Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:09 am

minime » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:58 pm wrote:
Sounder » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:43 pm wrote:Nope, not binary, not bound by labels and I am not the one throwing those around here.

Why does it not surprise me, that after a decade and thousands and thousands of posts, Whom has learned absolutely nothing about how you think. Could it be because he doesn't really read the posts. And of course he's not the only one. Madness, really...

Of course I have my own interpretation of Sounder's thinking - It's been rigid and biased. I have no issue with Sounder aside as I would with any who use labels, "liberals" and "Soros" and "binary thinking" as often as he has while demonstrating in his own writings his inability to take an opposing point of view or even to recognize there could be validity to such a view. "Single-minded," "Binary."
I ridicule Sounder for being hypocritical and for being blind to his hypocrisy while condemning others for similar behaviors, nothing more. And that hasn't changed since I've been here. Inflexible.
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sun Sep 03, 2017 1:01 am

Sounder » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:43 pm wrote:Nope, not binary, not bound by labels and I am not the one throwing those around here.

Why does it not surprise me, that after a decade and thousands and thousands of posts, Whom has learned absolutely nothing about how you think. Could it be because he doesn't really read the posts. And of course he's not the only one. Madness, really...

Oh, not madness minime, people have good reason to resist and or belittle what I have to say. We all are heavily invested in our beliefs; yet do not seem to understand the implications of those beliefs. It is never pleasant to find ones God to be made out of straw.

As perhaps only minime knows, my main point low these many years is that until we collectively change our dominant narrative from a split model of reality to a continuum model, we will wallow in this death spiral.

The appeal in the earlier vid was that the presenter does some form of Buddhist reducing reactive mind practice. I like that sort of thing and my involvement at RI is another kind of reactive mind reduction practice. I have lots of reactive mind inclinations as it happens, like everybody else, however I find that it’s good practice to find other points of focus.

The current underpinning of our dominant narrative is what I call the Chemical Cure. Its success is measured by its ability to kill, from microbes on up.

How long can civilization survive based on premises such as these?

Our ‘problems’ are not about ‘left’ versus ‘right’, they are about economics and where and how we allow ‘profits’ to be found.

Current expressions of ‘world culture’, to try to stay away from pejorative words, effectively continue the western exceptionalist project of extermination of indigenous societies, in its subversion of local culture and small nation states.

Exceptionalists, whether from anti-fa or from alt-right, have that western style righteousness in common. Look to AD as a metric, he hates all the boogey men of his fellow conventional thinkers. Some revolutionary.

Sadly, you look at my pointing out for you your hypocrisy as belittling you, but I am not belittling you, Sounder. Neither am I "resisting" what you're offering. I simply reject your viewpoint as having no validity to any but you. I am pointing out for you to recognize what you see as "fault" in the thinking of another, you yourself exemplify in your own writing. I have no interest in insulting you, only educating you, or trying to. After ten years it really matters little to me. Sounder's issues are much deeper and his conclusions derived long before I arrived.

Sounder claims not to use labels, but look at just this one comment to see how often labels are used.

"Our ‘problems’ are not about ‘left’ versus ‘right’, they are about economics and where and how we allow ‘profits’ to be found."

"Our" problems are not about economics; they are about human relations, human rights, selfishness & greed.

No labels here? "Exceptionalists, whether from anti-fa or from alt-right, have that western style righteousness in common. Look to AD as a metric, he hates all the boogey men of his fellow conventional thinkers. Some revolutionary."

No binary thinking being demonstrated here!

Sounder, we should agree with you because your thinking is exceptional. Some might even say it's, "revolutionary."

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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby SonicG » Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:20 am

Thanks for highlighting what you found important. The comment I highlighted really didn't need to be made because the circumstances don't really apply to whatever is happening in the US, but his analysis is quite cogent. I cannot claim any sort of right to comment on organization and activism strategies of progressives, if that is how I should term the sector of the left that wants to champion economic justice over identity politics. While I sympathize with the progressive left to varying degrees, I consider myself philosophically to be an anarchist, but of the Type III or Individualist type. Meaning that, in theory, I am opposed to identity politics also, as well as a lot of the Marxist baggage that so-called "anarchists", like the Antifa to a large degree, carry around. Type III anarchists have been pilloried by the American-Dream left for actually being accessories to the rise of anarcho-capitalism, and all forms of alt-right evil for promoting the individual over the collective...Max Stirner, like Nietzsche but even more nazi....sigh...

