Has RI gone MAGA?

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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby thrulookingglass » Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:54 am

Identity politics is a magician's trick anyhow. Keep the (filthy) masses fighting each other not unearthing the dirty high crimes of the power elite. 9/11 was a psyop and I think you underestimate its societal affects. Anyone is now subject to arrest, at anytime, without charge, legal representation, trial by peers, or habeas corpus rights. No need for warrants and us US citizens could find ourselves the target of a drone strike here on American soil. Stuffing the coffers of the MIC with more cash than is imaginable by the average joe was also a windfall of 9/11. The real lost trail is the one that unveils the architects of the 9/11 attacks descending directly from an American coup d'etat that occurred on 11/22/63. "Successful" conspiracies are kept in secret.
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby JackRiddler » Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:10 am

Karmamatterz » Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm wrote:
I personally don't think RI has gone MAGA, but James O'Keefe and Erik Prince are MAGA personified.

Definitely they appear to be supporters of Trump, and were supported by Trump. Aside from that did you listen and watch the clip?

"appear to be"

This is writen as though you don't even know who they are, or are incapable of remembering and contextualizing the material for more than a hot minute. That is how "appear to be" is even possible for two havoc-wreaking characters who have been prominent for 20 years in Prince's case and nearing 15 in O'Keefe's.

I've often thought of John Judge's motto: Americans are free to believe anything, and to know nothing. Obviously applies beyond Americans.

Much of RI posting in current form is too obsessed or apparently lacks the object permanence to even know how MAGA they're playing it.

I haven't had the time for this shit and won't for a while. A bit of clicking around reveals plenty of response to daily stimuli repackaged from FOX/Newsmax/etc. or the RW web, not unlike how it was previously floods of recycled MSNBC. Doesn't matter if you watch/follow these specific outlets, it's ambient, it can be picked up all around. I'm sure I'm missing a lot of the crappiest -- no time.

That anyone here is having outrage posts over the AOC dress that may as well be scripted directly from Newsmax -- or carrying a strong opinion about it either way -- is a great example. The daily distraction prevails, in this precinct usually adopting the RW spin to it, unconsciously or not, owing to some of the most frequent posters currently.

Trivialization and bottom-feeding that often goes into massive recopy posts in which much good and important material is diluted to near-zero. No development, endless repetition of barely different variations. Seemingly little consciousness of how the kitchen sink approach discredits the good and centers the bad. Constant misrepresentation of differences into polarized package deals. No nuance, little memory, lots of copypasta. All this very much symptoms of the times and it's silly of me to expect better in this decaying timeline.

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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Karmamatterz » Fri Sep 24, 2021 12:16 pm

Bill Gates appears to be an evil fucker. Don't know him personally and don't care to. By all appearances in what he donates his large sums of money to I would say he comes off as one trying to manipulate the media and public opinion. By all appearances you don't see the double standard and hypocrisy. Or it's simply okay because you're triggered by anything that is sourced from the media that is slightly right of extreme left.

You likely didn't bother to even read any of the CJR article apparently, because you were too triggered by Prince and O'Keefe? This is typical. I doubt you bothered to listen to the video clip where the doctor calls the vaccines shit. That clip appears authentic enough to make the doctor appear to be one that thinks the vaccines are shit.

If you're going to complain about one post that is sourced from a right wing group maybe try, or appear to come off as equally fair when anybody uses the media sources I listed that were documented by the CJR. Did you even bother to notice how many media sources are in the group? Ever bother to look here and see how often those media sources are used on RI? It does appear the media and public opinion is heavily influenced and hugely more so by Gates & Co. than the blip on the radar known as Project Veritas. You are trigged by your idealogical bent and freak out with your own variation of outrage.

AOC, who really cares? FFS. You think calling her a tool is outrage? FFS.

