ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff

Can any area of para research be effectual if "contaminated" by other types of para topic?

No. Paranormal subjects generally detract from political activism being taken seriously / becoming effective.
Yes. If handled appropriately paranormal interests don't necessarily detract from efforts at being taken seriously regarding political activism.
It aint so simple as a Yes / No answer because...
Total votes : 23

Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby 8bitagent » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:41 pm

operator kos wrote:There are many intelligence operatives who are involved in occult organizations. Some of them are just in it for the networking, but I know for a fact that some of them take it quite seriously. So when you start pulling on pretty much any deep politics thread, you're going to come across some element of woo eventually.

That being said, I'll have a conversation touching upon both UFOs and 9/11 amongst conspiracy-minded friends, but if I'm trying to convince a member of the general public of some of this stuff, there's NO WAY I'm going to conflate topics like that. And I always start with the easiest to accept stuff first. Using the example of 9/11, it's a little more effective to open with "Hey, did you know that a bunch of U.S. military and intelligence people say that the Bush administration deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen?" rather than "OMG! Nano-thermite, NWO, remote-controlled planes!"

It's a fine balance...most people are willing to accept spooky strange coast to coast xfile discussion than government coverups, and especially anything that pulls away from the official 9/11 event.

For me its easy...I simply point out the deep Saudi involement, "Golden Chain", Ptech, falconry camps, Dubai, Qatar, ISI and ask "How can the US government continue to do business with Arab and Muslim elites who finance bin Laden, al Qaeda and terror groups?" I have no stake in any of the popular "truther" pet theories...9/11 can very well be "determined jihadists" and "Bush and the neocons pissed they got through" and in my mind it's still a conspiracy/setup. Because I believe all sides are being manipulated against eachother just like in WW1 and WW2. I see Islamic jihadists as nothing more than easy to control proxy tools of the same globalist system that manipulates and uses the US and all the evil Jeremy Scahill reports on daily. Even IF 9/11 was "done by al Qaeda", to me its still an "NWO job". Most of the US official story can be true and to me its still a setup.


To those with a deeper understanding of how things work and an open mind, I make no bones with my view that 9/11(IMHO) was ultimately an occult "working" ritual event, beyond the reach of any "neocon/CIA/Mossad/al Qaeda" requirement. I see shades of this esoteric construct within the very formation of America and Washington DC, the Nazis and WW2, as well as the death of Princess Diana.

Now speaking of UFOs and 9/11...(from mainstream foreign news articles)

August 15, 2000 - UFO Fleet Witnessed By Thousands

A major UFO incident rocked the Southwest Asian nations of Afghanistan and Pakistan on Tuesday night, August 15, 2000.

The fleet of UFOs was first seen at 8:15 p.m. in Kandahar, a city in Afghanistan located 200 kilometers (120 miles) southwest of Kabul, the national capital.

"Eyewitnesses in Kandahar told Afghan Islamic Press that objects looking like missiles, like 'flames of fire,' moved through the air around 8 p.m. in the evening and fell" across the border in neighboring Pakistan.

"'We did not know what they were,' the eyewitnesses said."

"People have also observed these things in the border areas of Pakistan, , Shahrkotal, and in Spin Dolbak in Kandahar province."

The UFOs were "also seen in Samangan province and Urozgan province" in Afghanistan.

"In Afghanistan, the Taliban (ruling Islamic party--J.T.) wondered whether the USA had come out with another cruise missile attack on Osama bin-Laden's hideouts. Frantic calls, mostly by radio and satellite, were made to Khost, Jallalabad and Kabul. By midnight, the Taliban knew and were relieved that this wasn't the case."

"Taliban official Mulla Ahmadullah Ahmadi in Kandahar said, 'Some people saw the star-like objects here at 8:15 p.m. They said they made no noise like the cruise missiles and were brightly lit. Also, they said the objects were flying towards Pakistan. Then it became obvious that this was no fresh (new) U.S. cruise missile attack on Afghanistan.'"

"The mystery objects, according to reports, have also been sighted in Afghanistan's Zahul province neighboring Kandahar. It is probable that they were seen elsewhere in Afghanistan, as well, but poor means of communication ensures that it will be weeks before such information reaches the media."

