Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby elfismiles » Fri Feb 22, 2019 11:43 am

Just had a volunteer alert me to (ahem, remind me of) what I'd learned about 5 and a half years ago but hadn't really thought about since...

Meanwhile, I miss American Dream. [rude aside: THANKS A LOT GUYS (not)]

elfismiles » 07 Nov 2014 21:03 wrote:ASMR therapy: Videos of people whispering is the latest YouTube craze
Zac Seager / Friday 07 November 2014
http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style ... 46720.html

elfismiles » 22 Sep 2013 14:37 wrote:Wasn't really aware of this (ASMR) before this week...




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Phaedra is my name...

Postby IanEye » Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:52 am

elfismiles » Fri Feb 22, 2019 11:43 am wrote:
[rude aside: THANKS A LOT GUYS (not)]




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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby liminalOyster » Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:13 pm

I miss this thread.
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby PufPuf93 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 1:46 pm

So do I. Was AD a permanent ban or a limited ban (for a year)?
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:11 pm

Yes, that happened. It was bullshit. I'm glad to be back, thanks to 82.

Anyway, check this out:

On Exile and Esoteric Fascism

In a 2015 episode of The Forest Passage podcast, Raul Antony interviewed and endorsed then-political candidate and self-proclaimed “American fascist”/Holocaust denier Austin Gillespie aka “Augustus Sol Invictus” who was running for senate in the 2016 Libertarian Party primary with the message that a violent second Civil War is necessary to preserve “Western civilization”. Gillespie, a Florida attorney who’s also known for slaughtering a goat and drinking its blood as part of an animal sacrifice in a pagan ritual, was a member of the Thelemic organization Ordo Templi Orientis (occultist Aleister Crowley was an influential member), and has close ties to The Satanic Temple. He had this to say about whether six million Jews died in the Holocaust: “I am still waiting to see those facts”. Gillespie co-founded the Fraternal Order of the Alt-Knights – a “military wing” offshoot of the Proud Boys – and was a headline speaker at the Unite the Right rally at Charlottesville. He has since dropped out of the “mainstream” Alt-Right in order to focus on “Deep Ecology” (a movement that has been influenced by quasi-spiritual fascists like Julius Evola and French Nazi mystic Maximiani Portaz aka “Savitri Devi” who developed an anti-humanist practice of Nazi nature worship.).


More: https://ktbtk.wordpress.com/esoteric-exile/

Last edited by American Dream on Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:21 pm

:) :hug1:

yes there were RI family that missed you

I don't think I ever posted in this thread but I missed you
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:04 pm

Thank you. Glad to be back in a reprieve from a one year suspension.

Here is something more:

The Frontman: Douglas Misicko, better known as Lucien Greaves and Doug Mesner

Although The Satanic Temple attempts to present itself along politically progressive lines, Douglas Misicko has collaborated with a significant number of individuals holding prominent positions in white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements. In 2003, Shane Bugbee published a new edition of a book called Might is Right with illustrations by Misicko. Originally published in 1890, Might is Right is considered an influential work among right-wing extremists. Amy Bugbee, wife of Shane Bugbee, calls it “a cornerstone […] of the modern White Power movement” (Suffering and Celebration 90). The then most recent edition of Might is Right, published four years prior to the Bugbee edition, was published by “14 Words Press,” an openly neo-Nazi publishing house, and features a variant of the swastika on the cover (RationalWiki editors; ADL, “Triskele”). The preface to Bugbee’s 2003 republication of Might is Right which Misicko illustrated was written by Katja Lane, the co-founder of “14 Words Press” and wife of the white supremacist terrorist David Lane (1938–2007), who is remembered mainly for coining the “Fourteen Words” slogan (which has become popular among so-called “white nationalists” and goes, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,” [ADL]) and for having been a key member of “The Order,” a neo-Nazi terrorist group best known for carrying out the assassination of Alan Berg (1934–1984), a Jewish radio talk show host (“Art Talk – Shane Bugbee”). The afterword of the edition of Might is Right illustrated by Misicko was written by George Burdi (1970–present), who, as the frontman of a band called RaHoWa (a syllabic abbreviation for “Racial Holy War”), was an influential figure in the Detroit-based neo-Nazi skinhead “hate-rock” scene of the 1990s. Burdi was also a leader of the Canadian branch of the World Church of the Creator, a neo-Nazi religious cult whose pseudo-theology inspired his band’s name. Misicko, along with Shane and Amy Bugbee, gave a sympathetic interview to Burdi during a 24 hour long “Might is Right” podcast recorded on September 11, 2002. (Although Burdi claimed to have left the neo-Nazi movement behind him after being imprisoned for assault in 1997, a 2017 interview with Burdi on FSN.tv, a Youtube channel run by German neo-Nazis, demonstrates otherwise [FSN, “Interview mit George Burdi”]).

A number of signs clearly point to Misicko’s continuing sympathy for and affinity with right-wing extremists. In March 2016, Misicko announced that he would be boycotting a Satanism-related conference called “Left Hand Path Consortium” in solidarity with Augustus Sol Invictus (also known as Austin Gillespie [1983–present]), a neo-Nazi lawyer and occultist who had been slated to speak at the conference before organizers apparently decided that it would be best to exclude him (Greaves, [Facebook post]). As a lawyer, Invictus/Gillespie defended a white supremacist named Marcus Faella (1973–present) in court (Pierson Curtis). Faella was a leader of a neo-Nazi terrorist group called “American Front.” Faella’s rival for leadership in the “American Front” was James Porrazzo, a former member of a now apparently defunct, ostensibly “pro-North Korean,” third positionist political cult called “Rural People’s Party,” some of whose members, including Joshua Caleb Sutter and Jillian Hoy are suspected to have gone on to form an openly pro-human sacrifice and pro-terrorism, Satanic neo-Nazi cult called “Tempel ov Blood” (@eggfordinner; Thayer, “White Power and apocalyptic cults”, “U.S. Soldiers Uncovered”).

