Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

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Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby quioxte » Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:31 pm

This is just going to be a Dump for these subjects,<br><br>the Sunday Times December 29, 1996 - page 14 <br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.sra-ireland.freepress-freespeech.com/breakingnewsJune2004.htm">www.sra-ireland.freepress...ne2004.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>"Satanic Links to Belgian Murder Trial by Peter Conradi - "<br><br>"Brussels Satanic sects involved in bizarre rites including human sacrifice are being linked by Belgian police with this summer's string of grisly paedophile murders in which at least four children died. Five witnesses came forward last week and described how black masses were held, at which children were killed in front of audiences said to have included prominent members of Belgian society. One investigator said it was "like going back to the Middle Ages". The tentacles of the sects appear to have stretched beyond the borders of Belgium, to Holland, Germany and even America. The witnesses - several of whom claim to have received death threats - say that young babies were handed over by their parents willingly in return for money. In other cases the victims were abducted. The witnesses, who are believed to have identified the sites where the masses took place to the police, said organisers had also photographed participants and threatened to hand over the pictures if they went to the police. The investigation centres on Abrasa*, a self-styled institute of black magic, whose headquarters in the village of Forchies-la-Marche in southern Belgium was raided by police last week. Human skulls were among the objects removed from the run down building. Forchies-la-Marche is near the city of Charleroi, where Marc Dutroux, the unemployed electrician accused of the paedophile killings, was arrested in August. The bodies of four victims of the ring were dug up at properties he owned - but he is feared to have killed many more. Police have long suspected that Dutroux, a convicted paedophile, was part of an international network which abducted children, sexually abused them and then killed them. Their activities appear to have been financed by the sale of pornographic videos filmed by members of the ring. However the revelation of a possible Satanic link has added a bizarre twist to the affair, which has shaken the police and judiciary and plunged Belgium into an unprecedented wave of soul searching over the past few months<br>. Investigators are still trying to determine the precise nature of the links between the Satanists and the paedophile group. In a separate twist, a Belgian newspaper claimed yesterday that A FORMER EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER was among a group of JUDGES, SENIOR POLITICIANS, LAWYERS AND POLICEMEN who attended orgies held in a Belgian chateau and organised by Michel Nihoul, one of Dutroux's alleged accomplices. La Derniere Heure, which claimed to have a guest list, did not name the commissioner but said he "came with a girl, Josette, nicknamed JoJo, the Bomb". Belgian police, using bulldozers and mechanical diggers, resumed their search yesterday of disused mineshafts in Jumet, a suburb of Charleroi, where they believe Dutroux and his gang may have buried bodies. A team of 12 pot-holers has also been called in. "We are convinced that we are going to find something interesting here", said Guy Soumoy, a spokesman for the local police. Police first searched the area, with its warren of abandoned mine shafts, two months ago, after Dutroux suggested they look there. They returned earlier this month after a further, apparrently more detailed tip-off from Michelle Martin, Dutroux's wife and alleged accomplice." <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby cortez » Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:58 pm

<br><br>Belgium's silent heart of darkness<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://p097.ezboard.com/frigorousintuitionfrm9.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=19.topic">p097.ezboard.com/frigorou...D=19.topic</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Waiting for justice<br><br>Olenka Frenkiel, Sunday May 5, 2002 The Observer<br><br>Something is rotten in the state of Belgium. Six years after the arrest of Marc Dutroux, the country's notorious paedophile, no date has been set for his trial and the case remains painfully unresolved.<br><br>In 1995, when two eight-year-old girls were kidnapped, Dutroux, a convicted sex offender, was a prime suspect from the start, yet he wasn't arrested for 14 months. By that time, four of his captives - including the two girls - were dead.<br><br>Since his arrest, 20 potential witnesses connected with the case have died in mysterious circumstances, fuelling suspicions of a cover-up reaching the highest levels. I have spent the last six months making a documentary about the investigation. Early on, I was told by one senior government adviser: 'You must not underestimate the terrible record of our Belgian justice system.' It's a system which today appears paralysed, unable to prosecute the accused, his wife and an alleged accomplice.<br><br>With each successive year in jail without trial their case against the Belgian authorities for a breach of human rights grows stronger. The official explanation for the delay is that hysterical conspiracy theories forced investigators to search for paedophile networks which didn't exist. But far from being investigated, leads pointing to a network seem rather to have been ignored or buried.<br><br>Dutroux's wife, Michele Martin, a former primary school teacher and the mother of his three children, has admitted that, in 1995, she knew two small girls were incarcerated without food or water in a secret dungeon in the cellar of a house they owned in Charleroi. She told police she visited the house to feed their dogs while her husband was in jail on car-theft charges, but she was 'too frightened' to feed the girls.<br><br>Months later Dutroux led police to the emaciated bodies of Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo, the two eight-year-olds who had been kidnapped more than a year before. They were buried in the garden of another of Dutroux's homes. An accomplice, Michel Lelievre - a drug addict and petty thief - told police soon after his arrest that the girls had been kidnapped to order, for someone else.<br><br>The chief suspect was Jean Michel Nihoul, a Brussels businessman, pub-owner and familiar face at sex parties. While they had been in prison, Lelievre told police, Dutroux and Nihoul met frequently in the exercise yard, making plans. The judge investigating the case, Jean-Marc Connerotte, believed Nihoul was the brains behind the operation.<br><br>But, as the network began to unravel, Lelievre suddenly stopped co-operating, saying he had been threatened. I met Nihoul in a restaurant in Brussels. 'I am the Monster of Belgium,' he roared at me by way of greeting. He is confident he will never come to trial and that the evidence against him will never be heard by any jury.<br><br>During the course of our meal he, apparently playfully, grabbed me, tickling, and finally pulled me over on to him in the restaurant booth until I had to appeal to my colleagues for rescue. He will never come to court, he said, because the information he has about important people in Belgium would bring the government down. The Monster of Belgium denies he's a paedophile but seemed to enjoy his notoriety and demanded £1,000 for his story. We declined his offer.<br><br>Every documentary likes a monster but we don't pay for interviews and frankly I'd already had enough. But we did need to offer Nihoul a right to reply to the accusations made by Regina Louf, a woman now aged 33 whose testimony has divided Belgium. Louf came forward after Judge Connerotte made an appeal to victims of paedophiles to tell police what they knew. Connerotte, the man who had arrested Dutroux and saved two teenage girls from his dungeon, was a hero in Belgium.<br><br>Louf was the first of 10 to come forward. She told investigators how from the age of 12 she'd been 'given' by her parents to a family friend, Tony Van den Bogaert, who'd had a key to their house. He would collect her from school and take her away for weekends to sex parties where she was 'given' to other men and secretly filmed having sex with them. 'It was highly organised,' she says.<br><br>'Big business. Blackmail.<br><br>There was a lot of money involved.' In 1996 she related her experiences to a police team under carefully filmed and supervised conditions. She described certain regular clients including judges, one of the country's most powerful politicians (now dead) and a prominent banker. She gave the police the names by which she knew these men, detailed the houses, apartments and districts where she'd been taken with other children to entertain the guests.<br><br>This 'entertainment' was not just sex, she told the police. It involved sadism, torture and even murder, and again she described the places, the victims and the ways they were killed. One of the regular organisers of these parties, she claimed, was the man she knew as 'Mich', Jean Michel Nihoul, 'a very cruel man. He abused children in a very sadistic way', she said. Also there, she said, was the young Dutroux. 'Dutroux was a boy who brought drugs, cocaine to these parties - he brought some girls, watched girls.<br><br>At these events Nihoul was a sort of party beast while Dutroux was more on the side.' Louf's testimony was vitally important. If true, it placed Dutroux and Nihoul, suspected accomplices in the latest child abductions, together at the scene of similar crimes 10 years before. Police began to check her story.<br><br>But then something changed. In October 1996, Connerotte, the only man who has ever advanced the Dutroux investigation, was sacked from the case. He had attended a fund-raising dinner in support of the victims' families and was accused of a conflict of interests. A crowd of 400,000 marched on the Palace of Justice in Brussels to protest. The father of one of the murdered children, Gino Russo, spoke for the demonstrators. 'It was like spitting on the grave of Julie and Melissa,' he said.<br><br>Connerotte was replaced by Judge Jacques Langlois, for whom this case would be his first assignment. Langlois has spent the last five years in constant conflict with the public prosecutor assigned with him to the case, Michel Bourlet.<br><br>Since Connerotte was sacked, according to the Russos, the Dutroux file has acquired no new evidence. Next to be dismissed, a few months later, was the special team of police officers who had interviewed Louf and the other witnesses.<br><br>By now the police believed they had verified key elements of Louf's story. At least one of the murders she described matched an unsolved case. One of the police officers in the team, Rudi Hoskens, had been assigned to re-examine that case and was convinced she had witnessed the murder: 'She gave us some details that made us think it's impossible to give without having been there at that place - the way the body was found at that time, and the way she described the person who was killed.'<br><br>What Louf had described was a macabre torture which had eventually killed a 15-year-old girl she knew as Chrissie. 'It was a sort of bondage,' she told me, 'so her legs and her hands and her throat were connected with the same rope, and so when she moved she strangled herself.' Louf insists both Nihoul and Dutroux were there that night. Nihoul, she claims, took part in the murder, a charge he denies. Dutroux, she says, watched. Christine Van Hees's body had been found in 1984 dumped in the grounds of a disused mushroom farm on the outskirts of Brussels.<br><br>The farm was later demolished but in 1996 Louf described to the police team its intricate details, the wallpaper, the sinks, hooks on the ceiling, a network of stairs and adjoining rooms unique to that building. When I put this evidence to Anne Thily, Prosecutor General of Liège, in overall charge of the Dutroux affair, she gave me a shrug and repeated the official line in Belgium, that Louf is a fantasist and has invented everything. This is not the view of the man who grew up at the farm, the son of the former owner, who showed me photographs of the house and the mushroom factory.<br><br>He said: 'I have never met Regina Louf. All I know is that she could not have described the house as well as she did unless she'd been there. It was two houses joined together in a strange way. It would be impossible to invent it.'<br><br>For 12 years the unsolved murder of Van Hees gathered dust in the Brussels files under the direction of Judge Van Espen. Two years ago a Belgian journalist revealed the close relationship between Judge Van Espen and Nihoul and his then wife. As a lawyer, Van Espen had repre sented Nihoul's wife. Van Espen's sister was the godmother of Nihoul's child. Yet, when Louf accused these two of the murder, Judge Van Espen saw no conflict of interest, no reason to resign. Nor was he sacked, as Connerotte had been. Instead he was allowed to order the police officers to stay out of the case.<br><br>Van Espen only resigned as the judge in charge of the mushroom factory investigation in early 1998 after his relationship with Nihoul was exposed. In the spring of 1997 Louf's interrogators had been sent home without explanation and a new team was assigned to 'reread' her testimony.<br><br>The press was briefed that the previous team had been removed because they had manipulated the evidence of Louf, who was then known by the code name X1. It is a charge which the police team has always vigorously denied and which has never been substantiated. And then the media campaign began. Louf's name was leaked to the press.<br><br>The government-owned TV station RTBF began a campaign designed to prove that Dutroux was an 'isolated pervert' kidnapping girls for himself, that there was no network, that Nihoul was innocent and Louf was a liar. Belgium's flagship current affairs television programme, Au Nom de La Loi , floated Louf's face over a backdrop of crows pecking over debris orchestrated by a Blair Witch-style soundtrack.<br><br>Her ageing parents appeared as tragic victims of a deranged fantasist, whose false memories had blighted their last years. What the programme makers knew but didn't say was that the parents had already admitted to police that a family friend in his forties, Tony Van den Bogaert, had had a key to their home and unlimited access to their 12-year-old daughter. Nor did they tell their viewers that Van den Bogaert had himself admitted his relationship with Louf to police. Van den Bogaert lives freely on the borders of Belgium and Holland unmolested by the law or the press.<br><br>Au Nom de La Loi has never attempted to track him down and expose this self-confessed paedophile. Instead they have devoted hours of air-time to destroying the name of his victim, Louf, whose only offence appears to be that she was prepared to testify about the organised abuse she'd suffered as a child. This campaign has succeeded. Judges have announced that Louf will not be called as a witness in any future trial of Dutroux or his associates.<br><br>Her testimony and that of all the 10 witnesses who came forward to Judge Connerotte has been declared worthless. Noone has ever followed the Dutroux investigation more closely than Gino and Carine Russo, the parents of Melissa. What alarms them more than anything is the dearth of evidence or independent witnesses in the whole affair.<br><br>The Russos have access to the dossier of evidence which will, eventually, be presented to a jury. What alarms them, they say, is that it contains little more than the highly suspect version of events offered by Dutroux and his wife. This is crucial because while Dutroux admits incarcerating their daughter in his home, he denies her kidnap, rape or murder. Dutroux even claims he tried in vain to save the girls and that Melissa died in his arms. The Russos have lived this nightmare ever since Melissa disappeared with her friend Julie in June 1995.<br><br>Although Dutroux was a known paedophile, police didn't search his house for five months, and when they did they failed to find the girls, despite the sound of children in the cellar. When a parliamentary commission examined the series of failures in the Dutroux investigation the police officer responsible, René Michaux, claimed it was a genuine mistake, that the entrance to the dungeon was well hidden and that the children's voices seemed to come from outside.<br><br>He found a speculum on the floor which he lifted, handled and returned to Dutroux's wife without forensic analysis. They found films which went undeveloped and videos which they didn't watch. Had they done so, they would have seen Dutroux building the dungeon.<br><br>Instead Dutroux continued to abduct girls. In August 1996, four days after his last kidnap, he was arrested. He showed police the dungeon from where two girls were freed and then he led them to where Melissa and Julie were buried. Carine Russo was not allowed to see her daughter's body. 'I begged and pleaded. I went with my lawyer but they refused. They told me the law did not permit it.<br><br>"But who will identify my daughter?" I asked them. "Who will confirm that it's her?"<br><br>"Dutroux has identified her," they told me.' Then Carine looks at me. 'It is stupefying,' she says. The autopsy report reveals Melissa was raped repeatedly over a prolonged period. But there is nothing, no DNA evidence, no witness sightings, no forensics of any kind to show whether it was Dutroux, or anyone else.<br><br>Carine Russo points to a wall of files in her office. 'Where are the results of the swabs taken from Melissa's body for analysis? We know swabs were taken. It says so in the reports. But there are no results. I've asked the prosecutor repeatedly and no one seems to know.' After their years of grief and their betrayal by the Belgian police and judiciary, the Russos barely believe a word of the official version: that Dutroux, the lone paedophile, kidnapped the girls for his personal use and kept them in the cage in his cellar until their death of starvation the day he returned home after four months in jail.<br><br>How, they ask, could two children survive alone with virtually no food or water for four months? The Russos suspect the girls weren't there at all. A number of reported sightings of Melissa, one in an upstairs room of a Charleroi nightclub, which were never followed up, have convinced them that someone else had access to the girls while Dutroux was in jail.<br><br>Why else, they ask, were the hairs which detectives gathered from the dungeon in Dutroux's cellar never sent for DNA analysis? Why did Judge Langlois, Connerotte's replacement, refuse to have them tested despite pressure from his prosecutor, Michel Bourlet, who believed that a DNA identification of those hairs might reveal who else was involved. Langlois's boss, the Prosecutor General of Liege, Anne Thily, says: 'There was no need to get the hairs analysed as no one else entered the cage.<br><br>There was no network so there was no need to look for evidence of one. 'In any case,' she continued, 'the hairs have all now been analysed - all 5,000.' And the results of this analysis? 'Nothing.' Thily flashed me a triumphant smile. 'No evidence of any relevance in the Dutroux affair. Which proves, of course, that Langlois was right all along.' But this is not true. Sources central to the investigation confirm that to date the hairs have still not been analysed. How can such a senior figure lie so brazenly?<br><br>Another Belgian mystery. 'Who raped the children?' I asked Thily. 'Dutroux of course.' 'But he denies it. How will you prove it to the jury? There was no DNA test?' Now she was indignant. 'There were DNA tests, Madame.' 'And the results?' 'Inconclusive. The bodies were too decomposed to test for DNA,' she says. But this too makes no sense.<br><br>The autopsy states clearly that the bodies were not decomposed. Samples were taken. But no one seems to know what has happened to the results. Bruno Tagliaferro was someone who knew, or claimed to know, about the abduction of Julie and Melissa and the car which was used. The Charleroi scrap metal merchant told his wife in 1995 that Dutroux was trying to get him killed. It was something to do with the car in which girls had been taken. When he was found dead, apparently of a heart attack, his wife Fabienne Jaupart, refused to accept the verdict.<br><br>Samples of his body sent to the US for analysis showed he'd been poisoned. Jaupart told reporters she was determined to find her husband's killer, but soon she too was found dead in her bed, her mattress smouldering. It was declared suicide.<br><br>Since 1995, there have been 20 unexplained deaths of potential witnesses connected with Dutroux.<br><br>'In Belgium,' says Regina Louf smiling, 'if you're a potential witness you're either dead, or like me, mad.' <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby cortez » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:02 am

THE DUTROUX-AFFAIR IN BELGIUM CALLS<br> <br>FOR FURTHER UNCOVERING<br> <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.neue-einheit.com/english/extras/extra28e.htm">www.neue-einheit.com/engl...tra28e.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br> <br><br>In Belgium the Dutroux affair during all the months from August to October has given rise to a wave of indignation which until now, fortunately, has not subsided, although some want to sweep it under the carpet. The large number of crimes against children, covered by the highest positions, has also made clear what is possible in a country in the middle of the EC, in fact in the headquarters of the EC and the NATO. It has demonstrated once again that high and highest strata are in a certain way connected with the meanest and most wretched crimes. Particularly, many of the saturated citizens want to suppress all memory of these things. But reality remains reality.<br><br>For nine months the disappearance of two of the children, Julie and Melissa, had been a matter of strong public concern in Belgium. About this one could not learn much in the FRG, although usually our media crave any sensation. Only when the situation came to a head in August, this was broken.<br><br> <br><br>The Dutroux affair in Belgium which has shown highest circles of the so-called "high society" entangled in matters like trade of children, child prostitution, child murder and more laid open conditions in a Western country unexpected even by the greatest pessimists. Even people who are used to x-raying this society in a critical way and see its faults, its monstrosities, did not fully sense that in those certain circles of the so-called high society, of the "leading personages" things are quite usual which mark their true cultural level, their true condition also in the moral realm. And these are a widespread pedophilia! And what is more, collaboration with criminals which did not stop at numerous violations and murders of children. The whole is acted out against the background of the saturated philistinism which has lost any moral orientation and works itself up into such things. The Dutroux crimes, the kidnapping, selling and burying into the earth of children give cause to further conjectures and detailed investigations.<br><br>In this uncovering, from the beginning a combination of the criminals with the state had become visible, the question being only how high this entanglement was extending actually. One could expect single policemen or some detective to be presented publically together with a statement: this or that person has also been covering all the crimes. And that was supposed to be the end of the matter. But because of the deep going entanglement of the most various forces - one must say: fortunately, even if it sounds macabre - this proved after all impossible. In this affair a criminal and sex criminal, who already had been exposed and released afterwards, was able to construct subterranean dungeons for children upon his estate, to carry through big construction work, about which neighbours had lodged a complaint but which was covered by the police, and was able to conduct an intense traffic in children through Europe - all of that before the very eyes of the officials who knew the character of this man for a long time.<br><br>Right from the beginning spokespersons of the judiciary of the Federal Republic of Germany declared: what has happened in Belgium could have happened in the FRG as well. Perhaps it really happens, and therefore these things should be given due attention.<br>Here in Germany these things immediately give rise to memories of the hundreds and hundreds of cases when one could hear that a sex criminal was released, was literally given favorable treatment by the judiciary, in order to brazenly commit new crimes, perhaps in order to experience lenient treatment again. The things in Belgium have revealed on whose shoulders the burden of these things is being loaded. One does not care very much for the victims of these criminals who are being dealt with, on a governmental level, in a quite lenient, if not favoring, manner. The victims occupy only a very low rank in the scale of those who enjoy esteem here.<br>The reaction of the German media to this affair as early as in August was quite remarkable. After the extent of the matter had come to light, one felt compelled (the ARD, for example) [program Nr. 1 of public TV - translators’ note] to publish at least some facts in the main news. But then sentences could be heard like: the personal rights of the culprits conflict with the safety interest of the public!<br><br>As if it were the personal rights which stand in the way of prosecuting such deformities. This again is an immediate attempt at covering what has happened. The personal rights to which everybody can refer in case of legal proceedings, like the right to defend oneself, do not constitute a contradiction to the "safety interest". In this way things are being described as if the inability to fight these things was due to objective reality, so to say. This covers all the machinations, which are the root causes of such crimes, a fact that has become clear particularly in this case.<br><br>The media have always tried to push all those who were demanding a clear-cut position from the state against such criminals into a certain corner: that they were rightists, conservatives and the like, whereas the media in reality protect exactly the interests of that conservative upper class which to a part "benefits" from these squalid activities.<br>A wave of hypocrisy flooded the FRG, many politicians voiced proposals like stricter punishment for child pornography, child abuse, like creating laws to inhibit the excesses.<br> <br><br>But one should not fail to notice that child pornography is only the top, the superstructure of prostitution which is being pushed up generally, which is being favored by this state and cannot be separated from it. We have to deal not only with child pornography but with the entire basis upon which it thrives. A state, for example, which furthers the talk that prostitution is "a normal profession" is furthering also the excesses deriving from it. Such a statement is nonsense because such a person sells herself, also psychologically, and ruins herself in the long run. Belgian pamphlets were right to point to the fact that every year 50.000 prostitutes from Eastern Europe, among them very many young women, are being lured and abducted into the FRG alone. Recently cases have become known in which out of German embassies and consulates such crimes had been supported. This is a subject which should be described in every detail.<br><br>From the same forces comes the demand, being on the same level, for so-called "equal rights" for the homosexuals, which is being suggested by the media in various ways. States which are furthering things like that are also furtherers of the ground of this disgusting deformity, of pederasty. Finally one should mention that it is a detraction to assert that the Internet is the specific medium to further all these things. This assertion, repeated time and again in the public media, detracts from the fact that it is the social developments of the last two decades during which production in this country, like also in Belgium for example, continued to be restricted, during which speculation and plain ripping off on the part of a certain segment of the population, and a basic mental state of contempt for society have been providing the breeding ground for this development, whereas the remaining part of the population is being drained dry all the more.<br><br>Let us take another liberal example. It was the Netherlands to allow an official position to the pedophiles, to lower the protected age of children to twelve years and in this way to comply directly with these activities. A state which favours pornography, downright decay, also favours child prostitution, child trade and child murder. This has to be said with regard to those who now take on a hypocritical position and pretend to be able to fight certain excesses by a special law. For the perfidy, which also in the FRG has come out at the most various spots and has to be seen as a parallel to the incidents in Belgium those have to answer fully who assert that any kind of minority, consequently also homosexuals or even pederasts must be declared to possess equal rights. What a boundless nonsense! What a cynicism, what a fight even, actually, against the most elementary demands for equal social rights! They are not only insulted, they are even being fought against, because successful social structures do not exist without the necessary moral ground.<br><br>All this stands in one and the same line: furthering of drugs consumption, complete decay and lack of perspective of the society, a society which literally defames the social framework, technology and knowledge of nature, even literally declares the mere existence of man a sin (compare the litanies of the "ecologists"). Who conducts all this also basically denies the child's right to existence, walls off the future. It is the lack of future, the ideology of dead end permanently roaring through the media which also creates the basis for the contempt of the child in this society.<br><br>There are many details connected to the Dutroux case in Belgium which need special dealing. If one looks at the connections of the criminals, the ranks of which extend into the highest circles of the government, of the socialist party and of other parties in Belgium it becomes obvious that there exists a tight connection between the Belgian and the Italian mafia. <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Apparently similar structures are effective in Belgium like those which came to the surface in Italy in connection with the free masons’ lodge "P2". The "P2" was a lodge of finance people, mafiosi, secret service people and of rightist and "leftist" terrorism, by which in a bloody way the public was horrified. To investigate here will pay.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>As for the FRG, which assumes such an undisturbed position itself but tries hard to calm down the public about the affairs in Belgium, it has become, according to many specialists, a hinterland, a resting zone for the mafia in Europe.<br><br>Belgium - this is also the seat of the EC’s and the NATO’s centers. The economic as well as the military bureaucracy are concentrated in this country, therefore there exists a corresponding extent of security services engaged in the protection of these institutions. And it is exactly in this country where such structures emerge? This must lead to reflections. This allows conclusions of some importance.<br><br>Also in Belgium it has become clear that leading circles of the judiciary which apparently cover the criminals - what has led to the present special unrest - are connected to dark circles similar to the free mason's lodge "P2". It is these circles which obviously, behind the screen of the parliamentary institutions, in reality pull the wires and also in society have the nerve to do what they like.<br> <br><br>The intensity with which the population in Belgium is fighting in this affair is remarkable. Tens of thousands of students demonstrated once again on Oct. 16th 1996, and threw things at the building of the judiciary which had had the nerve to simply dismiss the examining magistrate (public prosecutor) active upon this field under the most ridiculous pretexts, in order to prevent that more was stirred up and more light was thrown upon its own role.<br><br>It may well be for the first time in a Western country that big masses, tens of thousands of people rally against the organs of the state and the judiciary in particular and demand the reversal of the decision. Against the judiciary which in almost all of the countries which call themselves parliamentary democracies arrogantly puts itself above any law. The fact, though, has to be reckoned with that the judiciary will defend itself to the utmost as its principal position is in question. And it still can be doubted whether the struggle can be decided in Belgium alone. In any case this is a daring advance which will have further consequences as the entire reality of the system which is not confined to Belgium, inevitably will continue to reveal itself.<br><br>Among those who are especially tightly related to pederasty, rightist organizations are to be mentioned in particular, in which many immoral criminals occupy leading positions. The "Greens" are to be mentioned, who for several years have been demanding the so-called "right to sexual self-determination" for children, and connected to this even the abolition of legal protection of children below twelve years. Doing so they properly underlined whereto they are going.<br> <br><br>On the 20th of Oct., 1996, Brussels saw a demonstration of up to 300.000 people condemning what had happened and demanding more uncovering. This demonstration, the largest ever in Belgium, had some official protection, too, because the representatives of the magistrates hoped it might have some calming effect and might create the feeling that in the face of the dozens of disappeared and murdered children one had done at least something important.<br><br>But above all on should see that more than ever it is decisive not to let things rest, to utilize the host of videotapes with persons entangled, to investigate the culprits without respect of person, to take the means of covering-up from the hands of the judiciary by means of special independent investigating committees. Otherwise those responsible and those in the background will try to let the dust settle on the things, to take the things out of the limelight, in order to carry on worse than ever but covered better after some time.<br><br> <br>Editorial staff of NEUE EINHEIT, autumn 1996<br> <p></p><i></i>
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old cnn column

Postby cortez » Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:05 am

Bodies identified as missing Belgian teens<br>Girls<br><br>September 3, 1996<br>Web posted at: 6:20 p.m. EDT (2220 GMT)<br><br>(CNN) -- Two bodies found buried under a shed in Jumet, Belgium, have been identified as those of Eefje Lambrecks, 19, and An Marchal, 17. The two young women had been missing since August 1995. Public prosecutor Michel Bourlet confirmed the corpses' identities to the Belga news agency. Marc Dutroux, who has confessed to kidnapping Lambrecks and Marchal, reportedly told investigators a week ago that five bodies were buried at the Jumet house.<br><br>Investigators suspect the remains are linked to a gang of pedophiles that includes Dutroux, a convicted child rapist released early from a 13-year sentence. Police are using sniffer dogs and a sophisticated radar system on loan from Britain to search for more bodies, but were slowed by heavy rain and gale-force winds.<br><br>The house was formerly occupied by a Dutroux accomplice, Bernard Weinstein. Weinstein's body was found in August buried alongside two 8-year-old girls missing for more than a year. Dutroux admits drugging Weinstein and burying him alive, but he denied killing the girls, who starved to death.<br>Dutroux<br><br>The child-sex ring was discovered when two more girls allegedly kidnapped by Dutroux were found alive in a basement dungeon in another Dutroux house. He owns six properties in the region. Police say they have seized from Dutroux more than <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>300 pedophile porn video tapes</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->, some involving Dutroux himself.<br><br>Dutroux faces kidnap, murder, child abuse, and rape charges. Nine people, including Dutroux's wife, have been arrested so far in connection with the cases. In addition, a Belgian police inspector in custody is accused of covering up for Dutroux when he was taken in for questioning about car theft.<br><br>Police are also investigating a link between Dutroux's <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>alleged gang</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and the murder of leading Belgian Socialist politician Andre Cools, who was assassinated in 1991. His murder has never been solved.<br><br>Brussels Bureau Chief Patricia Kelley and Reuters contributed to this report. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby blanc » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:08 am

concerning the Dutroux affair and allegations made against the LIPPENS brothers
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Massive amount of data here

Postby biaothanatoi » Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:33 pm

This stuff is incredible - read the Dutroux page at:

The Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions
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Postby biaothanatoi » Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:36 pm

Jesus - check out the whole site ...

... and spread the word.

This website is amazing.
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Postby slimmouse » Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:09 am

biaothanatoi wrote:Jesus - check out the whole site ...

... and spread the word.

This website is amazing.

Just found this article via David Ickes website, which links to same site.

And your right Biathonol, this stuff is truly dynamite, and compulsive reading for anyone brave enough to get their heads around both the very real existence of these sick people who commit these crimes, the transnational nature of it all, and of course the true reasons why this stuff gets so little coverage - Cos as with just about everything else that is wrong with this world.- it leads to the doors of very pinnacles of society -

link http://www.pehi.eu/dutroux/Belgian_X_do ... ivateintel
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby Stephen Morgan » Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:50 pm


'An invisible death':

"Why do some children who are killed become media icons, while others are forgotten or ignored? For a story to catch on, it seems, it has to echo some deep-seated fear [abduction by strangers]... Child homicide is something which most of us would rather not think about, but it happens every week. In the six months from June to November last year - the months surrounding the deaths of Sarah Payne and Gwen Clapperton's daughter, Daniella Hurst - around 50 children in the UK were murdered, unlawfully killed or died in circumstances which subsequently required special investigation (a Part 8 Case Review) or will be the subject of a trial in the coming months.

In July and August 2000 alone, there were over 20 cases of child murder or manslaughter. A handful of these cases had their brief moment of infamy - a photo, a headline with the word "tragedy" - but it's unlikely that you've heard of more than a couple . They're too mundane, too ordinary, to command attention."

In a few other articles in British newspapers it was reported that many cases of child deaths involving (sexual) abuse were not classified as such, because doctors and social workers usually want to be 200 percent sure before they dare to bring up this extremely touchy subject. There also were sporadic examples of past murders on street children (a favorite target of abuse networks) going completely unreported.

*) December 15, 2002, The Observer, 'Dispatches: There are certain rules in the missing persons game': "It is unlikely you have ever heard of Hannah Williams: the discovery of her body merited only a few lines in the 'news in brief' columns of the newspapers. There were appeals in the local paper, but for a long time it was thought that Hannah had simply run away and would probably come back. Somehow, the national media just never got hooked on the case. There are all sorts of reasons for this, many of them wrapped up in issues about class - Hannah just wasn't the right sort of missing girl to grab the public's attention. Her mum was a single parent and Hannah had gone missing before. Police in London are already overwhelmed with missing runaways from broken homes.

The search for Hannah wasn't helped either by a positive sighting by a friend, who said that Hannah was still alive long after she had probably been killed. In recent years, missing persons have become a commodity to be weighed up and assessed for their media potential and police officers have begun to talk about them as such...

Hannah Williams wasn't the only one to be forgotten. There has been no national media campaign about Daniel Nolan, a 14-year-old who went missing on New Year's Day 2002 from the seaside town of Hamble, in Hampshire... His fishing gear was found where he had left it, but Daniel had disappeared. He was described by his parents as a mature and responsible boy whose disappearance was completely out of character. On the surface, it seems Daniel was equally as worthy of attention as Milly Dowler, but didn't get it because of his gender.

Christine and Peter Boxall know this all too well. Their son, Lee, was 15 when he went missing on the way to a football match in south London in September 1988. He was one of the first cases to be taken up by the Missing Persons Bureau, as it was then. There have been no sightings in 14 years, despite numerous local appeals. His father said: 'I often think if it had been our daughter it may well have been very different. Even today, boys of 15 rarely get publicity because boys can look after themselves, can't they?'

There are certain rules in the missing persons game. Don't be a boy, don't be working class, don't be black. As for persistent runaways, children in care or teenagers with drug problems. . . forget it. Milly Dowler was the perfect missing person: a beaming photogenic angel from a comfortable, middle-class home... One spokeswoman from the southeast London police area who dealt with the Hannah Williams case told me that her mother 'wasn't really press- conference material' and that the girl's background made it difficult to build a campaign around her..."

[42] In the 1980s in the United States talk about MPD (DID) became almost immediately synonymous with ritual abuse and Satanism. Examples are the McMartin-, Jonestown-, Aquino-, Franklin-, Finders-, Children of God-, and numerous other, smaller cases. Also in the early Dutroux dossier there are several examples of victims claiming that MPD is deliberately created and maintained in victims, and again this is tied to ritual abuse and usually Satanism.

[43] February 2003, Merck website, 'Dissociative Identity Disorder'

[44] The False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) was founded in 1992, several years after a wave of reports in the United States and Britain about large-scale child abuse, ritual abuse and Satanism. The main founders, Pamela and Peter Freyd, were accused by their daughter, a Ph.D. in psychology working at a prestigious psychology institute, of child abuse. She also claimed her father had been abused himself as a child. The FMSF publishes a newsletter. Certain members of the FMSF are consulted by newspapers to "objectify" stories of child abuse while others make their living by defending individuals accused of child abuse around the country. The FMSF is closely linked to certain organized skeptics organizations as CSICOP.

[45] A summary can be found in False Memory Syndrome Foundation appendix. A lot of the intelligence/mind control information has come from Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D., who received many FOIA documents pertaining to US government mind control research.

[46] Juni 1998, Harald Merckelbach for Skepter, edition 11, 'Opkomst en ondergang van Getuige X1' ('Rise and downfall of X1').

Of course, the whole tone of the article is condescending and "sceptic" from the very first sentence and a number of disinformation arguments are featured: the Oliver Trusgnach case name spelled wrongly as Trusnach, the fact that X1 was forced to participate in the abuse and murder although Merckelbach forgets to clearly mention X1 was coerced and that this is a very common tactic, examples that De Baets manipulated all proven false two years after this article appeared or arguing that media sensation was the cause of X1 initially being taken seriously by some of the newspapers. As expected, X1's psychological disorder is exploited as much as possible X1 "suddenly remembered" all kinds of details about her past with the "help" of psychiatrist, and the old criticism on the ultra-right is just a conspiracy theory. There are other exploits used by Merckelbach, but you get the point.


[47] February 2003, Merck website, 'Dissociative Identity Disorder'

[48] 1998, Regina Louf, 'Zwijgen is voor daders - De getuigenis van X1' ('Silence is for perpetrators - The testimony of X1'), p. 299: "This book first began to take form in July 1988, when for the first time I wrote down in a notebook with pencil my memories and nightmares. I found out that I had different styles of handwriting, and that each of those handwritings belonged to very distinct parts of ´me´.

That was very frightening, even more so because I often couldn´t remember what I had written down, and when I reread the pages I stumbled across long-repressed memories. I hadn't really forgotten the facts, they had only been distributed over different personalities, each with its own traumas... In a timeframe of six weeks I wrote down large parts of the book that ultimately would end up with the BOB..."
As for the alters having the same age as when they were created, see the quote belonging to reference 52.

[49] Ibid., p. 122-123.
[50] Ibid. Described in various locations in the book.
[51] Ibid., p. 250-251
[52] Ibid., p. 206-207
[53] Ibid. Also all over the official testimonies of different X witnesses.
[54] Ibid. Also all over the official testimonies of different X witnesses.
[55] Ibid., p. 145-146

[56] PV 116.990, November 13, 1996, summary of an interview with X1: "Weinstein had brought a snake that one used on Christine and X1..." PV 116.990, November 18, 1996, summary of an interview with X1: "Bouty is going to look for a snake... Weinstein brought the snake."

[57] DVD 3 of the leaked and digitalized Dutroux dossier, files 47073774-1 to 4. These files have not been assigned a file number.

[58] PV 118.869, November 20, 1996.

[59] See 'the accused' appendix for more information on the Dolo, which has been discussed in books as 'The X-Dossiers' and 'The Nihoul Dossier' and named by victim-witnesses as X1, X2 and Nathalie W. There's a lot of direct (testimonial) evidence and circumstantial evidence about a paedophile network having surrounded Nihoul and various visitors of the Dolo.
Example: 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 123-124 (PV 22.820, October 11, 1996): "I brought Mr. Nihoul to Etterbeek to a house in the Atrebatenstreet.

He invited me out to the first floor because he only wanted to pay inside. When I came in, there were three girls of twelve, thirteen years, almost without clothes, only in a nightgown. I saw they were very young because they didn't have any pubic hair. Two of them were foreign, the third I don't know. In the room there also were two men, dressed. Nihoul forced me to take off my clothes and when I refused he threw me out with my shirt and my coat... it certainly was Nihoul... I am also certain that it was the house in the Atrebatenstreet [Les Atrebates club]."

[60] 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 125-126: "According to Max, Doudou was a contact of an ex-teacher of the Adolphe Max-atheneum. Doudou and the teacher 'made paedophile videos', he claimed. He would have heard Doudou and Nihoul repeatedly talk 'about cages for children, to make them suffer, and about videos imported from the United States on which black children were tortured before being burned in the cage. That was some time in 1992-'93'. 'Dolores Bara knows all about it', he added to that. Has this been checked out?

An anonymous letter to the King's prosecutor Bourlet confirms that 'Vanhuyneghem often went to Thailand and said you could find boys there." 'I know that Nihoul is not a paedophile', says Max. He is a notorious gangster, without morals, who can be bought for little. He even says that 'Nihoul has learned to kidnap children, to earn money'. He even tried it in the Dolo, but Forgeot [co-owner of the Dolo] said: 'That's not the way you do that'." Originally from PV 116.166, December 19, 1996.

[61] Ibid.
[62] Examples:
*) October 2, 1975, Long Beach Press-Telegram, 'Porno death films probed'
*) October 2, 1975, Vermont Bennington Banner - 'Death on porno film not fake'
*) October 2, 1975, Winnipeg Free Press, 'Film called ultimate obscenity'
*) October 3, 1975, Charleston Daily Mail, 'Actress actually murdered'
*) October 4, 1975, The Post Crescent, 'Sex-death films believed produced in Argentina'

[63] October 2, 1975, Long Beach Press-Telegram, 'Porno death films probed: "... the films, which Horman said were made in South America, possibly Argentina... One film was reported to show sex acts between an actress and one or more actors. Then, according to the reports, a knife is produced and the actress, unaware of the true nature of her role, is stabbed to death and dismembered."

