Citizen Spook:"TREASONGATE: The Challenge of 18 USC 794

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Citizen Spook:"TREASONGATE: The Challenge of 18 USC 794

Postby dbeach » Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:59 pm

Light me up on dis one..or dis me lightly..<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>TREASONGATE: The Challenge of 18 USC 794... <br>CHALLENGE TO JOE WILSON:<br><br>“Naming her this way would have compromised every operation, every relationship, every network with which she had been associated in her entire career. This is the stuff of Kim Philby and Aldrich Ames.”<br><br>That was Joe Wilson speaking to David Corn in The Nation on July 16th.<br><br>Joe Wilson, if he does not want to remain looking like an obvious Bush facilitator of Treason, should demand the Bush administration be prosecuted under 18 USC 794 for Treason since that is the law which sent Aldrich Ames away to prison for life.<br><br>CHALLENGE TO DAVID CORN and "THE NATION":<br><br>"Corn then published a detailed exploration of the law to ensure that other journalists, as well as regular readers of The Nation, understood all of the legalities involved."<br><br>(From Page 349 of Wilson's book, "The Politics of Truth".)<br><br>David Corn, you are challenged to publish a genuine "detailed explopration of the law to ensure that other journalists, as well as regular readers of The Nation", understand all of the legalities involved, particularly 18 USC 794 which you have ignored?<br><br>CHALLENGE TO DEMOCRATICUNDERGROUND.COM:<br><br>A thread at was locked yesterday when the moderators challenged Citizen Spook to provide a "reliable source" for my reporting.<br><br>DU, I have given two reliable sources:<br><br>Source #1: Title 18 of our United States Code, 18 USC 794. See my analysis of it here<br><br>It's an impeccable source, but for some reason your site does not have any discussion or analysis on it. Why not?<br><br>Source #2: The United States Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Morison.<br><br>I suggest you read my sources carefully and then report back to your readership with your own analysis.<br><br>CHALLENGE TO NATIONAL REVIEW:<br><br>Clifford May did an excellent job of analyzing David Corn's outing of Plame's status, but May and the National Review have failed miserably to cover the applicable laws to the Treason before us, 18 USC 794. Why?<br><br>CHALLENGE TO AMERICA<br><br>Don't get distracted by the pundits America. The law is the only source you need. Anybody who truly wishes to see the Bush administration and its facilitators pay for their Treasons against this country should analyze 18 USC 794 carefully and then ask why none of the pundits from the Conservative media or the Liberal media have brought a detailed, impartial analysis of this law to your attention. <br><br>The USA is the victim of Treason here, not the Wilson's. We suffer for this destruction of national intelligence assets. Our security has been challenged.<br><br>This is a very simple issue. We have laws against Treason, why won't the the main stream media or the main stream blogosphere discuss the law our Government has enacted to punish Treason?"<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Citizen Spook:"TREASONGATE: The Challenge of 18 USC

Postby antiaristo » Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:10 pm

dbeach,<br>Time to demonstrate cojones.<br>This must be posted at DU (IMHO).<br>We've got to get in their faces.<br><br>If you read my stuff you'll know I'm constantly citing laws that are not followed. CS is doing the same thing.<br><br>That's why it is SO SENSITIVE.<br>But he's quite correct in his contentions. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Citizen Spook:"TREASONGATE: The Challenge of 18 USC

Postby dbeach » Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:28 pm

Brother anti -aristo<br><br>as in against all aristocracy..AMEN !how bout just callin em aristorats<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>dbeach fresh from da beach..loaded with salt water and a sun tan..nearly invincible to troll bites and all disinfo agents..come on over and keep me covered STILL NEED YA!! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Citizen Spook:"TREASONGATE: The Challenge of 18 USC

Postby antiaristo » Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:48 pm

dbeach,<br>NICE ONE!<br>Don't let the "alternative media" off the hook. I think that's what surprised CS. He had no expectations of the corporate media, but I think he expected the Internet to do something.<br><br>That's why he challenges DU, who locked the thread because of "sourcing". He is saying THIS is the source <br><br>18 USC 794<br>The United States Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Morison<br><br>Unlock the thread! <p></p><i></i>
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My point on the DU thread was...

Postby psyop samurai » Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:13 pm

(assuming Fitzpatrick & the judges are on the up and up, that charges are as damaging as they appear, and that Bushco is going down):<br><br>Do we really expect a straightforward accounting before the American people? Do we really expect full justice to be served? <br><br>Or are we going go get some version "spun" by the powers that be, less in the service of "justice", than of maintaining the status quo? ("facilitating a smooth transition") <br><br>Sure, maybe they draw the line at Bushco's doings, but they reserve the right to draw that line to themselves, and don't want to stir the sheople any more than can be avoided. <br><br>The justification? "It was for the good of the country." Yeah, uh huh...<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: My point on the DU thread was...

Postby dbeach » Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:34 pm

PS Status Quo must go..<br><br>Bush has obviuosly been following orders for most of his life..From JFK to 9/11 to 7/7 ..bush,his cabals and his cousins her nibs and family and the other uber privleged american/euro royalty have been positioning for many long yrs to have their utopia..Unfortunately for us commoners ..this is gonna be HELL on earth..the ruling elites from bush to bliar to rockefeller to roschild appear to be at some destiny of their own creating and lining it up with various religious and prophecy type events to CRUSH the commoners.<br><br>also got this thread posted at DU <br><br>thye fear the LAW and its our only real weapon agaianst the elites.<br>THEY KILLED JFK ..DID 9/11.. ECT . THEY COMITTED TREASON NOT US..they gonna pay eventually..<br><br>HOW MUCH will we have to pay in the meantime??? <p></p><i></i>
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