Tempel ov Blood, which may be considered as a US branch of the UK-based Satanic neo-Nazi sect called the “Order of Nine Angles” (although it is likely that the original incarnation of the latter was as something analogous to a UK branch of the US-based, Church of Satan-derived Temple of Set [see: 6.1.1]), is known to have ties to the neo-Nazi terrorist group “Atomwaffen Division” (Hatewatch Staff, Hanrahan). Additionally, Porrazzo is alleged to have attended an event at the headquarters of The Satanic Temple in 2015 and to have received political funding from a self-avowedly fascist and Satanist publisher of far-right, neo-fascist literature named Adam Parfrey (1957–2018), whom Misicko personally eulogized on social media after he died in 2018 (Trident, Feral). It was Parfrey’s company, Feral House, which published the pro-Satanism, pro-Nazism book Siege: The Collected Writings of James Mason in 1992, which would go on to become the bible of Atomwaffen Division. In a statement of solidarity with Invictus/Gillespie, which remains on Facebook where it was originally posted in 2016, Misicko opines, “Fascism legitimately has a place in discussions upon political philosophies,” and affirms that “[Invictus/Gillespie’s neo-Nazi] perspective […] legitimately falls somewhere on a broad spectrum of recognized ‘Left Hand Path’ philosophies.”

In 2017, Misicko was adamant in demanding the defense of the “free speech” rights of Milo Yiannopoulos, who, as an editor and writer for the far-right media outlet BREITBART NEWS under its executive chairman Steve Bannon(who would shortly thereafter become chief executive of the Donald Trump presidential campaign and later the USA’s first ‘White House Chief Strategist’), worked to bring neo-Nazism into the mainstream by courting a number of right-wing extremists in order to amplify their voices under the concocted “Alt-Right” label.

Notable here is Bannon’s open flirtation with Satanism in the immediate aftermath of the election of Donald Trump. Business Insider reports that in November 2016, Bannon declared, “Darkness is good […] Satan [is] power,” (Tani). Among the individuals Yiannopoulos collaborated with under Bannon’s direction was Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer (1985–present), an American man with a large swastika tattoo on his chest who is also an administrator at THE DAILY STORMER, a neo-Nazi online media outlet (Bernstein). After low-level members of The Satanic Temple announced their intention to protest an event featuring Yiannopoulos at the University of California, Berkeley, Misicko quickly chastised them, disavowed TST’s willingness to protest the neo-Nazi-promoting “Alt-Right” figurehead, and shared a Breitbart article on Twitter announcing TST’s position of defending Yiannopoulos’s right to “free speech” (Pringle, Greaves, Sangs).

In August 2018, Misicko announced that he would be working with a lawyer named Marc Randazza to sue Twitter for alleged “religious discrimination” for temporarily suspending his personal account and that of The Satanic Temple on the social media platform. Randazza is infamous for defending neo-Nazis and white supremacists in court cases. He is currently defending several neo-fascists on trial in connection with their roles in the infamous August 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia “Unite the Right” rally (Domonoske). Among the defendants in the case (Sines et al v. Kessler et al) are Augustus Sol Invictus, Jeff Schoep (leader of the neo-Nazi group “NSM,” which, besides its known ties to “Joy of Satan Ministry,” also has numerous links to crime, including child abuse and terrorism [CBS5; Morlin; McKinley]), Andrew Anglin (an editor at the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer) and white supremacist terrorist James Alex Fields, Jr. (the member of the “Alt-Right” neo-Nazi group “Vanguard America” who drove a muscle car at high speed into a large group of antifascist protesters during the Charlottesville neo-fascist rally, killing an anti-racist protester named Heather Heyer and injuring numerous others [Justia]). Many of the defendants are affiliated with groups which are in turn affiliated with the “Nationalist Front,” an umbrella organization through which numerous right-wing extremist sects have united, including the previously mentioned NSM and Vanguard America (Tanner). Among the co-founders of “Nationalist Front,” we also find sects with names like “Aryan Terror Brigade” and several others which claim affinity with “Combat–18,” a neo-Nazi terrorist group based in the UK which was formerly led David Myatt, who inspired to so-called “London Nailbomber” neo-Nazi terrorist attack of 1999 (McLagan) and was also the founder the previously mentioned human sacrifice-advocating “Order of Nine Angles” (Introvigne, Satanism: A Social History 357–358), a UK-based Satanic group whose sympathizers in the United States formed the also previously mentioned “Tempel ov Blood,” which has built discernable links with the so-called “Alt-Right” (Buntovnik, Ryan, Hatchet). Notably, the entire membership of the Los Angeles chapter of TST withdrew from TST in protest over Misicko’s decision to work with Randazza, its members apparently either having tolerated Misicko’s numerous other fascist affiliations up to that point or else having been incredibly ignorant (Burton). In an essay published on August 7, 2018 titled “Down the Spiral of Purity” Misicko disingenuously defended his choice of lawyer by painting Randazza’s legal work with neo-Nazis as a matter of “defend[ing] […] offensive speech,” despite Randazza’s active role in a case involving neo-Nazis whose actions clearly go beyond “hate speech,” into the realm of terrorist violence. The title of Misicko’s essay (“Down the Spiral of Purity”) may be an oblique reference to the cult of personality dedicated to Charles Manson—a well known piece of trivia surrounding the album “The Downward Spiral” by the band Nine Inch Nails, later remixed as “Further Down the Spiral,” is that the album was recorded in the same house where members of the Manson Family committed the Tate murders (Ali, Novak). Additionally, the terms “purity spiral” or “purity spiraling” are neologistic jargon used by followers of the neo-Nazi “Alt-Right”; according to a February 2018 post on “r/DebateFascism,” a neo-fascist forum on Reddit, the term is frequently “mentioned in right[-]wing circles these days.” Among the top results of a September 2018 search query on Youtube for “Alt-Right Read Siege” (note: “Read Siege” is a loose label for an assortment of neo-Nazi “Alt-Right” groups influenced by the cult of personality of Charles Manson) was a video (which has since been removed) titled “Hitler on Purity Spiraling,” which featured a voice reading a passage from Mein Kampf accompanied by a photo of Adolf Hitler. There is even a neo-Nazi website called “ThePuritySpiral.com,” which is affiliated with something called “Radio Aryan.” A post on a white supremacist (neo-Confederate) blog titled “Dixie Patriot” defines “purity spiraling” as “the Alt-right version of being called a ‘right-wing nut job’.” Given the subject matter of Misicko’s essay (defending himself from accusations of cozying up too closely to a defender of the so-called “Alt-Right”), his choice of title (“Down the Spiral of Purity”) can be read as a clear dog whistle to his neo-fascist friends. In a move to clamp down on dissent within TST and “prevent elaborate conspiracy theories,” Misicko moved in early September 2018 to make all TST chapter heads sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which would include “a broad […] ‘non-disparagement clause’ that prevents former chapter leaders from […] making disparaging commentary related to the organization even, or especially, upon their departure from [TST]” (Mehta).

