Racialist Asatru

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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:57 am

Left-Sacred: an introduction

On the 19th of June, 1937, an exhibition opened in the city of Munich. Called Die Ausstellung “Entartete Kunst,(1)” it housed paintings, sculptures, and other works carefully curated to warn against the scourge of degenerate art. Amongst the stated goals of the exhibition was the “deliberate and calculated onslaught upon the very essence and survival of art itself,” along with “the common roots of political anarchy and cultural anarchy.” (2)

Included in the collection were works by the Swiss painter Paul Klee. One hundred and two of his paintings had been seized, though a rather famous one survived in the hands of the Marxist mystic philosopher, Walter Benjamin. The piece was called Angelus Novus, and Benjamin would later write about it, without revealing that it was in his possession. Its angular and stark depiction inspired his famous conception of the “Angel of History.”

Before Walter Benjamin’s attempted escape through Spain to the United States, the mystic had entrusted the painting to his friend, the student of the transgressive Sacred, Georges Bataille. The painting itself is transgressive, an incomprehensible Sacred, wishing, as Benjamin wrote, “to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed.(3)” But the angel cannot: its wings are caught, it must continue on this new wind, leaving the wreckage of history behind, progressing not towards some great evolutionary goal, but merely away from the ruins of the past.

That the painting was seen as degenerate makes the Angel of History more fascinating. The Fascist current of history, the one which awakens strongly now in our present, cannot abide degeneracy and sees it everywhere. Fallen, fallen are we, decadent pale shadows of our once great glory. Our blood is too mixed, our house too messy, our genders and sex too confused, our borders unfenced, the land crowded with foreigners, our children dirtied by the melanin of others. Make America Great Again, restore the Empire, save Liberal Democracy, uphold the rule of law, return to us an innocence that never was.

Where the Fascists see former glory, the Angel of History, passed hand-to-hand by degenerate leftists, sees only wreckage. Walter Benjamin would not survive the Nazi attempt to restore Germany to its mythic former glory, but the Angelus Novus did. One even suspects the Angel of History did have time to awaken at least some of the dead. Benjamin haunts these pages, as does Bataille’s search for a transgressive Sacred, as does the Angelus Novus itself, all collected in the messy, fierce, resurrection of a degenerate left sacred.

What is a sacred left? What is left of the sacred? What is the left sacred? These are the interweaving themes of this third issue of A Beautiful Resistance, watched over by the Angel of History, its wings forced open by a wind from another world.

More at: https://godsandradicals.org/2017/01/09/ ... roduction/
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:25 pm

The threat of a good example:

Solidarity Statement with Whitefish

January 8th, 2017

We, the members of Heathens United Against Racism (HUAR), are horrified by the news coming from Whitefish, Montana. As we have learned an armed gang of neo-Nazis is threatening to march through the town on January 15th to intimidate residents participating in anti-racist action into silence & compliance. They have further threatened Montana’s Jewish community and are organizing virtual lynch mobs to harass & defame these people for refusing to accept the presence of notorious white nationalist Richard Spencer in their midst.

We stand with Whitefish.

We stand with the Montana Jewish community.

We stand with all who fight organized bigotry in their homes & communities.

We call on all HUAR members & supporters, Heathens, Pagans, & people committed to the cause of inclusivity to stand with Whitefish however you can. If you live in the area be at the ready to oppose any attempts by Richard Spencer & the Daily Stormer’s goon squads from marching through Whitefish. We ask everyone to donate to the Montana Human Rights Network. If you need help in reaching our members on the ground participating in these actions please reach out to us via contact@heathensunited.org.

“If evil you see & evil you know speak out against it & give your enemies no peace.”

Havamal 127


http://heathensunited.org/solidarity-st ... whitefish/
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:22 am

More better paganism:

Lighting a Flame in Dark Times


Are we born not knowing, are we born knowing all?
Are we growing wiser, are we just growing tall?
Can you read thoughts? Can you read palms?
Can you predict the future? Can you see storms coming? …
Can you read signs? Can you read stars?
Can you make peace? Can you fight war?
Can you milk cows even though you drive cars?
Can you survive against all odds now?”

-Nas and Damian Marley, “Patience”

MEET THE NEW BOSS, same as the old boss. Except he’s a bit crazier, less qualified, much more petulant, narcissistic, and thin-skinned. Regardless of what Trump says about wanting peace, he is above all a corporate stooge, easily distracted and manipulated. Behind the stage, the deep state will prevent any long-term peace in Syria and Iraq, won’t allow any substantial forms of economic nationalism/protectionism or isolationism to develop, won’t confront the Israeli apartheid state, won’t stop the Saudis from bombing Yemen, and won’t allow any rapprochement with Russia.