[64] *) Questioning of Jean-Paul Raemaekers during his 1995 trial: "- Why did you tape those [rape] scenes? - You could earn a lot of money doing that. You could also exchange those videos. - With who? - That happened within a large paedophile network that is active in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. I myself was only a small link. - Who were the others? - I do not wish to testify about that."
Two other examples of talk about a network and the swapping of pictures, video and children:

*) August 19, 1996, The Times, 'Belgian case throws light on global scourge; Murder': "In Britain alone police estimate that there are 200 paedophile rings that allow people to swap child pornography and even children... Within the rings, paedophiles exchange photographs, contact magazines and addresses. Chief Superintendent Brian Mackenzie, president of the Police Superintendents' Association, said yesterday: "They operate like any other special interest group. Networks and rings form by word of mouth. "Individuals will exchange pornography and quite often they will pass compliant juveniles between groups.

The whole thing spreads out and it is difficult for the police to break down." The networks can be very complex and in one case children who had run away from homes had been lured to London by a "safe" name and address, forced into a paedophile ring and, as they got older, were made to abuse recent arrivals. The aim was to turn the children into perpetrators, making it less likely that they would complain to the police... Children have been kidnapped by paedophile rings who make and sell videos featuring child sex abuse."

*) January 19, 2002, The Independent, 'In Foreign Parts: Seaside town slowly reveals its macabre secrets': "The little girl [allegedly] was brought by a distinguished-looking Belgian in his 50s to the apartment of Thierry D, a brutal man in his 30s who collected human skulls and allegedly belonged to a large paedophile sex network... The evidence, including detailed statements by children, suggests that Thierry and Myriam D, and other impoverished parents, sold their children's services to wealthier people, including the bailiff, a shopkeeper to whom they owed money and the 64-year-old priest. All are among those arrested. This allegedly developed into organised sex parties with children in a farm house near Ypres in Belgium. The sessions were filmed for sale as videos by a French man and his son, who owned a clandestine video business in Ostend."

[65] July 29, 1990, Sunday Times, 'Teenager 'confessed' to filming snuff movie'

[66] July 9, 1989, Sunday Times, 'Rape expert: the witness they never call; Ray Wyre': "What Wyre knows about the distorted male mind is not pleasant. He learnt most, he says, from the four months he spent on a Churchill Fellowship in the United States with the FBI, studying the treatment of rapists and murderers and their victims. From that experience, he can say that he has seen everything including films of killings and mutilations which the murderers themselves took. Most of us, he says, are quite unaware of what actually is done to victims; we are protected from the horrible truth by the limits of what is printable."

[67] False [Abuse] Allegations Action Scotland: "Wyre’s opinions were further questioned regarding snuff videos. He is quoted as having viewed snuff films first hand in America. Apparently however, when contacted, he denied having seen one, and claimed that what he saw was instead a sophisticated simulation. Though he insists that the FBI did have such films in their possession and claimed that they were available in England, both the FBI and Scotland Yard dispute this." http://www.faascotland.co.uk/A%20live%20Wyre.htm

[68] April 8, 1997, The Toronto Star, 'Film alleges pedophiles killed boys': "Dutch police will be among the television viewers today of a British documentary that reports a pedophile ring in Amsterdam and nearby Hoofddorp videotaped the snuff deaths of homeless boys. It's not the first time Dutch police have heard the allegation, but investigations in 1990 and 1993 yielded no concrete result."

[69] April 6, 1997, The Mail on Sunday, 'Briton hunted over 'snuff movies'': "A British man is being hunted in connection with the suspected killing of young boys for so-called 'snuff movies'... Detectives, who identified John from pornographic videos seized in raids on the homes of sex offenders, were already searching for him... Three of the men have independently claimed direct knowledge of the production of paedophile 'snuff' movies, but all deny involvement. One told police that he saw five videos in which boys died after being sexually abused. He has identified a house in Hoofdorp, near Amsterdam, where he says some of the videos were made and has led police to a lake where he says he was told the bodies of the five boys were dumped."

[70] April 8, 1997, The Toronto Star, 'Film alleges pedophiles killed boys': "The British newspaper The Guardian on Saturday detailed one video known as the Bjorn Tape, allegedly made in Amsterdam in 1990, which begins with a man entering a room carrying the limp figure of a young boy, his hands tied and his head covered with a hood." Judging by the description of this movie, it could easily have been faked. It was later reported by British and Dutch sources that the boy in the tape was found alive.

[71] June 29, 1997, Mail on Sunday, 'Outrage as snuff film pervert is free early': "The release of 32-year-old Warwick Spinks, who claims to have been involved in the murder of several children while making 'snuff' movies, has raised a storm of protest... It was a lurid confession from Spinks in an ITV documentary last April that sparked an investigation into the making of `snuff' movies in the Dutch town of Hoofddorp. In a conversation recorded by undercover police in Amsterdam, Spinks offered to supply a video in which a 10-year-old boy was killed, and said an associate had seen a boy die during the making of another film.

Scotland Yard and Dutch police launched an inquiry which failed to find any evidence, but they are furious that Spinks, whose seven-year sentence was reduced to five on appeal, is being released so soon... Spinks was convicted of abducting a child, taking indecent photographs and a serious sexual assault in Feb-ruary 1995. His 14-year-old victim, described by Spinks as a rent-boy, had been on the run from a children's home in the North of England. Judge John Gower QC said Spinks had picked up the boy before taking a number of indecent photos during a gay sex session. Spinks later drugged his victim and took him to Amsterdam where he was sold to a homo-sexual brothel."

[72] November 27, 2000, The Guardian, ''Britain's paedophiles: When sex abuse can lead to murder: Award-winning journalist Nick Davies concludes a series looking at the evils of paedophilia by confronting the grim mysteries of snuff movies: Today: The Amsterdam connection'

[73] September 28, 2000, Aftonbladet (Sweden), 'Pedofil-företag mördade barn inför kamera' ('Pedophile company murdered children in front of camera'): "The Pedophile network had branched out over the whole world. But the center was located in Murmansk, in North Russia... At the same time it is revealed that several large financial companies are involved..."

[74] October 1, 2000, The Observer, 'Special Investigation: British link to 'snuff' videos'

[75] September 28, 2000, Aftonbladet (Sweden), 'Pedofil-företag mördade barn inför kamera' ('Pedophile company murdered children in front of camera'): "The Pedophile network had branched out over the whole world. But the center was located in Murmansk, in North Russia... At the same time it is revealed that several large financial companies are involved... The Russian bosses in the organization so far revealed are these three: Dmitri Kuznetsov, 31, was arrested in Moscow in February, but was released shortly thereafter after the Russian parliament passed an amnesty law to reduce the number of internees.

Valeri Ivanov, the one who is now in prison and who, himself, appears in many recordings where he torments young children. Andrej Valeri Minaev, formerly of the Soviet military, is the official owner of a company that primarily distributes TV video cassettes. He was also released after the amnesty... More than 1700 persons are suspected of having bought child pornography over the Internet...Eight of the arrested yesterday are Italians, but one is a Russian citizen. Of the Italians, one is a civil servant within the health care ministry, married without children. Another is a business leader, and a third is a civil servant in Milano. Irreproachable citizens whom no one would suspect... The pictures are unbearable for normal people to watch. Here are prolonged rape sequences with children begging to be spared. They are abused until they faint.

Then they are murdered before the cameras... Yes, there are even scenes of actual autopsies on young people... In the 'product catalog' of the pedophiles were pictures of a 10-year-old girl who had been killed by hanging. A five-year-old girl with a grimace of pain as she is raped. An adult is killed by gradual crushing. The worst images are labeled 'necros pedo' and showed children being killed during abuse. Such cassettes sold for (US) $20,000. The arrested persons had specifically asked for assurances that the children actually were killed and that it was not simulated by trick photography... The scandal dominated the magazines and broadcasts on Thursday, after broadcasts with child pornographic pictures had been shown on TV during prime time. The opposition immediately demanded that the manager (Mr. Rais) of the state-owned TV company be dismissed.

The matter was discussed in the chamber of deputies. " What has happened is absolutely unforgivable," said the leader of the opposition and the media boss Silvio Berlusconi, whose TV station chose not to show the images, according to Reuters. The newspaper La Republica devoted three pages to the operation, which has international branches. In an editorial, the competitor Corriere della Serra wrote that the extent of the affair is horrifying. "We could never have imagined that thousands of wealthy, cultivated people in the midst of society are taking pleasure in watching small children being tortured and killed."

The special division of the police in Neapel for Internet-related crimes said that about 600 homes were searched in morning raids on Wednesday. According to the police, the key persons are three Russians who have kidnapped children from orphanages, amusement parks and [city] parks. Thereafter, the children were filmed as they were subjected to severe sexual abuse."

[76] October 1, 2000, Associated Press, 'Director Quits Over Child Porn': "The news director of Italian state television's primary station resigned Sunday, taking the blame for allowing graphic images of child pornography to air in a prime-time report. The broadcast, seen by more than 7 million people, stunned the country. In the ensuing uproar, RAI-TV came under attack from the Vatican, the Parliament, the president, the prime minister, politicians on both the left and the right, family and child advocates and a host other news organizations." There were no details on what was actually shown, but it's hard to imagine actual uncensored snuff or hard rape extracts were aired.

[77] I have not been able to find any news reports while going through the archives of many hundreds of US newspapers, including the New York Times and Washington Post. At the very least, the Russian pedophile and snuff ring has been severely underreported in the US.

[78] There were reports about the Morkhoven Workgroup's discovery in German, Dutch, Belgian, British and possibly other newspapers. Following is an excerpt from a British newspaper:
July 18, 1998, The Independent, 'Dutch porn ring exploited two-year-olds': "Dutch Police were investigating allegations yesterday that an international child pornography ring exploited toddlers as young as two and distributed their images worldwide via the Internet... The inquiry follows a report by a Belgian anti-[child]pornography group, Morkhoven, that it found thousands of computer discs in a flat in the Dutch seaside town of Zandvoort. The discs were loaded with pornographic pictures of children, the Dutch current affairs television programme NOVA reported. Morkhoven showed some of the images to the programme makers, who decided they were too disturbing to broadcast.

A spokeswoman for NOVA said that the correspondent responsible for the report was in contact with the Dutch police, and added that all the alleged evidence was with Morkhoven... But the Berliner Morgenpost which has closely followed the case, reported in April about accusations of sloppy work by German and Dutch police. After much public outcry, Berlin prosecutors met in late April with Marcel Vervloesem, a private detective with Morkhoven. Mr Vervloesem said he gave the police extensive evidence and the names of two previously unknown suspects."

[79] September 13, 1998, The Independent, 'No kind of hero; Marcel Vervloesem claims he cracked a child pornography ring. But should we believe him?': "Ulrich says he'll give Vervloesem more material when he gets back to Holland - he's got a secret store under the floorboards in his living room... Later he [Vervloesem] informs the police about the secret stash and on 28 June they return to the flat, carry out a thorough search, and find computer records under the floorboards, including a list of 300 names which is said to amount to an international Who's Who of suspected paedophiles. It includes Warwick Spinks, who was released from prison in Britain last July after being convicted of drugging and kidnapping a 14-year-old boy, and is now believed to be in Prague, and Lothar Gandolf, a notorious German paedophile."

[80] Ibid. 1) Zandvoort is near Hoofddorp and Amsterdam 2) Warwick Spinks allegedly was deeply involved in the British-Amsterdam abuse and snuff network.

[81] Ibid. The Lothar Gandolf connection. Hoogwaardigheidsbekelders.

*) February 9, 2003, www.stelling.nl, 'Van Estoril naar Zandvoort' ('From Estoril to Zandvoort'): "[Manuel Schadwald] would have worked for a while in a Rotterdam boys brothel of the now in Schiedam-living Lothar Gandolf, who also made "his" pupils available to all kinds of escort services. Not seldom to so-called men of standing."

*) 2005, Werkgroep Morkhoven (their translation): "Native from Thüringen in Germany, he had a perfect landing place between the Polish border and Holland. He soon collected enough funds to purchase his first brothel, and settled in Rotterdam. Lothar developed a concept of child prostitution with triple convolution: he supplied customers of sadists and he resold the children according to their endurance, either with his fellow-members, or to the producers of pornographic imageries. It required an important bearing, which made the fortune of the children’s frontier runners and filled the “softer” brothels at the less risk for their directors. “When one arrives at the Polish border”, he said, “You just have to release the child before the bridge, ask him to cross by foot and collect him after the boarder”. Three children had succeeded to runaway from his brothel in 1993.

At the police station as they were shown pictures, they had recognized Manuel Schadwald; 11 years old Berliner a whom, according to the German authorities, had runaway. Thus began an operation widespread in Europe and which consisted in finding the customers before saving the children. Three officers reported to have seen Lothar with a boy they believed to be Manuel but they had not intervened, as they were afraid to "endanger the operation". It took another eighteen months of tortures, rapes and kidnapping of runaway children, before the Dutch police released around fifty of them from Lothar’ brothel. Manuel was no more among them."
http://groups.msn.com/WerkgroepMorkhove ... ction=get_

[82] January 29, 2005, Jan Boeykens (chair of the Morkhoven Workgroup) in an article published on Indymedia: "It is possible that the Kennemerland police blocked the investigation, because at the time a videotape was found in the flat of Ulrich on which S., a contact of the Dutch royal house, could be seen. According to Bart van W. of 'Kleintje Muurkrant' S. also appeared in a case in which certain judicial people were involved with children. The information from this story closely matches with the things the Morkhoven Workgroup already found out in this area."

[83] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 390: "Only several years later it turns out that one floor above the cafe the post office box of a Dutch porn company is located. A completely innocent company, Antwerp detectives will conclude one year later. What they apparently don't know is that the name of the company later appears in the personal agenda of Robby van der Plancken, the Belgian who was brought in connection with the murder of his friend Gerrie Ulrich in the summer of 1998.

In Holland this murder leads to the Zandvoort-scandal. In the apartment of a until then purportedly respectable citizen the police discovered more than 50,000 computer images of the most terrible forms of child abuse. Among the cd-roms of Ulrich there also are forms to 'order' children - baby's also, but in that case it's a bit more expensive. In the forms it is specified what the 'customer' can do with the child, how far he can go... In the Zandvoort-dossier there also are payment orders showing that Ulrich until just before his death regularly deposited large sums of money in the accounts of the porn company above cafe Les Routiers."

[84] May 3, 2004, Jan Boeykens for Werkgroep Morkhoven, 'Foto's Dutroux-slachtoffers in The Sprout' ('Pictures Dutroux-victims in The Sprout')
http://groups.msn.com/werkgroepMorkhove ... help1.msnw
Also: April 19, 2004, Morkhoven Workgroup, 'The Sprout':
"Several years ago a Belgian and a European member of Parliament could see a similar movie at the home of Marcel Vervloesem of the Morkhoven Workgroup. On the video one could see how a crying four year old girl was raped in the doctor's cabinet by a criminal dressed as a doctor, while a 12 year old girl had to play nurse and came in with the necessary instruments on a platter... The videos are very expensive (up to 30,000 euros a piece) and primarily find their way to pedocriminal networks."
http://groups.msn.com/WerkgroepMorkhove ... utnl1.msnw

[85] Details on the intimidation and "accident" of Gina Pardaens-Bernaer can be found in the following books:
- 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers'
- 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul: De knoop in het proces-Dutroux' ('The Nihoul Dossier: The knot in the Dutroux trial')
- 2004, Douglas De Coninck, 'Dode Getuigen - Dertig mensen die niet zullen spreken op het proces Dutroux' ('Dead witnesses - Thirty people who will not speak at the Dutroux trial')
*) Of course, the Morkhoven Workgroup has also discussed Pardaens' intimidation and death in detail.

[86] Ibid. More details can be found in 'the apparently assassinated' appendix.

[87] 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul: De knoop in het proces-Dutroux' ('The Nihoul Dossier: The knot in the Dutroux trial'), p. 192. According the author, Jean Denis Lejeune made this comment on ZDF (German) television on January 30, 2001. It appears to be a reference to the deaths of Francois Reyskens (1995) and Bruno Tagliaferro (1995) and his wife (1998). This comment is entirely plausible, because on other occasions the parents of Julie have claimed there's a cover up in the Dutroux affair.

[88] See 'the accused' appendix for a number of quotes, including the sources.

[89] Although child support institutions have tried to make estimates, there are no really reliable numbers on children being kidnapped or killed by individual pedophiles and networks. Of the hundreds of thousands of reported missing children in the West each year, only a small percentage is found dead or will go permanently missing. Still, this number amounts to thousands, and with so many child deaths' mislabeled and unreported, the existence of large abuse networks, including many temporary kidnappings, is entirely possible. In addition to the reports below, also take a look at references 38 and 41.

*) July 1, 2001, The Independent, 'An invisible death': "In the six months from June to November last year - the months surrounding the deaths of Sarah Payne and Gwen Clapperton's daughter, Daniella Hurst - around 50 children in the UK were murdered, unlawfully killed or died in circumstances which subsequently required special investigation (a Part 8 Case Review) or will be the subject of a trial in the coming months. In July and August 2000 alone, there were over 20 cases of child murder or manslaughter. A handful of these cases had their brief moment of infamy - a photo, a headline with the word "tragedy" - but it's unlikely that you've heard of more than a couple . They're too mundane, too ordinary, to command attention."

*) December 29, 2002, Sun-Sentinel: "Social workers cannot say how many of the youngsters who have slipped from their care have ended up dead. However, a national missing children's clearinghouse says 1,500 bodies of unidentified children lie in morgues or unmarked graves, many of whom, experts say, were likely foster children. Another 400 children nationwide, including some missing from state custody, have been gone for decades, raising fears that they, too, are dead.
Deaths of missing children are difficult to count for a number of reasons. Overburdened police and social workers say they don't have time to round up runaways, caseworkers do not always file missing person reports when foster children disappear, privacy laws keep details of the children's deaths secret, computer and medical problems can thwart police and medical examiners working on missing children cases."

*) 2006, Child Welfare Information Gateway, 'Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities: Statistics and Interventions' (US numbers): "The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) reported an estimated 1,490 child fatalities in 2004... Many researchers and practitioners believe child fatalities due to abuse and neglect are still underreported. Studies in Colorado and North Carolina have estimated that as many as 50 to 60 percent of child deaths resulting from abuse or neglect are not recorded as such."
http://www.childwelfare.gov/pubs/factsh ... tality.cfm

*) August 26, 2006, Daily Telegraph, 'How Natascha was robbed of her childhood' (this report is apparently referring to alleged long term kidnappings for sexual abuse): "Every year, thousands of children go missing without trace - 200 of them in Austria alone, a staggering 1,850 in Italy. In Belgium, where Marc Dutroux abducted and killed four female victims, 1,022 disappear annually; and in Britain, around 400. Experts fear that hundreds are being held in private prisons."
Additionally, an example of a (thwarted) plan to temporarily kidnap, abuse and torture a young girl, and record this on video (for distribution?):

*) May 16, 2007, VRT Nieuws, 'Parket rolt net op tijd pedofielenbende op' ('District attorney's office arrests a pedophile gang just in time):

"The Belgian and French police have arrested four pedophiles who in our country wanted to kidnap an underaged girl to sexually abuse her, the district attorney's office confirmed. Four Frenchmen, three men and a woman, had built a cage in an abandoned company building near Rouen to lock up the girl. Next to the cage a camera stood ready, just as sadomasochist attributes. The suspects also had a van with fake license plates."

[90] 1993, Jean-Pierre van Rossem, 'Hoe kom ik van de ground?' ('How do I get off the ground?'), p. 131

[91] Ibid., p. 138-140

[92] Following are two brief examples of senior executives of Scotland Yard, Interpol and Europol being aware of the existence of large paedophile networks.

*) August 25, 1996, The Observer, 'The Child Abusers: Paedophilia is not the preserve of a few sick individuals. It's a billion dollar business': "Bjorn Eriksson of Interpol believes there are 30,000 paedophiles organised in groups throughout Europe. Many are linked through the Internet, others are on the mailing-lists of pornographic magazines. Some are undoubtedly guilty of the kidnap, trade and murder of children. Scotland Yard's National Criminal Intelligence Service has a database of between 3,000 and 4,000 convicted or suspected paedophiles, many of whom will be part of the wider European network."

*) Europol: May 15, 2003, The Times, 'Head jailed over internet paedophile ring': "The head teacher of a Roman Catholic boys' school who was a member of an international internet paedophile ring was jailed for more than five years yesterday... When the network was broken up in an operation involving the FBI, US Customs and Europol, police uncovered thousands of images described as the "worst type ever seen by the investigating officers". More than 80 children from around the world have been identified as victims of abuse as a result of the material, but many more remain unknown."

[93] *) PV 119.244, December 27, 1997

*) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 371-372

[94] *) PV 116.020, October 28, 1996.

*) PV 151.511, May 14, 1997: "X1 signals that VdBogaert, Vander Elst, Bouty, Nihoul, Bert (Albert & Joost) and Emile Dellaert were present at the murder of Véronique Dubrulle. According to X1, the father is aware of the facts. Jacques Dubrulle is famous in the cinema milieu of Flanders."

[95] PV 116.026, November 13, 1996, 'Observation - Rape of X1 by Dr. de Schrijver': "Drs. de Schrijver and Waele signed the death certificate of Veronique Dubrulle (PV 116.020 rape and murder of Veronique)... Boss of UCO = Hanet... Description of the rape of X1 by only Schrijver when she was 14 years old (1983). Schrijver also raped Clo and Samy on other occasions. He participated in partouzes at the boss of UCO. Waele never raped her - he took girls of 7-8 years."

[96] PV 116.019, October 28, 1996, summary of claims made by X1: "Clo would have passed away between June and December '83."

[97] January 8, 1998, Annemie Bulté and Douglas de Coninck for De Morgen (large Belgian newspaper), 'The girl who gave birth in secret' (translated to English by someone from the Radical party website, and-or possibly the authors): "Thanks to research carried out at "Clo’s" school, the BSR investigators managed to guess who she was. After that, BSR officers Patrick De Baets and Philippe Hupez showed XI a series of class photos from the year 1981-82. XI not only pointed to the photos of Carine Dellaert, but also to another photo. According to XI, it was V. (she gave her first name). She added: "They killed her, too. Clo told me that she was called V."

During questioning on 25 October, statement no. 116.018, XI said: "This happened in a house in Ghent. Clo was there, too […] They tortured her with knives and scissors. Someone broke a bottle and rubbed the fragments into her vagina. Then they cut her in various places with razor-blades." After this session of questioning, they no longer knew where they were at the 3rd Criminal Research Section. From a series of twenty photos, XI had managed to pick out two girls who had died shortly afterwards. After further research, the investigators not only came across the old file on the murder of Carine Dellaert, but also information concerning the second young girl. She was, in fact, called V., and had died in the middle of 1983 in Ghent.

As regards the list of people present according to XI, some of the details were remarkable. As well as Michel Nihoul and a woman who was arrested in the Dutroux case, XI named her procurer T., the lawyer and the burgomaster mentioned above, and a businessman from western Flanders and his son. XI could not establish any links between all these people, except the fact that she had met them on various occasions at orgies. The investigators carried out research which showed that all the people present had professional links of one sort or another, links that were not apparent at first sight. The name of the man she indicated as Clo’s "procurer" was also remarkable. He had already appeared as a suspect in the old file at the Ghent Public prosecutor’s department. The man was known to the police for a series of sexual crimes."

[98] *) March 11, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part I'

*) On Laminaria: Medilator company information: "There are two techniques currently in use for dilation of the cervix, laminaria and Hegar rods. The laminaria (seaweed) technique involves insertion of a dry rod into the cervix. Contact with body fluids causes the laminaria to swell ensuing dilatation of the cervical canal."
http://www.ofek.org.il/eng/graduate_pro ... hp?p_id=25

[99] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 170: "Apparently because a row had arisen about the fact that he had taken all her belongings, Emile Dellaert later brought back one of the closets of his daughter to the mother. To her great astonishment she noticed there was maternity clothing in it."

[100] March 18, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part II', at about 24:30

[101] *) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'The X-Dossiers', 493-494: "In his official report first sergeant Jan Vincent of the BOB Gent extensively mentions the small wall that clearly isn't there. That it's about a bungalow surrounded by a garden, that he has to acknowledge. X1 also talked about 'some sort of artificial pond, but not a natural pond, a fairly square thing'. That pond, she noted, went around the bungalow like a moat. About the house she said: 'Yes, such a square thing, a kind of brick. With a small fountain.' Vincent has to admit that the pond is there, but then - we cite literally: 'This moat has more of a natural than an artificial look. The water certainly is not a square thing and bricks or a fountain are nowhere to be found.' Strange is that. One inspector says white, the other one says black.

What do we do then? We went to take a look ourselves, of course. What turns out? The house in Waarschoot is mostly surrounded by a pond which is as square as square can be. Because of the sprouting of trees and bushes, bumps can be found in the straight line that was intended during construction, but if you keep in mind that X1 said that she had been here in 1983, it is hard not to conclude that the moat then must have formed a perfect square. The house, as any passer-by can determine, certainly has been built with bricks. And what is that there in middle of the garden, right in front of the front door? A fountain! At least a 3 feet high fountain. It might not be a real fountain - no water is coming out - but a white garden sculpture that can even be seen from 100 yards away can impossibly be seen as something else than a fountain."

*) February 25, 2004, Herwig Lerouge and Vinciane Convens, Solidaire, interview with Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck: "We were sued several times. Gendarme officer Vincent of the CBO in Gent was one of them. He for instance allowed that an investigation that had been opened in response to testimonies of Regina Louf, was closed. According to him, the house that Regina Louf described did not match at all the house he had visited himself. Regina described an artificial pond and he said it was a natural pond and that the description of Regina therefore was not accurate. In the end, the court decided in our favor and said that our investigation was better than his. That is written black on white. We proved that the house Regina Louf described indeed matches the house that he visited. We even found back the plans for the construction of the artificial pond."

[102] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 435: "Also in the Waarschoot-passage the re-readers alter reality. They state that the house in Waarschoot in 1982 was inhabited 'by persons who have nothing to do with the dossier'. Strange. Anyone who knows the dossier a little, knows that the house next door in the early 1980s was inhabited by the parents of... witness X4."

[103] These details are largely described in the book 'The X-Dossiers' and followed up upon by the Zembla X-dossiers investigation in part II.

[104] See the 'the victim-witnesses' appendix for biographies on Gerard Cok and Charles Geerts.

[105] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 501-502: "Let's call her Fanny V. It took us two phone calls to find her. Few have known Carine Dellaert as well as she did. They were classmates in the school years 1977-78 and 1978-79 in the town school Gezusters Loveling in the Van Hulthemstraat in Gent. 'We became friends in sixth grade', Fanny says. 'I was eleven or twelve then, Carine thirteen, I believe. What I can tell you, dates from that period.'

Fanny has to chuckle when she hears about the conclusions of the District Attorney's office in Gent. In the official reports it is reported that her friend was a hardworking pupil which never had any troubles at home. 'In any case she was a year older than the rest of the class', Fanny says. 'She already had failed one of the lower classes. I looked up to her a lot. I was still a child, she a real woman. She was physically and mentally so much stronger than we. When my mother heard that she had become my best friend, she went to complain about that with the school's management. Because I had said to my mother that Carine regularly had sex with her father and also with other men. 'No, Carine was not happy, not at all. On the playground we sometimes sat silently next to each other the whole time. I felt she was suffering immensely under the situation. She wanted to run away from home, she often spoke about that: "Run away, far away from here." 'She told me that she had to sleep with many men...

As far as Fanny remembered, Carine Dellaert told her that this primarily happened at her home. I was still a child, didn't understand anything and didn't ask more questions. What I do remember is that her mother knew nothing about this. I used to ask that all the time: and how about your mother, what does she think? She's always gone, she said...' After the lower school, in 1979, Fanny V. lost contact with Carine Dellaert. 'I never saw her again.' She [Fanny] went to another school and got to know other people there. One of them - we are not making this up - was Regina Louf. 'Regina talked to almost no one', Fanny continues.

'If Regina and Carine knew each other? To me that seems perfectly possible. Regina also had her secret, she was very introvert. If Regina and Carine knew each other through such a circuit it would have been hard for me to find out. At school you only saw the facade. I thought that you could compare them, their attitudes. I have bought the book of Regina, but I'm afraid to read it. I have wanted to start a few times, but there are things in there... it hurts me too much.'"
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Old 11-08-2009, 04:54 PM
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Default [106] Ibid., p. 503:
"The first childhood friend of Regina Louf who is interviewed in the summer of 1997 is Kristelle M. [PV 103.011, September 1, 1997, BOB Gent, officer Jan Vincent]. She was in the same class in the years 1983-84 and 1984-85... '[Regina] sometimes disappeared from school in the afternoon', Kristelle remembered. If it is true what this woman says, then the re-readers of the dossier Van Hees can fold a boat from the absence register that they saw as 'proof' that Regina Louf impossibly could have been in Brussels in the early evening of February 13, 1984.

What Kristelle M. remembered above all, is that she continually talked about sex. She told how she had a relationship with 'an older man'. According to M., the whole class assumed that she was lying. Not Kristelle M. She had seen with her own eyes how this 'older man' picked up Regina after school. And there was something else: Regina at some point told her that she was pregnant of that older man. Kristelle M. also knew that Regina often spoke about a 'female friend with whom she could amuse herself and with whom she often went out in the Boudewijnstraat'. She didn't remember the name of the friend anymore, 'but it could have been Christine, Carine, Caroline or Claudine'. Kristelle M. could also tell that Regina, as a kid of 14, drank alcohol and one morning arrived in class and 'smelled of liquor'. One time she arrived at school with a clearly visible bruise..."

[107] 1998, Regina Louf, 'Zwijgen is voor daders - De getuigenis van X1' ('Silence is for perpetrators - The testimony of X1'), p. 288: "Several days later I came to know that Clo - who, according to the District Attorney's office in Gent maybe never existed and certainly was not Carine - also had classmates who called her Clo. One of them confirms that only very few people knew her under that name, and that she believed me the minute she heard me talk about 'Clo'. Also the description I gave of her was correct. Months later an older woman came to me, who confirmed that another victim I had named had indeed died under suspicious circumstances."

[108] Emile Dellaert's past is largely described in the book 'The X-Dossiers' and in various newspaper reports.

[109] February 18, 1997 note from De Baets to prosecutor Michel Bourlet about PVs 100.071 and 150.099, which were interviews with X1 about Katrien De Cuyper.

[110] PV 150.359, March 1, 1997.

[111] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 390: "The peculiar thing about the W. family [de Caters] is that they also own property in Knokke-Le Zoute, in the streets where X1 already went to point out houses several months before."

[112] March 18, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part II': "[Patricia van der Smissen, lawyer of Regina Louf:] It was observed that he phoned this person more than ten times on a day that he was observed. Maybe he noticed that he was being shadowed. In any case, he often called this gendarme officer. We also know that they were in contact over the internet. And from one day to the next this person is put on the case, after it had already been known that he was in contact with Tony... [BOB officer Rudy Hoskens of De Baets' investigating team:] Then you start asking yourself a few questions, wouldn't you? Then this is not the right person in the right place. I did complain about this to my superiors, but this person kept serving on the same dossier."

[113] June 22, 1999, De Morgen, 'Is dit Katrien De Cuyper?' ('Is this Katrien De Cuyper'): "On page 17 and under number 129 of the second special edition of the Dutch police magazine Research and Information there's a picture of a girl who strongly resembles Katrien De Cuyper... Members of the Morkhoven Workgroup came in the possession of the second edition of Research and Information and handed over copies to the Brussels judicial police, where the Computer Crime Unit will further analyze the picture. 'We also have showed that picture 129 to different persons who know the De Cuyper dossier very well or have known the girl personally', Marcel Vervloesem says. 'We got to hear the same thing again and again: this is Katrien De Cuyper.'"

[114] These details are described in the book 'The X-Dossiers' and the 2003 Zembla X-dossiers investigation, part II.

[115] Werkgroep Morkhoven, 'Katrien De Cuyper: Loog de Antwerpse justitie in deze zaak?': "Interesting in this case is that Leen Nuyts, spokesperson of the Antwerp district attorney's office, at the time reacted in the following manner to the announcement of Marcel Vervloesem: 'Two weeks ago we received from the Dutch justice department a picture which indeed closely resembles Katrien. We have investigated it. We are now for 95 percent sure that that picture shows a still-to-be-identified boy'. Shortly afterwards a picture was published in a certain newspaper which had to show (through the genitals) that the picture on the Zandvoort cd-rom indeed was a 'boy'. Investigative work done by the Morkhoven Workgroup in the mean time showed that it was a photoshop in which the face of Katrien De Cuyper was superimposed on a boys' body. After a scientific investigation in which advanced computer techniques were used, one is able to state with 95% certainty that the by Marcel Vervloesem rediscovered picture indeed shows Katrien De Cuyper."

[116] March 18, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part II', at about 24:30

[117] PV 104.898, April 23, 1998, as filmed in March 18, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part II', at about 19:20: "During this hearing, V. acknowledged - after a long talk - the intimate and sexual relation he had with Regina Louf. According to him, it was Regina who took the initiative." A more detailed statement can be found in the 1999 book 'The X-Dossiers', p. 513, including: "At a certain point I indeed had been given a key of the house by Christiane, outside the knowledge of her husband, so I could enter the apartment whenever I wanted."

[118] Unknown PV as filmed in March 18, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part II', at about 20:00: "In the end, Christiane confirmed that Regina indeed has had a sexual relationship with Tony... She confirmed that she under pressure of Regina had given a key of the house to Tony."

[119] PV 100.466, February 6, 1998, as filmed in March 18, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part II', at about 19:50: "After an open discussion Georges Louf admitted that Tony stopped by much more than he had earlier testified... that she went out with him, that Tony went to pick her up at school." A more detailed statement can be found in the 1999 book 'The X-Dossiers', p. 508.

[120] PV 150.106, February 4, 1997, 'hearing of de Marleen van Herreweghe': "There were sexual contacts in the living room between Tony, X1, her mother and the housekeeper... The female housekeeper was a certain Carine who had 4 children. Carine and Tony gave van Herreweghe the impression that her presence bothered them."

[121] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 347-348.

[122] Ibid., p. 340-341

[123] PV 116.799, November 6, 1996, 'Designation of places by X2 in Knokke: "The facts happened in villas around Knokke. There's a similarity with the places designated by X1... "Scarsdale" Blinckaertlaan 19 in the Koningbos... Maison Binnenhof 9 or 11 or 13 (not certain)... Elizabethlaan 62... X1 had also designated the Scarsdale villa and the Binnenhof houses. The Tinel hotel and the house of the grandmother of X1 are located facing the Elizabethlaan 62."

[124] When one goes through the Dutroux dossier summary one can read:
PV 114.037, September 29, 1996, 'Audition de X1': "She recognizes X2 on a photo. X2 was a victim of pedophile acts right in front of her... She recognizes X2 on photo. She saw her in a club in Brussels with Nihoul. She has been tortured in this club."

In this PV X1 identifies several other girls and locations from pictures, but Nathalie W. is nowhere to be found. The problem then is that the authors of 'The X-Dossiers' (p. 143) have cited X1 from the full PV as saying: "Ik have seen her there... with Nihoul in Brussels, yes. But I don't know more than that either. [Abused,] not that I noticed. [so there appears to be a difference between descriptions of X2 and Nathalie]." The authors continue: "The photo they showed her is a childhood picture of Nathalie W., the first victim who came to Neufchateau to testify about the existence of influential child abuse networks in Belgium.

Nathalie accused Michel Nihoul of having raped her three times when she was still a kid. She saw him, she says, a number of times in the sexclub Les Atrebates. X1 situated her in the 1982-'83 period. It wouldn't happen often that X1 was correct about a date, but this time apparently she was. At that point, she had never come across Nathalie W. in the buildings of the BOB, she couldn't have seen her. And even if that would have happened, it is very much the question if this would have helped her. There are few, in any, similarities between the Nathalie W. of today and the more than 15 years old picture."

That X1 recognized Nathalie W. seems accurate (PV 150.521). The only question is if the author of the summary has mixed up X2 with Nathalie W. Officially, X2 would not begin to testify until November 1996, but sometime in September or October her immediate superior, Michel Clippe (who worked on the Dutroux case), and Bourlet had already found out that she came from an abuse network. So, it could be that they showed a picture of X2 to X1 in an early to see if they could get some quick verifications. What further complicates this case is that X2 also was familiar with Nihoul and the Dolo. PV 118.379, December 12, 1996, 'Interview with X2 - Brabant-Wallon': "X2 regularly went to the Dolo where she met Bouhouche. X2 also met the wife of Bouhouche in the Hilton at the time of a meeting between [Jean] Gol, Philippe Moureaux, Wilfried Martens, VDB, Willy de Clerck, Jean-Michel Nihoul, Delvoye and Karel."

[125] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 435. See note #102.

[126] *) PV 118.575, December 14, 1996, 'Identification of Nathalie Cannoodt by X4': "Presentation of a photo album. X4 recognizes a girl who played in pedophile movies and photo sessions. The girl in question taught X4 a card game. The recognized girl is Nathalie Cannoodt."

*) PV 118.576, December 14, 1996, 'Identification of Chantal Storme by X4': "Presentation of a photo album. X4 recognizes a girl who played in pedophile movies and photo sessions... The recognized girl is Chantal Storme."

[127] PV 150.521, March 10, 1997, 'Discordances in the declarations of Waeterschoot': "Waet. recognizes the mother of X4 and gives her first name as well as one of her sisters."

[128] *) PV 100.526, January 9, 1997, 'First interview with Nathalie Cannoodt': "Between her 10th and 14th year her best friend was X1. She went on vacation several times to the grandmother in Knokke. She was forbidden to go to the first floor. The grandmother was very strict... X1 had told her to be in love with Tony, as she saw it. She remembers to have gone to the Decascoop [a cinema] with X1 and Tony in a Mercedes. The mother of X1 was in love with Tony. [Nathalie] broke down in tears when she spoke of her father caressing her chest."

*) PV 100.528 January 11, 1997, 'Second interview with Nathalie Cannoodt': "When Tony brought her to the Decascoop with X1, she saw that he kissed X1 and that he stroked her breasts and vagina."

[129] PV 150.521, March 10, 1997, 'Discordances in the declarations of Waeterschoot': "She [Nathalie W.] is recognized by X1 and X4."

[130] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 143: "Ik have seen her there... with Nihoul in Brussels, yes. But I don't know more than that either. [Abused,] not that I noticed." The authors continue: "The photo they showed her is a childhood picture of Nathalie W., the first victim who came to Neufchateau to testify about the existence of influential child abuse networks in Belgium. Nathalie accused Michel Nihoul of having raped her three times when she was still a kid. She saw him, she says, a number of times in the sexclub Les Atrebates. X1 situated her in the 1982-'83 period.