During the previously mentioned “Might is Right” podcast, Misicko also granted a cordial interview to Tom Metzger, a former “Grand Dragon” of the California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of a neo-Nazi group called White Aryan Resistance. Metzger is perhaps best known for helping to popularize the figure of the “lone wolf” as an ideal model of organizing white supremacist terrorism (ADL, “Tom Metzger/White Aryan Resistance”).

It’s worth taking a closer look at the content of Douglas Misicko’s interview with Tom Metzger on Shane Bugbee’s podcast to get a better idea of just how steeped in far-right, racist discourse The Satanic Temple’s spokesman was in 2002. This interview provides a vital piece of the contextual backdrop which must necessarily color our understanding of Misicko’s more recent displays of solidarity, sympathy, and elbow-rubbing with prominent white supremacist and neo-Nazi figures in the so-called “Alt-Right” movement and the decision to work with a lawyer currently involved in a case whose defendants are neo-Nazi terrorists.

In the Might is Right podcast, Misicko engages Metzger in a lengthy discussion in which Misicko questions Metzger about “Jewish bloodlines” and the racial policies of Nazi Germany (Bugbee and Mesner, “Might is Right Special” [note: the interview, which lasts 36 minutes, starts at about 19:27:30 and ends at 20:03:50]). At one point during the recorded conversation with Metzger, Misicko states, “I think there should be eugenics policy, population control policy. Something that ensures quality reproduction.” Although Misicko qualifies his pro-eugenics statement with the caveat that his ideal eugenics system would be based on IQ testing or “intelligence laws” (as opposed to being based strictly on racial grounds), it is known that IQ testing is culturally biased and that race is a cultural construct. Thus when Metzger objects that “[although] there are gray areas […] if you judge the black race by its whole, you must come up with the idea that they’re definitely an inferior race,”

Misicko tries to win Metzger over to his position by implying that eugenics would still decimate the Afro-diasporic population even if it was based on IQ testing instead of race when he argues, “But that being the case [i.e., the case being that posited by Metzger—that “the black race by its whole (is) definitely an (intellectually) inferior race”], you still wouldn’t have to enact racial laws, you’d just have to enact intelligence laws, and if that [black intellectual inferiority] was being the case, then that good segment of the population would have to drop off.” Here it is clear that what Misicko euphemistically posits as “that good segment of the population” is an intellectually “inferior” segment of the population whose “race” is disproportionately Black. What is essential to comprehend about this segment of the interview is that Misicko is attempting to sell de jure “IQ-based” eugenics to Metzger as de facto Black genocide. Metzger responds to Misicko’s idea by saying, “Well, we’ll leave you the project of raising the IQ of the black race to about 140 and I’ll be standing by when you’re successful,” prompting laughter from Misicko and his co-interviewers, Amy and Shane Bugbee. Shortly after that, Amy Bugbee (the wife of Shane Bugbee) chimes in to assert her belief that white people are not “necessarily the same species as blacks or Asians, you know, or any number of different races.”

Tellingly, the Confederate battle flag was prominently displayed at the studio where Misicko recorded with the Bugbees (see: 5.2), who also strangely claimed that they held their wedding ceremony “in South Carolina because it is legal to fly the Confederate flag there” (Sula). The interview ends with Misicko promising to send Metzger a “personalize[d] copy” of Might is Right.

That Misicko continues to run in the same far-right social circles is further evinced by the fact that he contributed (a chapter about The Satanic Temple) to Satan Superstar: A Handbook of the Infernal and the Immaculate in Popular Occulture (a book published in April 2018) alongside Boyd Rice, described as “a cult figure in the racial underground musical world” on Race and Reason, a TV show hosted by Tom Metzger that ran in the late 1980s (“Boyd Rice on Racist TV Show”). Rice appeared on Metzger’s show in 1986 or ’87 and spoke about his relationship with other musicians “moving more and more towards racialist stuff,” including David Tibet (who, like Misicko, is an associate of Genesis P-Orridge) and the band Death in June, which Rice eventually joined as a member and which he described as “very racialist-oriented,” (ibid.). Death in June is known to draw on Nazi themes (Hatewatch Staff, 7.4). According to Zach Black, the founder of “the Satanic International Network, the largest […] social media site for Satanists,” LaVey intended for Rice to take over as leader of the Church of Satan after he died (Merlan, “Trolling Hell”). Satan Superstar also features an interview with Nikolas Schreck, a neo-Nazi musician and son-in-law of Church of Satan frontman Anton LaVey. Like Rice, Schreck appeared on Metzger’s Race and Reason TV show (“Nazi Interviews Satanic Goth, Nikolas Schreck”). The title of Satan Superstar echoes that of Charles Manson Superstar, a 1989 film written and directed by Schreck that promotes the Charles Manson cult of personality, glorifying the cult leader as “one of the last true heretics of our time,” (3:35).

In the film—which also features pro-Manson commentary from James Mason, the neo-Nazi author of the Adam Parfrey-published Siege (1:05:30)—Schreck articulates the view of Manson as a founding father of neo-Nazi Satanism:

“Inspired by the exploits of [Nazi German] Field Marshal [Erwin] Rommel, the ‘Desert Fox,’ in the ’40s, Manson began a massive project of stealing and converting cars into dune buggy attack vehicles. They would be a new Afrika Korps that would rule this [California] desert domain far from the sick city. The motorcycle clubs that Manson had brought into the Family—the Straight Satans, Satan’s Slaves, the Jokers from Hell—would serve as auxiliary troops,” (34:57 – 35:30).

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:53 pm

“The Satanic Temple” and “Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth”

Like Douglas Misicko, “Satanic Temple” co-founder Cevin Soling has a long history of alignment with occult and esoteric themes prior to the foundation of The Satanic Temple. Alongside his movie production company Spectacle Films (which constitutes the original framework through which TST was conceived), Soling has also been active in the music industry as the founder and president Xemu Records, a record company which caters to the “psych-alternative” music scene. The website of Xemu Records describes it as having been “conceived [in 1990] as a ‘record label’ nod to underground cult movements of the 60’s and 70’s” (“Xemu Information”).

The name Xemu, sometimes rendered as Xenu, originates from the teachings of the Church of Scientology, wherein cult members are said to pay large sums of money to reach the grade of “Operating Thetan Level Three,” at which point they are informed about a “galactic overlord” named Xenu or Xemu who, according to the group’s bizarre mythology, was responsible for committing a genocide against extraterrestrials on Earth almost 75 million years ago (Leyden; Hubbard, “Scientology cult Hubbard Class VIII Assists Xenu lecture recording 1968.”). We will save a more detailed examination of the significance of Soling’s decision to pay homage to Scientology through the naming of his record company in relation to the praxis of The Satanic Temple for a later point in this chapter.

