Zionism’s Lost Shine

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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:06 pm

Daniel Berrigan’s 1973 prophecy: Israel is becoming ‘the tomb of the Jewish soul’
US Politics Mondoweiss Editors on September 2, 2016

Rev. Daniel Berrigan in the 70s Rev. Daniel Berrigan in the 70s

After Daniel Berrigan, poet, priest and antiwar leader, died last April 30, the New York Times referred unfavorably in its obituary to a 1973 speech that was unflinching in its criticism of Israel’s militarism and repression of Palestinians, and that earned the Jesuit the enmity of many Israel supporters. We publish that speech in full below because so many of the points that Berrigan made 43 years ago are as fresh today as then, notably his understanding of: the destruction of Palestinian human rights and property, the importance of refugees, the complicity of leading American Jewish organizations in Israel’s militarism, and, most crushingly, the spiritual effect of Israel’s emergence on the formerly “peaceable” Jewish presence in society.

On the scales of the spirit, as the nations are finally judged, it is a tragedy beyond calculating, that the State of Israel should become the repository, and finally the tomb, of the Jewish soul…. in place of Jewish compassion for the poor and forgotten, Israel should legislate evictions, uprootings, destruction of goods, imprisonment, terrorism.

Titled “Responses to Settler Regimes,” the speech was given to the Association of Arab University Graduates in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 19, 1973, shortly after Berrigan completed his parole in a federal sentence for acts of resistance against the Vietnam war. The speech was printed that month in American Report, a publication of Clergy and Laity Concerned, the anti-Vietnam War group. We dug up the original on microfilm, and Tamara Nassar transcribed it. –Editors.

Responses to Settler Regimes

I come before you this evening, as a non-expert in every field of human expertise, including the subject you have invited me to explore. I wish to include also in my field of inexpertise my own religious tradition; I am a non-expert Christian, by any conceivable standard.

This admission is in the interests of both clarity of mind and of moral conduct. I am interested, as a Christian, in one thing only; in so simple a thing as sane conduct in the world. The experts in my tradition, the theologians, the biblical scholars, and by and large, the hierarchy, go in another direction than mine. “Sane conduct” (whatever that means) is taken for granted; what really counts is the jot and tittle of the tradition, or its worldly prospering, or its honorable reception among peoples. Sane conduct is taken for granted; are not Christians by definition sane, in touch with the truth, destined to share infallibly in their reward?

I say no. The exemplary conduct of expert Christians, as indeed of most experts in human disciplines is to fiddle while the world burns. Hardly sane! A kind of lethal fatalism, looks equably upon combustible human flesh, shrugs its shoulders the better to nestle the violin, and coax from its entrails the immortal (and irrelevant) stroke…

Sane conduct in the world. Let me explain. I do not believe it is the destiny of human flesh to burn; and for that I am in trouble, as are my friends, to this day. I do not believe that a violin concerto, however immortal in execution, is the proper comfort to offer a napalmed child. I believe that the fiddler should come down from the roof, put his violin aside, take up on his extinguisher, raise a cry of alarm, break down the intervening door. I believe that he should on occasion of crisis destroy property in favor of human life.

You see, I am a heretic in a consuming and killing culture, as well as in a complicity church.

These are troublesome statements; but do not call them naïve, or shrug them off as generally accepted by the civilized; or, in the presence of scholar, as irrelevant. Do not say: it is of course the generals who light fires, we deplore that. I answer: Most scholars, most priests, most Jews, most Arabs, while they would prefer some less horrendous sight than the burning flesh of children, are not seriously shaken in their style of mind, their taxpaying, their consumerism, their spiritual, economic, or political complicity, by such “incidents.”

I begin in so odious a way because I do not wish to narrow our question so sharply as to exclude ourselves from its orbit. I do not wish to take us off the hook, even while I wish to say something unequivocal about one instance of cruelty, racism, murder, as political tools.

It is of course scarcely possible to open the moral question of Israeli or Arab conduct today, without exciting the most lively passion, and risking the most serious charges. A war is underway. We are assured by the Israelis, and by most of the Jewish community throughout the world, that the war is a war of survival. We are assured just as vehemently by the Arabs that the war is one of expansion and aggression by Israel.

Moreover, the interests of the super powers are deeply imbedded in Near Eastern soil. Those interests include western oil contracts, and, East and West, an impalpable element of outreach, something hard to define, a cold war afflatus perhaps, something called an “ideological sphere of influence.” In any case, both East and West are shoring up their interests with that most concrete and bloody proof devotion: arms, and more arms.

Certainly these facts must be respected, if this evening and the days to follow are to be more than an exercise in national or racial or religious frenzy. A ceasefire has been offered by Egypt; something unprecedented in the history of this conflict. Moreover, the terms of the ceasefire seem reasonable and clear of Arab arms-rattling. The offering includes a declaration of de facto respect for the existence of Israel, a de facto state; it asks for a return to the boundary lines which existed before the 1967 War, and some justice for the Palestinian people.

Suicidal Adventure
In the seriousness and sanity of the ceasefire offer, therefore, I believe that events themselves are helping set the stage for a fruitful study. In supporting the Egyptian proposal, I hope to answer those who would make the present war into an Israeli spasm of survival. Nothing of the sort. Or those who would make the critics of this war, into proponents of Israeli extinction. Nothing of the kind. Or those who would make critics of the united states, into supporters of the Soviet Union; nothing of the sort.

In calling attention to this proposal I am simply urging that attention be paid to the first sane option that has arisen in the course of this suicidal adventure. Indeed there are no sides worth talking about tonight. There are indeed immense numbers of people whose lives and rights are being violated, degraded and denied. Any real solution will take into account these peoples: the Palestinians—a people without a country; the Israelis—a people in danger; the Arab nations—a people invaded. How carefully one must proceed on these matters if he is not to worsen an already tortured situation. I endorse the Egyptian ceasefire proposal while opposing many aspects of the Egyptian regime, and of the Sheikhdoms, and of Jordan and Syria. We must take into account their capacity for deception, which is remarkable even for our world. We must take into account their contempt for their own poor, a contempt that would be called legendary if it were not horrifyingly modern. We must take into account their willingness to oil the war machinery of the superpowers making them accomplices of the American war criminals. We must take into account their cupidity masked only by their monumental indifference to the facts of their world. no, I offer no apologia tonight for the Arab states any more than I do for Israel.

I do not wish to begin by “taking sides”; nor indeed to end by “taking sides.” I am sick of “sides”; which is to say, I am sick of war; of wars hot and cold; and all their approximations and metaphors and deceits and ideological ruses. I am sick of the betrayal of the mind and the failure of compassion and the neglect of the poor. I am sick of foreign ministers and all their works and pomps. I am sick of torture and secret police and the apparatus of fascists and the rhetoric of leftists. Like Lazarus, staggering from his grave, or the ghost of Trotsky I can only groan: “We have had enough of that, we have been through all that.”

Thus this evening, and my presence here. When I received the invitation some months ago, I winced. Another crisis? If the nerve ends of Israelis and Arabs were raw, so were mine. More; why should I enter their back yard on a cleanup project when my own, America, was a moral shantytown? And the war broke; and I winced again; and very nearly begged off. Then a better, second thought occurred; something like this. If it was important to speak up while the peace, at least a relative peace, held—then why not when a war broke? Indeed, did not the need for dispassionate and reasonable courage increase, while the guns were cutting down whatever rational exchange remained alive? If the first casualty of war was the truth, might it not be important to prevent, at least on one scene, that mortal casualty from occurring?

Human Community
I do not wish to heap conflict upon conflict. If I seem to concentrate upon the conduct of Israel, it is for reasons, which to me at least, are profound, of long pondering and finally inescapable. It is not merely because my government, which has brought endless suffering to the world, is supporting Israel. It is not merely because American Jews, as well as Israelis, have in the main given their acquiescence or their support to the Nixon ethos. The reasons go deeper, and strike harder; they are lodged in my soul, in my conception of faith and the transcendent, in the vision Jews have taught me, of human conduct in a human community.

I am (to put the matter as simply as I know how), I am paying an old debt tonight. It is a debt of love; more properly, a debt of outraged love. I am a western Christian, in resistance against my government and my church. That position, as I read it, makes me something very like a Jew. It is of that uneasy circle, ever changing, widening, contracting, including, excluding, that I wish to speak. I am a Catholic priest, in resistance against Rome. I am an American, in resistance against Nixon, and I am a Jew, in resistance against Israel. But let me begin.

A common assumption exists in the West, buttressed by massive historical and religious argument, to the effect that Israel is exempt from moral criticism. Her people have passed through the gentile furnace; how then shall the goy judge the suffering servant? And is not the holocaust the definitive argument for the righteousness of this people, heroically determined to begin again, in a promised land, that experiment in survival which so nearly went awry, so often, under such constant assault at our hands?

