The Brexit thread

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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby alloneword » Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:36 pm

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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:39 pm

Last edited by seemslikeadream on Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby Elvis » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:19 am

Tnx you.

I hafta say, I'm still LMAO at this:

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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby RocketMan » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:20 am

Still no reply.

SLAAAAAD? Why do you promote known liar and propagandist Luke Hardiiiing?

MacCruiskeen » Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:30 pm wrote:
MacCruiskeen » Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:26 am wrote:
MacCruiskeen » Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:11 am wrote:
MacCruiskeen » Tue Nov 05, 2019 8:59 am wrote:^^Harding. Luke fucking Harding, Christ, he's shameless. When he did crawl back to the Groaniad? Who released him from under his stone?

Luke "Assange met Manafort" Harding, the notorious fucking liar and definite spook.

Why are you copypasting Harding's screeds here? This is at least the second time you've done that, this week alone.

alloneword » Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:15 am wrote:
Harding wrote:The committee’s report is based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Christopher Steele


Seriously, this is the best Harding can come up with?

It's standard drivel from MI6 sock-puppet - and all round shitweasel - Luke Harding, well known for his lies regarding Assange/wikileaks - being promoted by a poster known for their lies regarding Assange/wikileaks.

I'm still waiting for the 'report' into foreign interference in the Brexit referendum that got us into this clusterfuck in the first place.

Seemslikeadream just continues burying my question and your response in giant copypasta dumps,. In the latest dump, above, she has even spammed her own Brexit thread with a giant off-topic article-plus-photos about Cambridge Analytica.

And now she's done it yet again.
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:40 am


difference of option is the essence of politics
very rude for members
Spare us the theatrics :P


PM Johnson's party under fire for doctoring Brexit video clip of rival
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s election campaign launch got off to a poor start on Wednesday, when his party chairman was forced to defend distributing a doctored video clip of a rival Labour Party politician.

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds a meeting of the cabinet inside number 10 Downing Street in central London, Britain November 5, 2019. Tolga Akmen/Pool via REUTERS
As Britain heads towards a Dec. 12 election that could shape the fate of Brexit, some politicians have expressed concerns that misleading information - known as “fake news” - could spread swiftly across social media.

Johnson’s Conservatives distributed a doctored video clip of Labour’s Brexit spokesman Keir Starmer, editing out a key response in an interview to give the impression that the party had no answer for Brexit.

Starmer was grilled by ITV on Tuesday over the party’s Brexit plans, including rigorous questioning on its policy of trying to negotiate a new divorce deal and then holding a referendum in which its lawmakers might then campaign against the agreement they had struck.


WATCH: Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit Minister can't or won't answer a simple question about Labour's position on Brexit.
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In a heavily edited video of the interview published by the Conservatives, Starmer was shown being asked by ITV presenter Piers Morgan why the EU would give a Labour government a good Brexit deal.

Starmer was shown apparently blinking, startled, faltering and uncomfortable behind the red slogan: “Labour has no plan for Brexit.”

Yet in the actual interview, Starmer did not falter but answered immediately: “Well Piers, I have been talking to the EU, to political leaders across the EU 27 countries for three years and I know very well what the parameters are of any deal that they would do with a Labour government.”

Conservative lawmaker Johnny Mercer said the video he had tweeted had been doctored and apologised.

“It would appear this has inexplicably been doctored at the end. I apologise and will remove it. The original interview was bad enough - I have no idea why this needed altering,” Mercer said.

Yet Conservative Party Chairman James Cleverly, speaking to ITV on Wednesday, repeatedly refused to either accept that the clip had been doctored or to apologise.

“The reason we clipped the video was to make it shorter because Keir’s answers rambled on,” Cleverly said.

ITV journalist Morgan, an admirer of late Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, said the Conservatives had doctored the clip.

“I just find that absolutely staggering: to shamelessly re-edit a video to make it look like something completely different, give a completely misleading and different version to what actually happened to make your opponents look stupid,” Morgan said.

“And when you are caught - you just don’t have the good grace to say: ‘Yeah, we shouldn’t have done that - I’m sorry’.”

Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge; Editing by Alex Richardson ... KKBN1XG1A3

How the Irish Border Keeps Derailing Brexit
Dorothy Wickenden
One of the almost unsolvable problems with the U.K.’s exit from the E.U. is that it would necessitate a “hard border” between Northern Ireland, which is part of the U.K., and the Republic of Ireland, which would remain a member nation in Europe. The border was the epicenter of bloody conflict during the decades-long Troubles, and was essentially dismantled during the peace established by the Good Friday Agreement, in 1998. The prospect of fortifying it, with customs-and-immigration checks, has already brought threats of violence from paramilitaries such as the New I.R.A. At the same time, moving the customs border to ports along the coast of Northern Ireland—as the U.K.’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has proposed—strikes Northern Irish loyalists as a step toward unification with the Republic, which they would view as an abandonment by Britain. Patrick Radden Keefe, who wrote about the Troubles in his book “Say Nothing,” discusses the intensely fraught issues of the border with Simon Carswell, the public-affairs editor of the Irish Times. ... ing-brexit
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby RocketMan » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:52 am

[pointless insults deleted]
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-I don't like hoodlums.
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:58 am

Posted at 8:268:26

Bercow: Brexit 'biggest foreign policy mistake in post-war period'
John Bercow

Former Commons speaker John Bercow has called Brexit "the biggest foreign policy mistake in the post-war period".

