MKUltra techniques of mind control being used on the public?

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MKUltra techniques of mind control being used on the public?

Postby GDN01 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:30 pm

I was writing a response on the "Toronto Next in Line?" thread and had stated that the attacks in London were small scale, and then began to write an explanation of how, in my opinion, the attacks of 9/11 have been used to create a mind controlling effect on a mass public scale. And as I wrote, I begin connecting some dots in my own thinking, which led to the conclusion that this is the same technique that was developed by MKUltra. <br><br>I would like to see those who know more about MKUltra expound on this theory - either supporting it, or poking holes in it. But could it be that the same techniques are intentionally being used, and quite effectively I might add, to control the masses - creating traumatic memories and feelings of fear and helpless that are now embedded in our psyche, that can easily be triggered when needed? <br><br>Here is what I wrote in the other post:<br>And yes, the attacks in London were small scale - which does not diminish the human loss and tragedy. But, what the media has done, along with Bush and Blair in their immediate responses, was to equate 9/11 and 7/7 with language that creates a connection in our psyches, that is not reality based. They talked about Ground Zero in London, and there wasn't anything on the magnitude of Ground Zero in NYC - but using that language attaches the same magnitude of emotion to both events. Traumatic memories are different than other types of memories. We were all traumatized by the repetitive viewing of the attacks on 9/11 and the disaster scenes. Our memories of those events can trigger overwhelming emotions of fear and helplessness - so now, all they have to do is carry out small attacks - but trigger the memories of 9/11 with language and images, and the small attacks will have a more devastating and controlling effect. We probably won't see another attack on the scale of 9/11 - it's not needed. We were fed the images repeatedly for three years with the right language associated that now it is so deeply embedded in our subconscious, we don't even understand its effects. So many people I know who had begun to question things, especially the official story of 9/11, didn't even blink an eye at 7/7. And when I raised some of the questions from this discussion board - they couldn't even begin to go there. I found it very disturbing to see this regression.<br><br>It's like MKUltra gone public. And it's working. <p></p><i></i>
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Public fed 'right' language now embedded in subconscious.