Alternative voices for peace continue to be pushed to the wayside. War in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Mali, and recent terror attacks in Berlin and Istanbul continue to upset any vision of an inclusive world community. US arms sales continue to enrich the very few while millions of ordinary Americans fall further into poverty. Dialogue, diplomacy, and the semblance of an international community are slipping each day. Propaganda continues to proliferate about the “hacking” of the election.

Disregarding who is at fault for a moment: why the surprise? Haven’t we been told for decades our nation was slipping into a banana-republic, a rogue state, etc? (If you work for CNN, you have to use the tame-sounding phrase “Illiberal Democracy”) Isn’t this what happens to crumbling countries? Circling back, it’s much more likely the CIA or NSA would fake the hacks, making them appear as Russian, if only to bolster a false sense of patriotism, a collective hate against the Other.

The descent into far-right populism and demagoguery is not confined to the US. Vulgar and dangerous European ideologues such as Marine Le Pen, Norbert Hofer, Geert Wilders, and Frauke Petry continue to use divisive and destabilizing rhetoric, demonizing minorities and refugees. Unfortunately, they, like Trump and the UK’s Theresa May, are symptoms of the great social unraveling, not the causes. In Europe and the US, there is much more going on than the formation of a “flatter” world. Culture is being hollowed out, modern science has been usurped by corporate grants to control research and regiment minds, medicine and social justice initiatives are scrapped, community has been cratered, global warming is ignored, and electronic distractions proliferate throughout society.

Westerners are obscenely coddled, satiated, privileged, and unprepared to handle the coming economic and ecological crises compared to citizens in the developing world. Nietzsche’s Last Man has arrived in the West, and creature comforts are all that we can be expected to desire as consumers, as we shy away from news about war, terror, and the hardships of life in far-away places. As a close friend says, we are bad for our health. Changing atomized living habits and re-engaging and reclaiming the public commons is a necessary first step.

Increasingly, it is nonmaterial comforts that we are supposed to take pleasure in, through our omnipresent screens. Meanwhile, the need to convert to a steady-state, zero-growth world system led by organic farming, agroforestry, sustainable building materials, and renewable energy technology is greater than ever. Practical, useful work is denigrated by mass media, class consciousness is blunted by identity politics and bourgeois neo-Victorian values; having a socially-useful, fulfilling career is a demented dream as youth and millenials are simply “lucky to have a job at all” even with loads of student debt; work and play that forms roots in local communities is marginalized; jobs that would help export necessary health and energy techniques to less fortunate places are frowned upon, denounced as utterly unrealistic and utopian. The urge to use our hands, hearts, and minds together in a healthy and equanimous way, the attempt to develop scale-appropriate inventions, and the surge in bioregionalism and localism, are scoffed at by the high priests of technology and government.

Neoliberal globalization, mega-mergers, high-level corruption, greed, and privatization of the commons are wreaking havoc on ecosystems and the vulnerable economies of the developing world. Endless speculation disrupts any notion of stable currencies in the Global South, where inflation, bank runs, and demonetization schemes (most notably in India at the moment) prevent steady, secure access to banking, health care, electricity, and agricultural products. Speculation and artificial demand stemming from manipulation of commodity markets can ruin entire families and farming villages if their crops are no longer below prices set by international conglomerates.

The reasons for Trump’s rise, the virulent, fascist-lite rhetoric, the hate towards Muslims and Latinos, the populism and its acceptance in mass media, are well documented. What is beyond comprehension is the lack of any serious resistance among the Left. All progressive eggs went into the Bernie basket in 2016, for well-intentioned reasons, but one person does not a movement make, one woman or man does not a “revolution” start. Especially since Sanders was running his campaign positions to the right of Eisenhower, had very little interest in foreign policy, and was only offering social-democratic reforms, not the deep structural changes that are needed.

I won’t make any pretenses towards having any grand answers to the many pressing crises threatening to envelop us all. Unplugging from the Babylon system of our screens, mass media, smartphones, and getting out in nature is a great start, though. Begin to use your body and mind to help heal the vast devastation, the utter desecration and deep wounds we have inflicted on our Earth, our fellow man, and our wildlife.

Resistance to Trump and the American system will begin as soon as he enters office only to give handouts to his billionaire friends, cut taxes on the rich, and piss off foreign leaders with his jaw-dropping ignorance. It is money that seems to make him tick, after all. Whether the ideological resistance will emanate from a genuine Left, or a surging neo-nationalist far-right, remains to be seen. What is known is that sitting on the sidelines and leaving citizens without a say will only deepen the divides in our brave new world, where polarization through alternative newsfeeds and belief systems threatens the well-being of us all.

A sense of humbleness, of reverence and respect for others’ views has to be fostered among the public at large. At the same time, the absurd notions of normalizing what Trump stands for and the calls to give him a chance should be called out for what they are: ridiculous. Bullies like Trump do not compromise with “losers”, and even well-meaning forms of reconciliation will only be perceived as weakness by his administration.

