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Re: Dead Reckonings

Postby robertdreed » Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:23 pm

I don't want to get diverted into a dispute over musical tastes. <br><br>But I wouldn't mind specifics on what constitutes "selling out" by a group of musicians, in your view. <br><br>I mean, if we're talking about musicians- what's to sell out? <br> <p></p><i></i>
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here's another one...(sorry in advance)

Postby thurnandtaxis » Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:11 pm

How many deadheads does it take to change a lightbulb?<br><br>None, they wait for it to burn-out then follow it around for years. <p></p><i></i>
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knocking the Dead

Postby robertdreed » Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:14 pm

Keep trying...I've heard that one, too. Some time ago. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>robertdreed</A> at: 6/22/06 7:16 pm<br></i>
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Postby FourthBase » Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:33 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Me, I like Wilco...don't you start talkin' trash bout' no Wilco...<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>They're a downer.<br>NOTHING...NOTHING...NOTHING...NOTHING...<br><br>J/K <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Wilco

Postby stickdog99 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:47 am

A deadhead is walking through the parking lot, and he trips over a lamp and a genie pops out of it. The genie grants the deadhead two wishes instead of the traditional three for tripping over his lamp. So the deadhead thinks for a second and then says, "OK, man. I wish for a never ending joint."<br><br>*POOF* a huge spleef of primo weed appears in his hand. When he proceeds to smoke it down to the roach, the joint simply magically regenerates itself back to its original size. Not believing his eyes, the deadhead smokes the joint down to the nub again, and sure enough another full spleef appears in its place. After watching the deadhead test out his handiwork a couple more times, the genie gets impatient and asks the deadhead what his second wish is. <br><br>"Whoa, dude! I'll take another one of these!" <p></p><i></i>
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Grateful Dead

Postby professorpan » Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:46 pm

Arguing about musical taste is like arguing about taste in food. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Grateful Dead

Postby dude h homeslice ix » Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:51 pm

yeah but the jokes are cool. this place is so serious...which is what i like about it, dont get me wrong...i better shaddup again :tape: <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Dead Grove

