US Government rules on Gender Identity

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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Heaven Swan » Mon May 14, 2018 6:31 am

Big news!

Human Rights Of Women Will Now Be Considered In Placement Of Male Transgender Prisoners: Trump Admin

May 12, 2018 ... ump-admin/

Convicted serial killer Donald “Donna” Perry, now serving time in a women’s prison

On Friday, the Trump administration issued changes to controversial Obama-era guidance on placement of transgender prisoners. Previous guidance prioritized the sexual rights of male offenders, allowing them to “identify as” female and be transferred to the female division, eliminating women’s longstanding international human rights to be incarcerated separately from males.

The new changes reestablish the sex-based rights of female prisoners to be housed in separate accommodations from males when confined by the state. Women’s basic rights to privacy from male inmates in vulnerable conditions of incarceration including sleeping, showering, and toileting were also acknowledged.

The Female Offender Branch of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, which is tasked with implementing transgender policies, was re-named the “Women and Special Populations Branch”.

The agency will now use biological sex, not an inmate’s declared gender feelings, as the initial determination for placement of individuals who identify as transgender. Transgender inmates may still be transferred to opposite sex facilities under certain conditions, namely after significant medical and mental health “treatment”. From the new guidance:

“The designation to a facility of the inmate’s identified gender would be appropriate only in rare

cases after consideration of all of the above factors and where there has been significant progress

towards transition as demonstrated by medical and mental health history.”

Basic changes in this section here.

Click here for full PDF of guidance:

The policy changes were first reported by Buzzfeed, which ran the headline: ‘The Trump Admin Just Rolled Back Protections For Transgender Prisoners’

Of course, this isn’t true. For women who identify as transgender (“transmen”) the Obama era guidance did not protect them. It put them at great risk as females potentially transferred to male prisons. There are ZERO transgender people born FEMALE who were “protected” by the Obama era guidance. ZERO.

But much like the Obama administration, the boys at Buzzfeed completely disregard the welfare, rights, and safety of the female half of the human population, including those who identify as transgender.

You can see this male bias in all the left and LGBT headlines regarding these changes. The welfare of all female inmates, including those who identify as transmen, is completely disregarded and ignored.

The Hill: ‘Trump rolls back rules protecting transgender inmates in federal prisons’

Pink News: ‘Trump rolls back protections for trans prisoners’

Chicago Sun Times: ‘Trump rolls back some Obama rules helping transgender prisoners’

LGBTQ Nation: ‘Trump strips transgender prisoners of protections against rape and abuse’

Common Dreams: ‘Absolutely Unconscionable: Trump Rolls Back Rules Protecting Transgender Inmates From Sexual Assault.’

And on and on and on.

Law professor Betsy Ginsberg. (twitter)

Lambda Legal, the former Gay Rights org that has been championing the rights of men to be housed in women’s prisons, issued a statement that is remarkable for its complete and utter disregard of the existence of female human beings, including those who identify as transgender:

In Rescinding Transgender Prisoner Protections, Trump Administration Again Targets the Most Vulnerable


Lambda Legal

MAY 11, 2018

Today, the Trump Administration released changes to the federal Bureau of Prisons Transgender Offender Manual that undercuts constitutional protections and efforts in federal law – specifically the Prison Rape Enforcement Act (PREA) – to protect all prisoners from sexual assault and violence.

Richard Saenz, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney and Criminal Justice and Police Misconduct Strategist, releases the following statement:

“Once again, the Trump Administration is turning its back on those most vulnerable. It is well established that transgender prisoners – particularly transgender women housed in men’s facilities – suffer much greater rates of sexual abuse than other prison populations.

“A California study found that when transgender women are housed with men, they are 13 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than male prisoners in the same facilities.

“Conversely, it is increasingly common for correctional facilities to house transgender people consistent with their gender identity, and agencies have made these placements without experiencing any increase in abusive incidents or security risks.

“There is no justification for this policy shift; it is a deliberate recipe for violence against transgender people based in inexcusable prejudice.”

Truly remarkable.

Incidentally, that “13 times” figure you see bandied about originates from a 2007 California survey featuring a male transgender sample size of 39 individuals. THIRTY NINE individuals from ELEVEN YEARS AGO. “Transgender Sample -Not designed to generalize to larger populations” the study warns.

So Lambda Legal- the premiere authority and lobby group pushing for these policies- is citing completely worthless “data”. The National Center For Trans Equality uses the same study. So does the National Institute of Corrections [pdf]. But if you believe that figure you may as well also cite these, contained in the same study [PDF]: Men who are gay or bisexual suffer sexual assault in prison at 33 times the rate of heterosexuals. Small stature and mental illness are the greatest predictors of male prisoner vulnerability to sexual assault.