For someone who by all appearances knows how to discern what's bullshit in the media, and what is just noise you sure as hell come off as not giving a care to sources that are kissing the ass of one of the wealthiest men on the planet. The agendas that Gates promotes with his wealth outstrip any influence by O'Keefe, in a gross manner. All this MAGA shit talk is stupid, and obviously a dog whistle while millions of dollars are funneled into narratives and agendas the left howls it's own outrage at muckrakers like O'Keefe and ignores the hourly and daily barrage of shit that is shoveled by others. You also seemed to miss the irony of the NYT article Goldman co-authored about Prince and that he was the Pulitzer winner for the Russia election meddling. Even you have recognized and railed against the Muh Russia Meddling! but either don't care or are careless to notice just how ironic it is that a journalist who targeted Prince and O'Keefe, was also a fraud with his so called award winning "journalism."
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri Sep 24, 2021 12:40 pm

Much of RI posting in current form is too obsessed or apparently lacks the object permanence to even know how MAGA they're playing it.

I wonder whatever would make you this so, Jack. :roll:
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby JackRiddler » Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:15 pm

Iamwhomiam » Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:40 am wrote:
Much of RI posting in current form is too obsessed or apparently lacks the object permanence to even know how MAGA they're playing it.

I wonder whatever would make you this so, Jack. :roll:

Don't get your precise meaning here, sorry.

A new funny example of what I mean by lack of object permanence is this bit from karma above in which, after enacting the AOC dress outrage at length repeating the RW talking points, he manages an incoherent self-reversal (and a reading comprehension failure of what I wrote that is either total or perhaps only crudely opportunistic) :

AOC, who really cares? FFS. You think calling her a tool is outrage? FFS.

No, genius, I think your long expressions of outrage over a dress she wore for three hours (one that was funny if not quite cool) makes you the tool of an outrage campaign that moved you in predictable fashion.

But that's okay. Seek healing.

Probably the only honest MAGA around here comes from WRex, who can at least tell you why and provide his nuances, caveats, motivations, contexts, why he prefers what he thinks is the shit sandwich to the gunshot, etc. Even though he must know the election fraud 2020 shit is shit, and a stunning development given the prior 20 years of well-established election fraud (an RI staple topic), almost all of it to keep the Republicans alive and in power. Also he generally doesn't copy-paste more than one thing at a time.

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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:34 pm

JackRiddler » Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:15 pm wrote:
Iamwhomiam » Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:40 am wrote:
Much of RI posting in current form is too obsessed or apparently lacks the object permanence to even know how MAGA they're playing it.

I wonder whatever would make you this so, Jack. :roll:

Don't get your precise meaning here, sorry.

Precisely, this:

A new funny example of what I mean by lack of object permanence is this bit from karma above in which, after enacting the AOC dress outrage at length repeating the RW talking points, he manages an incoherent self-reversal (and a reading comprehension failure of what I wrote that is either total or perhaps only crudely opportunistic) :

AOC, who really cares? FFS. You think calling her a tool is outrage? FFS.

No, genius, I think your long expressions of outrage over a dress she wore for three hours (one that was funny if not quite cool) makes you the tool of an outrage campaign that moved you in predictable fashion.

The poor comprehension of what was written, and of course, the ridiculous "justification" used in defending the posting from Project Veritas.
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby stickdog99 » Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:57 pm

To some degree, I agree with you, Jack.

But how many nuanced essays have you (or anyone left of Tucker fucking Carlson) contributed railing against the COVID-19 passports that we all know will surely mutate into a Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Brother, Big Bank centralized digital currency social credit system that most of the people we know wholly support just because they have been tribalized to hate the unclean unvaccinated and thus to accept any future loss of their own freedom just to punish the unclean unvaccinated today? There are so fucking few examples, and even when these timid, lonely voices try to sound the alarm, their hearts just aren't in it, just as yours isn't. Why not?

