Crowley, Catholicism, Abu Ghraib, Drugs and the CIA

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Crowley, Catholicism, Abu Ghraib, Drugs and the CIA

Postby WhoCountsTheVotes » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:20 am

Here's my introductory, rambling rant on these subjects:<br><br>"Each Thing Evokes its Opposite"<br><br>In another thread someone mentioned "The Christian-Satanist Axis". I think this is a useful concept - it's a standard theory that Satanism is simply a reversed Christianity, the Black Mass being a "perversion" of Catholic Mass, etc. This was certainly LeVay's methodology, and I think it's a large part of Crowley's as well. I think it's inevitable that someone growing up in a Christian culture at one time or another is going to consider the "reverse" of the religious sensibilities they were brought up with. Christianity is in many ways a "reversal" of the standard Hebrew morality at the time (universalist instead of racial-exclusive). In one of the earlier articles on this site, the idea that a "reversal" of the morality of a secret sect like Freemasonry happens at the top levels - at some point you get high enough in the heirarchy that you find the "real secret" is the opposite of what the lower grades are taught. It works the same way in politics - at the lowest level, you have superficial appeals to patriotism, democracy, God and country, and at the higher levels a brutal realpolitik. <br><br>In the case of RA, you have a reversal of the standard morality we are all taught - instead of sexual restraint, you have sexual perversion. Control of excretory functions and typical hygenie are reversed. Murder and animal sacrifice replace the standard prohibitions against killing. Instead of children being seen as "pure" and nonsexual, they are sexualized. Instead of telling the truth to adults you are told to lie. In a sense all of these things are mirror images of our culture - which means that they don't need to come from a seperate source - they are implied in our culture - since "each thing evokes it's opposite" - so it can be expected that they can show up in all sorts of places and not necessarily be related directly.<br><br>When the tortures at Abu Ghraib was first exposed - some tidbits came out that were quickly supressed - specifically, I recall hearing about "rituals" involving "sexual orgies" "torture" and "candles". We have heard confirmed reports of religious desecration - Muslim prisoners forced to "sin" throught homosexual activity, sexual contact with menstrating women, urinating on the Qu'ran, etc. In a Christian context - these sorts of tortures would almost certainly be called "Satanic" - in fact, I think that Islam and Christianity are close enough that Islam considers it "Satanic" as well.<br><br>Considering all of the highly weird connections between the military industrial complex, the national security culture, and the occult - characters like Aquino and others - it's hardly a stretch to imagine this sort of thing being a standard practice.<br><br>Another connection is drugs - the CIA connections to LSD are well known. Nearly every Crowley/OTO fan I have met throughout my life was involved in LSD at some point in their lives, and of course drug use and occultism have been connected since the days of ancient shamans - plus the military/warrior cults like Hashashim.<br><br>The idea that the "elites" and the "rulers" have the opposite sensibilities is a standard theme in culture as well - if the average citizen is a good Christian, the "elites" would of course be Satanists. If the average peasant is sexually chaste, the "elites" and rulers would of course be involved in hedodism and orgies. <br><br>In our Western/European and American culture, we also have the "Lucifer/Light" connection - Masons, Illuminati, Enlightenment - hell, the US was of course founded by Masons. The popular image of Lucifer is that of Satan - yet these groups see Lucifer as a "good guy" - yet another example of the reversal theme.<br><br>So, isn't it possible that there is no "conspiracy" - but these ideas are inherent in our own culture? And even if there is a "conspiracy" - even if there are organized pedophilic-occultic elites, that's it's a natural product of our culture? The use of young girls and boys as sex objects for powerful men has been universal in Western culture from the days of ancient Greece and Rome, to the early Islamic culture, to even Europe and America not that long ago. If these things are no longer common - when did they stop? 100 years ago? 50 years ago? When the Catholic priest scandals were exposed a few years ago, one group looked at the ancient literature and found a continous written record of the exact same sort of abuse by orders from 1700 years ago to the present. When - if ever - did it stop?<br><br>Anyway, that's my rant - this is a great blog, perhaps the only place where dark subjects like this are even discussed. Keep up the good work. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Crowley, Catholicism, Abu Ghraib, Drugs and the CIA

