Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby American Dream » Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:47 am

Andrew Anglin’s Lawyer Visited The Elusive Nazi’s Hometown And Madness Ensued
A zany search for Anglin roped in process servers, raffish locals and lurking TV journalists.

By Luke O’Brien

Marc Randazza (above) represents Andrew Anglin, the mind behind America’s biggest neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer.

Last February, I’d almost cornered Anglin in a Columbus courthouse after he showed up for a mandatory in-person hearing to expunge a criminal record. A court clerk told me I’d missed him and his local attorney by a few minutes. Anglin later admitted on The Daily Stormer that he’d been at the courthouse.

And then there was the Columbus process server who’d been hired to find Anglin. The process server told me that in December he’d spotted Anglin in a Columbus-area grocery store. My report enraged Anglin and he told his readers that I’d fabricated the process server, only to have the man, Jeff Cremeans, come forward and submit a sworn declaration to the court two days later. Randazza dismissed Cremeans’ account as a “fantastic tale.”

How curious, then, that the attorney to the trolls was traveling to Anglin’s hometown of Columbus.

On Monday, Randazza settled into his seat on Delta 6016 and swiped through his Twitter feed. What a weekend he’d had. On Saturday, he’d partied in Hell’s Kitchen at the “Night for Freedom” bash thrown by another client, the far-right propagandist and PizzaGate pusher Mike Cernovich. Some big pro-Trump “free speech advocates” were there, speechifying about “brown people” and “faggots” and the genitalia of transgender women. The next day, Randazza met up with family members at Professor Thom’s, a sports bar in the East Village, to watch his Patriots win the AFC Championship.

Solid weekend. Real solid.

https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/na ... b658c4a36b
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby American Dream » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:23 pm

The Reaching-Out Industry

Journeying into red states with bridge-building liberals

Vice journalist and comedian Harmon Leon went deeper into Trump’s America. His book, Meet the Deplorables: Infiltrating Trump America, released in December, aims to be a gonzo look inside right-wing America. He spent time with a New Hampshire tattoo artist who was giving away dozens of free Trump tattoos, the pseudo militia Oath Keepers, and a pray-the-gay-away group in Sacramento.

Leon’s book is meant to be a satirical journey, but he’s able to elicit some journalistic exposure by posing as a member of the groups. “You don’t have to agree with what they’re saying but you have empathy for their motivations,” he told me. “They look toward conspiracy theories as the reason why their life isn’t going great. They have a family, they’re just struggling to get by. It’s easy to jump on a conspiracy theory of why things are going wrong for them.”

But reading Leon’s book, you aren’t left with a roadmap for how to connect with gun-toting Muslim-haters in Long Island. The best you’ll get is a sense of just how bleak and irredeemably unhappy much of the country is.

“This town is home to deplorableness,” he writes of Reno, Nevada, “that sense of grinding white-man’s dispossession that led to Donald Trump’s stunning victory . . . stunning to those who don’t spend time in places like this.”...

The Reaching-Out Industry has a major flaw: nobody knows what to do with the product it produces. I do think there is a genuine desire at work here, to learn how a significant minority of the country (based on the popular vote, and the administration’s current approval ratings) let themselves get scammed by Trump and co. But once the reaching-out is done, the result isn’t surprising. Biases, right wing fear-mongering, and whitelash combined with a visceral hatred for Hillary Clinton to produce Trump’s victory.

It’s also a one-sided phenomenon, and that’s the real problem: to truly cross the chasm of American politics, reaching out would need to come from all sides. The Times gives us profiles of Nazis and famous conservative transphobe Ben Shapiro, perhaps in the genuine hope of understanding these figures’ influence, but we also need thoughtful conservatives to try to understand the bogeymen of the left. We shouldn’t hold our breath waiting for a Breitbart profile of a “liberal cuck beta male,” but it seems just as unlikely that any conservative-leaning podcast would spend a day trying to understand the Black Lives Matter movement, or that Sean Hannity would sit down for a frank discussion with a transgender person to understand their daily struggles.

It seems unlikely that any conservative-leaning podcast would spend a day trying to understand the Black Lives Matter movement.
“My theory: maybe it’s because we’re all such special little snowflakes on the liberal bubble side, maybe there is more of a value [in] emotional understanding,” Marron posited.