Mean of Love
In such a way, bad history is mightily reinforced by bad faith. The persecutor is a poor critic. His history weighs on him; like a bad parent, he alternates between cruelty and indulgence, without ever striking the mean of love.

In such a way, Christians yield to Israel the right to her myths; to indulge them, to enlarge them, to live by them, even to call them biblical truth. If the Jews are indeed the people of promise, and Israel the land of promise; then it must follow that God has willed the two to coincide. The means? They are swallowed up in the end, they disappear into glory. And if the means include domestic repression, deception, cruelty, militarism? And if the classic refugee people is now creating huge numbers of refugees? And if technological warfare has become the instrument of expansion, and pre-emptive warfare the instrument of so called peace? And if this people, so proud, so endowed with intelligence, so purified by suffering, sends its military missioners into every part of the world where minority people are bleeding under the heel of jackboots? Israeli military advisers in Iran, Israeli military advisers in Iran, Israeli military advisers in Ethiopia? And if these advisers (that cruel euphemism under whose guise America kindled the Viet Nam holocaust) are sought and hired because Israelis have become as skilled in the fashioning of espionage and violence as ever were their oppressors? Are such means as these swallowed in glory? Or do they stick in the throat of those who believe, as Judaism taught the world to believe, “Thou shalt not kill”?

I started to say something about my own church, and I proceed to talk about Israel. I did so advisedly. I did so because today my church has helped Israel exegete her own texts—wrongly, harmfully, as I believe. My church has helped Israel in that project of the settler state—whether of South Africa or Israel or the United State—which is to seek a biblical justification for crimes against humanity.

For a Christian who is trying to understand and live by his own tradition, the confusion of bible and imperialism in Israel represents an altogether unique tragedy. We in the U.S.A. learned to bear the filthy weight of South African religious violence, even while we abominated it. We learned to survive the filthy weight of American religious violence, even while we abominated it. In both cases, we tried to separate out the corrupt cultural elements from the truth of a tradition, and to live by the latter. We learned to do this, because we knew at least something of the history of Christianity, in both its criminal and saintly aspects.

But you must understand our horror, our sense of impoverishment, almost our sense of amputation. For while we had known criminal Christian communities, and suffered at the hand of our own renegades, and seen Viet Nam assaulted in the name of Christian civilization—we had never known a criminal Jewish community. We had known Jewish communities that were a light to the gentiles, that were persecuted, all but erased, that remained merciful, eloquent, prophetic. But something new was occurring before our eyes… the Jews arose from the holocaust, a cause of universal joy, but the Jews arose like warriors, armed to the teeth. They took possession of a land, they exiled and destroyed old Arab communities, they (a minority) made outsiders of those who were in fact, the majority of citizens. Then, they flexed their muscles; like the goyim, the idolaters, the “inhabitants of this earth,” like Babylon and Egypt and Assyria; like those kingdoms which Israel’s own prophets summoned to judgment, Israel entered the imperial adventure. She took up the imperial weapons, she spread abroad the imperial deceptions.

In the space of 25 years, this metamorphosis took place. The wandering Jew became the settler Jew; the settler ethos became the imperial adventure. More, the thought of Nietzsche, of Camus and Fanon was vindicated; the slave became master, and created slaves. The slave master created a “shadowy other.” Israel had emerged from the historical shadows determined to take her place in the company of nations; an ambition no decent conscience could object to. But the price of her emergence was bitter and heavy; and it continues. That price indeed, neither Israel nor ourselves have yet counted up. But we do know a few of the human items who have been placed on the block of Israeli hegemony. They include some one and a half million refugees, whom Israel has created in the process of creating herself.

Coinage of Israel
And let us not hesitate to state the price in Israeli coinage. Something like this; not only a dismal fate for foreign and indigenous victims, but the failure to create new forms of political and social life for her own citizens. The coinage of Israel is stamped with the imperialist faces whose favor she has courted; the creation of an elite of millionaires, generals and entrepreneurs. And the price is being paid by Israel’s Oriental Jews, the poor, the excluded, prisoners. Do we seek, analogies for this “sublime adventure of return”? They are not hard to come by. But they do not exist, alas, in the dreams of Zionist rhetoricians; they exist rather in the real world, where Zionist violence and repression joins the violence and repression of the great (and little) powers; a common method, a common dead end.

It is entirely logical for instance, that Russia, which crushed the Czechs, is now in the process of crushing the Ukrainians, and bottling the brains of political dissidents on the shelves of psychiatric morgues. It is entirely logical that the U.S., which determined to crush the Vietnamese, also spent a considerable part of the ‘60’s “mopping up” political dissidents at home. Imperialism has no favorites; it freezes all it touches. It is thus not to be wondered at that torture has been applied to Israeli citizens as well as to suspect Palestinian terrorists. It is logical that Israeli workers are exploited, even while the indigenous peasants are rooted out and their villages destroyed. Logical too, that racist ideology which brought the destruction of the Jewish communities at the hands of the Nazis should now be employed by the state of Israeli, fostering the myth of the “barbarian Arab,” and of Israel the “sublime expression of the liberation of the Jewish people.”

If only a people could know itself! If only a people could stand back from the welter of claim, the barrage of propaganda, the blood myths of divine election, the rhetoric which assures it that its case before history is unique and virtuous and in fact unassailable! If that could happen, Israeli would see, as indeed some of her own resisters, some of her own victims, some of her own friends, do see; that she is rapidly evolving into the image of her ancient adversaries. That her historic adventure, which gave her the unassailable right to “judge the nations,” has veered off into an imperial misadventure; that she carries in the world, the stigmata of the settler nation; that she is ranged not at the side of those she once stood with, and succored and protected from extinction; the poor, the despised, the victims of the powers of this world.

Sacred Books
No. she has closed those books, her sacred books. Her prophets shed no light upon her politics. Or more exactly to the point, she has not passed from a dispossessed people to a democratic state, as she would claim; she has passed from a dispossessed people to an imperial entity. And this (I say it with a sinking heart) is to the loss of all the world; to her own loss, and to the loss of Palestinians, and Americans, and Jews in the diaspora, and Jews in Russia, and the Pope in the Vatican, and Vietnamese, and Cambodians, and South Africans, and Chileans. For it is of moment to us all (I almost said of supreme moment) that Jews retain their own soul, their own books, their own vivid sense of alternate paths to the light, so that Jews might be the arbiter and advocate of the downtrodden of the earth. On the scales of the spirit, as the nations are finally judged, it is a tragedy beyond calculating, that the State of Israel should become the repository, and finally the tomb, of the Jewish soul. That in place of Jewish compassion, Israel should legislate armaments and yet more armaments. That in place of Jewish compassion for the poor and forgotten, Israel should legislate evictions, uprootings, destruction of goods, imprisonment, terrorism. That in place of Jewish peaceableness, Israel should legislate a law of expanding violence. That in place of Jewish prophetic wisdom, Israel should launch an Orwellian nightmare of double talk, racism, fifth-rate sociological jargon, aimed at proving its racial superiority to the people it has crushed. My sense of loss here is something more than academic. Let me say this; when an American is resisting the murder of the Vietnamese people, one of his chief sources of strength is the conviction that around the world, there exists a spiritual network of those who have put their lives to the same resistance. A network of conscience. One is joined in this way, to Blacks and Cubans and Brazilians and Chileans and so many others, who have made it their life’s work to create a better method than murder for dealing with human conflict. Now at any moment of my struggle, in the underground or in prison, did resisters such as I take comfort from the conduct of the state of Israel? Could we believe the rhetoric that she was packaging and huckstering in the world? I must answer no, in the name of all. Rather than being comforted, I was tempered and sobered. I knew that I must take into account two bitter facts about Israel: 1) that if I were a conscientious Jew in Israel I would have to live as I was living in America; that is, in resistance against the state. And 2) the reaction of Israel to my conscience would be exactly the reaction of the United States; that is to say, I would either be hunted by the police, or in prison.

Which brings me to a reflection nearer home; the American Jewish community and the Viet Nam war: by and large, that community’s leadership, I stress leadership, fervent in support of Israel, was also fervent in support of Nixon. It was a massive support indeed; and it did not gather in a political vacuum. Nixon is a political manipulator of great astuteness; religion and religious interests are part of the fulcrum he exerts on world events. So he was able to mute the horrific facts of the Viet Nam war in light of Jewish concern for the wellbeing of Israel. The plain fact was that Mrs. Meir wanted Phantom jets and Nixon wanted re-election. Another fact was also plain, if of less moment to either party; in Nixon’s first term alone some six million Southeast Asians had been maimed, bombed, displaced, tortured, imprisoned or killed. This was one of those peculiar facts which must be called free-floating; it was a statistic, it did not signify. To put the matter brutally, many American Jewish leaders were capable of ignoring the Asian holocaust in favor of economic and military aid to Israel. Those of us who resisted the war had to live with that fact. The fate of the Vietnamese was as unimportant to the Zionists in our midst as was the state of the Palestinians.