The UFOs crossed the border into Pakistan at about 8:20 p.m., heading southwest towards the city of Quetta, in Pakistan's Baluchistan province located about 200 kilometers (120 miles) southeast of Kandahar.

"Official sources in Quetta said Baluchistan's high- ranking government functionaries spent Tuesday night and the whole of Wednesday," August 16, 2000, "discussing the sighting and searching for the elusive objects."

"An aerial reconnaissance was also carried out in Loralal, Barkhan and Kohlu, the places where the flying objects were sighted by many people and also where some of them reportedly fell. A (Pakistani Air Force) helicopter was sent to carry out this task but it returned empty handed."

In addition to the civilian eyewitnesses, the UFOs "were also sighted by Colonel Asmatullah," chief of military security for the governor of Baluchistan, "who saw them sailing over Koh-i-Murdar mountain which overlooks Quetta."

"Baluchistan Home Secretary Shahryar Khan Mahsud said he is using every means to unlock the mystery of the flying lights."

Mahsud said, "We would have dismissed them as gossip if a few people had seen them at just a few places. But we are being told of sightings at several places in northern and central Baluchistan. They were reportedly seen at Chaghi, Quetta, Pishin, Qiila Abdullah, Loralal, Barkhan, Kohlu and Qiila Saifullah."

A lone saucer was also seen at Dera Ghazi Khan in the Punjab. (See the Afghan Islamic Press report of August 16, 2000, "Agency claims people saw objects like missiles fly over Afghanistan." Also The News of UK for August 17, 2000, "No clue yet as to mysterious lights" by Rahimullah Yusufzai. Many thanks to Martin Montague and Gerry Lovell for forwarding these reports.)

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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby operator kos » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:50 pm

Project Willow wrote:I'll think I'll revisit the impulse behind one of my initial reactions in the earlier thread when I protested I do not belong here. Speaking of tensions, there is plainly an unavoidable one with being the subject of a subject. More and more every time I post about MC I feel I am participating in making a zoo animal out of myself, and that just standing here in this venue of speculation and counter-point I am involved in a kind of self discrediting exercise. Maybe discussion is best left to those whose only investment is the discussion.

FWIW, although I've done a fair amount of background reading on the subject, my understanding of MC has been greatly expanded by hearing the accounts of folks like yourself. I've always had an intellectual curiosity about how the world really works, as well as an intense visceral reaction to injustice. Despite the mind-boggling scope of the horror I've learned about as a result of those two traits, I cling to the narcissistic/naive conceit that I can play some small part in making things better. My point is, although you might attract gawkers and considerably worse, I really value and admire you and those like you who have put yourself out there to advance the cause of truth and justice.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby vanlose kid » Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:08 am

JackRiddler wrote:...

I think research into parapolitics should be conflated with glorious bright public squares full of people holding hands in solidarity and refusing to move, and the works of Shakespeare and Mozart, not the dingy rec-room into which the obfuscationists wish to stuff it...

Uhmmm, Mozart, definitely. I'd sub Chaucer for Shakespeare though.

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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby slomo » Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:13 am

Elvis wrote:I voted "It ain't so simple."

If we're talking about research, one shouldn't just ignore or dismiss connections among different areas of inquiry. E.g. if Hugh Manatee Wins is correct about an army of spooks misleading us with words (I think they might do this to some degree), they might well be using those techniques to steer us away from occult shenanigans, UFO secrets and so on.

One thing that drew me into Jeff's blog posts is his ability to link subjects that might, at first, seem unconnected.

On the other hand, if one is in conversation with friends, family, & acquaintances, and trying to make a point about nuts & bolts 'deep politics', you can lose their attention fast by injecting a "woo" aspect. You have to be armed with some credible examples to make them go "hmmm" (or better, as a friend once said to me, "I hate it when this shit makes sense.")

I agree. There is a veil. If you see beyond it, then politics and parapolitics are the same, simply the exoteric and esoteric dimensions of the same phenomenon. However, if you don't see beyond the veil, then woo is at best a distraction, but quite possibly completely discrediting.

Therefore, injecting parapolitical topics into conventional political discussions is tantamount to smuggling in a poison pill. You always have to be very careful to assess whether your audience is capable of digesting the information you are providing.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby Simulist » Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:16 am

slomo wrote:I agree. There is a veil. If you see beyond it, then politics and parapolitics are the same, simply the exoteric and esoteric dimensions of the same phenomenon. However, if you don't see beyond the veil, then woo is at best a distraction, but quite possibly completely discrediting.

