Another Beheading

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Another Beheading

Postby Luther Blissett » Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:33 pm ... om's-head-

Ugly Betty Actor Chops Off Mom's Head

Police say Michael Brea attacked his mother with a sword he received from a Freemasons ceremony.
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby anothershamus » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:15 pm

Weird that they call beheading, 'fatally stabbed'. The Second Revolution is upon us, 'Heads Will Roll'!
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:22 pm

The source for the Masonic Ceremonial Sword detail, as of yesterday, was Perez Hilton. He was also the first source out with a quote about "the architect of the universe." (I know all this because I was sent a link on FB and the wording got me interested enough to do some trawling with search strings.) I found it odd and interesting that he'd be fucking with people so specifically -- perhaps he delights in fucking with conspiratards, or perhaps he's in on the joke with Lady G and Jay-Z? Either way: odd.

I would not be surprised to find out the beheading was an angle to get more clicks and readers -- definitely more sensational than a mere mom-stabbing. It's true -- "I heard it from a guy on the internet" has become a legitimate source of copy now. That's probably the biggest reason I can keep working from home, really. I've been quoted in a few trade magazines that should have never taken me seriously as an expert, entirely because of client work I was doing in those fields. The barriers to entry and industry standards for the national press are...pretty much almost gone. Not in a Veritas way -- it was ever thus, right? -- but in a more practical, 10,000 holes in the dam way.
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby Bruce Dazzling » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:25 pm

"Arrogance is experiential and environmental in cause. Human experience can make and unmake arrogance. Ours is about to get unmade."

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Re: Another Beheading

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:19 pm

source link

Brea's father, Marcel Brea, said the sword allegedly used to kill his former wife is a martial arts weapon that he used for martial arts practice

The elder Brea said that he refuses to believe his son committed the alleged crime.

"My son is not a violent person, a peaceful person," he said. "My son would have done anything for his mother. I don't know what happened," he added. "My son did not kill his mother."

The elder Brea said his son -- a Freemason -- had attended a Freemason's meeting at a Masonic Lodge in Harlem, on the day of the incident.

He said he later recieved a phone call from his son, complaining of a headache.

The elder Brea -- who is also a Freemason -- said he told his son just hours before the incident occurred to "say your prayers [and] lay in your bed and your headache will go away."

Neighbors said police arrived at the building quickly following reports of a disturbance, but questioned how long it took authorities to actually enter the apartment.
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby elfismiles » Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:08 pm

watch this space ... update on the sword's origin coming shortly: ... sword.html
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby justdrew » Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:44 pm

Michael Brea, bit-part 'Ugly Betty' actor, says, 'I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her'
BY Matthew Lysiak
Friday, November 26th 2010, 4:00 AM

An unhinged actor Thursday calmly described hacking his beloved mother to death with a sword because he believed a demon had taken hold of her soul.

"I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her," Michael Brea said in a chilling hour long interview with the Daily News in the prison ward at Bellevue Hospital.

When told his mother, Yannick Brea, 55, had died in the grisly assault early Tuesday, Michael was unrepentant.

"So be it. It was the work of God," he said.

Speaking with white-hot intensity and unflinching confidence, Brea described a shadowy descent into a world filled with Masonic symbolism and black magic beginning late Sunday when he snapped awake.

"I was sleeping in my bedroom. God came above my bed and reached his arm to me," said Brea, wearing a light-blue prison jumpsuit and slippers. He told his tale while sitting unhandcuffed on a blue chair behind a wood table.

"I said, 'God, is my time on earth over?' I heard a voice say, 'Yes Michael, today is your last day.' I asked if I could say goodbye to my family."

The 31-year-old Brea said he told no one about the dream, but the following afternoon, he said he received another sign while at the Prince Hall Masonic Temple in Harlem, which he'd joined a week earlier.

There, he said, a man approached and tried to put a curse on him.

"[He] kept trying to put something in my hand but wouldn't show it to me. I kept opening my hand. It was a Freemason pin. I wouldn't touch it," Brea said.

Felt like Neo from 'The Matrix'

He began feeling ill and left, and while riding the train back to Brooklyn, he said, strangers began speaking to him about his mother.

"I felt like Neo from 'The Matrix.' I began hearing voices and feeling powerful," Brea said. "They were asking about the difference between mom and mother. It was a sign."

When he returned to the family's Prospect Heights apartment, the bit-part actor who once appeared on "Ugly Betty," hugged his mother, a God-fearing Haitian immigrant with whom relatives say he had long been very close.