A recording of Mr Bercow has emerged when he was speaking at the Foreign Press Association in London.

He told journalists that while he was impartial when in the post, he could now tell all on his own opinion.

In the recording from the Turkish Anadolu Agency, Mr Bercow said: "I'm no longer the Speaker. I don't have to remain impartial now.

"And, if you asked me honestly, do I think that Brexit is good for our global standing? The honest answer is no, I don't.

"I think that Brexit is the biggest foreign policy mistake in the post-war period, and that is my honest view." ... type=share

Brexit has made Britain's problems worse, says Juncker
EU commission chief calls UK’s departure a cycle of ‘promises, promises not kept, and lies’

Jennifer RankinLast modified on Wed 6 Nov 2019 07.21 EST
Jean-Claude Juncker
Jean-Claude Juncker: ‘Britain has problems other than Brexit and these problems have got bigger with Brexit.’ Photograph: Yves Herman/Reuters
Brexit has worsened Britain’s problems, the outgoing head of the European commission has said in another parting shot at the UK government.

Jean-Claude Juncker, who is standing down as head of the EU executive, delivered a typically blunt assessment in an interview with Germany’s public broadcaster, ARD.

“Britain also has problems other than Brexit and these problems have got bigger with Brexit. They are trying to cover that up, but they just got bigger,” he said.

Juncker also described the UK’s departure from the EU as a perpetual cycle of “promises, promises not kept, and lies repeated over and over again”, two days after he accused Boris Johnson of telling “so many lies” during the 2016 referendum campaign.

In contrast, Juncker struck a more diplomatic note in an interview with the BBC, saying he liked the prime minister.

The veteran EU leader did not elaborate on what he perceived as lies. He may have been referring to the NHS spending pledge on the Vote Leave campaign bus that was described by the UK Statistics Authority at the time as “misleading” and undermining trust in official statistics.

He may also have had in mind another central claim of the leave campaign that Turkey and four other countries could join the EU by 2020, a statement not supported by anyone who follows EU enlargement. Juncker announced a five-year freeze on EU enlargement in 2014, while Turkey’s accession hopes were on the rocks long before the 2016 referendum.

In a blow to Labour, Juncker described Jeremy Corbyn’s party’s plan to renegotiate the Brexit deal as unrealistic, although he also noted it would be up to his successor to decide if there were “room for manoeuvre for a new deal or a new treaty”.

Privately, sources appear more receptive to a request from Labour to renegotiate the political declaration on the future EU-UK relationship. The non-binding declaration, which is Labour’s biggest problem with Johnson’s deal, points to a free-trade agreement that it claims would reduce GDP per capita by up to 7% within a decade. One diplomat recently said it could be rewritten overnight.

The commission president also expressed scepticism about Conservative hopes of negotiating a free-trade deal in 11 months, telling the BBC it would “take time”.

The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, has said a basic free-trade agreement could be reached within 11 months, but he also warned the negotiation would be “difficult and demanding”.

Brussels is additionally unconvinced by Johnson’s pledges to avoid extending the transition period beyond 2020. Barnier said the summer of 2020 would be “a moment of truth” to see whether an extension of the transition will be needed.

Juncker, a veteran political fixer with four decades’ experience in Luxembourg and Brussels, has made several key interventions during Britain’s departure, most recently sealing the deal with Johnson over the course of two phone calls on 17 October.

He will be succeeded by Ursula von der Leyen, whose start date remains in doubt because of problems having her team approved by the European parliament. She is meeting Tony Blair in Brussels on Wednesday at his request. The commission and the former Labour prime minister’s Institute for Global Change declined to comment on details of the meeting. ... ys-juncker
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby RocketMan » Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:15 pm

[deleted pointless insults]
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:18 pm

Boris Johnson compared Jeremy Corbyn to Stalin and it shows how nasty British politics has become
London (CNN) — The UK is barely hours into its general election campaign, but that hasn't stopped Boris Johnson comparing his opposite number to a brutal dictator and mass murderer.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Johnson accused opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters of hating wealth and aspiration so much that they "point their fingers at individuals with a relish and a vindictiveness not seen since Stalin persecuted the kulaks."
Corbyn tweeted a brief response to the article, saying "The nonsense the super-rich will come out with to avoid paying a bit more tax..."