Postby Starman » Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:39 pm

Heyiaeiou GDN01;<br><br>DAmn IMportant question you raise re: possibility of the state's broad application of MKUltra/mind-control techniques on our 'modern' society, to condition and indoctrinate the public. <br><br>I've suspected as much even before I learned about the US Government's subsidy of CIA/NSA/NIA etc. mind-control research development through the 50s and 60s (and ongoing -- I don't believe they were EVER completely discontinued but shunted into more deeply hidden semi-private -very comnpartmentalized- psychological research and actual operational control -- It's possible that such 'security' firms as Wackenhut are little more than CIA-proprietary companies that exercise considerable control of black-ops and psyops projects/programs).<br><br>Looking beneath the surface of official press conferences and at the various political strategems of discrediting any and all opposition to US and esp. Bush Inc. White House/Rove policies, the hidden seed of subtle manipulation and distortions and outright fabrications are evident. <br><br>I found the following insightful article which speaks to this issue, which is an interview by a military-analyst insider who provides his views on evidence for deceptive manipulation of public information following the 911 attacks, in the run-up to the Iraq War, and thru the first couple years of that awful conflict -- that substantially confirm my own and other writer's/researcher's views on widespread duplicity and fraud being used to essentially manufacture public opinion in-line with the US's hostile Militarization agenda of Perpetual War, pre-emptive 'defense' (what an oxymoron!), accomodation to repeal of rights, targetted fear-and-loathing-and-distrust of Arabs and Muslims, embrace of torture and indefinite detentions, and the 'new' doctrine of Superior Force Projection on behalf of the geostrategy of Global Dominance.<br><br>Nothing in this interview is likely to be eye-opening to folks here who are already familiar with many of the examples cited, and can think of numerous examples even farther back as in the First Gulf War in which the PR firm Hill and Knowlton was hired to 'sell' the US public on 'liberating' Kuwait, among which they fabricated the phony (and notorious) Baby Incubator story;<br><br>Numerous links to this and similiar stories:<br>How utterly appalling that US 'taxpayer' funds (future liabilities of middle and lower-classes revenues) have been diverted for the public's being lied-to -- Jeez, what a perverse scam, we're essentially paying to be lied to! One of many absurd conundrums that reveals the wicked idiocy of criminals in-charge of the nation's ethics!<br><br>How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf - Center for Media and ... In the case of the Gulf War, the "hook" was invented by Hill & Knowlton. ... During those months, the story of babies torn from their incubators was ...<br> <br><br>The Selling of the Gulf War--Part Two<br>How the public relations industry sold the Gulf War to the US -- The mother ... During those months, the story of the babies torn from their incubators was ...<br> <br><br>Incubator Lie war correspondent propaganda PR goebbels gulf usa How the public relations industry sold the Gulf War to the US, the mother of ...<br>have concluded that the baby incubator story was an outright fabrication. ...<br> - <br><br>PubRelationships1<br>After managing PR for the Gulf War, Hill and Knowlton executive Lauri J. ... Meanwhile, the incubator babies atrocity story inflamed public opinion against ...<br> <br><br>How the War Party Sold the 1991 Bombing of Iraq to US, by Mitchel ... It was arranged by Hill & Knowlton, a public relations firm hired to rally the ... is concealed in a new HBO "behind-the-scenes true story" of the Gulf War, ...<br> <br><br>Democracy Now! | PR Specialist of Debunked Persian Gulf War ... PR Specialist of Debunked Persian Gulf War Incubator Story Promotes New Book on<br>... public relations campaign sold the Iraqi war to the American public. ...<br> <br><br>FAIR ACTION ALERT: HBO Recycling Gulf War Hoax?<br>... story of Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators during ... In the months before the Gulf War began, media uncritically repeated the ...<br> <br><br>Baby Killing Lies and the 1991 Gulf War : SF Indymedia<br>In the Senate, six senators specifically cited the baby incubator story in ... In the case of the Gulf War, the "hook" was invented by Hill & Knowlton. ...<br> <br><br>HBO Recycling Gulf War Hoax?<br>... story of Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators during the ... To learn more about Hill & Knowlton's role in the first Gulf War, ...<br> <br><br>Propaganda Critic: Examples > Office of Strategic Information 11 to build public support abroad for the US war on terrorism. ... Reminded of Hill and Knowlton's incubator story -- which echoed World War I Allied ...<br> - <br>[ much more google search results ]<br>**<br>I expect most instances of covert psyops public mind-control manipulation occurs through Madison Avenue marketing and Public Relations and Media-front links. But more insidiously, there are also 'other' back-channel avenues that are used, as a recent Sundance Channel program disclosed that Rove as a behind-the-scenes political ops player used (uses) to introduce a political-offensive meme into the unofficial public networks via rightwing radio call-in programs where political operatives (volunteeer or paid) spread gossip they 'just heard' about a targetted Dem or other public/media/organization official or group -- all very methodical and very efficient.<br><br>Anyway, I look forward to seeing what other people contribute to this thread on tactics 'borrowed' from MKUltra etc.<br>Starman<br>****<br>Interview:<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>The Bush Administration's Psy-Ops on the US Public<br><br>This is probably closer to the truth. The Men That Pull Bush's Strings Psy-Ops on the US Public<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>June 22 , 2005<br>An Interview with Col. Sam Gardiner<br><br>The Bush Administration's Psy-Ops on the US Public<br>By KEVIN ZEESE<br><br>Sam Gardiner has taught strategy and military operations at the National War College, Air War College and Naval War College. He was recently a visiting scholar at the Swedish Defence College. During Gulf II he was a regular on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer as well as on BBC radio and television, and National Public Radio. He authored "The Enemy is Us" an article describing how the Bush Administration used disinformation and psychological warfare ­ weapons usually used against the 'enemy' ­ against the American public in order to support the war in Iraq. He has done an extensive analysis of the media coverage before the war, during the war and during the occupation as well as of the statements of Administration officials. His conclusions are startling and of great concern. He has put his findings in a report entitled: "Truth from These Podia." <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Zeese: Describe your professional background and expertise.