"I knew I would never see my mother again," he said. "I gave her lots of love."

He went to his room and lit candles, placed a dagger and a 3-foot ceremonial Freemason sword by his side.

Investigators said he had stolen the sword from the Masonic lodge, but Brea insisted his father had given it to him when he was a child.

"It's a powerful sword," he said.

Brea also arranged three saint cards around him - including one of Saint Jude holding a sword.

His mother then knocked on the door and asked him to go to the kitchen and pour water from a pot in which she was cooking three chickens.

"I looked at these chickens lying dead in the pot and a voice told me it was a sacrifice. It was black magic," he said.

Brea left the chickens alone and went back to his room. When his mother asked why he did not do what she had asked, he said she spoke with a different voice.

"She had the voice of the demon. I opened the door with the dagger at my side and the sword," he said.

"I asked, 'Do you believe in God?' She said, 'No, Michael no,' and began screaming. I began slashing her like this," he said, bringing his right hand down in a violent hacking motion.

Sickening trail of blood

Brea chased his mother from room-to-room, repeatedly swinging the sword, leaving a sickening trail of blood in his wake.

"I didn't want to kill her right away. I wanted to give her time to get right with God," he said.

By this point police had arrived outside the apartment, but Brea said he had no doubt he would be able to finish the job.

"I was slashing my mom and I heard the police knocking on the door yelling, 'Michael, open up, Michael, open up,' but I knew they wouldn't open the door and stop me because the spirits were protecting me," he said.

"I just kept cutting her. No one could stop me. I was doing the work of God," he said.

"I'm named after a saint myself - Saint Michael. He was protecting the house from the police. They weren't allowed to enter the apartment."

Neighbors complained that the officers who initially responded failed to do enough to get inside and stop the sword-wielding maniac before his mother died.

Police officials said the officers handled the situation properly and were waiting for better equipped and trained Emergency Service Unit cops to arrive.

When they finally broke the door down, cops found a trail of bloody footprints and handprints on the walls and floors, and Yannick Brea crumpled on her knees in the bathroom.

Her son stood amid the carnage with the sword in one hand and a Masonic Bible in the other.

"I heard voices telling me how powerful I was, saying 'Oh he's good,'" Brea said.

While recounting the gruesome murder, Brea showed no remorse, and his eyes stayed locked on a reporter.

His intensity only broke for a moment when he said he was thirsty and his mouth was dry. Guards gave him a wet towelette to dab at his lips.

Brea said he is convinced he did the right thing.

"Grand Architect of the Universe means God," he said, referring to an expression neighbors said he shouted as he was being removed from the bloody scene. "I was praising God. To you it might sound silly, but in my culture demons are very real."
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby Simulist » Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:00 am

What a tragic story. Sanity is a terrible thing to lose, but I pity him even more when he regains it — and recognizes what he's done.
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby Project Willow » Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:01 am

"I heard voices telling me how powerful I was, saying 'Oh he's good,'" Brea said.

:shock: :(
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby psynapz » Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:24 am

"[He] kept trying to put something in my hand but wouldn't show it to me. I kept opening my hand. It was a Freemason pin. I wouldn't touch it," Brea said.

This pisses me off. The "journalist" could have at least asked him WTF he was trying to say there, you know, just to feign interest in the man's story as he tells it, because this is a bit of a pivotal moment in the story, and it's alarmingly ambiguous. Did he take the pin or not? WTF does "opening my hand" do to prevent taking something offered to a hand? If he couldn't clarify it because of the language barrier or insanity, that would be obvious in his response. But we're just left to assume this is all bullshit because that's as far as the "journalist" got.

He began feeling ill and left, and while riding the train back to Brooklyn, he said, strangers began speaking to him about his mother.

"I felt like Neo from 'The Matrix.' I began hearing voices and feeling powerful," Brea said. "They were asking about the difference between mom and mother. It was a sign."
"I looked at these chickens lying dead in the pot and a voice told me it was a sacrifice. It was black magic," he said.

Brea left the chickens alone and went back to his room. When his mother asked why he did not do what she had asked, he said she spoke with a different voice.

"She had the voice of the demon. I opened the door with the dagger at my side and the sword," he said.
"I heard voices telling me how powerful I was, saying 'Oh he's good,'" Brea said.
To you it might sound silly, but in my culture demons are very real."

