John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

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John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

Postby Grizzly » Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:17 pm

The renowned Australian journalist and documentary film-maker John Pilger has died aged 84, his family have announced.

A statement posted to his account on X said: “It is with great sadness the family of John Pilger announce he died yesterday 30 December 2023 in London aged 84.

“His journalism and documentaries were celebrated around the world, but to his family he was simply the most amazing and loved Dad, Grandad and partner. Rest In Peace.” ... es-aged-84

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Re: John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

Postby stickdog99 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:35 pm

RIP. One of the last real journalists on the planet.
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Re: John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

Postby Elvis » Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:54 pm

Sure he was great at exposing CIA crimes but he pushed the whole coronavirus hoax, masks, distancing, vaccines—which clearly makes him a fascist enemy of the people and a Klaus Schwab bootlicker-enabler of the Great Reset so you won't own anything.

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Re: John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

Postby Grizzly » Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:14 am

Thanks, Elvis! We can always look forward to you coming in and shitting all over anything I post. After long absence's. Wouldn't be right to just let shit go. You gotta chime in from your lofty perch.
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Re: John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

Postby Elvis » Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:51 pm

Grizzly » Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:14 am wrote:Thanks, Elvis! We can always look forward to you coming in and shitting all over anything I post. After long absence's. Wouldn't be right to just let shit go. You gotta chime in from your lofty perch.

Sorry you didn't get the joke. The hardline proponents of the "covid is a hoax, etc." perspective are incredibly arrogant & judgemental towards those who don't share their interpretations.

What's so lofty about my perch?
Everything you post? I couldn't possible read all your posts. Why don't you let shit go?
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Re: John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:52 pm

Given that the events since 2020 were unprecedented in several obvious respects, and that covid policies -- as implemented by many govts worldwide (lockdowns, mandates, 'health passports', etc) -- have demonstrably led to immense harms: loss off livelihoods, loss of lives, loss of community, loss of employment, etc., it is not at all surprising that there will be a spectrum of views on the topic. Some more valid than others.

The fact that YOU -- as far as I've seen here in this forum: feel free to correct me -- and others here with similar sentiments have yet to CLEARLY and unequivocally acknowledge this (Re: the immense and unjustifiable harms caused by covid-related POLICIES/Restrictions), and instead choose to utilize the news of the death of a (from all accounts) genuine journalist as a platform to apply Strawman and False Equivalence talking points to this thread speaks far more to your shortcomings than those of others trying to make sense -- however half-baked, in some instances -- of the absolute madness of the last ~3yrs (madness with no sign of abating, by the way).

Remember: the fucking "experts" were 100% WRONG from the onset. And I'm referring here to the "experts" that had genuinely good intentions. Those among the "expert"/bureaucratic management class that knowingly LIED to the public (for whatever reasons: self-preservation, greed, grift, etc.) deserve no empathy. In a just world there would be fierce consequences/punishment for their complicity.

[removed this paragraph; unproductive to discourse]

You -- or anyone else -- have no moral high ground to call out the "covid is a hoax" contingent (how many lives/livelihoods/jobs were ended by the actions of the "covid is a hoax" contingent? Indeed)

Not until there is FULL acknowledgement and accountability for the egregious wrongs perpetrated on populations worldwide under the FALSE guise of a "health emergency" (which, in any event, will NEVER justify mandates or lockdowns: even if such measures were somehow beneficial to some degree -- they clearly weren't; we're still collectively enduring the harms caused by them -- affronts to human rights are NEVER justifiable, regardless of whatever programming may persuade some to be convinced otherwise).

You (and others) continue to be myopic on this issue (and other related issues being promoted heavily these last few years Re: 'climate alarm', monetary systems, etc); in many ways you are the ideal rube for what's coming/what's already being campaigned heavily by 1st world systems over the last several years. Your sensibilities/ideals are being used against you, and you may have already become a fascist enabler without realizing it, or perhaps there's blinkered awareness of it but it's justified under the guise of "the reality of current circumstances". you may reflexively respond to these words by labeling me "right-leaning", or better yet: FAR-Right. etc. Interpret these words however you deem fit.

We're all susceptible to programming. But the problem begins when there is a lack of self-awareness of the impact these increasingly pervasive and pernicious techniques (programming/conditioning/nudging/sentiment manipulation, etc) may have in our own views, which in turn leads to an inability to self-reflect and re-assess positions. This, in turn -- particularly in this current era -- leads towards complicity in vile acts and crimes against humanity.

EDIT to add the following, in anticipation of the rhetoric received numerous times as a response to my commentary (rather than addressing the root issues raised): of course, the above applies across all tribalist/political persuasions, arguably skewed by degrees in a particular direction depending on a number of factors/objectives. Misdirections, limited hangouts, controlled opposition, deflections, poisoned wells (etc) abound. What may be unique in this particular zeitgeist (compared to earlier/historical propaganda/large-scale disinfo campaigns) may best be summarized by the following:


We are being subjected to a complex matrix of debatable issues & crisis, and sub-debates within crisis’. It drains energy & focus. Everyone is upset about many things, and important things involving freedom suffer for collective focus.

Society is being Venn diagram’d to death.

OR, perhaps, consider the recent musing of our dormant landlord, who once shared many of the views many of us held, but has (over the last few years or so) re-assessed some of his prior beliefs (hint, hint):

Jeff Wells

A few years ago, any one of maybe ten things happening right now would have been regarded as apocalyptic. Now that's just the background noise while we wait for things to get REALLY nuts.


2020: The Great Terror Begins
2021: Bio-Fascism
2022: NATO-Russia War
2023: Genocide

Happy New Year ... 40337?s=20 ... 90043?s=20

And with respect to the OP:


You either die a hero or you live long enough to become a villain to shitlibs. RIP John Pilger.

Image ... 78966?s=20

RIP Pilger.
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Re: John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:53 pm

Our sociopathic oligarchs have successfully weaponized the communitarian altruism that they always perceived was our greatest weakness.

The epitaph of progressivism:

If you don't embrace all of my authoritarian prescriptions in pursuit of the greatest good for the greatest number, you are dead to me.

And thus "We are the 99%!" broke into thousands of pieces.
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Re: John Pilger, campaigning journalist, dies aged 84

Postby Grizzly » Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:37 pm

I still can't believe this is just, out there. From the US Military itself. But like, it's so... Could've been produced better, though...

"PSYWAR: What is a psyop?"

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