"Nothing is Real"; 'live' CNN coverage, 1991 Gulf

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"Nothing is Real"; 'live' CNN coverage, 1991 Gulf

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:53 pm

I imagine this was already posted here at some point, but it's worth re-posting, if only for the utterly comical props and poor acting jobs by both 'correspondents':

http://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2009/10/ ... -real.html

"This video first appeared on YouTube roughly a year ago, but I did not see it until just now. Using behind-the-scenes footage, it shows CNN 'war correspondent' Charles Jaco allegedly in Saudi Arabia covering a missile attack. (For better quality, see here. You can see more behind-the-scenes footage -- plus a remake of the above scene with different costuming -- here, or just scroll down to the bottom of this post.)

I beg you to stick with this clip until the very end. The last minute of this video is mind-blowing. This is not an exercise in evidence-free paranoia-mongering.

Jaco now works for a Fox affiliate.

In the past, I've often talked about the day the statue of Saddam was pulled down during Gulf War II. American teevee viewers thought that the act was a spontaneous demonstration by the citizens of Baghdad. In fact, the people who actually lived in the city were kept behind barricades. The whole thing was staged, with Ahmed Chelabi's rent-a-goons playing the Baghdadis.

That same day, the Los Angeles ABC affiliate showed what they claimed to be footage (allegedly taken that very morning) of Saddam's fearsome Republican Guard mounting a counter-offensive against the Americans in Baghdad. I had seen the same footage two days earlier on a foreign-language cable channel. It was shot in a completely different city by a French crew -- and the 'Republican Guard' were actually a handful of dunderheaded extremists from Syria. The real Republican Guard was bought off and did not fight.

After relying on a questioned document, Dan Rather was tossed out of the news business. But Charles Jaco still works in what he is pleased to call 'journalism.' As do, no doubt, many of the dozens of people at CNN who knew about this massive deception."
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Postby monster » Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:28 pm

I've posted that before here, somewhere... still not sure what to make of it.
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Re: "Nothing is Real"; 'live' CNN coverage, 1991 G

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:52 am

Belligerent Savant wrote:I imagine this was already posted here at some point, but it's worth re-posting, if only for the utterly comical props and poor acting jobs by both 'correspondents':

http://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2009/10/ ... -real.html

"This video first appeared on YouTube roughly a year ago, but I did not see it until just now. Using behind-the-scenes footage, it shows CNN 'war correspondent' Charles Jaco allegedly in Saudi Arabia covering a missile attack. (For better quality, see here. You can see more behind-the-scenes footage -- plus a remake of the above scene with different costuming -- here, or just scroll down to the bottom of this post.)

I beg you to stick with this clip until the very end. The last minute of this video is mind-blowing. This is not an exercise in evidence-free paranoia-mongering.

Jaco now works for a Fox affiliate.

"Here on Gilligan's isle...."

Spook assholes. Gulf War I was a staged circus meant to 'cure' Vietnam Syndrome so that a permanent oil occupation/war could fuel the Wall Street-Pentagon-CIA 'secret' government.

My three favorite bits of Gulf I War showbiz are:

1) CIA-Mockingbird media pretending to greet the night-time arrival of the Marines with floodlights on the beach...meant to illustrate the liability of allowing the press to report on the war.

2) 'Coach' General Norman Schwarzkopfz's 'how we won the game' press conference where the first 'question' by a fake journo attempted to start calling mass murder of enemy troops by the euphemism "attrition" and failed.

3) The CIA-Disney decoy of the video game/smart bomb image of the war, 'death down a chimney,' plus exposure of US Ambassador April Glaspie's suckering Saddam into becoming an excuse for a permanent oil region occupation....in CIA-Tim Burton's shitty movie called 'A Nightmare Before Christmas.'

Too bad Cannon is such an ignorant prick about 9/11 and controlled demolition-
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Hey, Cannon. They are called 'The Laws of Physics.' Catch up so we can live, ok?
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Postby Nordic » Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:56 pm

Wow. That's like a scene right out of "Wag the Dog"
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Postby wha? » Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:39 pm

you can go ahead and ban me for this since it's the last time i'll probably post...but the more i read mr wins posts the more i'm convinced he's a total spook. and one who thinks he's a lot more clever than he actually is. or just a complete nutjob. but spook is much more likely. i just wanted someone to go ahead and say it. so there. i did. bring the banhammer.
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Postby lightningBugout » Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:52 pm

Every time someone says this it almost frightens me because it makes me feel like you don't even realize what a real spook would (and does) look like. For starters sophisticated enough to blend in and build trust and actually manipulate conversations effectively.

I get so tired of people piling on Hugh. Yes, he appears completely crazy sometimes. So do lots of us, just in different ways. Usually with strange bouts of aggression or other forms of pathos. Other times Hugh sees shit that others miss (even if just broken clock right twice a day).

But why do people care?

If you do not care for what he does, why not just ignore him? Unlike a whole lot of other folks here, he is, also, generally a pretty nice guy.

Someone has a satirical theory that Hugh is PK Dick. Which makes me wonder how that genius would have been treated here. Even in his mad FBI letter-writing phase, the man had some of the most profound insights of his time.