But I venture to suggest that it is not merely we, nor the Vietnamese who must live with that fact. So must Israel. So must the American Jews.

If there is an ultimate hope in all this one must, of course, pay tribute to the great majority of the Jewish community which refused the bait offered by Nixon, and peddled by their own leaders. Their acute and legitimate concern for Israel never became a weapon against Vietnamese survival. They refused that immoral choice offered them by a leader who would make a price of the safety of one people, the extinction of another. As you may recall, the American Jewish community rejected that choice, and for that we must honor them.

Ceaseless Rage
I cannot but reflect how strong is the irony of this occasion; a Jesuit priest speaking of the sins of Israel. A member of the classic oppressor church calls to account the historic victims of Christian persecution. History has spun us about, a gap of blind man’s bluff. In America, in my church, I am a Jew. I am scarcely granted a place to teach, a place to worship, a place to announce the truths I live by. I stand in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral to pay for the victims of our ceaseless rage, I stand in front of the White House. And a question arises from both powers; how shall we deal with this troublesome Jew?

How does a Jesuit, a member of the church elite, come to such trouble? How does the son of the oppressor come to be oppressed? Even while the oppressed, the Zionist, the state of Israel, becomes the oppressor? I can offer only the clumsiest of clues.

The power of the Jew, as indeed the power of the priest, arises from the questions which his life raises. It comes from no other source. It cannot come from adherence to the power of this world. When the priest becomes the civil servant of the Papal State, he loses his true dignity, he becomes a secular nonentity. His passion for justice is blunted, his sense of the sufferings of the world grows dim and abstract. And the same holds for the Jew.

And I venture, for the Arab. Human life today, if it means anything, is meant to raise a cry against legitimated murder. Our lives are meant to be a question mark before humanity, whether we are Arab, Jew, or Christian. When a Zionist or American Catholic or an Arab Apologist loses that momentous dignity, he becomes a zero, his soul is torn in two. Let Amos Kenan, the Israeli writer, speak the bitter truth: “I believe that Zionism came to establish a shelter for a persecuted people, and not to persecute other people. Even when facts strike me in the face and prove to me ex post facto that Zionism was nothing but a useful tool to deprive the Palestinian Arab people of their homeland, I will stick to the lie.”

Let him stick to the lie. But let him also know, the lie sticks to him. It sticks in the throat, it sticks to the very soul. To the point where a Christian must continue to ask of Israel those questions which Israel proscribes, ignores, fears. Where indeed are your men of wisdom? Where are your peacemakers? Where are your prophets? Who among you speaks the truth to power? Where are the voices that abhor militarism, torture, bombing, degrading alliances with the great powers? Israel knows the answers. She has dealt with “this people,” who are her truest people. Her peacemakers, her men of truth and wisdom, are dispensed with, are disposed of. They have neither power nor voice in the affairs of the Israeli state. Many of them are in prison, or hounded from the scene, living in exile. They are equivalent to Palestinians; no voice, no vote; non-persons.

Savage Triumph
These are among the most sorrowful facts of the world we live in. Israel, that millennial dream, belonged not only to Jews, but to all of mankind—it belonged to me. But the dream has become a nightmare; Israel has not abolished poverty and misery; rather, she manufactures human waste, the byproducts of her entrepreneurs, her military-industrial complex. Israel has not written justice into law; she has turned the law of nature to a mockery, creating ghettoes, disenfranchised peoples, exiles, hopeless minorities, cheap labor forces, Palestinian migrant workers. Israel has not freed the captives; she has expanded the prison system, perfected her espionage, exported on the world market that expensive blood ridden commodity, the savage triumph of the technologized West; violence and the tools of violence.

In Israel, military might is increasingly both the method and the goal of political existence. Her absurd generals, her military junk, are paraded on national holidays before the narcoticized public. The model is not the kingdom of peace, it is an Orwellian transplant, taken bodily from Big Brother’s bloody heart. In Israel, the democratic formula is twisted out of all recognition; the citizens exist for the well-being of the state; it follows, as the imperialist corollary, that that measure of terrorism and violence and murder is applied to dissidents, as shall guarantee the “well-being of the state,” as the ominous phrase is understood by those in power.

Who will save us from such saviors? I venture to say; neither Egypt nor Libya nor Syria nor Al Fatah nor Golda Meir nor General Dayan; neither Migs nor Phantom jets nor nuclear skills. After such saviors do the gentiles lust.

The present course, I suggest, leads to the same dead end for both sides. The settler state and the long settled state, both are in mortal danger, daily increasing, of metamorphosing into slave states, clients of the fascist super powers. At home, a slave mentality is progressively created; the reduction of rights of citizens, slave labor forces, slave wages, the domination of slave masters, politicized police, the militarization of national goals and policies.

Then the same process is in internationalized. Such a nation inevitably becomes the instrument of great-power politics. It serves as a foreign military for one or another of the world powers, to that purpose everything is mobilized, including the truth itself.

To demobilize the truth may be one useful way of putting our task. Other terms occur; to demilitarize the truth, to demythologize it. In any case, to snatch the truth from its betrayers and belittlers. I wish you well in the task.

Dear Friends, my concluding words are addressed especially to the Arab peoples. My argument with you is also made in a spirit of love and even deep concern. You have suffered greatly from colonialism and colonization and your demand for justice and self-determination deserved more attention than it has received. Yet my central argument with you is ultimately my argument with the Jewish people, in the sense that both of you have ignored your own symbols and history. But in different ways. Israel has betrayed her exodus by turning it into military conquests. And the Arabs have often betrayed their resistance to rhetorical violence and blind terrorism. The question of the weekend is: What else can we do?

Some two or three years ago Eqbal Ahmed suggested, I believe, at one of these meetings, a massive and worldwide reversal of symbols on the part of the Palestinian people. If I understand him correctly he was saying something like this: What if the Arabs throughout the world would raise a great cry and implement their cry after the manner of Gandhi and Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez? What if your cry became “let my people go?” What if your people equipped boats to enter Israeli harbors to speak the truth and implement the Palestinians’ right to return? What if you were to begin knocking on doors of the embassies—Russian, American and Israeli—demanding peace, demanding the restoration of your rights and your homes. Taking into account at the same time Jewish fears, welcoming Jews to a community of compassion, welcoming Israel’s people to your sides among your people?

- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2016/09/berrigans ... 2Ucvt.dpuf
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:01 pm

Israel’s Bogus Civil War
by Jonathan Cook / September 13th, 2016

Is Israel on the verge of civil war, as a growing number of Israeli commentators suggest, with its Jewish population deeply riven over the future of the occupation?

On one side is a new peace movement, Decision at 50, stuffed with former political and security leaders. Ehud Barak, a previous prime minister who appears to be seeking a political comeback, may yet emerge as its figurehead.

The group has demanded the government hold a referendum next year – the half-centenary of Israel’s occupation, which began in 1967 – on whether it is time to leave the territories. Its own polling shows a narrow majority ready to concede a Palestinian state.

On the other is Benjamin Netanyahu, in power for seven years with the most right-wing government in Israel’s history. On Friday he posted a video on social media criticising those who want to end the occupation.

Observing that a Palestinian state would require removing hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers currently living – illegally – on Palestinian land, Netanyahu concluded: “There’s a phrase for that. It’s called ethnic cleansing.”

Not only did the comparison upend international law, but Netanyahu infuriated the Obama administration by implying that, in seeking to freeze settlement growth, the US had supported such ethnic cleansing. A spokeswoman called the comments “inappropriate and unhelpful” – Washington-speak for deceitful and inflammatory.

But the Israeli prime minister is not the only one hoodwinking his audience.

Whatever its proponents imply, the Decision at 50 referendum is about neither peace nor the Palestinians’ best interests. Its assumption is that yet again the Israeli public should determine unilaterally the Palestinians’ fate.

Although the exact wording is yet to be decided, the referendum’s backers appear concerned solely with the status of the West Bank.

An Israeli consensus believes Gaza has been free of occupation since the settlers were pulled out in 2005, despite the fact that Israel still surrounds most of the coastal strip with soldiers, patrols its air space with drones and denies access to the sea.

The same unyielding, deluded Israeli consensus has declared East Jerusalem, the expected capital of a Palestinian state, as instead part of Israel’s “eternal capital”.