It should be clear that our federal government and its social services, supposedly designed to help ease the hardships of the modern economy and international competition, are failing us all. Yes, senior citizens still have access to advanced medical help, and still are receiving social benefits. Yet even these basic services might not last for long if Congress decides to privatize Social Security, repeal Obamacare, cut Medicare, etc. The corporate pirates who control DC lobbyists and the media will eagerly strip, loot, and gnaw away every conceivable asset that the public would want nationalized, all in the name of getting rid of bureaucracy and a fallacious belief in the efficiency and fairness of private companies who are accountable to no one.

To accomplish a radical restructuring of society, our cultural myth of progress, and the fallacious notion of placing humans on a pedestal above all other species and the Earth’s health must be destroyed. These ideas are explained quite lucidly in Daniel Quinn’s Ishmael. Similarly, this was recently discussed by Paul Kingsnorth, who explains John Berger’s notion of a “culture of progress” versus a “culture of survival”.

This culture of progress we find ourselves ensnared in is essentially irrational. Beginning in the Renaissance, the idea of humanity striving to greater heights, with mind split from body, using finite resources for infinite appetites, has driven us towards a cliff edge, and now a sixth mass extinction is underway. According to this culture of death, world markets must be expanded, ecology is disregarded, and our most intelligent scientists inform us that we must begin colonizing the stars, rather than fixing problems on the only home we have. Indigenous cultures and languages are extraneous in this Leviathan world system, whose needs are overlooked, people exploited, and lands despoiled.
In contrast, a culture of survival strives for just that: human life passed down from generation to generation, with the necessary language, culture, religions, and technology needed for continued existence.

Consider this analogy between the two cultures: there is a small group of people, morally/spiritually awakened, who are watching the village fire (the culture of survival). They tend the fire, stoking it when necessary, adding logs, etc. They understand implicitly their job as upholders of culture, surviving from year to year, keeping the sacred flame alive. Outside the fire circle, the rest of humanity (the culture of progress) has been continually distracted for centuries: by the printing press, by the light-bulb, the railroad, telegraph, the gun and modern weapons, the radio, the TV, the internet. This “need for new stuff” is related to moderns’ inability to enjoy quiet and solitude, to accept the ebb and flow of the natural world, and simply being comfortable in one’s skin. All of these inventions, which we’ve been told are necessary, are not bad per se: it is the lack of any ethical restraint, the insatiable appetite for more, which continually leads to disaster after disaster. These “progressives” are like moths to a flame, and they simply cannot resist: yet this is a fire which will undoubtedly destroy them.

In America, the village fire, the wisdom of a culture of survival, has mostly been extinguished. There are pockets of resistance, but for the most part, the culture of survival must be built from the ground up. Passing down necessary knowledge and planting seeds for the youth are our most important goals today. A growing darkness of militarism, racism, and neo-nationalism is spreading across the West, with a looming threat of ecological catastrophe; a surge of refugees fleeing war, lack of opportunity, and resource competition; and a danger of another large-scale economic recession. Promoting compassion, greater understanding of different cultures and solidarity with people around the globe must begin now, in every city and town across the continent.

Each of us must find the strength to light their own flame, find their own inner strength and sacred fire, and use their passion and creativity to change the world. By using our collective brilliance, a new space could be opened up for a new kind of Earth. Reviving our communities one-by-one gives us our only chance to confront and defeat the many tentacle monster of international capitalism and US imperialism. There is an alternative: but you won’t find it by watching your TV, or playing on your smartphone. As Arundhati Roy said:

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
American Dream
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:08 am

I'm loving the rising tide in Paganism:

https://godsandradicals.org/2017/01/17/ ... ft-sacred/

Foreword to A Beautiful Resistance: Left Sacred

A Beautiful Resistance: Left Sacred is the third issue of the Gods&Radicals journal. This is the foreword, by Margaret Killjoy.

These are the moments we’re made for, you and I.

We were not born for easy lives, we were not born for happy lives. We were born to, in the words of Octavia Butler, shape change and be shaped by it in turn. Because God, according to Butler, is Change.

* * *

There’s a scene in a movie I love, a scene I think about far too often. The movie is Edelweisspiraten. It’s about the Edelweiss Pirates, a youth subculture from Weimar Germany that started as a sort of cultural resistance to the authoritarian and patriotic norms of Nazi Germany and transformed into an autonomous guerrilla resistance force as the situation became more dire.

At one point, our heroes—let’s be honest about what they are, heroes—are raiding a Nazi storeroom. One of the Pirates is terrified. He’s freaking out. “C’mon guys, we’ve got enough, it’s time to go.”

That’s me. I’m the scared kid. I’m fucking terrified of what’s to come. I’m fucking terrified because I know I’m going to fight and I know that I’m not constitutionally built for conflict. I know both of these things because of years of experience in fighting for what I believe—sometimes physically—and the years of anxiety and therapy and PTSD that have been the result.