Heaven Swan » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:51 pm wrote:Glad to see you back Stickdog. Always appreciated your comments. Always good to hear you too Sonic.

This violence-as-beauty rhetoric is at the core of these movements. It saturates the vocabulary of the right-wing corporate oligarchs, including Donald Trump. Talk like this poisons national discourse. It dehumanizes whole segments of the population. It shuts out those who speak with nuance and compassion, especially when they attempt to explain the motives and conditions of opponents. It thrusts the society into a binary and demented universe of them and us. It elevates violence to the highest aesthetic. It eschews self-criticism and self-reflection. It is the prelude to widespread suffering and death. And that, I fear, is where we are headed[/b].

"The dead end of identity politics..." Love it, I do think we are segueing to a new place. Hallelujah

The last paragraph is poetry to my ears, except for the last sentence about the recent violence being a prelude to widespread suffering and death. Of course I hope he's wrong. Chris has witnessed so much in his travels in conflict zones and speaks from his own experience. Observing the current bleak, depoliticized landscape created and nurtured by capitalism and social manipulation on steroids doesn't inspire confidence,,,but in my daily interactions I do see many hopeful signs.

I also agree with street violence as being futile when you are not actually protecting something you have gained, but I think the Hollywood culture of violence and death is certainly playing heavily in the minds of many in the US. Nonetheless, on a concrete level, I think it is inarguable that the radical nationalist right, including the sovereign citizen movement, far outnumber and have much greater potential for planned violence than the anti-fa...At least beyond showing up at rallies and causing a street fight that would probably make football hooligans laugh...Fucking yanks, having to put on helmets for a little argy bargy...

Amazing coincidance...this was at the top of my Twitter feed right after I posted the above...

Peaceful protest is much more effective than violence for toppling dictators

"Researchers used to say that no government could survive if just 5 percent of the population rose up against it," Chenoweth says. "Our data shows the number may be lower than that. No single campaign in that period failed after they'd achieved the active and sustained participation of just 3.5 percent of the population." She adds, "But get this: every single campaign that exceeded that 3.5 percent point was a nonviolent one. The nonviolent campaigns were on average four times larger than the average violent campaigns."

Of course, 3.5 percent is a lot of people. In, for example, Iran, it amounts to 2.7 million people. In China, it's 47 million people. Still, it does happen. It's not clear exactly how many Egyptians protested in the February 2011 uprising that led to President Hosni Mubarak's downfall, but meeting the 2.9 million threshold doesn't sound unlikely. ... 9da815ed60

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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby Sounder » Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:52 am

sounder wrote....
"Our ‘problems’ are not about ‘left’ versus ‘right’, they are about economics and where and how we allow ‘profits’ to be found."

Iam wrote....
"Our" problems are not about economics; they are about human relations, human rights, selfishness & greed.

This is something that could be discussed.

Iam, language is a labeling devise. In the earlier context, labeling refers to naming people with pejorative terms so as to belittle the other. As others have indicated here, it's best to label people or groups with the same term they themselves use.

I have used them in the past and will try to talk without using them as best i can in the future.

"Our" problems are not about economics; they are about human relations, human rights, selfishness & greed.

human relations, human rights, selfishness & greed add up to make our economy.

IIRC the first corporations were chartered by the British King as monopolies in various trade enterprises.

For a short time the quaint notion of 'free enterprise' took hold in the public consciousness.

And now we are back to trans-national corporations making all the rules as their leverage increases while the validity of borders decreases.

No Borders sanctifies selfishness & greed and will guarantee poor human relations as the human rights of local populations are violated so that some cruel corporation can more efficiently extract resources.
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby Sounder » Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:32 am

Thanks for the perspective SonicG

SonicG wrote....
Nonetheless, on a concrete level, I think it is inarguable that the radical nationalist right, including the sovereign citizen movement, far outnumber and have much greater potential for planned violence than the anti-fa...At least beyond showing up at rallies and causing a street fight that would probably make football hooligans laugh...Fucking yanks, having to put on helmets for a little argy bargy...