Leon was blunter in his assessment, tying the lack of reaching out on the right to the conspiracy-minded people he met for his book. “Maybe they don’t want to understand,” he said, spefically referencing his interaction with anti-Muslim group ACT for America. “Sure, they want to shut down a mosque, but I think their day to day interaction with Muslims is limited to absolutely none. They have no interaction with it, therefore it’s easy to point a finger at a big macro group.”...

More: https://thebaffler.com/latest/reaching-out-donnelly
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby American Dream » Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:52 pm

The XFL is Coming Back. Can We Destroy America Now?

The liberal notion that good ideas win their own converts, that sworn enemies are a debate away from becoming friends is a foul-smelling jar of pure horsepiss.

From Dr. Bones


Where does the revolution go when the people merrily choose fascism?

I can’t speak for the strange and frozen territories beyond the oaks and Spanish moss. Perhaps the world is different where you’re from. There is a level of honesty in the South between radicals and the voting majority clearly absent elsewhere. We know, like komodo dragons sniffing the air, just how much we won’t get along. One of us has got to win and one of us has got to go. Simple as that. Life reduced to a contest of sharper claws and longer teeth; maybe the ideology is just a convenient cover to make it more civilized.

The “working class” is a difficult notion to peg when electricians view gas station cashiers with utter contempt. Here in the South you can watch the same folks Marx and Lenin saw as the primary force for human liberation vote Republican breathlessly, just as shamelessly as they pop open a laptop and jack off on their lunch break. They don’t care about the rich getting richer, they think it’s perfectly fine, natural even. Necessary. So long as black people know their place, gays remain hidden in hair-dressing studios, and Christ is first in everything you can bend them right over the economic sofa and fuck them till their assholes run red.

The working class has risen before. Countless times. Behind the souls of the assembled, chewing processed meat in a simulacrum pretending to be barbecue, lies a twisting nebula of ancestral spirits. I see their struggles, the plantations growing cotton in the middle of the Civil War while children died of starvation. Confederate soldiers used as mere pawns, just as Jefferson and Washington sent settlers into certain death all for political aim. The pain lingers. I feel them often signing up with Federals and decimating Confederate supplies, like one might still feel a neighbor long dead. Organized armies hungry for beef and revenge, threatening the wealthy, seizing property. And yet…

Uneducated. In need of teaching. By the gods man, have you told them The Good News? The gospel of the working class? Maybe. But I can’t deny many of these good, honest, simply misguided folk burned hearts alive and hung throats from oak trees.

Maybe I’m just not a good missionary. Still…the question lingers, a stick in my craw.

How is it fair to tell every person of color, every awakened soul desiring to be free, that they must wait for any revolution until “class consciousness” reaches these people? How many bodies must continue to fall, how many tired mothers must weep as we discuss new strategies to convince on-the-fence racists that black people deserve to live?

How much longer are we going to hope?

The one fact Leftists have never really settled for me is that, statistically and purely on a probability basis, you can’t convince everybody. It’s impossible, defies the very laws of the momentary illusion we call material existence.

Odds can be shifted, any conjurer could tell you that. But there is a damn big difference between “radicalizing” somebody, pushing an open question, and converting them to a totally different worldview that goes against everything they hold sacred.

One of the greatest strengths the South ever had was its inability to listen. There is no argument between ideas. There is blood and bullets and teeth and fists. The Klan didn’t exist as a debate society. They came to your house and made what they believed true, even if it cost you your life.

The liberal notion that good ideas win their own converts, that sworn enemies are a debate away from becoming friends is a foul-smelling jar of pure horsepiss. Slavery didn’t end because the South was “convinced.” Sherman marched to Atlanta burning every building along the way. Confederate soldiers, drawn from the feudal peasant class of farmers, had to be met on the battlefield and killed. People thought the South was beaten but, as soon as the troops went away, the old order reared its ugly head. The Federals failed to deliver the killing blow and Jim Crow grew mightier with every day.

And they happily murdered people to preserve this status quo.

The Civil Rights movement wasn’t about pleasant conversation. There wasn’t a “change of heart.” It wasn’t about beautiful arguments or realizing we’re all in this together. It was about federal troops invading Southern States at the threat of martial law, the government themselves absolutely terrified at the idea that Black folks were going to begin killing cops en masse if something didn’t change. It is something that, so many years later, is still far from settled.

Because it never came to blows.