Postby isachar » Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:37 pm

prof, though the Dead enjoyed a next generation lift in the 80's, they were filling large venues coast to coast all through the 70's.<br><br>The strength of their musical compositions took a decline beginning with the Shakedown Street album. However, they were pioneers of American roots music long before it became popular. They (and Hendrix) were among the first to apply improvisation - borrowed from American jazz (thanks to Thelonius, Charlie and a few other pioneers) - to the rock/country form. And they are clearly the major influence behind the 'newgrass' fusion of jazz, bluegrass and rock since made popular by others such as Sam Bush, Bela Fleck and Dave Grisman.<br><br>Thankfully, individual musical tastes are highly variable and diverse giving us a wide array of styles. My own span a wide range of styles from blues, jazz to zydeco to country, rock and klezmer. I've even been known to listen and appreciate opera and classical on occasion! <br><br>The Dead certainly exerted a significant and lasting musical influence. But there was no way to fully appreciate their music from their studio recordings. If one did not have the benefit of hearing them live (and at their best they were astounding), then you simply cannot assess their music. Of course there will be those (my wife included), who will never appreciate their music and prefer more formulaic, structured/derivative forms (like Paul Simon, Mary Chapin or Bruce Springsteen - yuck, though fortunately she does like zydeco).<br><br>From Watkins Glen in 1973 to RFK with Dylan in 1989 or 1990 (?) I probably attended 50 Dead or Garcia shows from coast to coast. Musically, only a handful were 'clunkers'. Most were exceptional. I even got the opportunity to go 'backstage' at a couple of shows and observed Bob Weir being escorted by two fine looking ladies into his personal trailer during a break in the show at Harrisburg (1986/87?). Nice work if you can get it.<br><br>I was 'chemically enhanced' only for a few shows when I went through my own short-lived experiment with pot. The last show I attended at RFK was heart-breaking. Jerry was on stage for perhaps about 20 minutes and was clearly in bad shape. Later, I heard he was suffering from diabetes and that he had re-acquired his heroin habit. It was obvious to me then that he wasn't going to live much longer.<br><br>But this discussion would make it seem the Dead were unique in their drug use and that drugs were not prevalent at other groups shows. Far be it from the truth. Most of those in the rock scene at the time used drugs at one time or another. Sadly, this cost us the lives of Janis, Jimmy, Jim and too many others. Straight-edge came too late. These self-destructive tendencies were/are not limited to musicians or their fans. Need I mention John Belushi, Richard Pryor and a number of other excellent comedians? How 'bout Lenny Bruce and George Carlin? <br><br>As to the Dead being millionaires, so what? What a cheap shot that is. So what? They freely allowed people to tap into their sound board to make and distribute millions of bootleg recordings of virtually every live show they ever did. This must have cost them tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties and record sales. Thankfully, I can now download most of their shows and continue to enjoy the best of the Dead.<br><br>As I stated earlier, of the many Dead fans I knew (myself included), we were (and most of us still are) among the most socially, politically and professionally active people. Back then, and now, you will find Dead fans on Wall Street, Main Street and in all of the professions. <br><br>While it's fun to point at and make fun of the hard core Deadheads (those who travelled to as many Dead shows as they could), I would guess that these constituted perhaps 20 percent (at most) of the attendance at any large concert they gave. The rest of us were working stiffs with regular paychecks who just loved the music and the sense of community.<br><br>The most apt criticism of the Dead is that they were not social or political activitists. Their lyrics carried no larger message. True. But for me and many others, we got that elsewhere.<br><br>Their tie-in with Leary and the CIA LSD cabal is most interesting to me. But I still think the music they made was among the best of its type that I ever heard. Far better than much of the heavy metal nihilistic acts, and candy-ass stuff served up as 'pop' music, and the plastic disco crap that came later. But that's my opinion and my tastes.<br><br>BTW, I did read your comments on the other related thread regarding CIA/LSD etc. and found them to be very insightful.<br><br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Sometime the lights all shining on me,<br>Other times I can barely see.<br>Lately it occurs to me<br>What a long strange trip it's been</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Now who can take issue with that? <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>isachar</A> at: 6/23/06 4:53 pm<br></i>
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Live And Let Die

Postby Pissed Off Cabbie » Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:48 am

The Dead were a social phenomena that were just as innocuous as jello or the hulahoop. They possessed no more wisdom than, say, Sammy Davis or Tom Jones. <br><br>They did have a message though- it's okay to be useless. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: young and dylan

Postby Dreams End » Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:11 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Well, then, I guess it wouldn't matter too much if Bob Dylan started dating Condi Rice<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Or started selling Victoria's Secret underwear......<br><br>Video (with bizarrely accurate prophecy on his future by Dylan himself from decades earlier) is <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">here.</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

Dylan's Victoria's Secret Ad

Postby robertdreed » Sat Jun 24, 2006 4:09 am

In the context of all the soul-killing crap on TV, that Victoria's Secret ad is a lot more psychically healthy than a Viagra commercial. <br><br>( Haven't watched the box all week, incidentally. not even the Daily Show, or Colbert... )<br><br>Dylan and the Dead helped me get through the 80s without succumbing to the negativity. <br><br>It isn't wise to knock how the other cat swings.<br><br>Any of you activists pull off anything like this lately? <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>robertdreed</A> at: 6/24/06 2:45 am<br></i>
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Sugar Magnolia