Given US demographics and history what you say is true. Where I live in Michigan there were some folk connected to McVeigh that carried those beliefs, however I question the size or influence of that group. The guy lives on a run down junk filled lot, still there probably, on the main street running north out of Dexter MI. I doubt he inspires much respect for his cause.
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby minime » Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:40 am

Sounder » Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:52 am wrote:
Iam, language is a labeling devise. In the earlier context, labeling refers to naming people with pejorative terms so as to belittle the other. As others have indicated here, it's best to label people or groups with the same term they themselves use.

I have used them in the past and will try to talk without using them as best i can in the future.

Repeated for emphasis, and booooowya.

And so you have anticipated my rejoinder.

In particular, I was thinking about your use of the term 'Western exceptionalism' and how it might be problematic.

Edit: Rather than not using such terms at all, qualify their use, to clarify.
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Mon Sep 04, 2017 10:45 am

One of the emergent lessons of Summer 2017 is the fact that the US permanent security establishment -- aka yon good old fashioned National Security State -- might be running low on competent people, but the system itself still works. The monopoly of force is still considered an apex social good. Smirking little shits in khakis are no more entitled to disrupt commerce than black bloc crackers with dreadlocks are, and there's nothing the FBI loves more than playing both sides.

Now, things have been a little heavy on both extremes. I realize most people reading this won't have even noticed, RI is so far removed from such mundane concerns, but I assure you, America has gotten rather crazy in the past year.

You saw kids with no beliefs cheering alongside paleoconservatives and die-hard Ron Paul disciples because they really thought they'd struck a blow against the NWO. More recently, we've seen the Smash The State demographic have a great run of "Nazi Punching" PR, to the point they really thought they were being accepted by America.

That was all pretty stupid.

Now, the left's Dreamers are going through the same ugly (perpetual, somehow never fully effective) wakeup call their counterparts on the right did.

Via: ... in-tweets/

By David Futrelle

Seems like only yesterday that everyone to the left of Donald Trump was mad at the Nazis. Now for some reasons a lot of these same people are yelling about AntiFa. Nancy Pelosi has officially denounced AntiFa, and a piece in the generally liberalish Washington Post today declared that AntiFa are the “moral equivalent” of the literal Nazis they oppose.

Now I’m not exactly the most militant dude in the world but WHAT IN HOLY CRAP IS GOING ON. We are up against LITERAL NAZIS. One of them LITERALLY MURDERED A WOMAN with a car, and then the rest of them LAUGHED ABOUT IT and SAID IT WAS JUSTIFIED. They go to every so-called “free speech” rally they organize with the intent of doing bodily harm to as many people as possible. and unless we stop them it’s only a matter of time before they kill more people. So fuck this shit. Hug an AntiFa today.

He just CAN'T EVEN, y'all! Such histrionics are inescapable, anywhere on the political spectrum. Americans are reaching the same consensus we always do: governance is difficult and boring, and we want nothing to do with it.

Sure hope there's an Anti-Osteen doing unabashedly Christian organizing work out there, because ideology hasn't been doing shit for us lately.
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby SonicG » Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:41 am

but I assure you, America has gotten rather crazy in the past year. don't say? I can smell it all the way here in SE Asia...but yeah, I am throwing my arms up over the whole charade...I give up and retreat into philosophical masturbation over manning the barricades in Paris 1968...But pimping for the man during the day, so what the fuck right do I have to comment on the political fracturing of the US...

He just CAN'T EVEN, y'all! Such histrionics are inescapable, anywhere on the political spectrum. Americans are reaching the same consensus we always do: governance is difficult and boring, and we want nothing to do with it.

Sure hope there's an Anti-Osteen doing unabashedly Christian organizing work out there, because ideology hasn't been doing shit for us lately.

