 pm
by stickdog99
Pity I don't Facebook or Twitter. If only there were an alternate universe that had addictive platforms of mass communication that were no so damn evil.

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2020 5:00 pm
by 0_0
I suspect twitter and facebook are mainly popular with people using their smartphones. I exclusively use an old-fashioned desktop computer and to me that gives you just that little bit more freedom on the web to surf your own wave (lol) although google's purposefully bad search results increasingly put a damper on that too.

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2020 10:54 pm
by Nordic
I am almost exclusively on a phone these days, and I have to say, that makes reading this site a bit of work. It’s not terribly phone-friendly. But whatever, who am I to complain, I’ve been gone for years now and even now barely show up.

Just wanted to second that yes, Jeff’s Sophie Trudeau column is priceless. And like JR said, I’ve never heard her speak, but you can plainly hear her speak in Jeff’s written impersonation of her.

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 7:47 am
by Laodicean
stickdog99 » Tue May 19, 2020 8:35 pm wrote:Pity I don't Facebook or Twitter. If only there were an alternate universe that had addictive platforms of mass communication that were no so damn evil.

The creator of Channel Zero and GNN has started a new social network. It's still in its infancy, and could use the help of the folks here at RI. Check it out if you like.

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:53 pm
by Laodicean

Re: Hey there! Long time.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:30 am
by SonicG
Musk is a devious P.o.S. worthy of a deep-dive parapolitical study but for now I am getting a ton of mileage out of twitter, er, X, and Jeff is still great to read there although I imagine the Great Covid Divide among other schisms I see here these days will put some of you off...Caveat Lector etc.

I'm enjoying some terrific schadenfreude during the fall of the West, but I need to remember no one's coming to liberate us. The world just wants us off its back. Once the great drama's done there will be nothing but dissolution and despotism.
Good & smart people are fighting multiple battles, & they can seem right on target here, while fighting for the other side over there. Frustrating, sure, especially for coalition building. But on a personal level it's heartening & human. I don't like lockstep, even on my side.
Everyone who came of age in the 20th Century and who hasn't withdrawn into the peace and safety of a second childhood must be cursed with the memories of stolen futures.

Not an auspicious look for the Royal Family. The auguries are piling up.

"Seven Household Cavalry horses, including one soaked with blood, ran loose in central London after throwing their military riders." The Household Cavalry is the King's official bodyguard.

In response to a tweet about the X Files...
I was surprised to hear Alex Jones say something rather profound this week. He interviewed a "WEF insider" who came off as an insane QAnon. Jones said later "that was pure mental illness" and added, as with atheists, "there's not a lot of sane people in a foxhole, either."