Orlando / Pulse Mass Shooting Thread

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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby 82_28 » Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:48 am

This really puts us left wing coincidence theorists in a bind.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby SonicG » Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:54 am

82_28 » Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:48 pm wrote:This really puts us left wing coincidence theorists in a bind.

How so?
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby semper occultus » Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:43 am

...its so frickin' Parallax View its not even funny....
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby divideandconquer » Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 am

Okay, this may be a stretch, but considering Pulse is now the most twittered, googled, facebooked term, it's interesting to note that 2016 is the year of pulses according to the UN.

The UN declared 2016 as the Year of Pulses

10 November 2015 – Under the slogan ‘nutritious seeds for a sustainable future,’ the United Nations, led by its Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), today launched the 2016 International Year of Pulses to raise awareness about the protein power and health benefits of all kinds of dried beans and peas, boost their production and trade, and encourage new and smarter uses throughout the food chain.

“Pulses are important food crops for the food security of large proportions of populations, particularly in Latin America, Africa and Asia, where pulses are part of traditional diets and often grown by small farmers,” said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva, in a news release.

“They have been an essential part of the human diet for centuries,” he added, “Yet, their nutritional value is not generally recognized and is frequently under-appreciated.”

According to FAO, pulses, including all kinds of dried beans and peas, are not merely cheap and delicious; they are also highly nutritious source of protein and vital micronutrients that can greatly benefit people’s health and livelihoods, particularly in developing countries.

There are hundreds of varieties of pulses grown throughout the world. Popular ones include all varieties of dried beans, such as kidney beans, lima beans, butter beans and broad beans. But also chickpeas, cowpeas, black-eyed peas and pigeon peas.

Speaking about their nutritional value, the FAO chief said that pulses have double the proteins found in wheat and triple the amount found in rice. They are also rich in micronutrients, amino acids and b-vitamins; Mr. Graziani da Silva underlined, and added that they are vital parts of a healthy diet.

Further, the agency credited pulses as the key ingredients in many signature regional and national dishes across the world – from falafel to dahl to chilli and baked beans.

FAO also added that as an affordable alternative to more expensive animal-based protein, pulses are ideal for improving diets in poorer parts of the world, where protein sources from milk if often five time more expensive than protein sourced from pulses.

Pulses also offer a great potential to lift farmers out of rural poverty, as they can yield two to three time higher prices than cereals, and their processing provides additional economic opportunities, especially for women.

Following his address, Mr. Graziano da Silva planted a number of fava beans in a planter full of soil as he proclaimed the International Year opened.

“The International Year 2016 is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the benefits of pulses as the world embarks on efforts to achieve the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a messasge on the occasion.

Mr. Ban added that pluses contribute significantly in addressing hunger, food security, malnutrition, environmental challenges and human health and also are a vital source of plant-based proteins and amino acids.

“Despite strong evidence of the health and nutritional benefits of pulses, their consumption of pulses remains low in many developing and developed countries. The International Year can help overcome this lack of knowledge,” said Mr. Ban.

Further, he also said that pulses impact the environment positively due to their nitrogen-fixing properties, which increase soil fertility.

“Much work needs to be done to end hunger and provide food security and nutrition for all. One concrete, promising opportunity lies with pulses. Let us join forces to raise awareness of the benefits of pulses,” said the Secretary-General.

The UN chief also called for collaborative commitment and concrete action by all relevant actors within the UN system, farmers’ organizations, civil society and the private sector, to make the International Year of Pulses 2016 a success.


In the 2016 film, The Cell, based on Stephen King's novel, in an event known as "The Pulse," a mysterious signal sent out through the global network turns all cell phone users into crazed killers.

Even Scientific America admits that electromagnetic signals or pulses from cell phones can change your brainwaves and behavior.