It wouldn't happen often that X1 was correct about a date, but this time apparently she was. At that point, she had never come across Nathalie W. in the buildings of the BOB, she couldn't have seen her. And even if that would have happened, it is very much the question if this would have helped her. There are few, in any, similarities between the Nathalie W. of today and the more than 15 years old picture."
Why did I use "allegedly"? See note #124.

[131] PV 150.521, March 10, 1997, 'Discordances in the declarations of Waeterschoot': "The father of Waet. is recognized by X1."

[132] *) PV 116.063, November 2, 1996, 'Interview with Waterschoot': "Presentation of two photos to Wat. She doesn't recognize the girl (X1). She recognizes the man as Anthony. [Indeed] It's is about Anthony Van Den Bogaert."

*) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 312, quoting from PV 116.063: "This is Anthony, a friend of Nihoul"

*) PV 150.521, March 10, 1997, 'Discordances in the declarations of Waeterschoot': "She speaks of an Anthony that she puts in relation with Nihoul and X1."

[133] *) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 312: "Later on a discussion will arise if Nathalie that day really spoke about 'Mich from Brussels'. It is certain, however, that after the arrest of Michel Nihoul it is matter of days before every report dealing with Nathalie W. is transferred to the district attorney's office in Neufchateau. 'It was Joël who called me with the question if 'Mich' was Nihoul. Yes, I said. I had recognized him immediately on television. I didn't see him as the most important person. He was there in the period of the Atrebates street, when I was fifteen to sixteen years. That was all.'"

[134] *) PV 150.459, February 25, 1997, 'Analysis and observations after 14/02/97 interview with Storme': "She was the best friend of X1. She regularly went to the grandmother of X1. Description of the house. When there were certain customers she could not go to the first floor and had to be inconspicuous and silent. When the customers went up there, they didn't have any luggage.... Grandmother hard on X1; has been seen threatening X1 with a revolver."

*) PV 150.817, March 20, 1997, 'Constatations of interview with Storme on 25/02/97': "She remembers to have undergone the abuse in the grandmother's house... The facts always took place in the same two rooms... The grandmother saw to it that she obeyed the customers well... The men who raped them called them whores... and forbade them to cry... One of the perpetrators was called Monsieur... She remembers two positions for the anal penetrations, which she describes... She was forced into homosexual relations with X1. She has assisted in a rape of X1."

[135] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 503-504: "Anja D. is also interviewed. She has been pointed out by a number of former classmates as the best friend that Regina had in the years 1984 and 1985... [Anja in PV 103.387, September 25, 1997, to the BOB in Gent:] 'You show me a picture which I recognize as showing Tony, being the older man with whom X1 had a sexual relationship... I only got knowledge of this relationship during the fact that I often went to the house of X1. I went to sleep at least one weekend per month at X1's... It sometimes happened that Tony went up with X1 to the room of the mother of X1. There they had sexual intercourse.

Tony could arrive at any moment. It so happened that Tony could arrive very late in the evening. I myself determined that there was sexual intercourse between X1 and Tony. It is so that the room of X1 was right next to the room of the mother. It happened that I was still sleeping when Tony had sex with X1 at that moment in the next room... I went past the room, and the door was open.

Then I conclusively saw the sexual intercourse between X1 and Tony. By the way, at one time Tony asked me if I didn't want to join them. I declined.... Pertaining to the reaction of the parents of X1, it is true that both knew about the relationship. The father absolutely was aware of the relationship, but wrapped himself in silence... It sometimes happened that Tony was gone with X1 the whole afternoon, sometimes also a short while. X1 never told me where they had been... In my opinion the relationship between this man and X1 had already been going on for quite some time... I think she absent more than the average pupil, but it couldn't be called 'a lot'."

[136] Ibid., p. 503: "The first childhood friend of Regina Louf who is interviewed in the summer of 1997 is Kristelle M. [PV 103.011, September 1, 1997, BOB Gent, officer Jan Vincent]. She was in the same class in the years 1983-84 and 1984-85... '[Regina] sometimes disappeared from school in the afternoon', Kristelle remembered. If it is true what this woman says, then the re-readers of the dossier Van Hees can fold a boat from the absence register that they saw as 'proof' that Regina Louf impossibly could have been in Brussels in the early evening of February 13, 1984. What Kristelle M. remembered above all, is that she continually talked about sex.

She told how she had a relationship with 'an older man'. According to M., the whole class assumed that she was lying. Not Kristelle M. She had seen with her own eyes how this 'older man' picked up Regina after school. And there was something else: Regina at some point told her that she was pregnant of that older man. Kristelle M. also knew that Regina often spoke about a 'female friend with whom she could amuse herself and with whom she often went out in the Boudewijnstraat'. She didn't remember the name of the friend anymore, 'but it could have been Christine, Carine, Caroline or Claudine'. Kristelle M. could also tell that Regina, as a kid of 14, drank alcohol and one morning arrived in class and 'smelled of liquor'. One time she arrived at school with a clearly visible bruise..."

[137] Ibid., p. 501-502 (also see note #105): "Let's call her Fanny V. It took us two phone calls to find her. Few have known Carine Dellaert as well as she did... 'If Regina and Carine knew each other? To me that seems perfectly possible. Regina also had her secret, she was very introvert. If Regina and Carine knew each other through such a circuit it would have been hard for me to find out. At school you only saw the facade. I thought that you could compare them, their attitudes. I have bought the book of Regina, but I'm afraid to read it. I have wanted to start a few times, but there are things in there... it hurts me too much.'"

[138] 1998, Regina Louf, 'Zwijgen is voor daders - De getuigenis van X1' ('Silence is for perpetrators - The testimony of X1'), p. 167-168 & 287-288.

[139] Ibid., p. 280

[140] November 30, 2002, De Morgen, 'De grote zwendel in feiten' ('The great swindle in facts'): "Yes, even if examining magistrate Connerotte had paid for his spaghetti, and even if he, with some embarrassment, refused to accept the flowers of Sabine and Laetitia and even if he had the fountain pen he had been given put into a brown envelope and deposited at the registrar; that's not what was important in Cassation arrest P961267F..."

[141] Duterme's arrival as head of the new investigating cell and his run ins with Aime Bille of De Baets' team is rather humorously described in the 1999 book 'De X-dossiers', p. 228-229.

[142] *) December 3, 2002, Annemie Bulte for Humo, 'War in Neufchateau: examining magistrate Connerotte speaks about the Dutroux dossier for the first time' (Connerotte): "I regularly and much earlier complained about those terrible circumstances in which I had to work in the Dutroux case... We continually received information about all kinds of bizarre leads. Those then received a lot of media attention, but to us meant nothing but time loss... Just think about the Abrasax case and the digs in Jumet.

If I remember correctly, the first leads in those two cases were already put under my nose in the very beginning of the investigation. Afterwards precisely Abrasax and Jumet were used by the media as an argument to say that the whole investigation was manipulated and pointed towards false leads. I experienced the same thing in the Cools case, in which the police began to manipulate and was wholeheartedly supported by the media."

*) Interview with Patriek De Baets, Humo, September 28, 1999 and October 5, 1999, 'Marc Dutroux and Michel Nihoul: the sabotage of an investigation': "And why were we brought into that ludicrous Di Rupo investigation? Because we were working on the well-known X-witnesses. By discrediting me and my team through the Di Rupo case, one actually wanted to discredit the testimonies of the Xs..."

[143] *) PV 118.381, December 13, 1996: "X2 met Dumont several times at the Platos in Ixelles. She also met Marnette, Pelos and Zimmer (magistrate Brussels) there. It is a club for orgies, occasionally with consenting minors participating. Dumont went there with boys. Dumont and Marnette know each other well (partners in crime)."

*) PV 150.683, March 12, 1997, 'Waeterschoot interview; identification of Claudio': "She [Nathalie W.] mentions new perpetrators of the rapes committed at Churchill avenue: Georges Marnette, [Roger] Forgeot [owner Les Atrebates and Dolo], Claudio [de Balanguer, a sidekick of her Prince de Merode]... From Churchill Avenue she has been driven to Chateau [Charle] Albert by Claudio, Gerard and Marnette."

[144] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 277: "At the very beginning of the Dutroux investigation the gendarmerie of Charleroi did a house search at the abandoned cabin of Bernard Weinstein in Jumet. In between the piles of junk which were dragged outside there, a note was found, folded in four, with a few typed sentences: 'Bernard, don't forget that the feast is nearing and that the high priestess expects her present, Anubis.' In the official report of the search there's not sign to be found of this rather wondrous message. It is clear that the detectives only did their 'discovery' several days or weeks later.

Anubis, that is also the ritual name of 'grandmaster' Francis Desmet. That name is everything but secret: Anubis and Nahema-Nephthys, aka Dominique Kindermans, published a book several years before, Le prince de ce monde (The Prince of the World), a 'manual for Western demonology and dictionary of demons'. A book that they sign with their ritual names, complete with pictures and biographies. According to the detectives, the high priestess can be no one else than the partner of Anubis, Dominique Kindermans. And the gift she expects, what else can it be than a child - a child to sacrifice?"

[145] See reference #142.

[146] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 277: "In mid
February the operation order already counted 43 targets. Still De Baets thinks it's too early and Bourlet too late. 'At that point the tide began to turn', De Baets remembers. 'Commandant Duterme inquired into the operation order, we explained the state of affairs to him. He said that five or six searches would be enough.'... On March 20, 1997, the 'grand operation' takes place after all, but not a journalist knew about it beforehand. Instead of the 43 addresses only one is searched: the Morek street 169 in Gent. It is the rental apartment of Regina Louf and her husband."

[147] Ibid., p. 310. Theo Vandyck, her early interviewer and the only person she really trusted, said: "You needed to have patience with her, but when you see all that she could tell us in the early stage of the investigation, then you know: she knows the milieu that we were so interested at the time through and through." For specific look in Nathalie W.'s biography in the 'victims and witnesses' appendix.

[148] For details look in Nathalie W.'s biography in the 'victims and witnesses' appendix.

[149] 1998, Regina Louf, 'Zwijgen is voor daders - De getuigenis van X1' ('Silence is for perpetrators - The testimony of X1'), p. 235-236
[150] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 190
[151] Ibid., p. 402-403
[152] Ibid., p. 402
[153] Ibid., p. 433-434

[154] February 5, 2004, Het Nieuwsblad, 'X1: 'Onmogelijk, onwaarschijnlijk, oncontroleerbaar'' ('X1:'Impossible, improbable, unverifiable')

http://www.nieuwsblad.be/Nieuws/Detail. ... 022004_029

[155] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 476-477
[156] Ibid. See the biography of Jean-Claude Van Espen in 'the investigators' appendix for the whole story.
[157] Ibid., p. 393
[158] Ibid., p. 375
[159] Ibid., p. 374-375
[160] Ibid., p. 483-484

[161] April 27, 2007, Het Nieuwblad, 'Nihoul, de niet-altijd- even-betrouwbare informant' ('Nihoul, the not-always-equally-reliable informant'): "What is correct, is that Nihoul was an informant of the BOB of Dinant, from May 1995 until his arrest on August 15, 1996. They found him so reliable that in July 1996 they even coded him."

[162] Interview with Patriek De Baets, Humo, September 28, 1999 and October 5, 1999, 'Marc Dutroux and Michel Nihoul: the sabotage of an investigation': "Nihoul was a non-registered informant who had been brought in by a gendarme officer from Dinant, the late Gerard Vanesse. Two gendarme officers of the financial section of the BOB Brussels maintained contact with Nihoul: Eddy Verhaegen and Bernard Meurant. They used him as a potential informant in investigations into fraud with telephone cards and mobile phones...

Certainly when Eddy Suys of the judicial police (GP), initial head of the Obelix cell, who looked in depth at Nihoul, had found out that Nihoul was in contact with Brussels gendarmerie officers Verhaegen and Meurant, and that he regularly called to the BOB Brussels. Suys found out about that last fact when he checked Nihoul's phone calls made in the months before his arrest. Suys was planning on doing searches at the BOB and interrogate Verhaegen and Meurant about their contacts with Nihoul. Lieutenant-Colonel Brabant absolutely wanted to prevent that."

[163] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 476-477: "There is a second event which colours the wonder years of Baudouin Dernicourt: the theft of 816 kilograms of dynamite [1800 pounds] in a stone quarry near Eccaussines, in the night of June 2-3, 1984. In this case it's about one of the great mysteries in the investigation into the extreme-left Cellules Communistes Combattants (CCC)... If we are to believe justice, the CCC consisted of a handful of idealistic youngsters who in their prime were mainly lucky to not have blown up themselves.

Until today, many observers still think that the convicted Pierre Carette, Bertrand Sassoyc, Pascale Vandegeerde and Didier Chevolet at the time - maybe without realizing it - were infiltrated and supported by the extreme-right. Very shortly after the theft of the dynamite, Dernicourt and his girlfriend were noticed in Ecaussines. They parked their car next to the stone quarry and appeared to be observing the working policemen there. 'Maybe it was just his passion for the big criminal riddles of our time', says an acquaintance of back then. 'The home where that girlfriend lived came under observation. When a few years later he got into trouble because of the Ruisbroek incident everything pointed to it that his career at the gendarmerie had gone to hell. But strangely enough that wasn't the case. He was rapidly promoted and already in 1989 he entered the BOB statute.'"

[164] 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 138: "This thesis was supported when it was revealed that the alleged Communist terror group CCC in reality had been set up by the extreme right. Between October 1984 and fall 1985 the CCC was responsible for 27 attacks. CCC was lead by Pierre Carette and targeted, with well-planned explosions, classical capitalist symbols including American installations linked to NATO, banks and military installations.

On December 17, 1985 the leaders of CCC were arrested and the unit was closed down in the biggest military and police round up that Belgium had seen ever since the arrest of the Nazis after the Second World War. The Communists were discredited at least until journalists discovered that CCC leader Pierre Carette had in the beginning of the 1980s erected a terrorist network made up of agents linked to the extreme right. His principal aide, Marc De Laever, had later joined a German extreme rightwing group."

[165] 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up')

[166] *) PV 118.379, December 12, 1996, 'Interview with X2 - Brabant-Wallon': "Depretre sent love letters to X2. He would give these letters to Castiaux [X2's pimp]"

*) Maud Sarr (not very reliable, but interestingly mentioned together with Vanden Boeynants and General Beaurir, who have been accused by a number of other sources also)

[167] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 103:
"Connerotte is effectively planning on doing that in these days, because of the discovery that the Brussels BOB lied to him when he inquired at every police service in the country about Nihoul and Bouty. The services of Brabant stated they did not know the duo. Some time later it turned out that the financial section of the Brussels BOB once had done an investigation into the SOS Sahel case and the fraudulent bankruptcy of Annie Bouty and Associes.

What Brabant and Connerotte exactly discussed is not known, but according to involved detectives it ended with the promise that the best persons within the financial section would be working exclusively for Bourlet and Connerotte for an undetermined time. And that´s what happened. 'They had little in Neufchateau at that moment', the detective says. 'After what happened around Georges Marnette and Georges Zicot the relationship with the GP [judicial police] had been very strained.'

Ibid., p. 456: "Not only at the Brussels GP, but also at the top of the Brussels gendarmerie strange things happen as soon as the name Nihoul is mentioned. On December 2, 1997, the Brussels BOB officer Luc Delmartino, member of the Neufchateau cell, is heard by Pignolet. He just wanted to know how it came that Bourlet and Connerotte, in late 1996, fully came to support De Baets and had so much trouble with Delmartino's bosses, lieutenant-colonel Jean-Marie Brabant, head of the Brussels BOB, and lieutenant Guido Torrez, the district boss.

Delmartino doesn't have to think long. It was like this. Immediately after the first arrest in the Dutroux case, Connerotte had asked all police services in the country if they had ever done investigations in which the name Nihoul had appeared. A very normal procedure. 'I know that colonel Brabant replied with a negative to Connerotte,' Delmartino tells. 'This, while our third financial section in fact had worked on three dossiers pertaining to Nihoul, among them SOS Sahel.' What Delmartino allowed to be written down on paper during his hearing is a public secret."

[168] Interview with Patriek De Baets, Humo, September 28, 1999 and October 5, 1999, 'Marc Dutroux and Michel Nihoul: the sabotage of an investigation': "[Col.] Brabant made prosecutor Bourlet believe that we still had a lot of other work to do in Brussels. That was nonsense, not a single dossier was waiting there for us that was as important as the Dutroux case. But befriended journalists of La Derniere Heure and Le Soir were also served these lies and used them in their first attacks against Neufchateau and the investigation into Dutroux and Nihoul: "What a disgrace, Bourlet gets 350 inspectors, and dossiers involving billions of franks, like KB-Lux, are neglected! Especially the Brussels examining magistrate Jean-Claude Van Espen immediately supported Brabant.

His financial dossiers supposedly didn't make any progress anymore, because all the inspectors worked for Neufchateau. Not true! At that moment absolutely no one from the KB-Lux dossier worked for the magistrates of Neufchateau. And my section also, the 3rd KOS, didn't work on an urgent case at the time. I still wonder which 'urgent dossiers' Van Espen was really talking about. It seemed as if even back then he already anticipated that we would bump into dossiers on which he used to work. Van Espen knew very well who Annie Bouty was. He had been her lawyer. And his former brother-in-law, the lawyer Philippe Deleuze, used to be a partner in Bouty's law firm. Van Espen was part of a network of friends in politics, magistracy and police services which Nihoul and Bouty had woven to cover up their criminal activities."

[169] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 457: "Seasoned police officer? Deception? In case the explanation of Torrez is true, then the floodgates are opened. That means that every criminal who fears an arrest, only needs to have someone call to a high gendarmerie officer: 'Hello, I'm Mr. so and so of the Defense Department. May I ask you to leave my friend alone, yes?' By the way, about his friends: Torrez is a good friend of Marnette. Together they are supporters of the soccer club Anderlecht and can often be seen together at home matches." The whole affair is discussed in these pages of the book. A summary has been taken up in the Nihoul and Bouty biographies in 'the accused' appendix.

[170] PV 115.417, October 19, 1996: "Raemaekers interview - Period of 20/02 to 15/03/95. At the time of the investigation of the BSR 3/SRC, Raemaekers had signaled to his lawyers that he was going to give information on networks of child molesters. Lawyers = JP Dumont [the master, or head-lawyer], Marc Depaus and Geuninkx. Dumont wanted to entrust the investigation to the judicial police [in which Marnette was a commissioner in Brussels] to screen the information. Dumont intervened with Marnette who is "his good friend". Marnette sent two men to the jail to audition Raemaekers on this topic. Lawyer Depaus came with them. The evidence had to be provided to the judicial police via Depaus after having been filtered by Dumont."

[171] *) PV 150.889, March 24, 1997, 'Translation of a March 18, 1997 fax from X1; factory; Clo': "X1 explains that JP Dumont was among her customers... He sometimes visited her with Vander Elst [another questionable lawyer who was tied to the Haemers gang and was an associate of Nihoul]... Dumont sometimes went to the factory; he would then be very excited. When he came to look for her, her mother was informed by Tony or Mich [Nihoul] and she had to to go to the Decascoop [cinema]... One day her mother went to look for her at school... and brought her to the Decascoop where Dumont arrived to drive her to ASCO [factory]. She had to give fellatio to Dumont in the car... [at the ASCO torture factory] Dumont liked to hit [children] with a belt or a whip, and urinate on the children."

*) PV 118.382, December 13, 1996, 'Interview with X2; Jean-Paul Dumont': "X2 met Dumont several times in the Platos in Ixelles. She also remembered Marnette, Pelos and Zimmer (Magistrate Brussels). Club where orgies were organized, sometimes with consenting minors. Dumont went there with boys. Dumont and Marnette know each other well (accomplices). X2 saw Dumont having sex with children in Eindhoven [where certain parties were organized in a castle]." PV 118.376, December 11, 1996, 'Fourth interview with X2': "Dumont is rather sadist masochistic."

*) January 16, 1997, BOB note 466: "He [Jacques Thoma] is very afraid. He was a treasurer of the youth section of the PSC. He often met with Michel Dewolf - Philippe Sala and Jean-Paul Dumont. They tried to direct Thoma toward Opus Dei what they considered Nec Plus Ultra [Latin for "nothing further beyond"]. Under the pretext of initiation tests for Opus Dei he was brought to a Black Mass with sexual acts. He mentions the presence of girls from a country in the East (13-14 years). In 1986, after a wine and dine political reunion he went with Sala and Dewolf to a meeting that they announced would be spicy. He was drugged before being taken into a room with masked people who had dressed in black robes. The participants drank blood. He was placed in the presence of a naked little girl laying down on an altar - she had died (12 years). He wanted to leave but was drugged again. He woke up the following day in his car. He left the party [PSC] and made a declaration to the BSR [Special Investigations Unit of the Gendarmerie] in Charleroi. Money destined for the PSC was whitewashed in German casinos by Dumont. Thoma sent to the gendarmerie in Uccle to identify photos of places where trafficking of children from the East takes place (Italian restaurant av. Charlequint). He gave the identity of a Rumanian."

*) Dumont is also said to have been a close associate of Nihoul, which is not that strange considering Nihoul's involvement with the PSC and CEPIC. PV 42.665, October 14, 1996 (testimony of Guy Einsweiller or Eschweiler): "Remembers Nihoul (fish trade near the PAVAN transport enterprise where he works. 108/11O Avenue du Port 1000, Brussels). During a deal, he saw Dumont drinking a glass with Nihoul. Sometimes saw Nihoul at the restaurant Mayflower in Koekelberg... declared to have regularly seen Dumont and Vanden Boeynants in the private area of the fish and crustacean enterprise that he [Nihoul] exploited. [early 1990s]"

[172] Dumont close relationship with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin has been mentioned by witnesses, but this is also clear due his top-level involvement in the PSC and CEPIC.

[173] See reference 171, example 4. Additionally, Dumont worked closely with Philippe Deleuze, a close friend of Nihoul; and Julien Pierre, the lawyer of Dutroux from 1996 until he was fired in January 2003. Nihoul organized the political campaigns of Dumont in the late 1980s. They reportedly were good friends and together with Vanden Boeynants Dumont had been seen regularly at a warehouse of Nihoul in the Havenlaan in Brussels.
[174] *) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 123-124: "The history of The Dolo begins in 1975. At that point, in Etterbeek's Atrebatenstraat 154, in an ordinary mansion at the first floor, a private club is opened in which group sex and partner swapping was practiced. The owners are a couple, Michel Forgeot, an immigrated Frenchman, and Dolores Bara. The club is only accessible to members - there is no facia - and operates under different names: vzw ACH, vzw MI-DO, APV.

The attendants speak of 'Les Atrebates' for convenience. Nihoul is a regular customer since 1981 and soon becomes good pals with Forgeot and Bara. Forgeot will always deny that minors also attended - the age of the customers has always been carefully checked at the entrance. Nevertheless, the club is closed in 1983 by the Brussels BOB for "encouraging debauchery". The Brussels GP [judicial police] has also visited several times, but that was always without results, Michel Forgeot later says. That doesn't surprise him. At the time, the Brussels GP [judicial police] commissioner Georges Marnette, together with his colleague Frans Reyniers, is one of the regular clients of the club. Also GP'er Guy Collignon was often present. 'I think it's quite strange that Mr. Marnette headed an investigation into The Dolo, while he himself came to the orgies there', says Forgeot. 'I personally saw him taking part in the orgies.'"

*) PV 119.249, December 30, 1996, 'hearing of Michel Forgeot [owner of the Dolo and Les Atrebates club]': "Clients des Atrebates: "... Nihoul and at one point his brother, Léon Defosset, Jean Gol and Francis Bursta (his right hand), Marnette-Collignon and Reyniers (judicial police Brussels)..."

[175] 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul: De knoop in het proces-Dutroux' ('The Nihoul Dossier: The knot in the Dutroux trial'), p. 62-63: "For years Nihoul had his headquarters in the club Les Atrebates, the later Dolo. According to Nihoul himself, he had begun to visit these kinds of places after his divorce with Annie Bouty. In September 1982 he goes out a lot. 'To forget the pain in his heart', he says. A friend, 'whose name he doesn't remember anymore', takes him to Les Atrebates, a club for partner swapping which was managed by Dolores Bara and the Frenchmen Michel Forgeot since 1975. Dolores Bara had been in jail before becoming a servant in the Luxemburgstation. The manager of the club, Forgeot, says that he knew Nihoul since 1981. He's on the members list of Les Atrebates of before June 29, 1981."

[176] PV 116.065, November 5, 1996: "31/10/96 JC Thomas (Gendarmerie) is contacted by an anonymous witness. The witness is outraged by the manipulation of public opinion by the Press (DH). He speaks about the article 'Ras-le-Bol'. Marnette himself has participated in partouzes with Nihoul during which coke was available. It is about a manipulation of Georges Marnette (PJ) with the complicity of [Gilbert] Dupont (DH). Marnette is again in contact with Forgeot and Bara [managers of the Dolo and Les Atrebates]. Marnette is protected."

[177] 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 175: "The main purpose of the CEPIC was the infiltration of the PSC from top to bottom, in this way to neutralize the influence of the labor wing on all levels... In any case, that CEPIC infiltration was a success. More than a few hardline CEPIC members eventually became minister: Vanden Boeynants, Jose Desmerats, Joseph Michel, [etc.]" Michel's role in the CEPIC has also been mentioned by the De Morgen and Humo journalists.

[178] November 20, 2002, Het Nieuwsblad, 'Aanval op Langlois ingezet' ('Attack on Langlois opened'): "Saturday, De Morgen wrote that former minister of Domestic Affairs Joseph Michel (PSC) in the past couple of years made sure that his proteges Jacques Langlois and Francois Moinet acquired control over the Dutroux-investigation. That is, according to the paper, suspect, because in 1978, Joseph Michel, within the framework of his political functions, wrote a letter to Justice to push for the release from jail of Michel Nihoul. At the time, Nihoul was serving a sentence of eight months for fraudulent bankruptcy."

The article referred to is: November 16, 2002, De Morgen, 'Politieke peetvader van Langlois haalde Nihoul uit de cel' ('Political godfather of Langlois got Nihoul out of jail') & 'Er is iets dat we niet wisten over onderzoeksrechter Langlois' ('There is something we didn't know about examining magistrate Langlois'). Can't access the archives of this newspaper, but the story has been retold on a number of sites and at least in one book.

[179] 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul: De knoop in het proces-Dutroux' ('The Nihoul Dossier: The knot in the Dutroux trial'), p. 174-175: "Twenty years later Joseph Michel again crosses the path of Nihoul. According to Andre Rossignon, candidate-chairman of the ex-PSC, the replacement of judge Connerotte would have been arranged by Michel and the Luxembourg [the province, not the country] departments of the party. According to De Morgen, Joseph Michel would have prevented that judge Langlois conducted a search at the seat of the Brussels PSC. The judge would, according to De Morgen, have forbidden any investigation into the acquaintances of Nihoul. Joseph Michel knows Nihoul well. He launched the future judge into politics, in 1988, when he still was a lawyer in the province of Luxembourg. Langlois lives in Etalle and his neighbor is a son of Joseph Michel.

His aunt was a long-time PSC-mayor of the village Saint-Vincent... De Morgen also states that Francis Moinet, the chairman of the Court of First Instance of Neufchateau, who refused to send Nihoul to [the Court of] Assizes [to be prosecuted with Dutroux, Lelievre and Martin], is a member of the PSC, a friend of Langlois and a trustee of Joseph Michel."

[180] November 30, 2002, De Morgen, 'De grote zwendel in feiten' ('The great swindle in facts'): "In the past five years, the RTBF-program Au Nom de la Loi dedicated four tv programs and a book to Michel Nihoul. The first program, on September 17, 1997, ended with a close-up of the Audi 80 which Nihoul had entrusted to Dutroux's buddy Michel Lelievre in August 1996. And see, according to the RTBF, the evidence: the telephone contacts between Dutroux and Nihoul only dealt with cars, not children. A second program, on June 3, 1998, was accompanied by the publication of a book of one of the employees of Au Nom de la Loi, who explained at a press conference that morning: "The paedophile network does not exist. Michel Nihoul is innocent." For those who still didn't get it, a third program of Au Nom de la Loi followed on March 22, 2000: "On the basis of documents and testimonies we show that Nihoul could not have been involved in the kidnapping of Laetitia."

For those who even then still did not get it, a fourth broadcast about and with Nihoul followed. Never before could a suspect in a criminal case count on such a supportive band of followers as Nihoul with the la Loi. Even in September 1997 journalists whispered to each other that the real producer of Au Nom de la Loi was nobody else than examining magistrate Jacques Langlois. The RTBF journalists paraded all too eagerly with the announcement that the examining magistrate had called them on the morning of September 18, 1997: "It was great." Since last week we know that producer Gerard Rogge with two colleagues, participated in a meeting with Langlois.

That rumor circulated in late '97, but was believed by few. The law very specifically states that an examining magistrate under no circumstances can speak with journalists. And certainly not in the Dutroux dossier, in which the Court of Cassation had rigorously defined the lines after the spaghetti arrest. [Connerotte]... Even though the letter of Bourlet speaks for itself, nobody has contested the facts as he laid them out, and Gerard Rogge (RTBF) himself admitted that Langlois "accepted to meet us", the majority of the Belgian media radically turned the facts around. Was that note real? Shouldn't this incident be presented as a struggle between believers and disbelievers?

Why did the note of Bourlet turned up only now? answer: because Journal du Mardi could only get its hands on it two weeks ago.

In the mean time, the way in which a number of media have presented the story has given the lawyer of Nihoul, Frédérique Clément de Cléty, enough confidence to file a complaint against Bourlet at the District Attorney's office in Liege. He is being accused of "information poisoning", with the unavoidable result that the prosecutor (at least temporarily) has to step down. This action could only work because Nihoul felt himself supported by a great number of journalists, that generously offered to "testify against Bourlet"

[181] *) 1974, Anthony Rowley (European Industrial correspondent of the London Times), 'The barons of European Industry', Chapter 7: 'Belgium & Luxembourg: the power of 'Les Holdings', p. 104-125: "Societe Generale, or 'La Generate' as it is usually called, is a vast industrial holding company cum banking empire which controls anything between 25 and 50 per cent of Belgian manufacturing industry. No-one knows for certain just how much because of the tortuous intertwinings of its interlocked holdings in numerous subsidiaries, which in turn have subsidiaries of their own. Grouped together, these planets and outer stars in the Societe Generale universe probably account for one-third of Belgium's national income.

La Generale lists the Belgian royal family as well as the Vatican among its shareholders in addition to that all-powerful family alliance behind Belgian business — the Solvays, the Boëls and the Janssens... Large shareholders [are] believed to be [the] Belgian Royal Family, the Vatican, Prince Amaury de Merode, Count Lippens, Solvay/Boël/Janssen families... La Generale likes to point out that it has 'tens of thousands' of shareholders though its true ownership remains an enigma because so few of these shares are registered in the names of the holders, the remainder being anonymous bearer shares tucked away in banks.

However, the Belgian royal family and the Solvay family are the only major shareholders apart from, of course, the cross holdings within the group, according to an SG spokesman. Only about 250 shareholders ever turn up at annual general meetings to rubber stamp the board's decisions and so the directors and top management tend to be a 'self-perpetuating oligarchy'... Belgian industry and commerce is to all intents and purposes controlled by a dozen powerful holdings companies... Belgium's is a unique tradition of capitalism which defies direct comparison probably anywhere in the world."

*) There's also information on the website of the Suez Group, which has taken over Societe Generale.
http://www.suez.com/en/groupe/history/g ... 22---1946/

[182] *) Rothschild archive, 'The London house of Rothschild and its Belgian contacts (1815-1860)': "Lazare Richtenberger became in 1832 the first fully-fledged Rothschild agent in Brussels... Richtenberger had in 1840 opened an Antwerp branch office and made S. Lambert (1906–1875) its manager. As of 1843, the name of the firm was 'Lambert- Richtenberger, agent Rothschild'... Starting in 1844, Samuel Lambert increasingly assumed the role of informant on the Belgian situation and demanded a central role in the transactions that the London Rothschilds conducted on the Belgian markets. Both commodities and security transactions were to pass through his office. The Rothschild bank was happy to be able to use Lambert’s expertise to carry out transactions in cotton, and, as of 1847, also in grain, sugar, coffee, and tobacco.
When in December 1853, Richtenberger (Lambert’s father-in-law) died suddenly in Brussels, Lambert also undertook these Brussels activities, by commission and as agent of the Paris and London houses of Rothschild."

*) 2003, #1, season 51, Bulletin of the Amsterdam National Museum (Rijksmuseum), p. 23: "This daughter [of Gustave de Rothschild] was Zoe Lucie de Rothschild (1863-1916). She married with the Belgian Leon Lambert (1851-191) in 1882... Lambert had already entered into the service of the London Rothschilds ten years earlier and would become one of the most important financial figures in Europe. At age 24 he worked in Brussels as the representative of the Rothschilds from Paris, London, Vienna and Frankfurt.

Additionally he fulfilled diplomatic functions, served as the financial advisor of king Leopold II and played a very influential role in the financial matters surrounding Congo, which in 1885 came under Belgian authority. As a reward for his valuable services Leopold II granted Lambert a barony in 1896... At their home at the Avenue Marnix in Brussels there was an important cultural salon, where the diplomatic, financial, scientific and artistic world gathered at plays and music performances."

*) 1974, Anthony Rowley (European Industrial correspondent of the London Times), 'The barons of European Industry', Chapter 7: 'Belgium & Luxembourg: the power of 'Les Holdings', p. 104-125: "The Baron Leon Lambert, chairman of Compagnie Bruxelles Lambert, Belgium's second largest holding company (though much smaller still than La Generale) takes what might be seen as a more democratic view of industry ownership... But to return to Compagnie Lambert. Its origins go back to 1840 when Samuel Lambert opened an agency in Antwerp for the Rothschilds of Paris.

Samuel was Leon's great grandfather, his grandfather having married a Rothschild and his father having become an independent banker. It was Leon's father who guaranteed the autonomy of the Banque Lambert vis-a-vis Paris, though Rothschilds have continued to sit on the bank's board and have a small stake in the equity. Baron Leon took over the family company in 1949 when it was a small deposit bank and in 1953 formed Compagnie Lambert, the holding company, merging that with the bank itself in 1959. It concentrated largely on financial services and the Baron has built up the reputation of something of a financial whizz kid, in Belgian terms at least.

His grand coup came toward the end of 1972 when he brought off, against a great deal of opposition and almost Machiavellian manoeuvrings, a merger of Compagnie Lambert pour la Finance et l'lndustrie with three other holding companies, Brufma, Confindus and Cofinter to form the Compagnie Bruxelles Lambert. The new group's gross assets are worth nearly B. Frs 15,000 million and are deployed in banking and insurance (22 per cent), real estate (17 per cent), breweries, food and distribution (12 per cent), oil (10 per cent), public utilities (9 per cent) and steel and metal goods (8 per cent). This makes the new Lambert group much bigger than it was but La Generate still exceeds it in size, not least through the fact that its assets are some B. Frs 7 billion greater than Lambert's."

[183] *) 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', p. 207: "We [Chase; mid 1970s] approached three banks in the Rothschild Group. Since both Evelyn de Rothschild, chairman of L.M. Rothschild, and Leon Lambert, chairman of Banque Lambert (a Rothschild through his mother), were personal friends, I had positive initial conversations with them... We also announced in March the appointment of John Elkann... Aged 31, John Elkann is a Vice Chairman of IFIL, the Agnelli family investment company, and is also Vice Chairman of Fiat Group."

*) RIT Capital Partners: "In March [2007] we announced the retirement from the Board of Baron Lambert, who had served on the Board and its Committees since 1988."

[184] September 1, 2005, Trends.be, 'Het geheugen van graaf Maurice Lippens' ('The memory of count Maurice Lippens'

http://www.trends.be/articles/index.jsp ... 3&siteID=4

[185] Examples of the Lippens brother being mentioned by X-Dossier witnesses.
*) X1 in:

In PV 118.869, December 12, 1996: "When the contractions started her [X1's] grandmother made a phone call. The Lippens brothers, Vanden Boeynants and the assistant commissioner of Knokke arrived. [Baron] De Bonvoisin and Vander Elst arrived thereafter... Vander Elst puts a knife on her throat while Bonvoisin rapes her... She must masturbate while Vander Elst makes a number of photos. Lippens rapes her with a razor blade."

*) X2:
In PV 117.535, November 19, 1996: "Parties in Villas in Knokke around the golf court. The villas have been designated [by X2] (PV 116.799). Also in the villa of Maurice Lippens. Parties with underage girls in the Cromwel hotel in Knokke. Present: Delvoie - Karel - X2 - Lippens - Van Gheluwe - Etienne Davignon. The girls knew where to go and with whom. Lippens hits the little girls."

In PV 151.044, March 27, 1997: "The events in Chimay. She went 5-6 times. In an immense wood... She was forced to go. She was never a [visual] witness of whatever was done. Participated: the most violent of the group in Knokke, among them the Lippens brothers. In Chimay she heard shouting and gunfire... It was around the Castle of Chimay. The wood is surrounded by a wall. Those were screams of children of maybe 10 years. She thinks there were 4-5 children."
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Old 11-08-2009, 05:08 PM
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Default 1999, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 327:
"Soon in the investigation [interviews with X4] the names of politicians O. and E. are dropped as 'regular customers'. By that time these had already been pointed out by X1 and X3 as child killers.". Following the system used by this book reversing of the alphabet, works very consistently, O. is really L. and E. is really V., indicating that the real names are Leopold Lippens (mayor) and Vanden Boeynants prime minister, etc..

There do not seem to be other possibilities. Only problem: according to the leaked X-Dossier summary document, X1 and X2 mentioned Lippens and Vanden Boeynants, while X3 only mentioned Vanden Boeynants.

*) Two anonymous letters, mentioned in PV 116.353: "Reception of two anonymous letters transmitted by JI Langlois. It is about two anonymous letters denouncing Maurice and Leopold Lippens for sessions with children... These letters describe certain facts similar to those reported by X1." One of the letters described Maurice and Leopold as "Monsters de la sexualite".

[186] Found it while auto-searching the leaked Dutroux dossier for the word "Lippens". The Dutroux dossier distributed on DVD had already been cleared from virtually all important testimonies, including those of the X-witnesses. Some details:
DVD 1; 000018DB.pdf.
Transmitted to investigating judge Mr. Langlois in Neufchâteau.
File 86/0/96.
April 22, 1998
Document that explores the connections of Michel Nihoul

[187] PV 117.535, November 19, 1996, 'First interview with X2'

[188] PV 118.383, December 13, 1996, 'Interview with X2': "She frequented the Platos... After midnight: orgies, sometimes with consenting minors of 14 to 15 years. At the time of an orgie she had sex with Karel van Miert.... he strangles her until she almost lost consciousness."
PV 150.565, March 4, 1997, 'Identification of persons cited by X2': "Karel van Miert (17/01/42). Ex-président SP; Député européen; Commissaire européen."