There are towns down here people are warned about, stretches of countryside filled with stories many would refuse to believe. Every one of those stories involves good, honest, working class people acting like unadulterated nightmare fuel. Football fans and proud Americans, rabid beasts just barely capable of holding back their bloodlust.

Maybe you still see people in need of The Gospel. The great Truth of The Proletariat. Surely, surely they’ll eventually come around. Hell, Jesus might come back too.

More at: https://godsandradicals.org/2018/01/31/ ... y-america/
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby American Dream » Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:15 am

The alt-right are targeting disgruntled white male lefties to join their movement


At the end of last year, a group of white American men met in Maryland, US to discuss the ills plaguing the Western world. During this conference, these men rallied against “corporate neoliberalism,” the “trillions spent in insane wars,” and of course, “the capitalists.”

The men critiquing global capitalism are the country’s most prominent white nationalists, according to a recent report in The Nation. On the surface, everything they were pushing for struck at the core at left-wing values. Eli Mosley (real name Elliott Kline), who recently took over the leadership of white nationalist group Identity Evropa, called for white nationalists to be “explicitly anti-capitalist.” White supremacist blogger Mike Enoch (real name Mike Peinovich), called for “a right-wing workers’ movement,” while Richard Spencer, probably one of America’s most prominent white supremacists, voiced his support for national health care, saying “we need to be willing to take care of people…”

The far-right’s co-option of the language of the far-left may seem odd at first—the two ideologies sit on oppose end of the political spectrum and are often fighting each other (in bouts that have been known to turn violent). But while the far-right may parrot the left, the two still diverge widely in their intended goals and actions. When Spencer speaks of altruism, he never hesitates to expand that the society that he is striving for is a white ethno-nationalist state, which he hopes to achieve through “peaceful ethnic cleansing.”

There’s an obvious reason for the alt-rights new focus: the need to recruit and grow has become imperative. Leaders have themselves admitted that they have already exhausted their dwindling pool of recruits from the right—“We’ve almost literally drained the market of libertarians,” Kline admits.

The shift in language isn’t just a recruitment tactic, however, it’s also a calculated move to rebrand. To do so, the alt-right is following an already-established playbook by the European far right, which in the 1960s, also started to adopt the left’s language. “They would say we believe in black power and brown power as long as you agree with white power,” says Alexander Reid Ross, a lecturer at Portland State University and the author of Against the Fascist Creep. “The point of it was to use some of the rhetoric of the 1960s and 1970s towards the aims of fascist ideology,” he adds.

Read more: https://qz.com/1176355/how-richard-spen ... eftie-men/
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby Iamwhomiam » Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:52 pm

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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:02 pm


FEBRUARY 4, 2018

Patriot Prayer isn’t known for its good taste.

The far-right organization, known for linking up “Patriot” militias with Alt Right white nationalists, became notorious for taking up the “free speech” rally model started by Lauren Southern in the “Battle for Berkeley.” In Portland, Oregon, and the surrounding suburbs, their organizer, Joey Gibson, instigated violent clashes with leftist protesters as he refused to tone down the “America First” rhetoric. In May, Jeremy Christian, a man who eagerly joined Patriot Prayer’s events, murdered two on Portland public transit in an Islamophobic frenzy. Gibson’s response was to hold his June 4th rally just a couple of weeks later in a federal park, which drew over three thousand protesters in a show of unprecedented antifascist unity.

On August 26, in the wake of the savage race riot and vehicular murder in Charlottesville, Gibson decided to bring his act down to the Bay area, where a number of far-right provocateurs were intending to join him. This would start with a “Freedom Rally” along the waterfront, which activists countered with a mass “poop in” by bringing their dogs to the beach without waste bags. The following day they the “anti-Marxist” message would be brought to the streets, picking up on the white supremacist conspiracy theory that modern “progressive” values are actually the result of subversive Jewish “Cultural Marxism.”

Patriot Prayer’s plans sparked one of the quickest engagements of mass organizing in years as coalitions formed around the city with everything from radical art shows to a mass marches to disallow Gibson access to the streets or city parks. While the Bay’s progressive line-up began their plans, it was the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10 that stepped out in front to lead this community revolt. Just days before the Alt Right was to descend on the city, Local 10 passed the “Motion to Stop the Fascists in San Francisco,” calling for “all unions and anti-racist and anti-fascist organizations to join us defending unions, racial minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ people, women and all the oppressed.” ILWU was instrumental in raising the antifascist coalition’s profile enough to force Gibson to cancel the event, and when he tried to move it to San Francisco’s Alamo Park, the union took to the streets and helped form a block to prevent entry.

