UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

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UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:57 pm

Are Aliens Real? UFO Sightings, Psychic Experiments Revealed In 13 Million Classified CIA Documents

Chilean Navy Releases UFO Footage From 2014
The CIA released nearly 800,000 declassified files on Wednesday. The massive document dump came after two years of battling to keep the information private after the non-profit freedom of information group MuckRock filed a lawsuit demanding the federal agency upload the documents online. The files consisted of 13 million pages, featuring reports on everything from UFO sightings to psychic tests, invisible ink recipes and even intelligence briefings Henry Kissinger received as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

The documents also provided insight on the agency’s role during the Vietnam War, Korean War and Cold War conflicts. But dozens of declassified reports making waves online revealed the U.S. government had a deep interest, at least at the time the documents were produced, in revealing whether life on other planets existed, and to what extent that life was capable of traveling to Earth.

The moon shined above a group of people on an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) tour in the desert outside Sedona, Arizona Feb. 14, 2013. Photo: Reuters

The documents also revealed an exhaustive scientific research effort by the United States government into the "Star Gate program," a controversial and long-rumored secret Army unit the Defense Intelligence Agency established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland. The papers included information on flying saucers, as well as research into supernatural forces at the domestic scale.

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The government even tested famed psychic Uri Geller in 1973, apparently having the performer draw a series of images a government official was producing in another room at the same time. Researchers wrote Geller "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner" after successfully replicating a nearly-identical image of the official’s drawings of grapes and the solar system from the other room.

"None of this is cherry-picked," Heather Fritz Horniak, CIA spokesperson, told reporters Wednesday. "It’s the full history. It’s good and bads."

Some documents were likely to give way to a whole host of other questions, including whether the government is spying on its own citizens. One paper even revealed secret methods the government was interested in using for sensitive investigations. The 1978 report, titled "How to open sealed letters," provided a list of options in how to get into someone’s mail without them ever finding out.

Meanwhile, the documents did not provide an answer to whether the government was aware of extraterrestrial life. However, the files certainly indicated the CIA was interested in discovering that answer first. Horniak said the agency was forced to include some slight redactions, noting those were only included to protect certain informants and defend national security.
http://www.ibtimes.com/are-aliens-real- ... ia-2476932

Millions of CIA documents reveal UFO investigations and more
By Joshua Rhett Miller January 18, 2017 | 2:03pm
Modal Trigger Millions of CIA documents reveal UFO investigations and more

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The CIA published a trove of declassified documents online for the first time this week — including reports from as far back as the 1940s on topics like the Cold War, thousands of pages of daily briefings from two presidential administrations and eerie, unexplained UFO sightings.

Roughly 930,000 documents – more than 12 million pages in all – were posted Tuesday to the spy agency’s Reading Room, a searchable database of the documents that was previously only available to the public at the National Archives in College Park, Md.

“Do UFOs fascinate you?” the site reads. “Are you a history buff who wants to learn more about the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam or the A-12 Oxcart? Have stories about spies always fascinated you?”

Users who enter “UFO” into the database can find more than 1,738 results, with publication dates spanning from 1942 through 2009. One document, originally published on Aug. 3, 1966, detailed an “unusual phenomenon” on the horizon near the border between Iran and USSR.

“We suddenly observed a brilliant white sphere approximating the coloration and intensity of [a] full bright moon,” the document reads. “The sphere appeared suddenly and at the first sighting was approximately three times the size of a full moon.”

The sighting lasted for up to five minutes, according to the report.

“Toward the end of this period it became very faint and its enormous size seemed to fill the sky,” it continued. “The base of the sphere appeared to rest on the horizon throughout the period it was observed, indicating that the center of the sphere was rising during the time that it was expanding. The weather conditions were excellent and the unusually clear sky afforded unlimited visibility.”

The CIA had disseminated historical declassified documents to its CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) since 1999, and agency officials said the new searchable documents reflect the CIA’s commitment to increased accessibility.