What is Lambda Legal doing about THAT? Not a damn thing. This isn’t about preventing sexual assaults of vulnerable males.

The male powers-that-be on the left keep pretending they’re trying to “solve” the issue of male violence: by subjecting women to more of it. It never works. It just harms women. (You know, women- the unmentionable half of the population not worthy of consideration except as a trash receptacle for men’s problems). Take a memo, fellas: if you think “MeToo” has been a “moment”, you haven’t seen the start of it.

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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Heaven Swan » Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:06 am

Vocal Lesbian Feminist Magdalen Berns Assaulted, Suspect at Large

By Julia Diana Robertson
on May 29, 2018 ... t-at-large


On May 26th, vocal lesbian feminist and popular YouTube vlogger, Magdalen Berns, posted on Twitter “I just got beaten up by a random bloke on the street.” Fans were concerned that the attack was potentially a gay bashing, as she is routinely threatened online.

Luckily a guardian angel jumped in to defend her–a man–who took the worst of the blows. Berns wrote, “He got knocked out trying to stop this lunatic and possibly saved my life in the process.”

According to Berns, an ambulance and police came to the scene, and there is “good CCTV footage” of the incident, so she’s hoping they will catch her attacker.

Hundreds of lesbians, including leaders in the lesbian community, such as fellow popular YouTube vlogger, Arielle Scarcella, have shown their support. Although the two YouTubers sometimes disagree on political points and even play at those disagreements in their videos, they ultimately prioritize an environment where women support one another and engage in open dialogue.

So many in the community are just now learning of the news and are disappointed that (as is so often the case with lesbians and more specifically butch lesbians) there has been no coverage of this attack in “LGBTQ” media.

A year ago, Berns revealed she’d been suffering from a brain tumor and would be getting brain surgery. After the surgery, she kept fans updated on her recovery.

Thus far, there have been no further updates about the attack and her assailant is still at large.

Read more at ... vMSUPxO.99
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby guruilla » Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:39 pm

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ABSTRACT: Gender dysphoria (GD) of childhood describes a psychological condition in which children experience a marked incongruence between their experienced gender and the gender associated with their biological sex. When this occurs in the pre-pubertal child, GD resolves in the vast majority of patients by late adolescence. Currently there is a vigorous, albeit suppressed, debate among physicians, therapists, and academics regarding what is fast becoming the new treatment standard for GD in children. This new paradigm is rooted in the assumption that GD is innate, and involves pubertal suppression with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists followed by the use of cross-sex hormones—a combination that results in the sterility of minors. A review of the current literature suggests that this protocol is founded upon an unscientific gender ideology, lacks an evidence base, and violates the long-standing ethical principle of “First do no harm.”

Gender Dysphoria in Children: This Debate Concerns More than Science

Gender is a term that refers to the psychological and cultural characteristics associated with biological sex.1 It is a psychological concept and sociological term, not a biological one. Gender identity refers to an individual’s awareness of being male or female and is sometimes referred to as an individual’s “experienced gender.” Gender dysphoria (GD) in children describes a psychological condition in which they experience marked incongruence between their experienced gender and the gender associated with their biological sex. They often express the belief that they are the opposite sex.2 The prevalence rates of GD among children has been estimated to be less than 1%.3 Sex differences in rate of referrals to specialty clinics vary by age. In pre-pubertal children, the ratio of boys to girls ranges from 2:1 to 4.5:1. In adolescents, the sex ratio is close to parity; in adults, the ratio of males to females range from 1:1 to 6.1:1.2

The debate over how to treat children with GD is primarily an ethical dispute; one that concerns physician worldview as much as science. Medicine does not occur in a moral vacuum; every therapeutic action or inaction is the result of a moral judgment of some kind that arises from the physician’s philosophical worldview. Medicine also does not occur in a political vacuum and being on the wrong side of sexual politics can have severe consequences for individuals who hold the politically incorrect view.