ImageDespite the toll that fighting has taken on me, I wouldn’t go back and change a thing. These are the lives we were made to live. The work we do, in any field, will slowly destroy our bodies. I wear my trauma like I wear my tattoos and I will not let myself be ashamed of either.

Even if you’re the kid who’s scared shitless, be the kid who’s scared shitless who still throws down.


Cultural shifts are the long game of revolution. When I write a novel, my hope is that one day someone will read it, consider my point of view, and adopt the parts of it that make sense to them. Since every action is a spell cast for more the same, writing books is a spell cast for more people to write books. Books are not revolutions. But ideas can spread this way—hopefully less through individual “great” works that influence everyone as much as through many books with many ideas that permeate through numerous iterations by numerous authors and artists of all sorts.

Cultural shifts are the long game, but they are starting to bear fruit. We’re starting to win some major battles. Ideas that only a half a generation ago belonged only to the radical fringe—like a culture of consent or the self-determination of gender—are mainstream.

The rise of reactionary politics—exemplified in the English-speaking West by Brexit and Donald Trump—is just that: a reaction. It is the last, desperate attempt by a dying cultural force. It’s an attempt we need to take seriously. It might still win. But while the reactionaries have been the ones to move the war into the political realm, it was a war we started. We started it by challenging the cultural status quo. We started it by daring to be ourselves, by daring to be free.

Cultural shifts are the long game. It’s time to focus on the short game: politics. Fortunately, the immediacy of the situation removes electoral politics—perhaps the most banal and impotent expression of politics—from our toolbox. When I say politics, I simply mean “the ways in which we organize power within our society.” It’s time to take that power ourselves and spread that power out to others. It’s time to transform our aesthetic cultures in cultures of resistance. It’s time for action.

Every action you take is a spell cast for more of that action. Defend people. Stand up to bigots. Hospitalize bigots if need be, or maybe get hospitalized in the attempt. Spells are often costly. That’s fine. They should be. The work we do might destroy us.


For decades now, at least in the Western world, politics have remained locked in place. The status quo was a pin thrust through the heart of our society, sticking us in one spot on the board of possibilities. Elections, then, were like a mob of people gathered around the pin, carefully unsticking it, and shifting it by scant inches before thrusting it firmly back into place.

That pin is unstuck. It can move in any direction, any distance.

It was our enemies—let’s be honest and call them what they are, enemies—who unstuck that pin. But their hold on it isn’t secure. If we act, now, we can take hold of our lives and our culture and make a break with the awful reality of the old status quo, all while fighting those who would turn the bad-dream world we’re used to into a living fucking nightmare.

My metaphor of a pin in a map falls apart pretty quickly, though, because it’s not a single pin. It’s millions, billions of pins: each of us as individuals and communities. As an anarchist, my job isn’t to move every single pin—every single person, every single community—to the position I hope to occupy on the political map. My job is move myself and my community. My job is to help others move themselves to where they hope to be.

An anarchist world isn’t a world in which every living person calls themself an anarchist. An anarchist world is a world of possibilities, in which no institutional power can force communities and individuals into subservience.


These coming years probably won’t go well for us, but let’s be real: on a long enough timeline, nothing does.

We’ve been preparing for years and decades. We’ve been laying the seeds of resistance. It’s time to see what we can harvest.

I hope we are ready, because it is time.

Margaret Killjoy

ImageMargaret Killjoy is a gender-deviant author and editor currently based in the Appalachian mountains. Her most recent book is an anarchist utopia called A Country of Ghosts. Her next book, The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion, is forthcoming from Tor.com in 2017. She blogs at birdsbeforethestorm.net.
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:31 am

Reflections of Resistance


District of Columbia, 21 January

WHY DID I MARCH? Because I watch us fragment ourselves and waste our power in meaningless squabbles that boil down to “you are not pure enough to stand with me so go away or I will withdraw”. Meanwhile, the opposition stays on target and takes more and more power away for themselves only. I see it in government, in paganism and Heathenry, in various ethnic and gender-identifying groups. I say, “find the common purpose and stand together for this issue. We don’t have to like each other to work for a common good.” I went to the march in DC yesterday to stand with women of all ethnicities, genders, ages, backgrounds, religions, and levels of experience in political action. I went with hopes to witness the birth of an energizing movement and also with plans for responding to volatile and violent situations.

