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Thinking beyond the matrix.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:01 pm
by slimmouse
Sacred space was created before the temples. It is a state of creation itself. We can create sacred space in our own temple. If we pray or meditate in one place regularly, we then create a vortex. By vortex, I mean "spinning energy," whether it is positive or negative. The personal vortex is also a Golden Mean spiral. The spinning of the chakras creates a doorway into no-time and space. If we can create the doorway, then we have access to the Great Silence.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:42 am
by DeepBlue
How apropos that a great silence ensued.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Flowing streams, resolution, balance, overflow, unbalance, and back again. In and out it goes. Tick tock goes the pendulum.

Or not because it's a veritable fountain of flowing illusions springing from the cosmic mind which is just in the imagination of the fountain creating itself continuously, if at all really, and expressing itself in all possible permutations resulting in, at times, demonic stratifications not equipped to process its own destiny fast enough for the vacuum to be filled simply because sometimes the void consumes the gods, thusly closing the golden lemniscate spiraling back onto itself in an infinite nested aggregation of cells and layers, replete with eddies and vortexes.