Jeremy Corbyn

The nonsense the super-rich will come out with to avoid paying a bit more tax...
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Joseph Stalin is widely believed to have been responsible for the murder of roughly a million people during his purge of wealthy Russians (kulaks) and political opponents in 1936.

Corbyn has undoubtedly shifted the Labour Party to the left since taking over as leader in 2015. He backs higher taxes, nationalizing public infrastructure and has called Karl Marx a "great economist."

He believes that in a "fair society there would be no billionaires and no one would live in poverty." Tie these things together and it's easy to arrive at a point where a Corbyn government would create a society where the wealthy paid more tax to fund the public services that everyone uses.
So, while Corbyn's Britain would tax the wealthy more than the current government, it's a huge leap to suggest that, like Stalin, he would starve them to death.

This election campaign was always going to be incredibly nasty and personal. The leadership of the governing Conservative party and Labour sincerely dislike one another in ways that are unusual in British politics.
Here's what you need to know about Brexit 03:13

The two parties come from different political traditions, but there is usually a level of personal respect that stops attacks on each other drifting into nastiness. But with so much at stake in this election, this kind of rhetoric was inevitable.

Johnson has bet the house on winning. He wants a majority so he can go down in history as the Prime Minister that finally delivered Brexit. As he wrote in the Telegraph, "With a new parliament and a sensible majority government, we can get that deal through a new Parliament in days. It is oven ready. Let's get Brexit done, and take this country forward."
If he fails, he could lose Brexit altogether. Worse, he might hand the keys of 10 Downing Street to a man he believes would be a threat to national security, ruin the economy and ultimately bring an end to the union of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It's an opinion that most of his party shares.

Corbyn believes that the Conservatives want to impose a version of Brexit that puts jobs at risk and fires the starting gun on a race to the bottom on worker rights and the total privatization of the National Health Service.

His characterization of Johnson's Conservatives as heartless and irresponsible was helped on Tuesday, when a member of the government said on radio that the victims of the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire tragedy lacked "common sense".

Jacob Rees-Mogg said to radio station LBC: "I think if either of us were in a fire, whatever the fire brigade said, we would leave the burning building. It just seems the common sense thing to do."

The comments caught the attention of the very popular grime artist Stormzy, who called Mogg a "piece of sh*t" and called for his resignation.
So what's wrong with UK elections in December?
Johnson is also under fire for delaying the publication of a report into Russian interference in UK politics. It has led to accusations that the government is trying cover something up as the nation enters an election campaign.
In light of this, it's no great surprise that Johnson went so nuclear on the day he launches his formal election campaign. In British politics, a popular technique often used is something called "dead cat strategy." It essentially works like this: things aren't going well for you, so you throw a dead cat on the table. Suddenly, everyone forgets about your problems and fixates on the dead cat.

And Johnson has suffered some pretty disastrous PR on the opening day of his election campaign on Wednesday. On top of the Grenfell and Russian interference rows, his Welsh secretary Alun Cairns has had to resign over allegations concerning his involvement in the sabotage of a rape trial.

It's a toxic combination of stories to be fighting off, and when your party chairman doesn't turn up to scheduled interviews with national broadcasters to answer important questions you know things are getting bad.
Comparing Corbyn to a dictator and murderer has certainly got the public's attention. It might be a bit of a dead cat. But it also reveals the extent to which Johnson dislikes Corbyn -- and how terrified he is at the prospect of losing to him. ... index.html
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby Elvis » Wed Nov 06, 2019 1:09 pm

Okay Rocketman, we don't want to make things worse. What do you say to editing your post up above? Pretty please? :bigsmile
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby RocketMan » Wed Nov 06, 2019 4:17 pm

Sure, it was over the line, one toke over the line.
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Re: The Brexit thread

Postby cptmarginal » Tue Dec 03, 2019 12:34 pm

I don't know why it took me so long to notice that jailed royal butler Paul Kidd stood for a local election in 2007 as a UKIP candidate.

John Cooke, a spokesman for the Tameside branch of UKIP, said: "Last year Mr Kidd stood in Stalybridge and did very well for us. He came third and it cost the Tories a seat they were hoping to take from Labour.

"He is very well known in Stalybridge and well liked. These charges against him have come as a huge shock, the party knew nothing about it.

"He was not intending to stand for us this year as he has been ill and is due to go into hospital for an operation.

"As part of his work doing talks about his time with the Royal Family he does a lot of cruises."

Kidd appears on a website for after-dinner speakers and his fee is set at £2,000 to £4,000.

(Almost every online record of him pre-2008, including his personal website, seem to have been scrubbed from existence - much like his TV appearances.)
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