Boo to RI, (version 2.0 ), and a sorta requiem for pitcairn

Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff

Postby Burnt Hill » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:20 am

Chiggerbit, a little misunderstanding between us
I think I will leave it to someone else to move it this time
i believe here you are referring to this current thread. So again I ask, why does it have to be moved? Why cant I express some criticism? I have no problem with you losing the last post, my issue is that you locked it first, then tried to move it. The topic was, and is, dissent with the structure and moderation of the board, not orgone. And I dont have to play dumb, I still dont even really know what orgone is, I just know a few of you are afraid to discuss agnihotra, and have lumped them together. Are you saying disagreeing with the structure of the board, and disagreeing with the moderation is orgone activism? You're not playing, are you? Pitcairn has many posts, and a beautiful voice of reason, which the moderation, or lack of, in certain cases, has pushed aside. You should be ashamed of your selves.
Last edited by Burnt Hill on Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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to sunny

Postby Burnt Hill » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:26 am

At the time I posted eiAe had locked a couple of the threads, so
it can still be viewed and discussed
was only half true. And again we have dealt with the change, I still disagree with the structure and moderation of this discussion board.
Last edited by Burnt Hill on Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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eiAe we meet again

Postby Burnt Hill » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:40 am

And burnt hill, you have no claims of ownership 'in the depths'. Anyone is permitted to speak their minds there. If you can't handle toostoned's and other's observations, well, that's pretty much your problem..
I claim no such ownership. And I certainly can, and did handle Too Stoned, as I helped moderate his argument with Donovan. As far as speaking our minds, you mean until you decide to lock the posts?! You are funny! Looks like I will try to continue to do your job properly. And have you no remorse? youve played no small part in pitcairns current departure. It would be nice if we could become worthy adversaries, but you would have to learn to show respect first.
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Postby Sepka » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:18 am

I've run multiple-moderated projects. Even with a clear written policy, it takes a while for the moderator team to reach that sort of concensus understanding where each one will react the same way to the same situation, so that the users can see no personal differences among the moderators.

Give them time, and give them calm, unflustered feedback. Don't assume that because one implements policy differently than the others that he's deliberately abusing his position. Remember that Jeff's started with a whole group of new moderators who all have to adjust to one another, instead of just one new moderator adjusting to the pre-existing group. It's going to take time to run smoothly.

-Sepka the Space Weasel
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Re: eiAe we meet again

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:30 am

Burnt Hill wrote:youve played no small part in pitcairns current departure. It would be nice if we could become worthy adversaries, but you would have to learn to show respect first.

Here we go again....

As usual you have no idea what you're talking about. If you had a shred of Pitcairn's dignity and wisdom I'd take no issues with you whatsoever. There are no issues between that poster and myself.

As to the rest of your post, if it caters to your ego to wax yourself my Nemesis here, so be it, that's predictable old school pecking-yard forum behavior, but I doubt the outcome of designating yourself as such will be in your favor.

Neither you nor any novelty you raise generates 'fear' in me, but simply stated, I have zero interest in seeing this board decrepify into an info-tainment source, which to me, is the culmination of all you and your collegues represent. I live daily in the ugly reality of my country's War with the rest of the world, and see it's consequence on multiple levels that cannot be escaped no matter how deep the desire to depart from reality may grow. I've spent hours in the company of soldiers returned from their third tours of duty who later went to hotel rooms and blew their brains out with their family in the next room who were ecstatic their loved ones had just made it back ok.

But they didn't.

Maybe they wouldn't do things like that if dragon's sacred dungballs were 'deployed' in time. Maybe if the mudballs were calculatingly located at regular intervals like highway call-boxes the people that make up my society wouldn't be so psychotically self-centered and bloated with Avarice.

When this world finally crumbles and peels around you, Burnt Hill, ask yourself why your stupid mudballs didn't keep Fascism from devouring everything on the face of the Earth. Maybe you could have done something more important to stave against that outcome than endlessly pestering this board in a weary crawl up it's social ladder endorsing Snake-Oil peddlars..
"but I do know that you should remove my full name from your sig. Dig?" - Unnamed, Super Scary Persun, bbrrrrr....
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Postby tron » Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:47 am not sure about them mudballs.....was it dragon that said they stopped the coming conflict on iran?

"so mr president why did you decide not to attack iran"

"well shucks, i did see loads of mud balls bein placed everywhere an i did think to myself dang, those z' force boys have sure got me good this time, i think i did call everything off and then returned half of all income tax as a peace gesture"

sorry....i makkee big jokee, dont mean to offend
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Postby Burnt Hill » Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:44 am

Your poor reading capacity and lack of understanding the topic take precedent once again. Your lack of competent moderation of Too Stoned insulting verbal attacks played a large part in pitcairns departure. I need no nemesis. you have played that role and I am willing to take you on. I do consider you an adversary, as I feel you cheapen the level of discussion here at RI. As far as worthy, no. As far as the rest of your post,
psychotically self-centered and bloated with Avarice.
pretty much sums up your stance.
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