Postby Rigorous Intuition » Sat Jul 02, 2005 6:35 am

I think something like that is very likely true. For instance, what I hear from Kay Griggs sounds like Greco-Roman history. Even though the occult and paedophilia are legacies of the elite's secret traditions, they are no less traditions for their being secret.<br><br>I touched on something similar in the post <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top">What's up is down - What isn't, is.</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> regrarding the inversion of values in initiatory cults and secret societies. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Crowley, Catholicism, Abu Ghraib, Drugs and the CIA

Postby jmregister » Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:24 am

Great post. I also think what you say is very likely true, that the cults of pedophilia are a natural extension of our culture. Since advancing in society is best accomplished with a lust for a power and a complete disregard for others, it shouldn't be surprising that there is so much evidence of organizations centered around this abuse of power, especially among the elites.<br><br>I know a lot of people have conflicts with the folks at (I have my own and am not associated with them), but I really enjoy the system they have set up around "Organic Portals" as a "fun" way of describing the current state of the world. I don't actually think or care about whether what they say can be considered a "literal" model of reality, but you might enjoy this page: <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Each thing provokes its opposite: Hegelian dialectics

Postby Starman » Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:34 pm

Heyia Whocountsthevotes;<br><br>Thoughtful rant -- I readily concur with your premise that the 'end' of many systems seems to encompass its exact opposite -- But IMO, you don't take your conclusion to the next level, which is the key to WHY it seems that way -- It's deliberate, evidence that global events are being intricately stage-managed by the powerful family-elite organizations towards the goal of a NWO, One World Government -- an absolute autocracy at work according to the Hegelian dialactic precepts of cause- thesis, reaction- antithesis and conclusion or goal - synthesis. This is a compelling model of manipulation way behind the scenes of world governments, major institutions and corporations, NGOs, private associations, secret and occult groups, and powerful organized interests -- at the core of the Illuminati project.<br><br>Following is a reasonably well-written, concise introduction to this topic from the website<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>More at the above site, and through a google search 'Illuminati, Hegelian' -- it perfectly complements your observations which provides a sort of independant confirmation of the Hegelian 'method' by which ther world is being controlled today towards a very discrete end, helping to explain the significanc of a truly astonishing range of events and happenings, from the reason for US past neocolonial foreign policy, the Cold War, the Fed Reserve, 911, the War in Iraq, manufactired 'crises', covert intelligence and military involvement in mind-control, the occult, and massive drug/arms smuggling, Vietnam war, the role of the Vatican yesterday and today, the US's 1.1 trillion dollar yr. black-budget, the secret UFO 'conspiracy' of disinfo and cover-up etc., the preeminant rise to wealth, influence and power of Family Dynasties, Ritual Abuse, the JFK, MLK, and JFKjr. assassinations et al., the role of secret associations through History, the Patriot Act, the 'fall' of Communism and Soviet Union and East Germany, the rise to power of the neocons with support by coopted right-wing fundies, Middle East strife, Plan Columbia, unprecedented US debt, housing bubble, 'peak oil', Zionist subversion of US policy, the 'Drug' and Arms War, nuclear and WMD proliferation, the United Nations, gun-control sop, Civil War, Wars One and Two, Great Depression, and so, SO much more, culminating in what can be seen as a carefully choreographed war for global rule waged under the controlling agenda of the Illuminati.<br><br>These related topics have been discussed on this board under a wide range of topics and issues, but rarely and then imperfectly tied-togather as part of a cohesive 'system' of domination, where events just don't 'happen', but are deliberately planned and caused for specific purposes. It IS damn scary and troubling as something that has likely terrible, unimagineably bad consequences, but I guess it's a stimulant for our faith in the Power of Something Greater like a merciful and loving Cosmic Creator or God of Light, and for our cooperative, creative engagement in resisting the forces of darkness and tyranny -- cuz I think these forces are NOT altogether good -- just look at what they legitimize as appropriate means to their ends. To a large extent, that's what this board actually deals with, the blowback and strategies resulting from human idiocy, evil, criminality and tyranny.<br><br>No doubt, MUCH more needs to be explored and discussed and discovered, tying these things together to find the real shape of the world today. I expect I'll have more specific things to add to your comments and others.<br>Starman<br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :smokin --><img src= ALT=":smokin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>Yah, this is a GREAT board!