The Antics of Alex Jones

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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby Simulist » Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:10 am

Searcher08 wrote:Conspiratainment isnt all bad BTW - - Jeff Wells IMHO is a great blogger (HINT! HINT!! :) ) because the package is... INTERESTING!

Jeff is a "great blogger," but "conspiratainment"? For the record, I don't see Jeff Wells that way at all.

He's written about "conspiracies" — and in highly "entertaining" ways — but "conspiratainment" sounds trivializing to me. When I read Rigorous Intuition, I came away thinking of what was written there as part of an honest search for truth — even though, in this world, the very nature of that search guarantees ridicule.

That's an effort I respect, and I imagine you do too.
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby The Consul » Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:06 am

Sweejak wrote:What is a WWE junket?

I think it is like a WOO function.
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:09 am

elfismiles wrote:
8bitagent wrote:
Hey, worry not. I was a big AJ fan up until a couple years ago. I think were in the same boat(also was not aware this was an old post, my apoligies, just saw it linked)

My point was more agreeing, because I was vehemently defending AJ for a long time against both liberal, right wing and then also fellow para-political minded people.

For years I just brushed stuff he said aside...but anyone who had even the most slight disagreement that would call in, he'd just get angry. I remember him dissing Frank Zappa's son, berating this young environmentalist just because his last name was Rothchild, promoting hoax truthers(like the guy who claimed he saw a drone hit the pentagon or that army kid who claims he heard stand down orders), berating Henry Rollins.

He NEVER has real activists and researchers on, like Jeremy Scahill, Paul Thompson, etc. And his obsession with "exposing the environmental activist agenda" is just bizarre.

Anyways, I apologize for the tone of that above post, it was more in the spirit of also having a wake up call as to why I was even tuning into him. I first got into him around 2001 when Waking Life came out, and at first had a hard time getting used to his style. The Charlie Sheen stunt last September I think was the last straw for many of his fans, as time and time again he's embarrassed his listeners. The point Jack Blood made in regard to that governor candidate is another example

Thanks 8bit. My apologies for being so thin skinned today.

Naw I should apologize. I re-read what I wrote and realized how uptight I sounded, making blind statements.

Honest caveat: I think that post came from my own frustration of having wasted a lot of time over the years listening to AJ, even if at first it was out of conspiratainment value or for the great guests he'd have on. But I soon found there was a lot of wheat in the chaffe industry, and I became disillusioned by a lot of the antics and situations. Again I think Jack Blood's one day rant on the subject summed up my views of how discredited AJ had become. Ha, I think I can be seen in the Alex Jones 2006 9/11 conference video.
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:19 am

82_28 wrote:Rigorous Intuition: For Fuck's Sake

Good to see everybody is getting along again! Elfismiles, I will always come to the defense of a member with an 8 in their username. You better mind your p's and q's.

Just kidding. I like you all.

Ha, I like everyone here. Including Hugh:)
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby Jeff » Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:54 am

From dlisted:

Michael K wrote:Charlie Sheen called in to Alex Jones' Infowars show today and pretty much spewed a nonsensical river of crazed delusions. Charlie called Thomas Jefferson "a pussy," said AA is a "bootleg cult," claimed that he has cured his "addiction" with his brain, compared himself to Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now and said that Chuck Lorre (the creator of Two and a Half Men) is a turd clown. And that's just the tip of the INSANEBERG.

Charlie makes Tommy Girl look like the epitome of humble, and is pretty much on the same playing field of crazy as Mel Gibson. If you're one of those patient people who calmly nods whenever a crazed crackhead shouts their conspiracy theories into your face on the subway, then you might want to go to TMZ to listen to this mess. But if the ramblings of a mad man cause you to chew your fingers off, then you should just stick to reading what Colonel Kuntz had to say about everything:

Charlie on how he's the perfect human and is no longer denying it: "I'm so tired of pretending like my life isn't just perfect and just winning every second, and I'm not just perfect and bitching and just delivering the goods at every frickin' turn. Look what I'm dealing with, man. I'm dealing with fools and trolls. I'm dealing with soft targets, and it's just strafing runs in my underwear before my first cup of coffee."

Charlie on how his haters are just jealous because our lives are full of ugliness: "They lay down with their ugly wives and their ugly children and just look at their loser lives and then they look at me and say, 'I can't process it.' Well, no, and you never will! Stop trying! Just sit back and enjoy the show."

Charlie on how his veins are completely crack free now: "News-flash. I am special and I will never be one of you. The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning. My success rate is 100%!"