<br><br>Gardiner: Sure, Kevin. I'm a retired colonel of the US Air Force. When I retired, I was teaching strategy at the National War College in Washington, DC. Since I've been retired, I have continued to teach military strategy. I've taught for the Naval War College. I've taught at the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama. I also spent a period as a visiting scholar at the Swedish Defense College in Stockholm.<br><br>In addition, I have been doing war games. You may have seen descriptions of some of the games I've done. I did one on Iran that was covered in the December 2004 Atlantic Monthly. More recently, I conducted a game addressing North Korea. It was covered in the July/August Atlantic Monthly.<br><br>Zeese: What is: "Truth from These Podia"? How did you conduct this media analysis?<br><br>Gardiner: It is a paper I published on the web that reflected four months of heavy research.<br><br>I had followed press reports of the war closely as it unfolded because of a job I had. During the first couple months of Gulf II, I was under contract with the Newshour with Jim Lehrer. With another retired colonel, we did an almost daily on-air analysis of how the war was going.<br><br>As the war unfolded, I became increasingly uneasy about what was being reported out of the White House, Pentagon and Central Command. I was hearing things that just did not make sense with what I knew and what my intuition was telling me. I began tracking some of the stories. It was just a matter of going over what we were told and connecting that with the truth as it emerged later.<br><br>One of the first items that made me uneasy was when I heard we were encountering "terrorist death squads." I was very familiar with the Iraq military forces. There were no terrorist death squads. It became obvious the Pentagon wanted us to connect Iraq with 9/11. Terrorists (they claim) did 9/11. There are terrorists in Iraq. Iraq must have been behind 9/11.<br><br>Zeese: Regarding the management of information about Iraq, I'd like to focus on the build up to the Iraq War initially. There has been growing indications from a series of memoranda and meeting minutes from Great Britain that U.S. intelligence was "fixed" to support the war. In your analysis of media management before the war do you see any indication that the United States Congress and public was manipulated into supporting the invasion of Iraq by misinformation?<br><br>Gardiner: Kevin, I find it amazing that there is now a growing interest in the marketing of the war. There is absolutely no question that the White House and the Pentagon participated in an effort to market the military option. The truth did not make any difference to that campaign. To call it fixing is to miss the more profound point. It was a campaign to influence. It involved creating false stories; it involved exaggerating; it involved manipulating the numbers of stories that were released; it involved a major campaign to attack those who disagreed with the military option. It included all the techniques those who ran the marketing effort had learned in political campaigns. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Zeese: Can you give some examples of false or exaggerated stories put out by the Bush administration in the build-up to the war?<br><br>Gardiner: In the summer of 2003, we know from the Downing Street Memo that the Administration was talking about justifying a war by arguing that Iraq was the nexus of terrorism and WMD.<br><br>The terrorism argument was what propaganda literature would refer to as the big lie. The Administration¹s objective was to make enough arguments connecting Iraq to terrorism and Bin Laden that the American people would believe Iraq was behind the 9/11 attacks. They used a technique called the excluded middle. Iraq supports terrorists. The attacks were by terrorists. Iraq must been behind the 9/11 attacks.<br><br>We know the WMD story fairly well. We know the story of the uranium from Niger. We know about the aluminum tubes that were not for uranium enrichment. We know the biological labs Powell showed to the UN did not exist.<br><br>Beyond these there are many exaggerations that have gotten very little notice. Let me mention just a few.<br><br>A New York Times reporter was told by the Administration that Iraq was buying excess quantities of atropine to get ready for chemical warfare. It turns out the quantities were consistent with the Iraq use of the substance for routine medical purposes.<br><br>The President told us in a speech in Ohio that Iraq had drone aircraft that could possible deliver chemical weapons into the United States. When that facility was found, the officers reported that it looked more like a school project than a serious military program.<br><br>The Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz told the Council on Foreign Relations that Iraq had the capability to attack US computers. They did not. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>We were lead to believe a Navy pilot shot down during the first Gulf War was alive and being held in Baghdad. He was not.<br><br>We were told on the State Department web sit that Iraq was forming units of children to fight the United States. Iraq did not do that.<br><br>We were told the French were supplying air defense missiles to Iraq. That was not true<br><br>There were many more.<br><br>Zeese: How about information during the war? Did the embedded journalists help give the U.S. a more accurate or less accurate perspective? How did the Pentagon control information?<br><br>Gardiner: A number of democratic institutions failed us during the war. Certainly, the press was among those. I attended a conference in London in July 2003 at which one of the PR firms that advised the Pentagon talked about lessons learned from the effort. They were pleased that they were able to dominate the story. That was their objective. The embedded notion had been tested in Afghanistan, and it proved to be effective. The product was lots of coverage with personal stories of soldiers. That was the Pentagon objective. Keep their story on television. Keep people talking about Meals Ready to Eat, and they won't criticize the war.<br><br>As I mentioned, I had done analysis during the major offensive operations. One of the things that the head of this PR firm said at that conference was that in the next war the Pentagon wanted to control context more and not let it be done by retired military people.