US Government rules on Gender Identity

Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff

Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby American Dream » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:14 am



by Jess X Snow

Queer Earth, Jess X Snow

Sexual expression is only permitted between male and female. Anything else is an abnormality and against nature.

You speak of nature as if you
invented it. Or gutted it & used
it's bones to fashion a white castle,

to keep you safe from all the animals
you refuse to see.

Tonight, each grain of soil, each blade
of grass, each droplet of blood
is a time machine. Each cell

rewinds you four & a half billion
years back in history. We were once
genderless cells splitting our own bodies

in two–now growing gills,
fins and feet. 65,000 queer
& trans species.

It’s always mating season
on planet Earth: look
at the way leopard slugs

make love: upside down
from trees–two penises coiling
into orchids. A penetration

so mutual–it is worthy
of bioluminescence.

Look at the way bonobo monkeys
resolve conflict: queer polyamorous sex
in the morning, evening and afternoon.

Look at the penguins mating for life,
warming the egg of another mother
with the heat between their bellies.

When an oyster produces a perfect pearl:
they transition from male to female.
For crustaceans, gender is a border

that does not exist. Do you hear
the orchestra of dolphins? Masturbating
against the seabed, penetrating

each other's blow holes, as if this human
history never began. If our love defies
the logic of your biology,

then what is queer pleasure if not
heavenly? Is this queer ocean
not the tidal waves roaring

within your bloodstream?
Is this queer Earth not the same
carbon that birthed your flesh?

To be queer, Earth, and alive
is to be hunted & marked wild.
A beast banished from heaven,

a bleached coral reef, a jungle clear-cut,
a planet domesticated like cattle, and butchered
in the hands of machines.

Yet, our queerness is an ancient
persistence. So tell me:
we be against nature.

& our bones will remember –
we’ve been queer
for 3.6 billion springs,

summers, falls & winters.
& even after
your infant empire

collapses into dust,
we will still be queer.

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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby American Dream » Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:40 am ... imination/

Yes, the Texas Anti-LGBT Bills Really Are About Hate and Discrimination
April 6, 2017 by Dan Quinn

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick insists that SB 6 — the so-called “bathroom bill” — isn’t about discriminating against transgender Texans. It is, of course. Patrick’s own actions, and the actions of religious-right extremists he has brought in to help pass this discrimination bill, make that clear.
Check out this excerpt from a Dallas Morning News story last week:

“Supporters say the measure, which would restrict bathroom access based on biological sex, isn’t meant to target transgender Texans. But LGBT advocates say the leaders Patrick chose to head his campaign — who have called members of the transgender community ‘confused’ and ‘sinful’ people who can be cured through religious intervention — are troubling spokesmen for a bill its proponents insist isn’t meant to be discriminatory.”

The Morning News story goes on to expose Patrick’s alliance with anti-LGBT groups inside and outside the state, including the Family Research Council (FRC). The Southern Poverty Laws Center (SPLC) classifies the FRC as a vicious hate group. Here’s what the SPLC has to say about the FRC’s leader, Tony Perkins.

And then there’s this particularly vile screed from Houston attorney Jared Woodfill and Steve Hotze, the head of Conservative Republicans of Texas, an organization the SPLC also has exposed as a hate group. (More on SPLC’s classification of Conservative Republicans of Texas as a hate group here.)

Woodfill and Hotze used their screed to attack House Speaker Joe Straus for his opposition to SB 6. They go on to call transgender people “perverted” and offer this justification for supporting SB 6 (emphasis in the original):

“Lt. Gov. Patrick wants to protect women’s privacy and children against the homosexual political movement’s pro-homosexual, ‘transgender’ agenda. Their agenda would use the power of law to force you, churches, businesses, schools and government institutions to accept, affirm and celebrate those who promote and participate in aberrant, deviant and perverted sexual behavior. They are a special interest group that wants to receive minority status based upon their chosen deviant sexual lifestyle. A moral wrong can never be the basis for a civil right.“

This is the truth: SB 6 and the other 24 anti-LGBT bills filed in the current legislative session are about hate and discrimination. That includes the 17 bills that would allow government, private individuals and businesses to use their personal religious beliefs as a cover for discriminating against LGBT Texans.

Shame on Dan Patrick for allying himself with the forces of hate in America.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby American Dream » Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:22 pm ... er-rights/

Bachmann: God Gave Us Trump As A ‘Reprieve’ From Dangerous Transgender Rights

Last week, former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann appeared alongside Philip Haney, a former security official turned anti-Muslim activist, on the End Times radio program, “Understanding the Times with Jan Markell,” to discuss Donald Trump’s election as president.

Haney referred to Trump’s election as “a combination of Passover, a great deliverance, and the re-declaration of independence,” a comment he has made previously, while Markell remarked that Trump could impede the “sin agenda.”

“When you have the White House lit with the colors of the gay rainbow, that was June 2015, I think that was a low point for a lot of people and it just seemed like every perversion, including this transgender obsession, was just being celebrated; I think God said, ‘enough,’” Markell added.