As an example, Dr. Kenneth Zucker, long acknowledged as a foremost authority on gender identity issues in children, has also been a lifelong advocate for gay and transgender rights. However, much to the consternation of adult transgender activists, Zucker believes that gender-dysphoric pre-pubertal children are best served by helping them align their gender identity with their anatomic sex. This view ultimately cost him his 30-year directorship of the Child Youth and Family Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.4,5

Many critics of pubertal suppression hold a modernist teleological worldview. They find it self-evident that there is a purposeful design to human nature, and that cooperation with this design leads to human flourishing. Others, however, identify as post-modernists who reject teleology. What unites the two groups is a traditional interpretation of “First do no harm.” For example, there is a growing online community of gay-affirming physicians, mental health professionals, and academics with a webpage entitled “First, do no harm: youth trans critical professionals.” They write:

We are concerned about the current trend to quickly diagnose and affirm young people as transgender, often setting them down a path toward medical transition…. We feel that unnecessary surgeries and/or hormonal treatments which have not been proven safe in the long-term represent significant risks for young people. Policies that encourage—either directly or indirectly—such medical treatment for young people who may not be able to evaluate the risks and benefits are highly suspect, in our opinion.6

Advocates of the medical interventionist paradigm, in contrast, are also post-modernists but hold a subjective view of “First do no harm.” Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, an adolescent medicine specialist at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and leader in pediatric gender transitioning, has stated that “[First do no harm] is really subjective. [H]istorically we come from a very paternalistic perspective… [in which] doctors are really given the purview of deciding what is going to be harmful and what isn’t. And that, in the world of gender, is really problematic.”7 Not only does she claim that “First do no harm” is subjective, but she later also states that it should be left to the child decide what constitutes harm based upon their own subjective thoughts and feelings.7 Given the cognitive and experiential immaturity of the child and adolescent, the American College of Pediatricians (the College) finds this highly problematic and unethical.

Gender dysphoria as the result of an innate internal sexed identity

Professor of social work, Dr. William Brennan, has written that “[t]he power of language to color one’s view of reality is profound.”8 It is for this reason that linguistic engineering always precedes social engineering — even in medicine. Many hold the mistaken belief that gender once meant biological sex. Though the terms are often used interchangeably they were never truly synonymous.9,10 Feminists of the late 1960’s and 1970’s used gender to refer to a “social sex” that could differ from one’s “biological sex” in order to overcome unjust discrimination against women rooted in sex stereotypes. These feminists are largely responsible for mainstreaming the use of the word gender in place of sex. More recently, in an attempt to eliminate heteronormativity, queer theorists have expanded gender into an excess of 50 categories by merging the concept of a social sex with sexual attractions.9 However, neither usage reflects the original meaning of the term.

Prior to the 1950s, gender applied only to grammar not to persons.9,10 Latin based languages categorize nouns and their modifiers as masculine or feminine and for this reason are still referred to as having a gender. This changed during the 1950s and 1960s as sexologists realized that their sex reassignment agenda could not be sufficiently defended using the words sex and transsexual. From a purely scientific standpoint, human beings possess a biologically determined sex and innate sex differences. No sexologist could actually change a person’s genes through hormones and surgery. Sex change is objectively impossible. Their solution was to hijack the word gender and infuse it with a new meaning that applied to persons. John Money, PhD was among the most prominent of these sexologists who redefined gender to mean ‘the social performance indicative of an internal sexed identity.10 In essence, these sexologists invented the ideological foundation necessary to justify their treatment of transsexualism with sex reassignment surgery and called it gender. It is this man-made ideology of an ‘internal sexed identity’ that now dominates mainstream medicine, psychiatry and academia. This linguistic history makes it clear that gender is not and never has been a biological or scientific entity. Rather, gender is a socially and politically constructed concept.

... ... n-children

also of interest for the strong of stomach:

Gender-affirmative therapist: Baby who hates barrettes = trans boy; questioning sterilization of 11-year olds same as denying cancer treatment

Has the UK become a police state? (And has Twitter become its informant?)
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Heaven Swan » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:03 pm

I’m posting the link and first few paragraphs only because the post has so many images....the comments are def worth reading as well.

Babes in Transland ... sland.html

Things are getting certifiable over in Trans-land.

TRANSWORLD -- a major cannibalism-site, where you can directly observe the Left eating itself.

For background, newbies might want to read Michelle Goldberg's New Yorker piece from almost 4 years ago, still one of the best summations of the Troubles:

The most dramatic change in the perception of transgenderism can be seen in academia. Particularly at liberal-arts colleges, students are now routinely asked which gender pronoun they would prefer to be addressed by: choices might include “ze,” “ou,” “hir,” “they,” or even “it.” A decade ago, no university offered a student health plan that covered gender-reassignment surgery. Today, dozens do, including Harvard, Brown, Duke, Yale, Stanford, and the schools in the University of California system.

As I said, Goldberg's article was written almost four years ago. Transgender is now fully acceptable most everyplace in the West.

As a result, the omnipresence of radical trans postmodern 'theory' has skyrocketed, but they seem to have no real political agenda at all. You'd think health care would bring them out to protest with us about trans health care... but ((crickets)). You'd think they would be demonstrating in droves against Trump, a conservative who wants to roll back civil rights protections... but ((crickets)).