I went as prepared as I could be for law enforcement with shields and batons, rubber bullets and tear gas, because they had been deployed the day before. I went with emergency numbers written on my body that will still be there in 4 days because Sharpie doesn’t wash off easily. I went with a plan for 4 separate meeting places in case it went badly. I was afraid because it is true – I have never been hit, been gassed, been screamed at by cops, been trampled. I went because my white skin and middle-class background can be a shield to people whose skin in not white and whose background is not WASP-American-middle-class. I went *because* most law enforcement will hesitate to strike me and that can give someone else a chance to get farther away. And I went because the oaths I made to a couple of my gods means I cannot stand by in strength and safety and watch others pay my debts.

https://godsandradicals.org/2017/01/23/ ... esistance/
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:24 pm

Michael Moynihan's Seige Mentality

Mason posing at the site of
Rockwell's 1967 murder

James Mason is maybe as close as anyone could get to being a genuine lifelong Nazi. Having started out as a teenage supporter of Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater and George Wallace, in 1966 his life changed forever when he was loaned a book about extremist politics (Extremism USA) and liked what he read there about the Nazis. At the age of only 14 he joined the miniscule American Nazi Party (ANP). Sometime after that, still aged only 16, he ran away from his home in Ohio to join the ANP headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. There he lived for a number of years, working alongside the Ku Klux Klan to organise attacks on leftists and civil rights and anti-war protesters as well as helping with the general running of America's main (albeit tiny) Fascist party. He was admitted into full membership of the party on his eighteenth birthday. Here it was too that he was introduced to the ideas of one of his great heroes, George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder and leader of the ANP who had defiantly spurned bourgeois opinion by openly embracing Nazism and the Swastika (thus, in Rockwell's words crossing "the threshold of anger"2). Shortly after renaming the party the National Socialist White People's Party (NSWPP) and adopting the slogan 'White Power', Rockwell was killed by a fellow Nazi in 1967 and the ANP was taken over by Matt Koehl, after which it splintered into a number of groups amidst of the usual welter of denunciations, accusations and counter-accusations familiar to any student of the extreme right.

Thus far Mason's career had been unremarkable for a hard-core Nazi of the time. Overflowing with racist hatred for Jews and Blacks, he worshiped Adolf Hitler as his ideal and saw in Rockwell a 'strong man' and potential Führer who could lead the American people into their racial utopia. Mason was from the beginning a super-militant Nazi. Regarding the Jews he seems almost disappointed at one point to find himself toeing the Nazi line on holocaust denial, being keener himself on an open policy of annihilation: "it was indeed a damnable shame that Hitler did not, in fact, kill at least six million Jews during the war. We... know what the Jews were and are all about and we can shed no tears for any of them"3. Mason's line from the mid-70s on was that such violence should be extended not only to Jews, Blacks and Socialists, but also to most of the rest of the American people, believing that "the masses... live only to produce and consume; to masticate and defecate. Wasted exercises in protoplasm. Here only to breathe the air and take up space. No really valid reason for living"4. And Mason doesn't leave much to the imagination when it comes to his preferred solution to this mess: "for the United States there will be no need for concentration camps of any kind, for not a single transgressor will survive long enough to make it to that kind of haven"5.

The acrimonious collapse of the NSWPP and the descent of the US Nazi movement into a nest of squabbling sects was a blow for Mason, but he soon found another strong man to look up to and admire in the form of Joseph Tommasi ("the first of a new breed. A hero and martyr to the cause"6). Like Mason, Tommasi was an ultra-radical NSWPP hothead. Both were close to senior NSWPP member William Pierce, who had personally encouraged and helped organise Mason's original flight from school to ANP headquarters. Pierce went on to write The Turner Diaries, a novel which imagines a successful Nazi revolution precipitated by a 'lone wolf' killer, and which has inspired a number of Nazi psychopaths over the years, including 'London Nail Bomber' David Copeland, who targeted the city's Black, Asian and Gay communities in Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho respectively, killing 3 people and injuring 129.

Tommasi's contribution to the cause was to create a new, underground Nazi group, the National Socialist Liberation Front (NSLF). The NSLF was originally formed, with encouragement from Pierce, as the youth wing of the NSWPP, and set out to work on college campuses (one early recruit was a young student in Louisiana, David Duke, later to become Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan). From the start the NSLF represented a significant break with traditional US Nazism, which remained rooted in the social mores and attitudes (and even much of the Cold War, McCarthyite politics) of the 40s and 50s. Tommasi himself looked more like a drop-out than the kind of starched, collar-and-tie conservative favoured by the party leadership. He was concerned to bring National Socialism up to date by borrowing widely from the symbols, attitudes and language of the New Left so as to connect with a new generation. Thus the name of the group itself was borrowed from the Symbionese Liberation Army, and the name of the NSLF journal, Siege, later taken over by Mason, was also borrowed, this time from The Weathermen. The NSLF favoured the pop visual imagery, iconoclasm and sometimes even the actual ideas of the far left, adopting such typically Maoist slogans as 'Political Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun' and 'The Future Belongs to the Few of Us Willing to Get Our Hands Dirty. Political Terror: It's the Only Thing They Understand'. It is this modernising aspect of Tommasi's legacy, along with the fetishising of revolutionary violence, that explains his appeal to counter-cultural Fascists today.

