Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.S.

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Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.S.

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:40 am

Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.S. border crossings

WASHINGTON — A caravan of migrants fleeing Honduras has grown to 4,000, and the Mexican government has sent 500 additional federal police to its border with Guatemala in anticipation of their arrival, according to U.S. government documents obtained by NBC News.

Part of the caravan, which has split into two groups, is approaching the Mexico-Guatemala border amid a surge in border crossings on the U.S.-Mexico border.

In September, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 41,400 undocumented immigrants, up from 37,544 in August, according to numbers not yet released publicly but obtained by NBC News. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the numbers of families and children traveling on their own surged to record levels in September.

Shelters and churches along the border have been flooded as a result of the surge as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have been releasing hundreds of migrants from detention at a time.

Many of the Hondurans traveling in the caravan are children, some traveling with their parents and some without, according to the documents. Because children are afforded special protections in the United States, their arrival is creating anxiety within the Trump administration, which has pledged to decrease illegal immigration. President Donald Trump said last week that he would consider separating migrant families at the border once again, after reversing his controversial "zero tolerance" policy in June.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is tracking the caravan as the Hondurans make their way north toward the U.S. border. Meanwhile, the State Department is trying to stave off that possibility by compelling the Mexican government to stop them at its border with Guatemala.

IMAGE: Honduran immigrants in Zacapa
Honduran immigrants get on trucks in Zacapa, Guatemala, on Wednesday.Esteban Biba / EPA
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will travel to Mexico to meet with his counterparts on Friday, and plans to stop the caravan will be a "prominent" topic of discussion, a senior State Department official told reporters on Wednesday.

"I am certain that there will be conversations in Mexico about how we can work together on this issue," the official said about the caravan. "We are certainly looking for concrete results and for solutions that work for both countries."

Trump has threatened to cut aid to Honduras and Guatemala if their governments do not stop the caravan. It remains to be seen what pressure the United States will put on Mexico, but a senior Homeland Security official said border agents were hopeful that State Department negotiations would significantly curb the numbers that reach the United States.

The deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala, David Hodge, arrived on Wednesday at Casa del Migrante, where hundreds of Honduran migrants continue to arrive. He told them not to continue traveling to the north.

Hodge said in an interview that he was there to tell the migrants "that President Trump's message was clear — that anyone who enters the United States illegally will be arrested before being deported."

"The United States government is very aware of the security and prosperity problems in the countries of the Northern Triangle, but we are investing hundreds of millions of dollars every year to improve situations," he said, referring to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

"People need their future in their country, and they must return to their country," he said.

Police have been sent in part to quell protesters in the state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala, who are advocating for the safe treatment of the immigrants, according to the documents. Cooperating with the United States on strict border policies has been met with a serious backlash in Mexico, and it contributed to the election of President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

López Obrador said Wednesday that when he takes office on Dec. 1, his administration will "give jobs to Central Americans. It is a plan that we have, that anyone who wants to work in Mexico will have a work visa." He said he had told Trump that he wanted to emphasize options besides deportation, including work, for Central Americans.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigr ... er-n921286
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby elfismiles » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:46 am

https://www.newsweek.com/trump-administ ... 00-1180587

I mentioned it before and I'll mention it again ...

Rex 84: FEMA's Blueprint for Martial Law in America | Global Research
https://www.globalresearch.ca/rex-84-fe ... erica/3010
Jul 18, 2018 - The Rex 84 Program was originally established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they ...

Officials say up to 7000 now heading north to US as migrant caravan ...
https://globalnews.ca/video/4579861/off ... once-again
Globalnews.ca-13 hours ago
... say up to 7,000 now heading north to U.S. as migrant caravan swells in ... Officials say as many as 7,000 people in the migrant caravan are ...

elfismiles » 11 Jul 2014 16:23 wrote:This situation definitely seems ready to spiral out of control ... I keep wondering if/when the govt will invoke a new "Garden Plot" or Rex84 plan to deal with the situation. I mean, it seems like such a "plan" is already in effect what with the setting up of detention / mass internment, er um PROCESSING camps.


elfismiles » 14 Oct 2011 16:03 wrote:Complete audio clip featuring Henry B. Gonzalez talking about Brooks' attempt to get these plans into the public record.

http://parapolitics.info/media/alexjone ... Acamps.mp3

elfismiles wrote:
The irony of the above rumors of FBI roundups and the photo above of protesters going past the HB Gonzales convention center ... it was Henry who verified the mass-roundup Rex84 plans:

"The truth is yes - you do have these standby provisions and the plans are here...whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism...evoke the military and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps."
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:54 am

This situation definitely seems ready to spiral out of control ... I keep wondering if/when the govt will invoke a new "Garden Plot" or Rex84 plan to deal with the situation

November 7 right after the dems win the house trump will take care of that

great "accidental" timing

Carl Bernstein: Trump preparing to call midterm elections 'illegitimate' if Democrats take power