In short, shit has gotten very weird even since that eye-opening article.

For one thing, the split between the trans men (assigned female at birth) and trans women (assigned male at birth) has become almost-explosive, as these two groups continue to embrace very different agendas. Trans men want to blend in unobtrusively and simply be seen as males; by contrast, this new crop of young radical trans women (most of whom call themselves lesbian and "non-binary") pointedly do not.

The main thing trans women seem interested in right now is lesbians. On tumblr, it is a rather embarrassing and all-consuming fixation; they rarely even talk to non-lesbians like me anymore. They are obsessed with young lesbians and "lesbian spaces" (that they claim they are being kept out of) and talk about lesbians seemingly constantly....

More at ... sland.html
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Heaven Swan » Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:03 pm

Really well-written and supportive article with great images and comments at the link.

This article and the previous one + some incisive commenters are making me reconsider something that a researcher into the funding of the trans movement was alleging , and that at the time was too far out and conspiratorial-sounding for even me to entertain i.e. that the endgame of the billionaire social programmers who are behind the trans movement is artificial intelligence and human engineering. I know there have been threads here about AI but I haven't yet read them.

Really heartened to read this article. Finally people other than radical feminists seem to be waking up. I hope it's not too late.

May 6, 2018

There's a TERF War Brewing: The battle between sanity and safety, and the weaponizing of transgender ideology

by Jonathon Kneeland

"Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect your own motives, and all excuses. Do not live for others any more than you would expect others to live for you" - Christopher Hitchens

For those of you who don't know, a TERF is a "Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist." What this means, or is supposed to mean, is that if you are a female and do not accept the idea that a man can be a woman, in the true sense of the word, that you are an exclusionary radical. The term was apparently coined by the transgender movement and was designed to be used as a slur. This fight is becoming increasingly hostile - including violence - and I think that it's about time that public awareness of it increased. This is my purpose here and hopefully, dear reader, you will help in this.

In order to take a position on this topic, you don't need to be a feminist or agree with feminists on everything, or accept the ideology of radical feminists (whatever "radical" is supposed to mean in this case). To take a position on this topic, you need only take a position on tyranny, mob-enforced political-correctness, violence against women, and the indoctrination of children into radical political movements. These are the things that we are actually talking about here, and it just happens to be "radical feminists" who have caused this issue to bubble up in the way that it has. In fact, had it not been for some very stubborn and principled feminists, we might have all simply been bowled over and silenced by a radical, aggressive, and utopian minded political movement that uses transgenderism as a weapon. It's fair to say that this movement was having its way with our society until it ran into this highly inconvenient obstacle. I say inconvenient because the Left has to do some very bizarre mental gymnastics in order to appear to be for both sides simultaneously.

What has been happening with the transgender movement, from what I can gather, is that a vocal portion of it wants to assert, forcefully, that a man who wears women's clothing is actually a woman if they simply state that it's the case. Other people within the transgender movement have distanced themselves from this radical and anti-science position and have publically stated that they simply want to be left alone and live their lives without being bothered or harassed and that, in return, they themselves wish not to bother or harass anyone else. This is very reasonable and is an excellent fit into a fair and just society where people are free to choose their own path without infringing too heavily on the rights of others.

Infringing on the rights of others is what causes this dispute to get very real and very serious. I am not a feminist and I don't speak for feminists. They are quite capable of speaking for themselves, as we can see. I also distrust self-proclaimed male feminists and find them to be cringe-making because they are either pathetic or they are con-artists. I don't completely understand many feminist positions and I disagree with them on many things that I do understand. I think the gender pay-gap is a myth. I don't think the world is full of misogynists. I don't agree that every woman can do every job that a man can do. I could go on here but none of it matters because, on this single topic, I agree and understand their position, and it's one that's important and serious.

There is no question that some women have had an extremely rough time at the hands of men. If you don't accept this fact then you aren't capable of having a serious part in this conversation. If you do accept this fact, then you must also conclude that these women, those close to them, or those who feel that this danger exists for them as well, have a natural right to choose to avoid men or to function independently of men when it's reasonable to do so. For example, a woman might wish to go to a gym free of men or use a public restroom that is free of men - especially when you consider the long list of rapes and assaults that have taken place against women, by men in women's clothes, in women's washrooms. A woman might choose to belong to any number of female only organizations or groups. To deny women this right, based on politically-correct ideology, is in my opinion, tyranny. I think that it's reasonable to conclude that the act of unnecessarily forcing women to accept the idea that men have the right, simply because they put on women's clothes, to invade areas where they are not wanted, is to betray a tyrannical and totalitarian impulse. This is what I call weaponized trans.