[189] *) PV 116.780, November 21, 1996: "To remember Vincent is very painful... Wat. would have participated in a "black mass" with other minors. Wat. relived some scenes of the past and was terrorized by them. She speaks of minors marked with a red iron and human sacrifices. She also speaks of prepared human meat that the minors have to eat. During these evenings the minors were raped by the participants. She speaks of the presence in these masses of a certain Claudio and Prince Alexander de Merode."

*) PV 150.683, March 12, 1997, 'Interview with Waeterschoot; Identification of Claudio': "Vincent = Alexandre de Merode"

[190] 1999, Annemie Bulte, Douglas De Coninck and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 327: "Hearing after hearing the boundaries are pushed further. Extreme torture, rape scenes, murders of babies under the eye of men in black hoods... X4 also mentions the pivotal prince [Alexandre de Merode] in the account of Nathalie W."

[191] PV 117.536, November 26, 1996: "In mid-'86 Castiaux invites X2 to an important evening in Woluwe. A big villa with swimming pool close to the shopping center. He [Castiaux] is one of the promoters and she must help him. Castiaux is a member of the Rotary Club. Present: de Bonvoisin - Georges Desir - two brothers of de Merode - de Meeus (Walibi [amusement park]) - the Prince and Princess of Chimay - le Comte Emmanuel de Lichtervelde - Carteuvels - the Count d’Urssel. X2 leaves the location about 02-03.00 AM."

[192] Forum topic on the May 2004 Sprout article: "The mother of Charles de Selliers de Moranville is Anne Solvay. But he has been accused by someone in the dossier 'X' (zie T1537/96, PR BOURLET, BR.40.66.101310/97, PV 103.204/97), and also, and completely independent but of the same facts, by a later witness (in 2003) who had nothing to do with the X witnesses. This witness also says that Charles de Selliers de Moranville is an organizer of sex parties with children, and that these activities continue."

http://forum.eenvandaag.nl/viewtopic.ph ... =2699e9878

I have no idea if what is stated about the 2003 witness is true, only that the PVs referred to are accurate. I also don't know if Charles is the son of Anne Solvay, although it is known that members of the de Selliers de Moranville are important shareholders of the Solvay chemical concern, and also that some members of this family have intermarried with the Solvays.
October 20, 1999, De Standaard (large Belgian newspaper), 'De kritische generatiewissel bij Solvay' ('The critical generation shift at Solvay'): "Bernard de Laguiche, Michel Washer, Charles-Antoine Janssen, Jacques de Selliers de Moranville. Their names do not give it away, but they all are the present descendants of the entrepreneur dynasty Solvay. In complete silence this generation of Solvay-descendants is growing to the top."

[193] By Count Yann de Meeus d'Argenteuil. This details of this case can be found in the 'victims and witnesses' appendix.

[194] PV 118.479, December 3, 1996:
"Identification of places and people designated by X2:
Continuation PV 117.535 of the 19/11/96 and 117.536 of the 26/11/96
NASSEAUX Guy (27/02/43) Notary in WATERLOO
Spouse of DEHOUX Véronique (23/11/51)
BOURLEE Paul (17/04/29) lawyer - substitute justice of the peace
Spouse of DEHAYE Françoise
CASTIAUX Olivier (10/07/53) Bailiff of Justice"

[195] Description of Dechef in BR.37.27.872/94: "Gamekeeper or woodsman of Chateau Genval [a hotel] or La Hulpe [Chateau de La Hulpe is owned by the Solvay family, including 227 hectares or 560 acres of woodland]."
BR.37.27.872/94: "Dechef kept busy by following youngsters. Dechef tortured. He has to give him fellatio until ejaculation in the cellar of his building (Martini tower)... Delvaille was tied up and beaten. He has been sodomized with a metal ruler. Marie-Jeanne (redhead) was also a victim. Once another man participated."

[196] See the 'victims and witnesses' appendix for more information on Chateau des Amerois..

[197] *) PV 118.384, December 13, 1996: "Parties in Eindhoven in 1988. An underage girl, a regular at this place, underwent some cruelties and was never seen again. This girl told X2 that all men she had to endure were crazy. She spoke about a castle near Brussels [like Chateau d'Argenteuil] where she went on Easter 1987, to a madwoman, called Liliane. She said that it would be necessary to return to the garden there. X2 understands that some bodies could be buried there. X2 thinks about Liliane de Rety."

*) PV 151.419, about X2's Liliane statement: "... see the statement of WAETERSCHOOT with regard to bodies that would have been buried in the Park of a castle. LILIANNE could be Lilianne de RETHY and the castle mentioned by WAET."
Apparently, Nathalie Waeterschoot had instead been talking about chateau de Ohain, which is close to both Domaine de Argenteuil and Domaine de La Hulpe. See the 'victims and witnesses' appendix for more information.
[198] August 24, 2006, Express.be, 'Delwart gunde Poetin Argenteuil niet' ('Delwart wouldn't allow Putin to have Argenteuil'): "In 2004, Vladimir Putin wanted to buy the domain of Argenteuil. That has been written by the former advisor of Princess Liliane, Michel Verwilghen, in his book 'Le mythe d'Argenteuil'. The domain was acquired in 2004 by Jean-Marie Delwart, family shareholder of Solvay and ex-head of the holding La Floridienne."

[199] PV 118.384, December 13, 1996: "Facts of late 85/86. Karel brings X2 to the Mirano. She returned there 4-5 times thereafter. Every time: partouzes with distribution of coke. Presence of 12-15 years old minors available until 03.00-04.00. Generally: about ten children, [and] 25-30 adults of which 5-6 women of [about] 50 years and 3-4 girls of [about] 18-20 years. The orgies were opened by the older women... Present at orgies in the Mirano: de Bonvoisin, Bourlee, Levi, Philippe... Princes Philippe and Laurent but never actively participated; they looked while masturbating until ejaculation..."

In the same PV: "In May 87 after having drunk and for a bet prince Laurent masturbated and ejaculated in a dish of bolognaise sauce."

[200] The Pinon file is discussed in: 2001, Jean Nicolas and Frédéric Lavachery, 'Dossier pédophilie. Le scandale de l'affaire Dutroux' ('Pedophilia dossier: The scandal of the Dutroux affair'), Chapter 7. A transcript of the conversation between Christine Doret, Jean-Claude Garot and André Pinon, taped without the knowledge of participant/witness Doret, has been included.

[201] PV 151.829, June 2, 1997, 'X3 hearing'
[202] See the 'victims and witnesses' appendix for more information.

[203] Countess Maurice Lippens and Jean-Pierre de Launoit (chairman) are members of the support committee (Steuncomite) of the Belgian Kids Fund.

http://www.belgiankidsfund.be/comites_nl.html (column at the bottom right)

A Barbara de Selliers de Moranville co-organized a huge party for 3500 children in the garden of Countess François d'Ansembourg. This was part of the Belgian Kids Foundation for Pediatric Research.
http://www.belgiankidsfund.be/news5_nl.html (at the bottom)

[204] Worldroots:
"Prince Bernard de Merode
Born 17 May 1949, Rixensart
Married 22 September 1974, Etterbeek
Marie Francoise de Bonvoisin, daughter of Baron Dr. Pierre de Bonvoisin and Elisabeth Galopin
Born 15 May 1949 Etterbeek, Belgium"
http://worldroots.com/brigitte/famous/a ... desc31.htm

[205] *) Risk analysis website, list of directors:


*) January 18, 2004, Sunday Times, 'Whitehall hires former spies to nail honours leak': "The government has hired a detective agency to uncover the mole behind leaks to The Sunday Times which exposed the secrets of the honours system... It is believed to be the first time a private agency has been hired to conduct a government leak inquiry. The company is expected to charge the Cabinet Office at least Pounds 5,000 a day... This weekend, further Whitehall documents leaked to The Sunday Times revealed Risk Analysis has been hired by the Cabinet Office to interrogate civil servants.

The company has offices in London's Mayfair, Luxembourg and Switzerland and has a track record of corporate investigations in Russia and the Middle East. It is headed by Christopher Davy, CB, who spent more than 26 years in the intelligence services. He has been described as having worked for "the Ministry of Defence", but Whitehall sources say he worked for MI5. Martin Flint, the company's managing director, was for 20 years an intelligence officer with MI5, where he became one of its most senior officials. Both men were unavailable for comment yesterday."

[206] November 8, 1996, Gazet van Antwerpen (Antwerp Gazette), 'Demanet, de la Brassinne, Doutrewe, Dejemeppe en de anderen: waar zijn de Rechtvaardige Rechters?' ('Demanet, de la Brassinne, Doutrewe, Dejemeppe and the others: where are the Righteous Judges?'): "Brussels prosecutor [Benoit Dejemeppe], who created a stir when he 'inquired' at the national brigade about Annie Bouty, Nihoul's ex-girlfriend, through the Brussels GP-commissioner Georges Marnette. According to the PV [official report] of the national GP, Dejemeppe asked if there actually were enough elements to arrest Bouty and he would have proposed that her dossier belonged in the car swindle dossier, and not in the pedophilia dossier. Dejemeppe defends himself by asking why he wouldn't be allowed to inquire about a case 'out of interest' through his subordinates."

[207] Apparently, the membership list is private, but it can be accessed through the Google cache.


[208] June 2001, Michel van Rijn: "Axel Vervoordt, dealer in Schloss Art, has been accused by his house guest, Amy Page [US art journalist], of ****ing and raping young boys. During a visit to my house in Rome, Amy told me that Axel's favourite boys were aged between 6 and 12. Now that I have evidence from Amy on tape telling me about Axel's hobby, I guess you don't want to be seen dead in the company of such a predacious paedophile, unless of course you share the same hobby as this low-life. If it wasn’t for the work of alert and hard-hitting investigative journalist, Jan Portein [Kleintje Muurkrant], these serious allegations might have faded into oblivion."

Excerpt of the conversation between Amy Page and van Rijn, secretly taped by van Rijn: "Amy: "...I mean, Axel is not a bad man". Van Rijn: "Beside the fact that he likes little boys, he's a nice guy". Amy: "No more". Van Rijn: "Oh, no more?" Amy: "Not for years". Van Rijn: "He sees the light now?" Amy: "Well, I mean ... Axel is changed. He became very much the pater familias, you know"..."


Van Rijn used to be a notorious art smuggler who somehow made a deal with Scotland Yard and is now exposing criminals in the art world himself.

[209] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 390: "In the late afternoon of Saturday March 1, 1997, X1 is picked up by her interviewers at her apartment in Wondelgem. They are accompanied by detectives of the Antwerp GP [judicial police] of the Brasschaat BOB. The idea is that she points out the way which she had traveled at the time with Tony V. to reach the castle. X1 directs them to 's Gravenwezel, and briefly loses the way there.

A GP'er gives her a hint, and some time later the convoy halts in front of a castle taken right out of fairy tale, with a seemly little tower, a wide moat and a well looked-after domain surrounding it. 'It was here', X1 says. The castle belonged to a certain baron W. [de Caters] and is adjacent to the domain of the well known antique dealer Axel Vervoordt. He biannually has a public display [usually done for tax purposes], giving the investigators the opportunity to nose around a bit. The peculiar thing about the W. family is that they also own property in Knokke-Le Zoute, in the streets where X1 already went to point out houses several months before."
Additional information: In an email conversation with Michel van Rijn, the Vervoordts, surprisingly, referred to X1 as a "mythomaniac".

[210] *) X1 in:
In PV 118.869, December 12, 1996: "When the contractions started her [X1's] grandmother made a phone call. The Lippens brothers, Vanden Boeynants and the assistant commissioner of Knokke arrived. [Baron] De Bonvoisin and Vander Elst arrived thereafter... Vander Elst puts a knife on her throat while Bonvoisin rapes her... She must masturbate while Vander Elst makes a number of photos. Lippens rapes her with a razor blade."

*) X3 in:PV 151.829, June 2, 1997: "She recognized the regent Charles, King Baudouin and King Albert, and two others that she calls Charly [De Pauw] and Polo [Paul Vanden Boeynants]... A hunt is prepared by Charly and Polo... Gilles (12 years old??) was castrated by Polo... Baby pulled out of the stomach and given to the dogs by Polo [Paul Vanden Boeynants]."
PV 151.688 May 26, 1997: "X3 mentions the following people:... VANDEN BOEYNANTS PAUL... nicknamed POLO"

*) X4:1999, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 327: "Soon in the investigation [interviews with X4] the names of politicians O. and E. are dropped as 'regular customers'. By that time these had already been pointed out by X1 and X3 as child killers.". Following the system used by this book (reversing of the alphabet, works very consistently), O. is really L. and E. is really V., indicating that V. is Vanden Boeynants. Indeed, both X1 and X3 mentioned Vanden Boeynants as a child killer. There doesn't seem to be another possibility.

[211] PV 114.224, September 27, 1996, 'interview with Nathalie Waeterschoot': "Forgeot [owner Les Atrebates and Dolo] raped her several times when she was 10-12 years old. Other rapists met at the Dolo: Serge Kubla, mayor of Waterloo. Also Léon Defosset, mayor of Etterbeek (deceased). Also Simonet (man with glasses). No physical contact with Defosset and Simonet. She also saw Vanden Boeynants, but always with women."

[212] PV 118.379, December 12, 1996, 'Interview with X2 - Brabant-Wallon': "At the Dolo Bil spoke with Bouhouche."

[213] *) PV 150.889, March 24, 1997, 'Translation of a March 18, 1997 fax from X1; factory; Clo': "Sometimes one awaked her in the night to bring her to the factory [ASCO abuse and snuff factory]. Awakened by Tony, the driver of VDB [Henri Bil], guard dog [not literally], the cameraman, her mother."

*) 1999, 'The X-dossiers', p. 261: "X1 identified Madani Bouhouche as the very violent driver of the BMW who took her to 'the factory' ..."

[214] The Pinon file is discussed in: 2001, Jean Nicolas and Frédéric Lavachery, 'Dossier pédophilie. Le scandale de l'affaire Dutroux' ('Pedophilia dossier: The scandal of the Dutroux affair'), Chapter 7. A transcript of the conversation between Christine Doret, Jean-Claude Garot and André Pinon, taped without the knowledge of participant/witness Doret, has been included.

[215] October 14, 1997, regular session of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives: "The latter [Maud Sarr] testified that there existed video recordings [of pedophilia during orgies], which were in the possession of the lawyer Guy Francois. [Congressman/senator Hugo] Coveliers stated: "This claim has never been investigated." In an interview with VTM Maud Sarr gave the names of Paul Vanden Boeynants and attorney-general Jaspar [prosecuted the CCC bombers].... According to Gijsels, the names of prosecutor of the king Jean Depretre and gendarme commandant Léon François were also mentioned."


[216] 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 36-37: "When the Gazet of Antwerpen in early November 1981 reported about the drug trafficking in frozen meat, the editorial office of the paper also received threatening phone calls.

The trafficking which occurred is one of the most mysterious aspects of the Francois affair where Vernaillen and Goffinon [both survived assassination attempts] became embroiled with. The drugs - hash and cocaine - were smuggled in frozen meat in trucks of the company's Congel and Boucheries Ghysels from Spain, via the customs depot Mamer in Luxembourg to Belgium. Although the NDB already knew about this three years before the arrival of the tipster, the trucks kept passing the border unhindered.

According to the tipster of the High Committee, commandant [general] Francois and his right hand Cammerman were always personally present when such a freezer truck was due to arrive. One detail catches the eye here: important shareholder and chairman of Boucheries Ghysels was Paul Vanden Boeynants. Congel, by the way, is a subsidiary of the Ghysels Group."

[217] Examples of Baron de Bonvoisin being mentioned by X-Dossier witnesses.

*) X1 in: In PV 118.869, December 12, 1996: "When the contractions started her [X1's] grandmother made a phone call. The Lippens brothers, Vanden Boeynants and the assistant commissioner of Knokke arrived. [Baron] De Bonvoisin and Vander Elst arrived thereafter... Vander Elst puts a knife on her throat while Bonvoisin rapes her... She must masturbate while Vander Elst makes a number of photos. Lippens rapes her with a razor blade. When the child exited de Bonvoisin beat her."
PV 100.399, January 11, 1997: "Translation of a fax of X1 of January 6, 1997: She speaks of someone who judged to see if she was dangerous. It is about someone who prefers the violence: the sex is a dessert... He often went to hunt with VDB - he works at Sabena. He participated in the hunts on children... Tony brought her to a domain - there were 4 other girls (Marianne; Valerie; Catharine; Sonja)... [present:]

VDB [Paul Vanden Boeynants] - person from Sabena - 4 Gd [gendarme officers] - de Bonvoisin. There was also the gamekeeper who raped the girls but did no more than that. Bonvoisin was the most dangerous - he had come to kill... The girls run into the woods and each time they are caught they have to remove a piece of clothing. X1 is forced by Bonvoisin to stay with him - she must choose and point out the girls... Bonvoisin forces X1 pull the trigger while telling her that if she misses she is shot. She fires on Sonja and kills her. Marianne is killed with a cross-bow. X1 is raped and brought back home."
*) X2 in:

PV 117.535, November 19, 1996: "Also parties with underaged children in Eindhoven with Delvoie. 18th century Castle. Departure in convoy from Knokke. The cars with German license plates followed with the little girls. Reception at the castle = a woman = price of 2,000 Belgian franks per person [about 50 euros]. It is necessary to come with another person. It is necessary to take off clothes. A bikini might be accepted. Swimming pool - sauna - solar bench - cold buffet. [There are] rooms without doors to [different] themes. Room with mirrors and cameras. Room with several mattresses. Room with obstetric tables - handcuffs - chains. Karel and X2 [went] 30-50 times to this castle [seemingly an average of about once a month]. Same little girls as those in Cromwell. Clients of the castle: Patrick Denis... Jean-Pierre van Rossem... Baron de Bonvoisin... Jean-Paul Dumont..."

PV 117.536, November 26, 1996: "About August-September '85 an evening at the notary Nassaux in Waterloo = party with 5 underage girls. Present: Castiaux and X2 - Nassaux and his wife Veronique Dehoux [a judge] - Bourlee - Francois Harcq - Bayens and others... In late November '85 Castiaux brings X2 to a second residence of Bourlee in Faulx Les Tombes. The wife of Bourlee and Carine Hanquinet were present but left. After their departure the ones arrived that were present at Nassaux, as well as the Baron de Bonvoisin - Bayens and Harcq were not there. They arrived with little girls of less than 15 years. The party takes place at the first floor, but X2 remains below. The girls are less relaxed than in Eindhoven and follow as sheep. X2 heard screams of pain coming from the first floor. After one hour Castiaux descends and leaves with X2."

[218] Worldroots:
"Comte Herve d'Ursel
Born 24 November 1930, Bruxelles
Married 27 May 1959, Etterbeek
Marie-Cecile de Bonvoisin, daughter of Baron Prof. Dr. Pierre de Bonvoisin and Elisabeth Galopin
Born 18 July 1934 Etterbeek"

http://worldroots.com/brigitte/royal/fa ... 1665-4.htm

*) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 480: "Pertaining to the facts which would have occurred in a villa where she noticed a large amount of model ships, X1, after having been shown a picture, formally recognized the villa of person F.S. [Count Herve d'Ursel] during the hearing of February 8, 1997 (cfr. pv 150.322/97 February 27, 1997)... What he [Dernicourt] fails to mention in the re-reader's report, nor in his separate official report, is that several months before, X1 went to identify the villa of F.S. and that her description of the route was perfect in every detail. What he also leaves unmentioned is that F.S. was shadowed twice by the gendarmerie in early March 1997. He was followed to a chic private club in the center of Brussels where also a car was parked of the company of the by X1 fingered abuser businessman S. [Hanet]."

*) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 248: "Present at the first of three sex parties she [X1] mentioned industrialists Y. and W., lawyer E., Annie Bouty, Michel Nihoul, Tony and trader in dogs from the region of Mechels. What she noticed about the villa, was a large pool and an impressive collection of model ships which were exhibited inside just about all over the place ["villa des bateaux" of Count Herve d'Ursel and Marie-Cecile de Bonvoisin d'Ursel]. The children were forced to watch a sort of snuff movie, in which, according to X1, two of her children were tortured. The purpose of the first night was an initiation.

The adults wore SM clothing and butchered a goat and a rabbit in front of the eyes of the by then unclothed and tied up children. According to X1, the whole ritual had nothing to do with satanism and even less with bizarre sexual preferences of the adults - they hated this - but everything with a well thought-out method to condition the kids and to prevent that one of them would ever speak out. After all, stories about butchered goats, rabbits and men in black leather suits would not be believed by anyone. With 'Kristien' it went totally wrong, X1 said. She kept resisting, refused to accept what happened to her. X1 and Mieke, who had to force her to eat the heart of the freshly-butchered rabbit, tried to keep her silent - which didn't succeed."

*) PV 150.322, February 27, 1997: "X1 recognizes on a photo the owner of the "villa of the boats" where she saw Christine Van Hees = Hervé de Ursel (24/11/30), spouse of Marie-Cécile Bonvoisin... [address:] Clos des Lauriers 27 in Woluwe St. Pierre [Brussels]."

*) Marie-Cecile d'Ursel did indeed live in the "villa des bateaux" at Clos des Lauriers 27 in Brussels:
2003, Moniteur Belge/Belgian State paper: "Mme de Bonvoisin, Marie Cécile Ghislaine Elisabeth Pauline Symphorose, domiciliée à [home at] 1150 Woluwé-Saint-Pierre, clos des Lauriers 27".
http://www.wvc.vlaanderen.be/armoede/br ... eetpdf.pdf

*) PV 116.780, November 21, 1996: "To remember Vincent is very painful... Wat. would have participated in a "black mass" with other minors. Wat. relived some scenes of the past and was terrorized by them. She speaks of minors marked with a red iron and human sacrifices. She also speaks of prepared human meat that the minors have to eat. During these evenings the minors were raped by the participants. She speaks of the presence in these masses of a certain Claudio and Prince Alexander de Merode."

*) PV 150.683, March 12, 1997, 'Interview with Waeterschoot; Identification of Claudio': "Vincent = Alexandre de Merode"

*) 1999, Annemie Bulte, Douglas De Coninck and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 327: "Hearing after hearing the boundaries are pushed further. Extreme torture, rape scenes, murders of babies under the eye of men in black hoods... X4 also mentions the pivotal prince [Alexandre de Merode] in the account of Nathalie W."
[221] PV 117.536, November 26, 1996: "In mid-'86 Castiaux invites X2 to an important evening in Woluwe. A big villa with swimming pool close to the shopping center. He [Castiaux] is one of the promoters and she must help him. Castiaux is a member of the Rotary Club. Present: de Bonvoisin - Georges Desir - two brothers of de Merode - de Meeus (Walibi [amusement park]) - the Prince and Princess of Chimay - le Comte Emmanuel de Lichtervelde - Carteuvels - the Count d’Urssel. X2 leaves the location about 02-03.00 AM."

[222] In PV 151.044, March 27, 1997: "The events in Chimay. She went 5-6 times. In an immense wood... She was forced to go. She was never a [visual] witness of whatever was done. Participated: the most violent of the group in Knokke, among them the Lippens brothers. In Chimay she heard shouting and gunfire... It was around the Castle of Chimay.

The wood is surrounded by a wall. Those were screams of children of maybe 10 years. She thinks there were 4-5 children."
[223] This is the year that the planning for the aborted 1973 coup allegedly started.

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 177-179: "Several authors already pointed out that there exists an interesting similarity between the ideas and persons of such organizations as the CEPIC, the Ordre du Rouvre, the WACL and the Order of Malta [not to mention Opus Dei]. In the early 1970s the leading figures of these organizations regularly met each other at the headquarters of the in 1969 founded Cercle des Nations... Paul Vanden Boeynants, Jo Gerard, Paul Vankerkhoven, Vincent vanden Bossche and Jacques Jonet interact there with a wide array of individuals like prince Francois de Merode, the French lawyer Jean Violet [founder and head of Cercle Pinay], Richard van Wijck, Benoit de Bonvoisin and numerous others.

Founded in 1969 by Paul Vankerkhoven, the Cercle des Nations soon became the rotating platter where rightist nobility figures and similar businessmen and politicians could ventilate their anti-democratic and neo-Nazi sympathies without having to hold back. Thus the Cercle organized in April 1970 a reception in honor of the colonel's regime in Greece, a celebration which caused serious incidents between progressive students of the ULB [a university across the street] and participants of the reception. The same scenario could be seen in January 1976 when the Cercle found it necessary -at the initiative of Paul Vankerkhoven- to celebrate the tenth birthday of the dictatorship of Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti.

The magazine L'Eventail, owned by Baron Adelin van Yperseel de Strihou, later taken over by Richard van Wijck, acted as the official publication of the Cercle des Nations. In the 1970s the editorial office indulged itself in lyrical reports about the Greek colonels, the apartheid in South-Africa and the white-minority government in Rhodesia. Paul Vankerkhoven even published in L'Eventail an exclusive interview with his idol Pinochet. While in the 1970s in both Flanders and Walloon a coup is being worked on by ex-colonialists, soldiers, gendarmes and leaders of the extreme right to establish an authoritarian state, the aristocracy of the Cercle openly symphatizes with the dictatorships of Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal and Pinochet in Chili.

Also the Belgian department of the WACL, which -then more than now- followed a virulent extreme-right course, came to full fruition in the salons of the Cercle under the leadership of Paul Vankerkhoven and baron Adelin van Yperseel de Strihou. The political climate in the Cercle and the WACL is then virtually identical. While the Cercle organizes receptions for the most depraved dictatorships, the WACL directors takes up dictators as Somoza, Stroessner and Pinochet in her ranks and opens the doors for Nazi organizations and even for the Argentinian death squads of Lopez Rega.

The interesting connection between the CEPIC, the Cercle des Nations and the WACL has a simple reason: the three organizations are led by the same figures of which most also are members of or maintain good relations with the Ordre du Rouvre and the Order of Malta."

*) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 172: "In the 1980s, Dancing Mirano together with the Circus and the Parc Savoy was one of the private clubs of the Cercle des Nations, the milieu of the CEPIC nobility and the right side of the PRL. Against many of its members lawsuits were filed. Here we find, amongst others, arms dealer Boas of Asco, Benoit de Bonvoisin, the real estate brokers Blaton and Charly De Pauw, ex-prime minister Vanden Boeynants... Philippe Cryns [accused of running a child prostitution network in the Mirano] could also be found in the VDB-circle."

*) 1999, Annemie Bulte, Douglas De Coninck and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 336-337: "Philippc C. [Cryns] was not the first the best. Together with heavyweights of the real estate sector and direct acquaintances of former premier Paul Vanden Boeynants, he established Parc Savoy nv in 1985.

That company, which had made it its purpose to exploit bars and restaurants and to organize 'cultural and social gatherings', turned out to be connected to the very influential Cercle des Nations. That is a private club with amongst its 81 founding members numerous noblemen, business men, bankers, diplomats and politicians, of which certain names were cited by the X-witnesses."

*) 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul: De knoop in het proces-Dutroux' ('The Nihoul Dossier: The knot in the Dutroux trial'), p. 132: "Cercle des Nations, headquarters of the salon-going extreme right... In the early 1970s, that Cercle organized activities in support of the Greek fascist colonels who got into power through a coup, which had been covered by NATO. For years, Justice had seen nothing or did not want to see anything which went on behind that respectable facade.

Justice nevertheless knew that there was a criminal gang within Cercle des Nations which was active in haute finance, politics and the Brussels night life. Among the members: Roger Boas of the company ASCO, the jeans producer Pierre Salik, count Herve d'Ursel and his brother-in-law Benoit de Bonvoisin, count Richard van Wijck, count Giorgio Gherardi Dandolo, real estate promoter Ado Blaton, ex-minister Jacques Van Offelen, Fernand Ullens de Schooten, Freddy Liénard, investment advisor Léo Levy and of course the most important, minister of state Paul Vanden Boeynants."

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 150: "The PIO was a by Vanden Boeynants in 1974 established military parallel intelligence service headed by major Jean-Marie Bougerol. This intimate of de Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants is an old member of the military intelligence service SDRA8 and has never tried to shove his extreme right sympathies under chairs or couches. By the way, it was thanks to the influence and support of de Bonvoisin that Bougerol had been placed at the helm of PIO."
*) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 89-93: "The Public Information Office was founded in 1974 by the Army command as a counterbalance to what they saw as subversive reporting about the Army.

Management was taken care of by major Jean Bougerol, who had the unconditional support of lieutenant-general Roman [a close anti-communist counter-subversion associate of de Bonvoisin], chief of staff of the Army... During a visit of Vanden Boeynants to the PIO of Bougerol, Baron de Bonvoisin had been inconspicuously present... PIO worked closely together with the military intelligence service ADIV (SGR) and with the SDRA... SDRA also asked the soldiers of the PIO to brief them... PIO consisted of two branches: a civilian and a military one. The members of the military branch had to infiltrate in and use organizations that were favorable to the military, like the NEM-clubs, CEPIC, but also sinister templar orders as the Confrerie des Hospitaliers de Notre-Dame d'Aulne, the Ordre Souverain et militaire de Temple de Jerusalem and the Milice de Jesus-Christ. Of PIO-members it was expected that within these organizations they participated in votes to press through their point of view. In other cases workshops and lectures were held in front of extreme-right groups as the Front de la Jeunesse.

Within the PIO framework Bougerol had built a parallel intelligence-action network for counter-information and intelligence research: the Miller group. Bougerol used the name Miller as his pseudonym in the paper La Derniere Heure. To clarify: Miller was Bougerol himself. The Miller group acted as real undercover teams... The magazine Knack openly asked itself for which reason major Bougerol of the PIO and and Andre Louis of the Vanden Boeynants administration had so much interest in all journalists who published about Asco, Eurosystem and Vanden Boeynants... Bougerol knew his way in the extreme-right milieu. He gave assignments to [Francis] Dossogne, the leader of Front de la Jeunesse [a private Nazi militia, funded by de Bonvoisin]..."

*) 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 125: "The stay-behind network which during the Cold War operated in Belgium, as the Senate investigation found, had two branches: SDRA8 and STC/Mob. SDRA8 was the military branch located within the military secret service, Service General du Renseignement (SGR), under the direction of the Defence Ministry. The branch SDRA8, also spelled SDRA VIII, stands for 'service de documentation, de renseignement et d'action VIII' service for documentation, intelligence and action.

The members of SDRA8 were military men, trained in combat and sabotage, parachute jumping and maritime operations. SDRA8, next to information gathering, was trained to organise evacuation routes if an occupation of Belgium should occur. If the entire territory were occupied, some SDRA8 agents had to accompany the Belgian government abroad and liaise with the secret agents who remained in Belgium to combat the enemy."
*) October 14, 1997, regular session of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives: "... so, in 1977, Latinus was attracted as an intelligence agent by the PIO."

*) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 93: "Besides that, Paul Latinus, the WNP leader, was a military lecturer of the PIO."

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 113: "Latinus had become a member of the Front [de la Jeunesse] in 1978. He himself claimed to have infiltrated in the Front on orders of an American intelligence service... Latinus himself has always maintained that he was an agent of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the US military counterpart of the CIA."

*) October 14, 1997, regular session of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives: "Around 1981, Paul Latinus testified more than once that he worked for the American intelligence services. Also his assistant, Marcel Barbier, claimed to work for an international organization of which he never wanted to give the name... On top of that, Paul Latinus testified in 1983 that his organization, the WNP, to which Libert, Barbier and others belonged, worked for an unnamed allied power and countered the Soviet infiltration in Belgium (Le Soir, October 1983)."

*) 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 145: "Paul Latinus was a high-ranking European right-wing terrorist. According to his own testimony he was, amongst other sources, paid by the military secret service of the Pentagon, the US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). A former nuclear science technician and informer for the Belgian Surete Latinus had been recruited in 1967, aged 17, by the DIA. Later NATO trained him. Belgian journalist Haquin who had written a book on terrorist Latinus relates that 'during a juridical investigation in which he was involved, Latinus named this foreign organisation: It was the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), the military equivalent to the CIA.'"

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 111: "Thanks to a number of forceful letters of recommendation by the then PSC-chairman Vanden Boeynants..., secretary of state Cecile Goor (PSC-CEPIC), vice-premier Jose Desmarets (PSC-CEPIC), Pierre Jonnart (chairman of the Brussels PSC and chairman of the national bureau of the CEPIC) and Jean Breydel (secretary-general of the CEPIC) Latinus in succession became RVA-public worker, vice-advisor at the BTK-service of the Ministry of Work and Employment and BTK-advisor at the political cabinet of secretary of state Cecile Goor."
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Old 11-08-2009, 05:09 PM
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Default [229] Ibid., p. 105, 113:
"Within the WNP Marcel Barbier is considered the right hand of Latinus... It is clear, Latinus would build the WNP in top secret to an intelligence service. The info-section came under the authority of 'captain' Michel Libert, the security department was entrusted to 'captain' Barbier."

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 112: "Until 1981 he [Jean-Francis Calmette] was a security agent at the security firm Wackenhut where he, amongst others, recruited Marcel Barbier and Eric Lammers."

*) September 1992, Spy Magazine: "In 1977, Wackenhut obtained special permission to operate in Belgium; according to Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan's The Terrorism Industry, Wackenhut 'quickly got involved with right-wing terrorists who were themselves linked to state security agents.' Wackenhut's local director in Brussels, Jean-Francis Calmette, was a rightist who had hired and given combat instruction to members of Westland New Post, a Belgian fascist group. Wackenhut left Belgium in the early 1980s, following accusations that its guards were luring immigrant children into basements and beating them."

*) March 1, 1994, The Humanist, 'Inman's friends and other enemies. (the troubling history and media treatment of Bobby Ray Inman)': "During the heyday of Reagan's foreign policy, Inman served on the board of directors of the Wackenhut Corporation... Wackenhut employees seem to have a thing for indigenous paramilitaries. In the late 1970s, TWC sought and obtained special permission from the Belgian government to operate there. By 1982, however, the company had succeeded in hiring several neo-Nazi thugs from Belgium's notoriously violent and anti-Semitic Westland New Post. One such employee was Marcel Barbier, who Wackenhut assigned to guard a synagogue (!) on the Rue de la Regence in 1982. The synagogue mysteriously blew up on Barbier's watch. Ah, you may say, but Barbier was just a low-level employee.

Unfortunately, TWC's local director for the city of Brussels turned out to be Jean-Francis Calmette, who both trained and armed members of the Westland New Post. Not surprisingly, some other like-minded TWC employees were caught luring immigrant children into basements and beating them (see Jan Capelle, "Westland New Post: Ombres et Lumieres," Article 31, Belgique, July 30, 1987). Wackenhut beat a hasty retreat out of Belgium shortly after these disclosures. "

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 144-150, 153: "In the first interview Lekeu told journalist Gilbert Dupont that in the late 1970s he had become a member of Group G, a Nazi-inspired parallel secret organization within the gendarmerie. Group G was directed from outside of the gendarmerie by Francis Dossogne and Paul Latinus, the leaders of Front de la Jeunesse. As has been sufficiently proven in the mean time, both the Front de la Jeunesse as well as Dossogne and Latinus at the time were on the pay-list of baron de Bonvoisin, in turn the political handyman of Paul Vanden Boeynants. Group G would have stood for 'Groupe d'Action Politique'.

Other sources speak about 'Groupe de la Gendarmerie', after the sister organization of the Group G in the Army, the Group M (Groupe Militaire). Next to these there also existed cells at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) - consisting of candidate gendarme officers who studied criminology at this university, , the Royal Military School, the Mobile Legion, the Special Intervention Squadron (Diana Group), in the narcotics section of the Brussels BOB and different other brigades of the gendarmerie.

According to detectives who anno 1989 tried to get an idea of the extent of this extreme-right infiltration, at least sixty personnel from the gendarmerie would be involved. The organizational structure of Group G consisted of different cells who knew nothing about each others existence and inner workings. It is also admitted then that the infiltration might well have been a lot more extensive than the estimated sixty personnel."

"Martial Lekeu claimed to have been recruited by Didier Mievis, a BOB officer who worked at the Central Bureau for Intelligence and was described by Lekeu as the recruiting officer of the Front at the gendarmerie. Lekeu also regularly took part in informal gatherings at the Brussels 'Hotel de la Pompe' with commandant Francois [invited by the US Army's CID in 1969; educated by the DEA; received by President Nixon; secretary of the International Drug Enforcement Association; founded the gendarmerie's National Bureau for Drugs (NBD) in the 1972-1975 period with Paul "VdB" Vanden Boeynants and CIA support, and became the NBD's initial head; always present at the border when a new large shipment of marihuana and cocaine of VdB's company was smuggled into Belgium; leading member of the subversive and fascist Group G, together with DEA agent Frank Eaton; provided the CIA chief in Belgium with intelligence about leftists and other dissident groups;

Accused in 1990 by prostitute Maud Sarr of involvement in orgies with minors, together with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Jean Depretre (both accused by other sources as well); one of his successors at the NBD, general Beaurir was also accused of pedophilia and was also part of the CEPIC circle] of the NBD and Frank Eaton (his friend, pilot and DEA agent Jean-Francois Buslik, was tied with his friend Madani Bouhouche to a number of assassinations) of the DEA..."
"According to Lekeu, the Group G and Group M were working on a coup since 1975. This coup had to be the brought about through a whole series of terrorist actions and would hand the power to the Centre Politique des Independants et Cadres Chretiens, the CEPIC, the in 1981 dissolved extreme-right wing of the French-language christian-democratic party PSC.

In that period, Paul Vanden Boeynants was defense secretary and chairman of the CEPIC. Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, aka the Black Baron, in that period was another member of the board of directors and the national treasurer of the CEPIC. Since the newspaper De Morgen published on May 19, 1981 the contents of a confidential nota of State Security, we know that the Front de la Jeunesse and Nouvel Europe Magazine in those years were financed by the CEPIC and de Bonvoisin."
"Lekeu did make other revelations as well: so the the never solved theft of the fifteen Heckler und Koch machine guns in the night of December 31, 1981 from the Group Diana barracks would have been the work of Group G [tightly linked to Madani Bouhouche, so very much possible]...

Also the failed assassinations on colonel Vernaillen and adjutant Goffinon should be written on the account of Group G, according to Lekeu. Lekeu stated he got out when the organization began to organize the terrorist attacks of the Gang [of Nijvel]. On April 1, 1984, he left the gendarmerie and on August 20 of that same year he fled to the United States, together with his family. Lekeu claimed his and his family's lives were in danger after he had informed the BOB in Waver about what he knew about a number of gendarme officers involved in the Gang of Nijvel. Shortly before having relocated to Florida, he would have received death threats. In these telephone calls threats were also made against his wife and five children, according to Lekeu. Additionally, the person who called him up turned out to be very well informed about the daily activities and movements of the family members..."