But the problem runs deeper still. When the new campaign proudly cites new figures showing that 58 per cent support “two states for two nations”, it glosses over what most Israelis think such statehood would entail for the Palestinians.

A survey in June found 72 per cent do not believe the Palestinians live under occupation, while 62 per cent told pollsters last year they think Palestinians have no rights to a nation.

When Israelis talk in favour of a Palestinian state, it is chiefly to thwart a far bigger danger – a single state shared with the “enemy”. The Decision at 50 poll shows 87 per cent of Israeli Jews dread a binational conclusion to the conflict. Ami Ayalon, a former head of the Shin Bet intelligence service and a leader of Decision at 50, echoed them, warning of an “approaching disaster”.

So what do Israelis think a Palestinian state should look like? Previous surveys have been clear. It would not include Jerusalem or control its borders. It would be territorially carved up to preserve the “settlement blocs”, which would be annexed to Israel. And most certainly it would be “demilitarised” – without an army or air force.

In other words, Palestinians would lack sovereignty. Such a state exists only in the imagination of the Israeli public. A Palestinian state on these terms would simply be an extension of the Gaza model to the West Bank.

Nonetheless, the idea of a civil war is gaining ground. Tamir Pardo, the recently departed head of Israel’s spy agency Mossad, warned last month that Israel was on the brink of tearing itself apart through “internal divisions”.

He rated this a bigger danger than any of the existential threats posited by Mr Netanyahu, such as Iran’s supposed nuclear bomb.

But the truth is that there is very little ideologically separating most Israeli Jews. All but a tiny minority wish to see the Palestinians continue as a subjugated people. For the great majority, a Palestinian state means nothing more than a makeover of the occupation, penning up the Palestinians in slightly more humane conditions.

After many years in power, the right is growing in confidence. It sees no price has been paid, either at home or abroad, for endlessly tightening the screws on the Palestinians.

Israeli moderates have had to confront the painful reality that their country is not quite the enlightened outpost in the Middle East they had imagined. They may raise their voices in protest now but, if the polls are right, most will eventually submit to the right’s realisation of its vision of a Greater Israel.

Those who cannot stomach such an outcome will have to stop equivocating and choose a side. They can leave, as some are already doing, or stay and fight – not for a bogus referendum that solves nothing, but to demand dignity and freedom for the Palestinian people.

• A version of this article first appeared in the National, Abu Dhabi

http://dissidentvoice.org/2016/09/israe ... more-64004
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby Harvey » Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:10 am

Israeli minister says Brits will ‘pay the price’ for ‘anti-Semitic’ boycotts RT

I don't know the provenance of the following nor anything about the outlet:

Has the Tory government authorised Israeli ‘black-ops’ in Britain?

Israel is stepping up its war against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The BDS campaign is seen as a “strategic threat of the first order” against Israel, now replacing even Iran in the demonology of Israeli propaganda.

A recent committee hearing in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, revealed the latest details of its dirty war against this entirely non-violent human rights movement which aims to build global solidarity with the Palestinian people. The well-connected Israeli security correspondent Yossi Melman reported on Sunday about a transparency committee hearing which heard testimony from Sima Vaknan-Gil, the director of the strategic affairs ministry.

Although it was set up over a decade ago with the purpose of agitating against Iran, the main priority of the ministry these days is to combat BDS. Its 2016 budget to do this is $45 million.

At the committee hearing, Vaknan-Gil (a former head of Israel’s military censorship office) spoke in the militaristic terminology that has become typical of Israeli officials’ attitude towards BDS. The ministry, she said, wants to “build a community of warriors” in its “war” against BDS, and that Israel needs to “strive for victory.” She also spoke of Israel’s need to conduct its affairs with “a lot of secrecy” in order to win this “battle.”

This is unsurprising. Melman’s report made it clear, once again, that Israeli spy agencies are heavily involved in the anti-BDS campaign. He pointed out that the ministry’s intelligence section is run by a former security services operative and gets help from “a special unit” within Aman, the Israeli military intelligence agency. It is also assisted by Shin Bet, the domestic secret police service, which is notorious for its torture and abuse of Palestinian prisoners as well as for endemic and indiscriminate violation of the civil rights of the entire Palestinian population.

Aman and Shin Bet were revealed previously to have been working against BDS activists around the world. The facts revealed by Melman, though, show that Israel is raising the ante. According to the journalist, the ministry of strategic affairs is involved in “special operations” or “black ops” which may include “defamation campaigns, harassment and threats to the lives of activists” as well as “infringing on and violating their privacy.”

His reference to death threats is timely. As I wrote here a few weeks ago, Palestinian human rights workers assisting the International Criminal Court in The Hague with its Israel file have recently been subjected to such sinister campaigns.

It is in this context that we must view this week’s visit to Britain of the Israeli government minister responsible for what is going on, Gilad Erdan. As the strategic affairs minister, the Jerusalem Post reported, Erdan was set to meet several of his British counterparts, including Communities Minister Sajid Javid.

We already know that the Conservative government is extremely hostile to BDS. Earlier this year, Tory spin doctors generated headlines suggesting that it would be illegal for public bodies to engage in BDS. However, close scrutiny of the rule change revealed that there was no new law at all, and BDS would still be possible, even for local councils and universities.

There is no doubt that the change was intended to make it harder for “respectable” public bodies to boycott Israel. Nevertheless, the first court case in Britain to cite the so-called “ban” in June failed in the High Court.

Erdan has promised “targeted civil eliminations” of BDS activists, and imposed a travel ban on BDS National Committee co-founder Omar Barghouti. The Israeli minister has threatened that BDS activists will “pay the price.” The Jerusalem Post reported that he said of his visit to London, “I’m going there to battle the boycott and delegitimisation in every arena, and to discuss with members of the British government – which is also committed to fighting boycotts – ways to strengthen our cooperation against the anti-Semitic boycott campaign.” (Emphasis added.) A meeting with a Home office minister is reported to have been expected by Erdan.

Was his line about fighting BDS in “every arena” a reference to those rather sinister “black ops” against human rights activists? Has Israel been seeking permission to carry out some sort of covert anti-BDS campaign in Britain? This is the same national government, after all, which apparently authorised one of its Mossad agents to assassinate Palestinian cartoonist Naji Al-Ali in London in 1987. Perhaps even more disconcerting, has the Tory government led by Theresa May agreed to such murderous activities taking place on British soil?

According to Melman’s analysis, the Israeli threats in The Hague were likely to have been a “shot across the bow”. If sending death threats to human rights workers and their families (along with a photo of their home) is a mere warning shot, one wonders what the real thing will look like.

And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:30 am

Israel’s sliding definition of anti-Semitism in the Trump era
By contributors | Nov. 23, 2016 |