The reason I don't think this is necessarily V2K (voice-to-skull tech) is because of how strongly the cultural biases and motivations towards curses and demons play into his rationale, and in his perception of how his own mother spoke to him in person. The people on the subway could have been gang-stalking street theater to complement a V2K targeting project, but how did they get his mother to sound like a demon? BZ?

It seems perfectly ordinary that a person at your second Masonic meeting might try to hand you a compass-and-square pin with all the unspoken gravitas of half a millenium of secret ritual, when the time comes to do that sort of thing. If you were already deranged by a brain lesion or clandestine injection or ingestion of a psychoactive, for instance, you might take this the wrong way. Everything about a Masonic ritual is going to feel epic beyond belief.

It's interesting how semantically primed he seemed to be through the prominent and sudden onset of voices in the head to want to kill demons even if it were his mother. But if the whole thing were a setup to frame the Masons in some way (or something?), how could the framers have possibly predicted the Mom scenario, to the point where they could either control for or control around the wildcard of her taking advantage of a sale on expiring chickens that day at the Sav-A-Lot (one might presume). Did he hit the wrong target?

Or was the target the Freemasons? Or instead anybody who takes them seriously (and probably should)? Double bind indeed.

On re-read, it seems most likely that he was tripping balls the whole time, but had no idea he was dosed. A Freemasonic meeting, I can imagine, would be a lot to cope with in such a condition.

Or that weird fuck that "tried" (?) to hand him a pin really did perpetrate a metaphysical attack of some kind or another. Not that there's enough expert testimony in the world to get him out of this on that basis, but the possibility remains.

In the end, it will make no more sense than the Windigo bus incident, and no less sense, upon close and continued inspection through the trial, than 9/11. Even less will come of it.
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby Project Willow » Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:19 am

^Psynapz, why are you constructing all those elaborate potentialities? It's seems extremely simple to me, I see two options. 1) The guy experienced dark Masonic practices growing up, (yes, they incorporate demons) probably with mom and dad, the trauma drives him over the edge into psychosis. His psychosis reflects the details of his unbearable trauma. 2) The guy is psychotic.
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby 8bitagent » Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:54 pm

psynapz wrote:

In the end, it will make no more sense than the Windigo bus incident, and no less sense, upon close and continued inspection through the trial, than 9/11. Even less will come of it.

Man that Wendigo bus event still creeps the crap out of me. Reading the detailed account reminds me of a scene that would be the opening scene of a psychological horror movie.

realizing that the world may not in fact be at the control of a centralized "new world order elite" has to wonder if sometimes, politicians or terror leaders(or some random guy on a bus)
aren't somehow "tapped" by a much more frightening prospect(than say "gub'ment mind control". The correlation between high child sex crime abuse in Scottland and the topology of UFO/Fortean events seems rather curious. Again, I keep coming back to David Lynch's Twin Peaks/Fire Walk With Me. "I am the arm, and I sound like this". As well, Oppenheimer himself seems like he was a tool or adept of some sort of invisible college.

Perhaps the truth behind such events as the nature of Diana's car crash or even 9/11 is much too bizarre and complex to know about.

But man, it sure makes for good copy! Hollywood actor kills mom in Masonic ritual after leaving a Masonic ceremony
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby 8bitagent » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:00 pm

Anyone recall how Sirhan Sirhan was an ardent adept of the Rosecrutians?

It's interesting...Masonry since a long time has been the target of endless smears, paranoia, hate. Hitler used them in his conspiracy theory with the Jews, and murdered 30,000+ Masonic brothers.
One of the largest political parties in America at one time had been the "Anti Masonic Party", where they claimed Freemasonry was a conduit for theistic Satanism.

...however, there still seemed to be something always a bit unsettling about what may lie at the heart of Freemasonry, as can be glimpsed with black lodges like Italy's P2
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby slomo » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:11 pm

"I looked at these chickens lying dead in the pot and a voice told me it was a sacrifice. It was black magic," he said.

Could someone please explain to me why chickens lying dead in a curandero's pot is "black magic", while the chicken trussed up and stuffed with carrots and onions in my roasting pan is just "dinner"?
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Re: Another Beheading

Postby Simulist » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:32 pm

slomo wrote:
"I looked at these chickens lying dead in the pot and a voice told me it was a sacrifice. It was black magic," he said.

Could someone please explain to me why chickens lying dead in a curandero's pot is "black magic", while the chicken trussed up and stuffed with carrots and onions in my roasting pan is just "dinner"?

'Cause the guy's nuts.
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