“Access to this historically significant collection is no longer limited by geography,” Joseph Lambert, the agency’s director of information management, said in a statement. “The American public can access these documents from the comfort of their homes.”

The published documents cover a wide range of other topics, including the early history of the spy agency, the Cold War, Vietnam and the Berlin Tunnel Project, a surveillance program on the Soviet Army Headquarters in Berlin dubbed as one of the most ambitious CIA operations of the 1950s.

There are also documents pertaining to the Korean War and 28,000 pages of declassified presidential daily briefs (PDBs) from the Nixon and Ford president administrations.

“The PDBs contain the highest level of intelligence on the president’s key national security issues and concerns,” according to the CIA’s Electronic Reading Room. “These documents were the primary vehicle for summarizing the day-to-day sensitive intelligence and analysis, as well as late-breaking reports, for the White House.”

The documents also include the unpublished fifth volume of CIA historian Jack Pfeiffer’s history of the Bay of Pigs invasion during April of 1961. Unlike the four earlier versions, the latest draft was not fit for print, according to CIA historians and other reviewers because of “serious shortcomings in scholarship, its polemical tone, and its failure to add significantly to an understanding of the controversy surrounding operation,” according to the document.
http://nypost.com/2017/01/18/millions-o ... -and-more/
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby PufPuf93 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:18 pm

I just came upon this today.

>>Jackie Gleason took acid. It's common knowledge, not that his acting gives you much indication. But thanks to a lifelong interest in aliens and a friendship with Nixon, he maybe saw some things so harrowing that the worst acid could dish out was as rum raisin instead of whiskey a-cocoa. By which I mean genuinely alien dead bodies. UFO author Jim Mars has the story:

According to Gleason's second wife, Beverly McKittrick, (Jackie) returned home visibly shaken one night in 1973. Gleason, who was known to have an avid interest in UFOs, said his friend President Richard Nixon had arranged for him to visit Homestead Air Force Base in Florida, where he viewed the remains of small alien beings under tight security. This story was confirmed by Larry Warren. who said Gleason met with him in May 1986 to hear Warren's account of a UFO experience in England [i.e. Rendlesham - EK]. During their conversation, Gleason related the Nixon aliens story and said the experience traumatized him for weeks. "You could tell he was very sincere," said Warren. "He took the whole affair very seriously and I could that he wanted to get the matter of his chest, and this was why he was telling me all this." Before his death in 1987, Gleason was asked about the incident but declined to comment, a most interesting circumstance, since it was an opportunity to refute the story if it was false. (1)  <<

https://acidemic.blogspot.com/2011/06/i ... -1968.html
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby justdrew » Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:41 pm

see Gleason in Skidoo (1968)

he trips while in jail IIRC

the movie was 'lost' and unavailable for decades, but can now be seen again.
By 1964 there were 1.5 million mobile phone users in the US
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby PufPuf93 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:58 pm

justdrew » Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:41 pm wrote:see Gleason in Skidoo (1968)

he trips while in jail IIRC

the movie was 'lost' and unavailable for decades, but can now be seen again.

The quote is from the link that is a review of the movie Skidoo.

I first saw Skidoo at the Metaphysical Film Society in Berkeley circa 1974. Skidoo was Groucho Marx's last movie and is full of Hollywood stars. Alcatraz on lsd.

What I thought interesting specific to this thread was Gleason's belief that he has seen the bodies of aliens under the direction of Nixon.

This was prior to Gleason having an lsd experience.
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby Iamwhomiam » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:15 pm

PufPuf, Gleason's trip to homestead to see the alien bodies has been discussed here before. Here are a few links:

American Dream » Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:51 pm wrote:Jackie Gleason on LSD ; skidoo


John Lear on Art Bell, 2003
Post by marykmusic » Mon Aug 08, 2005 2:25 am

Jackie Gleason's parapsychology library
Post by professorpan » Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:13 am
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby PufPuf93 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:29 pm

Thanks Iamwhoiam

I missed the earlier and some (2007) was before I made a habit of RI.