In line with the description of the name “Xemu Records” as a subtle “nod to underground cult movements,” a number of facts are indicative of a link between Soling’s Xemu Records and an occultist “magickal order” called “Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth” (sic) (abbreviated TOPY). We will see that a number of highly unsettling inferences arise from an examination of the links between Xemu Records and TOPY. But before delving into the more esoteric proofs of a link between Xemu Records and TOPY, we can preliminarily observe that the fact of an affinity between TOPY and The Satanic Temple can by no means be considered a far-fetched proposition simply by noting that TOPY and The Process (the group previously discussed at 3.1, in which Misicko has played an active role since before the foundation of TST) were both founded by one and the same person: Genesis (Breyer) P-Orridge (1950–present). P-Orridge and Misicko (under the alias “Lucien Greaves”) both appear in the 2015 documentary film Sympathy for the Devil? The True Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment (“Cast Bios”). We will additionally see that other leading members of TST, besides Misicko, are directly affiliated with The Process, which has also been known by the names TOPI and Transmedia Foundation (Farber). Before we break into the crypt of Xemu Records, a brief overview of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth and its implications for the exposition of the crypto-fascist sectarianism of The Satanic Temple are in order.

Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth was founded in 1981 by Genesis P-Orridge (born Neil Megson) and a small number of other “experimental British artists” associated with the emergence of “industrial music” (Simkins, Kirby 136). P-Orridge is said to have left TOPY behind in 1991, and in 1992 left the UK due to an investigation of alleged child sexual abuse which saw Scotland Yard raid the TOPY founder’s home, which is also said to have functioned as the headquarters of TOPY (Simkins, Farber). TOPY is also said to have “dissolved” around the same time, although a number of spin-offs (such as The Process) continue to exist (P-Orridge 26). Despite never being charged with any crime in connection to the child abuse investigation, P-Orridge has become something of a poster child for “victims of false sexual abuse accusations” in “moral panic” and “witch-hunt” narratives, variously framed as the “Satanic Ritual Abuse” scare or “the Satanic Panic of the 1980s and 1990s.” (See, for example: Simkins’ “A punk retelling of the modern witch trial: The first ever film about Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth”). Needless to say, P-Orridge’s penning of a ritualistic “magickal” recipe to “make [‘your (…) sexual fantas(ies)’] really happen” “regardless of the […] age of those who take part with you” (48) and the fact that the desire to abolish all “restrictions” on “the free manifestation of the sexual impulse” is described in Thee Psychick Bible as “one of the uppermost aims of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth,” which is said to strive for “the total freeing of sex” from “standards of morality” (134) are rarely mentioned when P-Orridge and TOPY are presented as the innocent victims of a baseless “witch-hunt” or “moral panic” motivated by purely irrational hysteria which was, we are told by apologists, actually the result of a simple misunderstanding about some avant-garde art film about “young boys […] who […] put [‘an implant’] in their cocks” (Simpson) that was just really “ahead of its time.”

The “magickal” recipe for the realization of sexual fantasies conceived in “total freedom” from morality, known as “Thee Sigil ov Three Liquids” (the “three liquids” are [1] saliva, [2] blood, and [3] semen or vaginal fluid, which the sect terms “OV”), appears to have played a role in Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth analogous to the role of “auditing” in the Church of Scientology. Members of TOPY were asked, on the 23rd of each month, to send P-Orridge a scrap of paper which had been touched with the “three liquids” and upon which they had written their “most intense sexual fantasy,” being specifically instructed to disregard consideration of the social (read: legal) acceptability of their fantasy (P-Orridge 334). P-Orridge explains in a Facebook post from 2017 that “TOPI” (the spelling of TOPY that P-Orridge opted to start using after moving to the USA—allegedly constituting a separate entity from TOPY) observes the period between December 23rd and January 23rd as the “TOPI New Y-Era.” It can be deduced from this that P-Orridge and TOPI/TOPY’s sex magic ritual is indebted to the thought of Aleister Crowley and the occultist group which he led called “Ordo Templi Orientis” (OTO). Swiss journalist and historian Peter-Robert Koenig notes that Crowley’s “instructional text Amrita, dated 23rd January 1933, defines the use of semen as counteracting [numerous health problems.]” Koenig, who did ethnological participant observation by joining and leading an OTO group, notes that “in the O.T.O’s sexual magick everything came down to semen[;]” and also that Crowley wrote a journal entry in the 23rd year of the 20th century, in which he claimed that “[t]he industrial use of Semen will revolutionize human society,” (ibid.). In an interview contained in Thee Psychick Bible, P-Orridge claims that the purpose of this “magickal” exercise was to “[a]bolish fear, build trust,” (ibid). Elsewhere in the book, we find a transcribed piece of improvised prose poetry titled “At Stockholm,” delivered by P-Orridge at TOPYSCAN (the Scandinavian branch of TOPY) in 1989 (245–253). Certain passages in this poem may be taken to evoke both the act of fantasizing necessary to create a “Sigil ov Three Liquids” and the likelihood that P-Orridge would read the “Sigils ov Three Liquids” which were sent to the TOPY headquarters. The following passage is particularly instructive:

“Sexuality, sex, getting inside makes real too. And once inside we can make anything happen. Eyes shut in a coffin. A world ov darkness. We travel into that darkness to reconvene our emotions and listening hard we see every detail ov every sexual act,” (P-Orridge 252, deliberate misspellings contained in original).

We can take “getting inside” here to refer to “getting inside” the mind and thereby accessing, in Spinozist terms, the infinite modes of Thought (“see[ing] every detail [of] every […] act”). Elsewhere in Thee Psychick Bible, P-Orridge opines that “[a]cceptance of duality enslaves human consciousness,” (312). So we may think that “getting inside [the mind] makes real” means that the monthly records of sexual fantasy solicited by Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth from its members are (or were) fantasies which are actually “not really” intended to be made to “really happen” (i.e., they only “really happen” in the sense that they happen in thinking substance, which is identical with extended substance). On the other hand, this interpretation may also appear mistaken, as we are led to believe the opposite (i.e., that the fantasies really are meant to be made to “really happen”) by virtue of the fact that in the text on “Thee Sigil ov Three Liquids,” P-Orridge argues the following:

“Indulging in scopophilic activity [i.e., ‘obtain(ing) simulated sexual gratification through the process of watching, where the illusion of active doing is obtained by turning another person into an object which is subjected to a controlling gaze’] […] can, in the long run, result in an unconscious acceptance of the separation between mind and body, sexuality being denied its natural course,” (51).