<br><br>Zeese: You spend a lot of time in your article on the story regarding the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch. Why is that important?<br><br>Gardiner: Kevin, the Jessica Lynch story touched me personally, and it became representative of the whole effort to manipulate the truth.<br><br>From beginning to end, the Lynch story was a press event. It started with the description that the unit was "ambushed." The unit was not ambushed. It got lost and drove into Iraqi lines, and then it retraced its path back through Iraqi lines.<br><br>The Pentagon was in such a hurry to get out the story of an individual who had fought off the Iraqis. They did so with incomplete information. All of the heroic stuff was really about a soldier in the unit who was killed, not about Lynch.<br><br>The Secretary of Defense allowed the story to stay around for days despite knowing the truth and despite the family insisting that the information was not about their daughter.<br><br>My father was wounded and captured by the Germans during WW II. He did some heroic things during the period of his capture. The manipulation of the Lynch story was an insult to his heroism.<br><br>Zeese: And in the occupation phase? What kind of media control occurred as that phase began? Is it continuing today?<br><br>Gardiner: There have been major media strategies during the occupation. For the first year, the same pattern continued. We heard exaggeration and deflection from the press conferences from Baghdad. After the first year, the White House strategy shifted.<br><br>The idea what that it wanted the American people to forget about the war. They quit having press conferences in Baghdad. Central Command quit having press conferences. The military spokesperson from Iraq became junior officers and enlisted people. The Brigadier Generals disappeared.<br><br>The current strategic communications strategy is to make it seem as if there is progress, keep the number of stories down and certainly to continue to hide casualties. You may know that the United States is the only coalition country that did not honor its returning dead.<br><br>Zeese: Is the media being fooled by the Administration or is it complicit in this effort to misinform the public?<br><br>Gardiner: The media have been fooled. They have been lazy. They have lost sight of the historic calling of journalism. Journalists have been replaced on television by cheerleaders.<br><br>Zeese: Was any of this illegal?<br><br>Gardiner: Some of it may have been illegal. A case was brought against the Secretary of Defense in a Chicago court by Judicial Watch for violating the law that limits defense money being used for propaganda inside the United States.<br><br>There was another illegal dimension. Most people don't know but the military is the only profession where it is illegal to lie. It is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for an officer to tell a lie. There were some officers who violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice as they marketed for the Administration.<br><br>Zeese: You say in "Truth from these Podia:" "In the most basic sense, Washington and London did not trust the peoples of their democracies to come to right decisions. Truth became a casualty. <br><br>When truth is a casualty, democracy receives collateral damage." Does this mean that if the people of Washington and the United States were told the truth they would not have supported the invasion of Iraq and therefore had to be misled by the Bush administration? <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Gardiner: One irony of the whole mess is that the American people (and the British people) would most likely have supported strong actions against Iraq had they been told the truth.<br><br>The other irony is that if truth had been valued inside the Administration, we probably would not have gone to war. In very early 2003 I had done an extensive analysis of the likely humanitarian consequences of an invasion of Iraq. I was able to get quite a few mid-level people to review my briefing. I even briefed my results to the National Security Council Staff. The bottom line of my presentation was that the United States was not ready to deal with what was coming. That was clearly not a piece of information anyone wanted.<br><br>My efforts and those of others are described in a January 2004 article in the Atlantic Monthly by Jim Fallows, "Blind into Baghdad."<br><br>Zeese: How much did this campaign of misinformation cost?<br><br>Gardiner: Tough question, Kevin. I don't think it possible to get a total handle on the effort. I have read one estimate that put the marketing at $200 million. That cost is trivial, however, to the collateral damage that has been done to democracy. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Zeese: What do we do to prevent this from occurring in the future?<br><br>Gardiner: Wow, I wish I had an answer to this question. Based upon the initial work done after the offensive phase by those involved in strategic communications, I have to tell you, as I said in my paper, if you think this was bad, wait until the next war. They will be even better at manipulating the story. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Zeese: You conclude "Truth in these Podia" with the "Last Chart" and suggest that we need an investigation to determine the extent of information management and legislation to prevent the people of the United States from being victimized by war propaganda in the future. What type of investigation? What type of legislation?<br><br>Gardiner: We need a commission. This one would not be about intelligence. This would be focused on strategic communications. I have been able to uncover some of the manipulation that went on before and during the war, but I think I have only scratched the surface. Some is still classified or buried. For example, who within the US Government told the press that the French gave Saddam Hussein a passport so he could sneak out of Iraq? Who told the press Saddam Hussein was hiding in the Russian embassy?<br><br>The United States needs a robust public diplomacy effort, but I believe we cannot allow government officials to insert non-truth into media that will be seen by Americans. We can't allow officials to damage democracy in the name of extending democracy.<br>*****<br>The ONLY solution is to enforce The Plan against the traitorous N. W. O. Zionist mass-murder, inside-job perpetrators of 911 and the phoney War on Terror:- <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Time is running out:- <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>The ONLY Armageddon Survival-Kit is available from:- <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>**<br> <p></p><i></i>
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sweet sufferin' succotash!

