Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:17 pm

Within minutes of Leonard's death being announced, I was asked if I wanted to be interviewed the following morning on TV about what it was like to have known him. The next day, two more interview requests. I was in shock and grateful for the chance to say nice things about him. I assumed these were group interviews -- in the case of CBC radio I was one of many they phoned -- but it was just me on CTV. Of all people. I still don't know why, except that maybe the other, more obvious choice was out of the country and couldn't be reached.

I've been shooting phone videos of the crowd at Leonard's house opposite the park. I used to live around the corner, for 13 years, so it seemed like the normal thing to do. On Wednesday I ended up at the fresh grave on Mount Royal -- I hadnt intended to go there but all my appointments were mysteriously cancelled and I had nothing better to do than climb to the cemetery, a half hour walk in mist and drizzle. At the grave site, three people were standing looking down at a fresh patch of sod, two plastic-wrapped bunches of wilting flowers and a drooping white rose -- forbidden in Judaism and probably left there the day before by unsuspecting Catholics. The three visitors all spoke French. One said "This empty space is really in the image of Leonard."

Someone had pinned a poem to the sod with a rock, in what looked like Leonard's handwriting, describing a wonderful conversation they had and how he 'understood'. There were about two dozen small rocks on the headstone, which was blank, not yet inscribed with his name. I said I had known him personally. The taller man left, and the remaining couple started taking photos of each other beside the modest plot. They offered to take mine. I forgot to look sad -- in fact I look deliriously happy -- this is how farewells affect me. After the couple left I hung around in the fog for about an hour. Leonard's barely noticeable grave directly faces another belonging to someone named "FRAID." I sat on the base of FRAID's tombstone but couldn't think of much to say except "Sorry."

I can't understand why there was no actual funeral. When his friends Pierre Trudeau and Irving Layton died, Leonard became pallbearer. I think people were expecting a procession or motorcade, and a huge crowd at Paperman's funeral home. Instead, nothing happened. They say he wanted it that way. He died suddenly in his sleep after a fall before dawn on Tuesday morning (of the election). They shipped the body to Montreal. There was a report that he was already buried before his death was announced on Thursday evening, but his son Adam issued a statement the following Saturday in which he said they had just come from the cemetery. The Globe and Mail wrote that only 15 close friends and relatives attended.

If this all sounds a bit strange, it's because it is.

In lieu of any public ceremony or state funeral, Leonard's house has become an outdoor shrine with hundreds of flowers and candles filling the sidewalk opposite the little park where there was an impromptu concert last Saturday.

Death is not what it used to be. Death is exactly like birth and triggers a simultaneous expansion and contraction that erases conscious thought. We are back at the moment before anything has begun to be spoiled.

Followers of the way, don't be fooled. As Leonard once said, "Nothing is always happening."
Last edited by lunarmoth on Sat Nov 19, 2016 1:02 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby norton ash » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:40 pm

Thanks, lunarmoth. Dark and lovely.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby convolvulaceae » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:56 pm


More gruesome than nice...honest and relevant though.

I was up the Fraser, beyond Lytton with 'Diane' while you interviewed Ann for your podcast. She had fled Vancouver to camp out in the wild. 'Diane' had some pretty gruesome things to say regarding the extortion rituals of the cultural elite, but was completely fed up with trying to communicate by that point as she had been spilling the beans on her Facebook account. She had no interest in participating on this thread, so it'd be hard to say if she would have floated or drowned under the scrutiny of the 'rigorous'.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:19 pm

I know what convolvulaceae is on about, even if others may find the above comment obscure. He is asking whether LC deserves forgiveness -- given what he may have been involved in during his lifetime either on his own reconnaissance or as a dues-paying member of the "cultural elite". Now that we've observed the customary moment of silence, is it time to pick up where we left off? Is not speaking ill of the dead a matter of politeness, or a way of extending censorship beyond a man's own lifetime?

The person "Diane" is actually "Diana" - the woman referred to at the beginning of this thread, who claims to have been the intended victim of a snuff film. My ultimate interpretation is that LC saved her life and deserves a little credit for that -- not everyone agrees -- and that's why I included that chapter in my memoir The Man Next Door, because I think it sheds light on his true character, although it's just her testimony and can't be substantiated as there are no other witnesses. Nevertheless after interviewing her at great length, I believed her story because I recognized many details, and in particular I recognized the character of the man holding the gun.