To me, the way you so righteously relish railing instead against the military-intelligence controlled and fomented January 6th "insurrection" is almost as noisome as commentary on AOC's haute fashion choices. Why does everybody have to take a Blue or Red side except for me and my monkey?

https://www.berfrois.com/2021/09/the-pe ... llectuals/


But it was not over. Because I had contracted covid in March, 2020, when I was vaccinated over a year later the French policy was to treat me as if I had already had one dose, and so a single clinical dose was held by French standards to complete my vaccination regime, as attested in my Pass Sanitaire’s QR code. But the UK sees things differently, and so no matter my official status in France, I am considered not-fully-vaccinated in Britain. What were the implications for my trip? It meant that I would have to order not only a “Day 2 Home Test”, but also a “Day 8 Home Test”. But by Day 8 I will have been back in France for more than a week! I explained. It doesn’t matter, they told me, you have to order one in order to be let in.

So I went back to the private lab’s website, with my big thumbs on the small screen, and began again to enter my data. The delivery address could only be one in the UK, but I did not have a UK address. I asked the official what I should enter. He told me to enter just any UK address at all. “But I don’t know any UK addresses,” I said, “though I have noticed their postal codes are long alphanumeric sequences, often including several W’s and X’s.” “Then enter some of those,” he said. “What about the street address?” I asked. “Just pick anywhere,” he said. “Anywhere?” “Yes.” And so I began to type: “Buckingham Palace, London, WX1 W1X1”, and with that, plus another £88, I was admitted to the United Kingdom.

I hope I don’t need to provide any further argument that this, like being a “Husky Vendor” or like specifying my “Sleep Goals”, is a bunch of bullshit, and the somewhat recalcitrant behavior on my part is not so much a sign of immaturity, as humanity. It is the same humanity that often leaves me, within a few seconds of interacting with a customer-service bot on the telephone, inevitably telling me information I had just read moments before on the company’s website and deemed inadequate to my situation, saying: “Fuck you. Give me a live customer-service agent.” It’s not that I want to hurt the bot, not exactly, but that I know the bot can’t be hurt, and I need to affirm this, to remind myself and any human being who might eventually be listening to the recording (“for quality and training purposes”). It is the same righteous instinct as the one that will soon have at least some brave rebels vandalizing and disabling robot police dogs.

It seems to me moreover that the absurd, dehumanizing, automated management of human subjects has been given its own Great Leap Forward with the rise of the new covid hygiene regime. Those of you who see covid as a culture-war issue will be relieved to find me adding that I am strongly in favor of mandatory vaccination. In fact I think much of the current theater, much of the current profiteering of the sort the private labs in London are now enjoying, and much of the aggressive implementation of new mechanisms of social control and surveillance, are the consequences, intended or unintended, of states being unwilling to infringe on their citizens’ supposed right to remain unvaccinated. The uncertain vaccination status of any particular person in a public space has enabled governments to treat each of us as if we were, individually, in need of constant monitoring and shakedowns of the sort I endured at the Gare du Nord. It has enabled states to implement an unprecedentedly vicious form of inequality, between the app-savvy and the preterites, between those who know how to flash a QR code like cosmopolitan pros, and those who lag behind, who can never quite get their papers in order (i.e., can never fill out all the fields on the screen correctly).

(translation: Now that you all can rest easy that I am 100% of your tribe on the only issue of the day that really matters ...)

I am for mandatory vaccination, and I am also continually alarmed by my bien-pensant, progressive, educated friends who seem to have abandoned altogether their appreciation for Michel Foucault over the past two years, and who take resistance to vaccination as nothing more than a marker of trashiness and despicable cretinism. It was not long ago at all that the same people raved about scholarly work such as Nadja Durbach’s excellent 2004 study, Bodily Matters: The Anti-Vaccination Movement in England, 1853-1907. Durbach compellingly portrays Victorian working-class opposition to the state-enforced violation of the skin with disease-laced needles as a form of righteous resistance against the state’s biopolitical overreach — quite apart from any consideration of the epidemiological soundness of vaccination policy. But this “quite apart” is the sort of critical move we are increasingly discouraged from making in public discourse. And the reason for this, in turn, is that what we call “public discourse” occurs almost entirely on social media, which in the end is really just a public-discourse-themed video game, underlain by algorithms that for their part are essentially of the same sort as those that yield up the steady stream of bullshit incitements to state my “sleep goals”, to update my “Husky Vendor” status, to have a “Day 8 Test” delivered within a kingdom I have long since quit.