One of the primary metaphors elaborated by Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth is that of “Psychic TV.” On television, we see representations of fantasies, and so we get the idea that when “magickians” shut their eyes so as to get “inside” their heads and begin “mak[ing] real” their “Sigils ov Three Liquids,” they are watching “Psychic TV,” and they are also masturbating and cutting or pricking themselves to draw blood in the same time as they watch their “Psychic TV” (so that they will have the second and third of the “three liquids” [note that 23 was considered the sacred number of the cult, perhaps partly for this reason, the numbers two and three corresponding to blood and semen]). Viewing the “Sigil ov Three Liquids” ritual in light of the “Psychic TV” metaphor, we see that it necessarily involves a dualism between the sexual reality (the ritual must performed while the body of the “magickian” is “naked” and “alone”) and the sexual fantasy (which may include the most desired partner[s] of the “magickian,” “regardless of [their] age”) . That the goal is to make the sexual fantasy approach the sexual reality (and vice versa) and to have “control” over both (i.e., to “do what one wills”) is evident from P-Orridge’s apparent stance against “scopophilic activity” and “acceptance of the separation between mind and body.”

Returning to “At Stockholm,” we can proceed to another interpretation, this one perhaps more plausible: “Sexuality, sex, getting inside makes real too,” means that, for TOPY, the male sex becomes real when it is inside the female (read: when the penis is inside the vagina). Indeed, this doesn’t seem to be very far off from P-Orridge’s philosophy of “Pandrogeny” (or, less frequently, “Pandrogyny”), which P-Orridge has variously described as “two people becoming one,” “hav[ing] an orgasm together,” or “hav[ing] a baby” together (Griffiths). It must especially be noted that, as with the attempts to imply an association between the antisemitic, segregation apologist co-founders of The Satanic Temple and Judaism or between Judaism and Nazism (see: 3.1.1, 3.2, and 6.3.3), it would be a profoundly violent act to imply that P-Orridge’s “Pandrogeny Project” is even remotely connected to transgender or genderqueer people. In practice, the “Pandrogeny Project” can best be described as a heterosexual couple striving to resemble each other as much as possible using a variety of body modification techniques, including plastic surgery. The “Pandrogeny Project” has caused confusion among members of the public insofar as it involves the appropriation of some practices or isms associated, arguably problematically, with trans and/or non-binary communities, such as crossdressing (or “transvestism”), “transsexualism,” and the rejection of identification with masculine and/or feminine pronouns, thus causing some to mistakenly presume a legitimate adjacency between “pandrogeny” and trans men and women (Hoby, Griffiths); however, we will see below that the “Pandrogeny Project” is fundamentally premised upon explicitly misogynist thinking, with roots in the minds of a wife-killer and a man who called women “the Sex Enemy”. The superficial resemblance between the “Pandrogeny Project” and transgender identity (disguising the former’s inherent violent misogyny through the appropriation of some of the codes of the latter) may have been deliberately cultivated to either (1) cause confusion, (2) insidiously exploit society’s growing intolerance of transphobia as a means of shielding the “Pandrogeny Project” from criticism, or (3), alternatively, to goad on transphobia by conflating the misogynistic concept of “pandrogeny” with the status of being transgender.

“At Stockholm” may also give us an idea of what kind of fantasies members of TOPY might have been recording on their “Sigils ov Three Liquids,” as well as P-Orridge’s views on the desirability of sowing confusion. In the poem, the following words of Genesis P-Orridge can be found:

“We thrive on violation. We attempt to re-create [the] excitement [of] a first moment’s intensity by deceptive means. There are no taboos. Nothing is forbidden. […] [the] only joy—is violation. […] Muscles no longer as loose as childhood ache in memoriam—stiffening with age before beauty […] Little girls […] attract by their lack [of] experience, […] Little girls masturbating about tomorrow. […] Restrictions are removed like school uniforms. […] Sharing a body is nothing. Sharing insight, being inside, is everything. […] All paranoia [comes] from [the] past, it takes us like a rape and damages. […] Better pain, better hurt, better [confusion] than boredom,” (P-Orridge 251–252).

Tellingly, Thee Psychick Bible describes William S. Burroughs (1914–1997) and Brion Gysin (1916–1986) as “mentors” of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth (P-Orridge 13). Both of these male writers are widely noted to have been rabid misogynists. Burroughs, who shot and killed his wife (and was the recipient of an inheritance that gave him “a monthly allowance for life”), called women “the Sex Enemy” (Murphy, Schjeldahl). James Grauerholz, noted Burroughs bibliographer and heir to Burroughs’ literary estate, informs us in Word Virus: The William S. Burroughs Reader that “it was [Burroughs’] partnership with Brion Gysin that developed this philosophy [of ‘explicitly misogynistic theories (…) in the most absolute terms’] to its ultimate extreme, for Gysin was a true misogynist” (Grauerholz 248). P-Orridge appears to have borrowed the “pandrogeny” idea from Gysin; it is said that when Burroughs called Gysin a misogynist, the latter replied, “Don’t go calling me a misogynist…a mere misogynist. I am a monumental misanthropist. Man is a bad animal…. Me, I AM a compromise, a compromise between the sexes in a dualistic universe,” (Perreault). This corresponds exactly to P-Orridge’s description of the “Pandrogeny Project” as a man and woman “becoming one” in the reproductive process, as being “very much about the union of opposites” (much like the Church of Satan extolled modern Satanism as being about the union of Judaism and Nazism). In other words, the “Pandrogeny Project” is nothing other than a psychotic male fixation on the act of heterosexual intercourse as the conquest and destruction of “the Sex Enemy” (i.e., women and girls).

P-Orridge gloatingly claims that when British police investigated the activities of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, they neglected to examine the stockpile of “Sigils ov Three Liquids” (i.e., blood and semen-soaked notes detailing sexual fantasies) which were kept in filing cabinets at the TOPY headquarters (335). Had they done this, they might have obtained a record of any number of misogynist, misopedic, and misanthropic narratives detailing every kind of “unrestricted” sexual fantasy conceived according to TOPY’s vision of “violation”-as-“joy,” which TOPY members sought to, and perhaps did, “make […] really happen.” It may be noted that the word “violation,” from the Latin violare “to treat with violence, outrage, dishonor,” is a cognate of “rape” in many languages (Etymonline).