Right now, labor in the United States is being pushed to a state of execution. With the political power in the hands of the beltway right, attacks on public sector unions, collective bargaining, exclusive representation, and the rights of workers to organize, are forcing labor to look past immediate contractual gains and to the larger contradictions the working class faces. Capital’s attack on unions is happening at the same time as a radical right populism is sweeping the U.S., with Trumpism ushering in what the Freedom Party brought to Austria, Brexit offered to the UK, and what Le Pen could have leveled on France. With the Alt Right as the militant fascist edge of this movement, organized labor is placed where it is often put in times of crisis: uniquely targeted and decisively necessary...

The position of unions as a conceptual force is even more central as its mechanisms of class power are some of the most profound in history. The ability to use solidarity to dethrone the authority in a workplace can be expanded to the community, and the mass base, the ability to strike and worker empowerment can all be pivoted to see not only institutional injustice, but also the insurrectionary violence of white supremacy, as a target. Fascist politics splits the working class, a fragmentation that spells defeat in even the most class reductionist sense, and there is every reason for union members to be on the front lines.

https://antifascistnews.net/2018/02/04/ ... t-fascism/
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby American Dream » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:31 am

The unsurprising reason Jonathan Pie rants sound straight out of Spiked

If you've ever thought that Jonathan Pie's contrived rants sounded like they could've been written by someone from a left-liberal rag obsessed with getting speaking gigs for fascists, you were right.

Jonathan Pie emerged in 2015 as a fictional news reporter who lets his own 'left wing' views spill out into his reporting amongst a barrage of swearing. It turns out the people behind him have some interesting real-life connections.

On 2nd February 2018, in response to Bristol Antifa's heckling a speech given by ultra-conservative Jacob Rees-Mogg, Jonathan Pie tweeted 'Antifascists acting like fucking fascists. Grow the fuck up you stupid cunts'.


Neither the sweary tone nor the boilerplate liberal catchphrases are out of character for Jonathan Pie: in another video he blames Brexit and Trump's election on left-wing censorship (rather than, you know, years of the majority of print and television media fomenting racism against migrants and Muslims, which interestingly doesn't get a mention) saying that "It's time to stop banning people from speaking at universities" and that if people are 'triggered' by his comments, they can "fuck off to [their] safe space."

That these preoccupations (supposed left-wing censoriousness, especially at universities) dovetail those of the notoriously awful Spiked Online is no coincidence. Andrew Doyle, co-writer of Pie alongside Tom Walker, has written over 20 articles for Spiked Online between August 2015 and January 2018.

This obviously isn't the result high-end detective work on our part; the Jonathan Pie website mentions Andrew Doyle as a co-writer and it was easy to figure out from there. We're just not in the habit of googling shit 'comedy' acts, so hadn't realised the connection. But, then again, neither have most people.

Spiked is perhaps best known for its university 'free speech' rankings, published annually and reported both gleefully and uncritically by Britain's broadsheets. Yet, for anyone who spends five minutes examining them, one of the factors they count against institutions is simply having a 'bullying and harassment' policy. Worth panicking about censorship over?

Doyle's own articles on Spiked contain lines such as:

It’s a sobering reminder that bad ideas are only defeated through language and debate. Political violence is an oxymoron. The hostile modus operandi of groups such as Antifa has alienated those who might otherwise be sympathetic, as well as enabling white supremacists to portray themselves as martyrs.

We've covered why this is a hopelessly bad take before, but suffice to say that Jonathan Pie's tweet precisely reflects Andrew Doyle's views rather than simply being 'comedy'.

The conflation of any attempt to protest a serving politician with 'fascism' ignores what the politics and methods of fascism actually are. For example, the Traditional Britain Group, whose dinner Rees-Mogg attended in 2013 and later apologised for (even though he had been informed by anti-fascists beforehand), would like to repatriate all black Britons to Africa and the Caribbean and halt immigration. It does so by lobbying Tory politicians like Jacob Rees-Mogg at expensive dinners.

So who here is acting 'like a fascist'? People taking part in a protest against a politician or the far-right lobbyists wining and dining the hard-right of the Tory Party? More than anything, Jonathan Pie's writers show a lack of understanding about what fascism actually is.