Gleason was a regular in most American households with TV when I was a child and his appearance in Skidoo was a surprise to me as was seeing that Nixon reportedly allowed Gleason to view alien remains at a military base.

There is nothing on this topic in Acid Dreams - The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties Rebellion based upon me looking in the index under alien, Gleason, and UFO.
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby Iamwhomiam » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:48 pm

I just did a cursory RI search for +Gleason +UFO 4 pages returned with few related to Jackie.

I don't recall reading those, but I do remember reading here about Nixon's Inviting Gleason to Homestead. I was unfamiliar with Skidoo and I've not yet watched the clip, but will.

I doubt I've read a third of the postings. I entered the forum after a couple of years reading Jeff's blog, so I was already behind when I began. Never any harm done by someone posting something already discussed but long ago, as the audience does rotate a bit. I wasn't being critical; just trying to be helpful.

Edit to add, Carol Channing will be 96 on the 31st. She played Gleason's wife in Skidoo.
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby identity » Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:13 pm

The government even tested famed psychic Uri Geller in 1973, apparently having the performer draw a series of images a government official was producing in another room at the same time. Researchers wrote Geller "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner" after successfully replicating a nearly-identical image of the official’s drawings of grapes and the solar system from the other room.

Well, it's comforting to know that even the CIA can be fooled by the charlatan Geller whose purported telepathic and telekinetic feats have been thoroughly debunked by Randi and others.
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:15 pm

kinda gives new meaning to the phrase

You're going to the moon Alice :)

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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby Elvis » Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:16 pm

Jackie Gleason was the real deal. A great man.
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby kool maudit » Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:57 am

This is fascinating stuff, particularly the "star gate" docs. I now have plans for this evening.
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:04 pm

elfismiles, is there a more appropriate thread for this video? I searched back 6 pages before coming across this thread and couldn't get a result after searching for 'ufo' in title.

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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby elfismiles » Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:18 am

Reasons to doubt this story... endorsement from Jim Mars and especially Larry Warren.

PufPuf93 » 18 Jan 2017 20:18 wrote:I just came upon this today.

>>Jackie Gleason took acid. It's common knowledge, not that his acting gives you much indication. But thanks to a lifelong interest in aliens and a friendship with Nixon, he maybe saw some things so harrowing that the worst acid could dish out was as rum raisin instead of whiskey a-cocoa. By which I mean genuinely alien dead bodies. UFO author Jim Mars has the story:

According to Gleason's second wife, Beverly McKittrick, (Jackie) returned home visibly shaken one night in 1973. Gleason, who was known to have an avid interest in UFOs, said his friend President Richard Nixon had arranged for him to visit Homestead Air Force Base in Florida, where he viewed the remains of small alien beings under tight security. This story was confirmed by Larry Warren. who said Gleason met with him in May 1986 to hear Warren's account of a UFO experience in England [i.e. Rendlesham - EK]. During their conversation, Gleason related the Nixon aliens story and said the experience traumatized him for weeks. "You could tell he was very sincere," said Warren. "He took the whole affair very seriously and I could that he wanted to get the matter of his chest, and this was why he was telling me all this." Before his death in 1987, Gleason was asked about the incident but declined to comment, a most interesting circumstance, since it was an opportunity to refute the story if it was false. (1)  <<

https://acidemic.blogspot.com/2011/06/i ... -1968.html

Jim Mars is a nice guy and fun to listen to lecturer but he seems less interested in facts than stories ... not that there's anything wrong with that. :jumping:

And Larry Warren ... well, he's been unfriended by the nicest guy in the world, Peter Robbins, and has openly threatened those who question him...

Peter Robbins splits with Larry Warren It's Official!!
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
http://sacha-christie-infomaniachousewi ... arren.html


This Is Me Being A Good Person (UFO Culture and Cyberbullies)
by Susan Demeter-St Clair
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August 18, 2016 ·

This statement has been posted tonight by Alyson Dunlop, one of the organisers of the Glasgow SPI Conference which was held on 25th June 2016.

