The Media Zionism and 9-11

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Postby sunny » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:08 pm


What about people right now, less than a km away from where some of you ghouls sit, who suffer, have no fucking home, no food. not even a scrap of compassion from their own communities...

Piss off.

No Joe, you piss off. You don't know a goddamned thing about me.
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Postby slimmouse » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:43 pm

Joe Hillshoist wrote:Want some emotion.

How about this:

I am sick to death of people screaming about the suffering in palestine as if its the only thing in the fucking world.

How fucked are you people.


What? Did I say something?

No one says nothing about people i know who cry every time they see cops they MURDER their families. (Deaths in custody don't mean shit do they.)

No one gives a flying fuck about Dafour.

About poverty in Africa or Asia.

About people being gunned down cos they don't want loggers and miners in their patch of the world.

What about Mexico. Thats just dissappeared hasn't it. No one gets dragged off and murdered there!!!!

What about people right now, less than a km away from where some of you ghouls sit, who suffer, have no fucking home, no food. not even a scrap of compassion from their own communities...

What screaming about Zionists makes it OK to ignore the fact that the world is full of people screaming silently in pain - pain that you cause cos you do nothing to aleieviate it.

Piss off.

I'll start giving a fuck about the Zionist media as something serious when some of you wankers get off your arses go outside and spend some real time and effort with the people in your own socieities who have nothing and get less.

Winging about the media and congress being controlled does not make up foir the fact that you stand idly by while your own people suffer.

How many of you have offered places in your homes to the victims of Katrina?

Not fucking many I'll bet.

I am sick of this bullshit.

People suffer everywhere every fucking day.

Go out right now find someone who is and do something to help them then maybe, just maybe you might have a leg to stand on.

Apart from Alice how many people here have copmplained about "Zionism" cos its hurting people.


You winge about the consequences for your western fucking priveleged lifestyles. Scared about nuclear war - why cos it'll hurt you!!!

Scared about zionist this martial law that why cos it'll hurt you.

Don't give me that false emotional bullshit about someone who doesn't display their emotion being a disinfo agent.

Crap its a self centred crock.

What are you fucking americxans doing to shut down Guantanamo Bay.

Nothing so don't start winging about what Israel does or some fucking Joo somewhere does when you don't do nothing.

Put yourself on the line and put up or else shut up.

...We now return you to your regulasr sheduled middle class wankfest.

Well Joe, the party has finally started. Good on ya for that at least.

But since this appears a broadside at amongst others, myself,

- like Ive tried to intimate, though you obviously missed it, I truly dont give a fuck if WW3 starts tommorrow from a personal point of view.

- Meanwhile, If you wish to swap accomodation, perhaps you could live in a 20 foot x 12 foot space, and fit a couple of Katrina victims in ? Call me selfish, but I do like my privacy in my roaming 20 foot by 12 foot middle class palace.

- And I actually put up daily. Or perhaps I shouldnt work for less than the minimum wage in order to try and make a difference (to the best of my known abilities), when I could readily earn any amount more for far less endeavour by prostituting myself to the system ?

- In other words You will usually find that emotional people DO walk the talk.

So what Am I doing sitting here you might say ? Well, as a community of generally speaking, knowledgeable, informed, articulate individuals who teach me new information, perspectives and reasoning on a daily basis - And given that knowledge is about the best way ive figured out that I can make a difference - I do hope you will spare me such indulgence ?

And, nope, I dont like blowing my own trumpet, nor do I seek neither praise, nor sympathy for what I do, because I actually still truly realise how lucky I am.
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Postby darkbeforedawn » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:56 pm

Full of sound and fury--signifying nothing
Hmm when you want to distract, simply throw a ton of meaningless accusations at people you never met and then act pleased.
That was at best boring and unconvincing. At worst a complete fraud. I don't believe you were sincere about one word of that...
These wars that we have been driven into have taken away the crumbs and the crusts from the mouths of the weakest and least supported members of our society--the mentally ill, the aged, the impoverished single mother....all suffer a great deal more.
And who, may I ask, planned and plotted for decades to bring these about?
Wasn't it the great Neocons and the acolites of Levi Strauss? And were not the vast majority of these zionists?
I have seen the homeless poplulation of my town double and then triple. I watch their plight with anquish every single day.
10 years ago, we had enough surplus in our treasury to care for all of these with beds and meals.
Now many have neither.
All our resources now buy guns, bombs, tanks, napalm and our tax money lines the coffers of Haliburton, the Carlyle group and yes, Israel "defense funds"
All your senseless ranting and twisted attempts to make us feel guilty, Joe, won't change these facts.