Governance is great when the graft flows...thus the current US administration...How could we not see that this would be the final result of the great sucking sound of wealth being transferred upwards at, well, the speed of hurricane winds that we have seen over the last 30 years or so...The fractures in the US political landscape and this whole presidency just seems like such a tectonic shift that it is impossible to predict how it will shake out, as it seems to shake various ways week to week. Dogs chasing the media rabbit?
Not exactly sure what you mean by your final sentence, but there is a lack of spirituality in play except for the zombie evangelicals and their end times food products....Churches urging mass demos against Trump would be quite a sight but seems doubtful...Although I could see the rise of some Maitreya figure if there was, say, a limited nuclear exchange or just one-side nuking of NorKor. But the aliens would put the kibbosh on that, right??
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby SonicG » Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:55 am

Sounder » Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:32 pm wrote:Thanks for the perspective SonicG

SonicG wrote....
Nonetheless, on a concrete level, I think it is inarguable that the radical nationalist right, including the sovereign citizen movement, far outnumber and have much greater potential for planned violence than the anti-fa...At least beyond showing up at rallies and causing a street fight that would probably make football hooligans laugh...Fucking yanks, having to put on helmets for a little argy bargy...

Given US demographics and history what you say is true. Where I live in Michigan there were some folk connected to McVeigh that carried those beliefs, however I question the size or influence of that group. The guy lives on a run down junk filled lot, still there probably, on the main street running north out of Dexter MI. I doubt he inspires much respect for his cause.

I am including people like the Bundy Ranch group and their little adventure at the bird sanctuary. They are well-off cattle farmers, getting rich from using federal lands without paying...Alex Jones has a far greater reach than any anti-fa mimeograph...And how many people is the evangelical preaching civil war if Trump is impeached able to reach? Mostly retirees, I'm sure but...

It's really just the whole gun cult that I strongly associate with the far right. The whole violent communist overthrow ideology filtered down through the late 70s, losing great steam with the dismantlement of the USSR, and then slowly picked up steam in the late 90s with Seattle and the rise of the Black Bloc, whose essential ideology then was just to break windows of chain stores it seems...Not really sure how Anti-fa is getting classified as a "terrorist organization" right now but they are no Weather Underground...I understand the gun cult reaches beyond the fetishists to the criminals and, yeah, there is a lot of both in the US, and right now, I don't see much discouragement being fed to people to use their guns to take out "liberals". Pots are boiling all around. So, I cancelled a plan to visit my ailing father in California this summer, because, fuck, there's too much crazy, too many guns there...
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby liminalOyster » Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:49 pm

After Bay Area violence, California debates classifying 'antifa' as a street gang

Not long after dozens of black-hooded protesters were filmed pummeling people on his city’s streets, Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin made clear his disgust for the self-stylized vigilantes.

“Antifa,” he said, is no different than a street gang, and police should start treating protesters in the anti-fascist movement accordingly.

Later that day, legislators in Sacramento advanced resolutions that would treat violent acts committed by antifa movement’s enemies — white nationalists and neo-Nazis — as terrorist acts under state law.

As forces on the extremes of the nation’s ever-widening political divide continue to battle with fists and weapons on the streets of California, law enforcement officials and politicians have started debating whether these extremist groups should be classified as street gangs.

Such a designation could give law enforcement new tools to combat the groups. Numerous laws on the books give authorities the power to restrict the movements of gang members and enhance criminal charges against them.

But such a move raises legal issues because unlike with traditional street gangs, the underlying motive of these extremist groups is political expression rather than criminal enterprise.

Law enforcement experts say the groups that have been warring in the Bay Area for months — which include anti-fascists and those using “black bloc” militant tactics, far-right organizations such as the Proud Boys and the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, and white nationalist groups such as Identity Evropa — certainly share similarities with a street gang.

“It is gang behavior with some ideology. But it is also a social entity as well as a political one,” said Brian Levin, director of Cal State San Bernardino Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism.

Arreguin, the mayor, said he believes that groups on both the left and the right meet this definition. But “it’s something I would want to discuss with our enforcement partners before I make that announcement,” he said.

“There are violent extremists on both sides, and we need to look at a variety of legal and law enforcement strategies to deal with these groups,” he said. “There are organized groups — violent extremists groups — on the left and right that have encouraged people to come to Berkeley and physically confront the antifa or to confront the alt-right.”