I use the term weaponized trans because transgender aggression is becoming more and more common and I think that it's important that people are able to quickly point it out and label it. I must be very careful here to make a distinction between people who are transgendered for genuine reasons and simply want to live their lives in peace, and those who seem to be acting out as transgendered for the sole purpose of causing as much damage as possible in the world. I know that this genre exists because I have been studying it increasingly lately. I spend quite a bit of time on Twitter and I use the platform to observe various political positions and movements and how people within those movements or ideologies behave. Sometimes I'll start an argument with someone on Twitter, not to win or to convince, but simply to observe behaviour as it relates to a specific ideology. The transgender movement, like most movements, is full of variations, distinctions and nuances. I want to be very careful to not make the assertion that transgendered people in general fall into my category of weaponized trans-activists. I don't believe that this is the case and, to be clear, I have absolutely no objection to transgendered people in general. To be transgendered is a personal decision and requires the approval of no one. My arguments here are against those who wish to impose their will on others by using their ideology as a weapon.

How this will is imposed is both an interesting and disturbing topic. Weaponized transgender ideologies utilize four different types of ammunition against those who refuse to go along. It's worth discussing all four tactics.

State Backed Financial Ruin Followed by Prison

State-backed coercion has now cemented itself throughout Western countries. Kangaroo courts (sometimes called human-rights tribunals) have been set up to help enforce and spread radical transgender ideologies and to provide serious ammunition to aspiring and otherwise useless dictators. In Canada, each province has at least one such organization. Federally, under Trudeau's Liberal Party, Bill C-16 was passed. This bill paved the way for absolute power to be projected by resentful misanthropes. Lawyers have stated that it is now possible for you to end up in prison for refusing to subscribe to radical transgender ideology. Apparently, if you refuse to use invented and difficult to remember gender pronouns, you can be taken before a human-rights tribunal. This will cost you a lot. If you are found guilty - which you will be - you will receive a penalty and/or be ordered to bow to radical transgender ideology in the future. If you refuse to pay the penalty or comply with an order, you will be in contempt and you will then end up in court. If you still refuse, you could be sent to prison. The message here from activists is clear: do what I say, or else. Doesn't this seem a bit like bullying?

I cannot mention bullying without mentioning Morgane Oger, Vice President of the British Columbia New Democratic Party. Oger has recently stated that she plans to run for the position of Mayor of Vancouver, British Columbia. I follow Oger on Twitter and I have witnessed things that confirm what many are already painfully aware of: Bill C-16 was a terrible idea and is now being used as a weapon to bully and intimidate. Oger has threatened to file human-rights complaints against people who have publically stated what they believe to be the correct interpretation of human biology. In one case, a women at a women's march held a sign that said "Transwomen are men. Truth is not hate. Don’t believe the hype — trans ideology is misogyny and homophobic. Woman is not a ‘feeling,’ a costume, or a performance of a stereotype. Woman is a biological reality. There is no ethical or moral reason to lie to soothe the male ego... Do not cis-gender me. Stop the stereotypes. I am neither conforming nor non-conforming. My preferred prefix is neither cis nor trans. I am a female. Resist Orwellian Newspeak.”

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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby guruilla » Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:53 pm

Great article, thanks

We have here a situation where an individual is physically attacked because she belongs to a group that does not accept an ideology that fails to stand up to scientific scrutiny. The State then directs her to accept and repeat the ideology as her own and to do so by verbally displaying her submission to her attacker. I find this scenario to be hideous and evil and worth fighting against.

Heaven Swan wrote: the endgame of the billionaire social programmers who are behind the trans movement is artificial intelligence and human engineering.

Which might have something to do with the preponderance of military & ex-military trans-(wo)men?

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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Heaven Swan » Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:10 am

Thanks Guruilla,

The AI angle is something I want to look into. The human family unit may be oppressive and in shambles (largely because of inherent sexist authoritarianism) but destroying the basis of family ties and family loyalty and somehow extinguishing the cohesion or even the instinct would go a long way to making humans controllable across the board..

guruilla » Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:53 pm wrote:Great article, thanks

We have here a situation where an individual is physically attacked because she belongs to a group that does not accept an ideology that fails to stand up to scientific scrutiny. The State then directs her to accept and repeat the ideology as her own and to do so by verbally displaying her submission to her attacker. I find this scenario to be hideous and evil and worth fighting against.

Heaven Swan wrote: the endgame of the billionaire social programmers who are behind the trans movement is artificial intelligence and human engineering.