Therefore, injecting parapolitical topics into conventional political discussions is tantamount to smuggling in a poison pill. You always have to be very careful to assess whether your audience is capable of digesting the information you are providing.

I think these are very wise observations.
Last edited by Simulist on Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby nathan28 » Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:35 am

operator kos wrote:
Project Willow wrote:I'll think I'll revisit the impulse behind one of my initial reactions in the earlier thread when I protested I do not belong here. Speaking of tensions, there is plainly an unavoidable one with being the subject of a subject. More and more every time I post about MC I feel I am participating in making a zoo animal out of myself, and that just standing here in this venue of speculation and counter-point I am involved in a kind of self discrediting exercise. Maybe discussion is best left to those whose only investment is the discussion.

FWIW, although I've done a fair amount of background reading on the subject, my understanding of MC has been greatly expanded by hearing the accounts of folks like yourself. I've always had an intellectual curiosity about how the world really works, as well as an intense visceral reaction to injustice. Despite the mind-boggling scope of the horror I've learned about as a result of those two traits, I cling to the narcissistic/naive conceit that I can play some small part in making things better. My point is, although you might attract gawkers and considerably worse, I really value and admire you and those like you who have put yourself out there to advance the cause of truth and justice.

Probably. I stopped posting on anything where I was "a subject of a subject" a long time ago, not to bask in the privileged light of the non-examined or because THEY ARE WATCHING OMG MY PROXY SERVER IS A HONEYPOT (goddamn, talk about self-important) but because I feel estranged and alienated from so much of it. There are some experiences I will never post about here and not elsewhere, not in the search-results realms of the internet, despite their relevance to the subjects discussed, for a variety of reasons. It's odd to me that anonymity would lead to a sort of silence, but there it is.

IOW, I probably rather would go looking for bigfoot. Thanks for playing therapist, internet!

If I was going to blame anything it would be UFOs. There are some pretty long and paranoid threads that go into that ("MILABS") but UFOs for obvious reasons became associated with gov't secret aircraft programs but for no really discernible reason became associated with extraterrestrials which associated them with alien contactees which associated them ancient astronautards which associates them with a whole host of synarchist racist bullshit from over a century ago--none of those things really relating in one way or another. The abductees throw in sexual abuse and the dudes like David Jacobs throw in gov't cover-up about hybrid breeding programs. Then there's Jacques Vallee, who is compelling, may be a fraud and hoaxer, and has introduced a meta-conspiracy theory into the whole thing. Then John Keel folds it back into some gnostic mythology and now it's completely, utterly confused. Did you know Zecheria Sitchen wrote On the Origins of the World? Neither did I. What I mean is that these things are only related in what the covers of the books look like. Open them up, and it's different worlds. Har har. I do think some of the stuff is fascinating, but I think it's called a shit magnet.

What slomo says is kind of worth noting. Maybe. I really don't think investigating bigfoot or UFOs is going to track down the narco-pedo-trafficking networks. Likewise those things change so much it's difficult to track. Who serves as the Riggs Bank 2k10? What happened to the Iran-Contra milieu? What exactly is Eric Prince involved in, besides geeking out over being a New Templar? Even with him, you're not looking at an OMG longstanding freemas--I mean Catholi--I mean Jewi--I mean Satanist-Gnostic conspiracy. It's a fundie with an imagination with a billion dollars and a lot of guns. Same shit with David Myatt. Yeah, he worships the devil when he isn't a Buddhist or Muslim, but he's a freaking wanker Julius Evola-wannabe and more than all that he's a go-between, the public face of a criminal network that links (real) fascists with Islamists with "conventional" organized crime with intelligence agencies, if he's the same Myatt who blew his legs off and went to that radio-waves-cure-cancer conference. Etc. Again, the connections are horizontal and networked, not vertical, not "cracks in the great wall," not some plotline borrowed from Grant Morrison, the way some move fevered imaginations see them.