But some gang experts also expressed concern about linking the far left to street gang activity. While the groups may share commonalities with gangs, the idea of labeling them as such could be seen as a punishing a political viewpoint, no matter how extreme.

“There’s an argument for it, but there’s also a very grave concern because they are exercising their constitutional rights,” said San Bernardino County Deputy Dist. Atty. Britt Imes, a nationally renowned expert on gang activity. “Their criminal actions, not their free speech actions, their criminal actions, will determine whether they qualify as a criminal street gang.”

Labeling either far-left or far-right groups as street gangs could have serious consequences for those arrested during the inevitable next clash at a counter-protest in California. Under the state’s Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act — a piece of legislation passed at the height of the nation’s gang boom — gang enhancements can add two to 15 years to a criminal sentence for people convicted of committing a crime in concert with gang activity.

Identified gang members can also be subject to injunctions, or civil restraining orders, that would prevent them from being in certain areas or congregating with friends and even family. Such tactics have been hailed as successes, and decried as draconian by civil liberties groups, in Los Angeles.

A spokeswoman for the Berkeley Police Department said she did not know whether antifa would qualify as a gang under California law.

Any law enforcement agency trying to label antifa protesters as gang members might also run into another problem: Technically, they don’t exist.

Joanna Mendelson, a senior investigative researcher for the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, said “antifa” generally describes a way of thinking, rather than a group.

“The antifa is a loose network of individuals who believe in active, aggressive opposition to far-right movements,” she said. “There’s not a clear organizational structure. It’s a movement.”

Antifa does not have a membership, nor does anyone have to claim to be part of the group to embrace its tactics or approach to protests, she added. But some far-left groups that espouse violence have taken on this banner.

Some law enforcement officials believe those groups fit the description of a street gang, even if identifying their followers would be next to impossible.

“I think under state law they could easily be declared a gang,” said Wes McBride, president of the California Gang Investigators’ Assn. “They behave like a gang. They have defined commitment to violence. They have their own gang dress.”

They behave like a gang. They have defined commitment to violence. They have their own gang dress.
— Wes McBride, president of the California Gang Investigators’ Assn.
Imes, who said that he was speaking as an expert and that his comments did not reflect the opinions of the San Bernardino County district attorney’s office, added that many black and Hispanic factions defined as gangs under the law also lack structure or formal membership.

Antifa’s stated goal may be to defeat white supremacists and neo-Nazis, but if the means by which its followers achieve that mission are violent, they could still be defined as a gang, he said.

“The question is going to become have they engaged in a pattern of criminal activity … and is that part of their primary purpose for existing? When you talk about a group engaging in civil disobedience, I am very hesitant to label them a street gang,” Imes said. “However, if their purpose is to come together to cause havoc, or engage in violence, and this is antifa or the white supremacist side … they’re going to engage in conduct that will eventually fit the definition of what a criminal street gang is.”

Those standing across Bay Area battle lines from anti-fascists, including the Proud Boys and the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, seem to have more in common with what the average citizen associates with gang lore. The Proud Boys, a national collective of “western chauvinists” founded by former Vice media executive Gavin McInnes, has a formalized initiation process that includes being beaten by members, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Members have to declare themselves as Proud Boys, follow a dress code that includes polo shirts and engage in violent brawls with anti-fascists as part of their initiation, the SPLC has said. The group has regional chapters, including in the Bay Area and Orange County, and some members refer to themselves as “commanders” of specific sets. After an April rally, the Bay Area Proud Boys claimed Berkeley as its “territory,” according to a tweet pinned atop its social media page.

“When they do things like that, and they put things in writing like bylaws … it makes our job a lot easier,” Imes said. “It makes proving the associational organization much easier. When you talk about whether something is a criminal street gang or not, you look to what evidence you have.”

Factions on both sides of the political divide also commit a pattern of crimes that are described in the Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act, experts say. The repeat brawls in the Bay Area and elsewhere could constitute a pattern of assault. Arson is also listed under the law, Imes said, pointing to fires believed to have been set by anti-fascists during protests in Berkeley earlier this year.