"Although the testimonies of Martial Lekeu possibly should be taken with a pinch of salt, there indeed exists a confidential note, dated March 18, 1985 (plus at least two updated versions from August and December 1985), filed by BOB officer Gerard Bihay of the Info-section of the Wavers gendarmerie, in which the existence of Group G is confirmed. Besides the signature of Bihay, this document also carries the signatures of captain Stockman, adjutant Guy Dussart and sergeant Frans Balfroid.

The summary of no less than 39 pages, created for examining magistrate Schlicker, mentions in connection to this the names... Madani Bouhouche and Martial Lekeu. Furthermore the report Bihay contains an very cryptic sentence of which nobody can deny the importance: 'It seems that a number of (criminal) facts in Walloon-Brabant are directly linked to certain financial and political interests...' In the mean time, further investigations into the activities of Group G have shown that in the late 1970s and early 1980s a number of extreme-right gendarme officers participated as instructors in the training camps of Front de la Jeunesse in the neighborhood of La Roche [Calmette of Wackenhut and Bouhouche, for instance]..."

"The Delta-team, under the leadership of substitute [magistrate] Willy Acke and examining magistrate Freddy Troch, in the mean time, has found out that the Neo-Nazi Group G really did exist. In the first half of 1989, the team succeeded in locating and questioning about a dozen former members of Group G. From what they found it turns out that the revelations of Lekeu contain a considerable amount of truth, even though the ex-companions of Lekeu for obvious reasons tried to minimalize their role in Group G. "

*) Additional information on the Group G and related investigations of Bihay, Stockman, Dussart and Balfroid: 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 169-170: "Moreover, the existence of plans for a coup was also confirmed by adjutant-chief Dussart of the Wavers BOB. On November 29, 1989, Dussart testified in a closed session of the parliamentary investigating committee that he, in December 1985 and March 1986 had been informed by two members of high nobility -both also members of Opus Dei- about a conspiracy in which at least nine members of that organization plus a number of officers and generals of the army and gendarmerie were involved... So would several gatherings of the conspirators have taken place in Castle Dongelberg, property of Opus Dei... Also Verdun bumped into Opus Dei during his investigation of the Gang [of Nijvel], and he also collided with the general staff and ultimately left the gendarmerie, harassed into submission."

*) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 109-110, 112-113: "On April 25 and 28, 1997, the members of the mixed Delta-cell of examining magistrate Troch, consisting of gendarme officers and members of the judicial police, had testified extensively in front of the Gang Commission. Gendarme officers Sack and Collewaert and GPP officer Van Rie of the Brussels police went in detail about their conflicts with the group Reyniers-Marnette-Zimmer of the Brussels judicial police:

Another case we would like the to take a look at is a peculiar one. It pertains to the case which was referred to by examining magistrate Bulthe as the trio Reyniers-Marnette-Zimmer [coincidentally, all three have been directly or closely indirectly linked to child abuse]. Every time we came into contact with these people there almost occurred an incident. We concluded that Reyniers had information about the possible involvement of Papadopoulos and Philippe De Staercke in the facts in Wilsere in March 1985; about the post office robbery in Verviers with an Uzi, which had been stolen in Wilsele, and about the robberies in Overijse and Aalst of the Gang of Nijvel.

That information hasn't reached us... About the involvement of the extreme-right in the gendarmerie - and more exactly within the Group G - we did extensive investigations. We conducted a search at just about every gendarme officer who had been involved in that. Those individuals were also thoroughly questioned. At the moment we took on a GPP'er [judicial police officer], an ex-gendarme officer and a friend of Lekeu [Bernard Devillet], as a possible suspect in Group G, there came a pretty strong reaction from the judicial police in Brussels. At that moment there came an interference in our investigation.' [Troch confirmed the interference with support of Dejemeppe]..."

"On October 11, 1986, based on testimonies of Mievis, member of the Group G where Mievis himself was the contact of Front de la Jeunesse leader Francis Dossogne, Delta-member Collewaert filed an official report. Mievis was present at an extreme-right training camp and testified that at that camp he had noticed two members of the judicial police. One of them was [Yves] Zimmer... [Mievis:] 'There were about twenty participants. The daily activities consisted of paramilitary exercises. In the morning there was a salute to the flag, which bore a Celtic white cross... They themselves told me they were with the GPP, and Dossogne told me this when they arrived. I think Dossogne thereafter told them I was a soldier... One of them introduced himself as Zimmer.'"

[232] Published on May 19, 1981 in De Morgen. Also published in the 1981 book 'Extreem-rechts en de staat' ('Extreme-right and the state') of Walter De Bock, Jan Cappelle, Serge Dumont, Anne Maesschalk, Franz Legros and Michel Graindorge. Also published in 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 180-181.
[233] October 14, 1997, regular session of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives.
[234] 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 144.
[235] This mix of Martial Lekeu's statements come from two sources:
*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 145-146.
*) 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 144.
[236] This is widely acknowledged. Go to the 'alleged assassinations' appendix for some details.
[237] More details can be found in 'the accused' appendix.

[238] 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 84-85: "The 'pink ballets' affair covers many dossiers. The Pinon case is the most well-known, but only consists of lies, half truths and well known names from other real dossiers. In reality this was an insignificant divorce dossier that was used by the extreme-right as blackmail dossier against the political institutions... Benoit de Bonvoisin walked with his blackmail dossier the Tour of Belgium to complicate and contaminate the important judicial investigations. Albert Raes, the head of State Security, was linked to the Pinon Dossier.

This was mixed in with a number of prominent names from the Fortunato Israel dossiers, so that those in the know understood that the authors of the Pinon dossier knew about the situations of the late 1970s. What could produce some additional pressure on the blackmail kettle, because this raised the suspicion by those in the know that de Bonvoisin kept the dossier as a joker behind his hand. The Nivelles prosecutor Depretre, who hid the Pinon dossier in his suitcase, at the time was not the designated abuse substitute of the Eurosystem-Montaricourt-Fortunato dossiers by coincidence. De Bonvoisin's primary reason was to settle the score with State Security... The only really interesting dossier is that of Montaricourt and Fortunato Israel and leading to Eurosystem Hospitalier."

Report of the Gang Commission, report, p. 31: "Furthermore, it has been the case that prosecutor Depretre at the very least provoked an exaggerated interest in the Pinon case by handling this dossier in a mysterious way and keeping it in a locked vault on his desk."

[239] Not an unreasonable conclusion when Latinus "infiltrated" the Front on behalf of the DIA a year after he had been recruited by PIO. Like Bougerol, Latinus' career was supported by the CEPIC leadership. As for Francis Dossogne: 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 93: "Bougerol knew his way in the extreme-right milieu. He gave assignments to Dossogne, the leader of Front de la Jeunesse..." In this case there's also a lot of supporting evidence.

[240] 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 94-95: "After the official dissolvent of the PIO in 1978 the ties to extreme-right groups as the Front de la Jeunesse only became stronger... In the mid 1980s [actually, in the early 1980s] the private firm EIM (European Institute of Management) began to operate as the follow-up of the PIO. Gendarme captain Schot, coordinator of the Gang cell, remembered how the military security service SGR had supplied him with information about PIO and EIM.

The right-hand of Bougerol, his PIO secretary Marie Therese Legon, moved from her job at the PIO to EIM. In March 1980, she was secretary-general and in June 1981 security advisor of EIM. Without any problems this firm EIM and Marie Therese Legon had gotten a security clearance of the industrial security section of the SGR. On August 7, 1981, a new chairman came in at EIM: the former Belgian US-ambassador Douglas MacArthur II, also a manager at group BBL [Banque Bruxelles Lambert; source: appendix to the Belgian State magazine, trade partnerships 1981, October 28, 1981, no. 1926-27].

On March 30, 1981, antiterrorism, amongst other things, was added to her trade activities next to private security and security advise. Through their good contacts EIM was able to obtain several important security contracts providing security for diplomatic conferences at the Egmont palace and Hertoginnedal. EIM also maintained contact with the US embassy in Brussels, with the purpose to acquire important security contracts for American weapon depots in Belgium."

[241] Biography of Douglas MacArthur II, complied from the Who's Who, old newspaper archives and the internet:
Born in 1909; Episcopalian; nephew of the famous general; member Yale Wolf's head society; ambassador to Paris 1938-1940; ambassador to the Fascist Vichy government 1940-1942; held in Nazi internment for 16 months after Petain broke off relations with the US in 1942; member General Eisenhower's SHAEF staff in 1944; ambassador to Italy 1944-1948; became chief of the State Department's Division of European Affairs in 1949; political advisor to SHAPE headquarters in France 1951-1952; counselor US Department State in Washington 1953-1957; member CFR from the 1950s to the late 1980s; ambassador to Japan in Tokyo 1957-1961; ambassador to Brussels 1961-1965; assistant secretary of state and head of the State Department's Bureau of Congressional Relations 1965-1967; ambassador to Austria 1967-1969; ambassador to Iran during the Shah's reign 1969-1972 (retired after evading a kidnapping attempt); independent international affairs consultant in Washington 1972-1997; director Banque Bruxelles Lambert (only source: 1998, Stef Janssens,'

The names from the cover up', p. 95): "; since 1981, chair of the European Institute of Management (EIM), a privatized fascist army intelligence group which tried to undermine the Belgian democratic process and appears to have been at the center of a child abuse, torture and murder ring; member of the editorial advisory board of The Washington Times since Sun Myung Moon founded it in 1982;

Chaired Moon's World Media Conference in Tokyo in the mid-1980s; openly supported the Women's Federation for World Peace when Moon founded it in 1987; founding chair of Sun Myung Moon-funded Panda Motor Corp in China since 1988, a company that went bankrupt within a few years (October 16, 1989, Daily Herald, 'Moon-backed Panda car drives into skepticism of auto industry'); his uncle Douglas MacArthur saved Moon during the invasion of Korea; big supporter of the UN's Temple of Understanding; died in 1997.
[242] 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 95: "Barbier, by the way, got a job as security guard with EIM without any trouble."
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Old 11-08-2009, 05:17 PM
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Default 243] Ibid.:
"A good acquaintance of Bougerol, gendarme colonel Mayerus, became administrative-director of EIM the same day of the change in the company's statutes in 1981..."

[244] *) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 112: "This ban did not prevent Calmette, at the initiative of colonel Mayerus, to become involved from 1974 on in the physical training of the first draft of gendarme officers of the Diana Group. His [Calmette's] political contacts with Madani Bouhouche, Robert Beijer and Christian Amory also stem from this period."

[245] 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 95-96: "From a testimony of a retired gendarme colonel it further turns out.... that Mayerus would have referred a person to WNP leader Latinus for carrying out security projects."

[246] Ibid., p. 96: "After his retirement Mayerus would often stop by the offices of the Brussels BOB. When the gendarmerie found out that Mayerus worked for EIM and that this firm had close ties with American officials, he was formally denied access to the BOB offices. According to BOB officers Ruth and Lachlan there was a strong suspicion that Mayerus came to get BOB information to use it for EIM purposes. There also circulated rumors at the gendarmerie that after Mayerus had joined EIM, he had also brought in Bougerol."

[247] Described in detail in the 1990 book 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'). Some more details can be found in 'the accused' appendix.

[248] 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 19-20: "On March 28, 1979, the Brussels substitute [magistrate] Depretre demanded that the famous dossier [Israel-Montaricourt] and the search warrant were transferred to him... The case ceased being worked on from that moment. The Fortunato Israel was also annulled by Depretre, who later in front of the Gang Commission was unable to remember anything of his peculiar role in the dossiers Montaricourt, Fortunato Israel and Eurosystem...

By the way, for his role in the in these dossiers Depretre was criticized by the Gang Commission [p. 31]: 'It was Mr. Depretre who, as first substitute, dismissed the dossier Fortunato Israel. The commission judges that the dossiers in question did not receive a normal treatment. It does not agree with the position of the then first substitute Depretre that the non-prosecution of Fortunato Israel in these circumstances was a responsible decision.'" Also see note 238.

[249] PV 118.379, December 12, 1996, 'Interview with X2; Brabant Walloon': "Depretre sent love letters to X2. He would give these letters to Castiaux [X2's pimp]."
PV 118.380, December 12, 1996, 'Interview with X2; Oliver Castiaux': "PR [prosecutor] Depretre was in love with X2."

[250] October 14, 1997, regular session of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives: "The latter [Maud Sarr] testified that there existed video recordings [of pedophilia during orgies], which were in the possession of the lawyer Guy Francois. [Congressman/senator Hugo] Coveliers stated: "This claim has never been investigated." In an interview with VTM Maud Sarr gave the names of Paul Vanden Boeynants and attorney-general Jaspar [prosecuted the CCC bombers].... According to Gijsels, the names of prosecutor of the king Jean Depretre and gendarme commandant Léon François were also mentioned."


[251] *) October 10, 2001, Solidair magazine, 'Een complot van de Amerikaanse en Belgische regering en extreem-rechts' ('A conspiracy of the American and Belgian government and the extreme-right') (interview with sociologist, researcher and author Ludo De Witte): "We know that since the summer of 1960 both the Americans as the Belgians set several assassination plans against Lumumba... And just recently the Belgian officer Paul Heureux confirmed that an assassination had been set up by journalist Jo Gerard, the well known supporter of King Leopold III and employee of Paul Vanden Boeynants. This assassination plot was also organized under the supervision of colonel Marliere in consultation with his superiors.

[Question of Solidaire:] "Before the investigating committee the Belgian officer Paul Heureux has stated that the extreme-right journalist Jo Gerard provided him with a machine gun and two million Belgian franks with the assignment to give this to the assassin who had to kill Lumumba. Who is that Jo Gerard?"

"During WWII Gerard was active in the anti-communist resistance. After the war he soon became an anti-communist propagandist and supporter of a strong regime around king Leopold. He also was one of the driving forces behind the neo-fascist journal Europe Magazine that wrote about the Congoleze in the most racist of terms. I remember a front page of Europe Magazine of July 1960 with the heading: "Congo handed over to the beasts". That is the style of Jo Gerard. In those years Gerard also played an important role in the political march of Paul Vanden Boeynants and with the build up of the right-wing of the PSC [CEPIC]."

The book of Ludo de Witte became responsible for a congressional investigation.

http://www.solidaire.org/international/ ... l?section=


*) January 18, 2001, Belgian Senate, Parliamentary proceedings, 'In memory of Mr. Paul Vanden Boeynants, minister of state': "In 1949 he [Paul Vanden Boeynants] founded together with Jo Gerard a committee for the revival of the PSC."
http://www.senate.be/www/?MIval=/Regist ... LL=H&PUID=

[252] *) 1990, Hugo Gijssels, 'De Bende & Co.', p. 174: "Paul Vankerkhoven, renowned member of the Ordre du Rouvre, establishes in 1969 the 'Ligue Internationale de la Liberté (LIL), the Belgian branch of the 'World Anti-Communist League' (WACL). That same year he establishes in Brussels the select but controversial Cercle des Nations... possibly more important is his membership in the notorious extreme-right 'Centre Européen de Documentation et Information' (CEDI) of which Vankerkhoven is secretary-general. CEDI was established in 1949 and is headed by Otto von Habsburg, who is chairman for life."

*) 1997, Robert Hutchinson, 'Their Kingdom Come', p. 153: "In 1949, the year after the Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia, he [Alfredo Sanchez Bella] co-founded with Archduke Otto von Habsburg the European Centre of Documentation and Information (CEDI), whose objective was to construct around the Spanish Borbóns a federation of European states united in Christianity and anti-Communism. This sounded very much like a modern resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire over which Charles V had reigned."

[253] 1990, Hugo Gijssels, 'De Bende & Co.', p. 117, 179, 182, 204: "Bernard Mercier fits perfectly in their company. This CEPIC director moves in international extremist water and frequents in Brussels a number of members of foreign intelligence agencies. After the death of the Spanish dictator Franco he traveled with major Bougerol and Angele Verdin to Spain... On that occasion Mercier is dressed in a black shirt and he gets the Spanish Medal 'for proven services' pinned on. Mercier is also cited as one of the top players of WNP... In the rue du Mont Blanc the WNP had been given access to a flat by CEPIC director Bernard Mercier...

Mercier himself was one of the heads of the WNP, in which he had the title of... 'inspector-general'... In the 1960s and 1970s, Aginter Press [Portuguese CIA-controlled stay-behind] stood in contact with Belgian organizations as Jeune Europe, Nouvelle Europe Magazine and WACL via two Belgian contacts, Jean Thiriart and Francis Dessart. It is also certain that Thiriart and Dessart worked together with Emile Lecerf, Bernard Mercier, Jacques Jonet and Paul Vankerkhoven."

[254] Excerpts of the document can be found on p. 205 of the 1990 book 'De Bende & Co.'and on p. 118 of Daniele Ganser's book 'Nato's Secret Armies'.

[255] 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 175: "In late 1975, the baron [de Bonvoisin] organizes, together with Emile Lecerf, Francis Dossogne Albert Lambert, a meeting of the European right in his family castle in Maizeret. On the list of the invited are the heads of the Italian MSI and Ordine Nuovo, the French Parti des Forces Nouvelles, the British National Front and the Spanish Fuerza Nueva. On the agenda are the expansion of 'Eurodroite' [the European right] and the countering of communist subversion."

[256] *) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 525: "The next in line [for the smearing of De Baets] is called Andre Moyen. He lives, just as de Bonvoisin, in Ardenne. The elderly Moyen once was, briefly, a famous Belgian because of his statements about the so-called stay-behind network Gladio... For years Moyen has earned a living as a security consultant and often works for his good friend Benoit de Bonvoisin."
More information on the smearing of De Baets and team in 'the accused' and 'the investigators' appendixes.

*) 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 106-107: "Andre Moyen, a 76-years-old retired agent who from 1938 to 1952 had been a member of the Belgian military secret service SDRA, alleged that the Segundo Bis secret service of the Army had always been 'well up to date on Gladio'. French researcher Faligot supported this claim and highlighted that the Spanish secret army in the 1950s had been run by the Dutch Consul Herman Laatsman, 'closely linked, as well as his wife, to Andre Moyen'... Andre Moyen was interviewed by journalists of the Belgian Communist newspaper Drapeau Rouge.

As the Cold War had ended, Moyen confirmed to his former adversaries that during his active years he had been intimately involved with operation Gladio and secret operations against the Communist parties in numerous countries... French Interior Minister Jules Moch linked Moyen to the Director of the SDECE, Henri Ribiers. Most sensitively Moyen according to his own testimony in the 1950s in the same context also met with high-ranking military officers in neutral Switzerland."

[257] http://www.baronbenoitdebonvoisin.com/A ... enoit.html

[258] 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 20-21: "For example [those who made use of the Fortunato Israel prostitution ring], there were Samir Traboulsi from Paris and Akran Ojieh from the widespread firm Technique d'Avant Garde (TAG) with offices in Geneva. Traboulsi and Ojieh were employees of arms trafficker and multi-billionaire Adnan Khashoggi... That same Khashoggi had a luxurious office in the Terkamerbos in Brussels for his firm Triad and maintained good contacts with then minister of defense and former prime minister Paul Vanden Boeynants. When in September/October 1979 the Knack series about the Tuna circle and Eurosystems was published, Khashoggi just in time warned Vanden Boeynants for a number of tough questions [that would be asked]."

[259] More information in PEHI's article on Le Cercle.
[260] See note 224.

[261] *) December 4, 1996, De Groene Amsterdammer (opinion-based weekly magazine since 1877): "And indeed, many with the conspiracy involved politicians and high officials turn out to have been members of Opus Dei: minister of defense Paul Vanden Boeynants; baron de Bonvoisin..; and also the stiff gendarme general Beaurir." Many others undoubtedly also are, but membership is seldom specified.

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 169-170: "Moreover, the existence of plans for a coup was also confirmed by adjutant-chief Dussart of the Wavers BOB. On November 29, 1989, Dussart testified in a closed session of the parliamentary investigating committee that he, in December 1985 and March 1986 had been informed by two members of high nobility -both also members of Opus Dei- about a conspiracy in which at least nine members of that organization plus a number of officers and generals of the army and gendarmerie were involved....

So would several gatherings of the conspirators have taken place in Castle Dongelberg, property of Opus Dei... Also Verdun bumped into Opus Dei during his investigation of the Gang [of Nijvel], and he also collided with the general staff and ultimately left the gendarmerie, harassed into submission."

*) September 8, 2004, Knack magazine, 'Alleen tegen de schurkenstaat' ('Everything against the criminal state'): "... Cepic, which maintained close ties with Opus Dei."

*) January 16, 1997, BOB note 466, 'interview with Jacques Thoma': "He is very afraid. He was a treasurer of the youth section of the PSC. He often met with Michel Dewolf - Philippe Sala and Jean-Paul Dumont. They tried to direct Thoma toward Opus Dei what they considered Nec Plus Ultra [Latin for "nothing further beyond"]. Under the pretext of initiation tests for Opus Dei he was brought to a Black Mass with sexual acts."

*) Jonet and his wife are leading managers of the Order of Malta in Belgium. See note 170 in PEHI's article on Le Cercle for details.

[262] More information in PEHI's article on Le Cercle.

[263] 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 169: "So would several gatherings of the conspirators have taken place in Castle Dongelberg, property of Opus Dei."

[264] December 12, 1996, PV 118.380, 'Interview with X2; Oliver Castiaux': "In 1987: diner with X2, Castiaux, Bayens and de la Chevelarie (two judges). Bayens tells that during a meal of Opus Dei at Castle Dongelberg the children gave blow jobs to the guests from under the table."

[265] PV 150.674, March 10, 1997, 'Interview with [Nathalie] Waeterschoot; Places and facts':
"Chateau Dongelberg
Late 1980s-early 1990s
Property of Opus Dei"

[266] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 327: "... during an interview in Juli X1 tells how respectable members of the Opus Dei were among her most sadistic customers..."

[267] X1 was presented with 40 photographs, some showing real suspects, others from unrelated dossiers (267).

[268] *) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 260-261.
*) PV 116.251, November 30, 1996, '9th interview with X1':
"She recognizes eight persons on the presented 40 photos:
HUBEAUX Michel (19/04/39) ancien Gendarme
DENONCIN Jean (24/04/36) gendarme pensionné
BOUHOUCHE Madani (14/06/52) ancien gendarme
AMORY Christian (08/03/52) ancien gendarme
CABY François (30/05/76)
MAYERUS René (21/07/22-16/02/85) ancien colonel Gd
KRASNIGI Shpetim (18/09/76)
LHOST Gérard (27/01/40) ex Colonel Gd"

[269] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 262.

[270] PV 150.889, March 24, 1997, 'Translation of a March 18, 1997 fax from X1; factory; Clo': "Sometimes one awaked her in the night to bring her to the factory [ASCO abuse and snuff factory]. Awakened by Tony, the driver of VDB [i.e., Henri Bil], guard dog [not literally], the cameraman, her mother... [at the ASCO torture factory] Dumont liked to hit [children] with a belt or a whip, and urinate on the children. Present [at ASCO]: Nihoul, Dumont, Chris, Vander Elst, Bonvoisin, Martin, Martens, Wathelet, VDB, guard..."

[271] *) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 165-166, 259-260: "

The intention was that she [X1] would show them the way to 'the factory', where she already had spoken about in a previous interview. At the time, she talked about a secret studio where snuff movies were recorded. On the E40 Brussels-Luik she had pointed to exit Sterrebeek. From there she made the inspectors drive until a crossing. 'Go left here', she said. A few miles down the road she made the car stop. That's it, 'the factory'. De Pauw looked and saw a large board with a name on it [ASCO]. It was the company of a business friend [Roger Boas] of a politician pointed out by X1 [Paul Vanden Boeynants]... 'It has changed', she noted [accurately, just as the description she gave earlier]... [p. 165-166:] The movies were recorded in a studio, located at an industry park at the outskirts of Brussels, close to the exit of a highway.

She [X1] can give a pretty good description of the building, and when it is identified a month later it also turns out to be accurate: a glass gateway, lots of aluminum, red bricks, square building, an aerial photo in the entry hall, a waiting room with four dark brown couches and a large white astray on a salon table. She describes the murder on a baby, about which Tony V. later insinuated that it might have been her own child..."

*) When reading the text on pages 165-166 there might be some doubt if this refers to the ASCO factory. Therefore the last sentence has been included, which can be compared to the PV below. X1 claimed to have given birth to four children while in the network, who all died. Only Cheyenne, her first child, died in a factory in the outskirts of Brussels. Also, in the PV described on pages 165-166, X1 clearly identified Madani Bouhouche, who she tied to the abuse at ASCO, and between the two PVs described above is almost exactly one month.

PV 119.244, December 27, 1996, 'Translation of a fax of X1': "List of the children that she [X1] saw being killed: Cheyenne (02/79) killed when 2 years at ASCO."

[272] PV 150.889, March 24, 1997, 'Translation of a March 18, 1997 fax from X1; factory; Clo': "Roger and the guests signed some papers. ndlr: Roger could be Boas, the boss of ASCO, since he signs the contracts with the invited."

[273] 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 96, 98: "When questioned about this by Goffinon, Christian Amory relates a story in which only Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson are still missing. The tunnel was part of a plan of Bouhouche who in 1979, when he still worked at the Brussels BOB with Bob Beyer and Christian Amory, began to gather a number of men around him to blackmail warehouses on a large scale.

Tchang Wei Ling was also part of this group... The question how and why the name Juan Mendez appears in this fantastic scenario keeps intriguing the detectives. The same goes for the testimony of a reliable witness who states that he saw Mendez, Bouhouche and assistant prison director Jean Bultot together in 1985, dining in the Spanish restaurant 'Villa Rosa' in the Brussels Hoogstraat."

[274] *) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 98, 153-155: "On top of that, the detectives dug up a large amount of explosives in the backyard of Mendez. Confronted with the testimonies of Amory, Bouhouche admits that he set up such an organization, that the group had political motives and that it had been structured in a military way...

It is a fact that Bouhouche explained to the detectives that he had been given the assignment to recruit Mendez from the WNP leadership and that the role of Mendez in the 'brewery affair' was part of an admission test the FN-engineer had to pass... Shortly before his death Mendez had told family members that 'one' had offered him membership in a clandestine organization which at that point was working on the political categorizing of opponents and this with an eye towards a coup... Bouhouche was a member of the WNP [others doubt that and just consider him a close associate] and his main contact was Michel Libert, the right hand of Paul Latinus...

It all seems a little bit too much for one man. A number of detectives therefore assume that Bouhouche was only a small part within the clandestine organization Mendez spoke about, a Belgian version of the P2. An interesting coincidence: Robert Beijer stated in an interview with the RTBF that Bouhouche had proposed to him to become a member of a clandestine organization. Beijer said he had declined this offer, that he doesn't know the name of the organization and that he knows nothing about its purposes."

*) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 142: "According to Beyer, Bouhouche held an important position within the organization. But according to Amory, there were three levels: those who give the assignments, the middlemen and the executors. Bouhouche himself, according to Amory, as someone on the level of a middleman was primarily involved in logistical support. Bouhouche himself testified that this was not a very important function. He recruited the members and collected intelligence. In one of the reports Bouhouche claimed to have been responsible for the recruiting of Mendez."

[275] *) 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul: De knoop in het proces-Dutroux' ('The Nihoul Dossier: The knot in the Dutroux trial'), p. 78: "So Nihoul knew Pepe [Derycke] well. He once even went with him to Hoei to look at a castle that was for sale there."

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 80: "The duo [Bouhouche and Bultot] experienced wild nights which not seldom took place in the 'Jonathan', a night club in the Maurice Wilmottestraat 10 in Sint-Gillis [Brussels]. Owner of the Jonathan was Pierre-Paul 'Pe-Pe' de Rycke, member of Forces Nouvelles and an intimate of Bultot and Francis Dossogne.

The night club more or less acted as the headquarters of the Forces, which on special occasions delivered men for security. According to the report, the 'hostesses' of the Jonathan were forced to prostitute themselves. The ladies who were not enthusiastic enough could count on a serious fine. 'Special evenings' were also regularly organized. One of the successes was 'Rock 'n Roll dans la confiture'.

The clients and hostesses strolled around almost naked in red berry jam. The whole feast was extensively filmed and photographed. A number of these pictures appeared in the porn magazine Paris-Las Vegas. This sex magazine was published by Charles Dortant, an intimate friend of Leon Degrelle [a fascist who once inspired Vanden Boeynants] with good connections at the extreme-right SAC and OAS. Other purposes of the videos and pictures of the Jonathan were used for blackmail against a number of customers. In his report inspector Dorao wrote: 'De Rycke profited from these feasts to make sleazy pictures, which he later used for blackmail.

De Rycke used his hostesses to liquor up customers so they would not protest against the taking of pictures..' Extreme-right militants, soldiers and police officers regularly came to the Jonathan with weapons... Other regular visitors included Jean-Francis Calmette, Lucien Ott... Juan Mendez... Robert Darville."

*) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 114-115: "In October 1983, members of the GPP-Liege made a confidential report about the Jonathan club, in which sex parties... were organized and caught on camera. A witness related that this club was frequented by the members of the Front de la Jeunesses, among them Dossogne, the ex-assistant prison director Jean Bultot and well known Brussels gangsters. Also Lekeu and arms trafficker Darville of the Haemers gang came here, just as Fredo Godfroid (Brussels police), the local Sint-Gillis police and Van Esbroeck of the De Staerke gang. The boss of the Jonathan was Pierre-Paul [Pepe] De Rycke, member of the extreme-right Parti des Forces Nouvelles (set up by Emile Lecerf and de Bonvoisin).

On February 24, 1992, De Rycke supplied the membership list of his club to the Gang cell Jumet of Charleroi. [Gendarme colonel] Sack revealed to the Gang Commission: 'Frans Reyniers [police commissioner and close associate of Georges Marnette] was regularly seen in the Jonathan. This club was managed by Pierre-Paul De Rycke, a very good friend of Bultot. Francis Dossogne once arranged the security of this club, after there had been some threats.'... According to the organigramme of the Delta-group of Dendermonde,... Bouhouche... came in the Jonathan."

[276] *) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 173: "With the institution concerned here is meant the Mirano and the members of the gangster milieu who regularly came over the floor here next to Nihoul: Bouhouche, Beyer, Bultot and Achiel/Patrick Haemers."

*) February 19, 1998, De Morgen, 'Commissie brengt Nihoul in verband met fuivende en snuivende jetset' ('Commission links Nihoul to partying and snorting jetset'): "Shortly before he was murdered FN-engineer Juan Mendez fingered the Mirano as the key to solving the attacks of the Gang of Nijvel. In her report the commission remains on the surface however. 'Mr. Nihoul often came there too'..."

[277] *) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 171-174: "In the 1980s, Dancing Mirano, together with the Circus and the Parc Savoy, was one of the private clubs of the Cercle des Nations, the milieu of the CEPIC nobility and the right side of the PRL. Against many of its members lawsuits were filed. Here we find, amongst others, arms dealer Boas of Asco, Benoit de Bonvoisin, the real estate brokers Blaton and Charly De Pauw, ex-prime minister Vanden Boeynants... Philippe Cryns could also be found in the VDB-circle... According to the Dutroux Report, the Dancing Le Mirano was part of the social network of Nihoul. Back then, the notorious sex-cocaine feast were organized in this milieu by the pedophile Philippe Cryns and by Alexis Alewaeters, who in 1985 was a servant at Cadreco, the law firm of Nihoul-Bouty. But on April 14, 1985 things got out of hand when a young nobleman died from an overdose, which was followed by a lawsuit... [Dutroux Report quoted:] 'The crimes which are described in this dossier are two-fold. In the first place there are the facts pertaining to drugs (trade and possession) which occurred between 1983 and mid 1985.

A verdict has been reached about these facts. Additionally, there are the sex-related facts for which no prosecution was warranted. Amongst others, these have to do with:

- Pictures of adolescents which were taken by surprise when the youngsters were showering in a gym. Ph. C. [Philippe Cryns] admits having taken these pictures.

- Testimonies pertaining to the organizing of sex parties, possibly with minors, by the director of modeling agency. From a reading of the dossier it turns out that the in here reported facts were hardly checked out during the investigation, even though there were more than enough reasons for this. During a hearing the commission learned that... a witness testified that Mr. Ph. C. was described as a drug addict and a pimp of children... Among the customers of the relevant institution, there was, next to members of the gangster milieu, Michel Nihoul. With the institution concerned here is meant the Mirano and the members of the gangster milieu who regularly came over the floor here next to Nihoul: Bouhouche, Beyer, Bultot and Achiel/Patrick Haemers.'...

The sex-related facts of Philippe Cryns were far less interesting to chairwoman De Gryse. During the court proceedings she confirmed that she hadn't looked at the pictures of the dossier, because 'everyone assured me that nothing was on there that would shock even a capuchin'... Cryns was labeled an organizer of these super-expensive sex-cocaine parties with a separate attraction of minors. From the court proceedings it turned out that Cryns picked up boys for this at the notorious Fontainasplein. Substitute Talon of the District Attorney's office testified that Cryns had given testimonies that at the cocaine parties children were used as a special attraction."

*) The 1999 book 'The X-Dossiers' contains similar information on the Mirano-Cryns affair. It supplements it with 1997 testimonies of "X-witness" VM1; p. 336: "'For four years, until he was thirteen, the majority of VM1's weekends consisted of sexual abuse', says [gendarme officer Marc] Toussaint. 'He witnessed murders on children, saw how newly-initiated but unwilling guests ended up dead in strange traffic accidents. He later ended up in a children's home in Brasschaat, and there also he was picked up by a juvenile judge'... VM1 also tells in detail about his years in the Mirano: 'I had to pick up children and get them drunk or give them drugs, then take 'em to the private area [of the Mirano], where they were abused.'"[278]

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 91-92: "It's not surprising then that Bouhouche, when he is arrested in late January 1986, calls in the help of Jean-Paul Dumont, lawyer of the Front de la Jeunesse, personal counselor to Paul latinus and eminent member of the CEPIC."

*) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 145, 177: "The Dutroux Report regularly points to certain lawyers who arranged all kinds of business for Nihoul... With these the CEPIC lawyers Jean-Paul Dumont and Philippe Deleuze are meant. Dumont was a close friend of Roger Boas... Dumont had a certain type of customers: Dossogne, Latinus, Bouhouche, labour broker Bongiorno, also Reyniers and still others... [Eric] Lammers [yet another fascist militant] had managed to slip up during the hearing to his lawyer Jean Paul Dumont in the presence of the victim's lawyer. He had recreated the sound the victim made while his throat was being slit. The court ordered the jury not to take this into consideration, as this fell under the confidentiality between client and lawyer.

That's how Lammers still got acquitted... At the proces in 1986 dealing with cocaine parties at the Mirano, Alewaeters was represented by the lawyers Deleuze and [Didier] De Quevy, who worked together with Dumont. According to the Dutroux Report, it appears to have been Jean-Paul Dumont who maintained contact with Cryns... Nihoul and Deleuze were both involved in a scam around an underaged kid, of which lawyer Deleuze had been given custody."

*) 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 25-26: "As a promising new lawyer Dumont later defended the members of this terrorist group, of which a number would be convicted for having set fire at the leftist weekly magazine Pour in 1981. These became the first names in a client register that, retroactively seen, safely could be used as a search engine for twenty years of organized crime in Belgium. Alleged members of the Gang of Nijvel (Adriano Vittorio), ex-gendarme officer Madani Bouhouche, Eric Lammers (of the neo-nazi Westland New Post), members of the gang surrounding Patrick Haemers (Axel Zeyen), Michel Nihoul, the Brussels judicial police commissioner Frans Reyniers, labour broker godfather Carmelo Bongiorno...

At the end of the 1980s, Dumont becomes the informal head of a small group of lawyers which for years manifests itself around the same clients and dossiers. For example around the in numerous affairs entangled baron de Bonvoisin. During these times, Dumont shares his office with lawyer Didier De Quevy, the lawyer of Marc Dutroux in 1989. He subsequently works close with Martial Lancaster, the in the mean time low profile Philippe Deleuze, a close friend of Michel Nihoul, and Julien Pierre, the present lawyer of Dutroux... It's not a secret that commissioner Georges Marnette and lawyer Jean-Paul Dumont are close friends."

[279] *) PV 118.379, December 12, 1996, 'Interview with X2 - Brabant-Wallon': "X2 regularly went to the Dolo where she met Bouhouche... At the Dolo Bill [sic] spoke with Bouhouche... X2 also met the wife of Bouhouche in the Hilton at the time of a meeting between [Jean] Gol, Philippe Moureaux, Wilfried Martens, VDB, Willy de Clerck, Jean-Michel Nihoul, Delvoye and Karel."

*) PV 118.382, December 13, 1996, 'Interview with X2; Jean-Paul Dumont': "X2 saw Dumont having sex with children in Eindhoven [where certain parties were organized in a castle]... The same [Dumont's abusive friends] also frequented the Dolo. Bouhouche sat at their table."

[280] March 6, 2003, De Standaard (prominent Belgian newspaper), 'Baron de Bonvoisin again to court': "Yesterday, the Black Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, with three of his companions, has been referred to the Brussels penal judge in the affair of forged KGB documents. Together with de Bonvoisin, his brother Pierre, Eric Van de Weghe and Christian Amory have to stand trial."

http://www.standaard.be/Artikel/Detail. ... 032003_035.

[281] Lhost's history is largely described in the 1998 book 'Het gevaar Demol' ('The danger of Demol'). This is a book that overlaps with 'De Bende & Co.' and 'De namen uit de doofpot', which also deal with the subversive extreme-right in Belgium. A translation of the Lhost part can be found on the following website:
http://www.sdnl.nl/fraude.htm (not my translation):

"# During the weekend of 2-3 January 1982, heavy, specialized and secret anti terrorism material was stolen from the heavily guarded Gendarmerie Headquarters in Brussels. The robbers were well up to date with the patrol schemes and the whereabouts of the secret weaponry. On 12-01-1982 Major Demessemakers, independent from the involved Mobile Legion unit, was charged with the investigation. On 18-02-82, he is being replaced by Lieutenant-Colonel Gérard Lhost who is from the Mobile Legion and Head of the Dyane Special Intervention Forces. From then on, the Gendarmerie systematically neglected any possibility to investigate towards extreme right wing connections or towards the possibility of inside co-operation with the robbers. The Gendarmerie decided who could be questioned.

# Lhost was questioned by the Parliamentary committee-II on banditry. His declarations are very doubtful and full of contradictory statements. Lhost claims (under oath) to have examined the extreme right wing connections thoroughly, but appears to have done nothing in this area. A so-called search warrant from Lhost to conduct a search of the premises at "Forces Nouvelles", shortly after the robbery, does not appear to exist. Two closely involved investigators deny the existence of such an order.

