RI Subject - Reality Winner

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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:13 am

seemslikeadream » Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:46 am wrote:Mac (and crew) have hounded me for over a year now....he has personally attacked me more times than I can count and been suspended for that at least 4 times ....he has trashed my sources over and over....he started a thread just the other day accusing me of having magical powers and my dog who has been my best friend for over 14 years has been dying in my arms for a week now....yea I am pissed and very angry and very very very sad......

I have just have enough

maybe rose colored glasses would help

Textbook paranoia. I am tired of your living it out at my expense. Do not accuse me ("and crew", sic) of hounding you/harrassing you/bullying you/persecuting you, or whatever it is you so fondly imagine, because that is a very serious accusation. I detest bullies. And you are accusing me ("and crew", sic) of a crime, a very serious one.

You have it exactly assbackwards. You are suffering from ideas of reference. You think everything is about you, always. You think anyone who disagrees with you is persecuting you, whether it's me, Harvey, Rory, Elvis, or anyone else. I have lost count of the people you accuse of persecuting you. It is persecution mania.. Get help. (And I know nothing about your dog, it is none of my business or anyone else's, and it is of no relevance to this thread or any other. You think you are the only human being, on this Discussion Board or elsewhere, who has any worries or who has ever suffered a loss? Trump has driven you insane. You are not alone in that. Get help.)

Enough. This is a Discussion Board.

^^And that is a line drawn. I have had it up to here, seriously.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:15 am

and so have I...leave me the fuck alone

of course another personal attack you just can't help yourself

to make one thing PERFECTLY clear I was NOT referring to Harvey or Elvis in my crew remark....they have NEVER personally attacked me....that was a lie by Mac.... the "crew" are no longer here...they have moved on to another place where they can gossip with impunity

yes I edited my post and it wasn't done by magic
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:22 am

Back to Reality:

Her parents claim she taught herself Arabic while still at school. Is that plausible?

In a brief interview, Davis said his daughter served her nation with distinction as an Air Force linguist. He said she speaks Arabic and Farsi and has training in other Middle Eastern languages.

“She’s a veteran, six years’ service of the Air Force,” he said. “She received commendations during that time. She’s just a passionate young woman who probably made some mistakes.”

http://www.ajc.com/news/national-govt-- ... xpEgymMuK/

CNN reports that Winner had a "Top Secret" security clearance and had been assigned to a government agency facility in Georgia since February. She is a Texas native who served in the Air Force.

Her court-appointed attorney says she served six years in the military. She is "an athlete who loves animals," says her mother, Billie Winner-Davis.

"She speaks the Middle Eastern languages – Farsi, Dari and Pashto," Winner-Davis told the Guardian. "She did it all on her own," noting that she had not taught her daughter the foreign languages rarely taught in the United States.

https://www.usnews.com/news/national-ne ... nsa-leaker

"She did it all on her own," - again, Is that plausible? Yet no one denies she spent six years in the Air Force. In fact they go out of their way to emphasise that point.

She's 25. She's fluent in Arabic, Farsi, Dari and Pashto. Incredible. She did it all herself. Unbelievable.

There's only one major Middle Eastern language missing from that list, and it's prominent by its absence.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:28 am

Reality Winner, N.S.A. Contractor Accused of Leak, Was Undone by Trail of Clues

An Instagram image of Reality Leigh Winner, 25, who was charged with sending classified material to a news website. Credit via Reuters
WASHINGTON — In the months after President Trump was elected, Reality Leigh Winner frequently expressed outraged political views about him on social media, in between photos of her cats and favorite quotations. But on the afternoon of May 9, she posted an unusually anodyne message on Facebook, noting that she would be teaching two yoga classes that evening.

She was harboring a secret, prosecutors say. Hours earlier, Ms. Winner, a 25-year-old former Air Force linguist who in February took a contractor job at a National Security Agency eavesdropping center in Georgia, printed out a top-secret intelligence report detailing Russian meddling in the American election and ferreted it out of the secure complex.

Days later, she would mail the file to a reporter at the national-security news outlet The Intercept. By the time the site published the document on Monday, Ms. Winner was already under arrest — undone by a trail of clues that quickly led investigators to her. Ms. Winner, who the F.B.I. said confessed when confronted, is now the defendant in the first criminal leak case of the Trump era.