Which might have something to do with the preponderance of military & ex-military trans-(wo)men?

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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Heaven Swan » Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:38 am

What an incredible, happy day!
Finally, a huge breath of fresh air and LIBERATION!

Lesbians Protest Erasure At London Pride March By Halting, Then Leading The Parade
July 8, 2018 ... he-parade/

Lesbian Pride at London Pride, July 7, 2018

Lesbians mounted a parade-stopping protest at London Pride today, July 7, 2018. They objected to the erasure of lesbians caused by so-called allies among gay, bisexual, and transgender organizations and individuals who forcibly rename lesbians as generic “queer people” and who demand that heterosexual men who sexually fetishize lesbianism must be accepted by same-sex attracted women as if they were actual lesbians.

The lesbians first gathered in front of the march, displaying their message. They carried signs and banners that read “Lesbian=Female Homosexual”, and “Lesbian Not Queer”, “Transactivism Erases Lesbians” and “Get the ‘L’ Out!”, among others. Then they lay down in the street, halting the parade and drawing attention. After a few minutes, they stood, and led the Pride March, remaining at the helm for the duration.

Lesbian Protesters halted the 2018 London Pride parade. Then they led it.

Their statement:
Why “Get The L Out” ?

Who We Are

Get the L Out is a group of lesbian and feminist individuals and organisations, opposing the increasingly anti-lesbian and misogynistic LGBT movement and the erasure of lesbians

Why We Protest

We believe that lesbian rights are under attack by the trans movement and we encourage lesbians everywhere to leave the LGBT and form their own independent movement, as well as to be vocal and take action against the proposed changes to the GRA.

Get the L Out believes trans politics (with uncritical support from the LGBT movement) does the following:

Promotes the social transition of lesbians, encouraging them to present as straight men thus favouring the pretence of heterosexuality over lesbianism – this is nothing more than a form of conversion therapy.
Promotes the medical transition of lesbians and pushes harmful drugs (untested hormone blockers, Lupron etc.) as well as unnecessary medical practices on perfectly healthy bodies – these are a form of misogynist medical abuse against lesbians.

Promotes the rights of heterosexual males who “identify” as women and lesbians (despite most of them still retaining their male genitals) over the rights of lesbians to choose their sexual partners. This new ‘queer’ LGBT politics thus coerces lesbians to accept the penis as a female organ and promotes heterosexual intercourse between male and female as a form of lesbian sex. This is simply a new facet to rape culture and compulsory heterosexuality.

What we Believe

“The trans movement with the complicity of ‘queer’ LGBT politics is coercing lesbians to have sex with men. We firmly condemn this vicious form of lesbophobia disguised as progress”.

“We stand for the rights of lesbians to choose their sexual partners on the basis of their sex not their “gender identity” and condemn any pressure on lesbians to accept so called “trans women” as potential sex partners and the penis as a female organ as coercive and a manifestation of rape culture”

“We oppose the transition of young lesbians on the basis that their appearances or behaviour does not conform to socially accepted images of women. Having short hair and disliking pink is not a sign of having a male brain and does not mean one requires transition. The trans movement is a conservative movement which reinforces sexist sex stereotypes.”

“We oppose proposed changes to the GRA and view self-identification as a threat to women’s and girls rights.

“We demand stronger sex-based protections for women and girls and that women maintain the right to sex-segregated spaces at the exclusion of male regardless of their “identity”.”

This action is supported by a number of individual Lesbians and Lesbian supporters, as well as Critical Sisters, Mayday4Women, Object ! and The Lesbian Rights Alliance

More info contact :

Video of the protest here [* THIS IS THE BEST VIDEO EVER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The whole thing is testerically narrated by various sick-ass dude-bros- LOLOLOLOLOLOL] :

The lesbian protest was greeted with cheers from the crowd. Up to a million onlookers flanked the streets to view the parade. Some of the men who demand the right to be recognized as “male lesbians” responded poorly- one of the crossdressers claimed he was warned by police to stop abusing the women.
Man fights for his right to be a lesbian.

Another heterosexual man who demands to be recognized as a female homosexual by lesbians reportedly hurled a water bottle at the women, which apparently hit a police officer.

Men representing the UK ‘Pink News’ click-bait website, (which lesbians colloquially refer to as “Penis News” or “Prick News” due to their anti-lesbian and anti-woman editorial slant), ranted on the site’s Pride March video feed about how the parade “Isn’t going the way it’s supposed to be going!”, complaining that the event has “been significantly disrupted!”. On the website’s livefeed of the event, the men from Pink News call for the lesbian Pride marchers to be dragged off by police and arrested. “They’re free to distribute their leaflets? I don’t think anyone from Pride has reviewed them!” one of the men from Penis News exclaimed with distress about the lesbian marchers.