As alluded to earlier, there is a clear parallel between the “sigilizing” of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth and the “auditing” of the Church of Scientology. It has widely been reported that, in “auditing,” members of the Church of Scientology are asked to divulge deeply personal, sexual information about themselves, which can then be used to blackmail them if they stray from the cult. Ronald DeWolf (1934–1991), born L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. (having been named after his father, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard [1911–1986]), was raised to be heir to his father’s cult, but later turned against it. He described the purpose “auditing” in Scientology thusly:

You have complete control over someone if you have every detail of his sex life and fantasy life on record. In Scientology the focus is on sex. Sex, sex, sex. The first thing we wanted to know about someone we were auditing was his sexual deviations. All you’ve got to do is find a person’s kinks, whatever they might be. Their dreams and fantasies. Then you can fit a ring through their noses and take them anywhere. You promise to fulfill their fantasies or you threaten to expose them … very simple, (Morton 128–129).

The similarities between Scientology’s “auditing” and the monthly “sigilizing” asked of members of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, with its fixation of “sex magick,” are patent. That “trust-building” is an absurd pretense for collecting written records of deviant sexual fantasies which individuals wish to “make real” hardly needs further elaboration.

Beyond the cult-like aspects of the deviant “sex magick” doctrines of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, its political orientation also merits attention.

The engagement of the musical acts associated with P-Orridge and TOPY and their fans with fascist aesthetics is explicit and undeniable. Members of TOPY (said to have numbered some 10,000 individuals around the year 1991) dressed like skinhead “Hare Krishnas,” shaving their heads except for a rat tail in the back and wearing “combat boots” and “grey military-style” clothing (Glassett and Featerstone, P-Orridge 408). The group adopted a symbol which it called the “Psychick Cross,” regarded as mesmerising and revered in part for the fact that, as P-Orridge writes in Thee Psychick Bible, “if you create a grid of Psychick Crosses in a particular configuration […] you will see swastikas in all the spaces inbetween,” (408). In another passage from The Psychick Bible, the Nazi swastika and the Psychick Cross are identified as “power symbols” (385). Throbbing Gristle, the most well known musical act associated with P-Orridge, adopted as its logo a lightning bolt symbol highly reminiscent of the Nazi-era “British Union of Fascists,” which P-Orridge freely admits “has the SS connotation” (P-Orridge 330). Ostensibly, all of this was an ironic and artistic-performative ruse to “get people to examine ambiguities” (Psychic TV, “First Transmission” 3:40). This is of course the go-to excuse of many a crypto-fascist when called out on their neo-fascism, but let’s set this issue aside for now. (See 4.1 for a critique of the notion of supposedly “ironic fascism” or “critical support for fascist aesthetics”).

In spite of the ostensibly artistic-performative basis of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth’s embrace of fascist aesthetics, a number of passages in Thee Psychick Bible are indicative of P-Orridge and TOPY’s real alignment with actual fascist politics. In “Letter to Jean-Pierre Turmel,” P-Orridge echoes the proto-fascist German nationalists of the 19th century (recall the preface to this Unauthorized Guide), lamenting, “[I] hate christianism and leftism and suppression and control so much,” (31). In the same letter, P-Orridge goes on to describe TOPY philosophy, affirming that the group’s goal is “to generate […] a new elite […] [a]n ultra-elite” (31–32). P-Orridge then compares TOPY directly to Nazism, positing the former as “[a] radical step” beyond the latter, though apparently in the same direction (32). P-Orridge the misanthropist writes:

“Thee Temple [ov Psychick Youth] is a church of only LEADERS, no followers. A radical step. Even thee Nazis, though they bred an elite of leaders, still wanted to control thee masses, lead them and entangle themselves with them. We want thee leaders alone. Fuck thee sleeping masses. We have no desire to be superior rulers of boring, dull masses of people who we despise. We want JUST leaders. A church full of leaders, only leaders and not leading anyone. Merely cohabiting. A separate existence for OUR satisfaction. Why waste all that time, energy and vision dealing with boring masses of people. We’ve got better things to do. Enjoying and stimulating ourselves. A self-centered religion instead of a crippling, selfless Christian ideal,” (32).

Also in Thee Psychick Bible, we find “An Open Letter” by Carl Abrahamsson, a Swedish leader of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth. Echoing early 20th century American eugenicist Madison Grant and Adolf Hitler (once again, recall this work’s preface), Abrahamsson attributes the fall of the “Roman Empire” to its “succumbing to Christianity” (122). Like a typical antisemite, Abrahamsson posits Jews as the root of “unnatural perversion and illness” (read: the root of all evil), writing, “Judaism = Christianity = Islam = Communism = Capitalism, etc., etc., and so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseam,” (122). This must have been the same “thought” process which Hitler underwent before arguing in Mein Kampf that “by [‘constructive work,’ ‘Marxism’] understands only the establishment of despotic rule in the hands of international Jewish finance,” and elsewhere penning absolutely asinine phrases like “Jewish-capitalist Bolshevik Russia” (351–352, Hitler’s Second Book146). The positing of “the Jews” (or “Judaism,” the same thing) as the source of Christianity, Islam, communism, and capitalism—each one of them a deceptive construction behind which hides a genetically “Semitic” plot to subvert and parasitically feed on so-called “Aryan” or “Indo-European” civilization—is indeed the crux of Hitlerist ideology. Evoking the old Nazi canard of a Germanic “religion of the blood” (the term Alfred Rosenberg uses in The Myth of the Twentieth Century, a book second only to Hitler’s Mein Kampf within Nazi ideology), TOPY leader Abrahamsson, who keeps his head completely shaved and, by the looks of it, some early 20th century anthropologists probably wouldn’t have hesitated to label “of Nordic/Aryan stock,” goes on to claim that “[t]he Runes are part of the Scandinavian DNA-structure” (123).

Given the cryptanalysis presented above, we can conclude that Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth was (or is, insofar as the project continues under the banner of “TOPI” or “The Process”) a neo-fascist group. To the extent that the group has successfully dissimulated its own neo-fascist character, it can be considered a crypto-fascist sect. It therefore follows that any sect descended from or affiliated with TOPY, including The Process and ultimately The Satanic Temple, is itself entangled in the snare of crypto-fascist sectarianism.

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:06 pm

Welcome back, AD. Glad to see your return. I'll need to re-read those revelatory articles a few times to better digest them before commenting on their content.
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:18 pm

Here is more:

The Satanic Temple’s paramount spokesman, “Lucien Greaves” (i.e., Douglas Misicko), has done and said more than enough outrageous things to warrant a spotlight in Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch. To give just one example, which will be unpacked in greater detail in 6.3.3, Misicko declared on a podcast which also featured Holocaust denialism that “it’s okay to hate Jews if you hate them because they [practice Judaism, as opposed to it not being okay to hate Gentiles who descend from Jews or who are ex-Jews]” (“Doug Mesner [Lucien Greaves] Satanic Temple Anti-Semitic Rant”). More recently, he has expressed explicit support for the platforming of neo-Nazis and their inclusion in the so-called “Left Hand Path” community (hinting at a kind of “ecumenical” Satanism and a sense of fellowship between TST and explicitly/openly neo-Nazi varieties of Satanism, like those elaborated by groups such as Joy of Satan Ministry and the Order of Nine Angles or Tempel ov Blood).