I'm pretty sure people would bully him and call him a spook if he were here today.
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Postby wha? » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:06 pm

well, i don't give too much of a fuck but the little fuck i do give is because i enjoy reading this message board from time to time. and yes hugh has nice insights to share with us but they most always seem to be coupled with shit that would discredit anything useful he may be saying. i'll certainly admit i'm not an expert on spook tactics, it's just fucking uncanny how he will bring up subjects that are actually important but almost always with a healthy dose of batshit craziness. i don't think i'm being a bully by expressing this opinion. but think what you like.
and sorry, hmw is no pkd. hugh would probably say pkd was cia.
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Postby lightningBugout » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:11 pm

wha? wrote:well, i don't give too much of a fuck but the little fuck i do give is because i enjoy reading this message board from time to time. and yes hugh has nice insights to share with us but they most always seem to be coupled with shit that would discredit anything useful he may be saying. i'll certainly admit i'm not an expert on spook tactics, it's just fucking uncanny how he will bring up subjects that are actually important but almost always with a healthy dose of batshit craziness. i don't think i'm being a bully by expressing this opinion. but think what you like.
and sorry, hmw is no pkd. hugh would probably say pkd was cia.

I did not mean to imply you were being a bully.
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Postby Iroquois » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:46 pm

Monster, I missed your previous thread on this topic. Was it, relative to this one (thanks, wha?), accompanied by some decent on-topic posts? If so, I'll try to find it and link it here.

Worth also tying in was this thread started by JD a few years ago about "The Massacre of Withdrawing Soldiers on the Highway of Death": http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board/v ... php?t=3396
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Re: "Nothing is Real"; 'live' CNN coverage, 1991 G

Postby MinM » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:47 pm

Belligerent Savant wrote:I imagine this was already posted here at some point, but it's worth re-posting, if only for the utterly comical props and poor acting jobs by both 'correspondents':

http://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2009/10/ ... -real.html

"This video first appeared on YouTube roughly a year ago, but I did not see it until just now. Using behind-the-scenes footage, it shows CNN 'war correspondent' Charles Jaco allegedly in Saudi Arabia covering a missile attack. (For better quality, see here. You can see more behind-the-scenes footage -- plus a remake of the above scene with different costuming -- here, or just scroll down to the bottom of this post.)

I beg you to stick with this clip until the very end. The last minute of this video is mind-blowing. This is not an exercise in evidence-free paranoia-mongering.

Jaco now works for a Fox affiliate.

In the past, I've often talked about the day the statue of Saddam was pulled down during Gulf War II. American teevee viewers thought that the act was a spontaneous demonstration by the citizens of Baghdad. In fact, the people who actually lived in the city were kept behind barricades. The whole thing was staged, with Ahmed Chelabi's rent-a-goons playing the Baghdadis.

That same day, the Los Angeles ABC affiliate showed what they claimed to be footage (allegedly taken that very morning) of Saddam's fearsome Republican Guard mounting a counter-offensive against the Americans in Baghdad. I had seen the same footage two days earlier on a foreign-language cable channel. It was shot in a completely different city by a French crew -- and the 'Republican Guard' were actually a handful of dunderheaded extremists from Syria. The real Republican Guard was bought off and did not fight.

After relying on a questioned document, Dan Rather was tossed out of the news business. But Charles Jaco still works in what he is pleased to call 'journalism.' As do, no doubt, many of the dozens of people at CNN who knew about this massive deception."

IIRC, when this video first made the rounds a few years ago, it seemed authentic to me. Apparently Cannon believes in it's authenticity too. Although the first time around somebody tried to explain it away by saying it was a skit worked up by these guys to show at their Christmas Party?

So, who knows? Was it just a stunt for in-house entertainment? or...
Was it part of the political theater that played out with the phony 'hearing' prior to the first Gulf War, where the bogus claim of Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators was made to help sell that war, and the toppling of Saddam's Statue???

As for the rest of this thread...

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Postby barracuda » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:47 pm

If folks didn't rag on Hugh, this forum would have about a third less posts and would be about half as entertaining.
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Postby monster » Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:16 pm

Iroquois wrote:Monster, I missed your previous thread on this topic. Was it, relative to this one (thanks, wha?), accompanied by some decent on-topic posts?

No, now that I think about it, I think it was in the video-links only thread. So let the discourse begin...
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Re: "Nothing is Real"; 'live' CNN coverage, 1991 G

Postby Nordic » Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:24 pm

MinM wrote:Apparently Cannon believes in it's authenticity too. Although the first time around somebody tried to explain it away by saying it was a skit worked up by these guys to show at their Christmas Party?

That would actually make a lot of sense considering how stupid it now looks in retrospect, but I remember at the time how riveted we all were by CNN's "coverage" of the events and how most of us just swallowed them right up (or I did at least).

Then again, it's almost not stupid enough to be a Christmas video. It seems like they would have taken it a notch higher on the idiot meter if that were the case.
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Postby NaturalMystik » Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:39 pm

What the?

Surely that video wasn't portraying itself as news at the time?

It looks like a SNL comedy sketch or something?
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Postby 23 » Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:59 pm

What is real is determined by the boundaries of your perception.

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