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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby barracuda » Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:47 am

I don't know why Bigfoot enters into the schema outlined here at all. I have never seen a presentation in which it was asserted that Bigfoot, or any other postulated cryptozoological species for that matter, was the subject, really, of a conspiracy - political, scientific or otherwise, beyond baldfaced smalltime fraud. The search for possible new species of creatures on the face of the planet is pretty straightforwardly scientific, even if it can involve remaining open-minded to some pretty weird possibilities. I mean, of a list such as:

    a. Creeping totalitarianism in corporate media
    b. The relationship of UFO's to the National Security State
    c. Satanic Ritual Abuse of children
    d. Government trauma-based mind control experiments
    e. Nazi infiltration of the post-war military industrial and political scene
    f. Sea serpents's not that hard to tell which doesn't belong. Until there surfaces a body of evidence intimating that attempts have been made to weaponize nazi skyfish, it seems like it may be safe to assert a benign pidgenholing of cryptids as a distinct and somewhat separate category to be a reasonable point of view, with the attendant wish to avoid offending any crew of serious-faced Bigfoot researchers in the crowd.

Even discussions of interdimensional entities have a political facet, since it has been shown that the state apparatus maintains an interest in at least claiming to have dealings with the critters.

The "para" universe seems to consists of a mosaic of undelying priciples and connectivity. On some level, one of those universals is the use of the topic for purposes of disinformation, and as nathan notes, fundamentalist eschaton-money raising, antisemitism, racism, and sheer confusion. But when honestly examing the paranormal, in essence, the undefinable qualia of each seemingly discrete unfathomable phenomenon has a relationship with every other one, so that to attempt to isolate them can be fruitless. The tendency to do so, while understandable, is an overlay of traditions of scientific inquiry which may not be well suited to developing an understanding or even a vocabulary for discussing the these things for which words fail. So to put many of the subjects under discussion here side-by-side may be profitable in that way.

But my understanding of the world has always been that there is really nothing paranormative about torture. Torture is a standard operating procedure throughout history. It is, however, an outcome of the most egregious state abuse of power, and, more to the point, incredible and unfathomable to most of us, which is part of what causes the inclusion in this realm of the subject. Such abuse is, unfortunately, actually part of the life histories of real persons reading and writing here. However, I think any conversation or possible connection which is approached respectfully, honestly, and in the spirit of seeking knowledge should be accorded headspace in this venue, as in the world at large.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby slomo » Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:59 am

nathan28 wrote:What slomo says is kind of worth noting. Maybe. I really don't think investigating bigfoot or UFOs is going to track down the narco-pedo-trafficking networks. Likewise those things change so much it's difficult to track. Who serves as the Riggs Bank 2k10? What happened to the Iran-Contra milieu? What exactly is Eric Prince involved in, besides geeking out over being a New Templar? Even with him, you're not looking at an OMG longstanding freemas--I mean Catholi--I mean Jewi--I mean Satanist-Gnostic conspiracy. It's a fundie with an imagination with a billion dollars and a lot of guns. Same shit with David Myatt. Yeah, he worships the devil when he isn't a Buddhist or Muslim, but he's a freaking wanker Julius Evola-wannabe and more than all that he's a go-between, the public face of a criminal network that links (real) fascists with Islamists with "conventional" organized crime with intelligence agencies, if he's the same Myatt who blew his legs off and went to that radio-waves-cure-cancer conference. Etc. Again, the connections are horizontal and networked, not vertical, not "cracks in the great wall," not some plotline borrowed from Grant Morrison, the way some move fevered imaginations see them.

The details are probably not helpful, especially since they are Trickster by nature. However, there are certainly other dimensions of reality, and one thing I've learned from Jeff Wells is that the politics of our physical world interpenetrate those of other worlds. That is worth keeping in the background, because it explains a lot of things that would otherwise defy explanation.

What is clear - at least to me - is that there is an "Old Religion" that is followed by many if not most of the hereditary elites, that sustains and transmits knowledge that is kept from the masses, and that, at least on occasion, demands practices that most modern religions would label as horrifying and/or evil. The possession of this knowledge and the observance of the practices confers material power. The details do not matter, and obsessing on them may be unhealthy if not downright harmful. However, understanding the basic fact leads, on reflection, to deeper wisdom about our predicament, and ultimately to practical knowledge on how to position ones consciousness in response.