The NSLF was not established as a separate organisation until Tommasi, despite years of personal loyalty, was expelled from the NSWPP in one of Koehl's episodic purges simply for smoking marijuana, drinking and 'entertaining women' in the party's offices. The inaugral meeting of the newly independent group took place on March 2nd 1974 in El Monte, California and attracted 43 supporters. This formal break with the NSWPP radicalised Tommasi even further, or allowed his radicalism full expression, and the meeting adopted a set of theses which broke definitively with the 'mass strategy' of the Nazi mainstream in favour of armed revolution and 'leaderless resistance';

"No longer could we think in terms of obtaining political power through the electorate but, instead, of hurting the enemy through force and violence. We would build the armed struggle.
We have abandoned petit-bourgeois, bureaucratic hang-ups and have developed the idea that the ends justifies the means. What works is good.
We recognise the fact that the masses of Whites will never rally around radical parties... The Whites... don't have the guts to shed their bourgeois hang-ups.
We view armed struggle as the only effective means of forcing political change."

Joseph Tommasi

Mason himself didn't join the NSLF, remaining a member of the NSWPP for sometime before finally tiring of it, and as a practical organisation the new grouping fell flat on it's face almost immediately: Tommasi was murdered only a year later by another Nazi in a brawl outside the NSWPP's LA offices, and his two key lieutenants were arrested shortly after for firearms violations. The NSLF underground effectively died with Tommasi except as a beacon to other ultra-radicals such as Mason. What is significant about Tommasi is not anything concrete he might have achieved (from a Fascist point of view) but simply the idea, which he is identified with, of finally breaking with overground political activity aimed at persuasion or acceptance of any kind (other than making propaganda in support of NSLF terrorism) in favour of amoral, unconstrained violence directed against 'racial enemies' (Jews and anyone not certifiably white, and especially mixed couples), leftists, anti-racists and civil rights campaigners of any description, the 'Zionist Occupation Government' (ZOG) and its servants (anyone with any kind of role or job with the state, from elected representatives and the police down to the lowliest of state employees; "from President to dogcatcher", as Mason put it8), drug users, homosexuals, perverts, feminists, deviants and so on (ie. anyone 'impure'). Tommasi has become a pinup boy for every Fascist who ever fantasised about unleashing their violence directly on their neighbours.

The NSLF represented to Mason the apotheosis of Fascist narcissism, its point of orgasm, allowing him psychically to unshackle his rage from any remaining grounding in political calculation or moral propriety, or any compunction or limitation at all, allowing it instead (in his mind, at least) to be applied without mediation: the only practical consideration from now on was trying to make sure you didn't get caught. In Mason's typically fascist-occult mind reality itself is a wasteland, fatally riddled with impurity, corruption and decay; the cities are "death zones" in which "the lowest common denominator genetic miasma has you badly outnumbered". He concludes; "Let the cities go to HELL, right where they came from! If the Russians don't get 'em and if crime, famine and disease don't get 'em, then WE'LL have to later on"9. He is even able to blithely consider the nuclear annihilation of the population; "If atomic warfare destroyed all human life on earth on earth but two Aryan specimens... we could begin again. I've often stated that the conditions... of [US cities] make a positively ATTRACTIVE case for atomic warfare"10.

Being of an essentially petit-bourgeois frame of mind himself Mason fetishises bourgeois morality by focussing obsessively on the need to overcome it. This idea runs like a mantra through his writing (basically, "anything is allowed"11). This ties Mason's ideology neatly to that of the contemporary esoteric-Fascism as practiced by Moynihan. The symmetry is expressed in a shared admiration for Anton LaVey and The Church of Satan. Mason's book reproduces the title page of his copy of LaVey's Satanic Bible, signed by the author, which he says he acquired in 1969 and "has cherished ever since"12. Mason strongly approves of LaVey's rejection of 'moralism' in favour of unbridled self-interest (a pseudo-philosophy LaVey defends in turn with a lot of pseudo-science based on Social Darwinism and 'the survival of the fittest'). While Mason has never been a Satanist (he considers himself an atheist; but then LaVey's Hollywood Satanism was itself essentially a-theistic) he shares with LaVey a tedious petit-bourgeois contempt for 'the masses' and a philosophy which says it is acceptable to treat them as you like as long as you can get away with it. Michael Moynihan, of course, was for a while a leading member of the Church of Satan before aligning himself instead with racist Paganism. Despite minor theological differences Moynihan and Mason share a common approach which prioritises (their) racist instincts above any truth or reality. Their victims are simply worthless, disposable matter. While Moynihan argues in his book on Black Metal that the racist killer is a Beserker channeling the Pagan Divinity woven into the genes of all Aryans, Mason emphasises genetic, animal irrationality directly: "No one has got his feet on the ground if he is not tuned into himself, if he cannot or will not... allow his brain to accept and articulate his animal instincts"13. In the end, though, this comes down to the same conflation of divinity and animality as in Moynihan; "In talking with people I use terms like 'Spiritual' but, more precisely, I mean gut INSTINCT as dictated by millions of years of genetic development... being in abidance with one's true Gods would also come under this heading. Noble thoughts and ideals. Irrational as Hell"14. It may be worth noting in passing that it is remarkable how the Fascist mentality, which loves to boast of it's 'spiritual ideals', actually bases this spirituality on the most banal kind of biological materialism (genetic determinism).