Bachmann agreed, warning that a Hillary Clinton presidency would have advanced LGBTQ equality to the detriment of freedom and the lives and safety of children, while Trump represented a divine “reprieve” from such immorality:

Bachmann: And I think the American people said, ‘enough,’ and I think they recognized that this was the last exit ramp for the country and if we were not going to see a political change, if Hillary Clinton was going to continue and double down on the policies of Barack Obama, I think people just saw no hope that the United States would return to a position of Judeo-Christian morality. But not even just that, it’s just, could we even be able to speak truth anymore? Can we even protect our children anymore?

Because we were in a situation where the president of the United States on his own just issued a sheet of paper and said, overnight, every single public school in the country would have to have the girls’ bathrooms open to the boys and the boys’ bathrooms open to the girls, and the girls’ shower rooms would be open and accessible to the boys because now, what we were told from the White House, is that when we look at our body in a shower, our body isn’t reality anymore, so we actually get to choose if we’re a boy, if we’re a girl, if we’re one of like 58 different whatevers that we decide we want to be that day. In other words, we were all told that we were forced to repeat a lie, not the truth, we didn’t even have the choice that we could repeat the truth anymore, we were all told that we were going to be enforced by the power of the federal government to repeat lies, and when you repeat lies, Romans 1 tells us, that’s when you fall into deception, God’s gives us over to our own delusion.

And so people have been in this very confusing period of: What are we allowed to say? Is it okay to say this? Can I not say that? And so people have been quiet and they restricted, they’ve censored their own speech because they didn’t know what the government was going to do to them. Meanwhile, their little 5-year-old girl could be vulnerable to a 17-year-old male walking in on their bathroom, or my 85-year-old mother could be at a public restroom and seven 18-year-old males could come in and she could be vulnerable to them.

Markell: Well, things have happened that aren’t very pleasant. They have happened.

Bachmann: Absolutely they have. And people said: ‘enough already!’ And we were given a reprieve. It isn’t that politics is our God. It isn’t that politics is necessarily the answer. But God has privileged us in this country that we get to be able to vote for the laws and the people we live under so people decided to take that vote. It was completely unprobable [sic]. I know it was a reprieve.

Bachmann: We know that [Trump’s election] just wasn’t in the natural. This was in the supernatural where God sovereignly, I believe, answered the prayers of believers beseeching him and he’s given us a reprieve. But a reprieve for what? For what? What are we going to do with this? Remember, over 50 years of destruction, destroying the foundations of this country, you don’t just turn that on a dime unless God again intervenes.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby American Dream » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:35 pm

Anti-Gay Pastor Who Said Orlando Victims ‘Got What They Deserved’ Guilty of Sexually Molesting Boy and Girl


An anti-gay Georgia pastor who said that the victims of the Orlando massacre ‘got what they deserved’ has been found guilty of eight counts of child molestation of a young boy and girl who attended his church. A jury took just one hour to decide their verdict.

Kenneth Adkins, 56, has also fought against expanding non-discrimination protections to LGBT people in Jacksonville, Florida.

During the battle for Jacksonville’s ordinance, Adkins dressed in drag and made threats on Facebook, saying, “I am gonna ‘pee’ next to your women in the women’s bathroom and let’s see how y’all feel.”

Continues at:
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby American Dream » Thu Apr 13, 2017 2:23 pm

David Barton: The Same Evil Behind Nazism Is At Work Today In The Push For LGBTQ Equality

Speaking about his recent trip to Poland on his “WallBuilders Live” radio show today, Religious Right pseudo-historian David Barton said that his visits to sites of Nazi atrocities showed him that “every evil that’s ever appeared in the world also occurs in every generation.”

The evil spirit that was responsible for the Holocaust, Barton went on to say, is now at work today advancing the “homosexual lifestyle.”

“It does not change over time,” he said. “The evil that’s there, it still works in the same deceptive means today, it still has that nice smiling face and, you know, a homosexual lifestyle, it’s such a wonderful lifestyle. Yeah? Why don’t you look at the medical stats and see if that’s really true? And so it always disguises itself in different ways, it comes through different means. We see it all the time. So, what I learned is what I already knew, and that is human nature does not change and if you don’t have the impact of religion to change a heart you will end up like the Nazis. These are guys who had no conscience and that comes from not fearing God.”

The Nazis were “pagans,” Barton claimed, and “you see what happens when you have a secular, God-free society … and that’s what Poland proves is the good stuff is Bible based, Jews and Christians, the bad stuff is secular pagan.” ... -equality/
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby American Dream » Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:42 pm

Anti-LGBT Activities Roundup

The following is a list of activities and events of anti-LGBT groups. Those that are considered hate groups are denoted with an asterisk.

Alaska Family Action (AKFA) is supporting an Anchorage anti-trans initiative that would force Alaskans to use public locker rooms and bathrooms that match the sex specified on their birth certificates. The initiative was introduced March 28 as a pared-down version of the earlier Protect Our Privacy Initiative, that would have dismantled legal protections for LGBT people and allowed some businesses to refuse to serve same-sex ceremonies. It was deemed illegal by the Anchorage municipal attorney because it addressed too many different subjects.