<br><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>World Government Fronts, Psycho-social Change Agents <br>- by Terry Melanson ©, Nov. 5th, 2004 <br>“A change agent is someone who engages either deliberately or whose behavior results in social, cultural or behavioral change. This can be studied scientifically and effective techniques can be discovered and employed.” <br>- Wikipedia: Change Agent <br><br>An octopus of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Tax-Exempt Foundations, Think Tanks, Multinational Corporations and the Media Establishment practice the subtle science of persuasion. In the last two hundred years there isn't a single area of society that hasn't been influenced by facilitators of transformation education. For complete control of the masses a dictatorship is not necessary, although it does expedite the process. The collective moulding begins early in life, sustained and refined throughout one's formal education; a universal curriculum of manipulation can transform and achieve a complete paradigm shift for a whole generation. <br><br>Dialogue to Consensus <br> The most successful method to manipulate and control society is the Hegelian Dialectic, named after its originator Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). It has been used by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels to support their theory of communism. The dialectic process as described by Hegel can be reduced to three parts: a recursive pattern of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The thesis (each idea) is opposed by its antithesis and reconciled with the thesis in a synthesis (consensus), which in turn becomes a new thesis opposed by antithesis. Hegel said that history was nothing but the expression of this flux of conflicting and resolving ideas. Since every synthesis is the thesis of a new dialectic, social change is guaranteed. The process continues until society reaches the Absolute Idea: the ultimate synthesis, giving rise to no antithesis. In the context of this document, the "Absolute Idea" is world government. <br><br>The dialectic process is at the core of all political and social manipulation. 1 Fascism against communism; capitalism against communism; democrats against republicans; conservatives against liberals; Christians against Muslims; environmentalists versus property owners; greens against libertarians; pro-choice pitted against pro-life; antiwar activists versus the neocons. The control of the conflict and resolution leads everyone into a new cycle of conflicts. 2 The right-left political dichotomy of western politics is carefully orchestrated: a classic divide and conquer Hegelian trap. Whichever side of any particular ideology we happen to adhere, our beliefs and convictions fulfills a necessary role in the grand scheme. A perpetual recursion of constant change, becoming, ceasing, contradictory aspects of tension/conflict and eventual transformation. The beneficiaries of the "resolution of conflict" are properly identified as the Illuminati. <br><br>In order to have complete control over the conflict of opposites it is necessary to control the creation of textbook enemies as well. That Hitler's Third Reich (the communist revolution, the creation of Israel, Saddam Hussein, Noriega, Bin Laden and much too many to list) were financed, supported and nurtured by Wall Street bankers, and/or the CIA and/or members of western secret societies is not coincidence 3. With the Soviet Union having run its course (capitalism vs. communism) through successful "synthesis" with the west, a new "antithesis" was already mature enough to take its place: Islamic Fundamentalism. <br><br>Hegemony <br>The control of the dialogue and ideas leads inevitably to hegemony; defined, succinctly, as the power of ideas exercised by a dominant or privileged social group over subordinate social groups. Hegemony is the aftermath of the Hegelian Dialectic, the outcome of the "ends justify the means" maxim. The people have not submitted to this power, "they consent to it - though it is clearly not in their own best interest. Hegemony is a form of control in which those who have power maintain their position, not through force, but through the elaboration of a particular ideology or world view. This form of social control is long lasting, it is an effective, and patient, tactic." 4 <br><br>Hegemony is, of course, the ultimate goal of the current Bush administration in America. Imposing American Hegemony in the Middle East is of particular urgent concern. His advisors refer to him as the "transformational president." 5 George Bush, himself, uses the term "change agent(s)" often, likely at the direction and behest of his inner circle; although, I doubt he grasps the true meaning and significance of the concept. 