The lesbians were supported by the crowd, and went on to lead the parade at the helm for the entire route. They were widely applauded by onlookers. They handed out informative literature to onlookers as they marched, some of which is reproduced here:


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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Sounder » Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:43 pm

Thanks for that Heaven Swan.

I agree on all points, esp. this;

“We oppose the transition of young lesbians on the basis that their appearances or behaviour does not conform to socially accepted images of women. Having short hair and disliking pink is not a sign of having a male brain and does not mean one requires transition. The trans movement is a conservative movement which reinforces sexist sex stereotypes.”

And thanks to the parade crowd that supports sexual self-determination rather than the misogynistic trans-activism that so many liberal folk fall for.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Elvis » Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:23 pm

This all hit home for me recently. My mid-20s niece, a fantastic young woman I love and admire, apparently wants to change her name to a male name and be considered male. She didn't mention anything when I saw her very recently, but her parents have described these wishes to me. None of us can really "see" her as male, or make an immediate internal adjustment to the idea, since we all know her as a healthy, attractive, smart, responsible and 'together' young woman. But as such, she should be capable of making such decisions for good reasons. Interestingly, her father (my brother) is gay, in a gay (second) marriage, and he thinks it's silly, but will go along if she insists.

Thoughts? I'll roll with it, but I hope I don't have to learn and use new pronouns to address, um...her.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby liminalOyster » Mon Jul 09, 2018 2:26 pm

I realize I'm in an apparently tiny dissenting minority (which I can live with and have no desire to hash out) but when I look at Gender Trender, for instance, I genuinely see a site that feels outrageous for its mockery of and nastiness towards other human beings, trans or otherwise. In the comments especially which are, IMO, often Youtube/Infowars level nasty.

Not sure I have a fully fleshed out "opinion" on trans issues and I entirely respect the rights of those who dissent with trans mainstreaming but I also know cruelty when I see it. And to me, a lot of what gets thrown around there about trans people eerily recalls the only slowly receding bi-phobia of the 20th century - pathologizing, systematic erasure, association with crime and mental illness, being treated exceptionally as non-progressive, etc.

Teen Vogue Contributor Permanently Suspended From Twitter Over Tweet Directed at TERFs
Frida Garza
Friday 5:20pmFiled to: TWITTER

Danielle Corcione—a freelance journalist who writes for Teen Vogue, ReWire, and other outlets—had their Twitter account permanently suspended on Thursday after the writer posted a tweet about TERFs. (Corcione uses they/them pronouns.) Emails, which Corcione provided to Jezebel, show that Twitter suspended Corcione for “violating rules against posting violent threats.”

The tweet in question, which can be seen in screenshots circulating on Twitter reads:

“If any TERFs like or retweet this, I’m shoving my foot up your ass.”

According to the emails Twitter sent Corcione, the above hyperbole amounts to a specific threat of violence against a group of people. But that singular tweet leaves out the crucial context: Corcione was preparing to handle a potential barrage of hate speech from individuals ready to mock trans people—ironically, perhaps without repercussions from Twitter. Twitter’s decision to permanently suspend Corcione’s account raises a bigger question about what kind of speech is protected on social media platforms, and which groups of people are considered worthy of protection from threats.

TERFs—trans-exclusionary radical feminists who do not believe that the rights of trans people should be included in discussions of women’s rights—seem to qualify as one such protected group, per Twitter’s policies. This protection mirrors growing insistence from conservative circles that “TERF” is a slur—a talking point that is creeping into mainstream discourse. Last year, the Guardian ran an opinion column in which the author refers to TERF as a “as a bullying tool” that has “already succeeded in repressing speech.” Last week, in the guidelines for an essay series on trans issues, The Economist referred to “TERF” as a slur “which may have started as a descriptive term but is now used to try to silence a vast swathe of opinions on trans issues.” (The series includes an essay warning that trans rights should not be won at the expense of women’s “fragile gains.”)

Speaking over the phone, Corcione told Jezebel on Friday that the tweet that got them suspended was not an out-of-the-blue threat, but a response to an earlier tweet that was meant as a joke. “The original tweet was actually kind of funny,” Corcione said. “It was part of a meme. I [tweeted]: ‘My pronouns are Yee-haw.’” (The tweet, which Jezebel verified, is no longer accessible because Corcione’s account is suspended.)

Corcione said when they saw the number of retweets on the first tweet, they figured it would go viral, and thought: “I don’t want any fucking TERFs. You know, I didn’t want them to mock trans people because it’s a meme that was obviously created by a trans person just to be goofy.”