By Heike Schotten | (Ma’an News Agency) | – –
You would think that support for Israel is fundamentally at odds with anti-Semitism. If you thought that, however, you would be wrong.
The past few days have witnessed a bizarre pile-up of prominent Israel-supporters going out of their way to defend or excuse what seem to be obviously anti-Semitic views voiced by Steve Bannon, internal strategist for the incoming Trump administration, and his media website, Breitbart News.
Bannon is the former head of Breitbart, an alt-right media website widely considered to be a platform for white nationalism. It is a site wherein one can easily stumble across the familiar refrains of anti-Semitism in both its articles and, even more so, in its sprawling comments sections. To take only example, in the comments section on David Horowitz’s article, “Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew,” we learn that Breitbart readers believe that the Jews run Hollywood, control the media, and care more about their “race” than their country.
Unmoved, however, is Alan Dershowitz, prominent and vehement defender of Israel, who said in an interview with Breitbart News that we have to be “very careful about using the term anti-Semitic.”
Meanwhile, Morton Klein, head of the Zionist Organization of America, got in a tiff with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over Bannon and Breitbart. The ADL, which bills itself as a civil rights organization, originally condemned the appointment of Bannon as an endorsement of the anti-Semitic alt-right. Klein, however, publicly attacked the ADL, arguing that both Bannon and Breitbart’s support for Israel is unimpeachable, citing the opening of a Breitbart office in Jerusalem. The ADL backed down, and now says there is no credible evidence that either Bannon or Breitbart are anti-Semitic.
Now, it’s true that Bannon’s remarks about not wanting his kids to go to school with Jews were taken from his divorce proceedings, and people say a lot of things they later regret when going through divorce. It’s also true that the comments section of news and media sites are by far the worst places to look if you’re interested in illuminating insight.
However, the fact is that folks like Dershowitz, Klein, and the ADL are not really all that shy about throwing around accusations of anti-Semitism. In fact, it is what they are perhaps most famous for.
It’s just that they only get worked up about anti-Semitism and accuse people of it when they are talking about critics of Israel. Whether it is former president Jimmy Carter, members of the international non-violent Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, or Black Lives Matter, in every case, the only folks who merit the label “anti-Semitic” in these Israel-defenders’ views are those who are critical of Israel. If one accuses Jews of running Hollywood, well…that’s apparently a tougher call.
Proponents of Zionism have spent decades trying to inculcate a popular conflation between the state of Israel and Jews. Recognizing no distinction between Jewish people and the Jewish state, Zionists have argued that criticism of Israel is by definition anti-Semitic. This is very much the view of many of Breitbart’s authors.
Of course, this is flawed logic — there is a clear difference between membership in an ethno-religious group and support for the laws and policies of a nation-state.
More importantly, however, it is a disingenuous strategy by which Zionists have (until recently, anyway) been able to silence criticism of Israel by labeling it racism or hate speech.
In other words, perhaps it is not so surprising that ardent Zionists are defending the likes of Bannon and Breitbart. Maybe, just maybe, Zionism and anti-Semitism are more compatible than Zionists have thus far led us (or wanted us) to believe.
From its very beginnings, the Zionist project was a settler colonial project aimed at dispossessing the native Palestinian population. David Ben Gurion, Israel’s founder and first Prime Minister, forthrightly admitted the necessity of population “transfer” in order to establish the state. Theodore Herzl famously foresaw a Jewish state in the land of Palestine as “wall of Europe against Asia” that would serve as “the outpost of civilization against barbarism.”
If that sounds like racism and ethnic cleansing to you, you aren’t too far off the mark. And if that vision of Israel as a “wall” of white civilization against the barbarians rang any bells, it might be because you just sat through the same rhetoric in the recent presidential election.
What the insincere antics of Dershowitz, Klein, and the ADL make clear is that commitment to Israel is in fact perfectly compatible with a hatred of Jews. These Zionists’ accusations of anti-Semitism are used to silence criticism of Israel and political dissent, not to oppose racism. If they were actually concerned with anti-Jewish racism, they would be raising hell about the appointment of Bannon, as hundreds of Jewish scholars of Holocaust history recently have in their demand that Americans “mobilize in solidarity” against Trump.
Yet even the Holocaust, so frequently invoked by Zionist fearmongers when warning against the latest ostensible Muslim or Arab or “terrorist” threat, is notably absent from Zionists’ words with regard to Trump or Bannon. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has spent his career characterizing negotiations with Palestinians as Nazi appeasement, called Trump “a great friend of Israel.” That’s because Trump wants to recognize Jerusalem — half of which remains under illegal Israeli occupation — as “the undivided capital of the State of Israel.”
Much has been made of the parallels between the UK Brexit vote and the US election of Donald Trump. But perhaps another parallel is in order: the parallel between the white nationalist project of Bannon, Breitbart, and Trump, and that of the Zionist colonization of Palestine. Both demand building walls, colonizing natives, keeping out refugees, and screening Muslims. Indeed, Herzl’s optimistic forecast of Israel as an outpost of European civilization amidst a sea of Arab barbarism may simply have been more nostalgically and pithily summed by our president-elect himself in his victorious demand to “Make America Great Again.”
The views expressed in this article are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect Ma’an News Agency’s and Informed Comment’s editorial policy.
Heike Schotten is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Boston, and a member of the organizing collective of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI).
http://www.juancole.com/2016/11/analysi ... itism.html

At Lavish New York Gala, the Jewish Right-Wing Rises to Defend Alt-Right Godfather Steve Bannon
Right-wing Jews and Israeli ministers celebrated Bannon and the Trump era.

By Dan Cohen / AlterNet November 22, 2016
Alan Dershowitz rises in defense of Bannon and bashes Black Lives Matter at the ZOA gala.
Photo Credit: Dan Cohen

The rise of Donald Trump has elevated white nationalism to the forefront of American politics, but neo-Nazi-oriented groups are not the only ones feeling empowered by his election. On Sunday night at the Grand Hyatt hotel in New York City, the Zionist Organization of America hosted its largest gala since its inaugural dinner in 1897. Scheduled to attend was Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart News head whom Trump named as his chief White House strategist.

Since taking over Trump’s campaign last Summer, Bannon has faced sustained charges of anti-Semitism. He has boasted that Breitbart is “the platform for the alt-right,” a loose collection of open white nationalists, men’s rights advocates and anti-Muslim fanatics joined together in support of an all-white ethno-state. Richard Spencer, the white nationalist posterboy who coined the term “alt-right,” recently concluded a speech by roaring, “Hail Trump!” while several crowd members leapt to their feet and joined him in delivering Nazi sieg heil salutes.

Outside the ZOA gala, hundreds of protesters gathered to protest Bannon’s appearance. Organized by progressive Jewish groups like IfNotNow, Jewish Voice for Peace and Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, the crowd chanted “Say it loud, say it clear, Nazis are not welcome here!” and sang the traditional Jewish hymn Hine Ma Tov (“Behold how good and nice if brothers could sit together in unity”).

Under police protection, some of the bigwigs of right-wing pro-Israel politics filed into the event. They included Israel’s far-right education minister Naftali Bennett; Home Depot founder Bernie Marcus, a top funder of Trump and right-wing pro-Israel causes; the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon, who has declared his support for annexing the illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank; Republican Rep. Ed Royce; and philanthropist Ken Langone.

The dividing lines were clearly drawn around this gala. Outside were progressive Jews of all stripes: liberal Zionists, anti-Zionists, and those in between, all united against the domestic threat of extreme right-wing Islamophobes, anti-Semites and white nationalists gathered under Trump’s banner. Inside were the Jewish Republicans who consider unfailing support for Israel’s Likud-led government and the illegal settlement enterprise to be the ultimate measure of Jewishness. As long as Trump was willing to bend to Netanyahu’s will at every opportunity, ZOA would support him and his appointees, even those who have knowingly cultivated an online home for fascist Judeophobes. Given that ZOA was wholly dependent on the generosity of right-wing casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, also a key funder of Trump, the relationship was a natural one.

As the gala got underway, news gradually spread that Bannon, the man of the hour with an air of white power, would not attend. The mood in the VIP room turned against him.

“After all that, the f*cker didn’t even come!” event planner Rachel Glazer seethed to me as she exited the VIP room. I asked her half-jokingly if she thought Bannon’s non-appearance made him an anti-Semite.

“Probably. I believed that before,” she said before backtracking. “He’s not an anti-Semite...” she said. “I think he’s anti-women, anti-gay, and anti-African-American.”

Her statement belied ZOA’s official line on Bannon. “If there was a hint of anti-Semitism with this guy, I’d be all over him,” ZOA president Morton Klein told me. “Believe me, I’m a child of Holocaust survivors.”

Inside the main event, the disappointment over Bannon’s absence was overshadowed by the excitement of Trump’s election, as a who’s who of right-wing Zionists took the podium in front of 1,200 attendees. Following a performance of the Star Spangled Banner by Yeshiva University's a capella group the Y Studs and a video of Israel’s national anthem, Hatikva, the event host earned applause when he claimed Trump’s victory was by the “hand of god” and “Divinely directed.”
Despite the Bannon no-show, Morton Klein pledged to defend far-right gentiles on the condition that they are Zionists. “We will defend non-Jewish Zionists who are routinely attacked by other Jewish groups as anti-Semitic,” he railed, before launching into a fanatical and ahistorical tirade dripping with Islamophobia. “It is a propaganda myth that Jerusalem is holy to Muslims,” he shouted to the eager crowd as they sipped white wine and ate salmon. Klein went on to invoke Israel’s apocalyptic right-wing Temple Movement. “It’s not called the mosque movement!”

After reciting Bob Dylan’s ode to Zionism, "The Neighborhood Bully," Klein assured the audience, “We in this room and the Jewish people in Israel are right, and the whole world is completely and totally wrong!”

Israeli education minister Naftali Bennett claimed his birthright to all of historic Palestine. “Not a foreign land did we conquer,” he recited, quoting the Hashmonean Dynasty-era rebel Simon Maccabeus, “but what we did was return our parent’s estate.” Bennett later admitted his parents are from the San Francisco Bay Area.

While paranoia about left-wing and Islamic threats was plentiful at the ZOA banquet, irony was in short supply. When he approached the dais, celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz launched into a stemwinder warning about the rise of European far-right figures like Marine le Pen and Geert Wilders, then hammered what he called the shift to the “hard left” of universities and the Democratic National Committee. Suddenly, he veered off into an attack on the Black Lives Matter movement: “It was very hard for me to come out against Black Lives Matter,” he explained. “But as soon as I saw they put in their platform an accusation against only one country—the nation-state of the Jewish people—and accused them of genocide and being an apartheid country, I totally severed all relations with Black Lives Matter.”