6 To be fair, however, the "Left" have traditionally been used as pawns and educators - using the weapons of transformational "doublespeak" to great affect. Clinton, before him, was the most prolific social manipulator of all previous presidents. <br><br>Humanism and the "Arena of Conflict" <br>“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation” <br>“We must begin by destroying all Religion, all civil society, and finish by the destruction of all [private] property.” - Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, 1776 <br><br>“We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.” - Karl Marx, 1848 <br><br>Humanism is the guiding principle behind today's "open conspiracy" as it is seductively appealing to the ego of man. Weishaupt himself advocated the replacing of all religions and nations with a form of humanism by establishing "a peculiar morality and religion fitted for the great society of mankind." Socialism and Communism are based upon humanist principles - and indeed are the fruits of the philosophy; we saw how badly it failed in the former Soviet Union and how it continues to subjugate over a billion people in China. <br><br>Humanism in all its manifestations (secular, religious, ethical, cultural, philosophical, etc.) seeks to idolize man and the natural world in place of God. Modern manifestations of it range from the United Nations to Satanism 7. It is the very backbone of the New Age Movement, Freemasonry and indeed the Illuminati itself. The dangerous maxim "do what thou wilt shall be whole of the law" then applies to every aspect of morality and society. 8 The Humanist has no moral absolutes. In the words of the official Humanist Manifesto II, "moral values derive their source from human experience. Ethics is autonomous and situational needing no theological or ideological sanction." Humanism is another powerful tool by which the Hegelian process works on society. <br><br>Experimental Laboratories <br>The late Antony C. Sutton established that the American education system has been influenced and controlled by Skull and Bones members since the 19th century. After being initiated into the Order - between 1849 and 1853 - Timothy Dwight, Daniel Coit Gilman, Andrew Dickson White set off for Europe to study philosophy at the University of Berlin when Germany was dominated by the Hegelian philosophical ferment. It was during these formative years that the Bonesmen were exposed to the revolutionary philosophies of Right Hegelians (Prussian militarism; Naziism) and Left Hegelians (promoters of scientific socialism; Marxism). All three went on to use these philosophies adeptly and rose to high influence within the education establishment. More Bonesmen were to follow and its become a tradition for the Order to have control over influential scholastic institutions. 9 <br><br>If the Hegelian Dialectic is the modus operandi of elite control and the drive toward a New World Order, then Humanism is the magnum opus, or masterstroke. The moral degeneration of the youth is a direct result of a socialistic/humanistic experiment. The facilitators of the plan understood from the beginning that to change society an educational revolution will need to take place. H. J. Blackham, father of modern British Humanism, said that humanists "are more revolutionary than any conspiracy to overthrow the government." (September – October 1981 issue of The Humanist) <br><br>“Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school's meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?” - Charles F. Potter, Humanism: A New Religion, 1930 <br><br>“I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly view their role as the proselytizers of a new faith... The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new; the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of Humanism...” <br><br>- John J. Dunphy, A New Religion For A New Age, in The Humanist, January/February 1983 edition <br>“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas....We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests....The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people, these are the belated objectives...for charting the changes in human behavior.” - Brock Chislholm, 1959 Humanist of the Year and former head of World Health Organization, in the February 1946 issue of Psychiatry <br><br>After reading the above quotes it becomes crystal clear that, not just a conspiracy, but an all out battle has been waged on the mind of the child for nearly a century - and all at the expense of the taxpayer. An indoctrination of a "new faith" begins from the moment we enter the first grade, and continues unimpeded throughout our formal education. The public school system - or the "arena of conflict" - succeeds in an escalating resocialization of society itself; the goal being a world government with its citizens having been brainwashed out of their patriotism, family traditions, religious values and teachings. Humanists do not mince words and are brutally honest: "some opponents of Humanism have accused us of wishing to overthrow the traditional Christian family. They are right. That is exactly what we intend to do." 10 <br><br>State Facilitators <br>In 1986, a group of Pennsylvania researchers found a how-to manual entitled Training for Change Agents: a seven volume "change agent study" commissioned by the U.S. Office of Education to the Rand Corporation in 1973-74. They also uncovered a series of papers submitted by behavioral scientists who had obtained grants from the U.S. Office of Education. The studies explored ways to "freeze" and "unfreeze" values, to "implement change" and turn potential opposition into compliant, rubber-stamp bodies through methods such as the Delphi Technique. The official documents solicited by the U.S. government revealed the objective to pursue sophisticated behavioral and psychological manipulation. 