In anticipation of harassment, Corcione then posted the tweet in question: “If any TERFs like or retweet this, I’m shoving my foot up your ass.” Corcione’s decision to tweet to pre-empt anti-trans trolls speaks to the nearly ever-present threat of abuse that trans and non-binary people face when speaking to large audiences on Twitter.

“This is absolutely political,” said Corcione.

Corcione first received noticed their account was suspended on Monday, June 25, and appealed to have it reinstated; Corcione told Jezebel that, as a journalist, they need Twitter to report on stories. More than a week later, on Thursday, July 5, Corcione received an email from Twitter stating that their account was still suspended and would not be restored.

Corcione had been covering demonstrations against ICE in Philadelphia since this Monday, July 2. On Wednesday, they wrote a post on Facebook asking followers to apply pressure to Twitter to bring back their account, and included the hashtag #OccupyICEPHL. Here’s the post in full:

My Twitter account is STILL SUSPENDED going on nine days. If you know any folks who have had their account suspended in a similar way as mine was, please let me know. In the meantime, please tag my handle (@decorcione) as well as @jack and @twittersupport and TWEET that this independent journalist can’t tweet and report live on the platform, despite being on the ground at#OccupyICEPHL. (Post is public, please share.)

Corcione believes it’s “no coincidence” that their appeal was rejected after they asked people to share a post with a hashtag created to protest the federal government. “It shows who’s in power, who’s in control in Silicon Valley, and it’s also indicative of our political climate,” said Corcione. “We’re living in fascism, and people aren’t afraid to repress people’s voices of influence, especially journalists.”

Jezebel has reached out to Twitter for comment and will update this post if we hear back. ... 1827393516
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Luther Blissett » Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:15 pm

They are a friend of mine, and luckily their account has been reactivated.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Sounder » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:03 pm

I'm sure people here fully support Trans and non gender binary folk, but a question remains as to whether these folk and others are being 'used' to achieve bad intentions.

This was covered upthread in regard to the billionaires behind this flare up of attention.

Also note the London Pride march, I presume that a large segment of the parade crowd are straight folk, because truth is most people both liberal and conservative support freedom of expression.

Unintended consequences ... page2.html

"And if you'd asked me a few years ago if anyone would be arguing that women don't really exist and can't be defined [as a category of people], I would not have understood what you were talking about," Chart added. "If you'd asked me a few years ago if I thought that the minor sex trade was a good idea, I would have said, 'Of course not, nobody supports that, right?'"

"At the very least, on these two fundamental issues, women exist and children should not be sold for sex. I can't even fathom that there are people who have decided that these things are up for discussion. It's bizarre to me and unsettling."

The gender identity movement and the sex industry want everyone to agree with them, she continued, and they will talk to anyone who will listen in order to get there, because that means they win.

"And if this movement proves successful it means that males will win the absolute right to be naked in front of women in public accommodations or to watch us undress, for male sex offenders to be incarcerated with women, for the sex industry and its clients to degrade and exploit women in every way without any fear of accountability," she said.

"This stands in contradiction of principles of women's human rights that were widely supported less than 20 years ago and portends the erasure of very old rights everyone has come to take for granted. I think this is an emergency. And yes, I am interested in talking with people of different ideologies and faiths who also think it is an emergency."
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby liminalOyster » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:44 pm

Sounder » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:03 pm wrote:I'm sure people here fully support Trans and non gender binary folk, but a question remains as to whether these folk and others are being 'used' to achieve bad intentions.

I think there are intriguing thoughts in that line of inquiry. IE, as Heaven Swan points out, that it may be less so "conservative" than (very ironically) Marxist to defend "the family," if that forestalls further encroachment by various PTB. I'm definitely sympathetic to the more general idea that the proliferation of sex/gender identities prefigures the reterritorialization of bodies by nefarious forces. But OTOH, I sometimes wonder if that hypothesis is terribly different than the evangelical right's old "homosexual agenda" chestnut.

I've never been a fan of calling anyone a sheeple or presuming their motives and I see a tremendous amount of that and whole lot of just cruelty on that site. Lots of referring to "men in dresses" with mental illness, etc. I just find it mean and myopic and that it, for me at least, obscures respectful and intelligent opposition to the dominant discourses of trans-mainstreaming.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Sounder » Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:22 pm

I may be more cynical than most as I don't put much credence in comment sections given that the Govt. is now free to propagandize and PR firms will do anything for a dollar, including 'attacking' the people that also do things for the same dollars.

Well, not the same dollars, there is plenty to go around.
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