Postby henrykrinkle » Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:12 pm

Ann Coulter confesses her love of the Grateful Dead and explores the phenomenon of right-wing deadheads....<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>"Deadheads Are What Liberals Claim to Be But Aren't"<br>An Interview with Ann Coulter<br>Taylor Hill<br>2006-06-23<br><br>When I called the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute, whose chairwoman gives speeches on topics with titles like "The Failures of Feminism", and told the gatekeeper there that I wanted to do an interview with Ann Coulter solely about the Grateful Dead, there was a small pause. Then she recovered and politely told me to send her an e-mail, which she would forward to Ann. That, I expected, would be the end of it.<br><br>When I got home that night, and saw an e-mail in my box from Ann Coulter, I thought "how polite of her to send a rejection letter rather than simply ignoring my proposal." Instead, I found that she had somehow written "I'd love to! Good website!" While she was delayed by a round of speeches to make up due to strep throat, and other events life throws out, we kept shooting e-mails back and forth and I discovered a secret that I will reveal despite the damage to her reputation that it may cause: Ann is really cool and really funny. The few friends I talked with about this said "What? You of all people are getting along with Ann Coulter?!" It was easy and simple to do: we never talked policy. It was a joy talking with her, even if we don't agree on everything (most politics, and "Alabama Getaway" sucks).<br><br>What followed was the most surreal interview I have ever done in my life. It involves smearing oneself with purple Crisco, Kanye (Ann's a fan), slews of Reagan and Bush appointees leaving the Justice Department to go to Dead shows, lamentation for the neglected "Pride of Cucamonga," getting inside info on the Monica Lewinsky scandal by being a Deadhead, and saying goodbye to Jerry in Golden Gate Park. Some of her answers WILL piss people off, but there's no doubting her tie-dyed credentials – even if the dye is much more red than blue. Her latest book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, was published earlier this month.<br><br>Taylor Hill: When and how was your first Dead show?<br><br>Ann Coulter: I have no recollection of it whatsoever, other than that it was awesome.<br><br>TH: When and how was your last Dead show?<br><br>AC: I have no recollection of it whatsoever, other than that it was awesome. Actually, my last Dead show wasn't quite a Dead show since Jerry wasn't there, but I flew out to the Jerry Garcia memorial in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco with a fellow Deadhead from D.C. the weekend after Jerry went to the great psychedelic rock concert in the sky. The rest of the band played and it was great to be with my fellow Deadheads. It was very sad after Jerry died, not because I felt like I had a psychic connection to him or anything, but only because something really fun I liked to do, I couldn't do anymore. It would be as if all ski resorts just shut down one day. So the Golden Gate Park memorial was a good way to end it.<br><br>TH: How many Dead shows did you see?<br><br>AC: I used to keep all my ticket stubs from Dead shows – it was just something Deadheads did, like keeping lists of songs – but I didn't know why. So, in a lunatic cleaning frenzy around 1990, I threw them all out – as if a small section of a drawer devoted to Dead ticket stubs was messing up the whole place. After Jerry died, I said, “Eureka! That's why we keep ticket stubs!” These are usually the sort of factual minutiae Deadheads excel at, but I failed because of my OCD cleaning obsession. So I'm not exactly, precisely 100 percent sure. I frantically tried to figure it out by checking with some of my fellow Deadheads after Jerry died and adding up the number of shows we had been to together, and I estimated it was about 67 shows. And they were awesome.<br><br>TH: Have you ever seen any of the side projects, like Phil & Friends and Ratdog?<br><br>AC: I've seen Ratdog a few times (chicks love Bobby), though no Dead at all since Jerry died. THEY'RE DEAD TO ME NOW! (Joke.) I still listen to Dead tapes and CDs, but no more concerts for me. Of course, I've been working a lot, so basically no more fun for me.<br><br>TH: Are there any other jambands you like?<br><br>AC: All the usual – String Cheese Incident, Phish, Dave Matthews Band, Blues Traveler, New Potato Caboose. I can't really tell you all the groups I like because have an iPod so have a lot of songs my friends send me and I never really know who I'm listening to. But I try to keep up with what the young people are listening to these days (I love saying that). There’s Jet, Cake, Outkast, 50 Cent, Black-Eyed Peas, Lord Alge, Beck, Kanye West (I like his Jesus song), Missy Elliot, and Eagles of Death Metal. I'm five years behind, aren't I? I'm very busy!<br><br>TH: What exactly do you love about the Grateful Dead?<br><br>AC: The tie-dye of course. Truth be told I hated tie-dye, though I finally broke down and would wear tie-dyed Dead shirts to concerts solely as a tribute to my fellow Deadheads.