Much that is happening in fact seems an evident postscript to certain central theses of Foucault, and if the progressive left relinquishes him to the right, or at least to the “post-left”, they are only depriving themselves of a valuable analytical lens for understanding our contemporary world. Consider the argument of 1975’s Discipline and Punish. In the early modern period, people still enjoyed seeing gruesome spectacles of execution, as when a would-be regicide was drawn and quartered (i.e., his two arms and two legs are tied to four separate horses, and they are made to run in opposite directions). Such spectacles fell out of fashion, and corporal punishment of any sort eventually came to seem unenlightened. Prisoners were moved into “correctional institutions”, out of public view. And now carceral regimes like the United States are able to inflict unceasing brutality on millions of their citizens, year after year, all while barely even touching them, and with nothing for the craven public to gawk at (though of course in certain regions, such as the US South, the public spectacle of punishment, including the punishment of innocent people belonging to persecuted minorities, survived long after it had died out in, say, Paris and London).

We may in turn be moving now into a new era of even further sublimation of the will-to-punish, which might on the face of it appear to be an era of decarceralization, but which will only have been made possible by the rise and proliferation of digital monitoring technologies. This is further confirmation of Foucault’s enduring relevance. The modern state just keeps finding new ways to look nicer, just keeps rolling out snazzier apps with the help of its corporate partners, but behind this is an ongoing search for more effective, because more subtle, exercise of power. It seems to me plain, moreover, that it is in the nature of states to exploit crises of this sort in order to impose new regimes of control that subsequently have less and less to do with the initial circumstances that justified them. In this respect, the new covid theater really is much like the airport security theater that emerged after September 11, 2001. It is true that there is terrorism, but whether I remove my shoes or not has little to do with that truth. It is true that there is a pandemic, but my Day 8 test, which I will not take and which will go nowhere, has nothing to do with combating it.

Stopping anywhere short of a mandate, I believe, serves the state’s interest in making the current theater into a perpetual regime, just as it has evidently done with the security theater of the post-9/11 era. This is a regime of social control through tech: we won’t require you to get vaccinated, but we will require you to have an app that monitors everything you do, and that could be adapted in the near future to serve as the basis of a system, explicit or euphemized, of social credit. And meanwhile so many of my friends and peers, heels dug in so deeply on the side of anti-anti-vaxx signaling, refuse to acknowledge anything worrisome about the new high-tech hygiene regime, about how hard it might be to dismantle it once it has outlived its purpose, about how it might sprout new purposes that are inimical to human thriving.


It is remarkable to me to see how neatly our social world is lining up: it is consistently the same people who think applying the Bechdel test to The Avengers counts as cultural criticism who also refuse to acknowledge anything worrisome about the new high-tech hygiene regime, about how hard it might be to dismantle once it has outlived its purpose, about how it might sprout new purposes that are inimical to human thriving. What is the difference of values that explains this rift? Is it perhaps only a difference of character? Some of the people who have ended up on the other side of the rift from me are people I admire very much, and I keep wondering what it is that they are seeing and I am missing, and vice versa. I keep waiting, only half in jest, for characterological diversity to make it onto the list of forms of difference for which we need to cultivate a greater understanding.