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news ... ssion=true

Trump: US to 'begin cutting off' aid to countries associated with migrant caravan
https://thehill.com/homenews/administra ... -countries
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby Laodicean » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:42 pm

Laodicean » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:25 pm wrote:Image


Switch on your electric light
Then we can get down to what is really wrong
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:56 am


Migra migra pinche migra dejame en pas
Migra migra pinche migra dejame en pas

Malicia veo en tus ojos desprecio en tu corazon
Malicia veo en tus ojos desprecio en tu corazon

Es hora de reconocer que todos somas una voz
Abrasa el concepto venimos de la misma voz

Me necesitas tu a me mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a me mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a me mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a me mas y mas que yo a ti

People people lets start together lets do it right
People people lets love one another I know we know how

Me necesitas tu a mi mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a mi mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a mi mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a mi mas y mas que yo a ti

Migra migra pinche migra dejame en pas

People people lets love one another I know we know how
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:10 pm

Caravan October Surprise?

Central America, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan

A caravan of hopeful migrants is slowly moving toward the US, and it’s making many Americans nervous. But what they should really be worried about is the possibility that cynical outside interests use the highly controversial spectacle to unleash a disastrous, violent event. One that could alter the election landscape at the last minute — an “October Surprise.”

You may be familiar with the term. It refers to planned disruptions intended to give one candidate or party a leg up in elections by delivering a surprise body-blow to the opposition.

America has a long history of October Surprises, and it’s not unreasonable to consider that one may be coming this year.

The earliest attempt to engineer an October surprise may have come in 1968, when President Lyndon Johnson reportedly tried to negotiate a peace deal with North Vietnam just days before the election — a history-making triumph which would presumably have ensured a win for Johnson’s vice president, the Democratic nominee Hubert Humphrey.

Instead, Nixon forces, working on an arm’s-length basis with the DC-based Asian power broker Anna Chennault, mobilized their Vietnamese contacts, and may have killed Johnson’s effort.

Perhaps the most famous use of the term was in the 1980 election, when President Jimmy Carter was denied re-election by the Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan and his vice-presidential running mate George H.W. Bush.

Carter had faced a relentless drumbeat of criticism over his inability to free American hostages held for a year by Iranian revolutionaries. But the GOP worried about an October Surprise — a successful move by Carter that would vault him into the lead.

Carter did mount a rescue operation, but it failed. For some, though, the term “October Surprise” refers to alleged secret negotiations between Republican operatives and the Iranians to delay any action on the hostages until after the election. Regardless of whether such negotiations actually took place, Carter lost, and the hostages remained prisoners — until the moment Reagan and Bush took office, when they were dramatically released.

Depending on the observer, the term October Surprise may apply to the pre-election rescue operation Carter attempted or to the secret communications channel the Reagan-Bush people allegedly opened with the Iranians to forestall a hostage release before the election. Either way, it’s the kind of perception-altering intervention that hard-knuckled campaign strategists are always looking to pull off.

Related: How a Deep State Plot Sank Jimmy Carter

With the tremendous stakes in the November midterms, it’s hardly alarmist to expect something along these lines. And, given President Donald Trump’s statements about the caravan of migrants slowly moving toward the US border, that’s as likely a place to look for trouble as any.

Trump himself has warned — without offering a scrap of evidence — that the caravan includes gang members, and implied that Middle Eastern terrorists are amid the throng. Predictably, instead of focusing on the misery of the participants and the motives for their trek, electronic media have gone for the lively shots — of young, boisterous, colorful participants.

If anyone decides to make trouble, even staged trouble, TV and social media will be there to amplify it and stoke a visceral reaction. Even some in the corporate media have become alarmed at the way the issue has been covered and the fear it is generating.

For years Central American families have traveled north in large groups to avoid being harmed during their long trek by traffickers, smugglers, and other criminals. The caravan is bigger than in past years, but it is not new. They are coming to the US — openly and legally — and their intent is to arrive at a border crossing and ask for asylum, something US law permits.

Nevertheless, Trump’s spin is shaping coverage of the trek, as reporters scramble to take down his latest incendiary quotes.

America has a long history not only with October Surprises but also with planned violence. We can start with Cointelpro, the long-running FBI program in which provocateurs infiltrated largely non-violent protest movements and encouraged and carried out violence.

Another example was the US-backed, secret GLADIO program in Europe, where violence blamed on the surging political left was in fact perpetrated by right-wing cells.

In a close election, things like control of the House or Senate or governor’s offices could be determined by a fairly small number of votes — and turning out only a few more votes on one side may require nothing more than a jarring incident that triggers a desire for the equivalent of what Mussolini promised Italy: a strong, paternal hand and aggressive action against perceived threats to “our way of life.”