11 <br><br>The Pennsylvania researchers followed up and uncovered more documents relating to "behavioral strategies." Schools were referred to as "experimental laboratories." Linked with the word education they found terms and concepts such as "laboratory," "behavior," "operant conditioning," "social reinforcement," "internal-external control," "training change agents," "the science of planned change," and how to train "change agents" for the "role of the state facilitator." <br><br>Even before the Training for Change Agents how-to manual of 1973/74, in 1967 the U.S. Office of Education were already awarding "grants to colleges and universities for the training of change agents." A 1000 page document called Behavioral Teacher Educational Project set forth the agenda in clear language: "the impersonal manipulation through schooling of a future America in which few will be able to maintain control over their own opinions." An America in which "each individual receives at birth, a multipurpose identification number", and "to expose them to the directors subliminal influence of the state education department and the federal department acting through those whenever necessary." 12 <br><br>When the humanists refer to the schools as the "arena of conflict", they mean it literally. A child today may enter public education with a set of values instilled in them by their parents, but as they progress through the state-sponsored "laboratories", those values and attitudes are methodically dissected and superseded with a carefully engineered replacement. <br><br>Paradigm Shift <br>“A transpersonal orientation to learning was detected in the writings of 89 well-known representatives of humanistic education....According to the Transpersonal Orientation, schools and other settings for learning are environments for the development of spiritual potential. Intuitive and receptive modes of consciousness are considered equal in importance to cognitive, rational, logical, and active modes...Since various practices in the public schools ranging from the so-called religions of secular humanism on the one hand and to meditation, the use of fantasy and imagery, and references to magic, the occult, or witchcraft, on the other have become so controversial of late that an objective, reliable, and valid measure of the degree of endorsement of such topics was considered both practically and theoretically timely” - Stewart Shapiro, The Development of an Objective Scale to Measure a Transpersonal Orientation to Learning, Educational and Psychological Measurement, vol. 49, 1989, 47, 375 <br><br>Visit any school in America or the West in general and you will find teaching concepts like outcome-based education; holistic education; transpersonal education; conflict resolution; integrated curriculum; constructivist learning; general systems theory; personal mastery; mental models; child centered classroom; total quality management; school to work; consensus circles; peer mediation; focus groups; values clarification; situational ethics; sensitivity training. Since Humanism is intertwined so completely at the core of Communism, it is no surprise that this humanistic "groupthink education" serves the purpose of paralyzing individual thinking. The Group, the State and eventually a One World Government must be superior to the individual at all costs - group-subservience and group-consensus is vital. <br><br>After the Humanists became entrenched in the field of education, the 80s and 90s saw a cultural shift take place. With God successfully rooted out of the secular school system, many times the void was filled with the teaching of yoga, self-hypnosis, meditation, and the altered states of consciousness induction techniques of deep breathing and progressive relaxation. Detailing how the New Age had begun to affect public education, The New York Times Magazine published an article in its May 1st 1988 edition titled Colorado’s Thriving Cults. Under a large picture of children taking a nap, the cover story photograph had the caption: "Third graders listen quietly while a teacher leads a ‘visualization.’ Vocal parents groups have protested the encroachment of New Age practices in school curricula." The story goes on to say that "meditational techniques have become common fare in the state’s public and private schools", utilizing "practices adapted from Eastern meditation under the rubrics of 'centering, stress reduction, or guided visualization' ..." 13 <br><br>The New World Order and the Parliament of Man <br>For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be; <br><br>Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails, Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales; <br><br>Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain’d a ghastly dew From the nations’ airy navies grappling in the central blue; <br><br>Far along the world-wide whisper of the south-wind rushing warm, With the standards of the peoples plunging thro’ the thunder-storm; <br><br>Till the war-drums throbb’d, no longer, and the battle-flags were furl’d In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world. <br><br>There the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe, And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law. - ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON, “Locksley Hall,” verses 60–65, The Poetical Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, p. 111 (1897). <br><br>For those just starting to research the "new world order", they may be shocked to learn that it's really about world government. Even the consummate researcher, Joan Veon lamented as much in her book The United Nations' Global Straightjacket: "I had no idea that it was world government ... no one ever made the connection for me." She certainly made up for the oversight, however. Veon goes on to thoroughly document the players involved, the methods, the organizations and especially the behemoth