Charlie on AA: "I was shackled and oppressed by the cult of AA for 22 years. I finally extracted myself from their troll hole and started living my life the way I want to live it. It’s vintage, outdated and stupid and it’s followed by STUPID people. I hate them violently. They will come at me. Debate me on AA right now. I have a disease? Bullshit. I cured it right now with my mind. I cured it, I'm done! ”

Charlie on his new girlfriend and porn star family: "Let me say this about the Goddesses, I don't think the term is good enough, but when you're bound by these terrestrial descriptions, you must use the best term available. So if you think about it dude, I'm 0-for-3 in marriage, but like in baseball, the scoreboard doesn't lie. Never has. So what we all have is a marriage of the hearts. And to sully, contaminate, or radically disrespect this unit with a shameful contract is something I'll leave to the amateurs and bible grippers."

Charlie on how his ex-wife Brooke Mueller doesn't want to hang with him anymore: "And I just gotta add this, there was a whole firestorm about Brooke being a part of our crew. Where there were four, there are now three. Goodbye, Brooke, and good luck in your travels; you're going to need it. Badly … She's not there now and we are and I don't know, winning, anyone? Rhymes with winning? Anyone? Yeah, that would be us. Sorry man, didn't make the rules. Oops."

Charlie on Chuck Lorre: "I violently hate Chaim Levine. He's a stupid, stupid little man and a pussy punk that I'd never want to be like. That's me being polite. That piece of shit [Lorre] took money out of my pocket, my family's pocket, and, most importantly, my second family -- my crew's pocket. You can tell him one thing. I own him."

Never have the words "WHAT. THE. FUCK." been more appropriate. I think bitch has a hernia on his fucking brain.

And on a studio lot in Burbank right now, workers are slathering paint over the "Two" in "Two and a Half Men" and painting "One" in its place.

UPDATE: CBS and Warner Bros. just announced that Charlie will have more time to spend with his porn star family. They are putting Two and a Half Men on pause indefinitely. In a statement to TMZ, CBS and WB said, "Based on the totality of Charlie Sheen's statements, conduct and condition, CBS and Warner Bros. Television have decided to discontinue production of 'Two and a Half Men' for the remainder of the season."

Thomas Jefferson is laughing like a motherfucker right now!
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby 82_28 » Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:32 am

This shit made the national "news" on various networks. Charlie has lost it. More importantly, Alex has made it, found it. Sheen is allowing Jones to become full-fledged, clear eyed news now and the previously untouchable MSM, is now embracing this shit, little by fucking little. Sheen's escapades should not be news at all and most certainly covered on the MSM half hour of "news" they broadcast. Unless, unless, this was the purpose of this Alex Jones (neither here nor there politically) in the first place.

Personally, I am now, more than ever, inclined to believe that Alex Jones is a function and asset of an even grander "psy-op". As the story before the Sheen one, was none other than the "psy-ops" being played on senators and shit -- the kind of shit Jones himself would be covering because "the mainstream media would never tell you this". We lookin' at a psy-op motherfuckers -- right here in front of our noses, placed here to be noticed. And we are noticing. Thus now, what is the next trick? We've taken the passive bait.

I still think RI is monitored (duh), however they are looking for bigger meme fish. They are in the process, seems to be a long process of normalization of Rumsfeld just being a normal guy who did this and that, Bush, this and that, ad infinitum.

The Sheen quotient seems to signal that there are no longer any laws. By which I mean, that they are simultaneously showing us that there are now laws and are breaking those laws in our faces. As in, those who are noticing their shit are now and increasingly, breaking their, not laws, but codes. This shit is meant to be hidden. Thus to notice is illegal. Alex Jones is the noticer, the honey pot as well as the sock puppet. If it can no longer not be hidden anymore, you go whole hog, Kristalnacht and all that jazz.

The thing with all these public right wing "noticers" is that they lack any sort of empathy. They feign it, to be sure, but it's an empathy that has never existed. Sheen is possibly something of a Manchurian asset. His dad played a fair and befuddled but principled Democrat all through the bush years in "West Wing" and now he carries on the subliminal mantle of mass confusion and chaos triangulated upon their great 9/11 scheme. Anybody worth a whit of sense knows that there is no fucking way ONLY MUSLIMS had EVERYTHING to do with this 9/11. Impossible. Money was put up to make something happen, multitudes of levels away from who actually called the preliminary shots. They are safely hidden. And how are they hidden? By the occult. We see you. You are not hidden. You live within every careless, breezy motherfucker that exists who is rich, but simply does not give a fuck about his fellow beings. All things are to be exploited. It is human nature at fault.

I'm not coming for you who know you are doing this. I couldn't give a fuck less. I want to stay as far away from you as I can. But your shocks and awes are wearing thin and some are beginning to grok that you literally don't want some of us around and are beginning to accept this as our lot in life.