Unfortunately, most of this outrageous behavior and discourse seems to have gone under the radar of journalists and Misicko continues to widely be given platforms to propagandize on behalf of The Satanic Temple without his problematic attitudes ever being called into question. Perhaps limiting his racist commentary to more informal and quasi-underground outlets like obscure podcasts and social media posts has helped to keep his hate hidden to a greater degree than Werner’s.

Nevertheless, a decision seems to have been made to focus The Satanic Temple’s recruiting efforts on sectors of the so-called “white middle-class” (petit bourgeois) population which are nominally “left-wing” or liberal-leaning. It appears that it was the desire to rebrand Satanism and shake off its association with neo-Nazism and make it more marketable to the previously mentioned demographic through what Misicko calls the “Satanic Reformation” that led to the dismissal of Werner, more so than any disagreement about whether Satanism is or ought to be “theistic” or “non-theistic.” Probably the “non-theistic” brand of Satanism was judged better from the perspective of the desire to dissociate Satanism from its extreme right-wing connotation, because it is more compatible with satire, which allows the group to dissimulate the seriousness of its Satanism when necessary. Critics can then be maligned for “not getting it” and being in the clutches of “moral panic.” This “Satanic Reformation” is comparable to the far-right’s rebranding of neo-Nazism as the “Alt-Right,” and the fact that TST emerged at precisely the same moment as the “Alt-Right” is surely no coincidence.

Greg Stevens, another leading figure within The Satanic Temple, has been described by one disaffected former Satanic Temple member as being “friends” with Mike Cernovich, a right-wing extremist associated with the “Alt-Right.” This claim appears to be supported by a video clip Stevens posted to Youtube on April 30, 2016, showing him and Cernovich discussing “trolling as a tool for social change,” as well as chummy interactions between the pair on Twitter. Cernovich, who has identified himself as “Alt-Right,” is infamous for spreading the propaganda of white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements, such as the claim that “white” people are victims of a genocide being perpetrated by Black criminals, who “regularly [slaughter] the innocent” (SPLC, “Mike Cernovich”). Unlike Werner, Stevens remains at the top of TST’s hierarchy.

https://danielkbuntovnik.wordpress.com/ ... ic-temple/

Another musical act which illustrates this phenomenon well is a New York-based band called Hanzel und Gretyl. Combining Nazi, Esoteric Hitlerist, and Satanist imagery with a claimed sense of ironic detachment in songs with names like “Third Reich from the Sun” and “SS Deathstar Supergalactic,” Hanzel und Gretyl claimed in a 2009 interview that they “just like to have fun” and that their music is neither Nazi, nor “hate[-]inspired” (Buntovnik). But a perusal of the comments sections of songs and fan-produced music videos for the band which have been posted to Youtube reveals a high level of unironic affiliation with neo-Nazi sentiment among the group’s fanbase, with fans posting comments such as “1488” (meaning “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children—Heil Hitler”) and giving each other recommendations for even more explicitly neo-Nazi music.

This indistinguishability between ironic and unironic fascism arises because it is impossible, unless one suffers from historical amnesia, to sustainably de-politicize and “enjoy” the aesthetics of fascism apolitically, or as Zizek would have it, “liberate [them] from their Nazi articulation.” Fascist aesthetics produced under the guise of ironic detachment and “over-identification” to supposedly “call them into question” and “undermine Nazism from within” (Zizek) attract and are easily re-appropriated by those who enjoy and “over-identify” with fascist aesthetics unironically. Moreover, overzealous identification with a nation and/or “race” is already the basic defining premise of fascism, so the idea that an exaggeratedly enthusiastic affirmation of racial nationalism is somehow subversive or undermines fascism by making it appear ridiculous is nonsensical from the start. As the memetic caption “this, but unironically” (which has become something of a meme in its own right) shows, for one person’s attempt at irony to undergird another’s seriously and sincerely held position is not a rare occurrence. Those who engage in the (re)production of fascist and Nazi aesthetics but claim to do so “ironically” are one of either two things: “useful idiots” who bolster the global resurgence of neo-fascism unwittingly, or crypto-fascists who exploit public credulity in their pretend insincerity as a shield from accountability.

Furthermore, Zizek’s history of Rromaphobic (or antiziganist) speech and calling for “Red-Brown” partnership between neo-Nazis and “left-wing Bernie Sanders fans” under the banner of a “broad alliance of all anti-establishment forces” certainly doesn’t bode well for the legitimacy of the notion that the tableau of signifiers employed by neo-Nazism (which is really just neo-Nazism itself) can be rerouted into the “good, clean fun” of goose-stepping, “harmless” rock and roll.

Satanists who act with (allegedly) ironic intent, like those of The Satanic Temple, are likely to fall into the same trap as those musical acts which “ironically” appropriate far-right imagery and reproduce fascist aesthetics for unironically fascist audiences. This is true not only due to the fact that there is widespread understanding that the words “Satanic” and “Nazi” both bring to mind the notion “evil,” but also because modern Satanism, as a new religious movement, is—in terms of its historical situatedness—inseparable from neo-Nazism as a political movement.

The comparison which has been made here between neo-Nazis and Satanists (i.e., between a hypothetical “Nazis for Israel” satirical street theater-type group and the conceptualization of The Satanic Temple as something analogous to a would-be “Satanists for Bush” group, as Soling implies in the New York Times), is no mere attempt at “bad-jacketing” or “Hitler-baiting” TST. It is a demonstrable fact that modern Satanism has neo-Nazi connotations. We will build on this point in subsequent chapters, but for now let it suffice to remark that:

(1) the hand-in-hand association between modern Satanism and neo-Nazism was admitted frankly and openly by Anton LaVey, the original frontman of the Church of Satan and a figure often credited by spokespersons of The Satanic Temple as a foundational figure for their own brand of Satanism;

(2) more recently, the leadership of the so-called “National Socialist Movement” (or NSM), widely credited as the largest neo-Nazi group in the United States and which played a leading role in the deadly August 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, was revealed to have worked in close association with a Satanist organization called “Joy of Satan Ministry,” even sharing the same post office box (SPLC, “National Socialist Movement”).

