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Who runs the secret societies that run the world?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:51 pm
by stickdog99

Viewer Warning: I am not endorsing everything espoused in this video, but much of it consists of interesting historical speculation.

Re: Who runs the secret societies that run the world?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 10:45 am
by drstrangelove
it amazes me how people have been led to believe the french revolution was about liberation from authority. the french monarchy was completely chaotic and decentralised and the french revolution progressively centralised that authority into a ruling group with fewer and fewer members until it was one single man.

it's like the literal opposite of the american revolution. also benjamine franklin killed children and buried their bodies beneath his property in London. look up the bones in franklin's basement. they give a hilarious cover story for this which overlooks the fact he was a member of the hellfire club.

Re: Who runs the secret societies that run the world?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:43 am
by DrEvil
The "cover story" sounds perfectly plausible. Anatomy at the time was in its infancy, and getting your hands on corpses to dissect was hard, so they resorted to grave robbing. It was common enough that the people doing the robbing had a name: resurrection men. What doesn't sound plausible is "there were remains found buried on his property and he was a member of a Hellfire Club, ergo he murdered children". That's, to put it mildly, jumping to conclusions.

Re: Who runs the secret societies that run the world?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:31 am
by drstrangelove
why are you jumping to the conclusion they weren't vivisections?