"True character is revealed by decisive action taken under extreme pressure" -- I'm paraphrasing screenwriting guru Robert McKee whose workshop on dramatic structure I took in 1988, the same year Leonard Cohen released "I'm Your Man." The operative principle here is that it's easy (and generally meaningless) to be kind when little or nothing is at stake. This is as close as I will ever come to a theoretical model of how life works. I consider McKee a great teacher whose core principles can be applied to things that really matter, i.e. the defining choices that shape our destiny.

Diana was unhappy with my interpretation of her story and blocked me so I could not follow her on Facebook where she apparently continues to disclosed astonishing and disturbing details about people in Hollywood, including several household names, who she says are all involved in a Satanic cult practicing cannibalism, extreme child abuse, torture, murder -- she claims to have known some of them intimately, heard their confessions at various stages in their careers as she witnessed them being gradually consumed by the forces of darkness.

I neither believe nor dismiss all of this, but walk the fine line between sympathy and discernment. There are worlds I will not enter, personally, but I know others do, and some survive to talk about it. Leonard Cohen finished his recording career with some songs that can be heard as footnotes to a life spent in proximity to these mysteries, if that's what you want to call them. "It Seemed the Better Way" is pretty outspoken on the subject of our silent complicity and where it can lead :

'I better hold my tongue
I better take my place
Lift this glass of blood
Try to say the grace"

Since Leonard passed on, he has appeared several times in my dreams as if to remind me he has never been opposed to exposing secret crimes against children and others -- he just wants it done in a way that doesn't destroy more lives and/or set in motion another chain reaction of vengeance and abuse.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby guruilla » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:58 pm

lunarmoth » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:19 pm wrote:Since Leonard passed on, he has appeared several times in my dreams as if to remind me he has never been opposed to exposing secret crimes against children and others -- he just wants it done in a way that doesn't destroy more lives and/or set in motion another chain reaction of vengeance and abuse.

Timely. Not exonerating though.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby brekin » Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:29 am

guruilla » Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:58 pm wrote:
lunarmoth » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:19 pm wrote:Since Leonard passed on, he has appeared several times in my dreams as if to remind me he has never been opposed to exposing secret crimes against children and others -- he just wants it done in a way that doesn't destroy more lives and/or set in motion another chain reaction of vengeance and abuse.

Timely. Not exonerating though.

Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.

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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:42 pm

No, not exonerating --

Imho Leonard had a highly-developed sense of justice -- which might not be exactly the same thing as a 'moral conscience.' Should I elaborate on that? He could do the right thing, when it suited him. He could also render a verdict, and slice it very fine. Although he didn't necessarily abide by the law, he understood and believed in the principles. After all, he did attend law school at Columbia. Although he never finished his degree you might say he 'graduated' to another set of laws. More Crowley-esque.

There is no doubt in my mind Cohen was dissociative. That brings up questions of "agency" -- I think that's your term.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:43 pm

Don't look now: we're getting a monument, courtesy of the semi-anonymous webmaster who now controls Leonard's public image:

http://cohencentric.com/2016/11/29/help ... verything/
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:38 pm

If not now, when?

http://lunamoth1.blogspot.ca/2016/11/a- ... -deep.html


* He lied often, e.g. in order to manage situations that he had created. He used his loyal followers to help him manage his complicated affairs. When confronted with his own lies, he was brilliant and elusive.

* He turned his nannies and other women into accomplices in his sometimes unconscionable, secretive behaviour – .

* He was a drug addict and alcoholic – he used drugs and booze to mask his depression. How much of his depression was really guilt caused by having to live with the consequences of his own actions, whether he remembered them clearly or not?

* He lied about Kelley Lynch whom he accused of stealing his money. This has never been proved in a court of law.

* He lied to the Roshi about his real reasons for going to India in 2000. They had nothing to do with 'spiritual enlightenment.'

* While adopting an image as a peaceful, impeccably kind and reasonable sage, he absolutely believed in violence. He owned guns and was trained in using them. How does that align with his public image?

* He had a number of apparently separate personalities – with different goals, different relationships, and secret histories. The likely cause of his dissociative behaviour is the documented fact that he was a victim of CIA mind control at one of the leading institutions where this program was created. He was probably a Manchurian Candidate since he went on missions to Cuba, Greece, and Ethiopia. He hid these facts about his early career while sometimes mentioning them in his writing, private conversations etc.