Unable even to begin to grasp the social and political complexity of the unfolding capitalist system the occult mind sees everything instead in terms of a rigid dualism in which it pits itself (as unsullied 'spirit' / genetic racial purity) against the filthy occult forces of materialism, cosmopolitanism and sedition - aka the Jews who work eternally to pollute and overwhelm the forces of order. In Mason's formulation practically everyone beyond a tiny circle of armed Nazi activists is actively or passively helping to sustain a hellish, corrupt 'Jew System', and he therefore sees practically everyone as a legitimate target. Mason increasingly regarded violence against 'the System' and everyone involved in it as his summum bonum - so much so that he began to adopt some unusual positions for a Nazi. Not only was he ceasing to care much about who the violence was directed against, he became increasingly catholic about who could legitimately inflict it. For example, while traditional Nazis bemoaned 'Black Crime' and 'Communist Sedition' in their headlines Mason eventually welcomed both, arguing that "If a bunch of Black Nationalists rob a Brinks truck, if they kill some System Pigs, WHO CARES??!!.. Any Pig killed by a Black or Communist Revolutionary is one Pig you may be sure will not come after YOU one night with a nice, neat Federal warrant. It's a dirty, rotten shame that it has to be left up to the likes of Blacks and bow-legged Jewish agitators to hit the Pig System but, damn it, SOMEBODY'S GOT TO DO IT! So wish 'em lots o' luck... twenty years of bitter experience has shown that all the piety and all the law and order bullshit of the past has gotten us nowhere"15. This tactical acceptance of any and all violence against a common enemy ('the System') is all that lies behind Mason's talk of having transcended the traditional political division between 'Left' and 'Right' ("classic notions of 'Left' and 'Right'... certainly are by now obsolete and meaningless"16). This does not make either Mason or Moynihan, who makes similar noises, any less of a Fascist. On the contrary, it merely makes manifest the essence of Fascism as an ideology that attempts to unleash a bad infinity of destruction.

This, however, is all a little too abstract, dealing as it does with only the general form and structure of Mason's attitude to violence. In theory Mason may be an equal opportunity sociopath, but when it comes to the praxis of actual killings and mayhem his clear preference is for the racist murderers who are treated as heroes throughout his book. The clear winner in this regard is Joseph Franklin, another of William Pierce's neophytes back when he was a member of the NSWPP, who robbed a series of banks and went on a private killing spree in which he murdered as many as 20 people, most of them Jews or Blacks killed at random, though his preferred targets were mixed race couples. Other racists celebrated in the book include Frank Spisak, the 'Cleveland University Killer', a cross-dressing Nazi who in 1982 made attempts on the lives of five 'racial enemies', killing three of them (and who later in court blamed his own transvestism on Jews who had 'taken over his mind'); Michael Pearch, who shot seven Black men at random in Wheaton, Maryland in 1975, killing two of them; and Joseph Christopher, who killed three Blacks at random and wounded at least another four. All of these, and more in the same vein, are held up as people to be admired and, more alarming still, models to be imitated.

More at: http://www.whomakesthenazis.com/2010/10 ... ality.html
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:50 am

IGDCAST: Interview with Rhyd Wildermuth of Gods and Radicals

The pagan anarchist website Gods and Radicals is growing, and is putting out a stream of original content everyday along with hard-hitting podcasts and publications. Wanting to know more about the project and how it’s expanding, we caught up with Rhyd Wildermuth and picked their brain about a variety of topics.

In this interview, we discuss how online projects can resist the cold isolation of the internet, how Gods and Radicals is organizing events in the real world, how paganism can bring people into the anarchist movement, and also how white nationalists are appropriating pagan and earth based spiritualities. We then discuss how white people can avoid falling into either appropriating various cultures or a pseudo-white nationalism as practicing pagans. We end by talking about what is next for Gods and Radicals and ways that people can check out their work.

https://itsgoingdown.org/igdcast-interv ... -radicals/
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:35 pm

Savitri Devi: The strange story of how a Hindu Hitler worshipper became an alt-right icon


A passionate animal rights activist and ecologist, she reportedly supported the death penalty for those who didn't respect animals.

She corresponded with fascists around the world, and associated with Britons Colin Jordan, leader of the World Union of National Socialists, and John Tyndall, leader of the National Front.

After retiring in 1970, she lived at the home of her friend Francoise Dior, the Nazi underground financier and niece of fashion designer Christian Dior, but was kicked out after reportedly not washing for the duration of her stay and chewing on garlic all day. She moved back to India, living alone with her pet cats and a cobra.

http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/savitri-devi-s ... on-1608413
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:10 am

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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby kool maudit » Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:53 am

Is there any way I could subscribe to this thread somehow for breaking updates on the global threat posed by racialist Asatru?
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby Searcher08 » Mon Mar 20, 2017 9:45 am

kool maudit » Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:53 am wrote:Is there any way I could subscribe to this thread somehow for breaking updates on the global threat posed by racialist Asatru?