This was met with gales of applause from people who had come to celebrate the far-right operative who had streamlined Breitbart News into a full-time anti-black activism attack machine.

'Treason will not go unpunished'

As Dershowitz concluded, I left the ZOA gala and hurried seven blocks up Lexington Avenue to the Marriott Hotel. Inside, a few dozen people gathered to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the assassination of Meir Kahane, the Brooklyn-born rabbi who organized squads of Jewish Defense League thugs against black New York City youth and Arab activists before winning election to Israel’s parliament on a platform of ethnically cleansing all indigenous Palestinians from within Israeli-controlled borders.

Though attendees at this event reflected a much smaller, more ideologically extreme subset of pro-Israel activists, the rhetoric was strikingly similar to that at ZOA’s $700-per-plate gala. Jonathan Stern, a New York-born former Israeli soldier who runs a combat training camp in Pennsylvania implored Jews to arm themselves against “Muslims and Black Lies Matters thugs.”
“Rabbi Kahane used to say, Every Jew a 22," Stern said. “Personally, I prefer a more powerful caliber such as 9 millimeter or a 45, but his message still rings true.”

Most of those who had come to honor Kahane were elderly Jews, remnants of the now defunct Jewish Defense League Kahane founded in 1968 before he left for Israel. Among them was Yaniv Baron, a Kahanist activist who agitated against other Jews using harder and more direct rhetoric than Morton Klein had just an hour before.

“The Jewish traitors of J Street, the ADL and even the Jewish Federations who help fund radical left-wing anti-Semitic groups such as B’Tselem, Jews for Justice in Palestine and Peace Now, should know that treason will not go unpunished,” Baron said. “Everything has a price and god will see to that punishment.”

Before I arrived, the Kahanists had played a pre-recorded video greeting from Yehudah Glick, the public face of the Temple Movement who became a member of Israel’s parliament earlier this year, and whom the Israeli police described as the most dangerous man in the Middle East. Just moments before, I had listened to ZOA president Morton Klein celebrate Glick’s apocalyptic organization before a crowd of hundreds.

As the event concluded, the Kahanists recited the mourner’s prayer for the late rabbi, followed by the night’s second rendition of the Israeli national anthem. Blocks away, police had dispersed the largely Jewish crowd of nearly 1000 chanting its lungs out against Bannon outside the ZOA gala. Trump is not yet president, but he has already brought simmering Jewish divisions to the fore and out into the streets.http://www.alternet.org/grayzone-projec ... ther-steve
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:38 pm

Trump’s Jerusalem embassy Move an Invitation to Terrorism: 9/11 Provoked in part by Israeli Occupation
By Juan Cole | Dec. 19, 2016 |

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – –
Incoming President Trump has repeatedly pledged to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, and he just proposed the appointment of a Zionist supremacist as ambassador to Israel, who equates American Jews who oppose squatting on Palestinian land in the West Bank as collaborators with the Nazis.
Jerusalem is extremely important and holy (just after Mecca and Medina) to the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims.
One of the three major motivations for Usama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda to attack the United States in 2001 was the Israeli occupation of the Muslim parts of Jerusalem. (The other two were the US sanctions on Iraq in the 1990s that were thought to have killed 500,000 children, and the presence of US troops at Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia).
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s provocative demarche on the Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem in 2000 caused Bin Laden to try to move up the date of the planned attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., as ‘punishment’ for Sharon’s implicit threat.
Bin Laden composed a poem for his son’s wedding in Afghanistan in fall of 2001, “The wound of Jerusalem is making me boil. Its suffering is making me burn from within.” Bin Laden was a mass murderer and not a good Muslim, but his rage over Jerusalem is shared by many in the Muslim world.
Muslims ruled Jerusalem nearly 1200 years, much longer than did the monotheistic Jews of the Ezra tradition.
It is foreseeable that a unilateral US recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, and moving the US embassy there (US embassies are big buildings increasingly built like fortresses, and it will be quite visible) will provoke attacks on the United States by angry Muslims. While the US should not shy away from taking risks on matters of principle, in this case Israel and the US are in the wrong, legally and morally, so that we’re doing something unethical and also risking attacks because of it.
Israelis consider an undivided Jerusalem as their capital, and Trump wants to acquiesce in that view. Unfortunately for the Israelis, their position contradicts international law, and if brought to the International Criminal Court it would certainly result in the conviction of high Israeli officials on charges of genocide.
In the Sykes Picot agreement during WW I, Jerusalem was given to Russia. The Communists under Lenin later pulled out of this deal, and the British got Jerusalem and the Mandate of Palestine. Palestine was a Class A Mandate and the British expected it to become the independent state of Palestine around 1949. When instead massive immigration took place by European Jews fleeing Fascism, civil war broke out in 1947-48. The 500,000 Jewish immigrants expelled 60% percent of the over one million Palestinians from their homes and made these families homeless, stateless refugees ever after. The newly minted Israelis just moved into the Palestinians’ homes and farms, forever confiscating them.
In fall of 1947, the UN General Assembly proposed an extremely unfair division of Palestine, giving massive amounts of territory to the Jews, who owned only 6% of the land. This UNGA plan was only proposal and was never endorsed by the UN Security Council, the only body with authority. The Palestinians and other Arabs rejected the partition as grossly unfair. Although Zionist propagandists say that the Jewish immigrants accepted it, their leadership did no such thing. David Ben Gurion clearly wanted much more land than the UNGA had suggested, and his forces went on to grab extra land. In later years the Israelis would try to annex parts of Egypt and Lebanon, and in 1967 they militarily occupied part of Syria and all of the Palestinian West Bank.
The UN General Assembly did not suggest giving Israel all of Jerusalem, including the Palestinian East of the city, and it didn’t have the authority to make such grants of territory in any case.. Nor did that part of the city become part of Israel in 1948. But the Israelis conquered it along with the rest of the West Bank in 1967. They then annexed all of Jerusalem and part of the West Bank, adding that territory to Israel. Although military occupation of territory during war time is not illegal, annexing territory by military conquest is definitely illegal. It is strictly forbidden in the UN Charter and subsequent treaties and instruments, including the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court. Moreover, military occupiers may not radically alter the lifeways of the people they occupy (1907 Hague Agreement, 1949 Geneva Accords). Israel’s occupation of the Palestinians has become illegal because of extensive Apartheid policies.
So, Palestinian East Jerusalem belongs to Israel only in the way that the French city of Nice belonged to Mussolini during WW II (he annexed French territory to Italy by military fiat).
What is curious is that most Americans do not know that Jerusalem was one of three planks in al-Qaeda’s anti-American platform. Even more curious is that the US responded to 9/11 by invading and occupying Iraq, making Muslims even more upset. (Incoming Secretary of Defense Gen. Mike Mattis invaded and destroyed Falluja in 2004; one of the insurgent groups there had modeled itself on Hamas in Palestinian Gaza, and fought US occupation as an analogy to the fight against Israeli occupation). Mattis later frankly admitted that the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank is a severe security problem for the United States.
Now Trump is planning to ratchet up tensions even further.
The national security elites in Washington and Tel Aviv have dealt with Muslim anger over the impoverishment of the Palestinians and the Israeli threat to the Muslim holy places of Jerusalem by covering up these actions, denying them, obfuscating them, and then crushing any Muslims who dare complain about them.
They call this counter-terrorism policy. And they’ve made it work for them in grabbing power, both in the world and at home, where they argue to us that the terrorism that they are helping provoke means we have to give up the Bill of Rights.
http://www.juancole.com/2016/12/jerusal ... ation.html
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:26 pm

fuck you Trump fuck you Bibi

AFP news agency ‏@AFP 3m3 minutes ago
#BREAKING UN Security Council demands end to Israeli settlements

AFP news agency ‏@AFP 5m5 minutes ago
#BREAKING US abstains in UN vote on ending Israeli settlements
1 reply 75 retweets 17 likes

Trump Pressures Obama Over U.N. Resolution on Israeli Settlements
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/22/world ... ments.html

Official: Israel turned to Trump to head off UN resolution
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/off ... esolution/

Donald Trump’s Pick for Israel Envoy Helped Fund Settlers
http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trum ... 1482280901
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby Morty » Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:40 pm

George Szamuely ‏@GeorgeSzamuely Dec 22

George Szamuely Retweeted Ayman Mohyeldin

Before we get too indignant over @realDonaldTrump's position on #Israelisettlements.

George Szamuely added,
Ayman Mohyeldin @AymanM
President Obama is the only US president in 25 years under whom no UN Security Council resolution critical of #Israel have been passed.
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby Morty » Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:13 pm

U.S. Abstains as U.N. Security Council Votes to Condemn Israeli Settlements


UNITED NATIONS — Defying extraordinary pressure from President-elect Donald J. Trump and furious lobbying by Israel, the Obama administration on Friday allowed the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction.