*Statement on the Conduct of Larry Warren*

I would like to make a statement about the events surrounding the Scottish UFO and Paranormal Conference 2016.

The reason Larry Warren was barred from attending the conference was because he made an appalling comment which, although it did not directly threaten anyone in particular, was clearly still a threat of violence. It was certainly disgusting and completely unacceptable. I am sure many will already have read it, but for those who have not, his response to the suggestion that Sacha Christie would like to attend and ask him a question was:

“this is the outlaw way…I have family and very close friends at the conference! If you (whomever) makes a move on me or those I love…understand this,,,,i will jump off the stage and put your windpipe through your spine…you are a threat at that point and your life will end! REALLY and faster than venue security could deal with…………..be smart………….stay at home with your chickenshit internet baby!”

I deleted the comment, and phoned Larry at home. I spoke with him for an hour at 2am. In my opinion, he seemed to be under the influence of something, and was raving for the most part about various things. I assessed the situation and decided that a conversation about his conduct would be pointless.

Due to having the knowledge of the public fall out between Sacha Christie and Larry Warren, I panicked at the thought our conference would be disrupted by Ms Christie. Whatever question she had in mind, I felt it would be a bad idea for her to turn up. One comment led to another, and things did get heated. Everyone said things in the heat of the moment. At the time, I had no idea of the impact it would eventually have. The intention was to diffuse the situation, although I can clearly see it did not read that way, and for that I would like to apologise. I have no personal grudge against Sacha Christie. In fact, I respect her intellect and exhaustive research.

My focus throughout was the success of the conference. Following several phone calls with Mr Warren, I began to feel very differently about the decision to have him as a speaker at all. However, with only a few weeks to go, we had little choice but to keep moving forward. Furious though I was at Larry Warren’s behaviour, I knew people wanted to hear him. As a conference organiser, my personal feelings and growing apprehension had to be put to one side.

Fuel was added to the fire when Larry Warren spoke out on my radio show, ADX-Files. This time, he actually named Sacha Christie as his antagonist. His conduct on the show was embarrassing, as he threw caution to the wind with harsh and boorish remarks. I asked the other organisers if they felt I should edit his comments out, but it was decided that no, it should be left as it was. He was entitled to his opinion. We did feel one particular statement should be edited out. This was a repeat of the threat which I have included above in italics.

Much has been made of Malcolm Robinson saying we talked for longer. We did. There was an issue with Skype – which listeners can briefly hear discussed. It meant that Larry Warren’s very interesting account of his Bigfoot sighting was unusable. Every second word was omitted, making it completely distorted. This resulted in the recording of that section being unintelligible. It would have been incredibly annoying for the listener, who would not have been able to understand what was being said in any case.

A further accusation was made by a Canadian writer that I deliberately pre-recorded the show when my website states that my shows are live. In fact, I rarely if ever use the ADX-Files website. I did initially when the show started, and it was indeed live when Andy Young was producing the show. However, there were issues with that, as regular listeners will remember. After sorting out the Skype/Windows 10 problems, I invested in a Skype recorder and now record, produce, and edit the show myself. I like to spend time on editing, as is my prerogative. I like to level the volume of the speakers and take out anything that is repeated or unimportant to the conversation. There is no sinister intention, as has been implied. It’s simply the way I like to produce my show to get it to a quality that I personally approve of. I don’t mind that it takes up a lot of time, as I enjoy the process of crafting the show from beginning to end.

The conference radio show, however, was disastrous. Glasgow University Union was informed of the comments made on SPI Scotland’s Facebook page by Larry Warren. Several complaints were raised with them, and they immediately banned Mr Warren from being on their premises. This, I knew, was a major blow to our conference. However, I did secure the other union at the University of Glasgow, the Queen Margaret Union. Two days before the conference, Thursday 23rd June, we were informed that they too had decided to ban Larry Warren from attending the conference. Larry was immediately informed. There was absolutely nothing more we could do to ensure that he was a speaker. The QMU and the university were, in my opinion, well within their rights to ban him as it affected their reputation as much as it did ours. At that point, the only focus had to be that the conference went ahead. We had invested not just time, but an enormous amount of money. Speakers’ travel expenses were about £1000 alone, hotel bills of approximately £550, and the venue hire of £300. On top of these expenses, the QMU insisted, due to the violent nature of the threats made by Larry Warren on social media, that we pay a further £450 for university security.