Her case was a reminder of the vast universe of people who have access to government secrets, largely because of the expansion of security agencies in the years since the Sept. 11 attacks. About four million people, both government employees and contractors, hold security clearances, including 1.3 million with top secret clearances like Ms. Winner’s.

Among them, she was an unlikely suspect. A broader portrait that emerged from interviews and her active social media presence suggests a fun-loving, talented young woman, a workout enthusiast and a wide reader, fond of kale, dedicated to her cats and dog and her work. She had no apparent history of leaking or any disciplinary proceedings during her military service.

On Tuesday, Ms. Winner was being held at a jail in Lincoln County, Ga., northwest of Augusta, after an 11-minute court appearance a day earlier. A federal magistrate judge scheduled a detention hearing for Thursday.

Her case came “totally out of left field,” said her stepfather, Gary Davis, who arrived in Georgia from Texas in recent days. She had been involved in animal rescue and service groups, Mr. Davis said in a brief interview outside Ms. Winner’s home as steady rain poured on Augusta on Tuesday.

He added: “Reality, she’s just a good kid. She’s got a great big heart.”

Ms. Winner had followed an older sibling into the Air Force, Mr. Davis said.

“She looked at the Air Force and wanted to serve her country, and she did that with honors and did an exemplary job,” he said.

Document: Reality Leigh Winner Criminal Complaint
Despite the swift and apparent success of the investigation, the case is the latest blow to the N.S.A., the nation’s largest intelligence agency, which prefers to work in the shadows and for decades largely succeeded in doing so.

Then came a yearslong debate over warrantless wiretapping during the George W. Bush administration, the leak to the news media in 2013 of hundreds of thousands of documents by Edward J. Snowden, and last year, the theft of N.S.A. hacking tools that were made available on the web by a still-unidentified group calling itself the Shadow Brokers.

The Snowden and Shadow Brokers leaks have deeply shaken the agency, raising the question of whether it will ever be able to protect its secrets again.

But the prosecution of Ms. Winner may send a deterrent message to the huge, scattered work force of employees and contractors of the N.S.A., showing that the authorities have sophisticated ways to track down leakers in certain circumstances.

Ms. Winner left many clues when she took a single N.S.A. document, a May 5 report detailing hacking by the G.R.U., Russian military intelligence. The report described hacks in August against a company that sells software related to voter registration and another, a few days before the election, against 122 local election officials.

An F.B.I. affidavit said a visible crease mark on the file, a scan of which The Intercept provided to the government while trying to authenticate it, prompted investigators to surmise it was a printout.

Audit trails showed six people had printed copies, but only one — Ms. Winner — had also used a work computer to exchange emails with The Intercept. A search warrant application said she had found the report by plugging keywords into the N.S.A.’s system that fell outside her normal work duties — and had printed no other files.

And there may have been an even more glaring telltale that the F.B.I. did not mention in court filings. Computer security experts, including the consultant Robert Graham, have noted that color printers leave barely visible microdots identifying the serial number of the printer, the date and time of the printing, 6:20 a.m. on May 9.

“The N.S.A. almost certainly has a record of who used the printer at that time,” he wrote.

Ms. Winner’s apparent Twitter feed, which used a pseudonym but had a photo of her and the same account name as her Instagram feed, makes clear her hostility toward Mr. Trump. That suggests a possible motive for leaking: highlighting Russian hacking of election-related targets, amplifying the narrative that Mr. Trump’s victory is tainted.

On social media — her Twitter feed went silent soon after she became an N.S.A. contractor in February — she denounced Mr. Trump as “the orange fascist we let into the white house” and mocked Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a “Confederate.” She expressed concern about climate change, and support for the Black Lives Matter movement and other liberal views.

In response to the Iranian foreign minister, she posted on Twitter a sympathetic comment: “There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran. If our Tangerine in Chief declares war, we stand with you!”

On Feb. 7, she retweeted a post by Mr. Snowden about the Trump administration’s “false claims” against the news media. On March 12, she posted on Instagram, suggesting she was listening to a podcast of the Ron Paul Liberty Report while she made a kale-intensive dinner.

Raised in Texas, Ms. Winner received her legal name — Reality Leigh Winner — from her biological father, who, Mr. Davis said, “always wanted a real winner, so he named her Reality Leigh.”

“The plan was to call her Leigh,” Mr. Davis said, “and one of the first babysitters that they had started calling her Reality, and it stuck.”