But, as I said, it is a veiled affair. States of consciousness are nested and concentric, and must be achieved sequentially. There is no use trying to force knowledge on people who are not ready to process it.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby slomo » Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:08 am

barracuda wrote:The "para" universe seems to consists of a mosaic of undelying priciples and connectivity. On some level, one of those universals is the use of the topic for purposes of disinformation, and as nathan notes, fundamentalist eschaton-money raising, antisemitism, racism, and sheer confusion. But when honestly examing the paranormal, in essence, the undefinable qualia of each seemingly discrete unfathomable phenomenon has a relationship with every other one, so that to attempt to isolate them can be fruitless. The tendency to do so, while understandable, is an overlay of traditions of scientific inquiry which may not be well suited to developing an understanding or even a vocabulary for discussing the these things for which words fail. So to put many of the subjects under discussion here side-by-side may be profitable in that way.

I totally agree. Speaking as someone who has made a living by scientific inquiry, these phenomena resolutely defy any "standard" empirical mode of study. You cannot subject beings who are more complex and intelligent than you to statistical analysis that treats them as interchangeable units.

barracuda wrote:I don't know why Bigfoot enters into the schema outlined here at all. I have never seen a presentation in which it was asserted that Bigfoot, or any other postulated cryptozoological species for that matter, was the subject, really, of a conspiracy - political, scientific or otherwise, beyond baldfaced smalltime fraud. The search for possible new species of creatures on the face of the planet is pretty straightforwardly scientific, even if it can involve remaining open-minded to some pretty weird possibilities. I mean, of a list such as:

    a. Creeping totalitarianism in corporate media
    b. The relationship of UFO's to the National Security State
    c. Satanic Ritual Abuse of children
    d. Government trauma-based mind control experiments
    e. Nazi infiltration of the post-war military industrial and political scene
    f. Sea serpents's not that hard to tell which doesn't belong. Until there surfaces a body of evidence intimating that attempts have been made to weaponize nazi skyfish, it seems like it may be safe to assert a benign pidgenholing of cryptids as a distinct and somewhat separate category to be a reasonable point of view, with the attendant wish to avoid offending any crew of serious-faced Bigfoot researchers in the crowd.

Even discussions of interdimensional entities have a political facet, since it has been shown that the state apparatus maintains an interest in at least claiming to have dealings with the critters..

I disagree. Cryptozooids are part of the Trickster phenomenon. Here's an example in my own back yard. (I have actually seen one of the entities mentioned in that article.)
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby vanlose kid » Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:21 am

slomo wrote:... You cannot subject beings who are more complex and intelligent than you to statistical analysis that treats them as interchangeable units.

Make that "any beings more or less or equally intelligent".

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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby barracuda » Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:00 am

slomo wrote:Cryptozooids are part of the Trickster phenomenon. Here's an example in my own back yard. (I have actually seen one of the entities mentioned in that article.)

Alright, I'll buy that. But in that case, I would have to change my vote from #2 to #1, because discussing Bigfoot in the same context as Sarah Palin definitely sullys the whole subject of Bigfoot.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:17 am

It's all tricksterism. Be it the slick NLP hypno-politician selling us on more lies, the CEO assuring us all is ok, the radical cleric being used to fire up and brainwash new jihadi martyrs, and the nasty entities most likely puppeteering the whole banquet. My only disagreement with the right wing Christian fundie conspiracy fringe is that(as far as Im concerned) there aint no "Jesus" or gun that is gonna save anyone. As much as I wouldn't doubt if there were devil worshipping/people sacrificing political elites, within this construct I'd bet most have no idea how they are being manipulated. And it is through greed, corruption, and ego that men are able to be pitted against each other and pillars can rise and fall.

If John Dee, Crowley, and other noted seers were alive today...they would no doubt see various major events and the hierarchical flow for the very esoteric blueprint it may very well be. could take a Jake Kotze/Goro approach and chalk it all up as synchronicity. The Roswell event, whatever event it really was=33.3 degrees in the summer of 19.47. 9/11 being riddled with tell tale numerology and symbolism, and on and on. Many schools of thought, but something seems to be going on thats more more baffling and complex than the "CIA Pentagon Mossad psyops" brigade.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:21 am a way Bigfoot and Palin go hand in hand...they are both charactetures that manage to capture the public's imagination. One seems to be an apparition that briefly manifests in physical form, the other is a hand picked archtype manifesting itself as the ultimate performance art parody...that sadly is taken way too seriously. As Jeff has called it, a lot of kabuki theater going on; and the 2008 farce election is the topper of them all. Im still waiting for Obama to have his own UFO story.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby Occult Means Hidden » Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:03 am

8bitagent wrote:I see shades of this esoteric construct within the very formation of America and Washington DC, the Nazis and WW2, as well as the death of Princess Diana.