Postby yesferatu » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:56 am

Hillshoist. I get your anger. I don't get your point. You'll start caring about the Palestinians when us wankers start caring about
1. Deaths during custody
2. Darfour
3. African and Asian poverty
4. Mexican suffering

Why do you need to set aside the palestinian issue from these things? And use it as some kind of hold-out bargaining chip to trade with us in some empathy swap-meet where we can show you what you want, at which point you which point you will do what? Finally "care about the palestinians" as your payment to your lost bet that we are exclusively concerned toward palestinians only? How genuine can your concern be if that is the pre-requisite? And hence, if you have no genuine concern for palestinians, then how can I know you have genuine concern for those in Darfour? People are people.
Do you attribute some malice to palestinians which prevents the kind of empathy to them you have for those in Darfour?
They blow themselves up? Kill innocents?
Good points. Those things should make you extremely angry at the zionists that are causing these people to do these things. Sorry. Caged people will do crazy things. I want innocent people to stop dying. That means the zionists need to treat palestinians as equals. Since zionists won't do that (they have stated as much), I choose to try and do what I can to expose zionists as the fascist filth they are. And hope for this to turn around in my lifetime. Doubtful....but...

So I don't get the point...though I understand your anger at suffering everywhere. The point is how much energy can you spend, and how diffused will it become without choosing to channel the energy? If a group of folks on this site wrote quite a bit about Darfour, and the root cause of the suffering there, should I then call those members wankers because they are being exclusive to Darfour while ignoring suffering elsewhere, and tell them I will start caring about Darfour when they will care about the 53 other trouble spots in the world?

Can you have empathy for a caged man? If so you can have empathy for a suicide bomber. Not agree with it.
I have empathy for the 10 year old Jewish girl ripped to shreds by the suicide bomber. It's about empathy for victims. Both are victims of ZIONISM.
It sounds like the palestinians are off your list, and you are angry we include them in the list.

They just promoted another Zionist to a key position in our government in amerika today. A fucking warmonger. Some Cohen asshole.
Are you more pissed at the 14 year old suicide bomber in Palestine than you are at powerful zionists like Cohen that have every intention to kill tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands more than that 14 year old boy in Palestine?
Zionists, like neocons, are not a race. But I am not ignorant of the racial component. I just cannot let that "guilt me" into silence. So I won't piss off, Joe. I happen to believe Jews and Palestinians can live together if they have no common enemy pitting them against one another. It's that simple.

Hope you don't stay angry about this. Because I think we can talk civilly.

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:54 am

Now I have cooled off a bit. Not that much so this might not be too coherent.

Ultimately I was pissed off cos of this nasty cheap shot:

Interesting, if not unexpected response. I dont expect you to display any emotion. Why should I ? I havent seen much of that from you, or any of Alices critics to date. I could go off on tangents about how reptillian that actually is, but you'd probably get the wrong idea.

If I was trying to put it more into a relevent context, I might try GC's post;

It's really not that difficult...there's only one thing to look for or evaluate when trying to separate the genuine posters from the professional dysinfo agents or spammers.

Read their posts and look for even a small glimmer of compassion or empathy with the victims of the neoCon perps. Most, if not all of their posts will be written as though the writer had 'ice in his or her veins'. They will have the same approach as the women had who sat and knit in front of the gilloutine during the French Revolution. This is a comparison I often make ... hp?t=10693

Not that Im casting aspersions you understand, and not that I think you'd care any if I were.

But to me, compassionate emotion for fellow human suffering suggests Im not dealing with Nazis.

Catty name calling and "sophisticated" humiliation aimed at those who display such "sob story" traits however....thats a different story.

Savait ?

Sometimes crying over other peoples pain seems a little cheap and wrong to me. Shit I have enough pain in my own life and I don't cry about that.

Its an ugly insinuation between the lines of that post. This whole topic seems to bring out the worst in people.

DBD You are probably the worst of the lot.

You wouldn't deserve a piss in the ear if your brains were on fire.

Everyone else.

If can look yourself in the eye or the heart or whatever and still think my criticism is unfounded cool, you probablky deserve some apology.


But stop the fucking insinuations.

None of us are happy about Palestine.