Yes, the pulse, the throb of life, is definitely being altered, if not eliminated altogether, in these strange times

In 1963, Dr. Robert Becker explored effects of external magnetic-fields on brainwaves, showing a relationship between psychiatric hospital admissions and solar magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed magnetic-fields similar to magnetic storms, and found a similar response. In the United States, sixty (60) Hz electric-power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. In the United Kingdom, fifty (50) Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid.
Puharich further experimented, discovering that,
7.83 Hz (earth‘s pulse rate) made a person ”feel good,” producing an altered-state
10.80 Hz causes riotous behavior
6.6 Hz causes depression.
Puharich made ELF waves change RNA and DNA in the body, breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person resonate at a higher vibratory rate.
But scientists can do more with brainwaves than just listen in on the brain at work-they can selectively control brain function by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This technique uses powerful pulses of electromagnetic radiation beamed into a person’s brain to jam or excite particular brain circuits. -- Nicholas Jones, Gwen (Ground Wave Emergency Network) Towers

And in light of aforementioned article--yes, I know this is really pushing it--Trump threatened to spill the pulses beans on Hillary.
Last edited by divideandconquer on Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:49 am

Hillary’s Obscene Reaction to the Orlando Shootings
by John V. Walsh / June 12th, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s statement on the mass murder in Orlando is mostly a confection of the empty, saccharine pieties for which the entire American political class is known – but it concluded with a revealing statement.

There she said: “This is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States and it reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets.” (Emphasis, jw)

But those “weapons of war” have been used on the streets of Iraq and in midnight raids on the civilian population in the war there that Hillary so ardently backed.

Does she even grasp what she is saying? She is saying that it is an atrocity to use such weapons on Americans – but not on the brown people, civilians in their homes, in Iraq and throughout the greater Middle East and North Africa in U.S. wars of aggression and the occupation. To be horrified by the use of those weapons on Americans but not on Arabs qualifies as racism of the basest sort.

And what about the causes of the atrocity in Orlando? In attempting to discuss the cause, she mentions the lack of gun control and the discrimination against the LGBT community. But she forgets to say in her statement that ISIS laid claim to the atrocity, lauding one of its American followers for carrying out the deed. So ISIS is responsible, and the hatred of America on which ISIS thrives is responsible.

But where does ISIS come from? It did not exist before the war on Iraq that Hillary and her fellow neocons peddled so assiduously with lie upon lie. The war on Iraq, the divide and conquer tactic that the US invaders used to set Shia against Sunni to cripple the population are the factors that brought ISIS into being. The civil war in Syria, another pet project of Hillary’s, gave a further opening and impetus to ISIS.

And Barack Obama had pretty much the same message as his evil ex-Secretary of State. Gun control and LGBT rights were front and center, but nary a word about the devastation the U.S. Empire has wrought in the Middle East that brought about the rise of ISIS.

The word “blowback” was not to be found in Hillary’s or Obama’s statements.

But, of course, it goes deeper than that. The U.S. has long backed Saudi Arabia where the ideology for ISIS was concocted and promoted. Saudi Arabia and the other medieval monarchies of the Gulf who have so ardently supported ISIS have long been supported by the U.S. The secular governments in the region like those of Gaddafi, Hussein and now al-Assad, in contrast, are targets for regime change ops – brutal ones at that. These are the very governments that fought the Islamic fundamentalists – and the US has attacked every one of them. How deep does the hand of the U.S. government, or parts of it, go in the rise of ISIS? It is a question that needs to be answered by a full Congressional investigation, but chances of that are nil while Obama and Hillary and their neocon buddies are in charge.

Finally the U.S. alliance with Israel and the backing of the apartheid Jewish state in its long, slow genocide of an entire Arab people, the Palestinians, also stirs hatred for the U.S. Does Hillary think that has nothing to do with the hatred ISIS expresses for the U.S? She apparently thinks “the price is worth it,” to quote a protege of hers. Thus Hillary in her obeisance to AIPAC and the rest of the Israeli Lobby puts herself in the front ranks of those who have given birth to events like the ones in Orlando.

Atrocities breed atrocities. Or as Andrew Kopkind remarked in another context, the skies were dark in Orlando this past weekend with the chickens coming home to roost.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby nashvillebrook » Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:12 am

wow, this article brings back so many memories. Spy Magazine! you could buy it in the grocery store for christs sake. and you took it home and were inspired to publish shit your own damn self. i miss the old days.

seemslikeadream » 12 Jun 2016 21:56 wrote:
"The Shadow CIA"

In a Spy article ("Inside the Shadow CIA", Sept. 1992), investigative journalist John Connolly exposed that the Wackenhut Corporation had been involved in the Iraqgate scheme. "...after a six-month investigation, in the course of which we spoke to more than 300 people, we believe we know what the [Wackenhut] truck did contain-equipment necessary for the manufacture of chemical weapons-and where it was headed [in the Winter of 1990]: to Saddam Hussein's Iraq. And the Wackenhut Corporation -- a publicly traded company with strong ties to the CIA and federal contracts worth $200 million a year -- was making sure Saddam would be getting his equipment intact." Could it be that Gulf War Syndrome is somehow related to such chemical weaponry?