She had been living in Maryland, not far from the N.S.A.’s main campus at Fort Meade, and she sounded a bit lonely on social media as she settled in her new home in Georgia.

One Facebook shot, showing a cat in a guitar case, also reveals the spines of a pile of her books. They suggest her range as a linguist — a Kazakh textbook and another on Uzbek verbs — as well as her diverse interests. There is a manual for fitness instructors; the Bhagavad Gita, the Hindu book of scripture; and several novels, including Salman Rushdie’s “The Satanic Verses.”

Ms. Winner taught at Oh Yeah Yoga, a small studio owned by Annalisa Adams, who said attendance for her Friday evening class had grown. On Saturday night, Ms. Winner’s mother sent Ms. Adams a Facebook message and said a family emergency would indefinitely keep her daughter from teaching.

“This is a complete shock to us,” Ms. Adams said.

Ms. Winner lived in a small rented home about a five-minute drive from the famed Augusta National Golf Club. The house was a study in contrasts: a colorful, funky welcome mat rested out the door, and a small no-trespassing sign, with a silhouette of a rifle and the words “WE DON’T CALL 911” posted above the porch.

Her Nissan Cube remained parked outside. One of the many stickers hailed the Sierra Club; another showed she had completed a half-marathon, and a third was an admonition: “Be truthful, gentle and fearless.”
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/us/p ... k-nsa.html
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:37 am

The Russians are coming!

If there are Reds under Reality's bed, she's not gonna take it lying down. Instead she's gonna take it to her Senator:

According to her social media, she claims to have had a 30-minute meeting with Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., on Feb. 14, a day after receiving her clearance.

"My plea that our senators not be afraid to directly state when our president or his cabinet tell outright lies was well heard," Winner wrote on Facebook. "I was able to draw the parallel between the 2011 interview of President Bashar al Assad claiming utter ignorance of the human rights violations his citizens were protesting to Trump's statement last week that the White House hadn't received any calls about the [Dakota Access Pipeline]."

https://www.usnews.com/news/national-ne ... nsa-leaker

So Reality doesn't just hate Russia, Reality also hates Assad. Reality loves Freedom and stands up for Human Rights. Reality spent six years with the United States Air Force. Reality speaks all major Middle Eastern languages (except one, for some reason). Reality (25) has a 30-minute meeting with a US Senator to advise him on foreign and domestic policy, "the day after receiving her [security] clearance". Reality has a signed photo from Anderson Cooper, which she treasures.

I wonder how Reality feels about Iran and North Korea.

Certainly this brave young political dissident is doing a power of work for the National Security State. Reality is entirely indistinguishable from the Washington Post.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:48 am


Indeed. The trolling of the citizenry by the Power Apparatus has become quite brazen. The election of Trump signaled a new era (and new threshold) of 'post-reality' performances by State Übermenschen.

What and who is Reality? Asks the increasingly stupefied proles (and/or earnest inquisitors) as the prime movers giggle in the background.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby Luther Blissett » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:56 am

MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:22 am wrote:Back to Reality:

Her parents claim she taught herself Arabic while still at school. Is that plausible?

In a brief interview, Davis said his daughter served her nation with distinction as an Air Force linguist. He said she speaks Arabic and Farsi and has training in other Middle Eastern languages.

“She’s a veteran, six years’ service of the Air Force,” he said. “She received commendations during that time. She’s just a passionate young woman who probably made some mistakes.”

http://www.ajc.com/news/national-govt-- ... xpEgymMuK/

CNN reports that Winner had a "Top Secret" security clearance and had been assigned to a government agency facility in Georgia since February. She is a Texas native who served in the Air Force.

Her court-appointed attorney says she served six years in the military. She is "an athlete who loves animals," says her mother, Billie Winner-Davis.

"She speaks the Middle Eastern languages – Farsi, Dari and Pashto," Winner-Davis told the Guardian. "She did it all on her own," noting that she had not taught her daughter the foreign languages rarely taught in the United States.

https://www.usnews.com/news/national-ne ... nsa-leaker

"She did it all on her own," - again, Is that plausible? Yet no one denies she spent six years in the Air Force. In fact they go out of their way to emphasise that point.

She's 25. She's fluent in Arabic, Farsi, Dari and Pashto. Incredible. She did it all herself. Unbelievable.