(3) participants in official “rituals” organized by The Satanic Temple have taken part while wearing Nazi and SS-inspired uniforms (see: 6.3.3).

Douglas Misicko would have done well to keep this second point in mind when, in the aftermath of the fascist violence in Charlottesville which many people rightly identified as Satanic, he attempted to disavow links between Satanism and the white supremacist movement in a Washington Post piece titled “I’m a founder of the Satanic Temple. Don’t blame Satan for white supremacy.” In this article, Misicko tries to shift blame away from Satanism to the so-called “Christian Identity” movement, obfuscating the fact that Satanists have declared “infiltration and manipulation of organizations and forms with Sinister potential, particularly […] more religiously fanatical forms of [Aryanism], such as Christian Identity,” to be “one of their highest priorities,” (@eggfordinner).

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:11 pm

Getting back to LSD, I am convinced that the California-based Brotherhood of Eternal Love network was essentially linked to the Europe-based Operation Julie network and that the Ragusa murders were at the center of their convergence, signaling a recomposition of the networks that did not eliminate them by any means but rather boosted certain elements which went on to dominate the traffic for many, many years:


Read: https://www.newspapers.com/clip/2308286 ... _examiner/
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:29 pm

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:52 am


A Panopticon for the Mind: Talking with Ronald Purser about Mindfulness Today

You’ve suggested that, in the absence of any ethical teaching, a method such as mindfulness defaults to the ethics of the prevailing culture — in our case, capitalism. Is that what you were trying to get at with your pithy title, McMindfulness?

Exactly. Mindfulness as a stand-alone instrumental technique — paying attention to the present moment, non-judgmentally — not only absorbs our dominant cultural values and capitalist norms, but it is easily repurposed for enhancing virtually any desire, from having better sex to making a killing on Wall Street. As it is now understood, mindfulness requires no ethical or moral commitments. That explains why even the US military feels justified in training combatants in mindfulness prior to their deployment to Afghanistan.

How does an idea like that manage to worm its way so deeply into the culture and the body politic? We find mindfulness being practiced, not just in retreat centers as it was in the 1980s, but… well, almost everywhere. This is more than a self-help fad at this point, is it not?

The mindfulness movement is being led by elites. Rather than opposing institutional authorities as most revolutionary movements have done, affluent professionals have used their considerable cultural capital to gain insider access to a variety of institutions. They pitch their mindfulness programs as scientifically proven, non-threatening palliatives for maintaining social harmony, taking their place as insiders and working within existing norms, power structures and institutional goals.

Like many other social science interventions, which draw their legitimacy from the authority of scientific language and professional expertise, mindfulness offers interventions that make productive use of human resources — in this case, enhancing the mental fitness of its subjects. In a word, mindfulness makes its practitioners more self-governable.

How would you describe Neoliberalism and what does it have to do with the practice of mindfulness? Are the two joined at the hip, or is it just an unhappy coincidence that mindfulness, like a weathervane, should find itself pointing in the direction of the prevailing cultural wind?

Neoliberalism is a perverted notion of freedom that is supposed to arise spontaneously by cutting away anything in society that impedes pure market logic and interferes with individual competition. It’s a socio-political ideology that views individuals as entrepreneurs running their own private, personal enterprise — the business of Me, Inc.

The ideological linchpin of neoliberalism is the privatization of social responsibility. One constantly hears the trope among mindfulness teachers that the only real change comes from within. The burden of change is placed squarely on the individual to adjust to external conditions. As Jon Kabat-Zinn is fond of quipping, “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” That’s neoliberal philosophy in a nutshell. Go with the flow, and not against it.

Read: http://blog.lareviewofbooks.org/intervi ... ess-today/

American Dream » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:38 pm wrote: http://www.buddhistpeacefellowship.org/ ... ndfulness/

Beyond McMindfulness

Posted by: Nathan G. Thompson Posted date: July 10, 2013

by Ron Purser and David Loy


In their branding efforts, proponents of mindfulness training usually preface their programs as being “Buddhist-inspired.” There is a certain cachet and hipness in telling neophytes that mindfulness is a legacy of Buddhism — a tradition famous for its ancient and time-tested meditation methods. But, sometimes in the same breath, consultants often assure their corporate sponsors that their particular brand of mindfulness has relinquished all ties and affiliations to its Buddhist origins.

Uncoupling mindfulness from its ethical and religious Buddhist context is understandable as an expedient move to make such training a viable product on the open market. But the rush to secularize and commodify mindfulness into a marketable technique may be leading to an unfortunate denaturing of this ancient practice, which was intended for far more than relieving a headache, reducing blood pressure, or helping executives become better focused and more productive.

While a stripped-down, secularized technique — what some critics are now calling “McMindfulness” — may make it more palatable to the corporate world, decontextualizing mindfulness from its original liberative and transformative purpose, as well as its foundation in social ethics, amounts to a Faustian bargain. Rather than applying mindfulness as a means to awaken individuals and organizations from the unwholesome roots of greed, ill will and delusion, it is usually being refashioned into a banal, therapeutic, self-help technique that can actually reinforce those roots.

Most scientific and popular accounts circulating in the media have portrayed mindfulness in terms of stress reduction and attention-enhancement. These human performance benefits are heralded as the sine qua non of mindfulness and its major attraction for modern corporations. But mindfulness, as understood and practiced within the Buddhist tradition, is not merely an ethically-neutral technique for reducing stress and improving concentration. Rather, mindfulness is a distinct quality of attention that is dependent upon and influenced by many other factors: the nature of our thoughts, speech and actions; our way of making a living; and our efforts to avoid unwholesome and unskillful behaviors, while developing those that are conducive to wise action, social harmony, and compassion.

This is why Buddhists differentiate between Right Mindfulness (samma sati) and Wrong Mindfulness (miccha sati). The distinction is not moralistic: the issue is whether the quality of awareness is characterized by wholesome intentions and positive mental qualities that lead to human flourishing and optimal well-being for others as well as oneself.
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby liminalOyster » Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:39 pm

Very happy this thread is back in action, AD.

The whole Shambhala and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche scandal unfolded and went bananas during your vacay.

I'll try to collect some of the most revelant pieces here in time.

This is especially damning:
https://www.reddit.com/r/ShambhalaBuddh ... en_letter/

I'd also post a few related pieces by Matthew Remski but really his whole blog is worth a read:
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Tue Oct 08, 2019 10:02 pm

Wow. I'm fairly horrified, though perhaps I shouldn't be.
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