George Wackenhut is a long-time friend of George Bush Sr., and he has contributed generously to the campaigns of George Sr., George W. and especially his state's governor -- Jeb Bush. Has Wackenhut Corp helped the Bushes with other operations as well -- especially a recent biggie in Florida?

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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby FourthBase » Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:15 am

This really puts us left wing coincidence theorists in a bind.

I'm also curious about what you mean. I can see how it'd put progressives in an impossible-to-reconcile double bind, in terms of mutually exclusive identity classes to feel reflexive solidarity with and come to the defense of. But I'm missing how left wing coincidence theorists (who?) in particular would be in a bind.

p.s. About five minutes ago a reporter on Fox News was stationed next to Mateen's car, which as evidence had its doors sealed with tape by the FBI, and they showed the license plate and bumper stickers. Marine Corps license plate, official, not just a decorative frame. (Proactive web sleuths should get a screenshot and send the license number to buddies who work at a DMV.) A circular NASA bumper sticker above it.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby norton ash » Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:23 am

Wombaticus Rex » Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:45 pm wrote:
NaturalMystik » Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:34 pm wrote:^^

I just read that article. I'm thoroughly perplexed... I swear it said that Omar Mateen's father is current the president of Afghanistan. Huh?

http://gawker.com/orlando-shooting-susp ... 1781849968

That's why Gawker is dead.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashraf_Ghani <== Current president of Afghanistan.

You 'swear' it said that, NMystik? It didn't, Gawker broke the story as Mateen's father being a mysterious internet whack-job who claimed to be the president of Afghanistan. And apparently WRex didn't read the story either. And Gawker's dead because Peter Thiel helped Hulk Hogan kill it. Odd to find myself defending Gawker, but they did a good job posting developments as they came in yesterday.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby 82_28 » Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:46 am

For those who didn't get what I wrote, just the guy's dad and his political shit. Couple that with being against the "war" in Afghanistan and singling out Muslims in general. Now one has little choice but to judge. I was vague and shouldn't have been. I just flashed on Jeff's famous old "Coincidence Theorist's Guide" and blabbed that out.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby Luther Blissett » Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:03 am

Yeah I'm not in much of a bind about this!
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:04 am

Co-worker: Omar Mateen homophobic, 'unhinged'
Anthony Westbury, Nicole Rodriguez, Elliot Jones, USA TODAY Network - Florida 10 a.m. EDT June 13, 2016

A former Fort Pierce police officer who once worked with 29-year-old Omar Mateen, the assailant in an Orlando nightclub shooting that left at least 50 dead, said he was "unhinged and unstable."

Daniel Gilroy said he worked the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift with G4S Security at the south gate at PGA Village for several months in 2014-15. Mateen took over from him for a 3 to 11 p.m. shift.

Gilroy, a former Fort Pierce police officer, said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments. Gilroy said he complained to his employer several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim. Gilroy quit after he said Mateen began stalking him via multiple text messages — 20 or 30 a day. He also sent Gilroy 13 to 15 phone messages a day, he said.

"I quit because everything he said was toxic," Gilroy said Sunday, "and the company wouldn't do anything. This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people."

Gilroy said this shooting didn't come as a surprise to him.

PGA Village resident Eleanora Dorsi, however, recognized Mateen's face as a friendly one who guarded her gated community in western Port St. Lucie.

"Whenever I saw him, he was very polite," Dorsi said Sunday from her summer home in Connecticut. "He was always a gentleman."

Dorsi, who has lived in the community since 2011, estimated that she saw Mateen a dozen times through the years, but he left a big impression on her because of his chivalry, she said.

"He even helped me with the car once, so I can't say he was creepy," she said.

Mateen helped her work the windshield cleaning function in her new car one time, she said.