# Investigators, when being questioned by the Belgian parliamentary committee, explained that they were struck by the flagrant negligence of Lhost towards the traces of extreme right. Lhost appears to have had close contacts with "Forces nouvelles" during his service as Gendarmerie district commander in Liège.

# End 1985, Lhost suddenly left the Gendarmerie. He went to the internal security service of the EU institutions in Brussels, which happens to be a meeting point of Belgians who belonged to the Gendarmerie or other police forces. Half a dozen of them are known for their extreme right sympathies. Lhost, who is still a Commission official, found as colleagues ex-policeman Pierre Eveillard (ex-cabinet Vanden Boeynants), Robert Thomas (a specialist in political violence, who gave training to extreme right wing organizations like Front de la Jeunesse and Westland New Post) and also, the in the mean time deceased, Roland Maffioli (ex-member of the political section of the Brussels BOB, who helped infiltrating neo-nazi Paul Latinus into the State Security Service)."

[282] October 30, 1987, San Francisco Chronicle, 'New Twist In Presidio Molestings': "A reserve U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who serves as president and "high priest" in a Satanic church is under investigation for the molestation of a child who attended a Presidio day-care center, police said yesterday... in August, the report says, the girl and her father were shopping in the Presidio PX and the girl suddenly became afraid. "The victim ran to (her father) and in a frightened way clutched his leg. (The father) looked up and saw (a man) whom he knew to be Michael Aquino," the report says. When she was asked whether she knew Aquino, "she said `yes, that's Mikey.' "... Investigators took her to Leavenworth Street, where the girl pointed out Aquino's home as one she had visited, police said."

[283] November 8, 1987, San Jose Mercury News, 'Satanist accused of molesting girl; Soldier calls probe a witch hunt: "The records also say the child accurately described some features of Aquino's home, including walls painted black, and was able to take investigators to the home after being driven to the street where Aquino lived."

[284] October 30, 1987, San Francisco Chronicle, 'New Twist In Presidio Molestings': "The allegations are the most bizarre to date from the 11-month investigation into child molestation at the Army's Child Development Center on the Presidio. Thus far, investigators have checked about 100 young children for physical and psychological signs of sexual abuse, and have concluded that at least 58 had been molested at some point. A half-dozen or more have tested positive for chlamydia, a relatively common, curable venereal disease usually transmitted by sexual contact."

[285] October 31, 1987, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Child Molesting 'Rituals' Reported in Presidio Case': "One Presidio mother close to the probe into widespread molestation at a base day-care center said that young children have reported molestations in bizarre settings that suggest ritual sexual abuse. "From what I have heard, there is a fair number of children who describe being abused in a place other than the child-care center," said the mother, who asked to remain anonymous. "There have been children stuck with needles in various parts of their bodies, and they have reported people in costumes and robes. It all sounds very ritualized." Her descriptions of the incidents were confirmed by other parents."

[286] August 2, 1988, San Jose Mercury News, 'D.A. won't charge officer in day care case; not enough evidence of Presidio sex abuse, he says': "Several of the children said they were ritually abused in ceremonies where they were forced to drink urine and eat feces."

[287] January 6, 1990, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Presidio Molestation Suspect Dies of AIDS' [not Aquino]: "Parents of children who were the alleged victims of molestation filed claims for more than $60 million in damages against the Army. Many of the claims are still pending."
[288] August 2, 1988, San Jose Mercury News, 'D.A. won't charge officer in day care case; not enough evidence of Presidio sex abuse, he says': "Several parents have accused the Army of attempting to cover up abuse problems at its day care centers."

[289] January 6, 1990, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Presidio Molestation Suspect Dies of AIDS' [not Aquino]: "Although Hambright was the only person criminally charged in the case, police and FBI agents also investigated allegations that Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, a self-described satanist who once was stationed at the Presidio, had been involved in molesting some of the children. Eventually that investigation, too, was abandoned."

[290] November 8, 1987, San Jose Mercury News, 'Satanist accused of molesting girl; Soldier calls probe a witch hunt: "In a telephone interview from St. Louis, where he is stationed, Aquino said he came to Satanism by accident. He said he had just finished his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara when he happened to attend the premiere of "Rosemary's Baby" in 1968 and became intrigued by the entourage of Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and an adviser on the film... He became a high priest."

[291] Ibid.: "Aquino left for Vietnam a few months later, serving as a psychological warfare expert and there joined the Church of Satan."

[292] October 31, 1987, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Child Molesting 'Rituals' Reported in Presidio Case': "He is qualified for airborne duty and has served with the Green Berets."

[293] Ibid.: "Aquino has also served as a liaison officer in NATO countries, and has been a consulting faculty member at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, the resume states."

[294] November 8, 1987, San Jose Mercury News, 'Satanist accused of molesting girl; Soldier calls probe a witch hunt: "In 1982, Aquino performed a satanic ritual in the Westphalian castle used as an occult sanctuary by Heinrich Himmler's S.S. Elite in Nazi Germany. Aquino, in a Temple of Set newsletter, told of performing the ritual in the castle's Hall of the Dead while on a tour of NATO military installations in Europe."

[295] Ibid.: "In 1981 he was a reserve attache to the Defense Intelligence Agency, and a year later he was a student at the Foreign Service Institute, sponsored by the Department of State."

[296] Ibid.: "''Lt. Col. Aquino makes no bones about the fact that he is a priest of his church," said Maj. Greg Rixon, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon. "He makes no bones about the fact that he is a Satanist, so no pressure could be placed on him by someone trying to leverage his behavior." Rixon would not comment on the extent of Aquino's access to top-security information, though Aquino said, "This last year, while I was at the National Defense University, I was holding a top-secret compartmentalized security clearance, which is just about as high as you can get.""

[297] Ibid.: "Aquino now works as a program analyst at the Army Reserve Personnel Center in St. Louis, handling all personnel matters for the reserve there."

[298] October 31, 1987, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Child Molesting 'Rituals' Reported in Presidio Case': "Aquino's civilian career has also been varied. According to the resume, he is a licensed securities dealer registered with the New York Stock Exchange and a former employee of Merrill Lynch."

[299] Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 327-330 (Feb. 2006 edition)

[300] *) First of all, "Dr. Green" was later "identified" as Dr. Josef Mengele by Fritz Springmeier. Unfortunately, Springmeier doesn't give a source of this apparent assumption. David Icke, who copied a lot of information from Springmeier, has also begun to claim that Dr. Green was Josef Mengele. February 2007, Graham Kibble-White interview with David Icke for www.offthetelly.co.uk (Icke: "Josef Mengele was actually one of the key architects of that [early mind control research].

I've talked to loads of people in America who were victims of that who met Mengele. He was known as Dr Green." Arizona Wilder, the alleged "Queen Mother" interviewed by David Icke, was his apparent source for that (at about 43 minutes of his video interview, including the intro, Wilders, who really tries to come across as a victim, makes this statement). The problem here is that without sources both Springmeier and Wilder have zero credibility. On top of that, the short biography of Dr. Green provided by DeCamp (and Dr. D. Corydon Hammond) does not match the one of Mengele. Although notorious for his experiments, Mengele was not a teenage concentration camp inmate and he never moved to the United States.

*) Can't tell if DeCamp had other sources for the Greenbaum theory, but its source appears to have been the quite distinguished Dr. D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D. On Thursday June 25, 1992, Dr. Hammond gave a speech at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia, which was sponsored by the Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C. This speech has been labeled 'the Greenbaum speech'. An excerpt: "Here's where it appears to have come from. At the end of World War II, before it even ended, Allen Dulles and people from our Intelligence Community were already in Switzerland making contact to get out Nazi scientists.

As World War II ends, they not only get out rocket scientists, but they also get out some Nazi doctors who have been doing mind-control research in the camps. They brought them to the United States. Along with them was a young boy, a teenager, [named Greenbaum] who had been raised in a Hasidic Jewish tradition and a background of Cabalistic mysticism that probably appealed to people in the Cult because at least by the turn of the century Aleister Crowley had been introducing Cabalism into Satanic stuff, if not earlier. I suspect it may have formed some bond between them. But he saved his skin by collaborating and being an assistant to them in the death-camp experiments.

They brought him with them. They started doing mind-control research for Military Intelligence in military hospitals in the United States. The people that came, the Nazi doctors, were Satanists. Subsequently, the boy changed his name, Americanized it some, obtained an M.D. degree, became a physician and continued this work that appears to be at the center of Cult Programming today. His name [Greenbaum, quite possibly a pseudonym and reference to the Cabalist tree] is known to patients throughout the country... The way you create Manchurian Candidates is you divide the mind. It's part of what the Intelligence Community wanted to look at. If you're going to get an assassin, you're going to get somebody to go do something, you divide the mind... It appears that below this we've got some other layers.

One is called "Green Programming" it appears. Isn't it interesting that the doctor's name is Dr. Green?... I remember one woman couldn't come up with anything. No alter would speak up with anything. I said, "Okay," and we went on to some other material. About two minutes later she said, "Green. Do you mean Dr. Green?" We found this all over. There appears to be some Green Programming below that and I suspect that you get down to fewer and more central programs the deeper you go. Well, all Green Programming is Ultra-Green and the Green Tree. Cabalistic mysticism is mixed all into this. If you're going to work with this you need to pick up a couple of books on the Cabala... I knew nothing about the Cabala. It was interesting.

A patient had sat in my waiting area, got there considerably early and drew a detailed multicolored Cabalistic Tree over two years ago. It took me two months to figure out what it was. Finally, showing it to somebody else who said, "You know? That looks an awful lot like the Cabala Tree" and that rang a bell with some esoteric in an old book and I dug it out. That was the background of Dr. Green... Now the interesting thing about the Green Tree is his original name was Greenbaum. What does "greenbaum" mean in German? Green Tree, Ultra-Tree and the Green Tree. I've also had patients who didn't appear to know that his original name was Greenbaum, volunteered that there were parts inside named Mr. Greenbaum...

The interesting thing is how many people have described the same scenario and how many people that we have worked with who have had relatives in NASA, in the CIA and in the Military, including very high-ups in the Military... I have seen this in people up into their forties including people whose parents were very, very high in the CIA, other sorts of things like that. I've had some that were originally part of the Monarch Project which is the name of the government Intelligence project."

Hammond's talk about a Satanic Illuminati is something which worries me a bit, although possibly somewhat understandable as this speech was given back in the early 1990s. There was only a fraction of the information available that there is today. Additionally, it would also be nice to know a lot more about the techniques used by Dr. Hammond and how many other psychiatrists found evidence of this "Dr. Greenbaum"?
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Old 11-08-2009, 05:24 PM
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Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 331 (Feb. 2006 edition). At least a part of this information might have come from Lyndon Larouche's EIR, who supported DeCamp in his Franklin case exposure. DeCamp later included a chapter in his book 'The Franklin Cover-Up' in which he showed how the authorities had manipulated evidence to the extreme to get Lyndon Larouche in jail.

[302] Affidavit of Colonel Edward Cutolo, signed March 11, 1980: "17. Mr. Edwin Wilson explained that it was considered that Operation Watch Tower might be compromised and become known if politicians, judicial figures, police and religious entities were approached or received word that U.S. Troops had aided in delivering narcotics from Columbia into Panama. Based on that possibility, intense surveillance was undertaken by my office to ensure if Watch Tower became known of, the U.S. government and the Army would have advance warning and could prepare a defense... 19.

The surveillance was unofficially dubbed Operation George Orwell. 20. I instituted surveillance against Ted Kennedy, John Kerry... Surveillance at my orders was instituted at the Governors' residences of Massachusetts, Maine, New York, and New Hampshire. The Catholic cathedrals of New York and Boston were placed under electronic surveillance also. In the area of Ft. Devens, all local police and politicians were under some sort of surveillance at various times... 74. I was notified by Edwin Wilson that the information forwarded to Wash. D.C., was disseminated to private corporations who were developing weapons for the Dept. of Defense.

Those private corporations were encouraged to use the sensitive information gathered from surveillance on U.S. Senators and Representatives as leverage to manipulate those Congressmen into approving whatever costs the weapons systems incurred... 77. As of the date of this affidavit, 8,400 police departments, 1,370 churches, and approx. 17,900 citizens have been monitored under Operation Orwell. The major churches targeted have been Catholic and Latter Day Saints.

I have stored certain information gathered by Operation Orwell on Ft. Devens, and pursuant to instructions from Edwin Wilson have forwarded additional information gathered to Wash. D.C. 78.... Certain information was collected on suspected members of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group. Among those that information was collected on were Gerald Ford and President Jimmy Carter. Edwin Wilson indicated that additional surveillance was implemented against former CIA director George Bush, who Wilson named as a member of the Trilateral Commission."

Cutolo was among a small group of special forces officers that questioned the legality of CIA-sanctioned drug trafficking operations from Colombia to Noriega's Panama, from where they were shipped to the US mafia. Cutolo and several of his Delta Force associates were arranging the navigation and security of these operations, overseen by Ed Wilson (probably as part of Task Force 157), his superior Thomas Clines, and Mossad agents David Kimche and Micha Hariri. Clines, in turn, was a deputy to Ted Shackley, head of the Secret Team and a highest level player in the CIA drug trade. Cutolo died in a car crash in England in May 1980.

Col. Robert Bayard had been killed in Georgia in 1977 and Cutolo claimed he had been assassinated by the Israelis. Col. A.J. Bo Baker (the best friend of Col. Bo Gritz in Delta Force) died in Germany on March 24, 1980, just after allegedly having received the original copy of Cutolo's affidavit. Col. Nick Rowe was killed in the Philippines in April 1989, just after having planned to go public with the affidavit in the aftermath of Iran Contra. Hugh Pearce, who received a copy of Cutolo's affidavit and was planning to go public, died in a helicopter crash in June 1989. Congressman Larkin Smith, who received a copy of Cutolo's affidavit and had been planning to meet Rowe and Pearce, died in a plane crash in August 1989.

Paul Neri, who also had a copy of the affidavit, was killed in April 1990. After Neri's death, one of his anonymous friends send Cutolo's affidavit to persons who made it more widely known. Bo Gritz also exposed the story of these men in his 1991 book 'Called to Serve'. Senior Mossad officers David Kimche and Micha Hariri are blamed for the assassinations. They were deeply involved in the South American drug trade and gave technology to certain dictators the US didn't want to deal with directly. Among them was Noriega who received top secret NSA listening equipment.

[303] 1984, Jim Hougan, 'Secret Agenda', p. 120 Information in this book also discussed in DeCamp's book.

[304] It has been reported on several instances that Moon and Park worked with the KCIA, but their connections to Western intelligence are pretty much never discussed in mainstream publications. Moon's long time heavy funding of the WACL and his friendship with many rabidly anti-communist crusaders is a pretty obvious giveaway that he has been working with US intelligence. Park's connection with Western intelligence appears to have been discussed even less, but the following report should leave little doubt:

January 17, 1988, Newsday (Melville, NY), 'Ex-Bush Aide Met With Noriega Sources: Visit Gave Him 'Mixed Signals'': "- A former chief of staff to Vice President George Bush met with Panamanian strongman Manuel Antonio Noriega last fall to discuss investments in Panama by undisclosed sources, at a time when the U.S. government was stepping up pressure on the general to step down.

The meeting with Noriega, confirmed by the former Bush aide, Daniel Murphy, took place just before a Senate staff delegation traveled to Panama City on a fact-finding mission. The Senate panel ultimately recommended in December that the United States cut off all support for Noriega. Murphy, who also was a deputy director of the CIA under Bush when he headed the agency, was accompanied to Panama by Korean influence-peddler Tong Sun Park, according to Panamanian opposition sources and a U.S. congressional source. Park was the subject of a congressional inquiry in the 1970s into alleged payoffs to members of Congress. Murphy refused to confirm or deny whether he had traveled with Park but said that Park had not set up the session with the general..."
For a long time, Noriega was a highly important middleman between the CIA and South-American drug cartels.

[305] Winter 2002–2003, 21th Century Science & Technology Magazine (EIR publication), p. 6–29: "The sex is a specialty of Moon's own Gnostic "family" cult. Remember the Congressional Madam scandals of the 1970s, featuring Tong Sun Park and Suzy Park Thomson? That was just the tip of the iceberg of "The Reverend" Moon's sexual-favors operation. Military intelligence officers who investigated Unification Church operations in Washington in the 1970s and '80s, report that the recruitment device used on ranking, conservative political and military officials was to hold weekly orgies, arranged by Col. Bo Hi Pak, the Unification Church official who was a top officer of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). The special treat at these affairs were the "Little Angels"—Korean schoolgirls brought over by Moon as a singing group. The photo files from these sessions are reported to be a powerful influence in certain circles to this very day."

[306] Far more background information in PEHI's article on Le Cercle.

[307] Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 178-179 (Feb. 2006 edition)

[308] March 31, 1954, The Chronicle Telegram, Ohio: "Naumann used a Dusseldorf export-import firm, the H. S. Luch Company, as a front for a world wide political network which kept in touch with Nazi exiles in Spain and Argentina, as well as pro Nazis in other countries. For example, Col. Otto Skorzeny, the rescuer of Mussolini, and Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler's former financial wizard, are connected with the company in Spain [where Skorzeny ran an underground mercenary group called Paladin, in Madrid]... Two members of the Nazi-Communist underground in Spain also took in Senator McCarthy's two junior G-men. Roy Cohn and David Schine, during their comic-opera, spy-hunting junket throughout Europe last year."

[309] Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 169, 330 (Feb. 2006 edition): "[referring to Bonacci:] Travel to Hawaii, New York, Washington (in connection with Craig Spence) to compromise public figures by performing homosexual pedophile sex with them... King acquired contacts in Washington's homosexual prostitution scene, one of whom was the late Craig Spence. A lobbyist and political operative, Spence maintained a call boy ring that catered to the political elite and, unlike most D.C. call boy rings, offered children to its clients.

Spence's activities made banner headlines in the Washington Times on June 29, 1989: 'Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIP's with Reagan, Bush.' Spence's access was so good, that he could arrange nighttime tours of the White House for his clients.

The Times added on August 9, 1989, that Spence 'hinted the tours were arranged by 'top level' persons, including Donald Gregg, national security advisor to Vice President Bush..." Spence, according to friends, was also carrying out homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA. According to a Washington, D.C. investigative journalist who researched the Spence ring, 'The way we discovered Larry King and this Nebraska-based call boy ring, was by looking through the credit card chits of Spence's ring, where we found King's name.'

Another investigator, with personal knowledge of the call-boy rings operating in Washington, put it this way: 'Larry King and Craig Spence were business partners. Look at two companies, 'Dream Boys' and 'Man to Man', both of which operated under another service, 'Bodies by God.'"

[310] June 30, 1989, Washington Times, 'Power brokers served drugs, sex at parties for blackmail'

[311] *) June 30, 1989, The Washington Times, 'Power broker served drugs, sex at parties bugged for blackmail'
*) November 13, 1989, Washington Times, 'In death, Spence stayed true to form'
More extensive quotes can be found in the column on the left.

[312] Youtube film linked at www.franklincase.org under the heading 'Mainstream News Coverage of the 89' Washington D.C. Call Boy Scandal involving Paul Bonacci (03 January 2007)'. Watched it somewhere in February or March 2007, but when I needed to go over it again in late June to be included in this article the film was not available anymore [update, it recently became available again]. What I remember is that in the last part of the video DeCamp was talking to one of the original investigators of the Craig Spence case. In this segment is was mentioned that the documents pertaining to the Spence case were sealed by court order until, I believe, somewhere in the 2060s or 2070s. Then one of the original investigators related to DeCamp that he had been informed the records would only be unsealed when there's "a cold day in hell".

[313] 1998, Regina Louf, 'Zwijgen is voor daders - De getuigenis van X1' ('Silence is for perpetrators - The testimony of X1'), p. 99-103

[314] July 29, 1991, Time Magazine, 'The Dirtiest Bank of All': "B.C.C.I. is more than just a criminal bank. From interviews with sources close to B.C.C.I., TIME has pieced together a portrait of a clandestine division of the bank called the "black network," which functions as a global intelligence operation and a Mafia-like enforcement squad. Operating primarily out of the bank's offices in Karachi, Pakistan, the 1,500-employee black network has used sophisticated spy equipment and techniques, along with bribery, extortion, kidnapping and even, by some accounts, murder. The black network -- so named by its own members -- stops at almost nothing to further the bank's aims the world over."
"The more conventional departments of B.C.C.I. handled such services as laundering money for the drug trade and helping dictators loot their national treasuries.

The black network, which is still functioning, operates a lucrative arms-trade business and transports drugs and gold. According to investigators and participants in those operations, it often works with Western and Middle Eastern intelligence agencies. The strange and still murky ties between B.C.C.I. and the intelligence agencies of several countries are so pervasive that even the White House has become entangled.

As TIME reported earlier this month, the National Security Council used B.C.C.I. to funnel money for the Iran-contra deals, and the CIA maintained accounts in B.C.C.I. for covert operations. Moreover, investigators have told TIME that the Defense Intelligence Agency has maintained a slush-fund account with B.C.C.I., apparently to pay for clandestine activities..."

"U.S. agents collaborated with the black network in several operations, according to a B.C.C.I. black-network "officer" who is now a secret U.S. government witness. Sources have told investigators that B.C.C.I. worked closely with Israel's spy agencies and other Western intelligence groups as well, especially in arms deals. The bank also maintained cozy relationships with international terrorists, say investigators who discovered suspected terrorist accounts for Libya, Syria and the Palestine Liberation Organization in B.C.C.I.'s London offices..."

"The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the resulting strategic importance of neighboring Pakistan accelerated the growth of B.C.C.I.'s geopolitical power and its unbridled use of the black network..."

"The bank was in a unique position to operate an intelligence- gathering unit because it dealt with such figures as Noriega, Saddam, Marcos, Peruvian President Alan Garcia, Daniel Ortega, contra leader Adolfo Calero and arms dealers like Adnan Khashoggi. Its original purpose was to pay bribes, intimidate authorities and quash investigations. But according to a former operative, sometime in the early 1980s the black network began running its own drugs, weapons and currency deals."

"I was recruited by the black network in the early 1980s," says an Arab- born employee who has ties to a ruling family in the Middle East and has told U.S. authorities of his role in running one of the black units. "They came to me while I was in school in the U.S.; they spoke my language, knew all of my friends and gave me money. They told me they wanted me to join the organization, and described its wealth and political power, but at first they never said exactly what the organization did..."

"The black network was the bank's deepest secret, but rumors of its activities filtered through the bank's managerial level with chilling effectiveness. Senior bankers voice fears that they will be financially ruined or physically maimed -- even killed -- if they are found talking about B.C.C.I.'s activities... Businessmen who pursued shady deals with B.C.C.I. are just as frightened. 'Look,' says an arms dealer, 'these people work hand in hand with the drug cartels; they can have anybody killed.'... Currently the black units have focused their scrutiny and intimidation on investigators. 'Our own people have been staked out or followed, and we suspect tapped telephones,' says a New York law-enforcement officer."

[315] Journalist and investigative author Alex Constatine wrote extensively about the connections between satanic ritual abuse and US intelligence research into mind control. He's not the only one though.

[316] 1995, Alex Constantine, 'Psychic dictatorship in the USA', p. 56: "Testimony before the 1977 Church Committee's probe of the CIA hinted that, as of 1963, the scientific squalor of the CIA's mind control regimen, code-named MKULTRA, had abandoned military and academic laboratories, fearing exposure, and mushroomed in cities across the country. Confirmation arrived in 1980 when Joseph Holsinger, an aide to late Congressman Leo Ryan (who was murdered by a death squad at Jonestown) exposed the formation of eccentric religious cults by the CIA. Holsinger made the allegation at a colloquium of psychologists in San Francisco on "Psychosocial Implications of the Jonestown Phenomenon." Holsinger maintained that a CIA rear-support base had been in collusion with Jones to perform medical and mind control experiments at People's Temple.

The former Congressional aide cited an essay he'd received in the mail, "The Penal Colony," written by a Berkeley psychologist. The author had emphasized: Rather than terminating MKULTRA, THE CIA SHIFTED ITS PROGRAMS FROM PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS TO PRIVATE CULT GROUPS, including the People's Temple... The press was blind to obvious CIA connections, but survivors of the carnage in Guyana followed the leads and maintained that Jim Jones was "an employee, servant, agent or operative of the Central Intelligence Agency" from 1963--the year the Agency turned to cult cut-outs to conceal MKULTRA mind control activities--until 1978."

The story of Holsinger accusing the CIA has been documented in a few 1980s newspaper reports. Haven't seen a copy of 'The Penal Colony'. Hopefully it will be uploaded to the net some day.

*) November 20, 1978, Washington Post, 'Survivors of Guyana Ambush Are Rescued': "One account from the Guyana retreat, known as Jonestown, came from former Temple aide Deborah Layton Blakely last summer. In an affidavit she gave the San Francisco Chronicle after fleeing the mission, she described public beatings ordered by Jones and a squad of 50 armed guards who watched over the camp at all times. Blakely and at least one other church member also described ritualistic mass suicide plans that could be put into effect should the mission or Jones be threatened.

Blakely and at least one other church member also described ritualistic mass suicide plans that could be put into effect should the mission or Jones be threatened. Blakely claimed Jones had "a tyrannical hold over the lives of Temple members," who had helped him amass more than $5 million in donations. Black members of the church were told that if they did not follow him to Guyana, they would be put in concentration camps and killed, Blakely said. "White members were instilled with the belief that their names appeared on a secret list of enemies of the state that was kept by the CIA and they would be tracked down, tortured, imprisoned, and subsequently killed if they did not flee to Guyana." Many former members have said they were required to confess, in writing, to crimes they had not committed - including adultery and molesting their children.

These written confessions, the former members say, were then held by the church in case these people turned against Jones... Hundreds of threats were made against reporters and publications that carried reports of church actions. Still, they continued in San Francisco area newspapers... In response to a request from [Senator Leo] Ryan to check into alleged atrocities at Jonestown the State Department had "looked into" the Gayana mission recently, but reported back that it looked fine. It was after that report that Ryan, according to his administrative assistant, Joe Holsinger, decided "to go down and look for himself."... Leo J. Ryan (D-Calif.), who was killed in Guyana on Saturday, [was there] to interest the national press in the story..."

*) September 27, 1981, The Washington Post, 'Mistrial Declared in Case of Former Peoples Temple Aide': "The CIA connection still draws great interest from many participants in the Jonestown cases, including Layton attorney Tamburello. "We got some information from the CIA and everything was blacked out but the page numbers," he said. Former Ryan aide Joe Holsinger and Peoples Temple defector Jim Cobb have suggested that Jonestown was in part a CIA behavior modification experiment and a device by which the agency manipulated the Guyanan administration of Prime Minister Forbes Burnham."

*) November 15, 1988, The Record, 'Jonestown massacre: More questions than answers - A look bank, 10 years later': "More than 900 people died of cyanide poisoning or gunshots at the Jonestown compound. Jones died of a gunshot wound, and it has never been resolved whether he killed himself or was murdered.

A few hours earlier, a hit squad [of Jonestown members who were also to commit suicide, had traveled to the Port Kaituma airstrip where Ryan's entourage was preparing to board a small airplane with 14 Temple defectors. The gunmen killed Ryan and four others, three journalists and a Temple defector... Theorists have suggested that Jones was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency, which was supposedly monitoring his mind-control experiments. "There has never been a formal investigation, and every effort to investigate has been thwarted," Holsinger said."

*) November 18, 1988, The Orange County Register, 'A powerful aura of mystery still enshrouds Jonestown': "Joe Holsinger, the former chief of staff for California Rep. Leo Ryan, who was murdered as he was preparing to leave Guyana with about a dozen defectors from Jonestown, doggedly has insisted that a "disinformation" campaign was launched by the US government to conceal the truth about Jonestown. "In my view," said Holsinger, who now serves as a deputy superintendent for California schools, "it's been a pretty elaborate cover-up."

He has theorized that CIA operatives working at the US Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana, might have been using Jones and his community in a "wildcat behavior-modification experiment." Holsinger also disputes the official explanation that virtually all of the 913 Temple members who died at Jonestown voluntarily drank a cyanide-laced beverage. That version also was called into question by the chief medical examiner in Guyana at the time, Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, who estimated that more than 700 of the victims were injected with the poison forcibly."

[317] February 26, 1991, Rocky Mountain News, 'Seminar discusses cult abuse; many young victims repress memories': "Therapists estimate 10,000 to 20,000 survivors of such ritualistic abuse are now getting treatment. That includes 150 to 250 in Colorado, many of whom participate in one of several support groups in the metro area. "But there's no way of guessing how many there are who aren't in therapy," said David Donaldson, a graduate of Denver Seminary who received a doctorate in psychology from Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. Donaldson began his study of Satanic abusive practices when his wife began experiencing memories of her past."

[318] Following is a rather long and largely philosophical piece which goes into what many might consider a number of extreme theories. However, remember that in this article we've also discussed extreme testimonies from a whole range of witnesses, which regularly dealt with sex orgies, ritual sacrifice and Satanism (involving grand masters). These testimonies need explaining and therefore it's necessary to openly theorize a bit about the possibilities. The theory that all these stories are untrue for one reason or another is still considered a possibility, but given no further attention here.

First of all, Gnosticism can go both ways and largely depends on what aspects of the Old- and New Testament people are interested in (or the Nag Hammadi). On the positive side, individuals involved in Gnosticism are spiritual adventurers or scientists who want to experience and understand the spiritual nature of life, in this case from the perspective that Jesus was an important spiritual teacher. Observations in quantum physics, like the observer effect, or other unexplained but verifiable phenomena are often mentioned in an effort to show that there doesn't have to be separation between spirituality and regular science (which is as dogmatic as any other religion). This positive side of Gnosticism appeals to many spiritually-oriented persons, even though many might see Jesus more as an archetype, a highly positive symbol of the collective unconsciousness, possibly even having its own (powerful) morphic field (Sheldrake).

There also are Gnostics/hermeticists who, for example, are more interested in the story of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, which gave mankind the knowledge between good and evil; knowledge which God didn't want Adam and Eve to have. While classical Christians consider Adam and Eve having taken the apple from the tree as an act of stealing, these Gnostics are on the side of the serpent, which is identified with Lucifer. According to this group, Lucifer is the one who brought - and continues to bring - knowledge and wisdom to mankind.

Although there are different groups with different takes on the alleged serpent-in-the-garden event (clearly there's a lot of metaphoric talk involved) with some being far more negative than others, things certainly become very negative with groups that like to call themselves "anti-christs" or even claim that Lucifer's demons are beneficial to humans. Usually these type of groups are very secretive as to their real philosophies and the things they teach while their leadership is petty and vindicative. At least in the past, some of the more influential groups of this kind were involved in subversive activities in a number of countries. Examples would be Martinism, Synarchism, Illuminism and Memphis Misraim, which are all closely related to each other.

The Memphis Misraim rite, which in this note is to be tied to Luciferianism, is based on the old mystery religions of the ancient Middle- and Near East. According to several official MM websites (www.memphis-misraim.us, for example), Giuseppe "Joseph" Balsamo, also known as "count" Alessandro Cagliostro (1743-1795), was the main founder of the Misraim Rite (it must be stated that some authors, like Frank Ripel, claim that Cagliostro was not Balsamo and that this tie was just a deception of their arch enemy, the Jesuits: "Since 1738, one can find traces of this Rite filled with alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 degrees. Joseph Balsamo, called Cagliostro, a key character of his time, [knew] how to give it the impulse necessary for its development. Very close to the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta, Manual Pinto de Fonseca [disputed by critics],

Cagliostro founded the Rite of High Egyptian Masonry in 1784." Cagliostro is said to have founded the Rite of Misraim in Venice in 1788, although other authors have placed the real origins of this rite several years or even several decades back. Cagliostro had many high level friends. He met Benjamin Franklin in Paris, supposedly met Saint-Germain, considered my many occult groups an "Ascended Master"; alleged inspiration to the founding fathers of the US; inspired Theosophy in London, and was a good friend of S.E. Zuliani, a Venetian ambassador and co-founder of Cagliostro in the founding of his rite. Cagliostro had allegedly also been initiated into the Illuminati several years before creating the Rite of Misraim.

The Belgian branch of seemingly a rival Memphis Misraim Rite (www.memphis- misraim.be/download/NL/HISTOMMnl.pdf, part of www.memphis-misraim- international.org) considers it possible that some of the founders of the Misraim Rite were connected to an older, even more obscure organization called Fratres Lucis i.e., Brothers of Lucifer, going back to the 15th Century and in turn tied to Rosicrucianism and every other mystery religion most people never heard about. According to the Aquarian Guide to Occult, Mystical, Religious, Magical London & Around, London, The Aquarian Press, 1970, p. 19: "[Fratres Lucis] was established in Florence in 1498, by representatives of many of the religions and philosophies suppressed by the Roman Church".

Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) has spoken in more detail about Cagliostro and his clique of Parisian occultists, which is definitely relevant to this whole article. Although I can't vouch for any of it and don't know where they got all this information, I find myself nodding along, for example, when reading the following passage (therefore the rest might just be true also, at least to a certain extent):

"This occult freemasonic conspiracy [Synarchism and Martinism], is found among both nominally left-wing and also extreme right-wing factions such as the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, the Mont Pelerin Society, and American Enterprise Institute and Hudson Institute, and the so-called integrist far right inside the Catholic clergy. The underlying authority behind these cults is a contemporary network of private banks of that medieval Venetian model known as fondi."

Anyone who read my article on Le Cercle will know I had been struggling to integrate leads to the pre-WWII CSAR and Synarchist Movement of Empire on one hand and the ultra-right Catholic nobility of the Vatican-Paneuropa network, which includes the Mont Pelerin Society, on the other. The standard coterie of banks (and the general privatization process), which can be found in organizations like Le Cercle, in turn might represent the old Venetian merchant model and subsequent East India Companies of Holland and England.
Back to Cagliostro and his network:

September 2, 2003, Anton Chaitkin for EIR, 'Synarchy Against America': "Then living in England as the agent of the colonies, Franklin frequently visited the Earl of Shelburne [1737–1805] at his Bowood estate. Shelburne chaired the all-powerful three-man "Secret Committee" of the East India Company, which also included Francis Baring of the banking house that bore his name. Shelburne was the most sophisticated representative of the frankly Satanic financier powers behind the British throne...

The East India Company, a Royal-chartered private joint-stock company, represented the pinnacle of mid-18th-Century power, of what was known as the "Venetian Party" of rentier-financier oligarchs [the Whigs], who derived their global power from near monopoly control over key raw materials and commodities, insurance, banking, and shipping routes [same went for its Dutch counterpart]. The East India Company of Shelburne's "Secret Committee" deployed a more modern and large-scale military force than did the British Crown, maintaining control over their private fiefdoms in India and other parts of the world. The Company represented the gradual merger of British and Dutch financier factions, and, thus, operated above any notion of individual national loyalties. In effect, Shelburne was the "doge" of the combined British and continental European financier oligarchy...

The Shelburne machine owned France's Philippe Duke of Orleans [alleged Illuminati at the time], cousin and enemy to Louis XVI, and opponent of the French nation-building tradition which was now being applied to the American cause. Shelburne and the Duke of Orleans employed creatures from the swamp of mystics and charlatans centered in the freemasonic lodges of Lyons, France, in particular the Martinist Order. Among the Martinists who performed in the staged 1780s-1790s French destabilizations were Franz Anton Mesmer, Count Cagliostro (real name Giuseppe Balsamo), Jacques Cazotte, Fabré d'Olivet [an advisor to Napoleon, but somehow came into conflict with him; hugely influential on Saint-Yves d'Alveydre, the founder of Synarchism], and Joseph de Maistre. Martinism, a mocking perversion of Catholicism, considers Fallen Man to be in exile in this earthly existence, deprived of his powers.

Man can only restore his original condition by initiation to the inner ranks of a secret society, through purgative violence—sado-masochistic rituals, torture, and human sacrifices... This pagan ritualism breeds heartless imperial soldiers and fanatic gang leaders, as Mithraic Stoicism did for the Roman Caesars. After Martinism guided successive French coups, its banker-proprietors spun it into Synarchy and fascism—while labeling it Conservatism or fundamentalist Christianity... Cagliostro had already published a Letter to the French (June 20, 1786) prophesying that "The Bastille shall be completely destroyed, and the land upon which it had been erected shall become a promenade area." The "Count" made this pronouncement after his meetings with the Scottish Rite Mother Lodge in London."

November 24, 2004, Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., 'Re-Animating the World's Economy': "These forces were, in the main, the same network of international financier-oligarchical entities, once known as the Synarchist International, which had created modern fascism in the image of Alessandro Cagliostro's and Count Joseph de Maistre's Napoleon Bonaparte,[2] and had swallowed up the nations of western and central continental Europe into the Nazi system over the interval from banker Volpi di Misurata's Mussolini coup of 1922, through the close of the war in Europe...

Cagliostro and de Maistre were among the leading figures of a strange freemasonic cult, the Martinists, organized by London's Lord Shelburne around some of the networks of the notorious Voltaire. Cagliostro was notorious for his conspiratorial orchestration of the affairs of the Queen's Necklace, an artificed scandal, like those which the Mellon-Scaife circles attempted against President Bill Clinton, used to poison French opinion against Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France and sister of the Austrian Emperor Joseph II."
Whether it's true or not, this is what EIR had to say about the one of the most important founders of Memphis-Misraim and the related Synarchist branch.

In 1881, the Memphis Rite (inspired by Templarism) and related Misraim Rite were brought under one roof by general Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882). Garibaldi worked closely with Giuseppe Mazzini in trying to unite and turn Italy into a republic. Mazzini, of course, is well known in conspiracy circles as he is named as a head of the infamous Illuminati (as already stated, one of many occult groups), following up Adam Weishaupt.

The classic conspiracy literature states that Mazzini knew general Albert Pike, the equally famous top-Freemason (judging from his writings, you'd guess also of some esoteric rites, but no one seems to know for sure) with his vague references to Lucifer. As the classic "three world wars" letter between Mazzini and Pike has every indication of being bogus, mainstream history doesn't really talk about any relationship between these individuals, and I have no details on Youth America - supposedly another link between these two - this connection between Garibaldi/Mazzzini and Pike is left alone here, besides the fact that EIR has claimed all three, like Cagliostro, were agents of the British Empire, mainly through Lord Palmerston (1784-1865).

Back to the Memphis Misraim rite again. In 1913, the "well known" occultist Theodore Reuss became head of this rite. Reuss was a top level person in just about every other occult organization in the West, including the OTO, Rosicrucianism, Martinism (and therefore Synarchism), the Scottish Rite and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light (remember, in these circles, light equals lucifer), the latter supposedly an offshoot or continuation of the earlier-mentioned Fratres Lucis. Reuss was the one who promoted Crowley in the OTO and he later adapted Crowley's "Gnostic Mass". In earlier times, Reuss had tried to revive the Illuminati on different occasions, which is yet another indication this was one of a number of secret occult societies.