What's more, there seems to be a complete double-standard as to what counts as an attack on free speech and who deserves to be defended.

In 2011 Rees-Mogg called for public sector strikers to be summarily sacked. More recently Rees-Mogg met with Steve Bannon, until recently editor of Breitbart and former chief strategist to Donald Trump. While editor of Breitbart, Bannon described that he wanted the news site to be "the platform for the alt-right". Bannon was also in post at the White House when Trump issued an executive order immediately banning citizens of seven-Muslim majority countries from entering the US, resulting in even long-term US residents with Green cards being detained and deported on arrival, and protests at airports from New York to Birmingham, Alabama.


For Doyle and his alter-ego Pie, political violence is an anathema, showing they have no critique of state violence at all. In this formulation, heckling someone is bad but calling for strikers to be sacked in parliament is fine - despite mass sackings of strikers having considerably more implications for free speech. Heckling is like fascism but the poster boy of the Tory hard right meeting a man who ran a multi-million dollar far-right news website and was part of a government which detained and deported people based on the country they were arriving from doesn't merit a mention.

Of course, if you reduce 'acting like fascists' to 'doing banal things that fascists also do' then it seems unfair not to mention that Jonathan Pie himself had a show on the British arm of Russian state television network Russia Today from 2015 to 2016. RT is known for regularly interviewing fascists and white supremacists, such as Richard Spencer 1, 2. 3 4, 5 6, Matthew Heimbach 1 and 'third-positionist' Alexander Dugin 1. An alternative explanation for the rising public profile of Spencer et al would need to take into account their promotion by RT and liberal-left publications such as Mother Jones in the US, something which has been happening since 2012, long before Spencer got punched.


Continues at: https://libcom.org/blog/unsurprising-re ... d-06022018
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby Karmamatterz » Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:41 am

“free speech advocates”

With so much disdain for free speech it makes you wonder who the fascists are?
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby DrEvil » Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:51 pm

Karmamatterz » Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:41 pm wrote:
“free speech advocates”

With so much disdain for free speech it makes you wonder who the fascists are?

No, not really. The fascists would be *drumroll* the fascists. Do you think they care one iota about free speech? The only reason they're moaning about it now is because people are criticizing them and they can't handle it.

Just look at their tool in chief. He goes off the handle every time the media criticizes him, calling for stronger libel laws so he can more easily shut down speech he doesn't like and labeling them enemies of the people, and the fucking idiots are lapping it up. They would be cheering him on if he actually went after the media. There's people out there literally arguing for using the military against the "enemies of the state" (google purple revolution America), and Trump himself called his political opponents traitors.

The alt-right's idea of free speech is saying whatever they want with no consequences. In other words, they want to be able to continue being flaming assholes without anyone talking back. Well boohoo.
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby Karmamatterz » Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:51 pm

Yeah well the constant drumbeat by the extreme left that free speech ought not be so free is bullshit. I don't care how you want to associate free speech with the alt-right. As a matter of fact, it's fucking lame that all the extreme left can do is play word association games and try and tie everything to the alt-right. Free speech is for everybody, not just one party, one identity, gender or race. If there is one consistent under and over current on this website it's that if you don't like what someone who is NOT extreme leftist, just get that phat brush out and paint them as being of the alt-right.

Free speech DOES allow you to be a flaming asshole. All sides of political spectrums are full of assholes. Free speech is a fundamental right in the U.S. It's ridiculous that people need to be reminded of that all the time.
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby DrEvil » Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:08 pm

Karmamatterz » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:51 am wrote:Yeah well the constant drumbeat by the extreme left that free speech ought not be so free is bullshit. I don't care how you want to associate free speech with the alt-right. As a matter of fact, it's fucking lame that all the extreme left can do is play word association games and try and tie everything to the alt-right. Free speech is for everybody, not just one party, one identity, gender or race. If there is one consistent under and over current on this website it's that if you don't like what someone who is NOT extreme leftist, just get that phat brush out and paint them as being of the alt-right.

Free speech DOES allow you to be a flaming asshole. All sides of political spectrums are full of assholes. Free speech is a fundamental right in the U.S. It's ridiculous that people need to be reminded of that all the time.

Can you give me one example of leftists who want to restrict free speech? I'm sure there are some who want hate speech laws like almost every other developed country has, but that's pretty much it. Germany has managed just fine with a ban on Nazi horseshit for over 70 years.