Dorsi frequently gave Mateen and other guards at PGA Village pizza, cookies and candy for their hard work, she said. The last time she saw Mateen was a year ago, Dorsi said.

"He was always smiling and just seemed like a very nice, positive person," Dorsi said.

It sent chills down Dorsi's spine to imagine the man charged with keeping her and other locals safe carried out the deadliest mass shooting in the nation's history, she said.

Islamic State linked to worst mass shooting in U.S. history

"You would never ever think that he would have done anything like this," Dorsi said. "Scary, scary. Very scary. I think everyone feels like that right now," she added. "It hits too close to home."

.Mateen has multiple ties to the Treasure Coast area of Florida.

Mateen, born in New York, lived in an apartment complex in the 2500 block of South 19th Street in Fort Pierce. Law enforcement was at the complex Sunday.
He also received mail at his parents’ home in the 900 block of Southwest Bayshore Boulevard in Port St. Lucie. Law enforcement remained at the home Sunday with his family.
He received degrees in science in 2006 and 2007 from Indian River State College. However, further details about how long he attended the school were unavailable.
He attended his freshamn year of high school at Martin County High School. It's unclear whether he attended MCHS after that.
Mateen married Sitora Yusufiy of Port St. Lucie in 2009, according to court documents. They divorced two years later in 2011, St. Lucie County court records show.
Mateen has no state criminal record, according to Florida Department of Law Enforcement records.

President Obama delivered the remarks after a shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida left more than 100 people dead and wounded.

Imam Muhammad Musri, the president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, urged restraint in the hours and days following the attack in Orlando.

"I want to also caution many of the media from rushing to judgment," he said. "We are mourning. We are sad. We are heartbroken, and it's not really time to...rush to judgment."

The Imam went on to say:

“We condemn the person who did this, whatever ideology he had. No lives should be lost because of anger and hate.”

Musri, who is also president of American Islam, said he does no know what could be done for what seems like one mass shooting after another.

“I condemn all acts of terrorism, especially those done in the name of my faith,” he said. “It’s heartbreaking to see this in my beloved city of Orlando. We’re in mourning.”
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby 82_28 » Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:08 am

Also coincidence theorist as opposed to conspiracy theorist is why I wrote that.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby Elihu » Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:21 am

HE WORKS FOR EM!!!! Not coincidentally associated.
this is a "reality" show the real whodunnit controls the tv. And is interested in controlling u(s) take it with a grain of salt

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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby Novem5er » Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:32 pm

I don't know if the G4S is anything at all. It seemed curious at first, but look at the details. He was basically a rent-a-cop. He wasn't a privatized special forces nut. G4S has something like 50,000 employees in the US? It's not impossible to think that they have some bad nuts in there somewhere. His father is a more interesting angle, but not as a conspiracy, but as evidence that Omar was brought up in an environment where geo-politics was a hot topic. There are conflicting reports at how devout a Muslim Omar was, but it wouldn't be hard for someone to very quickly turn more devout as their anger and frustration mounts. It happens with Christians all the time, when people hit rock bottom, they bounce back and start hitting the pews, praising and worshiping with the best of them. You mix in homophobia, religion, geo-politics, and easy access to firearms and it doesn't take a conspiracy for a person to turn violent.

As an aside, I don't personally know any of the Orlando victims, but my cousin in Orlando does. One of her good friends survived a gunshot wound and will take some time to recover (but is expected to). I didn't think about it before, but I actually have quite a few friends and family that are invested in the Latino and/or the LGBT communities of Orlando.
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Re: Hey! How about Orlando Now? (shootings)

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:13 pm

I find it interesting -- interesting as in "depressing" -- that so many folks make so much of his employment as insight into his beliefs. Surely someone harboring radical Islamic ideology couldn't work for a security company with a history like G4S, right?

And surely, the only reason fast food franchises still have so many human employees is mutual deterrence, right? So that the King of Burgers and the First Ronald of House McDonald could muster up armies, millions strong, to die for them in the streets?

Surely my friends who work for Amazon are neoliberal imperialists toiling in concert with J. Bezos, too. My quaker buddy who works for the City of New York had his politics and whole worldview completely remade once Bloomberg was out of office, because employment isn't about competence performing tedious tasks, it's about fealty.

Repressed homosexuals who aspire to be in the NYPD is not a small demographic in America.
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