<br><br>Oddly enough, I like the music. No one believes that I never took drugs at Dead shows (except for the massive clouds of passive marijuana smoke) but I went because I really liked the music. There are various groups I get enthusiastic about for awhile, but of all the music I've listened to over the years, the Grateful Dead is the one band I never grow tired of. Apparently, the same is true of me for ski-lift operators.<br><br>Moreover, I really like Deadheads and the whole Dead concert scene: the tailgating, the tie-dye uniforms, the camaraderie – it was like NASCAR for potheads. You always felt like you were with family at a Dead show – a rather odd, psychedelic family that sometimes lived in a VW bus and sold frightening looking “veggie burritos.” But whatever their myriad interests, clothing choices, and interest in illicit drugs, true Deadheads are what liberals claim to be but aren't: unique, free-thinking, open, kind, and interested in different ideas. Also, excellent dancers! Watching a Deadhead dance is truly something to behold.<br><br>Somewhat contrary to the image of Deadheads as hippies, the Dead were huge in my hometown of New Canaan, CT, which is a pretty preppie town. We toyed with the idea of making "Truckin'" our prom song with a "Long Strange Trip" theme, but we ended up with some dorky rainbow theme instead. I tend to associate the Dead with lacrosse players and my favorite fraternities, Fiji and Theta Delt.<br><br>The one time I missed not being able to go to Dead shows more than any other since Jerry died was during the Clinton impeachment. There was so much viciousness - killed cats, punctured tires, threats, investigations and slander against those of us favoring impeachment. (Anthony Pellicano, you'll recall – the Hollywood private investigator now accused of criminal conspiracy, attempted murder, and making criminal threats – was working for the Clintons during the Monica Lewinsky investigation.) I don't really care what people say about me – I'm a Christian so there's nothing anyone can ever do to me – but I kept thinking: “Boy, would I like to go to a Dead show and dance with happy, friendly deadheads for just one night!”<br><br>TH: What's your favorite Grateful Dead album?<br><br>AC: I can't possibly pick one favorite. Nor a favorite concert tape. I have about fifty Dead tapes, including the original rap song - Mickey Hart rapping “Fire on the Mountain” - I think at my alma mater, Cornell, before I was even born. It's fantastic. How about that? Just when you thought the Dead could be no cooler – they even invented rap!<br><br>My collection of Dead tapes, by the way, was the reason I heard one of the Linda Tripp tapes before Ken Starr did. Tripp's lawyer obviously needed to hear the tape before turning it over to the prosecutor, but he only had an old 1950's tape player and couldn't get it to work and Ken Starr wanted the tape the next morning. He was terrified he'd hit the wrong button and erase the evidence. In the wee hours of the morning, it occurred him, a Deadhead himself, that he knew one person in D.C. who definitely had a tape machine. So, at around 2 AM, he called me and asked to come over to use my tape deck.<br><br>My favorite Dead song is the last song I heard, and my favorite concert was the last concert I went to, but among my favorite songs are: “Eyes of the World”, “Loose Lucy”, “Franklin's Tower”, “Althea”, “Fire on the Mountain”, “Deal”, “Sugar Magnolia”, “Unbroken Chain”, “Cassidy”, “Pride of Cucamonga”, “Uncle John's Band”, “Ripple”, “Casey Jones”, “I Will Take You Home”, “Passenger”, “Stagger Lee”, “Tennessee Jed”, “Mississippi Half-Step”, “Good Lovin'” - I even love “Alabama Getaway”, which I gather Deadheads are supposed to spurn for being “commercially successful.” (Of course, we were also supposed to say “Phil makes the band.” I love Phil, but when Jerry died, that turned out not to be true.)<br><br>By the way, you did not ask me what my favorite bumper sticker or button is . . . and I know the answers to those questions! Bumper sticker: “Dead For Life”; button: “Jews For Jerry.”<br><br>TH: What's your favorite Grateful Dead show, and why? Were you there?<br><br>AC: They were all my favorites – especially the shows at Shoreline. It's a beautiful outdoor amphitheater, the Dead's home field, with California chardonnay for sale by the glass (in addition to not being a pot-smoker, I'm not much of a beer-drinker), and I often ran into my college Deadhead friends there. We'd go sailing during the day and see the band at night.<br><br>I fondly remember seeing the Dead when I was at Cornell. It was the day of the fabulous Fiji Island party on the driveway “island” of the Phi Gamma Delta House. We'd cover ourselves in purple Crisco and drink purple Kool-Aid mixed with grain alcohol and dance on the front yard. Wait – I think got the order reversed there: We'd drink purple Kool-Aid mixed with grain alcohol and then cover ourselves in purple Crisco – then the dancing. You probably had to be there to grasp how utterly fantastic this was.<br><br>Also, I saw the Dead at Sandstone Amphitheater near Kansas City one Fourth of July, and it was an incredibly patriotic experience.<br><br>TH: Have you ever talked with any members of the Grateful Dead?