99% of all the complaining I hear is the alt-right who rant about free speech whenever they're kicked off a platform for being racist assholes.

Newsflash: no one is obligated to give anyone else a platform for their speech.

PS! It's hilarious to see Americans ranting about the "extreme left". You do realize that what counts for extreme left in the US is what every other country on the planet thinks of as centrists, or center-left at worst? The Overton Window in the US has basically punched a hole in the wall and left the building.
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby Karmamatterz » Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:59 pm

Newsflash: no one is obligated to give anyone else a platform for their speech.

No shit. There is a difference, and you know it even though you don't want to admit it. The U.S. constitution does not guarantee you a platform, it does protect your right to speech.
It's unfortunate if any people's speech is regulated such as you mention. So what, these other countries are extremist? Am I suppose to give a shit and think we should conform to their insanity? Cute how you try to shame someone for not being a fucking conformist. Since you're not a U.S. citizen you thankfully don't have any say here buddy.

I don't have the time tonight to gather up all links that are copy/pasta'd onto RI that refer to this. BUT, just look up thread and see what I copied to begin with. It's right here on this page.
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby DrEvil » Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:18 am

Karmamatterz » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:59 am wrote:
Newsflash: no one is obligated to give anyone else a platform for their speech.

No shit. There is a difference, and you know it even though you don't want to admit it. The U.S. constitution does not guarantee you a platform, it does protect your right to speech.

Exactly. No one is being prevented from speaking, just prevented from speaking on their preferred soap boxes because the owners of said soap boxes think they're assholes. They're free to make their own soap boxes.

It's unfortunate if any people's speech is regulated such as you mention. So what, these other countries are extremist? Am I suppose to give a shit and think we should conform to their insanity? Cute how you try to shame someone for not being a fucking conformist. Since you're not a U.S. citizen you thankfully don't have any say here buddy.

Oh no! Conformists! That's practically socialism!
Where did you get the idea that I think they're extremist? I'm not trying to shame you, I'm just pointing out that a lot of countries have some form of hate speech laws and they're doing perfectly fine in the freedom of speech department regardless.

I don't have the time tonight to gather up all links that are copy/pasta'd onto RI that refer to this. BUT, just look up thread and see what I copied to begin with. It's right here on this page.

Here's the full sentence of what you copied:
Some big pro-Trump “free speech advocates” were there, speechifying about “brown people” and “faggots” and the genitalia of transgender women.

The quotation marks are there because it's obviously meant sarcastically. The asshats talking about "brown people" and "faggots" aren't talking about it because they care about free speech, they're talking about it because they hate an entire group of people and want them gone, and that's why they're called "free speech advocates" and not free speech advocates. They're using something they don't really believe in as a shield from criticism and they're being called out on it.
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:13 pm

White Nationalist Greg Johnson Banned From Fremont Gym

"You can use a picture from our website if you choose, although our preference for the caption would be along the lines of 'White nationalist NOT welcome to sweat here.'" - Kyle Davis COURTESY OF NW FITNESS PROJECT

https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2018/0 ... remont-gym
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Re: Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism

Postby American Dream » Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:48 am

A Fight for Freedom: No Racist, Sexist Fascists in DC


This fascist event is organized by Mike Cernovich, who once tweeted “date rape does not exist.” Cernovich was himself accused of rape, and likes to describe his own very rapey behavior. He was given a seven-figure settlement in a divorce, allowing him a lot of time to tweet pro-Trump propaganda and accuse everyone he disagrees with of pedophilia. Cernovich was one of the lead promoters of the “pizzagate” conspiracy theory, which led a man to walk into Comet Ping-Pong with a gun and shoot the place up, all based on the lies Cernovich had spread. Cernovich also participated in the gamergate harassment of women attempting to address sexism in video games. He bullies. He’s anti-trans and anti-immigrant. He tweets that his semen has mystical powers. He’s a terrible person.

Fascism and sexism go hand in hand. The links are clear between rape apologists and Trump, who himself bragged about sexual assault and has defended domestic abusers. A hallmark of fascism is toxic masculinity, the type that seeks dominance and avoids accountability, the type that seeks to control women, that denies sexual assault and domestic violence, and that wishes to persecute immigrants, Muslims, people of color, and anyone they believe they can oppress.

https://itsgoingdown.org/fight-freedom- ... scists-dc/
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