Postby AnnaLiviaPlurabelle » Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:05 am

Starman, are you advocating the things written at that last site you posted...the i/am/JAH thingee? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: sweet sufferin' succotash!

Postby dbeach » Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:20 am

mind control added to TRAUMA<br><br>the killing of JFK and the realted killings inflicted a massive trauma on the American and world psyce..thus leaving us predisposed to more trauma and of course easier to control as in mind control<br><br>drugs both illegal and legal can be wondeful but can also cause immense side effects including memory loss and loss of concentration..So keep em numb and in constant fear ..loot their savings in any of the "assorted life savers "promised by a corrupt wall st and bingo..a shot may not be necessary for the controllers to just give the USA away and let the russkis or chinese or whoever is flavor of the day enemy waltz right in and kill off most of the population..<br><br>yeh yeh it can NEVER happen here ask any former USSR resident... <p></p><i></i>
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re: sweet sufferin' succotash!

Postby Starman » Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:20 am

Heyia ALP;<br><br>You asked: "are you advocating the things written at .. site you posted (I/am/Jah thingee)?"<br><br>Ooops -- No Way -- I supposed the links were related to the cite-source of the interview article I reposted, perhaps offering more info -- I didn't check 'em out first (like I shouldda). I most definitely don't enforse ANY exclusive 'sale' of Critical Info to Protect oneself and survive the "End Times'; Man, whatta crock;<br><br>Sorry, I shoulda probably exercised better due-diligence. What a shameless playing off fears and hopes. Natch I checked the site to see what it was about when you asked:<br><br>"Now You Can Immediately Discover, <br>and begin learning, the simple plan how to <br>guarantee your freedom, safety and immortality; <br>if you follow it faithfully, without deviation. <br><br>No other plan will work! <br><br>You won’t survive these “End Times” without this! <br>So you can forget the rest. <br><br>Unique & Authoritative Information Library and Straight-forward Daily-Tuition comes complete on ONE convenient CD. Send US $50 <PLONK!><br><br>OH <br> MY <br> GOSH!!!!<br><br>So SOrrY! Thanks for the heads-up; I goofed!<br><br>Note to all: Please disregard the shameless mercenary-sales-hype BS spam-links 'I/am/jah' etc. at the end of my above post. Posting-ERROR dontcha know.<br>Starman<br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :o --><img src= ALT=":o"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Public fed 'right' language now embedded in subconscious