In 1960, a person called Robert Ambelain became the new head of the Memphis Misraim Rite. In 1973, this Ambelain appointed the Francesco Brunelli (1927-1982; also a grand master in the Martinist Order) as head of the almost non-existent Memphis Misraim Rite in Italy. In 1981, Gianfranco Perilli (better known as Frank Giano Ripel) took over from Brunelli and restructured the rite somewhat. Ripel remained head of this rite until 1999, when he put it to sleep, apparently because so few were interested in it. In 2003, Ripel revived his Memphis Misraim Rite with support from Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, a young occultist who wrote the book 'Por la Senda de Lucifer' ('On the Path of Lucifer'). Like Theodore Reuss, Lopez de Rojas is in the process of reviving "the Illuminati".

September 25, 2005, El-Amarna interview with Lopez de Rojas (Rojas: "That is according to the Judeo-Cristian tradition [that Lucifer is the fallen angel]. But in fact he provided the light that liberated men of the chains of tyranny... to contact these entities is very easy, there are some techniques that any initiate can use, the Hebrew cabal explains it to them."
Whether Ripel is accepted by the international Memphis Misraim bodies or not (probably not, few seem to get along with each other), he comes from the exact same background and clearly has followed the exact same teachings.

But what sets him apart these days is that besides putting his ideas in Italian and Spanish books nobody has ever heard of, he also created a few internet sites on which he discusses some of the basics of Memphis Misraim, and therefore also related Gnostic sects, as Martinism, Synarchism, Illuminism, the OTO, the Golden Dawn, Thelema, etc. It soon becomes obvious why so few are attracted to hierarchical Western mystery religions. One reason might be that Ripel (pretty much like all other "grand masters") sounds less coherent than the worst bible thumper and at times more radical than a Taliban fanatic.

Another reason might be that no sane person would take spiritual lessons from a person who calls himself the "anti-christ" (under no circumstances, and even to non-Christians, this can sound like a positive thing) or is involved in such creepy-sounding orders as the "Culto Draconiano", the "Confraternita dei Vampiri" or the "Associazione Betelgeuse". To learn such things as meditation, energy work, astral travel, lucid dreaming or healing practices, the last thing you need is to get involved with cults like these.

Ripel's sites:

Ripel: "Black, white, blue and red vampires. The fourteen footsteps of the mutant. The seven footsteps of the vampire. The passage of the magi."

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Old 11-08-2009, 05:33 PM
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Default Off the rails
I translated/quoted the above because I once read a text from some apparent top level practitioner of hermeticism that humans can be "alchemized" into "vampires", whatever that means. This stuff is to be put in context with L. Ron Hubbard Jr.'s apparent linking of vampirism to soul-cracking - statements which can be found further below. I know, it's strange stuff. But that's no reason not to bring it up.

Interview with Ripel: "Q[uestion]: In your books you identify yourself as the Great Beast 666 [Crowley's name] and then, in the initiation process, as the Great Scarlet Dragon (the Eight-Headed and Thirteen-Horned Wild Beast), the Antichrist.

A[answer of Ripel]: Yes, that's correct. I am the King of the World, The Antichrist of historical christians. Soon the Earth will change and a New Dawn shall rise."


On one of his Geocities sites, Ripel posted his article 'The Da Vinci Code, Frank Ripel reveals the secret contained in the Da Vinci Code' somewhat understandable states: "In Gnostic Christianity – Sethians and Ophites – the light-Christ is identified with the snake, like Lucifer is. Therefore, it's possible to state that the Christ of Gnostic Christians is the Antichrist of historical Christians. The secret of number nine is connected to the image of the perfect man, Lucifer – the light-Christ. Nine is the secret number of the Great Beast 666 (6+6+6=18, which internal sum is 9) and represents perfection. Therefore the Great Beast 666 is the perfect man, Lucifer ("Light Bearer"), the light-Christ that is identified with the Sun."


Of course, other authors have made references to Lucifer, but the problem with many of these esoteric authors is that they use such vague and largely incomprehensible language that it's generally useless to quote them. They also seldom speak about Lucifer even though it's such a crucial part of Gnosticism. Additionally there are a number of low level occult organizations which claim to be involved in Luciferianism, Gnosticism and various forms of blood magic which closely parallel the things said about Martinism, Memphis Misraim, et al. However, it's ultimately the thoughts and practices of the highest level members in the latter organizations (or certain cells within them) that we want to know more about. Whatever Joe

Average is doing isn't interesting or even relevant.


Above you can see some of the anti-Christian, Luciferian symbolism found at the home of Francis "Anubis- Moloch" Desmedt and Dominique "Nahema-Nephthys" Kindermans who ran the profoundly negative Abrasax cult which consisted of four occult institutes: The Belgian Church of Satan, the Wicca center, the Order for Luciferian Initiation and the Gnostic church.

Anyone who claims that Satanism or Luciferianism is beneficial to mankind is absolutely nuts. It's all about feeding the ego and personal gain, apparently regularly resulting in a shattered mind. Why don't you try and visit some of the links presented on the following site:

August 8, 2003 issue of EIR, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., 'A short definition of Synarchism': "Martinism, a mocking perversion of Catholicism, considers Fallen Man to be in exile in this earthly existence, deprived of his powers. Man can only restore his original condition by initiation to the inner ranks of a secret society, through purgative violence -- sado-masochistic rituals, torture, and human sacrifices...

Anyone familiar with my ramblings on Satanism will recognize "purgative violence" as its core activity. Its purpose is to break down the spiritual barrier between the lowest levels of the human soul and the underlying demonic forces, thus allowing the demonic forces to take possession of the soul. As usual, the ugly truth is hidden, and the activity is "justified" with lofty-sounding cover stories. The "initiate" in search of "magical powers" is gradually led to the point of believing that killing is INHERENTLY beneficial, and it is the act of killing people (especially ones with whom the killer has had a positive relationship) "up close and personal" with this attitude which breaks down this barrier. Thus, Martinism and its front "Sin"archism are exposed as Satanism."

The story of Scientology is also very much relevant to the question if Gnosticism and-or hermeticism is Luciferian or not. Anyone who knows a thing or two about mystery religions and sees the Scientology logos will recognize a Rosicrucian influence. Coincidentally, L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology's founder, was introduced to the rituals of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) (in turn preceded by Memphis Misraim, Martinism, Synarchism and Illuminism) by rocket scientist and JPL co-founder Jack Parsons.

At this time Hubbard still was a lieutenant commander in the Navy and had not yet founded the Scientology church. Besides being one of the founders of America's space program alongside Theodore von Karman (coincidentally had a Kabbalah scholar and Rabbi as ancestor) and the controversial Wernher von Braun (the famous Nazi scientist from Operation Paperclip), Parsons used to be head of the OTO's Agape Lodge in Pasadena and a protege of Aleister Crowley. In his lengthy July 1983 interview with Penthouse, L. Ron Hubbard's son, Ronald DeWolf, claimed a number of interesting things about his father.

DeWolf later reversed himself almost 180 degrees claiming a good deal of his Penthouse statements weren't true. However, some of the things he said sure are an interesting coincidence considering his father's connections to the OTO and the philosophies of Crowley and such Crowley-inspired men as Frank Ripel. Among other things, DeWolf claimed: "The Antichrist. Aleister Crowley thought of himself as such. And when Crowley died in 1947, my father then decided that he should wear the cloak of the beast and become the most powerful being in the universe [sounds exactly like Ripel, read above]. What a lot of people don't realize is that Scientology is black magic that is just spread out over a long time period.

To perform black magic generally takes a few hours or, at most, a few weeks. But in Scientology it's stretched out over a lifetime, and so you don't see it. Black magic is the inner core of Scientology --and it is probably the only part of Scientology that really works. Also, you've got to realize that my father did not worship Satan. He thought he was Satan. He was one with Satan. He had a direct pipeline of communication and power with him. My father wouldn't have worshiped anything. I mean, when you think you're the most powerful being in the universe, you have no respect for anything, let alone worship... The explanation [of black magic] is sort of long and complicated. The basic rationale is that there are some powers in this universe that are pretty strong. As an example, Hitler was involved in the same black magic and the same occult practices that my father was.

The identical ones. Which, as I have said, stem clear back to before Egyptian times. It's a very secret thing. Very powerful and very workable and very dangerous. Brainwashing is nothing compared to it. The proper term would be "soul cracking." It's like cracking open the soul, which then opens various doors to the power that exists, the satanic and demonic powers. Simply put, it's like a tunnel or an avenue or a doorway. Pulling that power into yourself through another person --and using women, especially -- is incredibly insidious. It makes Dr. Fu Manchu look like a kindergarten student. It is the ultimate vampirism, the ultimate mind-f**k, instead of going for blood, you're going for their soul. And you take drugs in order to reach that state where you can, quite literally, like a psychic hammer, break their soul, and pull the power through.

He designed his Scientology Operating Thetan techniques to do the same thing. But, of course, it takes a couple of hundred hours of auditing and mega-thousands of dollars for the privilege of having your head turned into a glass Humpty Dumpty --shattered into a million pieces.. I think [cults] are very dangerous and destructive. I don't think that anyone should think for you. And that's exactly what cults do. All cults, including Scientology, say, "I am your mind, I am your brain. I've done all the work for you, I've laid the path open for you. All you have to do is turn your mind off and walk down the path I have created."

Well, I have learned that there's great strength in diversity, that a clamorous discussion or debate is very healthy and should be encouraged... Scientology and all the other cults are one-dimensional, and we live in a three-dimensional world. Cults are as dangerous as drugs. They commit the highest crime: the rape of the soul.... I think my father has received the ultimate punishment, which is being locked and trapped in his own insanity. There's no way out for him..."

Personally, I can't vouch for the legitimacy of most of EIR's or DeWolf's statements, including the existence of demons or angels. I can only say that cults like Martinism and Memphis Misraim ultimately are based on Luciferianism. They are meant to be very secretive while their leaders often come across as extremely irrational and vindicative. They reject the teachings of the Church, but have replaced them with different set of dogma.

It's likely, however, that many members in the organizations discussed here don't know anything about the dreadful activities described by EIR. There are several reasons for this, one being that I was immediately asked if I would be interested in becoming a 96º national head in Holland of the Memphis Misraim Rite after only one or two email inquiries. Of course, pretending to be a lawyer with friends in the Rotary in a country where Memphis Misraim apparently doesn't exist might have helped, but still. It's just another example that this whole degree system and the alleged spiritual quest behind it isn't to be taken very serious.


Best case scenario is probably that this stuff doesn't work. Worst case scenario has basically been described by EIR and Hubbard, Jr. above. The OTO, Golden Dawn, Thelema, Thulism and Theosophy have all been inspired by the organizations in the picture above.
[319] See note 318 for evidence of the extremely close relationship between many occult organizations, including the Martinist and Synarchist Order, the old Illuminati, Memphis Misraim, Rosicrucianism, Luciferianism, the OTO, the Golden Dawn and others.

[320] www.geocities.com/iutmah/meaprmm_english.html (one of Ripel's sites):

"99º Grand Hierophante or International Head of the M.E.A.P.R.M.M. ad Honorem: Licio Gelli"...

"Short Biography on Licio Gelli

In 1980 Licio Gelli, through his constant relationships with the Royal House of Savoia Lucifero, this name is no joke Falcone, Minister of the Royal House of Savioa was honored the Earl title by the King Umberto II, the last King of Italy.

Toward the end of the Seventies the Grand Orient of Italy, appointed Gelli as Venerable Master to direct and give back life to the Masonic Lodge "Propaganda 2" (P2), which was founded in 1895 by Grand Master Lemmi [and was a continuation of the in 1877 founded Propaganda Numero Uno, i.e. P1, likely inspired by Mazzini and Garibaldi's Memphis Misraim Rite].

In the Eighties the unfounded P2 scandal busted. Subsequently, the Venerable Master was acquitted of the accusations that were brought against him.

In 1996 Commendatore Licio Gelli, for his activity in poetry and writing, proposed candidates from 59 structures - academies, university, Italians and foreigners cultural associations for the Nobel Prize for the Literature."
Frank Ripel, 'The Confessions of the Antichrist': "In july 1989, we [Ripel and the "Scarlet Woman"] paid a visit to Licio Gelli (former head of the dissolved P2 lodge). In one of his letters, he wrote: "the time when we met was short and circumstances didn't allow us to talk any longer, however, if You like, in the next future, whenever you'll have the chance to come to Tuscany, I shall be pleased to meet you".

He kindly welcomed us in his villa, a countryhouse in the green. Gelli led us into a huge hall and made us sit in two of the twelve armchairs arranged in a semi-circle, six of them on each side. We started to talk and, at a certain moment, he said: "We have two enemies: the comunists and the Catholic Church". "Especially the Jesuits", I specified.

Then I asked him the usual question: "When will these two ideologies come to an end?". "We must be patient", he answered. "Being young, maybe I am not that patient", I replied. And a few months later, the Synarchy had overthrown comunism the whole world over. The cold war was over. Nobody seemed to have realized how quickly the Soviet Union and its allied had faded away.

Even the most pessimistic politilogists had thought that comunist would have lasted another hundred years, while in a few months, it had totally collapsed. Isn't that strange? Since that december 12th 1988, ten years went by, and a new world disorder is ruling, so that a new world order shall arise. Soon, a New Dawn will rise and the world will change. In the evening of January 6th 1997, another Divine Sign occurred A Sphere of green energy darted from East to West over the skies of Rome. The Ark of the heavenly Alliance had produced another energy field. That was the Sign announcing the fall of the fideist religious ideology, the Sign announcing the Great Return. The beginning of the Great Return was marked by the Space Knight announcing the end of old times and the beginning of new ones.

The Space Knight is a comet, discovered by non-professionai astronomers in luly 23rd 1995, namely Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp. Its closest distance from the Earth was reached in march 22nd 1997. Towards the end of 1996, astronomers of over the world, noticed a Body, named Companion, which had been following Hale-Bopp comet. On a second time, using their primitive instrurnents, they hadn't be longer able to spot Companion. Companion is an energy field which collided with the Earth Aura, by the end of its transformation. Such energetic collision, took place in march 19th 1997 and the Aura's transformation had concluded in april 29th 1997. The Retum of the Gods is marked by Time, however only few can interpret Divine Signs."

The whole Hale-Bopp story and its "companion" is just a complete New Age scam for some reason promoted in the conspiracy movement in 1997. It's interesting to note that many of these Gnostic occult organizations with their "secret knowledge" come up with epic stories which are also put out by the many bad apples in the alternative history, UFO and-or conspiracy movement. In light of the above article it's interesting to note Gelli's schizophrenic approach to "the Church", because he himself was in bed with the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei.

Men from these organizations ultimately controlled the P2. Take a look at the article on Le Cercle, which involves Gelli's P2 and the whole fascist, anti-communist underground, and amaze yourself about the apparently almost complete absence of the Jesuits in these networks. Isn't that interesting? Or the fact that many conspiracy authors in the United States have continually attacked the Jesuits, but left the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei alone? Weird, just weird.

[321] November 3, 2004, El Semanal Digital (a mainstream journal about all kinds of things), 'La masonería revolotea el nombramiento de Arruche en la Guardia Civil'


Since I can't read Spanish I asked the help of EIR, as they are interested in the Synarchy. Following is an email from Pierre Beaudry in which he describes the article: "This article identifies Carlos Gomez Arruche -April 2006] as being a high degree mason and member of the Martinist and Synarchist Order. The article treats the question as being "rumored" but its author, Garganta Profunda, who considers that there are "no good explanations" for Arruche's nomination, and that he does not even have good relations with Defense Minister Jose Bono [a socialist].

The article also goes through the fact that there were at least 5 Civil Guard generals that could have taken the position, and yet it was an Air Force general that was chosen instead... The "most slippery rumor" is that Arruche is a member of the Martinist and Synarchist Order which was created in France by Gerard Encausse [spelled Gérard Encusse in the article], the founder (sic) of the "Unknown Superiors" in 1891 ["Orden de los Superiores Desconocidos"].

This order is said to be based on the freemasonic rectified rite of Saint-Martin in the 18th century, established by Martinez de Pasqually and Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin. It further states that since the followers of the Martinists have had several problems in Spain recently, it is obvious that the circumstance of this nomination of Arruche as director general of the Civil Guards is like a powder keg in the middle of the barracks. Because of the general discomfort created by this nomination, Harruche [sic] should come clean and put an end to the rumors..."

[322] Received an email in 2006 from an apparently educated person from the Balkans who requested his name would not be posted (not a problem anyway since I lost the email). This person had been reading my article on Le Cercle and had become intrigued by Synarchism and the connection with the Serbian royal family to Le Cercle. He claimed to have asked a friend in local Masonry about Synarchism and the Serbian royal family. Apparently, this person said to him that Aleksandar Jovanovic was the head of the Martinist and Synarchist Order in Serbia, that Jovanovic was in close contact with the Serbian royal family and his group was involved with esoteric Freemasonry, i.e. Memphis-Misraim, Templarism and Rosicrucianism. This Masonic friend didn't really see a problem with the secrecy surrounding this, because the public wouldn't understand the use of ritual magic.

True or not, this email brought the Memphis-Misraim rite to my attention for the first time. Did some research on Aleksandar Jovanovic and it turned out he also appeared on the net as the regional head of Memphis-Misraim in Serbia (not stated in the email). Don't know any other details about this Jovanovic, but, for what it's worth, the person who sent the email claimed not to have known about Jovanovic appearing on the Italian Memphis-Misraim site. I asked the Italian Memphis-Misraim site about Jovanovic and the Synarchist order, but Galbix Red (97° MEAPRMM – 98° OCI) claimed not to know any details about this person. It was pretty obvious he wasn't interested in sharing information anyway.

The extremely close relationship between the Martinist and Synarchist Order, the old Illuminati, Memphis Misraim, Rosicrucianism, Luciferianism, the OTO, the Golden Dawn and other occult groups has been discussed in note 318.
[323] About Licio Gelli:

*) The Duke of Savoy, with whom Gelli had a close relationship, has been involved in arms trade with the Shah, a murder case, the P2 lodge, and the Knights of Malta. This very old family, which ruled Italy until the end of WWII, had its attorney on the board of Permindex, which has been linked to the JFK assassination.

*) 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 74: "Frank Gigliotti [one-time assistant to a hypnotist; Presbyterian clergyman; worked with teenaged boys, for whom he organized a social club named the Guiseppe Mazzini Club; recruited by the OSS; active in Italy] of the US Masonic Lodge personally recruited Gelli and instructed him to set up an anti-Communist parallel government in Italy in close cooperation with the CIA station in Rome.

'It was Ted Shackley, director of all covert operations of the CIA in Italy in the 1970s', an internal report of the Italian anti-terrorism unit confirmed, 'who presented the chief of the Masonic Lodge to Alexander Haig'. According to the document, Nixon's Military adviser General Haig [later Pilgrims Society executive], who had commanded US troops in vietnam and thereafter from 1974 to 1979 served as NATO's SACEUR, and Nixon's National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger [Le Cercle] 'authorized Gelli in the fall of 1969 to recruit 400 high ranking Italian and NATO officers into his lodge'.

(60)... the secretive anti-Communist P2 members list confiscated [in 1981] counted at least 962 members, with total leadership estimated at 2,500... 52 were high-ranking officers of the Carabinieri paramilitary police, 50 were high-ranking officers of the Italian Army, 37 were high-ranking officers of the Finance Police, 29 were high-ranking officers of the Italian Navy, 11 were Presidents of the police, 70 were influential and wealthy industrialists, 10 were Presidents of banks, 3 were acting Ministers, 2 were former Ministers, 1 was President of a political party, 38 were members of parliament and 14 were high-ranking judges.

Others on lower levels of the social hierarchy were mayors, Directors of hospitals, lawyers, notaries and journalists." Although Gelli's files had vanished by the time his villa was raided, the index of his files was discovered, and some of the headings included Giulio Andreotti's name. Roberto Calvi's [Knight of Malta, "God's banker", and found hanging below a bridge in the City of London] widow pointed to Giulio Andreotti "(Le Cercle) as the true head of P2.

*) 1997, Robert Hutchinson, 'Their Kingdom Come – Inside the Secret World of Opus Dei', p. 263-264: "P2 was formed in the late 1960s, allegedly at the behest of Giordano Gamberini, a Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy and friend of Gulio Andreotti. But he was much closer to Francesco Cosentino, who also was well introduced in Vatican circles.

Either Andreotti or Cosentino, or perhaps both, were said to have suggested the creation of a small cell of trusted right-wing personalities in key national sectors, but especially banking, intelligence and the press, to guard against what they perceived as 'the creeping communist threat'. The person Gamberini chose to develop the P2 Lodge was a small-time textile magnate from the Tuscan town of Arezzo, midway between Florence and Perugia, who after two as a Freemason had risen to the Italian equivalent of Master Mason.

His name, of course, was Licio Gelli. But the P2's top man, according to Calvi, was none other than Andreotti, followed in line of command by Cosentino and Ortolani [Umberto Ortolani; secret chamberlain of the Papal Household; member of the inner council of the Knights of Malta; said to be a member of Cardinal Giacomo Lercano; met with Licio Gelli, Roberto Calvi, and others in Rome in December 1969].

Andreotti always denied Calvi's allegation. But the fact remains that Calvi feared Andreotti more than Gelli or Ortolani. As for Cosentino, he died soon after the P2 hearings began. The truth of the matter, [professor] Javier Sainz said, is that the P2 Lodge was part of a secret right-wing network created with the Vatican's blessing as part of the Occident's bulwark against communism.

The P1 Lodge was in France and the P3 Lodge was in Madrid. The P3 was headed by a former minister of Justice, Pio Cabanillas Gallas [cabinet minister under Franco, the dictator of Spain until 1975; secretary of the Council of the Realm, Franco's highest advisory body; Minister of Information and Tourism; remained influential in government after Franco's death; Minister of Culture; Minister of Justice 1981-1982; more centrist than Cercle member Munoz; member of the European Parliament]".

[324] Not much is known about Arruche, actually, although the following incident says a lot about his personal convictions. In 2005, nine Guardia Civil officers were accused of having beaten and tazered a civilian to death. Arruche stood up for the officer who oversaw this torture scene and claimed tazers were perfectly acceptable weapons for the police to use.

[325] Just the fact that crown prince Alexander Karageorgevitch II in 2004 hosted a meeting for the ultraconservative private intelligence group Le Cercle, which has been combating communism for decades and was directly tied to Gelli's P2 lodge, says a lot.

[326] See note 171

[327] Combination of BOB note PV 250 of January 8, 1997 and BOB note PV 466 of January 16, 1997

[328] 1999, Annemie Bulte, Douglas De Coninck and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 327: "X4 during a hearing in July tells how respected members of the Opus Dei belonged to her most sadistic clientele..."

[329] PV 150.889, March 24, 1997, 'Translation of a March 18, 1997 fax from X1; factory; Clo': "[X1] saw that Sandra sucked de Bonvoisin and that Wathelet raped Mieke". X1 accused Melchior Wathelet of being one of the more violent child abusers at the ASCO factory, together with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin.

[330] PV 151.046, March 23, 1997, 'Information: Facts pertaining to child molestings in the Verviers region' (changed the chronological order for better reading).

[331] 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 176, 183-184: "CEPIC candidate Jean-Pierre Grafe in turn asked [the fascist] Forces Nouvelles to support him in his personal election campaign... [After CEPIC is exposed in the early 1980s] the political friends of de Bonvoisin won't allow that de Bonvoisin is placed in permanent isolation by [CEPIC] chairman Jean-Pierre Grafe...

[In 1981-1982] the leadership of the organization then realizes it better than anyone and as soon as January 19 the board of directors of the CEPIC asks itself if it isn't better to dissolve the organization and replace it with another structure with another name. The proposal is rejected, but that same day Jean-Pierre Grafe still announces the creation of a substituting structure: Le Rassemblement du Centre."

[332] November 20, 1996, The Guardian, 'Belgian minister to face hearing for 'buying child sex': "Belgium's deputy prime minister, Elio di Rupo, will face a parliamentary commission into allegations that he procured 13-year-old boys [that's not Trusgnach, so whatever happened to these accusations?] for sex, the leaders of the government and opposition parties decided yesterday... A former chauffeur claimed that he had driven the minister to the Brussels red-light district in his official car, cruising for boys [apparently 16 years and older]... The local press quoted yesterday patrons of Le CanCan, a gay bar, and of a nearby nightclub, Le Garage, who said that the deputy prime minister was a regular visitor, ready to buy drinks for students...

Meanwhile, the Wallonian (French-speaking) regional parliament has voted for a separate commission to investigate similar allegations against one of its ministers, Jean-Pierre Grafe... In a written statement, Mr Grafe, said the allegations against him were intended solely to harm his reputation as a public figure. But that did not stop the press from reporting that he had been investigated for having sex with minors twice before, in 1982 and 1984, and that his brother, Jacques, is serving a prison sentence for paedophile activities."

[333] *) November 20, 1996, The Guardian, 'Belgian minister to face hearing for 'buying child sex': "Belgium's deputy prime minister, Elio di Rupo, will face a parliamentary commission into allegations that he procured 13-year-old boys [that's not Trusgnach, so whatever happened to these accusations?] for sex, the leaders of the government and opposition parties decided yesterday..."

*) November 20, 1996, PV 117.320, testimony of T1: "Voluntary testimony of T1 (anonymous)... In January '90 in the "Taverne du Passage", rue des Bouchers 41 in Bruxelles. A table with a man and two boys of 13 years - blonds. Description of the man and children. The man caressed the thigh of one of the children. The man was Jean-Pierre Graffe. Graffe seems to be an regular of the place."

*) November 25, 1996, PV 117.529, testimony of Jean-Michel Rulens: "UIL frequented "Le Brique" where he knew Graffe and Di Rupo. Four partouzes where Di Rupo and Graffe were present; he was 17 years old. Three in an apartment in the center of Liege [Luik]. Four in a villa on the hill of Liege. He was driven there by a certain Daniel (R25 or R30). Several minors told him to also have participated in orgies with Graffe and Di Rupo: Serge Pasquet, David Maugnee (son of the boss of Le Brique), Didier Geuens (deceased) [and] Michael Valiant. He declares he maintained sexual relations with Di Rupo and Grafe for 3-5.000-Belgian franks a time."

*) November 18, 1996, PV 10.600, interview with Jean Michel Nihoul (summary): "The information on radio-libre JMB [Nihoul involved with that from 1985 to mid 1990s] was overseen by Marie-Bernard Gilds and Jean-Louis Bogaert. Bogaert was a press attache of the defense secretary of the time (Jose Demaret). Bogaert was also press attache for Jean-Pierre Graffe [Grafe]. Bogaert told him that Graffe was a child molester and that he liked to whip his boys."

*) 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'The Dossier Nihoul', p. 43: "The Di Rupo affair made yet another dossier disappear into the background, a much heavier dossier against Jean-Pierre Grafe, also a friend of Vanden Boeynants."

[334] PV 100.130, December 2, 1996

[335] See note 323

[336] 2006, Dr. Steven Greer, 'Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge', p. 193: "Thousands of employees are involved in various projects, but they don't really know the details of what they are working on. Someone might be working on a little widget here within a compartment that's part of this compartment that's part of that compartment - it's very, very tightly controlled. The policy group or control group is 200 to 300 people, and it is trans-national. The United States by no means is the only major center of activity. There are important representatives in this group from China, latin America, The Vatican, various institutes, Europe, Russia.

National boundaries, actually, mean nothing. National issues are irrelevant. It's not even about government as you and I normally think of it. It is centered in corporate, financial, transnational, and religious interests; they are the tail wagging the dog of government... Enforcement: you know, I always tell people, "Oh, the CIA? Those guys are pussycats." The ones you've got to worry about are the contract guys who work for Lockheed or E-Systems [and in the past, Wackenhut] or the ones that are contracted from this group that are attached to what are called the Devil's Disciples, which is a motorcycle gang. It's a sub-section of the Hell's Angels that routine engage in torture and human sacrifice and vivisection -- where they cut you open alive -- in order to enforce secrecy in certain settings."

[337] Ibid.: "The single most powerful entity within this group today is the corporate Mormon empire. The Mormon hierarchy has vast financial and corporate holdings linked to these covert programs, but the "rank and file" wittingly have nothing to do with it."

[338] Ibid., p. 229-230: "I also met with the Vatican astronomer, who said the same thing and acknowledged that the UFOs were real and the ETs were real. And yet we know that there are cells within the Vatican, within the Opus Dei group, that have a very dark view on all this and have really taken the information away from the others at the Vatican... While in Rome, I also met with one of the Knights of Malta -- it does exist -- and a representative of the Jesuit Secret Service and the Vatican Secret Service.

Those groups are intimately involved in global financial and technological issues related to this subject. They are some of the key people in the hierarchy... The Knights of Malta and the Vatican Secret Service and the Jesuit Secret Service have a very key role in maintaining the secrecy on the ET issue... [After having been denied access by CIA director George Bush] Carter asked people associated with the Congressional Research Service to find out what was going on [with the UFO subject].

They asked, in turn, a lawyer named Daniel Sheehan -- who was with the Christic Institute and was representing the Jesuits in Washington, to see if he could get this information from the Vatican. So, Sheehan contacted the Vatican on behalf of incoming President Carter. Well, the Vatican came back and said, "No, we cannot give this to you."... Remember, back in 1994, a secret government insider told me that, in terms of technology transfer and management, that I would be better off talking to certain groups of Jesuit priests than to the CIA Director or the U.S. President."

In these pages, Greer also describes an incident in which a US Navy nuclear submarine went on a mission in the Atlantic to gather sophisticated electronic data on huge underwater UFOs. A Vatican priest, working with a US intelligence operative, was in charge of the whole mission and left with all the data.

[339] Ibid., p. 194: "He [the Angleton descendent] added, "We're looking at this material with NATO; there is a compartmented operation within NATO headquarters that deals with this, in Europe.""

[340] Ibid., p. 236-237:

[341] For more information go to www.disclosureproject.com, read Steven Greer's books and watch the taped interviews. Although I'm very sure at least one of his sources is a complete fraud (who does have the right background), it's impossible to deny the importance and immenseness of the work done by Greer. There's a summary on Greer's book 'Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge' in the PEHI 2006 archives, in which the individuals who were left anonymous have largely been identified.

[342] January 23, 2005, Christopher O'Brien at Greg Bishop's Radio Misterioso, 'Cattle Mutilation and Blood Rituals w/ Chris O'Brien; Are UFOs really responsible for Cattle Mutilations?', part 2, 53:45: "There was one cop going to a seminar, a training session, being given by this noted homicide detective and when he found out this guy was from the San Luis Valley he says: 'Oow, that's where all the cattle mutilations take place' and he talked to him about it, and that's where all the information came out. The gentleman who imparted this information on me is the chief investigative for the District Attorney...

That definitely was the information imparted on me [that a few nutcase cultists could be responsible for all the mutilations]. There's no way in heck that some fly-by-night wannabe occult group could pull off a dozen attacks in four states on the same night, as we were seeing back in the mid 1970s."


[343] Ibid., part 1, 89:40

[344] Ibid., part 1, 96:30. O'Brien also said about his conversation with the chief investigator for the D.A.'s office: "I was told by a law enforcement officer that maybe what's going on is being done for our own good and maybe it's something that the public has no need to know and maybe you should question your motivations even when trying to figure out what it is, let alone telling people about it."

O'Brien's opinion on the subject: "Not being totally up to speed on a lot of his [Aquino's] activities, although of course I am familiar with who he is and some of things he was involved with. I don't think it will ever come out, the extent of some of the types of very interesting -for lack of a better term- programs; I don't know what you call them, mythological programming or psychotronic warfare experiments, however you want to politely phrase those activities... [It appears] there is an element in our culture that is very involved in some very ancient practices... And again, this is a subject that a lot of people just don't want to hear about."

[345] February 25, 2004, Herwig Lerouge and Vinciane Convens, Solidaire, interview with Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck (one of the authors of the 1999 book 'The X-Dossiers'): "[Solidaire:] Actually, in his dossier Langlois only kept the testimonies of the accused... [Van Heeswyck:] Absolutely, and even the contradictions in there don't bother him. And there really are these huge contradictions."

Van Heeswyck and co-authors filled a 500+ page book with these contradictions. When going through the digital Dutroux dossier for the first time I also wondered why (virtually) nothing on the earlier sub-dossiers could be found. Plenty of (dis)information on the Jumet digs or the Abrasax cult though.

Bibliography (partial)

[1] 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium')
Hugo Gijsels was a journalist and editor-in-chief of Halt magazine and has written for Humo. Was sued a number of times, in one case successfully by Paul Vanden Boeynants, which did quite a bit of financial damage. Died in December 2004.

[2] 1993, Jean-Pierre van Rossem, 'Hoe kom ik van de ground?' ('How do I get off the ground?')

[3] 1996, Fred Vandenbussche, 'Meisjes verdwijnen niet zomaar' ('Girls don't just disappear')
Vandenbussche was a journalist with Het Volk, one of the largest Belgian newspapers.

[4] 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up')
Official employee of the Gang Commission and the Organized Crime Commission. As a specialist he did a study on government informants. Closely followed the proceedings of the Dutroux Commission.

[5] 1998, Regina Louf, 'Zwijgen is voor daders - De getuigenis van X1' ('Silence is for perpetrators - The testimony of X1')
Regina Louf was witness X1.

[6] 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers'
Bulté and De Coninck were journalists for De Morgen, one of the largest newspapers in Belgium. Were sued a number of times after publishing the 'X-Dossiers'. Some time after their first X1 articles in De Morgen, Yves Desmet, their editor-in-chief, was pressured to censor and even fire Bulté and De Coninck.

Both journalists now work at Humo. Van Heeswyck was a journalist with Le Journal de Mardi, co-founded with the lawyer of the parents of Loubna Benaïssa, the girl that was murdered by a pedophile who might well have been part of a network. Van Heeswyck, together with another journalist, was sued by Commandant Duterme for writing that Duterme was sabotaging the X-investigations (which he absolutely did). The journalists were forced to pay 12,500 euros in compensations.

[7] 2001, Jean Nicolas and Frédéric Lavachery, 'Dossier pédophilie. Le scandale de l'affaire Dutroux' ('Paedophilia dossier: The scandal of the Dutroux affair'

Nicolas left for Luxembourg, because he didn't feel safe anymore in his own country. Set up the investigating magazine l'Investigateur. In August 2000, l'Investigateur was forbidden to publish a list of alleged pedophiles that were mentioned in the Dutroux dossier.

In 2001, Nicolas' and Lavachery's book publisher, Flammarion, was forced by the Belgian government and royal family to include in every book ('Dossier Paedophilia') an official denial of the royal family that they had been involved in sex orgies at which minors had been present. Three children of Paul Vanden Boeynants were trying to sue Nicolas and Lavachery in 2001.

[8] March 11, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part I'.

[9] March 18, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part II'

[10] 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul: De knoop in het proces-Dutroux' ('The Nihoul Dossier: The knot in the Dutroux trial')
Lerouge used to be editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Solidair.

[11] 2004, Douglas De Coninck, 'Dode Getuigen - Dertig mensen die niet zullen spreken op het proces Dutroux' ('Dead witnesses - Thirty people who will not speak at the Dutroux trial')
De Coninck was a journalist at De Morgen who now works at Humo magazine.

[12] Leaked Neufchateau document, consisting of summaries of official reports from August 1996 to June 1997. Testimonies of X1, X2, X3 and Nathalie W. are included, just as a number of others. For some reason, this file has trouble appearing in Google. [PEHI link; download only; Winrar is needed to open]

[13] Leaked Dutroux dossier, consisting of thousands of official reports, all located on three DVDs. X-testimonies have been removed from this dossier, just as anything else that might point to a larger network around Dutroux. Got it from someone who was personally investigating the Dutroux case and may or may not publish a book in the future. Threw the DVDs away before publishing this article, as some child pornography could be found on DVD 3.

[14] Website/forum of Belgian X1 case investigator Rufin Nachtergaele. Suggested two minor corrections in the accused list after the article was published. I would like to emphasize though that Nachtergaele doesn't have an opinion about anything on this site that deals with international relations and conspiracies, including things discussed in this article.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible. -- Lawrence of Arabia
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Stephen Morgan
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby Stephen Morgan » Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:44 am

Correspondent: Belgium's X-Files

Tx Date: 5th May 2002

This script was made from audio tape – any inaccuracies are due to voices being unclear or inaudible



Olenka Frenkiel
In 1996 this woman came forward to tell the Belgian
authorities she'd spent her childhood years as the victim
of a paedophile network.

Olenka Frenkiel
She described a world of organised sexual abuse, torture
and even murder.

Regina Louf
It was terrible, you didn't believe your eyes and I didn't
believe that humans could do that.



Olenka Frenkiel
She talked of violent child sex orgies with politicians,
judges and influential businessmen; a Belgian
underworld in which the establishment has refused to

Claude Eerdekens
Voice over

Regina Louf is a pathological liar; she's a woman who's
invented a series of scenarios, which just don't stand up.



Olenka Frenkiel
A campaign followed to discredit her evidence. But now,
in an exclusive interview, the policeman assigned to
investigate her claims has broken his silence.

Olenka Frenkiel
He says the enquiry was blocked because it threatened to
reveal too much.

Rudy Hoskens
I'm convinced that she has been a victim – that's for sure.




Correspondent Theme Music

Title Page
An Olenka Frenkiel Investigation



Olenka Frenkiel
In June 1996 this Belgian slum revealed a bitter secret
that would come to haunt the nation.



Olenka Frenkiel
The eyes of the world watched in horror. Into the light
emerged two young girls.

Olenka Frenkiel
Laetitia, aged fourteen and Sabine just twelve were the
latest in a long line of girls who'd gone missing.

Olenka Frenkiel
Marc Dutroux, a convicted rapist and kidnapper, had led
the police to where he'd imprisoned them.



Olenka Frenkiel
Relief swept Belgium as their tearful homecoming was
caught on camera.





Olenka Frenkiel
But it soon turned to horror when police revealed the
secret cage hidden in the cellar of Dutroux's house.

Olenka Frenkiel
The girls had been kept here, drugged and repeatedly



Olenka Frenkiel
But what of Belgium's other missing children. Eight year
olds Julie and Melissa who were missing for more than a
year and twelve others who'd vanished mysteriously.

Olenka Frenkiel
Was this a new lead in the hunt for them?



Olenka Frenkiel
The hopes of their parents were soon dashed. Within
days Marc Dutroux led police to the site where the bodies
of Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo were buried.

Olenka Frenkiel
The parents were informed but when the Russos asked to
see their daughter, Melissa, for the last time, they were

Mother of Melissa
Voice over

We begged, we were crying to see her. Really we insisted
with our lawyer, we really cried. They said no, it's not
possible, that's the law. But we said what's the point of
the law. And they said it's for your own psychological

Carine Russo
Voice over

It's not up to them to know what's good for our
psychological well-being. What would have been good
for us was to be certain.