Should this latest initative pass legal review, signatures will be gathered to place it on the April 2018 ballot. The language in the initiative is similar to the current debate over Texas’ anti-trans bathroom bill, SB 6.

One of the two sponsors for the Anchorage initiative is Kim Minnery, wife of AKFA president Jim Minnery, who has a long history of anti-LGBT activity and has helped spearhead two successful campaigns against anti-discrimination legislation that would have included LGBT people. His cousin, Tom Minnery, has a similar history. Retired now, Tom Minnery is president emeritus of Family Policy Alliance (formerly CitizenLink, which was affiliated with Focus on the Family). He was also a former senior vice president of government and public policy at Focus on the Family and a founding member of the board of directors and former president of the board of the anti-LGBT hate group Alliance Defending Freedom.

In 2012, Jim Minnery was a leader of the so-called “Protect Your Rights – Vote No on Prop 5” campaign in Alaska. Prop 5, which did not pass, would have extended anti-discrimination protections to LGBT people. The campaign ran an anti-trans cartoon ad, including one in which a “transvestite” applies for a job at a daycare center. That ad was roundly denounced as stigmatizing and dehumanizing, including by former Alaska governor Tony Knowles. Minnery has also claimed that there is a “homosexual agenda” to persecute and prosecute anyone who doesn’t endorse it. He also claimed that the 2015 LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance “legally invited men into public restrooms, locker rooms and dressing rooms” used by women and girls because the men will claim to identify as female.

AKFA also launched a campaign on April 11 against the nomination of Drew Phoenix, who is trans, to the Alaska State Human Rights Commission. In a Facebook post targeting Phoenix’s nomination, AKFA noted Phoenix’s work in support of the anti-discrimination Prop 5, which AKFA says, “proposed that men should be able to use whatever showers, bathrooms, etc. they want, consistent with their self-declared ‘gender identity.’” Conflating sexual predation with trans women is a harmful myth peddled by anti-LGBT groups.

The American Family Association* (AFA) is conducting “spiritual heritage tours” in June and September. The tours include a Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown visit and another to Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon. AFA bills the excursions as tours that will “help you capture the deep, rich Christian heritage of our country and the people who founded it.”

AFA has a long history of anti-LGBT statements and activities. Last year it launched a boycott against Target stores for the latter’s trans-inclusive policies which, AFA claimed, would allow sexual predators into restrooms and changing rooms, a common and roundly debunked claim made by the anti-LGBT right. Earlier this month, AFA radio host Bryan Fisher claimed that LGBT people “stole the rainbow” from God, presumably as a response to the death of artist Gilbert Baker, who created the flag. Fischer has linked homosexuality to Nazism and pedophilia and claimed that Muslims don’t have First Amendment rights. He has also supported the criminalization of homosexuality.

The Family Policy Institute of Washington (FPIW) is holding a 10-year anniversary celebration on April 28 in Bellevue, Washington. The keynote speaker is conservative author and radio host Dennis Prager, who has claimed that heterosexual AIDS and rape on campus are “liberal hysteria” and lies and that voting for Trump was a good thing because it was like dropping “atom bombs” on Japan. The context then “morally demanded it,” he claimed, and the moral demand in our time is the defeat of the Left.

FPIW is also holding a series of meet-ups in Washington state through April 21 under the title of “Gender Revolution”: “We celebrate ‘Women’s Day’, but no one can define what a woman—or a man—actually is anymore” and “[W]hy is my child’s school working so hard to convince them there are 56 genders and you can be any gender you want?”

In addition to the citizen meet-ups, the group is holding “citizen lobbying” trainings in Olympia on April 14 and 19. FPIW says the sessions are “FPIW’s signature citizen orientation training” and prepare participants “to have a meaningful impact on good public policy” in Washington state. The trainings take place at the state capitol.

FPIW is extremely active in anti-choice and anti-LGBT state and local politics and conducts trainings on getting involved. It has battled domestic partnerships, access to birth control for poor women, and a telemedicine bill, claiming that it would allow “webcam abortions.” FPIW president Joseph Backholm has compared same-sex marriage to two siblings re-defining their bond and said that “tolerance is not something to be pursued.”

FPIW is also behind the anti-trans “Just Want Privacy” campaign, which was gathering signatures in 2016 for Initiative 1515, which would have repealed a state human rights commission law and made it legal for businesses to discriminate against trans people by allowing them to refuse to allow trans people to use the restrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity. The measure didn’t make the November ballot.

The Family Research Council* (FRC) will be holding its Watchmen on the Wall (WOTW) national briefing in Washington, D.C. May 24 through 26. WOTW is FRC’s ministry to pastors. Confirmed speakers include pseudohistorian David Barton, anti-LGBT pastor and activist Michael Brown, anti-Muslim Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin, and anti-LGBT speaker and activist Frank Turek.

On May 2, FRC is holding a lecture on the Free Speech Fairness Act, which is, according to FRC, “a bill that restores free speech and religious liberty to churches and other nonprofits by allowing them to make political statements” under certain conditions. Georgia congressman Jody Hice will be speaking about the bill. Hice, who serves on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the House Natural Resources Committee, served as a pastor and conservative talk radio host.