For the record, I have actually very come close to fighting more than one person at once on the street over Palestine, and I was NOT supporting Zionists. How many of you would do that, or would you shut up and slink away when some cockhead Israeli backpacker starts yelling at you over a t shirt?

So stop the fucking insinuations.
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Postby AlicetheKurious » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:25 am

Frankly, philipacentaur, I'm surprised. I thought you were being sarcastic when you called me a "Jew-lister", because I had a higher opinion of you than to think you would fall for such idiotic agit-prop. Go figure. Glad you cleared that up.

We're clearly just trying to humiliate the compassionate Jew Listers for showing their deeply felt emotions on a public forum.

Who's "we"?

"Humiliating" me? If that's your target, all those noisy blanks have, not surprisingly, missed the mark.

Dream's End, Orz, Professor Pan and philipacentaur, you all seem so excited, you apparently think that the accusation of "anti-semitism!!" is the Excalibur of debate, annihilating whomever you attack with it.

I hate to break it to you, your Excalibur is rusted and blunt, having been soaked for too many years in too much innocent blood, and having been passed around to too many people who abused it, who got it dirty and never cleaned it.

Too bad for you, and for your fellow zionists, it's all you have on a board like this, an arena where only ideas count, meaning logic, facts and that intangible something that makes us human beings, capable of empathy and moral discernment.

Joe, you're very mistaken if you think that opposing one form of injustice or oppression makes a person less likely to oppose another. This is a lesson I learned very well, back in my activist college days. Students who were well-informed and engaged in promoting justice and dignity for women, minorities, workers, and an end to apartheid in South Africa, were likely to be highly receptive to seeing the parallels between the Palestinian struggle and theirs, regardless of whether or not they were Jewish. By working together, we exponentially increased the impact of each of our groups, because of, not in spite of, each group maintaining its focus and area of expertise.

Maybe you're thinking of the Holocaust cult and the whole "anti-semitism" obsession, and how, not only is it used to distract from ongoing crimes and oppression, but to justify them.

But that would be like comparing the wolf in sheep's clothing, with the sheep. This wolf may drape itself in the tattered skin of a dead sheep, but it can't help acting like a wolf; it even hangs out with other wolves, not sheep. The Holocaust cult and the relentless harping on "anti-semitism", the promotion of hysteria about the looming annihilation of the Jews, are tools wielded by the elite, and serve exclusively elite purposes at the expense of true victims of oppression and injustice, whether they be Jewish or Palestinian Muslims or Christians, or Iraqis, or Americans.

And Sunny, as for "preaching hate", that is what zionist agents do from every bully pulpit there is, to dehumanize those whom Israel robs and kills, and to distract from the reality that legally and morally, they are butt naked. The corporate media has played a crucial role in normalizing the racist view of Arabs as subhuman and evil, and therefore undeserving of human rights. It is too pervasive, too systematic, too monolithic, in popular books, movies, tv and newspapers, especially when contrasted with the adulation and prominence given to fanatic zionist clowns like Daniel Pipes, Michael Ledeen, William Kristol and Alan Derschowitz, in that same media.

Muslims make up around the same proportion of the U.S. population, 2-3%, as Jews. I'm going to ask you ANOTHER question that you will not answer, Professor Pan (your buddies are welcome to answer as well):

If it were Muslims instead of Jews, who wielded such power in the U.S. corporate media;
and if the corporate media were as viciously anti-Jewish as it currently is anti-Muslim;
if a Muslim-supremacist, expansionist state were committing genocide against Jews in the Middle East during this same period, with the support of powerful Muslim organizations in the U.S., and in the name of all Muslims:
would you similarly wet your pants if someone posted a list of all the Muslim decision-makers in the U.S. corporate media, as context for this phenomenon?

Let's see if you can come up with an answer that passes the giggle test...
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Postby slimmouse » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:05 am

Joe Hillshoist wrote:Now I have cooled off a bit. Not that much so this might not be too coherent.

Ultimately I was pissed off cos of this nasty cheap shot:

Interesting, if not unexpected response. I dont expect you to display any emotion. Why should I ? I havent seen much of that from you, or any of Alices critics to date. I could go off on tangents about how reptillian that actually is, but you'd probably get the wrong idea.

If I was trying to put it more into a relevent context, I might try GC's post;

It's really not that difficult...there's only one thing to look for or evaluate when trying to separate the genuine posters from the professional dysinfo agents or spammers.