infrastructure that exists already. Presently, we live in an "unofficial world government." The world will have to go through some catastrophic event, much larger in scale than 9/11, to catapult us into an "official world government." Whether it is orchestrated like 9/11, or not, is largely irrelevant to these "masters of Hegemony." It will come one way or another and the infrastructure is well in place for the Illuminati to take advantage of it. <br><br>Reinvented Government <br>The story of how we reached this point along the path to global totalitarianism is a long one, many books have been written on the subject and I won't go into the details here. A short overview of the present will suffice. <br><br>With the creation of the United Nations, free-trade zones, public-private partnerships, communitarianism, some 30,000+ NGOs and 37,000+ Multinational Corporations and Foundations we now see a devolution of the government. Globalization has effectively achieved a global corporate fascism. To better illustrate the scope of it all, I've reproduced a compilation of Chart 2-1 and Chart 2-5 from The United Nations' Global Straightjacket: <br><br>Reinvented Government = Communitarianism = The Third Way = Reinvented Communitarianism <br> <br>“In time, those industrialists who empowered the NGOs will 'rule the world' through 'reinvented government.'” <br>- Joan Veon, The United Nations' Global Straightjacket p.87 <br><br>International leaders are financed through the Multinational/Foundation behemoth, with the specific purpose to give the U.N. its teeth by creating global special-interest groups known as NGOs. Congress may not sign certain treaties and international agreements, but it makes no difference because the NGOs have the power to implement any agenda covertly at the local level. " Think globally, act locally" is their battle cry, and thus far, it has worked like a charm. Agenda 21 and the Earth Charter - invented and espoused by the likes of Maurice Strong, Stephen Rockefeller and Mikhail Gorbachev - has never been agreed upon, endorsed or signed by Congress; yet you can see endorsements and full implementations across a wide slice of society: from schools, churches, the workplace and local municipalities. 14 <br><br>The following is a short list, by no means exhaustive, of the major players helping in the goal toward a one-world government: think-tanks, foundations, change agent NGOs, new age organizations and official UN bodies. You may be surprised by some of the organizations with NGO attached to their names. NGO's have been around since the UN's inception, some have been granted special Consultative Status (ECOSOC) which allows them to sit in on weekly sessions and be a part of the decision making along with full member states. <br><br>Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies <br>Association of Humanistic Psychology (NGO) <br>Bahá'í International Community (NGO) <br>Bank For International Settlements <br>Brookings Institute <br>Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs <br>Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (NGO) <br>Carter Center <br>Club Of Madrid (NGO) <br>Club Of Rome (NGO) <br>Commission on Global Governance (NGO) <br>Council For the Parliament of World Religions <br>Council On Foreign Relations (NGO) <br>Ditchley Foundations <br>Earth Charter Initiative <br>Earth Council (NGO) <br>Esalen Institute <br>Federal Reserve <br>Findhorn Foundation (NGO) <br>Ford Foundation <br>Global Public Policy <br>Gorbachev Foundation <br>Green Cross International (NGO) <br>Group-77 <br>Group of 30 (NGO) <br>Habitat For Humanity <br>Heritage Foundation <br>Hudson Institute <br>Institute For International Economics <br>Institute For Policy Studies <br>Institute For Social Research <br>Institute of Global Education (NGO) <br>International Monetary Fund <br>International Planned Parenthood (NGO) <br>LEAD International (NGO) <br>Lucis Trust (NGO) <br>Manitou Foundation (NGO) <br>Mont Pelerin Society <br>MOST - Management of Social Transformations (A UNESCO Project) <br>New Group of World Servers <br>NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations associated with the UN) <br>NGO Committee on Disarmament <br>NGO's in Consultative Status with ECOSOC <br>Planned Parenthood Federation of America (NGO) <br>Population Council (NGO) <br>Population Institute (NGO) <br>Rand Corp. <br>Rockefeller Foundation (NGO) <br>Rothschild, NM & Sons <br>Royal Institute of International Affairs <br>Share International (NGO) <br>Sierra Club (NGO) <br>Stanford Research Institute <br>State of the World Forum <br>Tavistock Institute <br>Temple of Understanding (NGO) <br>Theosophical Society <br>Trilateral Commission (NGO) <br>United Nations <br>United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development <br>UNDP <br>UNESCO <br>World Bank Group <br>World Business Council for Sustainable Development (NGO) <br>World Conservation Union (NGO) <br>World Goodwill (NGO) <br>World Federalist Movement (NGO) <br>World Wildlife Fund (NGO) <br><br>{more}<br>NOTE: Other websites re: New World Order and Illuminati will have slightly different emphasis, perspective, precepts, details, arguments, evidence, and POV-- as should be expected, since this is a global phenomena with an enormous number of different 'faces', but all showing the same rough outline of a global conspiracy that transcends borders and centuries and governments.<br>-S<br> <p></p><i></i>
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the New World Order is not a "conspiracy"