Postby Sweejak » Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:55 am

I have no doubt about it. Here are a few observations, maybe more of a ramble than anything else: <br><br>The first one is only intuition and is about 9-11 and the images. When I saw it I was amazed at the almost NFL type lighting, it was so bright looking and so exquisitely timed I felt "this is staged". The building collapses were jaw dropping, you kept looking thru the smoke to see if it was somehow still there and it was plain gone. Then the ominous silent skies the days after were as if to seal the idea that things will never be the same. Now I could not prove that any of this was planned as one would script a film but it is not beyond possibility that these sorts of things were talked about and given their due. Other's have commented on the visual effects of 9-11. Not to mention the endless repetition, the scrolling tickers etc., but that is all TV related and we can see it every time you turn on the machine. Then there is Jerry Bruckheimer creator of those atrocious films who was hired to advise the Pentagon and I think was involved in the Jessica Lynch fiasco.<br>About words, there is this, a clip from the Psychohistory board:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Rather than doing a full fantasy analysis of Bush's speech from last <br>night, I have just done a tally of some of the strong emotional words that Bush used repetitively throughout his speech. Here are my results:<br><br>1) Terror, terrorist, terrorists, terrorism: 34 times<br>2) Fight, fighters, fighting: 20 times<br>3) War, warfare: 14 times<br>4) Defend, defending, defended, defense: 14 times<br>5) Enemy, enemies: 12 times<br>6) Kill, killers, killed: 6 times<br>7) Attack, attacked, attacks: 6 times<br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Battle, battles, battlefield: 5 times<br>9) Violence: 5 times<br>10) Murder, murderous: 4 times<br><br>11) September the 11th: 5 times<br><br>12) Progress: 7 times<br>13) Defeat, defeated, defeating: 7 times<br><br>14) Free, freedom, freedoms: 34 times<br>15) Secure, security: 17 times<br>16) Liberty, liberated, liberation: 5 times<br><br><br>The thing that I find most remarkable is that, despite our having <br>deposed the Taliban in Afghanistan, our having invaded Iraq and brought about "regime change," with former dictator Saddam Hussein now in our <br>custody, and despite there having been no repeat of the September 11 attacks in the four years since, Bush's speech was packed full of aggressive,<br>emotionally-charged words. E.g. "terror," "kill," "war," "fight."<br><br>J has pointed out previously on this list--and I agree<br>completely--that the "war on terror" is really a 'war on anxiety.' In <br>other words, one of its main goals is to make us all feel better in ourselves,<br>relieved of our own anxiety. This is the real "security," "freedom" and<br>"liberty" that Bush so often refers to in his speeches: It is the <br>feeling we are seeking for ourselves. If Bush's speech last night is in any way reflective of the current U.S. public mood, then the "war on terror" is failing abysmally.<br><hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Also before I forget, regarding lies to start Gulf War I, the massed Iraqi armor. The Satellite photos Powell proffered that showed Iraqi armor massed at the Saudi border.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr> The St. Petersburg Times (Florida) purchased Soviet commercial satellite photos of the border and had them examined in detail by two imaging specialists, including Zimmerman. They found no evidence of significant military buildups along the Saudi border." <br><br>"You could see the planes sitting wing tip to wing tip in Riyadh airport," Ms Heller says, "but there wasn't was any sign of a quarter of a million Iraqi troops sitting in the middle of the desert.<br><br>The airport in the Kuwaiti capital appeared to have been abandoned, which it wouldn't be. If you think about it for a minute, if you're trying to supply a quarter of a million troops, it takes a lot of food, a lot of camping equipment, a lot of fuel for the tanks. They didn't see tanks tracks in the sand in the desert and they would not have worn away because satellites are still pickling up images of sand tracks in the desert of Northern Africa that were left during World War II.<br><br>"I happened to know the Press Secretary of Defense personally, and I asked him, 'Look, you know me, we've known each-other for a long time, let me look at some of the U.S. intelligence satellite photos, prove to me that I'm wrong. I don't need to take them out of the building, I don't need to copy them. Prove to me that we are wrong and we won't run the story.' And he refused to so that. He refused to do it on a number of occasions.<br><br>"As a reporter, I'm not supposed to conclude anything, but everyone else who was familiar with this story and familiar with the satellite photographs has concluded that the [Bush] administration lied to the Saudis, to the world in order to get the invitation to come into the Middle East to protect the innocent. What does it say about the government? If in fact the fact the government lied, does that surprise anyone?"<br><br>--Jean Heller, St. Petersbug Times<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Also the Srebrinica photos so reminiscent of WWII.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr><br>Front Page Story<br>PR that kills<br>by Judi McLeod, Canadafreepresscom<br><br>August 30, 2004<br><br>Was the "River Incident" in Yugoslavia, widely reported by the media, the work of a well-paid public relations firm?<br><br>It was on March 15 when the media reported that at least two Serbs and a dog had chased four Albanian boys into the river Ibar in Mitrovica According to the heart-catching story, three of the boys drowned, and only one made it to the safety of the other side<br><br>"Revenge followed swiftly Reprisal attacks on Serbs claimed 30 lives and wounded 600," said Canadafreepresscom in its May 3 cover story<br><br>When United Nations representative Derek Chappell bravely stepped forward to say the river event of March 15 was "definitely not true", he was promptly pulled by the UN and transferred to another job<br><br>"The UN said he was too frank in telling the truth," said James Bissett, former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia and member of a minority trying to get the truth out on widespread lies and deception about Kosovo<br><br>Add the voice of Marjaleena Repo, a freelance writer with a special interest in justice issues A national organizer of Citizens Concerned About Free Trade, Repo also happens to be Canadian<br><br>"The world was shocked to find out that a PR firm, Hill and Knowlton had manufactured the `incubator babies’ incident in Kuwait, which precipitated the Gulf War; Iraqi soldiers ripping Kuwaiti babies out of incubators in a genocidal fashion Even Amnesty International was taken in by the falsehood, which was later exposed as such, but only after the military damage was done<br><br>"Yet the shock of being duped by Hill and Knowlton soon wore off and gullibility returned to the American public In no time another American PR firm, Ruder-Finn Global Communications, working for the Croatian and Bosnian separatists, publicly bragged that it had been able to turn world opinion against the Serbs"<br><br>Ruder-Finn is a substantial PR firm with offices in Manhattan and Washington, DC<br><br>Says Repo of Ruder-Finn: "The PR firm was piling hoax upon hoax The famous story of Serb concentration camps was built on a photo of a gaunt man surrounded by others, staring at the viewer from behind barbed wire; surely an image to chill one to the bones It took years before a German journalist Thomas Deichman, in an article titled The Picture That Fooled The World, described how the famous photo was staged by its takers, British journalists, who were photographing the inhabitants from inside barbed wire which was protecting agricultural products and machinery from theft in a refugee and transit camp; the men stood outside of it; and at no time was there a barbed-wire fence surrounding the camp But by that time the image had done its deed, terminally slamming the Serbs as genocidal mass murderers"<br><br>The staged concentration camp photograph eventually found albeit small limelight, but as Repo points out there are countless other stories out there masquerading as truth<br><br>"These stories and photos of `genocide’ and `ethnic cleansing’ a la Hitler in a civil war, in which Serbs are as guilty as sin and others are their innocent victims, are repeated ad nauseum by western reporters without the slightest evidence, and have provided the grounds for the public’s hopefully only temporary acceptance of the illegal and brutal war against the sovereign nation of Yugoslavia They continue after NATO’s bombing began, unabated, with new absurdities such as the suggestion that the Serbs are really bombing themselves! Perhaps in the war crimes court there will soon be a place for journalists and PR firms who, with their inflammatory reporting and fraudulent actions, cause wars to begin"<br><br>The cunning of Ruder-Finn Global Public Affairs in Yugoslavia knows no bounds Ruder-Finn director James Harff was interviewed by French journalist Jaques Merlino<br><br>"The essential tools in our work are a card file, a computer and a fax The card file contains a few hundred names of journalists, politicians, academics, and representatives of humanitarian organizations The computer goes through the card files according to correlated subjects, coming up with very effective targets," Harff told Merlino<br><br>"The computer is tied into a fax In this way we can disseminate information in a few minutes to those we think will react positively Our job is to ensure that the arguments for our side will be the first to be expressed<br><br>"Our work is not to verify information We are not equipped for that Our work is to accelerate the circulation of information favorable to us, to aim them at carefully chosen targets We did not claim that there were death camps in Bosnia, we just made it known that Newsday claimed it"<br><br>Journalists telling the truth don’t survive their jobs With no explanation, new director Jean Pierre El Kabasch removed Merlino from his job as deputy editor-in-chief at France’s Antenne 2 Network At the same time, unidentified humanitarian organizations demonstrated in front of Antenne 2, shouting "Merlino, the people are after your hide"<br><br>Snip<br> <br>More - <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Well the above is mostly media stuff, aside from that I have found only anecdotal discussion about humming sounds associated with nausea, people who live in the same region hearing subterranean booms and feeling disoriented etc. There are the two women in Sacramento who say their neighbors exposed them to microwaves. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> This family is roundly mocked but I heard an interview with them and they sound absolutely credible.<br><br>Mack White has an interesting article on the War of the Worlds radio show<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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you scared me, Starman, but no worries now