Strangely, Larry Warren decided that even although he was banned from attending the conference, he would still travel up to Glasgow on the Friday night and partake of our hospitality. As we were not responsible for him being banned, and we could not cancel the first night’s accommodation in any case, we agreed. We had hoped that, although disappointed, he might speak with conference attendees afterwards in a more informal setting. His response to this suggestion was “Fuck that!” and he abruptly ended our telephone conversation.

On arriving in Glasgow, Larry and his friends proceeded to give us the cold shoulder. He made an excuse to leave my company twice when I approached him. I did not attempt a third time. On the morning of the conference, I was surprised again to see Mr Warren in the car that came to pick me up (along with 100 of his books which had been lying in my flat for several weeks). He seemed more amiable, and helped to take books up to the front step of the QMU, loudly voicing how disgusted he felt at the way he had been treated. Leaving his co-author with only six copies of Left at East Gate, he returned with his friends to his hotel room and filmed something which could be presented to the audience before Peter Robbins’ talk, who was our final speaker of the day.
The conference was a great success. The feedback was phenomenal. Everyone really loved all the talks. I have heard rumours that there were many complaints that Larry Warren was not present. This is not true. Two people I spoke to said it was unfortunate that he would not be there. Literally, that was the extent of the complaints we received about Mr Warren’s absence.
Peter Robbins, as the final speaker, received a rapturous applause. His talk was outstanding, and sealed the deal on a hugely successful conference. Myself, Malcolm Robinson, and Ron Halliday were justifiably proud of our achievement and of our speakers, none of whom was more important than any other. They were all fantastic and each contributed to creating an unforgettable day for the audience. Even the QMU staff and security enjoyed it. The union manageress was extremely friendly and helpful, assuring me that we were welcome to hold our event there next year.

Afterwards, Larry Warren refused to join myself or the other organisers, nor did he invite us to join his company, although he did invite some people to join him for drinks. When I extended the invitation via Tino Megaro the stony response, as he shrugged and left, was that he couldn’t promise anything. Having been in his corner for so long, we were extremely hurt that he seemed to have turned on us. We were also bemused that we were being treated this way, especially when we were footing the bill for his bed and breakfast for three nights. He left on the Sunday morning, having barely spoken to either myself, Malcolm, or Ron. We had to therefore also pay the hotel bill for a night that was not used.

On the Monday, I was even more astonished to be added to a private Facebook conversation along with Larry Warren, Peter Robbins, and the other organisers. For some reason Tino Megaro had included Sue McAllister, Ben Emlyn-Jones and Gary Heseltine in the conversation. I have no idea what any of the events actually had to do with those three people, or in fact with Mr Megaro. Again, I was bemused. The gist of the thread was how we could “Move forward” as a united front against Sacha Christie’s attacks. Ms McAllister pointedly commented that she believed the conference organisers had “allowed” Larry to be banned, and had not tried hard enough to ensure that he got to speak. At this point, I had heard quite enough. I stated, as I will state now, that I wanted nothing more to do with any of them. My words were not so polite, I must admit.

I have since seen Larry using the same terminology that the organisers “allowed” him to be banned and did not try hard enough. I have read his derogatory comments about the University of Glasgow, and even that he was proud to have been banned by them. He should not be proud. He should be ashamed. Not once has he, or his “team” ever addressed the real issue: that Mr Warren threatened Sacha Christie by stating in writing that he would “put your windpipe through your spine” and “your life will end”, both expressions being extremely disgusting and frightening terminology to use. However, it is my understanding that it is not the first time that Mr Warren has used such threats. On another occasion, he told Ms Christie that she was “so fucked” and that she “best move”.