Still, most experts agree that it’s easier to label a group a gang when its criminal acts are divorced from political speech. The Golden State Skinheads are a white supremacy group, for example, but its members have also been known to engage in robberies and drug trafficking.

McBride said he’s less concerned with labels than he is with stopping the endless series of brawls in the Bay Area before they escalate into something worse.

“These young men see it as an adventure with the excitement of a fight,” he said, warning that sooner or later “someone is going to pull a gun.” ... story.html
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby Cordelia » Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:20 pm

August 12, one month from today...

Anti-Fascists Plan Big Protest At Unite The Right Rally

Thousands of anti-fascist protesters will confront the white nationalists and neo-Nazis planning an August rally in Washington, D.C. on the anniversary of the “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, protest organizers told the Forward.

Jason Kessler, who planned last year’s Charlottesville rally, has been given initial approval to hold an Aug. 12 “Unite the Right 2” rally at Lafayette Square across from the White House. A white nationalist at the rally has been charged with murder for fatally mowing down counter-protester Heather Heyer with a car at last year’s march.

“That’s heavy to realize you were the target of a terrorist attack. It raised trauma for a lot of people,” a 37-year-old DC-based anti-fascist organizer who was near the Charlottesville attack told the Forward. “I think [the planned rally] renewed a lot of that trauma.”

The organizer said there would be a mix of antifa-aligned groups including Smash Racism DC and members of other progressive organizations.

The anti-fascist organizer said there would be a number of different actions planned, but the main focus would be on defending other counter-demonstrators, particularly if they see any white nationalists targeting specific individuals.

“The rallies will be very open and we’ll aim to be family friendly; with that being said, there will be neo-Nazis marching through town celebrating another date where they killed someone, so there is a strong need to keep watch and be available for security to keep people safe,” the organizer said.

He added that they were “hoping for minimal violence” and will be there to make sure “people don’t get hurt” or arrested.

Jill Raney, a D.C.-based member of the anti-Israeli occupation group IfNotNow, said they would organize a community gathering some time over that weekend “to create some kind of space for healing and personal growth and resilience.”

Raney, who attended the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, said that IfNotNow wants to make some “something positive related to this weekend of literal Nazis having a party in our city.” Though the organization focuses on Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians, Raney said they viewed organizing around the rally as part of their mission to support both Jewish and Palestinian dignity.

The National Parks Service approved plans for a 400-person rally in DC after Kessler submitted an application for “protesting civil rights abuse in Charlottesville, Va / white civil rights.”

Kessler had tried to hold the rally back in Charlottesville, but the city denied him a permit. Kessler filed suit and said he still plans to hold another demonstration there.

Kessler also said he was concerned about counter-protests.

“Members of Antifa affiliated groups will try to disrupt,” he wrote in the DC application.

The National Parks Service did not return an immediate request for comment if a final permit had been granted to Kessler. Kessler also did not return an immediate request for comment.

Read more: ... niversary/

Earlier this week neighbors, a black family, woke up to find their car had been egged. Yesterday we found a recruitment flyer from a branch of the KKK tacked to our mailbox. Creeping around in the night, spreading fear, hatred and violence; very disturbing to think of who is close by, what is coming up.

Edit: Why hold these except to stir the pot(s)?

The anti-fascist organizer said there would be a number of different actions planned, but the main focus would be on defending other counter-demonstrators, particularly if they see any white nationalists targeting specific individuals.

“The rallies will be very open and we’ll aim to be family friendly; with that being said, there will be neo-Nazis marching through town celebrating another date where they killed someone, so there is a strong need to keep watch and be available for security to keep people safe,” the organizer said.

He added that they were “hoping for minimal violence” and will be there to make sure “people don’t get hurt” or arrested.
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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby Grizzly » Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:21 pm

Same as it ever was ....

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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby American Dream » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:27 pm

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Re: Alt Right vs "Alt Left" Strategy of Tension in the USA?

Postby JackRiddler » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:46 pm

Damn but someone put a lot of work into the Trump vs. Talking Heads video. I quite like it.
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