The best answer I have to these questions so far is that, in spite of surface differences, Awokening and STEMification are two horns of the same beast. It is the latter that threatens my well-being to a far greater degree. I see the logic of STEM-centric grant-seeking overtaking higher education, and I feel increasingly alienated from the institutions that seemed to hold out the promise to me a few decades ago, of maintaining and nourishing my career as a humanist. And I see young scholars in vestigially humanistic disciplines who are increasingly zealous in enforcing the new norms of a post-humanistic society, and who also seem perfectly at home in a university landscape where everything is conceived in terms of “outcomes”. For my part, when I am working on a grant application, and I am told to explain what my “data set” is, I want to cry, and I think to myself: Did Stanley Cavell have a “data set”? You can say perhaps that it was golden-age Hollywood remarriage films, but to call these “data” is a dishonor to the mode of engagement he brought to them.

Recently I was sent an article about “Glocalqueering in Singapore”, which had something to do with the ways in which queer communities in that strict city-state move in creative ways between the local and the global. The article struck me as ridiculous, and suitable for the mocking spirit in which it was sent to me. Yet when I think about the actual subject, I have to admit I find it interesting, and I want to know more. I find everything interesting, pretty much, including the queer communities of Singapore, and yet I find articles of this sort exasperating.

Why is that so? It seems to me that it is not the subject in question, but rather the rendering of the author’s observations of an entire form of life in the pseudoscientific terms of an “abstract” accompanied by “keywords”, reducing that form of life to data, that somehow makes the whole venture seem fraudulent to me. It’s the willingness to respond to the constant call —“If you could get us a title and an abstract when you get a chance, that’d be great, and maybe a couple of keywords”— that diminishes the humanistic project to the point where it becomes a mere counterfeit and rear-guard imitator of STEM. An even more austere reduction happens when you are dealing with an online grant-application portal, and punching your “data” into the various fields on the screen. Fat thumbs on small keys often yield the message that such and such field was completed incorrectly. Perhaps you have accidentally entered an unrecognized sign, and for reasons that can surely only be traced back to malice the online portal decides to make you begin again, erasing all the other information you had entered correctly. “Glocalqueering!” you write with your fat thumbs in the “keywords” field, and for that you are sent back to start.

Those who can tolerate this madness, who seem even to thrive in it, seem almost to a person to be the same who have volunteered their services as information-nodes and as enforcers for our new perpetual covid regime. This is anecdotal of course, and surely is open to counter-examples. But anecdotes are a preserve and a treasure of culture, as against society’s data, and I stand by them. I suspect however that it could also be borne out with data, if we wanted to “go there”, and that what these data would show is nothing short of the total takeover of the intellectual class by STEM-style thinking. The ultimate rationale of this thinking, in turn, could easily be shown to be dictated by capital, which has the power to make the great majority of people, including our thinkers, turn on a dime.


Meanwhile, for better or worse the closest thing we have to an avant-garde at the moment is to be found in the memetic exuberance of the right and of the “post-left”, who have inherited the sacred duty, once thought to belong by definition to the left, of skewering the status quo. I am no more happy about this fact than I am about the unimportance of poetry. Yet as W.E.B. Du Bois said of prejudice, “we may decry [it], yet it remains a heavy fact.”

In 1920 Vladimir Mayakovsky was still able to operate in the same spirit of avant-garde exuberance as his Italian Futurist counterpart, the fascist Filippo Marinetti. By 1930 the Russian poet would be dead by his own hand, and the only art tolerated under the Soviet regime he helped to envision would be gleeful renderings of grain fields and electrical lines. Marinetti for his part was able to continue to work for some years longer. I reject most analogies facilely made between the early twentieth century and our present moment, but I do sincerely fear that the left has allowed itself no freedom for the cultivation of a properly critical avant-garde, and in following the path of Mayakovsky has ceded the real spirit and power of art and culture to the Marinettis of this world.

