Gazi Kodzo and Black Hammer etc

Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff


Postby liminalOyster » Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:27 pm

JackRiddler » Thu Aug 04, 2022 7:08 pm wrote:Caught up with this through an interview with the TrueAnon guy, who seems to be on top of the research although he and the boys are very dickish about associating this Proud-Boys-meeting character with some sickness of "the left," or with anything really other than what he clearly was: GANGSTER. In all the worst and traditional senses of that word, not any of the cool ones. Funded by a Ruh, Ruh, Russian, Ivanov? Seems so. Awfully convenient that he isn't going to be around for the case. Following 100 percent some COINTELPRO movement-disruption templates? Absolutely. Insanely incompetent at whatever the cult was supposed to accomplish other than to live out this sicko's power fantasies for as long as it could go? Yeh.

Something ironic about that level of incompetence and how depleted these times are that he couldn't even last 3 full years. Even our cults are victims of the quick burn libidinal attention economy complex.
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