The K.Middleton Theories/Potential "AI" manipulation.

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The K.Middleton Theories/Potential "AI" manipulation.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:12 pm

Breadcrumbs/speculations for consideration.


Imagine the most sophisticated PR machine in the world coming up with this:

"As you are aware, Your Royal Highness, there has been widespread speculation and all kinds of nasty conspiracy theories circulating about your absence. We haven't managed this very well thus far. In fact, we've made a complete pig's ear of it. But now we're going to fix everything. We've put our best people on this and here's what we're going to do:

Just you perched awkwardly on a bench. Minimal makeup. Uncharacteristically pale skin. Tired eyes. But inexplicably immaculate and perfectly symmetrical hair. You mustn't touch your hair in that natural, spontaneous way you always do. You know, that thing that makes people subconsciously know it's definitely you. NEVER touch your hair. Or flick it. Don't flick your hair back or do any of those natural, human movements that, incidentally, deep fake technology still struggles to pull off. Keep your hands in your lap. DO NOT lift them off your legs.

There will be no establishing shots. The last thing we want to do is film you walking through the garden, holding hands with William or picking daffodils with your children, like we would normally do. Not even you on your own, walking up to the bench and sitting down. Or getting up at the end. It's just going to be BOOM! HELLO HERE I AM ON A BENCH. ALONE. I'VE GOT CANCER, LIKE MOST OF YOU NOW - LOL - THANKS A LOT BYE.

Not even indoors surrounded by photographs of the family, as we also normally like to do these things. No. This will be unlike any other filmed message we've ever produced, in a deliberately confusing way. In fact, it's going to be done in a way that no filmmaker or videographer would ever, ever choose to shoot something like this.

We've written a script for you. It's mainly talking about how comforting it is to have William by your side. It's very important that you emphasise this because he will NOT be by your side as you say it. This will not make any sense at all, to anybody. Next to you will just be an egg-shaped void where your husband's head should be. It's the stupidest thing in the world to not have at least one shot of you with your husband. So we're not going to have one.

The take away from this needs to be that you're a frightened, sickly woman whose only friend in the world is a fucking bench and nobody understands how you got there.

Also, if you blink at an almost impossible, inhuman rate. We won't do another take. That's the one we'll use.

Obviously, the really smart way to do this would be to invite a BBC journalist to do a candid interview with you, somebody like Nick Robinson, who also suffered from cancer and also told everyone to get the injections that cause horrific cancers. Just like you! Anyway, he could talk to you, perhaps on a sofa, candidly but with respect and sensitivity, and you could reveal your situation to the world. We could even subtly place a copy of that day's paper on the coffee table in front of you as a wry, playful, 'fuck you' to all the conspiracy theorists. People would love that. It also shows you still have a sense of humour.

But we've decided not to do any of those things. We're going for this really weird, unsettling, off-brand, totally inexplicable bench monologue. Like a Mr Bean sketch, but with fewer laughs"

4:54 AM · Mar 25, 2024 ... 62891?s=20


You aren't going to believe this but in an interview with the I newspaper and BBC Director General Tim Davie it said:

"Kensington Palace chose BBC Studios, the corporation’s commercial wing, to shoot the Princess of Wales’s video announcement that she is being treated for cancer, in part because the broadcaster’s involvement would prevent any wild speculation about its veracity."

Image ... 30882?s=20


Just passing this on. Make of it what you will.

The bench and background are wonky as all get-out, though.


The following link was shared by Jeff Wells on Twitter: ... -believing

[Youtube video clip]
First, the background is frozen. It’s a still image, not video. Look closely. It’s utterly motionless. On a spring day with the air seemingly not moving AT ALL, you’d see the leaves trembling and the spring-loaded daffodils bobbing around a bit. But no, it’s deadly still. Because it’s a still image. It’s fake.

How would I know that? As someone who worked in high end photography and cinematography my whole life (what is now known as “image acquisition”). My specialty was lighting. We had to make everything look good, and real, and flattering, and also keep an eye on the hair and makeup of the “talent.” I had to have what is called “a good eye” to do this. I’ve had a weirdly “good eye” my entire life, evidenced at a very young age when I began to draw. I was immediately branded as “gifted” because of this. I’m not saying this to brag, but to make it clear that, for better or worse, I’m not normal. I see things most people don’t see.

There are inconsistent sun reflections on the ends of the bench. One is quite bright and specular, the other (viewer left) is very dulled down. The bench wasn’t shot outside, and the “sunlight” on the bench is not from the sun but an artificial light in a studio, so the rays of the “sun” aren’t parallel, thus the inconsistent angle of reflection.

It appears that they couldn’t get the digital “shadow” of her arm and shoulder right, on the back of the bench, so they added an even worse digital “reflection” of the stripes in her sweater, which actually makes things way worse rather than breaking up the failed “shadow.” It’s actually a terrible and obvious flaw. The bench isn’t shiny enough to justify such a “reflection.” It’s just WEIRD that they thought they could get away with this.

There’s also something amiss with the part in her hair atop her head. It’s a little too geometric, too deep, the reflection from the “sun” a little too bright for the “sun” on the rest of her head and face.