<br><br>AC: Oh yes, constantly. None of the band members were present for these conversations, but I talk to them. “Good show! Excellent Olympics opening ceremony, Mickey! Nice uniforms on those Lithuanians. Why don't you ever play “Pride of Cucamonga” in concert? The concert hall would go wild and it would make the cover of the New York Times! Did you guys really used to dose people?”<br><br>TH: Did the Grateful Dead give you and Al Franken something to talk about<br>during your debates?<br><br>AC: Apart from Al Gore, Al Franken is the most un-Deadhead like person I know of who purports to be a Deadhead.<br><br>TH: It's time to name names. Who are the other Deadheads who have infiltrated the conservative movement?<br><br>AC: As a Deadhead and a freedom-lover, I am wounded to the bone that you think the two do not naturally go hand in hand. The Deadheads I just met casually and not through conservative politics were almost always right-thinking, whatever they called themselves. Deadheads believe in freedom – not a government telling people how much water they can have in their toilets or where they can smoke or whether they should be allowed to own a gun. (Remember the photos of Jerry testifying before some Congressional committee while chain smoking? Yeah, he'd really bond with Henry Waxman.)<br><br>One of my Dead friends I met at Vail made candles for Grateful Dead merchandizing. His daily routine consisted of waking up, smoking a bowl, and turning on the Rush Limbaugh radio show while he made his candles. (It's true. He's so far out there he practices this weird, freaky ritual known as “commerce.” Don't try telling me pot is harmless!)<br><br>Also there was a big Deadhead Christian group that handed out terrific pamphlets at Dead shows. Admittedly, many of them found God staring into a puddle while high on LSD, but whatever the path, they were very serious Christians – they made Jerry Falwell sound like a secularist.<br><br>Either Bobby or Jerry was asked by a Rolling Stone interviewer to denounce all the Young Reaganites attending their concerts in the 80's, and whichever one it was not only refused to attack the young Republicans, but said he liked some of those “rightist” ideas. Consider that when the Dead decided to do something to save the Rain Forest, they didn't harangue poverty-stricken Third Worlders to give up washing machines and electricity. They did it the free market way: buying up parts of the Rain Forest, parcel by parcel.<br><br>And they provided the Lithuanian basketball team – recently liberated from the Soviet yoke – with totally cool uniforms so they could play in the 1992 Olympics.<br><br>After Jerry died, U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) gave an incredibly touching tribute to Jerry Garcia and the good work the Dead's Rex Foundation had done promoting the arts privately – in contradistinction to millionaire actresses standing up in $50,000 gowns at the Oscars and demanding that hardworking waitresses and truck drivers be forced to support the arts through government taxation. You can look it up in the Congressional Record.<br><br>But to answer your question, Senator, I personally have loads and loads of friends who are right-wingers and Deadheads. I couldn't possibly name them all. For starters, obviously, there's Angela Lansbury. She gave me my first psychedelic tie-dyed tube top at a Dead show just outside Tucson. Just kidding. There are: Peter Flaherty, President, National Legal And Policy Center; John Harrison, top official in the Justice Department under Reagan and Bush and now a law professor at UVA; Jim Moody, MIT grad and libertarian attorney (and Linda Tripp's lawyer); Gary Lawson, former Scalia clerk and currently a law professor at Boston University Law School; Andrew McBride, partner at a DC law firm; DeRoy Murdoch, conservative columnist; Ben Hart, right-wing author of “Poisoned Ivy” out of Dartmouth. Oh, and the conservative talk radio host Gary Stone in Palm Springs is a Deadhead and kindly plays the Dead as my intro music. When I worked at the Justice Department during law school, I'd be leaving with a whole slew of Reagan or Bush political appointees to see the Dead at RFK. Finally, I believe the great New York subway vigilante Bernie Goetz was a Deadhead.<br><br>TH: So, I was talking to Kristy Cottrell, my friend and chairman of the Auburn University College Republicans, and she said she had no good advice for me as she really only listens to country. For someone who only listens to country, what is a good point to break into the Grateful Dead?<br><br>AC: Oh, there's a lot of overlap: “Mama Tried”, “Me and My Uncle”, “Dark Hollow”, “Cumberland Blues”, “Tennessee Jed”. I think a country music lover would like a lot of the Dead. She might not like “Space”, but no one who was not on drugs did.<br><br>TH: Do you remember the first time you heard the Grateful Dead?<br><br>AC: I definitely remember the first time I heard the Dead – the first time the whole family heard the Dead. It was “Uncle John's Band” blasting from my oldest brother's bedroom. The first two albums Santa gave me when I was around 11 years old were Simon and Garfunkel's Greatest Hits and American Beauty. I think my parents' reaction was, “Well, at least they're not listening to the Osmonds.”<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Sugar Magnolia