So what you do is you simultaneously feed the greater media cycle with an Al Gore caring about a planet, while the same fucking entity obliterates for thousands of years a plot of land on Earth roughly the size of Iraq with neverending radioactivity. You ignore the millions upon millions of people planet wide who ASKED YOU not to go to "war" and then champion the right wing conspiracy bullshit, thus pulling us lefties in. Well, now I and many of us are in to the little snare you had. Your lack of Empathy shows motherfuckers.

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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby brekin » Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:03 pm


"News-flash. I am special and I will never be one of you.
The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning.
My success rate is 100%!"
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby Nordic » Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:06 pm

Last time I was at Warner Bros I walked by Chuck Lorre's car in its private parking spot outside of the soundstage where they shoot that show. I almost took a picture of it. I wish I had now.

It was a serious monument to his vanity. Even by Hollywood standards.

I haven't read or listened to the whole rant, just what was posted above, but I'd say Charlie Sheen is right about a lot of things, except his own grandiose view of himself. :)

Of course my first thought upon seeing it was "wow, they've given him something to egg him into doing this, so they can discredit his whole 9/11 truth thing."

Because they are keenly interested in keeping 9/11 Truth = CRAZY.

Score one for their side.
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby JackRiddler » Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:41 pm

Nordic wrote:Because they are keenly interested in keeping 9/11 Truth = CRAZY.

Score one for their side.

Sorry, I scored Sheen's coming-out for 9/11 truth via The Alex Jones Show as big win for "them" already back when it happened, in 2006.

This was my scorecard:

1) Did he have anything new to add? No.

2) Was he a desirable spokesperson? First, not as a person, although for myself I don't mind party boys. Second, definitely not as a thinker, as he was prone to the undisciplined Loose Change garbage and, hello, he chose Alex Jones as his vehicle!

3) Most importantly, what was the practical impact of Sheen's entry? It boosted Alex Jones into a new level of celebrity and helped cement his move to become a de facto leader of the movement, which until that point had managed to evolve separately from him.

Objectively, it helped set up the primacy of the Alex Jones-Loose Change-"We Are Change" axis. They became the practical leaders in mobilizing people and events, and took over public perception as the ones the media identified as "9/11 truth." Many historical re-writes even credit them with starting it at some time in 2005.

That was the terminal disaster of 9/11 truth as a movement, the key moment when whatever remained of a political strategy to push skepticism and disclosure was eradicated and replaced with affirmations of packaged nonsense (and the Church of Demolitions, about which I am agnostic). It became safe to acknowledge its existence. It became acceptable as a subculture, as a minority affliction and a worthy target of jokes and pity, rather than denial or attack. We went the opposite way of Gandhi's stages. First they attacked us, then they laughed about us.

So fuck Sheen and the lot of New Truthers.

Although I don't really mind Charlie Sheen personally. His persona has a doofy charm, which explains the popularity of his show, and he's an honest train wreck.

Last edited by JackRiddler on Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby Nordic » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:19 pm

JackRiddler wrote:
Nordic wrote:Because they are keenly interested in keeping 9/11 Truth = CRAZY.

Score one for their side.

Sorry, I scored Sheen's coming-out for 9/11 truth via The Alex Jones Show as big win for "them" already back when it happened, in 2006.

This was my scorecard:

1) Did he have anything new to add? No.

2) Was he a desirable spokesperson? First, not as a person, although I don't mind party boys. Second, definitely not as a thinker, as he was prone to the usual undisciplined Loose Change garbage and, hello, he chose Alex Jones as his vehicle!

3) Most importantly, what was the practical impact of Sheen's entry? It boosted Alex Jones into a new level of celebrity and helped cement his move to become a de facto leader of the movement, which until that point had managed to evolved separately from him.

Objectively, it helped set up the primacy of the Alex Jones-Loose Change-"We Are Change" axis. They became the practical leaders in mobilizing people and events, and took over public perception as the ones the media identified as "9/11 truth." Many historical re-writes even credit them with starting it at some time in 2005.

That was the terminal disaster of 9/11 truth as a movement, the key moment when whatever remained of a political strategy to push skepticism and disclosure was eradicated and replaced with affirmations of packaged nonsense (and the Church of Demolitions, about which I am agnostic). It became safe to acknowledge its existence. It became acceptable as a subculture, as a minority affliction and a worthy target of jokes and pity, rather than denial or attack. We went the opposite way of Gandhi's stages. First they attacked us, then they laughed about us.

So fuck Sheen and the lot of New Truthers.

Although I don't really mind Charlie Sheen personally. His persona has a doofy charm, which explains the popularity of his show, and he's an honest train wreck.


Christ, that was 2006? How time flies.

Yeah, you're probably right there, JR. If anything this finishes him off.