Postby WhoCountsTheVotes » Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:50 pm

For the record, I don't think the NWO is a "conspiracy" or at least, it's not a hidden conspiracy - it's right out in the open, it's discussed publically, and it's not denied. There is an old John Bircher author who wrote "The Naked Communist" that was followed up by "The Naked Capitalist" which was the standard treatment of the NWO. Quite a bit of it was based on Carrol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope - incidentally, Quigley being one of Clinton's college professors who Clinton name-checked during his first inaugural speech.<br><br>The "free trade" and globalization movement - NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA, etc., is the second, third or fourth wave of this - a previous one being the 1970s Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers, and before that the United Nations and before that the League of Nations. That "elites" want a one world government is not denied - they are pretty open about it. In fact, before the Reagan backlash it was considered very mainstream - you had high profile people like Einstein and Bertrand Russell popularizing the ideas.<br><br>Considering the loaded terminology of "conspiracy theory" I say just call the New World Order a political ideology - there is absolutely nothing secret about it at all. <p></p><i></i>
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"white is black, black is white"

Postby thrulookingglass » Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:30 am

Interesting juxtaposition of the duality of existence. Opposite forces, the whole yin/yang thing. I have been watching documentaries about string theory, the existence of dark matter, and dark forces. I can't help thinking this has some play in human existence. Also, can we infer that these mechanical or sub atomic forces "dark matter, dark forces" might actually posses some kind of malovelence? As there is a creative force, also destructive force? Just continuing on the line of thought of opposite forces. These projects to build massive particle accelerators, which may lead us to greater understanding of our existence/universe at a time when it all seems ripe to collapse also disturbs me. On another note, as far as the whole concept of conspiracy or whether heinous acts have been ingrained in our society since it's possible inception...I would say that along as power is/was in the hands of the few, there will always be corruption which will necesitate conspiracies. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby rain » Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:52 am

hey Starman. as always a great rant.<br>just one thing that caught my eye, relevant to the pic with shrubby and the 'magic square' in the background, on the 'is that a 9.11 in your background..' thread.<br>although the magic square means more, a little math. 7 x 7 = 49. 4 + 9 = 13. the number of power and transformation.<br>'he's not the messiah, he's just a very naughty boy'. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: pic-a-box

Postby biaothanatoi » Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:42 am

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>So, isn't it possible that there is no "conspiracy" - but these ideas are inherent in our own culture?</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>Very likely true. I thought your post was great, particularly:<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>In a Christian context - these sorts of tortures would almost certainly be called "Satanic" - in fact, I think that Islam and Christianity are close enough that Islam considers it "Satanic" as well.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Absolutely agree. The ‘Satanic’ label often says more about the position of the observer then of the perpetrator. <br><br>I don’t believe in a ‘conspiracy’ either – there are too many RA groups out there, with differing ideologies, dotted around the socioeconomic spectrum. <p></p><i></i>
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re: Nothing hidden or unknown here, folks!