In 2012, Hice published his book It’s Now or Never, in which he alleges the gay community has a plot to recruit and sodomize children and that homosexuality causes shorter life spans and that same-sex couples cannot raise healthy children. He also states in the book that abortion rights supporters are worse than Hitler and calls for Muslims to be stripped of their First Amendment rights.

The Minnesota Family Council (MFC) will be holding its annual dinner May 1, featuring conservative evangelical author, speaker and radio host Eric Metaxas as its keynote speaker.

MFC has long battled LGBT rights and same-sex marriage, claiming that the latter will result in a loss of political freedom. The group has promoted falsehoods about homosexuality and LGBT people as well. In 2011, for example, the group posted a “legislative handbook” on its website that claimed, among other things, that "the homosexual population includes a disproportionate number of pedophiles," that "some homosexuals have become urolagniacs (ingesting urine and feces) and engage in bestiality as well as other deviant behaviors," and that LGBT people are abnormal and disordered—all claims that have been roundly rejected by credible scholarly researchers. The manual also pushed for removing sexual orientation from the state’s Human Rights Act because there was “no evidence that a significant number of homosexuals are discriminated against.” After bloggers started publicizing the manual, it was removed from the site.

In 2014, MFC joined fellow anti-LGBT groups the Minnesota Child Protection League and the Minnesota Catholic Council in a full-page anti-trans ad in the Minnesota Star-Tribune. The ad targeted a school policy aimed at inclusion of trans students in sports, and painted trans students as dangerous.

The Liberty Counsel* is planning a tour of Israel in partnership with Christians in Defense of Israel from October 2 through 11. According to one of the Counsel’s “Liberty Alerts,” the VIP tour occurs over the holiday of Sukkot and the Feast of Tabernacles and the fiftieth anniversary of the Six-Day War and the seventieth anniversary of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The tour will include the opportunity “to meet with political and community leaders.”

The Liberty Counsel is a hardline anti-LGBT group that bills itself as a non-profit litigation, education and policy organization providing legal counsel and pro bono assistance in cases that deal with “religious liberty” and issues around abortion and LGBT rights. The group has linked homosexuality to pedophilia and believes homosexuality is dangerous. It is currently defending anti-LGBT activist Scott Lively in a lawsuit that claims Lively engaged in human rights violations because of his work in Africa, in which he allegedly spread falsehoods about homosexuality that helped create a dangerous climate for LGBT people in Uganda.

In the wake of the mass shooting last June at Orlando’s LGBT Pulse nightclub in which 49 people died, Liberty Counsel president Mat Staver criticized memorial gatherings, claiming they turned into “homosexual love fests.” Earlier this year, Staver insisted that the Pulse shootings had nothing to do with targeting LGBT people and that first responders were traumatized again because they had to “get tested for AIDS-related conditions” because of all the blood at the scene.

The Political Network for Values (PNV) is holding its second transatlantic summit of policymakers in Brussels April 27 through 28. PNV is an anti-choice and anti-LGBT network of groups and individuals whose board of directors includes Brian Brown, president of the anti-LGBT hate group World Congress of Families and Benjamin Bull, director of the international arm of Alliance Defending Freedom.*

According to its website, PNV formed as a result of efforts initiated by former Minister of Home Affairs in Spain and former European Parliament member, Jaime Mayor Oreja. He, along with legislators from Europe, the United States and Mexico, are working “to create Trans-Atlantic cooperation among legislators on the issues of life, marriage, family and fundamental freedoms.”

The second summit includes Travis Weber, director of the Center for Religious Study for the Family Research Council*; Sharon Slater, director of Family Watch International*; and Katalin Novák, Hungary’s Secretary of State for Youth, Family and International Affairs. She is serving as a local organizer for the upcoming World Congress of Families* gathering in Budapest in May (see below).

According to the program, the summit will “create a forum spotlighting topics regarding the institution of marriage, family, human life, human dignity, religious freedom and freedom of conscience in international organizations.” A proposed agenda will be discussed by policy makers based on the risks and challenges identified by experts, and will set the ground for its implementation.

The ex-gay Restored Hope Network (RHN) is holding its annual conference in San Diego June 16 and 17. RHN claims to be a network of “more than 55 Christian ministries, pastors and counselors in the US.” It is dedicated to restoring hope “to those broken by sexual and relational sin especially those impacted by homosexuality.”

RHN’s doctrinal statement includes the belief that “sexual purity is a life and death matter” and claims that “Marriage between a man and a woman prefigures the union of God and his people or Christ and the church and has as its highest purpose the self-giving integration of the two sexes into a single sexual whole.”

RHN launched in 2012 after splintering from ex-gay juggernaut Exodus, which shut down in 2013. RHN is helmed by veteran ex-gay activists like Stephen Black, who often worked with virulently anti-LGBT Oklahoma lawmaker Sally Kern (no longer in office) and Andrew Comiskey, who headed up the ex-gay Desert Stream Ministry, which in the past fell under suspicion of sexual abuse.