Deception Already Underway


We are seeing examples in social and traditional media of deliberate misdirection by Trump’s allies:

Right-wing sites are claiming that the billionaire liberal donor George Soros, a familiar bogeyman, funded the caravan. Cable news programs have been showing short clips of a middle-aged man handing out cash to some young males. George Soros’s man?

Hmmm… There’s no doubt some believe this. The other day, police disabled a bomb delivered to Soros’s home. (Whether this is related to the caravan rumors is unclear, given that other bombs sent to Democrats have now been discovered. But Soros has only been in the news recently because of this issue — and it is exactly the kind of issue to send a deranged person on an explosive bender.)

Oh, and for more historical context, look up the Reichstag Fire.
https://whowhatwhy.org/2018/10/24/carav ... -surprise/
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:02 pm

This is a stunt. Caravan is weeks away, if that. May not even reach the border. And it's unlikely troops would be needed to "stop" this group. Mattis is acting as another trump enabler.

Mattis expected to send 800 more troops to southern border

Caravan over 1000 miles from US border

Washington (CNN)Defense Secretary James Mattis is expected to sign deployment orders as soon as Thursday that could send 800 or more troops to the border with Mexico to help border patrol authorities stop a caravan of migrants from Central America moving through Mexico to enter the US, according to three administration officials.

The officials tell CNN final details are being worked out including where the troops will come from and their specific tasks.

It is not yet clear if all or part of the new deployment will be federally activated National Guard forces or active duty troops.

The migrant caravan could be weeks away from the US border
The troops will not engage in lethal operations to stop the migrants. Instead they are expected to provide fencing, wall materials and other technical support at several key points along the border where it is believed the migrants may try to cross.

The troops will also provide tents and medical care for border authorities in those areas. The troops retain the right of self-defense, but border patrol officers will still be the ones physically stopping illegal migration, the officials said.

President Trump hinted at the upcoming effort with a Thursday morning tweet, saying "I am bringing out the military for this National Emergency."

The troops are expected to be in position next week.

This deployment is separate from an ongoing National Guard effort along the border to support border authorities with technical assistance. That mission has approximately 4,000 personnel authorized but only 2,100 are currently in place according to the Pentagon.

https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/25/politics ... index.html
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:52 pm

Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:34 am

Immigration law is concise and the hateful fear-mongering despicable. Anyone wishing to may apply for asylum. Even terrorists. Immigrants seeking asylum would be most grateful if admitted and in time will become citizens, with some being more successful than others, just like our forebearers..

We should not become misdirected and misfocus our attention and resources on imagined terrorists but instead should focus intently upon real ones, like Michael (last name unknown). Single-handed and unarmed, Michael destroyed Tyndall Air Force Base, which will cost $1.5 billion to rebuild. 17 F-22 Raptors, each costing $332 million, these too, Michael destroyed, totaling some $5.8 billion. Repair costs for planes and base will exceed $7 billion.

The refugees now coming here are seeking refuge from US made bullets and bombs. Most, if not all, are Christians, not that should matter in the country that embraces freedom of religion in its establishing constitution.
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby Elvis » Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:50 pm

Feds have paid undercover informants in migrant caravan
The 4,000 migrants have used WhatsApp text message groups to communicate along their journey, and DHS personnel have joined those groups to gather info.

Nov. 20, 2018 / 9:59 AM PST
By Julia Ainsley

WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security is gathering intelligence from paid undercover informants inside the migrant caravan that is now reaching the California-Mexico border as well as monitoring the text messages of migrants, according to two DHS officials.

https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigr ... an-n938416
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:04 pm

Shades of gray
Hate influence
A constant truth
Put into effect
The question
On a dead friends face
The tragic
Stance he used to fake
Passed away for circumstance
A forced exit out of
The right to choose
Stays in her head
Systematic ignorance
A politician's
Hand in your pants
For what he don't have
Creating new obscenities
And broken down and in
An eye towards
A passing glance
And half a chance
At sanity
Shows you
Things... they get away
It's all we can do
To ride it on through
No one
Leaves the caravan
Feel the signs
The jazz... the band
For a certain time
A haze of mid-life
You're crucified for what
Your art says
If art is
God... true art has left
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Re: Honduran migrant caravan grows to 4,000 amid spike in U.

Postby Elvis » Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:16 pm

Really excellent Democracy Now! program this morning, focusing on what it is that ordinary Hondurans are fleeing — a murderous, illegal, fascist kleptocracy encouraged and supported by U.S. foreign policy instuitutions.

“It Is Not a Natural Disaster”: Dana Frank on How U.S.-Backed Coup in Honduras Fueled Migrant Crisis
https://www.democracynow.org/2018/11/28 ... l_disaster

Brother of Honduran President Is Arrested for Cocaine Trafficking as Migrants Flee Violent Drug War
https://www.democracynow.org/2018/11/28 ... s_arrested

Honduras: As Berta Cáceres Murder Trial Nears End, Will True Perpetrators Be Brought to Justice?
https://www.democracynow.org/2018/11/28 ... rder_trial
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