Lord, Do I Hate Making New Threads Here

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Lord, Do I Hate Making New Threads Here

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:37 pm



I'd like to tag in some people we trust for PM discussion on this. I just cannot escape the feeling I'm allowing some barely veiled anti-Semitism to put a gnarled foot into the door. It's something I personally have zero sensitivities about but it still stinks. coffin dodger and divideandconquer have both been on my stench radar this summer.

Of course, any intervention will be PC liberal knee-jerk brainwashing, but I'll own that.
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Re: Lord, Do I Hate Making New Threads Here

Postby Project Willow » Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:20 am

Just getting to this, had a death in the family and have been tuned out for more than a week, and honestly, I may need to quit RI altogether just to protect myself. Long story, started in March.

I don't know what to do, there are no safe havens anywhere. The little Seattle group that formed contained some dangerous folks and it led to me being physically accessed. It's all I can do to refrain from seemingly unilaterally banning some folks. It's not that I don't think Jeff would have an empathic ear, it's that I don't wish to burden him with the issue. Plus, I've been distracted with a huge project in the interim. I hate to lose this place, but sometimes one has to baton the hatches.

That's a long way round of saying, I don't have the energy to dissect the thread, but I'm not surprised there's antisemitism. This place is trolled to hell. I trust your judgement on the thread.
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Re: Lord, Do I Hate Making New Threads Here

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:03 pm

10-4 and damn, do I wish you the best. That all sounds beyond horrible.
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