Postby Dreams End » Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:59 pm

Henrykrinkle,<br><br>Weird coincidence. Do you know "Taxi Driver" in pretty good detail. I posted at the end of <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">this thread</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> a question about Taxi Driver. Mind taking a look? It's the post with the spiral picture in it. Just kinda odd that of 3 posts, you happen to hit right after I posted that. <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

DreamsEnd asked

Postby henrykrinkle » Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:33 pm

I have seen Taxi Driver many times indeed. It's been quite a while though. I haven't parsed it as thoroughly as you, apparently. Maybe I'll go rent it again.<br><br>I have seen it on massive amounts of dissociative anaesthetics as well. I hope there weren't too many hidden messages. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Sugar Magnolia

Postby StarmanSkye » Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:14 pm

How utterly bizarre -- but I guess this shows how just about ANYTHING can be coopted and selectively emphasized to further one's ideological interests and to prove a point.<br><br>Perhaps Coulter is so obsessed with the vainglorious role she has created for herself she isn't even aware of the enormous bias inherant in her ultra-faux 'conservative' agenda, and the numerous contradictions, inconsistencies, assumptions, and duplicity of the things she says.<br><br>The bit about waitresses and truckdrivers being coerced to fund the arts through tacation, depending on the image of glittering overdressed actresses at the Oscars -- conveniently overlooks the enormous waste, inefficiencies, corruption and frauds resulting from the inordinate influence and institutional criminality of the whole MIC that, for instance, is reflected by the TRILLIONS of dollars the Pentagon can't account for. <br><br>Not only has Coulter squandered her credibility in service to a rightwing uber-establishment based on fraud and capitalistic exploitation, but as a self-promoting vamp covering for the PTB's excesses and illegitimacy and her broadbrush demonizing of 'liberalism' she's shown her willingness to be a useful stooge to the status-quo's antidemocratic elitist pretensions.<br><br>Self-described 'Christian' too?<br>Jeeeez ... <p></p><i></i>
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