Now speaking of UFOs and 9/11...(from mainstream foreign news articles)

August 15, 2000 - UFO Fleet Witnessed By Thousands

A major UFO incident rocked the Southwest Asian nations of Afghanistan and Pakistan on Tuesday night, August 15, 2000.

Hey 8bit. I felt this was a synch of Afghanistan/ 9/11 as well:

As you descend into Bamiyan, the vast, empty, shadowed alcoves stand out in sharp contrast to the sandstone cliffs. Even though I had never been there before, there was an echo of the feeling I have returning home to New York, a twinned absence, a pair of empty seats at the table.
The great stone Buddhas, one 175 feet high, the other 125 feet, had stood watch over the valley since at least the 6th century.

The Bamiyan Buddhas were Afghanistan's marveled twin towers. There was no doubt about it. Two magnificent pillars that iconized Afghan history. They were both destroyed by the Taliban, using a set of controlled demolition charges the 2nd of March, 2001.

Image We've seen this movie before...

It's like a karmic entanglement of some sort. President Ford died around the same time as Saddam Hussein died American leader/ Iraqi leader. Maybe when we engage in war, our destinies are linked.
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Re: ParaTopics: Segregation, Balance, or Wheat From Chaff?

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:34 am

Occult Means Hidden wrote:
8bitagent wrote:I see shades of this esoteric construct within the very formation of America and Washington DC, the Nazis and WW2, as well as the death of Princess Diana.

Now speaking of UFOs and 9/11...(from mainstream foreign news articles)

August 15, 2000 - UFO Fleet Witnessed By Thousands

A major UFO incident rocked the Southwest Asian nations of Afghanistan and Pakistan on Tuesday night, August 15, 2000.

Hey 8bit. I felt this was a synch of Afghanistan/ 9/11 as well:

As you descend into Bamiyan, the vast, empty, shadowed alcoves stand out in sharp contrast to the sandstone cliffs. Even though I had never been there before, there was an echo of the feeling I have returning home to New York, a twinned absence, a pair of empty seats at the table.
The great stone Buddhas, one 175 feet high, the other 125 feet, had stood watch over the valley since at least the 6th century.

The Bamiyan Buddhas were Afghanistan's marveled twin towers. There was no doubt about it. Two magnificent pillars that iconized Afghan history. They were both destroyed by the Taliban, using a set of controlled demolition charges the 2nd of March, 2001.

Image We've seen this movie before...

It's like a karmic entanglement of some sort. President Ford died around the same time as Saddam Hussein died American leader/ Iraqi leader. Maybe when we engage in war, our destinies are linked.

Oh spot on, spot on. Theres an amazing documentary on the Bamiyan statues and their destruction. Files found on Zawahiri's old computer used in the Kabul al Qaeda offices go into this event,
but you know...not ONCE has this subject of the statues ever been brought up in any "truther" discussion. I got so sick of the 9/11 truth feedback loop. Taking al Qaeda and the Middle East out of 9/11 not only makes no sense as Jeff has brought out...but giving a false white man "CIA Mossad Pentagon" narrative takes the deeper context and richness out of it. For it is not "perpetuating the
Bush official narrative of evil Muslims done 9/11" by exploring al Qaeda's role in 9/11 and the jihadi culture...but revealing the deeper role of real politik and the larger framework I believe.

You know, I had never correlated those two events before...the Bamiyan twin statue demolition and what would happen later that year. Its astonishing really...these two pilars created by the Bin Laden Construction company's main star architect based on David Rockefeller's request...and then the bin Laden black sheep some 40 years later.

Ive heard a lot of bizarre Fortean weird shit goes down in Afghanistan, as told by locals and even US troops. A film about this phenomenon was even made, by the guys who did blair witch.
I also remember reading about an Illuminati like order from 17th century Afghanistan within the mountains. There is definitely something spiritual to tell drawing long back through antiquity in that region...much like Tibet
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