The pseudoscience of ex-gay therapy (also referred to as “conversion” and “reparative” therapy) has a long history of demonizing and attempting to “cure” homosexuality through a range of discredited and often dangerous practices. Ex-gay therapy has been rejected by virtually every mainstream and legitimate medical and mental health organization for years. In 2012, the Pan American Health Organization—the North and South American representative of the World Health Organization—condemned the practice and in 2016, the World Psychiatric Association announced its opposition to it, as well.

World Congress of Families* (WCF) is gearing up for its annual conference May 24 through 28 in Budapest. The local organizing committee is led by Katalin Novak, Hungary’s Secretary of State for Youth, Family and International Affairs.

WCF conferences often include local government officials, and the gathering serves as an important nexus of networking for international anti-LGBT and anti-choice groups. They are often rife with anti-LGBT and anti-choice rhetoric and conspiracy theories, as demonstrated at last year’s gathering in Tbilisi.

WCF, under the umbrella of the International Organization for the Family (formerly the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society), often colludes with government and religious officials abroad with regard to policy and legislation and works to push its ideology of “the natural family.” The latter considers families that are made up of one cisgender man in a lifelong marriage with one cisgender woman and their children as the only valid type of family. According to WCF’s Eventbrite page for the Tbilisi conference last year, this construction of the “natural” family “precludes incompatible constructs of the family as well as incompatible behaviors among its members.” There is no room in society for family structures other than that, according to this view.

WCF’s work in Russia may have provided impetus for the anti-LGBT laws there that essentially criminalize homosexuality and have fostered an often brutal anti-LGBT climate. Both the IOF and WCF are currently headed by Brian Brown, who is also the president of the National Organization for Marriage.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Heaven Swan » Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:22 am

The following quote is from a post in another RI thread "Learning Lessons from an HIV Cure" viewtopic.php?f=8&t=32415#p635964

"It is all a business that is perfectly oiled and set up at world level."
—Quote from one of the interviewees in the film.

I'd like to propose that the rush by the medical and pharmaceutical establishment, New York Times, 'well meaning' liberals and leftists, etc, to support the transgender narrative and shut down and demonize those who ask questions is part of an effort to set up a similar 'perfectly oiled machine.'

What both the HIV treatment machine and the medicalization of gender have in common is that they both primarily involve gay subjects. I'll leave speculation and analysis on underlying motives to the individual observer of this push by the establishment.

Video: My Transgender Summer Camp

Posted by Purple Sage on April 14, 2017

This is a documentary about an American summer camp for trans kids organized by a group of their parents. Three families that go to camp are interviewed, and some of the camp activities are shown. The kids are all boys who want to be girls. What I found very notable was the constant sex stereotypes on display. “Girls” are apparently anybody who likes pink and sparkly things.

In this post I will use whatever name is used most often for the child in the film and the pronouns that correspond to their biological sex.

The first parents who are interviewed are Sabrina and Chris. They have a son named Ryan who wants to be a girl. Sabrina, says:

“Around 2 years old, we started noticing that Ryan liked pink and sparkles, and we thought that was sort of strange.” Husband Chris is then quoted saying “After a few months, realizing this isn’t some phase, my wife started researching it online and discovered this whole community of parents with children that identified as transgender even at an early age.”

The film’s narrator says “At the age of 3, Ryan’s parents finally accepted that their child is transgender.”

Ryan says: “My family didn’t understand me, because one time my grandma got me a Spiderman and Batman shirt, and I’m like, I don’t want it, and she’s like “you like them,” I’m like “no I don’t.”

After this interview, I was shocked at the fact that these parents openly admitted to finding it strange that a boy would like pink and sparkles, and that they had decided to believe their male child was a “girl” when he was only 3. What an outrageous decision to make for a toddler! A child who has a vocabulary of 200 words cannot possibly “identify as transgender.” Such a young person cannot even understand the concept.

The scene changes to the family getting ready for camp. The film’s narrator says, “Unlike many boys their age, the transgender children attending camp like dressing up as princesses and getting makeovers.”

The family is shown in a store buying supplies for camp: glitter paint, princess tiaras, and feather boas.

Sabrina says, “We have half the families coming who are new, and half who are veteran. And they walk in and they see this table full of things that they feel comfortable with, that speaks to them.”

Sabrina is shown in the store again, buying “beads and fairy dust.”

Apparently, the things that “speak to” transgender MtF children are glitter, tiaras, boas, and beads. Those particular dollar store consumer products are what make them feel comfortable as human beings. I used to go to camp when I was a little girl, and strangely, I didn’t require any of these items.

When the next family is interviewed, an 11-year-old child with long hair is displaying his makeup collection. He says: “So this is my dressing table. This is all my makeup which I use on a daily basis. Just mascara, a small amount of eyeliner and a little bit of blush sometimes.”

He is then shown in a mirror brushing his hair. The narrator explains that he “began living as a girl at the age of 2.” This boy, named “Maxi,” apparently had a visible “alternative gender identity” according to his mom, right from a young age. Mom says that Maxi was distressed when he went to school because everything was separated by “gender” and he went to sleep at night praying to become a girl.