I truly wish there had been some way of removing myself from the whole sorry saga before it escalated as it did. I have said to my closest confidantes that I completely understand Ms Christie’s anger. I do. Absolutely. I had to make a decision with no time to spare. My priority had nothing to do with my own personal views. My priority was purely with the success of the conference. There was far too much as stake, not just financially, but for those who had booked flights and hotels in Glasgow. I was aware that many people were coming from all over the UK and Europe. I apologise sincerely that Ms Christie was treated the way she was. I also apologise if she felt bullied by the organisers. The comments that were made in the heat of the moment were unprofessional, regardless of the circumstances.

Many people have become increasingly baffled by what Larry Warren does and says. I have not been in contact with him since the conference, although I have been in contact with Peter Robbins who remains a friend. In my personal opinion, Mr Warren’s behaviour and conduct has become increasingly absurd and openly arrogant when he finds it acceptable to pretend to inexplicably forget the name of SPI Scotland, as he apparently did on Ben Emlyn-Jones’ HPANWO radio show: Larry Warren Speaks. It was reminiscent of Colonel Halt who pretended to forget the name of Left at East Gate last year during a walk in Rendlesham Forest.

In the last few days, Mr Warren has taken the decision to unfriend me on Facebook, along with several people who are friends of mine, for what reason we do not know. I am not particularly bothered by this, as I am indifferent to what Mr Warren does and does not do. His conduct before, during, and after the conference showed what kind of man he actually is. I do feel sorry for those he has also recently unfriended who considered themselves to be his friends, fans, or just interested researchers. However, I am not sure if I would want to be associated with someone who makes, seemingly, uncontrolled and unfiltered threats on social media.

His most recent activity concerns clearly manipulated photographs of him and the rich and famous dead, such as Stevie Ray Vaughan, Phoebe Snow, and John Lennon. Have these pictures been altered in order to validate his claims of deep friendship and ownership of apparently gifted items that he has since, with the verbal permission of the likes of Sir Paul McCartney and May Pang, been attempting to sell to the highest bidder? It is my understanding that he sells what he claims to be their memorabilia. However, I have seen May Pang’s response vehemently denying she ever gave him anything.

I am truly sorry you will ever have to learn of Larry Warren’s deceit. The evidence that I have seen that he sold memorabilia to unsuspecting buyers, which I understand he then had to buy back after May Pang provided her real signature, is also unquestionable. Should we now question the veracity of the charismatic and narcissistic Larry Warren?

After reading this, I know there will be tears. You no doubt invested a lot of energy and most importantly your trust in this one symbol of truth. To find out that he is far from that ideal is shattering. To learn that your hero is actually nothing more than what I would describe as a con-man, I know, is devastating. What else can we conclude, given the evidence? I will always respect the 18 year-old who witnessed the Rendlesham UFO, as Adrian Bustinza confirms. I will always respect the 21 year-old who told the world about it. Sadly, I have lost all respect for the man he became.

18th August 2016

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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby elfismiles » Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:23 am

Yeah ... and James Randi is SOOOO trustworthy.

Yes, its hard to trust pranksters and magicians and deceivers ... but that doesn't invalidate all of their claims; just makes it harder to trust them.

:clown :fawked:

identity » 19 Jan 2017 01:13 wrote:
The government even tested famed psychic Uri Geller in 1973, apparently having the performer draw a series of images a government official was producing in another room at the same time. Researchers wrote Geller "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner" after successfully replicating a nearly-identical image of the official’s drawings of grapes and the solar system from the other room.

Well, it's comforting to know that even the CIA can be fooled by the charlatan Geller whose purported telepathic and telekinetic feats have been thoroughly debunked by Randi and others.
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Re: UFOs Psychic Experiments 13M Classified CIA Docs

Postby elfismiles » Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:25 am

Thanks for that vid link Iam. Will take a look.

Iamwhomiam » 18 Mar 2017 23:04 wrote:elfismiles, is there a more appropriate thread for this video? I searched back 6 pages before coming across this thread and couldn't get a result after searching for 'ufo' in title.


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