Postby Starman » Mon Jul 04, 2005 5:06 am

C'moN! Most people haven't got a clue about what goes on in the world, by who or how or why. The well-guarded reality and history of immensely powerful elites plotting to bring-about a One World Government with a single religious system is gobbly-gook bunkum to most folks -- how can ANYONE claim otherwise without throwing their credibility into doubt? Most Americans think Iraq's WMD's have been found, and Saddam's links to 911 established beyond doubt -- you think THEY know any more about the NWO than it's something some repubs and neocons have made obscure reference to? It should be self-evident to anyone even modestly paying attention, that this history is NOT part of the official version accepted by mainstream public or taught in our schools and colleges, as its most assuredly NOT debated on political forums or reported on in the evening or Sunday morning news. A small, small percentage of folks have actually spent time studying the few well-researched volumes or alternative/internet resources, to understand how the various groups and bodies function, to understand the NWO significance of past and modern assassinations, covert ops, both 'sides' of the 1st and 2nd World Wars financed by global elites, how and why the great depression was deliberately provoked, how and why the west financed Communism and then global terrorism, the purpose for 911, how Zionism and Racism and arms proliferation and drug networks are being manipulated by the NWO elites and why, etc. How many folks who affirm to be well-knowledgeable about the NWO/OWG scheme could talk competantly about dates and people and events re: this history for more than 20 minutes without repeating themselves?<br><br>Be real. MOST folks deny AlQaeda was made in the USA, they don't know why the NWO bunch pushed the US into the Vietnam war or why we invaded Haiti, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, or the Phillipines, HELL, most folks don't even accept the reality of systemic Ritual Abuse or know the CIA/Military Intl. perfected RA as a Project Monarch/MKULTRA mind-control technique -- Since RA is an integral part of the NWO scheming, how can the claim be credibly made that most people nevertheless know and accept the 'fact' of the monstrous One World Government plot that directly threatens the most basic rights and liberties and freedoms of people around the world? The premise is absolutely specious. Claiming NWO is not a conspiracy or secret, when 99 percent of the world remain essentially deaf dumb and blind to it (and where 50 percent of the world's people have never even made a phone call) is like claiming one fully understands baseball because they know the meaning of 'home run': a jogging machine set-up in the rec-room, bedroom or basement.<br><br>Without even recognizing or acknowledging the Hegelian basis in the examples given in this thread, NOT as inherant properties but as deliberate tactics of opposition and reconciliation to desired ends, how can anyone realistically claim the NWO is not a well-kept secret but widely and well-known?<br><br>My RI standards require a higher degree of compelling validity.<br>Starman<br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :smokin --><img src= ALT=":smokin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby antiaristo » Mon Jul 04, 2005 8:39 am

Hi Starman,<br><br>I think you are right about this. The truth is that even those who read the news papers have no idea of what is going on in the world. Let me give this example.<br><br>There is a great deal of friction at the moment between Blair and Chirac, on all sorts of subjects. But it is not about the UK versus France.<br><br>Britain/America is actually the Scottish Rite, whose base is London but whose spiritual home is Gleneagles. (Royal & Ancient, home of the (GH) Walker (Bush) Cup.) People like Tom DeLay make their pilgrimages there.<br><br>France/Europe is actually the Great Eastern.<br><br>The Entente Cordial was a deal between the two great systems of Freemasonry. Following on from the Dreyfuss affair these two organisations signed a non.aggression pact back in 1904.<br><br>Last year Chirac went to London to agree a new EC. Its basis was the European so called “constitution”. This document would have made EU member states subordinate to NATO. Thank God for the French and Dutch people.<br><br>Now “everything is up for grabs”. And China and Russia are cranking up the pressure.<br><br>How the hell is the average citizen supposed to cast his/her vote with intelligence when they have no idea?<br> <p></p><i></i>
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