This has been worrying me tremendously also, till I discovered...
that if you go to the original post and look at the top left hand side (just underneath the big New Topic button) there is a 'Subscribe to Topic' link.

This will enable you to receive up to the minute alerts each American Dream posts to his 'Racialist Asatru' topic.
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby Sounder » Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:17 pm

kool maudit » Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:53 am wrote:
Is there any way I could subscribe to this thread somehow for breaking updates on the global threat posed by racialist Asatru?

Searcher08 wrote...
This has been worrying me tremendously also, till I discovered...
that if you go to the original post and look at the top left hand side (just underneath the big New Topic button) there is a 'Subscribe to Topic' link.

This will enable you to receive up to the minute alerts each American Dream posts to his 'Racialist Asatru' topic.

We shall learn to know our place. All must sub-scribe!!!
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:33 am

The threat of a good example:

Down With Pagan Capitalism

One reason Gods&Radicals has been so controversial is that some people see us as a threat to their fondest dream: full integration and acceptance by mainstream society.

Of course, full integration and acceptance would mean full complicity. Society will accept us if we accept its value system, no matter what that does to our own value systems.

One aspect of this is Pagan capitalism. Capitalist economic relations can never be anything but exploitative, regardless of whether the capitalist in question is a Baptist, an atheist or a practicing witch. Too many people refuse to recognize this, insisting that there is such a thing as ethical capitalism against all evidence to the contrary. The contrast between the fantasy of ethical capitalism and the reality that capitalism can only be itself becomes clearest at the margins, with non-standard businesses that most of us would want to assume the best of.

For example: a non-profit collective called Sisters of Camelot distributes food for free to low-income people in Minneapolis and St.Paul. What could possibly be more ethical than that? Yet Sisters of Camelot employs paid canvassers, and the canvassers aren’t part of the managing collective. The collective decides who to hire and who to fire, how much to pay them and what hours they work. It’s a standard capitalist employment relationship, with workers and bosses in an unequal interaction. When the canvassers unionized through the IWW in 2013, Sisters of Camelot refused to negotiate, fired an organizer, hired scabs to break the strike and retained a union-busting lawyer. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

The same thing applies to pagan-owned businesses such as metaphysical shops. A pagan boss still sets your wages, still sets your hours and your working conditions, still calls the shots. If you tried to unionize at a Pagan bookshop, do you think you’d get a better reaction than the canvassers at Sisters of Camelot did? Of course you wouldn’t.

In the modern capitalist economy, many of us are not even employees as such but independent contractors. Precariat rather than proletariat. Such is the case at the Patheos Pagan Channel, which is a Pagan-managed section of the Patheos interfaith website. The Patheos website is now owned by Beliefnet, a Christian evangelical organization with some deeply sinister connections. When Beliefnet tried to impose a contract giving them the right to control all content, bloggers on the Patheos Pagan Channel raised objections. The company replied by cutting off their access to their own blogs, in violation of the terms of the existing contract.

It doesn’t matter if you work for a co-op, a non-profit, a Pagan-owned business or as an independent contractor for a Pagan blog site. Capitalism is capitalism. So what can we do about it?

Continues at: https://godsandradicals.org/2017/04/01/ ... apitalism/
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Re: Racialist Asatru

Postby American Dream » Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:34 am

The Glint of the Sword: Sikhism’s Spiritual Justice

As I said before, I don’t’ aim to convert you, or to advocate to make Sikhism the official faith of the revolution. In this time of crisis, as we see the cracks widen in the edifice of global capitalism, the purveyors of Abrahamic faiths bend towards rigid patriarchal and dominionist formations, while many Dharmic practitioners retreat into spiritually inclined fatalism. Sikhism lends us a glimpse at a potential model of spiritual resistance, a potential means of attaining deeper peace and unity with creation through the active pursuit of justice and defense. Much of what animates leftist narratives fall short of a fulfilling vision of the future meaning of new, revolutionary societies. Authoritarian communists rehash a stale myth of historical progress, replete with hammer and sickle banners and Soviet agitprop. And while various anarchist formations offer a much more radical – and spiritually seductive – vision of far-reaching human freedom, it isn’t always clear what would give life meaning beyond the emancipatory political project. Paganism can fill that void by offering a vision of community based on our natural inclination to Earth. Similarly, Sikhism provides an example of how spiritual meaning can fuse with, and become part and parcel of the emancipation of human freedom and dignity. We lose our ego in the other, not simply by recognizing their common humanity, but by our willingness to engage in struggle on their behalf.

More at: https://godsandradicals.org/2017/04/04/ ... l-justice/
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