It is the duty of intellectuals and artists to reject enforced glee, to tell robot customer-service agents to fuck off, to carve out a preserve for the life of the soul as best they can, and to call madness by its name. Covid is real, vaccination is necessary. But the regime that covid has helped to install, though it may be traced back to this reality, is itself a great victory for madness. If you think that the life of the intellectual is constituted principally by such acts as sharing Delta-variant stats and studies on the efficacy of various kinds of mask, if you insist on pretending there is nothing lost when we can no longer see a stranger’s living smile, you are complicit in this madness. You are not providing what the world so desperately needs from you.
Last edited by stickdog99 on Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:58 pm

This thread is such wannabe gatekeeper bullshit.
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby stickdog99 » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:15 pm

Agent Orange Cooper » 24 Sep 2021 18:58 wrote:This thread is such wannabe gatekeeper bullshit.

Sure, but that also is wholly indicative of the ongoing experiment in Red vs. Blue tribalization, at least in the United States. This is one of the very few non-Trump-loving places that I know of on the internet where I am even allowed to discuss heresies against ultra orthodox Covidianism. And since Team Blue has now wholly embraced authoritarian censorship of any dissent against authoritarianism, this venue's tolerance of such heresies is tantamount to aiding and abetting enemy Team Red.

It's amazing to me how my former True Blue Teammates have devolved to the point that any missive that questions their narrative is now instinctively addressed first with shaming, then with calls for moderation, and finally with threats of boycott if the moderators don't take immediate steps to redact the enemy wrongthink.
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:51 pm

well then, is it a right wing gatekeeper then or left wing?

Or the kind of gatekeeper that's beyond partisan.

Regardless, that's bullshit, of course. No one here has been unsympathetic to the anti-vaxers or those opposed to wearing masks. In spite of stickdog's repeated claim, no one has wished anyone dead. No one of the many I know who has chosen to take the experimental vaccine has had a negative reaction to it; no one in my family has, either. I also know of no one who has died from covid 19. I have been wondering about Grizzly's prolonged absence and hope he's well. What hasn't been posted here is any of the many videos of anti-vaxers who died from covid making their end of life pleas to like-minded individuals to become vaccinated. Dozens have been published and they are not propaganda, but rather, wise advice.

My granddaughter contracted covid in 2/20, was hospitalized for three days and fully recovered.

At least the mask-wearers won't be blamed for the loss of civil liberties.

This is not any devious plan by globalists or pharmaceuticals; it is a systems failure. They failure being we had no system in place to deal with a pandemic. Considering the only thing our primitive governments are good at is law and order, the police state reacts as it has. I believe covid 19 and its variants will be with us for years to come. Hopefully, it will not and some sort of immunity is developed eventually.0
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:58 pm

stickdog99 » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:15 pm

It's amazing to me how my former True Blue Teammates have devolved to the point that any missive that questions their narrative is now instinctively addressed first with shaming, then with calls for moderation, and finally with threats of boycott if the moderators don't take immediate steps to redact the enemy wrongthink.

This all is untrue! No one but you and bs have been insulting to any who didn't agree with you. No one has called for any posting to be moderated and there have been no threats to boycotting RI and no one has asked for any of the idiotic nonsense being posted to be redacted.

Maybe you should see a counselor.
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Karmamatterz » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:05 pm

But how many nuanced essays have you (or anyone left of Tucker fucking Carlson) contributed railing against the COVID-19 passports that we all know will surely mutate into a Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Brother, Big Bank centralized digital currency social credit system that most of the people we know wholly support just because they have been tribalized to hate the unclean unvaccinated and thus to accept any future loss of their own freedom just to punish the unclean unvaccinated today? There are so fucking few examples, and even when these timid, lonely voices try to sound the alarm, their hearts just aren't in it, just as yours isn't. Why not?

I'll second that.

Sure, but that also is wholly indicative of the ongoing experiment in Red vs. Blue tribalization, at least in the United States. This is one of the very few non-Trump-loving places that I know of on the internet where I am even allowed to discuss heresies against ultra orthodox Covidianism. And since Team Blue has now wholly embraced authoritarian censorship of any dissent against authoritarianism, this venue's tolerance of such heresies is tantamount to aiding and abetting enemy Team Red.