The administration’s decision not to veto the measure reflected its growing frustration over Israeli settlements, and broke a longstanding American policy of serving as Israel’s sturdiest diplomatic shield at the United Nations.

While the measure is not expected to have any practical impact on the ground, it is regarded as a major rebuff to Israel, one that could increase its isolation over the paralyzed peace process with Israel’s Palestinian neighbors, who have sought to establish their own state on territory held by Israel.

Applause broke out in the 15-member Security Council’s chambers after the vote on the measure, which passed 14-0, with the United States abstaining. Israel’s ambassador, Danny Danon, denounced the measure and castigated the council members who had approved it.

“Would you ban the French from building in Paris?” he told them.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who had scrambled in recent days to stop the measure from coming to a vote, released a blistering denunciation afterward.

“Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the U.N. and will not abide by its terms,” Mr. Netanyahu said in a statement. “At a time when the Security Council does nothing to stop the slaughter of half a million people in Syria, it disgracefully gangs up on the one true democracy in the Middle East, Israel, and calls the Western Wall ‘occupied territory.’ ”

The vote came a day after Mr. Trump personally intervened to keep the measure, proposed by Egypt, from coming up for a vote on Thursday, as scheduled. Mr. Trump’s aides said he had spoken to Mr. Netanyahu. Both men also spoke to the Egyptian president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Egypt postponed the vote.

But in a show of mounting exasperation, four other countries on the Security Council — Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal and Venezuela — all of them relatively powerless temporary members with rotating two-year seats, snatched the resolution away from Egypt and put it up for a vote Friday afternoon.
Document: U.N. Security Council Draft Resolution on the Middle East Peace Process

The departing Obama administration has been highly critical of Israel’s settlement building, describing it as an impediment to a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has long been the official United States position, regardless of the party in power.

Mr. Trump has made clear that he will take a far more sympathetic approach to Israel when his administration assumes office on Jan. 20.

Mr. Trump’s comments on the resolution amounted to his most direct intervention on United States foreign policy during his transition to power. Minutes after the Security Council vote was announced, Mr. Trump made his anger known in a Twitter posting:

As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.
6:14 AM - 24 Dec 2016
17,879 17,879 Retweets 46,335 Likes

Reaction to the resolution also illustrated fissures among American Jews regarding Israeli policy. Some, like the World Jewish Congress and American Jewish Committee, denounced the resolution, calling it a one-sided measure that would not help the peace process. Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, said in a statement: “It is also disconcerting and unfortunate that the United States, Israel’s greatest ally, chose to abstain rather than veto this counterproductive text.”

more at link:http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/23/world/middleeast/israel-settlements-un-vote.html?_r=0
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby SonicG » Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:42 pm

As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.
(Trump tweet)

Ahhh, poor John Bolton is gonna miss the dismantling of the UN!! No doubt it is true that Obama did fuck all to help the Palestinians, I think they are headed for full-on apartheid under Trump...UN "texts" aside, the gloves will be coming off all around the globe early next year...
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat Dec 24, 2016 3:07 pm

Rasmea Odeh’s new trial set for May

Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 22 December 2016

Rasmea Odeh Ali Abunimah
Rasmea Odeh’s new trial, originally set to start next month, has been delayed. It will now begin in federal court in Detroit on 16 May 2017.

District Judge Gershwin Drain informed Odeh’s lead attorney Michael Deutsch and US prosecutor Jonathan Tukel of his decision on Wednesday.

Odeh’s defense requested the trial be delayed after prosecutors issued a new indictment against her earlier this month..

It adds two new allegations that were absent from the government’s previous case against the Chicago-based 69-year-old Palestinian American community leader: that Odeh was engaged in “terrorist activity” in 1969 when she was arrested by Israel and that she was associated with a “designated terrorist organization.”

The new charges came a week after Judge Drain granted Odeh a new trial that would allow her to present an expert witness to talk about the effects she experiences from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of torture and rape she endured by Israeli interrogators.

The new charges appear to try to circumvent her PTSD defense. Deutsch says the government hopes the PTSD defense would not apply to these allegations, since they allegedly took place before she was tortured by Israeli interrogators.

Deutsch told The Electronic Intifada that he will be filing a motion to dismiss the new indictment in mid-February.

If Drain accepts the new charges, a portion of the trial will be dedicated to proving Odeh was involved with a “designated terrorist organization.”

In Odeh’s first trial, Drain prohibited the prosecution from using the word “terrorism,” on the grounds that it would prejudice the jury.

seemslikeadream » Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:30 pm wrote:
Tortured and Raped by Israel, Persecuted by the United States
Tuesday, 02 September 2014 10:11
By Dahr Jamail, Truthout | Report