And perhaps they chose a still image for the background to help sell the illusion that she is outside in a world where her long, free hair doesn’t move. At all. That simply doesn’t happen shooting outdoors. I worked on professional film shoots of all kinds my entire adult life, and shooting outdoors, hair like hers is gonna have some kind of motion from the outdoor air movement, however small, like the leaves on the trees would at least tremble. Her hair only moves with the movement of her head.

This video isn’t any more convincing than that fake still image they released of her earlier.

Keep in mind that far as a person’s face and voice, they can do deep fakes now that are 99.99% believable.

Twenty-five years ago they publicly admitted the “government” could deep-fake a persons voice, and released that info through a story in the Washington Post (link below).

They can now do the same thing with faces.

So this new video does absolutely nothing to clear up the mystery, but it seems to have satisfied a great many people who have viewed it. Which is strange. Why is that strange? Well, because people should know better by now. But I always expect too much out of people and they always disappoint.

Now, here, to me, is the strangest thing about these releases of imagery:

The people who made this video, presumably the same people who released what was clearly a photoshopped composite of “Kate” and her kids, SHOULD have access to the absolute best and state-of-the-art digital fakery in the world. So why are they releasing imagery that is so flawed and subpar that it’s as either a joke — on us — or for some still-unknown reason they are deliberately letting us know that this media is faked?

To send a message? But what is the real message?

I really don’t give a sh*t about the inbred hillbillies known as the “Royal family,” but I have an obsessive interest in figuring out why and how the true “Powers That Be” lie to us commoners. Because they do it constantly and that is HOW they get away with crimes that would make Satan blush:

Remember: the other AWOL pervert now known to the world as “King Charles” ran about quite publicly with that super-famous media celebrity “Jimmy Saville” who was a rampant and unapologetic pedophile who not only raped living children but was allowed into hospital morgues to rape dead ones. Fact.

And this was covered up for decades by the “free media” while Saville was allowed to do his famous TV children’s TV show and have access to unlimited living children.

Only when he freaking DIED was this rather important information released to the public.

So if the Royal Family goes down in flames, great. Maybe western civilization will finally be removed from The Dark Ages.

But I’m not holding my breath.

“May you live in interesting times.” — allegedly an old Chinese curse.

(Here’s the link to the 1999 article about the audio deep fakes): ... 020199.htm


There’s been a surprising amount of response to this post, and since I hit the “publish” button, a few other damning images have been brought to my attention. The most interesting one is this:


This clearly shows what the CGI/Deep fake artists used as source imagery for their video of her “cancer announcement.” Clearly they used not only her wardrobe, but her hair.


All this being said, if she is still alive and actually going through chemo, I feel terrible for her. For anyone who goes through that.

But we have no way of knowing.

All we actually do know is that they’re going to great lengths to lie to us.

For all we know, Harry threw her down a flight of stairs and killed her.

It could literally be anything, even that.

That’s what happens when you’re caught in a lie. Trust completely vanishes.

The following may or may not be related:


This was Pippa Middleton with Thomas Kingston in happier times.

Kingston remained friends with the Middleton's after they had split up.

He died on Sunday the 25th of February due to a "traumatic head wound" with a gun found near his body in an outbuilding at his parents' home in the Cotswolds after he drove there to have lunch with them according to an inquest.

Pippa Middleton never went to his funeral.

Prince William did.

King Charles and Queen Camilla sent their "most heartfelt thoughts and prayers" to his family.

This is a key part of the ongoing story.


Open to much speculation.

Image ... 78104?s=20



Have all the bad guys become stupefyingly lousy at message control and forgot how to launder their evil as good, or are they just delighting in their final reveal as straight-up wicked?

Yeah, I think it's the latter.

1:20 PM · Mar 25, 2024
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Re: The K.Middleton Theories/Potential "AI" manipulation.

Postby SonicG » Tue Mar 26, 2024 8:27 am

Also via Le X

China, Russia and Iran are reportedly behind the spread of conspiracy theories, slurs and rumours about the Princess of Wales. Senior government figures are said to believe that the states deliberately peddled lies on social media in a bid to destabilise society.

All three? Together or separately?? But I thought the Royals were just meaningless figureheads in this day and age, a quaint tourist attraction... :fawked:
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Re: The K.Middleton Theories/Potential "AI" manipulation.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Apr 02, 2024 3:28 pm


Getty Images has placed a note on Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis announcement, stating that the video “may not adhere” to their editorial policy.

Image ... type=owned
A picture is worth a thousand words, but if that picture was released by Kensington Palace, Getty Images may have a few more words to add. The news photo agency appended an editor’s note to last month's video of Kate Middleton sharing her shock cancer diagnosis, warning audiences that it “may not adhere” to the group’s standards for work produced by their own photographers and videographers.

“EDITOR'S NOTE: This Handout clip was provided by a third-party organization and may not adhere to Getty Images' editorial policy,” reads the disclaimer alongside the caption info, without elaborating specifically where the pre-recorded clip might deviate from Getty’s policies.

People who are claiming that it's standard practice for Getty to append this note to all handout content, should first read the article, as it has clearly mentioned this has not been the case. ... 82676?s=20
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