The family is shown eating breakfast, and the other kids in the family discuss how they deal with having a brother who is pretending to be a girl. His younger sister tells lies about him having a twin, and his older brother worries about bullying and rumours.

Maxi is interviewed in his bedroom, surrounded by stereotypical girls’ toys and wearing a dress with see-through black mesh in the middle. Between the revealing dress and the makeup at age 11 I’m shocked at the over-sexualization. It’s not appropriate for an 11-year-old girl to dress like that, so I’m not sure why a boy needs to either.

And what on Earth does it mean to be “living as a girl” at age 2? Does this mean his parents wrapped him in a pink blanket? A two-year-old can’t possibly “live as” anything other than a 2-year-old child. The only thing to change about a two-year-old’s life to make him a “girl” is to buy pink consumer products for him instead of blue ones. Apparently a child’s sex is determined by which marketing campaign most appeals to him.

The documentary moves to camp, and talks about how these young boys can “finally feel free.” The narrator says “At camp, the transgender children and their families can play as they wish. But it often seems to revolve around one thing—lipstick….” Cut to pictures of little boys putting on lipstick. The narrator continues, “The camp’s activities include swimming, dressing up, and arts and crafts, all building up to the big event at the end of the week, the fashion show.”

Another child is interviewed, 8-year-old “Lindsay,” who has made his own dress. Lindsay says “It might represent Katy Perry pretending to be Pocahontas because it’s unique.” Lindsay talks about loving to sing and perform. Video footage is shown of Lindsay as a toddler, announcing that he’s a girl. He obviously has feminine mannerisms as a part of his personality. The way he moves is what I would call “flamboyant.” I completely support the idea that human beings are born with a personality that includes a certain degree of masculinity or femininity, but this does not somehow erase or cancel out a person’s sex, and there is no such thing as your degree of femininity being wrong for your body. Anyone can have any personality.

The parents have an opportunity to talk among themselves while their kids are doing camp activities. They are shown sitting in a circle and discussing their fears about their kids. The health effects of medical transition, future sterility, and their kids’ suicidal thoughts are on their minds. They seem to want what’s best for their kids.

Maxi is on puberty blockers already. His family is paying $1000 per shot for them. His mom is shown injecting him and she seems upset about it, but she doesn’t feel like she has any choice. She says “At the end of the day I have a happy child.” Right after injecting him, Maxi says: “I have this dream of my husband like taking care of me and he’s like kissing me every second.”

Then his mother talks about his femininity “It’s not always about being fabulous and beautiful and sparkly and terrific for you, it’s about being nurturing and having that kind of receptive feminine energy.”

Maxi says “Yeah, if I only cared about being extremely girly and being sparkly and outfits and everything, then I would be a gay man. But there’s this feeling inside you that you can really tell for sure, saying like “girl, girl, girl, girl, this is you who are” you know?”

This is another interview that leaves me absolutely shocked. It’s clear that both Maxi and his mother know that he is gay. He openly admits that a boy who likes being girly will grow up to be a gay man. He has fantasies about his future husband. His very flimsy excuse for why he is not gay is because he has a “feeling inside” that he is a “girl.” He has internalized homophobia around being a feminine gay boy. His mother seems so well-intentioned but she is failing to help her son get over his internalized homophobia and instead is injecting him with extremely expensive puberty blockers so that he will grow up to be a feminized, sterilized gay man with underdeveloped genitals, rather than a regular, normally-developed man. She is doing this because her child insists upon it. Apparently, a preteen with internalized homophobia is more qualified to make major medical decisions that will have an effect on his whole life than a responsible adult who has done research about the likely outcomes. I used to make flimsy excuses for why I wasn’t gay, too. Don’t we all do that when we’re scared kids?

Maxi’s dad makes the incredibly ironic comment that it’s easier to come out as gay than to come out as trans. It’s obviously not easy to come out as gay, LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOUR GAY KID.

The most popular event of camp is the fashion show. They do their makeup and nails, put on fancy dresses, perform flamboyant poses on stage, and blow kisses to the crowd, while upbeat pop music plays. They are an adorable group of baby drag queens.

Even though the parents discuss their concerns about their kids’ future, and question whether they are doing the right thing, at no point is it ever mentioned that most kids with childhood gender dysphoria will desist and will turn out to be gay. There is a big, gay elephant in the room that is being erased from this picture. The parents seem concerned about their kids’ future fertility and their safety, (which they should be), but they never mention any concern about whether their kids might be happier as adults being regular gay men rather than surgically modified “women.” Is this because they are just not concerned about such a possibility or are they completely unaware of it because no gender specialist nor information package about transgenderism has ever told them? Either possibility is horrifying. There is a complete lack of concern about the possibility of children who will likely grow up to be happy gay adults being mistakenly puberty-blocked, sterilized, and permanently medically altered while they are still minors, just because it is popular these days to label a girly boy a “trans girl” and it’s forbidden to doubt this diagnosis.