Twenty-two-year-old Rasmea Odeh, along with 500 other Palestinians, was arrested in 1969 by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during a massive security sweep following the 1967 war and occupation of the West Bank.
At the time, as now, Palestinians who were detained by the IDF were later charged with crimes they did not commit in order to justify their detention.
Charged with bombing a supermarket, while in prison, Odeh was tortured with electrical shock and raped with batons. Her father was tortured in front of her.
IDF personnel even attempted to make her father rape her.
She was beaten regularly with metal rods, kicked, threatened, humiliated, denied medical care and access to a bathroom, and almost needless to say, was denied access to legal resources.
She was made to watch a Palestinian man literally tortured to death.
She eventually signed a confession to stop IDF personnel from continuing to torture her father.
In March 1979, Odeh was finally released with 60 other prisoners as part of a prisoner exchange for an Israeli soldier. Shortly thereafter she traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, where she gave testimony regarding the torture she suffered at the hands of the IDF.
At the end of the narrative of her torture and imprisonment by the Israelis, she said, "It may have been 10 years, but it felt like 100 years."
Odeh lived in Lebanon after that, then Jordan, until in 1994 she was able to move to the United States to live, since her father was a US citizen.
Ten years later, she became active in the Arab-American community in Chicago, and became the deputy executive director of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), a community-based nonprofit that provides social services and advocacy, campaigns against anti-Arab discrimination, and organizes for the Arab-American community in the greater Chicago area.
Then, in 2013, 19 years after arriving in the United States and nine years after receiving US citizenship, Odeh was indicted by the US government and charged with immigration fraud, stemming from other charges pulled from her 35-year-old IDF file.
Illegally Charged by Illegal Occupiers
Odeh's lawyer for the case against her in the United States is Michael Deutsch with the People's Law Office in Chicago.
Deutsch told Truthout he believes Rasmieh's indictment is an attempt to "criminalize her," and has advised her not to speak with the media out of concern something she said might be used against her, given the politically sensitive nature of her case.
"In 2010 the AAAN was investigated by the FBI, and the FBI wanted more information on Rasmea's background and sent a request to the Israeli government to pull her file," Deutsch explained.
Later that same year, the FBI raided the homes of various activists, including Hatem Abudayyeh, the executive director of AAAN.
"Everyone refused to testify at the grand jury, no indictments were made, and possessions seized during the home raids were returned to people," Deutsch said. "But it was during this that they learned of her history in the occupied territories."
The US government claims that Odeh lied when she said she had never been arrested, convicted or imprisoned.
Deutsch is well-versed in cases like Odeh's, given that he was one of the lawyers for the Attica prisoners following the 1971 prison uprising and state massacre. He was also the legal director for the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City, and has been with the People's Law Office since 1970.
"Our view is that she was asked these questions almost 10 years after coming to this country, and on one level they pertain to the US, and so she said no because the question is ambiguous," Deutsch said. "She thought they were asking her [if she'd been arrested during] her time in the US."
Truthout was provided with a court affidavit for Odeh's US case, within which Mary Fabri, a licensed clinical psychologist who also worked as the senior director of Torture Treatment Services and International Training for the Kovler Center in Chicago, provided the details of Odeh's treatment at the hands of the IDF.
Fabri has diagnosed Odeh with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and has provided expert opinion that Odeh has suppressed the memories of what happened to her at the hands of the IDF.
"We believe her PTSD affected her state of mind when she answered those questions," Deutsch added. "Like someone who is a battered woman saying she was never married because she suppresses that information so as not to think about it."
Deutsch also sees a legal problem with the US government's attempt to frame Odeh's conviction and persecution by an occupying force as evidence of illegal activity.
"That doesn't hold up to due process or the fundamentals of international law," he said. "These military courts the Israelis set up are illegal under international law, hence, no evidence from them should be used in this case."
Deutsch and others on Odeh's defense team say her indictment is being pushed by the US government as an effort to criminalize those working to educate people about what is really happening in the occupied territories.
"I've seen in other cases I've worked on, a close collaboration between the US and Israeli Justice Departments, and I think the Israelis are more than happy to cooperate with that and condemn her and have her thrown out of the country," Deutsch said.
If Odeh is convicted she automatically loses her citizenship and would be subject to deportation.
Given that the IDF just killed more than 2,000 Palestinians in Gaza, the vast majority of whom were civilians, the possible ramifications of deportation are, indeed, dire.
Pro-Israel Judge Steps Down
The judge for Odeh's case, US District Judge Paul Borman, recently recused himself from her trial after Deutsch and other attorneys accused him of having lifelong ties to the Israeli government.
Borman had angrily refused to recuse himself, but then it was also discovered that his family had financial ties to the supermarket Odeh was accused of bombing.
Borman had also been honored with a civic award in part for his support of Israel, and his family had raised more than $3 million for a pro-Israel charity.
"She's maintained she was not involved," Deutsch said of the bombing. "Even though they all said they'd been tortured and recused their confessions. So she's saying whatever she said [at the time of her detention] was a result of torture and she was not involved [in the bombing]."
Abudayyeh, AAAN's executive director, told Truthout he felt vindicated by Borman's decision to recuse himself.
"It was all about his relationship to Israel," he said of Borman's strong political and financial ties to Israel. "So for him to have ruled that he was offended for being attacked was absolutely disingenuous."
Abudayyeh told Truthout that AAAN is "a very political organization" which believes in "challenging systems of oppression, and working to cause very real change."
Also a member of Odeh's defense committee, Abudayyeh has worked with her more than 10 years, knows her well, and praises her character.
"This is a person who has dedicated her life to social justice," he said of Odeh's character. "For close to 50 years she's been a social justice advocate, working with Palestinian refugees from 1948 to the present. She's a simple woman who's never sought out personal publicity, has no ego, is 67 and still does organizing the old fashioned way."
Attacking Palestinians
Abudayyeh sees the indictment against Odeh as part of a broader attack against the Palestinian community in general.
"There is Islamaphobia, and it's moved from being a personal tool of oppression to structural and institutional," he explained. "Even non-prominent Muslims are being caught up in law enforcement entrapment on both coasts now. The majority of the prominent Muslims caught up in that net have in common that they are Palestinian organizers, and are challenging US foreign policy as it relates to Palestine specifically."
Deutsch concurred, drawing a stark analogy.
"From 1969 to the present, the IDF tortures people and we have plenty of evidence of this systematic torture," he said. "If you have Nazi courts, would they put in a conviction from a Nazi court in a US court?"
He remains concerned that despite a new judge being selected for the case, this still may not be a fair trial.
Nevertheless, Deutsch sees the best outcome of the trial as this: "They find the judgment of an occupation military court is not legitimate and therefore they can't put in evidence that she was convicted and imprisoned by this so-called judicial process and thus couldn't be convicted and lose her citizenship," he said.
According to Deutsch, if Odeh were convicted, "It'd be a strong punishment for something that was unjust in the first place."
Abudayyeh told Truthout that a new judge has been randomly appointed to replace Borman: Judge Gershwin Drain.
Born in Detroit, Drain worked as an attorney in the federal defender's office for the Eastern District of Michigan, served as a judge of the 36th District Court for Detroit, served as a judge on the Recorder's Court for Detroit, and served on the Third Circuit Court of Michigan, working in both the civil and criminal divisions of the court.
The next trial date is September 2, where it is expected that introductions will be presented and a second trial date will be set.
Abudayyeh believes Odeh's trial is critically important, and says the case must be won "both in the courtroom and in the streets." He, the AAAN and other groups are mobilizing from Chicago to Michigan to fill the courtroom in support of Odeh.
"We know historically in this country that every social justice movement that has been effective has come under attack by law enforcement, and we believe very strongly that this is what is happening to Palestinians here now," Abudayyeh said. "We are winning some battles now, and Palestinians around the world are winning this battle against Israel for the hearts and minds of the world, with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. So, this is how the US and Israel are reacting . . . they are attacking us by trying to criminalize us. So if they can take down a community icon like Rasmea, then they think they can criminalize the movement as a whole."
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby Morty » Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:15 am

So to recap: 3 months ago Israel negotiates a 20% increase in its military aid from the US over the next 10 year period (in large part to "compensate" them for the Iran deal), to the tune of $3.8 billion per year from 2019, and now, because of a UNSC resolution which means absolutely nothing in the larger scheme of things, and absolutely nothing in terms of facts on the ground, Bibi can run around mad as a hornet for the next few years, frothing at the mouth about the bad treatment Israel gets, even from its supposed friends.

Props to them for this. Well played.
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:56 pm

Israel's Netanyahu Faces Criminal Fraud, Bribery Investigation

http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/I ... -0003.html
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:46 pm

Netanyahu questioned for second time in graft probe: reports

His first questioning on Monday lasted some three hours.

The probe has shaken the country's political scene and raised questions over whether Netanyahu, 67 and in his fourth term as prime minister, would eventually be forced to resign.

US billionaire and World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder has been among those questioned in the probe over gifts he allegedly gave Netanyahu and alleged spending on trips for him, reports have said.

Lauder, whose family founded the Estee Lauder cosmetics giant, has long been seen as an ally of Netanyahu.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/netanyahu-qu ... 29613.html
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Jan 08, 2017 12:26 pm

MinM » Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:23 am wrote:
Los Angeles Times ‏@latimes

Meet the Hollywood producer at the center of a scandal shaking the Israeli government

His movie credits include classics such as “Pretty Woman” and “JFK,” as well as recent Oscar winners “The Revenant” and “12 Years a Slave.” But his back story reads more like an espionage thriller that has landed him at the center of a scandal shaking the Israeli government.

The latest chapter in the strange saga of Israeli billionaire and veteran film producer Arnon Milchan arose this week over accusations that he — in typical Hollywood mogul fashion — gave thousands of dollars worth of cigars and champagne to Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife.

Israeli police Thursday interrogated Netanyahu for the second time this week over accusations that he improperly accepted gifts from rich businessmen. Those individuals are said to include Milchan, 72, and others who gave gifts to the prime minister, according to Israeli media reports.

Milchan, through a spokeswoman, declined to comment. Netanyahu’s lawyer dismissed the allegations after the three-hour questioning session, saying “any reasonable person knows that there is nothing remotely criminal involved when a close friend gives his friend a gift of cigars,” according to Israeli new outlets.

http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywo ... story.html

MinM » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:34 pm wrote:Image
Meir Doron, left, and Joseph Gelman wrote a book on Arnon Milchan, which says he at one point sold nuclear-triggering devices...
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/18/busin ... ywood.html

Arnon Milchan between a couple of Hollywood actors.

JFK Movie Executive Producer outed as Isreal Arms Dealer - Arnon Milchan acts a lot like Tibor Rosenbaum

http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board2/ ... 21#p192721

Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring
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Re: Zionism’s Lost Shine

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:56 pm

Police probe of Israel's Netanyahu widens: report

Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli police have widened a probe into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, already under investigation in a graft case that has shaken the country's politics, media reports said.

Police are now looking into two other matters related to Netanyahu, Channel 10 television reported on Monday night.

One of the matters appears to involve a deal for Israel to purchase German submarines, while the second affair remained unclear, according to the reports.

It was unclear whether the new probes were preliminary enquiries or if they had been elevated to fully fledged investigations.

Police declined to comment when contacted by AFP.

Netanyahu's cousin, family lawyer and confidant David Shimron has reportedly been involved in the deal to purchase Dolphin submarines from Germany's ThyssenKrupp.

Media reports have alleged a conflict of interest over the role played by Shimron, who has also represented ThyssenKrupp's Israeli agent.

If confirmed, the reports would add to a list of legal troubles already facing Netanyahu.

The premier is already under investigation over suspicions of unlawfully receiving gifts from wealthy supporters.

A parallel investigation is examining whether the Israeli premier cut a secret deal with Arnon Moses, publisher of Israel's top-selling newspaper Yediot Aharonot, in which Netanyahu would get positive coverage in return for helping reduce Yediot's competition, the pro-Netanyahu freesheet Israel Hayom.

Netanyahu has flatly denied any wrongdoing, accusing Israeli media of "pursuing an unprecedented campaign against me in order to bring down (my) Likud government" by publishing leaks from the investigations.

"The campaign is aimed at putting pressure on the attorney general so that he would convict me," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu has been questioned by police twice in recent weeks in the gifts investigation.

The probe has shaken the country's political scene and raised questions over whether Netanyahu, 67 and in his fourth term as prime minister, would eventually be forced to resign.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-probe ... 45445.html
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