Postby AnnaLiviaPlurabelle » Sun Jul 17, 2005 3:32 am

"Posting-ERROR dontcha know.<br>Starman"<br> <br>LOL! relieved to hear it! the world's already upside down, and for a minute there, i thought it had gone inside out, as well. i read the whole first jah thing and thought "THAT guy recommended THIS?"<br><br>but then, the long strange trip its been does seem to just keep rearriving, eh?<br><br>i do actually agree with what he said in two respects; one, that the stratospherically wealth-powerful are dangerous madmen in control of the helm right now (and historically), and, two<br><br>that there is an escape from all this human misery.<br><br>for now, let me put my version of a good plan this way:<br><br>It isn't, at bottom, the giants that are killing us all and our planet. it's the IDEA OF HAVING giants...who don't even see the ants they can't help but step on. it is the IDEA OF HAVING giants that we need to murder. the only revolution worth having...the only lasting revolution...will be bloodless, or nearly...because it will come when the majority human consciousness has learned not to want nor allow giants. until then, it's only the faces of the giants that changes...nothing of good consequence to most of humanity changes. all the wisdom of the ages put together, and we have today ever-escalating tension and violence leading in 20 years to planet extinction (give or take 20 years).<br><br>our intelligence appears to be about as useful as stupidity, until we murder the IDEA OF HAVING giants. (hint: sanely restrict inheritance, for a start.)<br><br>only when the collective that Levy guy says...and like James Joyce says in the great Finnegans Wake...and like i have been whispering to the moon for years...only when the current collective denial of reality is embraced instead of that it can't hurt us anymore...will humankind live without giants...knowing it is insanity (and unneccessary) to keep giants around on our sacred bluegreen garden harbor.<br><br>i predict the epitaph of humanity is going to be:<br><br>they thought they could choose which parts of reality to face.<br><br>(i also predict cell-phones will dance before we feed the starving, since i'm at it.)<br><br>end rant. (sorry if i took the thread off-topic.) <p></p><i></i>
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Something more...

Postby GDN01 » Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:35 am

Most of what has been added to this thread is about disinformation - out and out lies fed to the public. I agree that this is an issue and has happened time and time again.<br><br>But, I am beginning to wonder if something more sinister is at work. <br><br>Again, it is about mind control and what has proven to be effective. Traumatize someone repeatedly while embedding messages that can be triggered. <br><br>While it may not be on the same magnitude as an individual who has experienced RA for years - it seems that the U.S. public, if not more widespread, has been subjected to the same methodology. What happened on 9/11 was horrific. And it was shown over and over thru the media with a specific message attached - be afraid, we will protect you, "they" are the enemy, do what we say and we will keep you safe. And now that this message is embedded in most people's pysches, it can easily be triggered by less devastating events, when it needs to be.<br><br>Maybe it's not even intentional, but this is what has happened. But, if the people in control of our govt. knows this is an effective technique of mind control - might they not try to exploit it? <p></p><i></i>
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wealth-power giants do as they please, always

Postby AnnaLiviaPlurabelle » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:59 am

GDN01, are we talking about mind-control in this case, though, or is this simply very effective propaganda (including the propaganda of ommission)?<br><br>i am only just beginning to read about the mind-control talked about here at RI, so would be totally remiss to make a judgement (and perhaps there is some overlap, since visual images are uniquely powerful?), but in 9/11 and 7/7, propaganda (and outright lying) seems to me the tool they are...indeed most purposefully...using. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: wealth-power giants do as they please, always