* He was skilled at psychological warfare techniques including ‘gaslighting’ – which he used on many people including myself, for years. He also understood the uses of gossip and 'fake news', particularly to discredit people he was close to. He both created chaos around him and meticulously managed it.

I'll be exploring these topics further in the second edition of THE MAN NEXT DOOR. Coming soon."
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby identity » Fri Dec 09, 2016 4:56 am

* He lied to the Roshi about his real reasons for going to India in 2000. They had nothing to do with 'spiritual enlightenment.'

C'mon, papillon lune, don't leave us hanging! What was his real reason for travelling to India in 2000?

Enquiring minds want to know!
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:05 pm

Enquiring minds could begin here: http://m.rediff.com/movies/special/leon ... 161208.htm

I looked into Leonard's Indian friend Rashid Mathur a while ago - he travels a lot, and works in (I think) international law. He flew to Malaysia after the plane went down and posted reports about the search for the wreckage on his Facebook page. He lives with his wife in Europe. He does not fit the profile of your average spiritual seeker -- but he does resemble the kind of technical guy who works for intelligence agencies. I would guess, the Israelis.

Ramesh Balkesar, Leonard's spiritual guru, was a banker with a history of financial fraud, not to mention sexual misconduct with his followers.

Leonard's sudden departure from Mount Baldy to study with Ramesh shocked even the Roshi. Leonard left a drawing of an Indian goddess and sent Kelley Lynch with cash as a goodbye gift. Lynch says the Roshi told her "Leonard Cohen broke my heart."

A recently published article includes a photo of Leonard. wearing sunglasses, sitting in satsang with Ramesh and his disciples. He would leave $100 donations in the collection plate -- this attracted attention. Then an article appeared in the local paper saying Leonard was in town.

A few months later, December 2001, came the attack on the Parliament in Delhi-- which has been linked to Mossad agents who had been building up their Indian operations for several months prior.

Excuse me for wondering what was actually going on. What does it sound like? Leonard was running out of money from his Sony sale and needed work. Why would he be attracted to a guru like Ramesh Balkesar whose basic teaching is a distorted form of Hinduism that claims we are not responsible for our own actions because the universe is the machine that moves everything without human agency....
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby identity » Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:38 am


Thanks for the info. Have you thought of putting LC's closeness in time & space to various operations/incidents into graphic/visual form (incorporating, for example, maps and possibly travel dates/flight paths)? Might be an idea for the second edition, but would also work well in larger (colour) format on the web.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:17 am

Although I've been familiar with Cohen for many years, I've never known much about the man himself.

I did find it curious that his NYT obit was scrubbed, removing what they had first published. The paper called it a correction to note a few other inaccuracies with no mention of the erasure, which stated he was a Zionist. They kept the bit about his being a devoted Jew, though.

I mention this again because it was the first nyt correction I've read that removed factually true information. He may have been working in cahoots with Mossad, or possibly, for them directly, and has been for a great many years. I dunno.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Sat Dec 10, 2016 1:26 pm

identity » Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:38 am wrote:^

Thanks for the info. Have you thought of putting LC's closeness in time & space to various operations/incidents into graphic/visual form (incorporating, for example, maps and possibly travel dates/flight paths)? Might be an idea for the second edition, but would also work well in larger (colour) format on the web.

Jasun Horsley summed up my case for Cohen being involved in espionage, without getting into the Indian adventure. https://atlasmonitor.wordpress.com/2015 ... gineering/

I'm not a maps-and-graphics person but this would not be hard to visualize. His career began when he left home at 25-26 in 1959-60, and appears to have ended in India in 2001. Before that, there was MKULTRA programming that also led to CIA - MI5 connections.

This is based on research and reading between the lines of more or less official biographies where obvious questions are never asked, and telling details are left out. For me, Sylvie Simmons' I'M YOUR MAN triggered alarms because I recognized major fabrications and omissions where it was clear the strategy was to weave a false narrative about a life-long spiritual/artistic quest as a cover for deeper and darker activity and motives.

I admit I still have some personal resistance to building an airtight case against Cohen -- I'd rather vacillate a while longer. I'm not the only one.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:19 pm

Listen to the hummingbird
Whose wings you cannot see
Listen to the hummingbird
Don’t listen to me.

Listen to the butterfly
Whose days but number three
Listen to the butterfly
Don’t listen to me.

Listen to the mind of God
Which doesn’t need to be
Listen to the mind of God
Don’t listen to me

Leonard Cohen
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