Read their posts and look for even a small glimmer of compassion or empathy with the victims of the neoCon perps. Most, if not all of their posts will be written as though the writer had 'ice in his or her veins'. They will have the same approach as the women had who sat and knit in front of the gilloutine during the French Revolution. This is a comparison I often make ... hp?t=10693

Not that Im casting aspersions you understand, and not that I think you'd care any if I were.

But to me, compassionate emotion for fellow human suffering suggests Im not dealing with Nazis.

Catty name calling and "sophisticated" humiliation aimed at those who display such "sob story" traits however....thats a different story.

Savait ?

Sometimes crying over other peoples pain seems a little cheap and wrong to me. Shit I have enough pain in my own life and I don't cry about that.

Its an ugly insinuation between the lines of that post. This whole topic seems to bring out the worst in people.

DBD You are probably the worst of the lot.

You wouldn't deserve a piss in the ear if your brains were on fire.

Everyone else.

If can look yourself in the eye or the heart or whatever and still think my criticism is unfounded cool, you probablky deserve some apology.


But stop the fucking insinuations.

None of us are happy about Palestine.

For the record, I have actually very come close to fighting more than one person at once on the street over Palestine, and I was NOT supporting Zionists. How many of you would do that, or would you shut up and slink away when some cockhead Israeli backpacker starts yelling at you over a t shirt?

So stop the fucking insinuations.

Well, all I can say Joe, is if youre that concerned about cheap shots and ugly insinuations, youve stuck youre oar in on this thread a little late in the piece wouldnt you say ?

Not to mention your insinuation that people like me never put up and should shut up as I hold my middle class wankfest, or whatever you called it.

Hey guess what, you got that wrong too didnt ya ?

And finally, my living space, which as youve probably gathered would have difficulty accomodating others, is rented.

Its rented from 2 of the nicest people I have ever had the privilege to meet. I wont mention their names. I'll just call them x and y.

So now you can cheerfully add me to the compedium of Jew listers.
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Joe has something of a point

Postby NavnDansk » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:23 am

Joe's rant has something of a point. Why is there no call to activism and getting involved. Ghandi and others were very poor. At the very least we can email Congress and the media. Noticed no one responded to the call to sign the petition for Kareem, the blogger who is a test case for free speech.

There were at best 100,000 protestors in DC on Jan. 27. Democratic Underground no longer encourages each other by having email or snail mail blitzes of the media and Congress.

It is hard for me to do anything and I wonder why? Anna Livia and one other person helped with the email and faxes to try to stop the arrest and torture of those in Oxaca Mexico who were protesting the ChoicePoint theft of their votes which is something that affects us all.

This state troopers call to arms seemed very good until he used the word liberal as a dirty word in the last paragraph, but is still worth reading and thinking about:

Too many crimes, too little time?
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Postby Dreams End » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:46 am

you apparently think that the accusation of "anti-semitism!!" is the Excalibur of debate, annihilating whomever you attack with it.


is this thing on.....?


I just talk right into this part?


Jew Lister.
Dreams End

Postby darkbeforedawn » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:54 am

Wow DreamsEnd!! You can take up almost as much space with nothing to say as Joe HS.....
How many good byes from you will we have to endure?
Or did you change your mind and decide we needed you?

Postby Dreams End » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:35 am

It is time to reveal my true identity. DBD has gotten too close to the truth. We will stop him. Behold my true nature:

Dreams End

Postby nomo » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:06 am

I say, at page 5, this thread is best left to die. Thanks to all the participants for clearly stating their positions. This will undoubtedly come in handy for future reference. Creating my own "list", if it were.

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Postby AlicetheKurious » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:07 am

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Postby darkbeforedawn » Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:05 pm

I'm not afraid of you Nomo even if you do work for them
They're scum and they're on the run. I hope they fry in a gas chamber.
In the mean time I'm not too worried about my personal safety as NvD said we were f***** a long time ago, probably when they bagged Kennedy.
And DE you remind me much more of Nixon of"You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more" I think we heard that 60 times.
Whiney little bastard who was as complicit as Cheney.
I never read a post of yours that didn't make me gag.

Postby Dreams End » Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:20 pm

I'm not afraid of you Nomo even if you do work for them
They're scum and they're on the run. I hope they fry in a gas chamber.

If dbd is allowed to keep posting here after that then there truly is no hope of salvaging this board.
Dreams End


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