I remember hearing an acquaintance remark that she knew her child was gay at age 3, and this seemed funny to me because how could a three-year-old possibly have any sexual attraction? But I think I know what she meant. Kids already have observable, unique personalities right from a young age, and their mannerisms are apparent even as toddlers. You can observe a boy’s feminine mannerisms at age 3 and guess that they indicate he will grow up to be gay. You won’t necessarily be correct, because it’s possible for someone straight or bisexual to have feminine mannerisms too. But my point is that parents used to look at their little girly boys and realize they were probably gay, and now they observe the same thing about their sons but instead label them “trans girls.” I have a suspicion that a lot of these parents actually know their sons are gay.

What I learned from watching this documentary is that the definition of a “girl” is “any child who likes pink and sparkly things, wears dresses, likes to put on lipstick, and wants to sing like Katy Perry while dancing with a feather boa.” Oh, and they have “receptive feminine energy.” (Could that comment possibly have been any more creepy coming from a mom?)

By this definition of “girl,” of course, a lot of actual females aren’t “girls.”

I also learned that today’s parents are so ridiculously, ludicrously, nauseatingly sexist that they think if their little boy likes pink and sparkly things, they need to drastically alter the course of his life because they cannot fathom that these are things that boys can like. For these sexist parents, it’s so unthinkable that their boy could put on a dress and sing a song as a boy, that they have to drive across the country to attend a special camp where everyone will pretend he’s a girl, to make it okay for him to wear a dress and sing a song.

I have a much better idea than all this. And my idea is so bloody simple that I can’t fathom why these parents can’t come up with it, too. My idea is: accept your son as he is. You have a little girly-boy baby drag queen, who will probably grow up to be gay, and that’s okay. When he likes pink and sparkly things, it’s no big deal. It’s fine. Let him dance and sing to Katy Perry. Let him dream about his future husband. Tell him it’s okay to be gay. When he says he’s a girl, tell him no, boys aren’t girls, but you can be any kind of boy you want to be. You can be a boy who likes princess tiaras and sewing your own dresses. We love you no matter what. Taking him to a camp to meet other girly boys is a fabulous idea, but don’t tell the kids they are really girls. Tell them it’s okay to be a boy like that, and that they’re not alone. Let them make friends with other boys who are like them. Help them grow into happy gay adults. Right in the goddamn DSM that’s what it says is the most likely outcome for these kids. (As long as they survive childhood without being sterilized, of course.)
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:20 am

Heaven Swan » Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:22 am wrote:
The film’s narrator says “At the age of 3, Ryan’s parents finally accepted that their child is transgender.”

How did two 3-year-olds manage to have a child? :shock:

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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:37 am

Thanks for that article, HS. After reading it, I didn't watch more than 2 minutes of the film. But I see it's a Channel 4 production, i.e. it will have reached an audience of millions on British TV.

Also, it's part of a three-part mini-series made in 2015, called (sigh...):

Born in the Wrong Body

Documentary | TV Mini-Series (2015– )

In the US, a full decade ago, MSNBC had already made and broadcast a series with the same title:

born in the wrong body msnbc

(Is it possible to be born on the wrong planet? Sometimes I wonder.)

See also Magdalen Berns on Transing a 5 Year Old Tomboy
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:20 am


Heaven Swan wrote:

I have a much better idea than all this. And my idea is so bloody simple that I can’t fathom why these parents can’t come up with it, too. My idea is: accept your son as he is. You have a little girly-boy baby drag queen, who will probably grow up to be gay, and that’s okay. When he likes pink and sparkly things, it’s no big deal. It’s fine. Let him dance and sing to Katy Perry. Let him dream about his future husband. Tell him it’s okay to be gay. When he says he’s a girl, tell him no, boys aren’t girls, but you can be any kind of boy you want to be. You can be a boy who likes princess tiaras and sewing your own dresses. We love you no matter what. Taking him to a camp to meet other girly boys is a fabulous idea, but don’t tell the kids they are really girls. Tell them it’s okay to be a boy like that, and that they’re not alone. Let them make friends with other boys who are like them. Help them grow into happy gay adults.

Couldn't agree more. I have daughters. My youngest is 2 (and a half).
I can not fathom assigning her (or any of my other daughters) as 'trans' at that age. It's mind-boggling, conceptually, to even think of or impose such things at that age, or even later in their more formative years.
Embrace who they are, and who they are growing to be. Cultivate acceptance and exploration, ideally within an environment that doesn't impose artificial cultural assignments to certain preferences.
Girls may play with toy trucks; boys may enjoy 'sparkles'.
The most important sentiment i can impart on my daughters is that they are to be true to themselves, and will always be loved/accepted unconditionally by their family (and should accept no less from others that may become important in their lives -- while also preparing them to handle the occasional cold realities of human interaction) no matter what, forever.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby brekin » Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:48 pm

Belligerent Savant » Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:20 am wrote:.
Heaven Swan wrote:
I have a much better idea than all this. And my idea is so bloody simple that I can’t fathom why these parents can’t come up with it, too. My idea is: accept your son as he is. You have a little girly-boy baby drag queen, who will probably grow up to be gay, and that’s okay. When he likes pink and sparkly things, it’s no big deal. It’s fine. Let him dance and sing to Katy Perry. Let him dream about his future husband. Tell him it’s okay to be gay. When he says he’s a girl, tell him no, boys aren’t girls, but you can be any kind of boy you want to be. You can be a boy who likes princess tiaras and sewing your own dresses. We love you no matter what. Taking him to a camp to meet other girly boys is a fabulous idea, but don’t tell the kids they are really girls. Tell them it’s okay to be a boy like that, and that they’re not alone. Let them make friends with other boys who are like them. Help them grow into happy gay adults.