There's only one major Middle Eastern language missing from that list, and it's prominent by its absence.

I can't tell if you mean Turkish or Hebrew.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:59 am

Prosecutors did not say which federal agency Winner worked for, but FBI agent Justin Garrick said in an affidavit filed with the court that she had previously served in the Air Force and held a top-secret security clearance.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... e314f74995

Top-secret security clearance at USAF. What was she working on?
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:26 am

Luther Blissett » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:56 am wrote:
MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:22 am wrote:
She's 25. She's fluent in Arabic, Farsi, Dari and Pashto. Incredible. She did it all herself. Unbelievable.

There's only one major Middle Eastern language missing from that list, and it's prominent by its absence.

I can't tell if you mean Turkish or Hebrew.

Turkey is not normally said to be a Middle Eastern country any more than Pakistan is, on the other side of the Middle East. So, not Turkish and not Urdu, no. I mean Hebrew. It is prominent by its absence, the only one missing, or not mentioned.

And what about other languages, the kind a young American might more reasonably be expected to have run into at school? She grew up in Texas. How did she do at school? Was she good at languages? How did she get on in Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish, for instance? Her school records would be well worth seeing! Or did she only discover her amazing talent for languages after joining the Air Force? There she learned difficult non-European languages, languages that don't even use Roman script, far more difficult languages to master than the typical school subjects I listed. Just Arabic alone would be a very tall order. Who can acquire fluency in it without living in an Arab country? And Farsi, Dari and Pashto will be no use to her on her vacations. The Iranians wouldn't even let her in.

Clearly Reality Winner was being trained up for something. Why, then, did she leave USAF, after six years of intensive and presumably very expensive training?
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:43 am

Wombaticus Rex » Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:13 pm wrote:Has anyone seen a deep dive on her employer, Pluribus International Corporation?

Name is 100% new to me.

To me too. When did she leave the Air Force and join Pluribus International Corporation? With a name like that, the company doesn't exactly sound either tiny or unambitious.

And above all: Why? Six years' military service is already a very serious start at an army career. She'd spent her entire adult life there.(I wonder if she went straight to the Air Force from school. If not, which college did she attend? Did she graduate?)

- Is this the same Pluribus? http://www.pluribusnetworks.com/
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:01 pm


Dan Robinson
President & Chief Operating Officer at Pluribus International

https://web.archive.org/web/20161115125 ... erview.asp

Corporate Overview

Pluribus International Corporation specializes in providing high quality analytical, operational, engineering, and program management support services to Federal Government customers in the Defense, Security, and Intelligence Community sectors that directly support the fulfillment of U.S. National Security objectives.

Our company headquarters is in Alexandria, Virginia, minutes away from the locations of our primary clients in Washington, DC, and Northern Virginia. In addition, Pluribus also has a satellite office in Stafford, Virginia, just outside of Quantico Marine Corps Base. We support clients at locations across the U.S.A. and in Europe and Asia.

Our executive management team has over 130 years of combined government contracting experience, including managing large business units up to 1,000 employees and $140 million in annual revenues. As a Small Business, we feature a streamlined management structure which enables us to provide dedicated and responsive support to our customers.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:07 pm

MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:43 am wrote:
Wombaticus Rex » Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:13 pm wrote:Has anyone seen a deep dive on her employer, Pluribus International Corporation?

Name is 100% new to me.

To me too. When did she leave the Air Force and join Pluribus International Corporation? With a name like that, the company doesn't exactly sound either tiny or unambitious.

And above all: Why? Six years' military service is already a very serious start at an army career. She'd spent her entire adult life there.(I wonder if she went straight to the Air Force from school. If not, which college did she attend? Did she graduate?)

- Is this the same Pluribus? http://www.pluribusnetworks.com/

Screenshots from LinkedIn ---seems like the standard corp closely tied to govt intel agencies:

link for full image: https://ibb.co/hJtnyF


116 employees, per LinkedIn.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:08 pm



Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:13 pm

Thanks for the archived web page and the LinkedIn thing.

Twice I googled the name and clicked on the current link -

Pluribus International Corporation

- and twice it froze my browser and the site refused to appear. Can anyone get it to load?
Last edited by MacCruiskeen on Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RI Subject - Reality Winner

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:14 pm

it's on the wayback ..

I provided the link

https://web.archive.org/web/20161115125 ... erview.asp
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