But even after that, he kept working, his show became a hit, etc. etc. etc.

How he's just being thrown under the various busses. He's being equated with Mel Gibson.

I've always liked Charlie Sheen's unadulterated honesty and lack of hypocrisy. I've never met the guy or anyone who's worked with him so I don't know what he's like in person, however. This particular diatribe seems he's suffering from some serious megalomania which I haven't picked up before.
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby RocketMan » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:30 pm

Nordic wrote:
JackRiddler wrote:
Nordic wrote:Because they are keenly interested in keeping 9/11 Truth = CRAZY.

Score one for their side.

Sorry, I scored Sheen's coming-out for 9/11 truth via The Alex Jones Show as big win for "them" already back when it happened, in 2006.

This was my scorecard:

1) Did he have anything new to add? No.

2) Was he a desirable spokesperson? First, not as a person, although I don't mind party boys. Second, definitely not as a thinker, as he was prone to the usual undisciplined Loose Change garbage and, hello, he chose Alex Jones as his vehicle!

3) Most importantly, what was the practical impact of Sheen's entry? It boosted Alex Jones into a new level of celebrity and helped cement his move to become a de facto leader of the movement, which until that point had managed to evolved separately from him.

Objectively, it helped set up the primacy of the Alex Jones-Loose Change-"We Are Change" axis. They became the practical leaders in mobilizing people and events, and took over public perception as the ones the media identified as "9/11 truth." Many historical re-writes even credit them with starting it at some time in 2005.

That was the terminal disaster of 9/11 truth as a movement, the key moment when whatever remained of a political strategy to push skepticism and disclosure was eradicated and replaced with affirmations of packaged nonsense (and the Church of Demolitions, about which I am agnostic). It became safe to acknowledge its existence. It became acceptable as a subculture, as a minority affliction and a worthy target of jokes and pity, rather than denial or attack. We went the opposite way of Gandhi's stages. First they attacked us, then they laughed about us.

So fuck Sheen and the lot of New Truthers.

Although I don't really mind Charlie Sheen personally. His persona has a doofy charm, which explains the popularity of his show, and he's an honest train wreck.


Christ, that was 2006? How time flies.

Yeah, you're probably right there, JR. If anything this finishes him off.

But even after that, he kept working, his show became a hit, etc. etc. etc.

How he's just being thrown under the various busses. He's being equated with Mel Gibson.

I've always liked Charlie Sheen's unadulterated honesty and lack of hypocrisy. I've never met the guy or anyone who's worked with him so I don't know what he's like in person, however. This particular diatribe seems he's suffering from some serious megalomania which I haven't picked up before.

I'm not sure about the "lovable cad" thing... He did assault his ex-wife and there was a flap with some physical violence involved just a little while ago in some hotel, wasn't there? Some sort of porn star ingenue in a closet while he raged naked in a trashed hotel room. Anyway, based on this screed, he's disappeared up his own ass a long time ago. Probably coked up to the hilt, too. :eeyaa
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby Nordic » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:34 pm

Well I didn't mean to say he was "lovable". Just that he was honest and not a hypocrite. And the story I heard is that the porn star stole one of his watches and when he tried to get it back from her, locked herself in the bathroom.

Also, as far as domestic disputes, it's not always the man who does the violence. Not that I'm excusing him, I'm just saying I wasn't there, but I've known instances where the women go absolutely apeshit violent toward their mates. The men defend themselves and it's the men who get arrested.

But yeah, he could likely be a huge prick in person. I don't know.
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby RocketMan » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:36 pm

Nordic wrote:Well I didn't mean to say he was "lovable". Just that he was honest and not a hypocrite. And the story I heard is that the porn star stole one of his watches and when he tried to get it back from her, locked herself in the bathroom.

Also, as far as domestic disputes, it's not always the man who does the violence. Not that I'm excusing him, I'm just saying I wasn't there, but I've known instances where the women go absolutely apeshit violent toward their mates. The men defend themselves and it's the men who get arrested.

But yeah, he could likely be a huge prick in person. I don't know.

Yeah. Well, he certainly lets it all hang out! :)
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby Nordic » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:46 pm

JR's quote was great: "He's an honest train wreck".
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Re: The Antics of Alex Jones

Postby Stephen Morgan » Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:03 pm

Nordic wrote:Of course my first thought upon seeing it was "wow, they've given him something to egg him into doing this, so they can discredit his whole 9/11 truth thing."

My thought too, I seem to recall an X-files episode where Mulder goes mad and starts thumping people because of LSD in his water tank. And of course that, allegedly, happened to Frank Olsen. Of course with Charlie Sheen you'd have to give him rhino-level dosage, to make up for his increased resistance due to over use. And alcohol interferes with hypnosis, too.
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