Postby Sweejak » Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:52 pm

The Controllers. Not as long a read as it looks.<br>-- <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>The Greenbaum speech<br>-- <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>I don't know the difference between effective propaganda and mind control. I don't see the need for a distinction.<br><br>As far as anything else, electronic for instance, done on a mass scale I only find less convincing stuff. What about Fluoride in the water system and all the additives in our foods?<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Mind Control

Postby Project Willow » Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:22 pm

GDNO1, <br>To make your analogy more applicable, don't forget the amnesia involved. Trauma-based mind control works on an individual level by associating fear, pain, rage and other reations to trauma with a learned behavior and trigger/cue. But what allows it to work so well is that it operates on an unconscious level.<br><br>Is there something going on in the public sphere that is analogous? Could be an interesting thread to pull. But I imagine that even the practitioners would look on these as different scenarios necessitating different methods.<br><br>Our need to belong and to conform and the fact that we do this in modern society largely through the media and television makes us extremely vulnerable. Those seeking control may not need any stronger weapon.<br> <p>PW</p><i></i>
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Re: Mind Control

Postby GDN01 » Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:09 pm

PW - I've been trying to form a more coherent explanation for this "gut feeling" I have about this. "This" being an intentional and methodical program of traumatizing the masses - in this case, the citizens of the U.S., while embedding learned behaviors, and specific thought patterns, in reaction to the traumas, that can be triggered as needed, by those who are in power. And, as you point out, (if I'm understanding your point about practitioners) the methodology for mind control of individuals and that of the public, would have to be different. So, I keep tripping myself up as I try to play out this theory in real life terms. <br><br>Let's say, for the matter of this discussion, the controlling powers, well aware of the success of the techniques used in MKUltra for creating desired responses/reactions through traumatizing individuals, need an entire population to respond in desired ways. And this is where I think there IS a distinction between propaganda and mind control. You can tell people lies, propaganda, and many will believe the lies for a long time. But you run the risk of the lies being exposed at some point. And then you have lost control. But it is documented that you can create personalities through traumatizing. The powers don't need an entire population of individuals with DID, so they don't have to go to the extremes of the techniques used for individual mind control. But, by utilizing the basic premise of mind control - intentionally inflict repeated trauma while programming the desired response - an entire population can be controlled, through repeated direct trauma as well as media produced trauma, i.e. showing the planes flying into the towers over and over, repeated news stories on terrorists and their plots, having news stories say over and over that we will be attacked again, etc. And PW's point is important:<br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Our need to belong and to conform and the fact that we do this in modern society largely through the media and television makes us extremely vulnerable. Those seeking control may not need any stronger weapon.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br> <br>-An interesting point to make here - It has been documented that the mind does not distinguish between direct trauma and simulated trauma. When police use training modules that simulate shoot outs, their vitals - heart rate, presence of adrenalin, etc, are elevated as high as what happens in actual shoot outs, although they know they can not actually be shot and are not shooting real people. <br><br>So, what were the messages we have been programmed with, through the inflicted trauma of 9/11 and now 7/7, as well as all the repeated traumas in between?<br>1. Don't question the govt.<br>2. You can only be protected by giving up your civil liberties.<br>3. The govt. will protect you.<br>4. The enemy is "them".<br>5. Report suspicious behavior.<br>What else?<br><br>I've heard it said, "Keep a population scared and they will do whatever you want." <br><br>In my opinion, the difference between effective propaganda and mind control is the intentional inflicting of trauma on an individual or the masses, to get the propaganda, the lies, to take hold. And, again as PW points out, there is an amnesia involved. These messages, once embedded in the subconscious, can be triggered by words, images, additional trauma, whenever needed, without having the actual message repeated.<br><br>I apologize if I'm talking in circles and repeating my initial idea. But I think there is more to this, and I'm trying to work it out through writing! <p></p><i></i>
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re:Mind Control/ & the control of national consciousness

Postby hanshan » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:03 pm

<br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>GDN01 says:<br><br>I would like to see those who know more about MKUltra expound on this theory - either supporting it, or poking holes in it. But could it be that the same techniques are intentionally being used, and quite effectively I might add, to control the masses - creating traumatic memories and feelings of fear and helpless that are now embedded in our psyche, that can easily be triggered when needed? :</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>You're correct; this guy (among others) discusses it:<br><br>"Does the WTC attack feel like a movie? ... Well of course it does! It has been specifically written as a movie script... Having studied for years how Americans react in movie theaters, the game planners have decided we are now ready for movie spectaculars in real life. You are witnessing a cathartic and intense psychological operation. It is designed to alter your perceptions and hence your politics. It's a classic PsyOp. It's a made-for-TV movie with all the cliché blockbuster elements. It has mayhem, evil warlords and subtle hints of a military coup. It has terrorists who wrestle for control of Flight 93 with Die Hard have-a-go Bruce Willis clones." Wag the WTC - The Blockbuster<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top"></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br>... <p></p><i></i>
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