What is #Pizzagate?

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What is #Pizzagate?

Right-Wing Hysteria/Hillary-Smear-Campaign
Psy-Op to Discredit & Distract from Actual High-Level Pedophilia
An Orchestrated Exposé to Destabilize Power Structures
A Glimpse into Pedo-Culture in Washington, DC
Evidence that Comet Ping Pong is a Money-Laundering Front for Child-Porn/Trafficking Business
Evidence that Comet Ping Pong is both a Front & a Location for Child Abuse, Ritual or Otherwise
All of the Above
Other (Specify)
Total votes : 74

Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sun May 28, 2017 2:39 pm

PufPuf93 » Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:10 pm wrote:One almost has to wonder if Jones is worried about a legal issue.

Or maybe Jones is adding fog to obscure the story.

The former, not the latter. He did try his best to shift blame onto others.

Re; the legal issue forced the apology:

But the timing of Jones’s apology suggests he was concerned about a potential lawsuit. Under Texas law, the Austin-based Jones had to retract or apologize for the stories by Friday — one full month after receiving Alefantis’s letter — to avoid exposing InfoWars to punitive damages in a libel suit.

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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby conniption » Sun May 28, 2017 7:20 pm

Thx for the link, tapitsbo. Unfortunately the website won't allow it's content to be c/p, but it's worth a look-see if you're into that sort of thing. (The power of money to cover-up this level of debauchery is the stuff of horror stories.)

A slight sampling-

Pizzagate: Truth, Lies, New Dutroux X-Dossiers Ties

Joel v.d. Reijden
May 11, 2017


1. How I tried to not write about Pizzagate
2. The Podestas and Clintons: "liberal CIA" assets since the 1980s; "UFO disclosure" disinformers since the 1990s


Debunking Pizzagate "code words" and other prominent fluff

Pizzagate disinformation origins


Signal within the noise I

Signal within the noise II: Marina Abramovic's "spirit cooking"

Signal within the noise III: James Alefantis and his Comet Ping Pong


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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby barracuda » Mon May 29, 2017 6:26 pm

tapitsbo » Fri May 26, 2017 9:35 am wrote:The venerable ISGP weighs in:

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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby mentalgongfu2 » Mon May 29, 2017 9:19 pm

While I agree with the conclusion, some of the work in that report is a little sloppy.

Such as the section debunking the "pizza related map" on a handkerchief, wherein the author states "apparently someone used it while eating pizza or maybe had artwork of a pizzeria on it. No secret pedophile code here."

Sounds like the author is just guessing, assuming, there is a reasonable explanation for the odd language. While there may well be, "apparently" and "maybe" are not words that should precede a firm conclusion that there's nothing there.
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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:29 pm

The Latest: ‘Pizzagate’ gunman in DC sentenced to 4 years

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on a North Carolina man who fired shots inside a District of Columbia restaurant while he was investigating a conspiracy theory known as “pizzagate.” (all times local):

1 p.m.

A North Carolina man who fired an assault rifle inside a District of Columbia restaurant during his investigation of a conspiracy theory dubbed “pizzagate” has been sentenced to four years in prison.

Edgar Maddison Welch was sentenced Thursday in federal court in Washington. His attorney had asked that he be sentenced to 1½ years in prison. Prosecutors asked for 4½ years.

Welch pleaded guilty in March and acknowledged that he entered the Comet Ping Pong restaurant Dec. 4 with an AR-15 assault weapon and a revolver. He said he drove to the restaurant from North Carolina to investigate an unfounded conspiracy theory about Democrats harboring child sex slaves at the pizza restaurant.

No one was physically injured, but the judge says Welch’s actions “literally left psychological wreckage.”
https://apnews.com/309f34451cb64976a48e ... _medium=AP

be careful of pushing stupid republican right wing conspiracies

“literally left psychological wreckage.”
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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby JackRiddler » Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:38 pm

mentalgongfu2 » Mon May 29, 2017 8:19 pm wrote:While I agree with the conclusion, some of the work in that report is a little sloppy.

Such as the section debunking the "pizza related map" on a handkerchief, wherein the author states "apparently someone used it while eating pizza or maybe had artwork of a pizzeria on it. No secret pedophile code here."

Sounds like the author is just guessing, assuming, there is a reasonable explanation for the odd language. While there may well be, "apparently" and "maybe" are not words that should precede a firm conclusion that there's nothing there.