Couldn't agree more. I have daughters. My youngest is 2 (and a half).
I can not fathom assigning her (or any of my other daughters) as 'trans' at that age. It's mind-boggling, conceptually, to even think of or impose such things at that age, or even later in their more formative years.
Embrace who they are, and who they are growing to be. Cultivate acceptance and exploration, ideally within an environment that doesn't impose artificial cultural assignments to certain preferences.
Girls may play with toy trucks; boys may enjoy 'sparkles'.
The most important sentiment i can impart on my daughters is that they are to be true to themselves, and will always be loved/accepted unconditionally by their family (and should accept no less from others that may become important in their lives -- while also preparing them to handle the occasional cold realities of human interaction) no matter what, forever.

Yes, it would be interesting to do some more polling/interviewing of the parents of these kids. There seems like there has to be something that would make a parent inject their child with puberty blockers at 11, irregardless of their supposed identity. Also, kids/teens are incredibly faddish and role playing, often excessively and obsessively so. At 11 I was sure I'd be a professional ninja. And if there was some shot that I thought would make me one, I'm sure I'd try and get my parents to get it for me. Two other things I wondered reading the article is maybe these kids are just into the pageantry and spectacle of being a supposed "girl" persona to get guaranteed attention and supposed companionship/affection? I mean Katy Perry probably doesn't dress and get glammed up like "Katy Perry" everyday. The "drag show" look isn't everyday ware. I get kids are increasingly costuming in everyday life, but as the article suggest not many kids dress like barbie princess everyday. Granted, maybe in some areas, families they do. But this seems just like pushing the everyday is Halloween if you want it. The other thought was these kids seem like they want attention/affection, lots of it. I'm thinking theatre camp would have been a better idea than this camp.

Seems like a case of the parents looking to the children for direction or some weird proxy fulfillment.

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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Sounder » Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:02 pm

Thanks for this Purple Sage material Heaven Swan.

Thanks also for starting this thread Heaven Swan, I had never thought much about such things and it is nice to see it introduced with a less inflammatory frame than is sometimes used. It has been on my mind for a time now so that I would like to express an opinion. Some activists speak about supporting ‘gender non-conformists’. But here is a thing in the form of a short story observation. My brother met a woman a few years ago and in his puppy love enthusiasm marveled that; ‘he had never met a woman that was just as strong as him’. He is a mechanic and plenty strong. But she has a kind of relaxed determination to always be doing work and side enterprise that requires a strong physical commitment. She has a truck and trailer and helps people move stuff when they need it, is a certified windmill tech, forages for asparagus and morels in the spring, berries in the fall, dumpster dives, runs the boys on the siding crew, (because they are lazy) and is now clearing newly purchased land. She talks with a low slow voice and enjoys her manly habits, but she is still a woman. Naturally she is a high status person as are many gender non-conformists, both because they realize a higher calling that is above issues of gender and because people do respect others who ‘find their own way’.

The program(ing) we are being subjected to is enforcing gender conformity, and is not at all about encouraging respect for gender non-conformists.

Purple Sage wrote...
He has internalized homophobia around being a feminine gay boy. His mother seems so well-intentioned but she is failing to help her son get over his internalized homophobia and instead is injecting him with extremely expensive puberty blockers so that he will grow up to be a feminized, sterilized gay man with underdeveloped genitals, rather than a regular, normally-developed man. She is doing this because her child insists upon it.
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Heaven Swan » Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:36 am

Thanks everyone, for the compelling discussion and comments.

Taking a step back to look at the big picture--as long as anyone can remember, the feminist movement has fought for the liberation of women from imposed gender roles, seeing gender itself as the straitjacket that plays a big role in propping up toxic and unequal hierarchical relating.

The true liberation of woman would also liberate men and go a long way to dismantling the whole hierarchical structure that is at the root of most, if not all forms of oppression (domination and exploitation based on class, race, sex...).

Then along come the trans activists pushing trans ideology. They claim to be super-oppressed and cite murders. The murders are perpetrated almost exclusively by macho misogynistic men but instead of joining feminists to combat male violence the trans activists aim their fight squarely at feminists. They coin a new term TERF, and backed by big pharma, big media, porn and sex magnates, etc begin a sophisticated campaign to wipe out real feminism and replace it with a liberal version that kowtows to the sex industry and men who hate women...innocent children and confused (or homophobic) parents are caught in the crossfire...
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Re: US Government rules on Gender Identity

Postby Luther Blissett » Wed May 10, 2017 9:58 am

My friends' four-year old daughter has been insistent that she is a boy and has wanted to be called a boy for at least a year. When I first heard it I thought it was phase since they were so young but didn't say anything, more recently I'm starting to think it is at least semi-permanent after my last visit with the family.
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