^^^^^^^^^^^ Exactly.

Seems obvious those that are too ideologically hell bent and stunted intellectually to see beyond Red vs. Blue and right vs. left etc... simply throw out the trite and incredibly boring MAGA shit. It's dog whistle material and they come running screaming and salivating. Then acting like dickheads trying to prove themselves to be the saviors of something non-existent. Always framing anything that isn't extreme left, anti-capitalist, pro socialist, pro communist, pro authoritarian nanny state and paternalistic as MAGA MAGA MAGA. Or screaming outrage over Jan. 6, meanwhile completely falling for the same mainstream bullshit narratives acting all smug and pretentious while making fools of themselves. It's amazing irony how these folks fell for the mass hysteria of narratives around COVID and Jan. 6. Surprising? However, given how this thread is becoming their way to express their disdain for anyone who is not aligned with politically, not surprising.

Consistent and deliberate attempts to increase polarization and petty tribal bullshit. Why? Do you get off on it? Is it so knee-jerk you can't help it?

The entire theater of politicians like AOC or any other grand standing with trendy dog whistle slogans on their clothing is laughable. Supporting political theater by elected hacks? But then, just look to Jan. 6 and how they fell for that hook, line and sinker. The screaming and outrage over the Jan. 6 theater played right into how the capitol police now have a $2.1 billion budget and new intelligence gathering services that are not limited to just the Capitol. Supposedly you and others are against the mil-tel apparatus, but yet grant approval through the continued stance you take on the theatrics.

The narratives swirling round and round pulling more minds into bullshit. Meanwhile, they are offended because someone posts a video clip of a doctor saying the vaccines are shit. Well poor things, maybe you need some healing too? Or just need to go fuck your petulant and pedantic smug selves?

Your points Jack, while sometimes being accurate, get lost in all your assholery and pretentiousness. For you it's always got to turn into a shit show. You've done this time and again with so many others on RI who are now banned or no longer show up because of your bullying. Why isn't your screen name listed as a moderator? You appear to enjoy your new control. You banned Mac for bullying others at the beginning of the lockdown, but yet you hide behind your mask of a better selection of grammar to come off as what? More pedantic?
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Karmamatterz » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 pm

Or the kind of gatekeeper that's beyond partisan.

Are you suggesting that Jack Riddler is beyond partisan?

This is not any devious plan by globalists or pharmaceuticals; it is a systems failure.

Sorta like 9/11 was just a few crazy assed Muslims who were pissed off because of our freedoms?

All I can say is that Bill Gates spent his money wisely.
Pfizer marketing gets an A+
Edward Bernays was right, just wear a white coat and you can fool the masses.

IAM, the suggestion on here that someone get counseling is incredibly insulting and absolutely inappropriate. When Jack makes his asshole comments about healing I take them exactly as that, asshole comments. Yours however, cross a line. That kind of personal attack has no place here. Other threads were locked and tossed into the firepit for the same kind of crap.
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 pm

How about you taking your gripes with the moderator via pm
Mac was never banned, you dumb ass.
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Re: Has RI gone MAGA?

Postby thrulookingglass » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:47 pm

Don't pretend your anti-"big pharma". Don't pretend because you don't want to take a vaccine you're pro-freedom. Your not freedom marchers. Your "rights", which exist only on paper, were taken away long ago. This irresponsible insolence is whining in the face of corporate-militarist-nationalism that is implicit and tacitly entrenched before your father met your mother. Play Twisted Sister all you want. Your fate was sealed when you picked up your paycheck from the military police-state. Punching at "the left" displays the callow underdeveloped philosophy used by OAN, Newsmax, Faux News to help sell dish soap, survival meal plans, and promptly pissed out vitamin supplements. A bunch of vampires on "the right" who can't see their own reflection. Possessing veracious perception involves questioning your own beliefs, not that of others.
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