Isn't "a little sloppy" a codeword for sex? "Odd language" may refer to a secret society ritual, and "nothing there" could mean the opposite. Who are you? Is it safe?
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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby brekin » Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:46 pm

The Latest: ‘Pizzagate’ gunman in DC sentenced to 4 years
...Edgar Maddison Welch was sentenced Thursday in federal court in Washington.
His attorney had asked that he be sentenced to 1½ years in prison.
Prosecutors asked for 4½ years

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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:36 am

‘Pizzagate’ Promoter Responds To ADL’s Alt-Right List With Video From Auschwitz


By ESME CRIBB Published JULY 20, 2017 3:21 PM
Jack Posobiec, a prominent alt-right activist and promoter of right-wing conspiracy theories, on Thursday posted a video at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial in response to a list the Anti-Defamation League compiled associating him with the so-called “alt-right” movement.

“It would be wise of the ADL to remember the history of what happened the last time people started going around making lists of undesirables,” Posobiec said in the video posted on Twitter.

“To make those accusations on the hallowed ground of Auschwitz is offensive and twisted and, unfortunately, proves the point about our research,” an ADL spokesperson told TPM by email.

Posobiec, who describes himself on Twitter as a “filmmaker, and recovering political operative” and promoted the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, took exception to the ADL’s list associating him with the far-right movement.

The ADL described the so-called “alt-right” movement as “a segment of the white supremacist movement consisting of a loose network of racists and anti-Semites who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of politics that embrace implicit or explicit racist, anti-Semitic and white supremacist ideology.”

It listed Posobiec as a member of the “alt lite,” a “loosely-connected movement whose adherents generally shun white supremacist thinking, but who are in step with the alt right in their hatred of feminists and immigrants, among others.”

Posobiec railed against the list on Twitter, where he accused the ADL of “targeting Trump supporters with hate lists” and called the who’s-who a “death list.”

Josh Mandel, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio, on Thursday accused the ADL of becoming a “partisan witchhunt group” by publishing the list and declared solidarity with Posobiec and Mike Cernovich, another Twitter troll included on the list.

Comparing those who disagree with him to Nazis is not a new tactic for Posobiec, who accused audience members at a New York production of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” starring a figure resembling President Donald Trump of making minister of propaganda for the Nazi regime Joseph Goebbels “proud.”

In May, Reuters reported that Posobiec received White House press credentials.

A Republican member of Congress apologized earlier in July for using the gas chambers at Auschwitz as a setting to promote the U.S. military.
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/j ... -auschwitz
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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby American Dream » Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:00 am

Twitter Will Suffer The Boneheads No More


Over the past two years,Twitter has been working with its Trust and Safety Council to ensure that such rules still allow them to balance a platform for free speech with curbing violence and harassment. In addition to American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, League of the South and Brad Griffin, as of Noon, EST, notable accounts that have been removed such as included those of Keystone United, Britain First, including its leaders Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding, the American Nazi Party, National Socialist Movement (NSM) leader Jeff Schoep, Traditionalist Workers Party, Generation Identity and Vanguard America. in a press statement, the American Renaissance website cited Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pal’s remarks last month accusing Twitter of political bias and being a “part of the problem” regarding an open internet, citing them as he justified scrapping net neutrality.

Still, some accounts remain, such as that of White supremacists Richard Spencer and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, the neo-Fascist group Identity Evropa and any accounts associated with it, Gavin McInnes, founder of the violent Proud Boys, and those who have termed themselves “alt-lite” in an attempt to distance themselves from any “alt-right” associations, such as Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec, both of whom today have posted several tweets to push a conspiracy theory implying that antifa may be responsible for the derailment of an Amtrak train in Washington State. They were also prominent figures in the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory that high ranking Democrats associated with Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring in the basement of a Washington, DC area pizza parlor. Several Twitter users have tweeted their notice of the omissions.

http://idavox.com/index.php/2017/12/18/ ... s-no-more/
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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby BenDhyan » Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:00 pm

Reality check....

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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby Jerky » Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:28 am

That Ben Swann piece - and all of the points he brings up - has/have been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked, including in this very discussion thread.

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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby barracuda » Sat May 26, 2018 11:27 am

Trump Pizza.jpg
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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat May 26, 2018 11:38 am


have a beer with that pizza?

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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby barracuda » Sat May 26, 2018 11:42 am

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Re: What is #Pizzagate?

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat May 26, 2018 11:45 am

hell to the liars

Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Don’t forget that.
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