Olenka Frenkiel
It's six years since the police unearthed the bodies of
Julie and Melissa buried in the garden of this house.



Olenka Frenkiel
What's extraordinary to me is that though Dutroux's in
jail, he's never been tried for these crimes. It's as though
the judicial system froze when faced with having to bring
him to trial.

Olenka Frenkiel
Officially Dutroux lived on benefits yet this house, now
derelict, was one of five that he owned.

Olenka Frenkiel
The bodies of two more missing girls were found at
another - Efje Ambrecks and An Marchal.

Father of An
I didn't believe that it was possible that children were
kept in, in a cellar and were raped and, and kept there,
until that Dutroux was, taken to prison and that he, that
he could see the cellar. At the moment I had to believe.

Olenka Frenkiel
Before the murders Marc Dutroux had already been
convicted of five charges of rape and kidnapping. Yet
somehow he'd served only six years in jail before he was
released back into the Charleroi underworld.

Olenka Frenkiel
This was once Belgium's industrial heartland but today
its most famous industry is crime.

Olenka Frenkiel
Dutroux melted back into this realm of prostitution, drug
traffic and stolen cars and began to plan his next project –
the kidnap of children.



Olenka Frenkiel
For the parents now burying their murdered daughters
after more than a year of fruitless searching, this was not
the end of their nightmare. They would soon find out
that Dutroux had been a prime suspect from the start, yet
nothing had been done to save their girls.

Olenka Frenkiel
Melissa's father is still asking why his daughter was
allowed to die.

Father of Melissa
Voice over

Ten days after the kidnapping of Julie and Melissa in '95,
three witnesses said it was Dutroux who was kidnapping
children. But they don't go looking for Julie and Melissa
at his house straight after the kidnapping. It's
inexplicable. And he continues to kidnap other children.
They put a special surveillance unit to watch Dutroux
and he continues to kidnap children. It's inexplicable;
the whole thing is inexplicable from start to finish.

Olenka Frenkiel
What is known is that Dutroux was finally caught when
his white van was identified. It had been used to snatch a
sixth girl, miles away from his home patch.

Olenka Frenkiel
The man who arrested Dutroux was Jean Marc Conerotte,
an investigating magistrate. He became a national hero,
uniquely respected by the parents of the murdered

Paul Marchal
He is someone who want to know the truth. You can feel
it when you talk to him, you can feel that he want to
investigate, the he want to have the truth. He is a very
good magistrate.

Olenka Frenkiel
Conerotte arrested Dutroux's associates. Among the first
was Jean Michel Nihoul.

Olenka Frenkiel
Nihoul and Dutroux had been seen at the site of the latest
abduction the night before. They'd been in constant
phone contact the day it happened. And the next day
Nihoul gave ten thousand pounds worth of drugs to an
accomplice of Dutroux.

Olenka Frenkiel
One witness claimed, Nihoul had ordered a girl.

Olenka Frenkiel
Conerotte knew Nihoul had influential friends, he
suspected he was the brains behind a network supplying
clients with children to abuse. It's a charge Nihoul

Olenka Frenkiel
Conerotte appealed to the public for information.

Regina Louf
When I saw him walking down the stairs, I thought that I
knew everything about him. It was a shock; I thought
finally they stopped him.

Olenka Frenkiel
Regina Louf was one of the first to come forward. She
said that as a child she'd been abused for many years in a
paedophile network involving Nihoul and Dutroux.

Regina Louf
I remember Jean Michel Nihoul as a very cruel man; he
abused children in a very sadistic way.

Olenka Frenkiel
She says that at the age of twelve she was taken with
other children to sex parties. And, she told investigators,
Dutroux was there, working for Nihoul.

Dutroux was a boy who brought drugs, cocaine and
something like that, to these parties, who brought some
girls, watched girls at these parties. Nihoul, he, he was a
sort of party beast. Dutroux was more on the side.

Olenka Frenkiel
Nihoul denies he's ever met Regina Louf. But her story's
never changed. Nihoul, she said, was one of those who
organised the parties and invited the cream of Belgian
society – judges, politicians and influential businessmen
in order to compromise them.

Regina Louf
It was big business, yeah and it was very well organised
too. There was a lot of money going on there and a lot of
blackmail also. They had a lot of parties; they filmed it
even. So, yes, yes, it exists. I know it sounds crazy and I
know that there is a big taboo on everything like that but
it exists.



Olenka Frenkiel
Regina Louf's story was horrific. But her account of a
violent paedophile underworld was by now reinforced by
new witnesses, some of whom also named influential



Olenka Frenkiel
The investigation began. The witnesses' identities were
protected. Each was given a codename beginning with X.
Regina was X-1. They went up to X-9. Their testimonies
became known as Belgium's X-Files.



Olenka Frenkiel
The task of trying to verify them fell to a young police

Team Leader, Police

They were telling stories we hadn't heard before in our
lives. Things we couldn't believe at first. So we told
ourselves, is this true? Could this be true? And when it
is true it's very, it's very, it's frightening that things like
that could happen.

Rudy Hoskens
We had a special room for the interviews. It was
specially kept for people who had been victimised by
such matters. There was a camera in the room. They
were done mostly in the evening or the early hours.
When the interviews were finished, they were written
down by a few people of my team, all the way from the
first word to the last, literally.



Olenka Frenkiel
But before the investigation could get under way there
was a bombshell.



Olenka Frenkiel
Jean Marc Conerotte, the man who'd arrested Dutroux,
who'd saved the imprisoned girls, was sacked from the



Olenka Frenkiel
His removal caused a public outcry. Belgians lost faith in
their judicial system. They descended on the Palace of
Justice and accused the courts of colluding with the


Crowds shouting

Olenka Frenkiel
The father of one of the murdered girls spoke for all.

Gino Russo

This decision is like spitting on
the graves of Julie and Melissa.

Gino Russo
Voice over

As an investigating magistrate, Conerotte, who arrests
ten people and they sack him and they appoint another
investigation magistrate, Langlois, who's never done the
job before. It's his first appointment in the most
important investigation, in the biggest file of the century.
You're going to put in an investigating magistrate who's
never done the job before – can you understand that?

Olenka Frenkiel
Three hundred thousand outraged Belgians marched
through Brussels in a demonstration of grief and
solidarity. This White March was the largest protest the
country had ever seen.

Olenka Frenkiel
Belgians felt that the dismissal of Conerotte was a
betrayal of Dutroux's victims, that it signalled the end of
any real search for a network.

Olenka Frenkiel
The two rescued girls were overwhelmed.


Thank you for coming in such large numbers.


Thank you all for coming.

Olenka Frenkiel
The country's highest legal authorities had removed the
only judge in which the public had any faith because he'd
attended a fund raising dinner for the families of missing
children. A conflict of interest they'd called it; a lack of
judgement. The government feared a revolution.

I think there were a kind of insurrection climate, a kind of
pre-revolutionary climate here. You know, the big
powers in Belgium so the magistrates and the political
circus, the government, the parliament, everything was
totally discredited, everything was totally discredited.



Olenka Frenkiel
No one knew what to believe anymore. Rumour and
speculation spawned a variety of wild theories.

You will instigate ultimate fear.

Olenka Frenkiel
A feature film suggested the whole affair was part of an
extreme right wing plot to destabilise the country.

'Blue Belgium'
by Rob Van Eyck

I'm very pleased Victor. Three hundred thousand idiots
marching in Brussels and an ocean of white balloons –
magnificent! Pathetic and impressive at the same time.
We really got them exactly where we want them.



Olenka Frenkiel
To appease the public's concern, parliament set up the
Dutroux Nihoul Commission.


I propose that the commission
observe a moment's silence.

Commission member
As the pressure grew more and more they decided, in a
kind of panic climate, to create the commission because
the political world had to try to find an answer.

Olenka Frenkiel
But what the commission revealed was incompetence that
beggared belief.

Olenka Frenkiel
Police had been told of Dutroux's plans to make money
by kidnapping children. They had his house under
surveillance throughout the abductions.

Olenka Frenkiel
They even searched inside and heard the sound of
children but failed to find the dungeon.

Olenka Frenkiel
What it established beyond doubt was that the girls could
have been saved.

Commission member
They had everything they needed to arrest Dutroux.
That's the scandal of this affair. Dutroux was known; he
had previous form. They had valid intelligence that he'd
built the hiding place in the cellar for the little girls.
There was information from Charleroi that the children
could be at the house.

Olenka Frenkiel
But when the parliamentary commission began to ask
why, was it incompetence or had someone in authority
protected Dutroux, co-operation with their investigation

Father of Melissa
Voice over

It was completely sabotaged to the point that all the work
they did has been locked away in archives for thirty
years. It was parliament that voted that on itself. Can
you imagine?



Olenka Frenkiel
If the commission's job had been to restore stability, to
clear the air of insurrection, it worked.

Olenka Frenkiel
The danger to Belgium's establishment was over. But
there was still no answer to the most important question –
was the catalogue of failures pure incompetence or had
Dutroux and his friends enjoyed protection?

Olenka Frenkiel
Were they protected?

Commission member
Voice over

On the question of protection we didn't discover much,
unless you count the best protection that Dutroux could
have had and that's the incompetence of Belgium's police
and judicial system.

Olenka Frenkiel
But Jean Michel Nihoul, the man suspected of hiring
Dutroux to kidnap children, was released from jail after
just five months. It's still unclear if he'll ever come to
trial and some members of the commission remain
convinced he is protected.

Vincent Decroly
We succeeded in demonstrating that Nihoul was really an
artist in protection, really a specialised man in
manipulating enquiries, policemen and judges. We had
proof about that.

Olenka Frenkiel
Nihoul's release just left more unanswered questions for
the families. The mother of Melissa, Carine Russo, has
access to the legal evidence the court will bring against

Olenka Frenkiel
She's found no answers, nothing to clarify who stole,
raped and killed her daughter. All charges Dutroux

Carine Russo
Voice over

Five years on there's still no admission from Dutroux.
There's no material evidence, no witness statements,
which state that it was Dutroux who really kidnapped the
children, who really raped them and who really killed

Gino Russo
Voice over

It's a catastrophe because nothing is anymore clear
today. Nothing is clear.



Olenka Frenkiel
The parents suspect Dutroux was not acting alone. That
others were involved in abducting and hiding the girls.

Olenka Frenkiel
When he was briefly imprisoned for car theft in
November 1995, Dutroux claims to have left the girls in
his cellar, in this specially constructed cage with a little
food and water.

Olenka Frenkiel
On his release, after nearly four months, Dutroux claims
he'd found the children barely alive, that he tried to save
them but they died in his arms.



Olenka Frenkiel
But for the Russos, this story can't be true.



Carine Russo
Voice over

Four months incarceration of two little girls of eight
years old in a cellar in the middle of winter. But when I
say cellar it's a little hide built inside the cellar, so it's
tiny, three metres by two, even less. No windows,
completely dark, they cut off the heating.

Gino Russo
Voice over

They cut the electricity and heat.

Carine Russo
Voice over

And no food – for four months. Then he says when he
came out of prison four months later, they're still alive.
Well then they're superhuman. It's unimaginable two
children of eight holding out, alone, with nothing to
sustain them – no food, no heat, no human, no
psychological contact. Nothing. In a little cage like that
for such a long time and survive.

Olenka Frenkiel
So how did they survive so long? Did someone else keep
them alive?

Olenka Frenkiel
The Palace of Justice in Liege is the seat of one of
Belgium's most powerful figures – Prosecutor General
Anne Thily, who's in charge of the case.

Olenka Frenkiel
She says there's no evidence to contradict Dutroux's
version of how the children died.

Olenka Frenkiel
So how did the children survive so long? Nearly four
months, until Dutroux was released from prison.

Prosecutor General
Voice over

No, no, Julie was dead. Melissa was nearly dead and
then she died. I think it was the next day.

Olenka Frenkiel
But Melissa, how could she have survived nearly four

Anne Thily
Voice over

Survive in what condition? In a lamentable state, she
was so weak she could not get up. That's according to
Dutroux of course; no one else was there.

Olenka Frenkiel
Dutroux was acting alone. This is the mantra repeated
again and again in Belgium with a certitude that for the
victims' parents is inexplicable.

Olenka Frenkiel
They believe that investigators have blocked every lead,
rejected every clue, which would reveal that Dutroux was
kidnapping girls for someone else.

Olenka Frenkiel
Most painful perhaps is the autopsy report, which shows
Melissa had been repeatedly raped about two weeks
before her death, while Dutroux was in jail.

Olenka Frenkiel
So who raped this child? Dutroux denies he raped the

Olenka Frenkiel
But isn't it simple to find out if Dutroux raped them or
someone else – scientifically?

Carine Russo
Voice over

Normally yes, in principal, yes. But in fact the most
elementary scientific tests, like DNA tests, the traces of
the culprit on the body of the child, were just not done.

Olenka Frenkiel
Back in the Palace of Justice they say the DNA tests were
done but the results were inconclusive.

Olenka Frenkiel
Can you explain why there was no DNA analysis done?

Anne Thily
Voice over

DNA analysis was done Madame!

Olenka Frenkiel
And the results?

Anne Thily
Voice over


Olenka Frenkiel
What does that mean? That there was no trace of sperm?

Anne Thily
Voice over

They were in a very putrefied state. It did not allow us to
make an analysis of that type, of sperm or anything.

Olenka Frenkiel
That's not what's written in the autopsy report. Again
the story doesn't square.

Olenka Frenkiel
The bodies weren't severely decomposed. DNA can be
identified from samples taken long after death. The
question remains unanswered – why is there no DNA
result, might it have shown that someone else had raped

Olenka Frenkiel
Other forensic tests that should have been routine were
just not done. Human hairs collected from Dutroux's
dungeon weren't sent for analysis.

Olenka Frenkiel
The logic was strange. They claimed that as there was no
evidence anyone else had entered the cage, there was no
need to analyse the hair.

Olenka Frenkiel
In five years Conerotte's successor has shed no light on
the abduction, imprisonment or death of the girls.

Olenka Frenkiel
Jacques Langlois refused to be interviewed.

Father of An
Langlois don't believe in a sort of network. For Langlois,
Dutroux is the only one who used the girls. For Langlois
it's, it's simple; there's one raper, Dutroux, a closed case.



Olenka Frenkiel
By the Spring of 1997, evidence of a paedophile network
linked to the Dutroux affair was emerging from the
testimony of the X witnesses.



Olenka Frenkiel
Regina Louf had provided investigators with details of
her childhood abuse, which they'd begun to check.

Team Leader, Police
In one of her testimonies she explained how a certain
person had been murdered in a certain place. So, we
went to look for that case, that old case, she described it,
where it happened more or less.

I remember it like it's a film in my head. I can close my
eyes and see every little detail of that house she was



Olenka Frenkiel
Regina Louf described a house where in 1984 she said
she saw the torture and murder of a young girl. The
house was connected to an underground mushroom farm.

Olenka Frenkiel
The building has since been demolished. But Rudy
Hoskens' team identified it and matched Regina's story
to an unsolved murder - that of fifteen year old Christine
van Hees.

Rudy Hoskens
She gave us some details that made us think it's
impossible to give without having been there at that
place, or without having, yeah, lived that in the way the
body was found at that time and the way she described
the person was, was killed. There were some things that
were similar.

Regina Louf
It was a sort of bondage, so her legs and her hands and
her throat were connected with the same rope and when
she moved she strangled herself, yeah.



Olenka Frenkiel
The credibility of Regina Louf's testimony hinged partly
on whether she really knew the house where Christine
Van Hees was killed.

Olenka Frenkiel
This man grew up there, though his family sold it before
the murder.

Olenka Frenkiel
It was two houses knocked into one with a unique
passage of stairs and corridors. No one, he says, could
describe it unless they'd been there.

Voice over

There was the corridor here between the two houses.
And she drew a picture of the doors inside. They were
antique doors and she drew the mouldings. She
described the wallpaper and the front step. I don't know
how she could have described it all so faithfully if she'd
never entered the house.

Voice over

I don't know Regina Louf; I've never even met her. All I
know is from her description of the house, of the
mushroom farm, my brother and I agreed, I'm sure, it's
certain she entered the mushroom farm. It's certain.



Olenka Frenkiel
The police were now convinced they were on to
something. That Regina Louf's testimony was credible.



Olenka Frenkiel
What's more it gave them a new link between Marc
Dutroux and the man accused of being his boss, Jean
Michel Nihoul.



Olenka Frenkiel
In the year before her death, Christine Van Hees was a
regular visitor to the Brussels ice-rink where Marc
Dutroux also went.

Olenka Frenkiel
He'd already been banned from the rink in Charleroi
where he was notorious for molesting girls. The manager
remembers it well.

Ice rink manager
Voice over

And then I saw him with a young girl who was up against
the lockers like this. And Dutroux, who was in front of
her with his hands all over her like this.

Ice rink manager
Voice over

So I grabbed him and pulled him back and brought him
over here. At that moment my father-in-law turned up
and when he found out what was happening he wanted to
hit him. So I grabbed his arm, otherwise he would have
punched him.

Olenka Frenkiel
When she wasn't skating Christine Van Hees used to
spend time in the building of a pirate radio station. It
belonged to Jean Michel Nihoul.

Olenka Frenkiel
Both men, Dutroux and Nihoul, were at Christine Van
Hees's murder, according to Regina Louf.

Olenka Frenkiel
And Dutroux was involved in the murder?

Regina Louf
He watched it and he didn't do something, anything and
so he abused her that night, so, yes, he was involved.

Olenka Frenkiel
How many people were there?

Regina Louf
I still don't know for sure. But around eight.

Olenka Frenkiel
Nihoul, Dutroux?

Regina Louf
And a lot of others. So. But everybody except Dutroux
is free.

Olenka Frenkiel
Nihoul denied it. But her testimony was dynamite. If
true, it meant Dutroux and Nihoul were linked with
another murder. But then out of the blue the
investigation was stopped.

Rudy Hoskens
We received a message that we couldn't investigate
anymore just like that. We were sent home. Just like
that, without an explanation because our work hadn't
been done all right. Very strange.

Olenka Frenkiel
Why were you taken off this case?

Rudy Hoskens
I wish I knew. Perhaps we were touching something we,
we couldn't touch. Some people say this, we didn't have
the proof at that moment to say things like that but
perhaps we were coming closer to some things, yeah,

Olenka Frenkiel
Like what things?

Rudy Hoskens
I don't know, something Belgium or the world shouldn't
know about.

Olenka Frenkiel
Patric De Baets, the head of Hoskens' team, had been one
of Belgium's most respected police investigators. It was
he who'd taken Regina's testimony. Now he too was sent
home, accused of manipulating her evidence.

Olenka Frenkiel
Patric De Baets, who questioned her, was accused of
planting some of the information so that she would
reproduce it. You watched that investigation. Was that

Rudy Hoskens
No, no way. No way. We even had some magistrates,
judges and superior gendarmerie officers watching how
we interviewed and they watched it from the first to the
last moment and if we did, hadn't done it right at that
time, they should have said to us, don't work that way.
But they didn't tell us anything.

Olenka Frenkiel
For De Baets and his colleagues, charged with
manipulating an enquiry, a Kafkaesque battle now began
to clear their names.

Olenka Frenkiel
They were suspended and Regina Louf got a call from a
member of the new team assigned in their place. His
motive was clear.

Regina Louf
He said well, we have to search for mistakes you made
now and you have to prove now that you were right. I
said no, I don't have to prove that I'm right. You have to
investigate if I'm right or not. I'm not a police officer, I
can't do house search and I can't interrogate my abusers,
you have to do that. I just can tell my story and, and
make testimony, that's all I can do. He said wrong, you
have to prove it.



Olenka Frenkiel
News about Regina's story began to leak out.

Olenka Frenkiel
When the media took it up, it was to destroy her.

Voice over

X-1 and her fantasies –
an investigation beyond the real.

Madame, Monsieur, bonsoir…

Olenka Frenkiel
The flagship programme of the government funded
French language channel was unequivocal. De Baets was
guilty they declared and Regain Louf, a sinister and
deranged liar.

Claude Eerdekens
Voice over

I think Regina Louf is a pathological liar. She's a
woman who's invented scenarios that don't stand up to
scrutiny. It's all been shown to be fiction.

Olenka Frenkiel
Well no, not according to the investigators who were
sacked. They don't agree with you, they say they weren't
even allowed to investigate.

Claude Eerdekens
Voice over

No, that's not accurate. I continue to believe these men
did not do their jobs properly and that they let the public
think that what Regina Louf and the other anonymous
witnesses said was partly true. That's all a tissue of lies,
stories verging on the pornographic. They make no

Olenka Frenkiel
Weren't you manipulated? I mean people have said she
was completely mad; she invented the whole thing.

Rudy Hoskens
Well some people fear, some people say this but they
weren't there. We lived all the testimonies, we've seen
them, we did the investigations. So, for ourselves, we
know what should have been right or what could have
been wrong. But when you don't, when you haven't
lived it, when you haven't seen everything, you can't give
an opinion on this, it's impossible. But we found some
things that should have been investigated more.

Regina Louf
I am married for thirteen years, I have four children, I live
a normal life. I have a business of my own so I am not
crazy. We are labelled as crazy, we have a stigma, we are
stigmatised as crazy persons because we had the courage
to talk about things that happened in our past. With
person who played a role in the Belgian economy or
politics or something like that. It was easier to make us
crazy than to believe us.

Olenka Frenkiel
Despite its earlier investigating zeal, Belgium's
parliament now stood by as Regina Louf's testimony was
declared worthless. The judiciary announced it would
not be used in any trial.

Olenka Frenkiel
And that might have been the end of it had the files of the
entire Dutroux investigation not been leaked.

Olenka Frenkiel
Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck and two other investigative
journalists had access to every witness statement, every
police report in the Dutroux affair.

Olenka Frenkiel
Their book on Belgium's X-Files shook the country.

Olenka Frenkiel
How did you get the information for the book?

We had the opportunity to see the whole police file on
the, the affair and the problem is that we wanted to be
sure that there was no manipulation between, behind that
because it's, it's always possible. So, we decided to meet
a lot of people who were named in the files, who were
witnesses in the file. And we met those people, without
saying that, what we knew already. And we listened to
their story.

Olenka Frenkiel
They found the new team had rewritten Regina Louf's
original statements. Testimony had been changed.

Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck
We began to check it. And we began to read again all the
questioning of Regina Louf to see how they did that,
rewrite it. And one by one we discovered that the
gendarmes, police of De Baets, had pretended that De
Baets manipulate, had manipulated the investigation. So
everybody was tricked.

Olenka Frenkiel
To this day no evidence has ever been produced to
support the allegations against De Baets. Yet he
continues to be accused.

Olenka Frenkiel
I met him and his colleague in a Brussels café.

Olenka Frenkiel
Their careers are in ruins and the investigation into
Regina's story is dead. And yet two separate inquires,
cleared them of every charge that they manipulated her

Patric De Baets
I show you the final report of the internal inquiry of the
gendarmerie. It was made twenty-sixth June 2000.

Olenka Frenkiel
So what does this mean?

Patric De Baets
That I'm not a bad policeman.

Olenka Frenkiel
But now that's cleared you, you face new, new charges,
new allegations, new accusations against you.

Patric De Baets
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of that because I know the
conclusions will be the same.

Olenka Frenkiel
But why this constant barrage of accusations?

Patric De Baets
I don't know. I can imagination things but I can't explain

Olenka Frenkiel
For six years the parents of the murdered girls have
grappled with the inexplicable. Why were their
daughters left to die? Why has Dutroux never come to
trial and why has every lead that might have revealed a
network behind Dutroux been blocked or ignored?

Olenka Frenkiel
But Belgium's lost interest in their struggle. Today
anyone who talks of a network, even the parents, is
dismissed as deranged.

Paul Marchal
I talked in press about children who were raped and so on
and they started again with saying that I'm a little bit
foolish and that I'm fantasising. I'm sure that in several
years everyone will believe that networks will exist then
they have to accept.

Olenka Frenkiel
Since Marc Dutroux's arrest anyone who's questioned
the official line has been attacked. Every lead that might
have widened the net has hit the buffers.

Olenka Frenkiel
Dutroux meanwhile has sat in jail. But outside, in the
shadowy circles in which he moved, potential witnesses
in the Dutroux affair have died in strange ways.



Olenka Frenkiel
A police informer with links to the Charleroi underworld,
Jose Steppe, told a journalist he had explosive
information on Dutroux. Two days before they were due
to meet he died. His family believes he was poisoned.



Olenka Frenkiel
Jean Paul Tamino was up to his neck in the Charleroi
underworld of stolen cars and prostitution. He was
summoned to see the Charleroi police and disappeared.
The day of Dutroux's arrest his foot was fished out of the

Regina Louf
It's quite a coincidence that they die just before they want
to testify, you know, that's strange.



Olenka Frenkiel
Social worker, Gina Pardaens worked with abused
children. She'd identified the paedophile members of a
pornography ring who'd threatened her. When she
reported the threat to the police she was killed in an
unexplained car crash.



Olenka Frenkiel
Francois Reyskens told a friend he'd seen one of the
missing girls, Melissa, alive in Holland. Before he could
tell the police his body was found crushed on the railway



Olenka Frenkiel
Some twenty people, all potential witnesses in the
Dutroux affair, have died in mysterious circumstances.

Regina Louf
I survived it all, I don't know why. I survived my
abusers, I survived my testimony just because I said it all.
Why kill me now, you know, I'm mad.

Olenka Frenkiel
An uneasy peace has returned to Belgium. The streets
are calm; the danger of insurrection has passed.

Olenka Frenkiel
The paedophile networks persist. Sometimes there are
even arrests. Earlier this year nineteen men from one
village were charged with child rape.



Olenka Frenkiel
But the Dutroux affair has paralysed Belgium's judiciary.



Olenka Frenkiel
After six years in jail, there is still no date for his trial.
When it comes, it will satisfy no one.

Paul Marchal
The trial of Dutroux, it will be a theatre, circus and I
don't want to be part of a circus. The truth is that there is
a network and that they have to search for that network so
that you can save other children in the future.



Carine Russo
Voice over

In this country we will never get to the truth. There is
just too much truth that needs to be exposed. I am
certain that the people want to understand; they are
capable of understanding a lot more than the politicians
and judiciary want to tell them. They treat the public like

Regina Louf
I did what I could do. I testified, I spoke up to the police,
to the judges, I spoke up to the press, you know, I yelled
it out. What can I do anymore now, I can't.



Olenka Frenkiel
Children continue to go missing in Belgium. Dutroux's
arrest has made no difference. Last year it was more than
two thousand.

Olenka Frenkiel
Fifty-two of those cases remain unsolved.



Voice over
Olenka Frenkiel is live on-line now. Express your
opinions and e-mail her your questions at:




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Voice over
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Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible. -- Lawrence of Arabia
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby Project Willow » Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:08 pm

This doc covers Dutroux, and the Zandvoort CDrom which held 8,000 child pron pics. 81 victims are identified in the photos yet no action is ever taken in their cases, and the whistleblower is jailed.

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Project Willow
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:47 pm

Via: http://www.mega.nu/ampp/gladio.html

by Arthur E. Rowse

This January, Silvio Berlusconi rode onto the turbulent Italian political scene on a white charger. Voters had become disenchanted with long-time centrist leaders who were mired in massive corruption scandals. With crucial parliamentary elections only two months away and the likelihood that the left would win power for the first time since World War II, 1 the billionaire businessman entered the fray with a slate of right-wing candidates who had never held office. Helped by voter disgust and his own vast media and industrial holdings, Berlusconi's coalition won big, averting the anticipated leftist victory. His win lifted the right, including the neo-fascists, to new postwar heights. 2 Real change seemed unlikely, however, as Berlusconi repackaged the old politics with new names and slogans. Berlusconi himself was weaned on the system and owed much of his success to Bettino Craxi, a former Socialist prime minister who went on trial for corruption the day after the March election. It wasn't long before the right's ``clean hands'' were upstaged by arms raised in fascist salutes and cries of ``Il Duce.''

While Berlusconi's rapid ascent took most observers by surprise, the stage was set for it by nearly 50 years of U.S. interference in Italian politics. In the name of fighting communism, the U.S. helped generate a level of political turmoil that sometimes approached civil war. U.S. agents and their Italian surrogates took control of key government agencies, at times reducing Italian democracy to little more than a proving ground for the CIA's and the White House's aggressive tactics. The undercover campaign, known as ``Gladio,'' for a double-edged Roman sword, was officially acknowledged for the first time in 1990, when it was finally closed down.


The Italian people had received many signs over the years that the centrist parties (the Christian Democrats and the Socialists) were promoted and to some degree controlled by Washington. But it was only when the Italian government officially admitted it in 1990 that the ruling coalition began to crumble, ready to be picked apart two years later by corruption scandals. The startling story of Gladio, which continues to make headlines in Europe, has barely been mentioned in the U.S., where many of its darkest chapters remain secret.

The program in Italy was aimed at the threat that communists might mount an insurrection or gain a share of political power through the ballot box. An insurrection was unlikely, however, since nearly all posts in the bureaucracy were filled after the war by solidly anticommunist veterans of Mussolini's forces, with Allied approval.

During the war, most Americans considered themselves heroes who freed Western Europe from its brutal Nazi and fascist rulers. It wasn't long after the American landings on Italian soil, however, that the white hats got sullied. While some OSS agents worked with antifascists to help lay the basis for Italian democracy, many of those higher up the ladder conspired with backers of Mussolini or the former king to impede it. 3

Although many European intelligence agencies have admitted participating, the CIA has denied any connection with Gladio. But enough information has emerged to show that the CIA sponsored and financed a large portion of the terrorism and disruption that plagued Italy for nearly half a century. Among other things, the U.S. government:

# Forged secret alliances with the Mafia and right-wing elements of the Vatican to prevent the left from playing any role in government;
# Recruited Mussolini's ex-police into paramilitary bands secretly financed and trained by the CIA, ostensibly to fight Soviets, but really to conduct terror attacks blamed on the left;
# Employed the gamut of psychological warfare tactics, including paying millions in slush funds to political parties, journalists, and other influential contacts to tilt parliamentary elections against the left;
# Created a secret service and a parallel government structure linked to the CIA whose ``assets'' attempted several times to overthrow the elected government; and
# Targeted Prime Minister Aldo Moro, who was later kidnapped and murdered under mysterious circumstances after offering to bring communists into the Cabinet.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) provided international cover for Washington's postwar operations in Italy. A secret clause in the initial NATO agreement in 1949 required that before a nation could join, it must have already established a national security authority to fight communism through clandestine citizen cadres. This ``Stay Behind'' clause grew out of a secret committee set up at U.S. insistence in the Atlantic Pact, the forerunner of NATO. Each NATO member was also required to send delegates to semiannual meetings on the subject. 4

U.S. authority for such moves flowed in a steady stream of presidential directives transmitted through the National Security Council (NSC). In December 1950, the council gave the armed forces carte blanche to use ``appropriate'' military force even if the communists merely ``gain participation'' in government by legal means or ``threaten to achieve control...or the government ceases to evidence a determination to oppose communist internal or external threats.'' 5

The CIA helped the Italian police set up secret squadrons staffed in many cases with veterans of Mussolini's secret police. 6 The squadrons were trained for intensive espionage and counter-espionage, against communists and other perceived enemies of the status quo. The plan to use ``exceptional means'' was patterned after the highly militarized French intelligence service, the Suret Nationale, which was reportedly so tough on communists that many fled to other countries. 7

The newly organized intelligence agency, SIFAR, began operations in September 1949, under the supervision of an undercover American, Carmel Offie, nicknamed ``godfather'' by the Italians. 8 Interior Minister Mario Scelba headed the operation. At the same time, Scelba was directing a brutal repression, murdering hundreds of workers and peasants who sought improved conditions after the war. 9


With the Italian secret service under control, the Americans then expanded it under the name Operation Demagnetize and tied it to an existing network of cadre in northern Italy. In 1951, the Italian secret service formally agreed to set up a clandestine organization within the military to coordinate with the northern cadres. In 1952, SIFAR received secret orders from Washington to adopt ``a series of political, paramilitary and psychological operations destined to diminish the power of the Italian Communist Party, its material resources, and its influence on government. This priority objective must be attained by all means.'' 10

Operation Demagnetize marked the institutional hardening of Gladio. A State Department historian characterized it as the ``strategy of stabilization,'' 11 although it could be more accurately described as one of destabilization. From the start, the offensive was secretly directed and funded by the U.S. government. In 1956, the arrangement was formalized in a written agreement, using the name ``Gladio'' for the first time. According to 1956 documents uncovered in Italy in 1990, Gladio was divided into independent cells coordinated from a CIA camp in Sardinia. These ``special forces'' included 40 main groups. Ten specialized in sabotage, six each in espionage, propaganda, evasion and escape tactics, and 12 in guerrilla activities. Another division handled the training of agents and commandos. These ``special forces'' had access to underground arms caches, which included hand guns, grenades, high-tech explosives, daggers, 60-millimeter mortars, 57-millimeter machine guns and precision rifles. 12

In 1956, Gen. Giovanni De Lorenzo was named to head SIFAR on the recommendation of U.S. Ambassador Claire Boothe Luce, the avidly anticommunist wife of the publisher of Time magazine. 13 A key player in Gladio was now in place. In 1962, the CIA helped place De Lorenzo at the head of the national police (carabinieri), while he retained effective control of the secret service.

The general brought with him 17 lieutenants to begin purging insufficiently right-wing officers. It was the first step to a right-wing coup attempt, with U.S. military attaché Vernon Walters in the vanguard. In a memo to De Lorenzo the same year, Walters suggested types of intervention aimed at provoking a national crisis, including blocking a center-left coalition, creating schisms among the socialists, and funding forces favorable to the status quo. 14

Meanwhile, according to CIA files found in Rome in 1984, CIA station chief William Harvey began to recruit ``action teams'' based on a list of 2,000 men capable of throwing bombs, conducting attacks, and accompanying these actions with indispensable propaganda. 15 These teams had a chance to practice their skills in 1963 as part of an anti-union offensive. U.S.-trained gladiators dressed as police and civilians attacked construction workers peacefully demonstrating in Rome, leaving some 200 wounded and a large section of the city in shambles. The link to Gladio was made in later testimony by a former general in the secret service. 16

SIFAR Lt. Col. Renzo Rocca was also training a civil militia composed of ex-soldiers, parachutists and members of Junio Valerio ``Black Prince'' Borghese's paramilitary organization, Decima MAS (Tenth Torpedo Boat Squadron), for the pending coup. 17 President Antonio Segni reportedly knew of the plan, which was to conclude with the assassination of Prime Minister Aldo Moro, under fire for not being tough enough with the communists. 18

The long-planned takeover, known later as Plan Solo, fizzled in March 1964, when the key carabinieri involved remained in their barracks. As a subsequent inquiry moved to question Rocca about the coup attempt, he apparently killed himself, possibly to fulfill Gladio's oath of silence. After officials determined that state secrets were involved, three hamstrung inquiries failed to determine the guilty parties. 19


Despite the failure of Plan Solo, the CIA and the Italian right had largely succeeded in creating the clandestine structures envisioned in Operation Demagnetize. Now the plotters turned their attention to a renewed offensive against the left.

To win intellectual support, the secret services set up a conference in Rome at the luxurious Parco dei Principi hotel in May 1965, for a ``study'' of ``revolutionary war.'' The choice of words was inadvertently revealing, since the conveners and invited participants were planning a real revolution, not just warning of an imaginary communist takeover. The meeting was essentially a reunion of fascists, right-wing journalists, and military personnel. ``The strategy of tension'' that emerged was designed to disrupt normality with terror attacks in order to create chaos and provoke a frightened public into accepting still more authoritarian government. 20

Several ``graduates'' of this exercise had long records of anticommunist actions and would later be implicated in some of Italy's worst massacres. One was journalist and secret agent Guido Giannettini. Four years earlier, he had conducted a seminar at the U.S. Naval Academy on ``The Techniques and Prospects of a Coup d'Etat in Europe.'' Another was notorious fascist Stefano Delle Chiaie, who had reportedly been recruited as a secret agent in 1960. He had organized his own armed band known as Avanguardia Nationale (AN), whose members had begun training in terror tactics in preparation for Plan Solo. 21

General De Lorenzo, whose SIFAR had now become SID, soon enlisted these and other confidants in a new Gladio project. They planned to create a secret parallel force alongside sensitive government offices to neutralize subversive elements not yet ``purified.'' Known as the Parallel SID, its tentacles reached into nearly every key institution of the Italian state. Gen.Vito Miceli, who later headed SID, said he set up the separate structure ``at the request of the Americans and NATO.'' 22


Two ancient, mysterious, international fraternities kept the loosely-linked Gladio programs from flying apart. The Knights of Malta played a formative role after the war, but the order of Freemasonry and its most notorious lodge in Italy, known as Propaganda Due (pronounced ``doo-ay'' ), or P-2, was far more influential. In the late 1960s, its ``Most Venerable Master'' was Licio Gelli, a Knight of Malta who fought for Franco with Mussolini's Black Shirts. At the end of World War II, Gelli faced execution by Italian partisans for his Nazi collaboration, but escaped by joining the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps. 23 In the 1950s, he was recruited by SIFAR.

After some years of self-imposed exile in Argentine fascist circles,24 he saw his calling in Italy as a Mason. Quickly rising to its top post, he began fraternizing in 1969 with Gen. Alexander Haig, then assistant to Henry Kissinger, President Nixon's national security chief. Gelli became the main intermediary between the CIA and SID's De Lorenzo, also a Mason and Knight. Gelli's first order from the White House was reportedly to recruit 400 more top Italian and NATO officials. 25

To help ferret out dissidents, Gelli and De Lorenzo began compiling personal dossiers on thousands of people, including legislators and clerics. 26 Within a few years, scandal erupted when an inquiry found 157,000 such files in SID, all available to the Ministers of Defense and Interior. 27 Parliament ordered 34,000 files burned, but by then the CIA had obtained duplicates for its archives. 28

Provocateurs on the Right

In 1968, the Americans started formal commando training for the gladiators at the clandestine Sardinian ``NATO'' base. Within a few years, 4,000 graduates had been placed in strategic posts. At least 139 arms caches, including some at carabinieri barracks, were at their disposal. 29 To induce young men to join such a risky venture, the CIA paid high salaries and promised that if they were killed, their children would be educated at U.S. expense. 30

Tensions began to reach critical mass that same year. While dissidents took to the streets all over the world, in Italy, takeovers of universities and strikes for higher wages and pensions were overshadowed by a series of bloody political crimes. The number of terrorist acts reached 147 in 1968, rising to 398 the next year, and to an incredible peak of 2,498 in 1978 before tapering off, largely because of a new law encouraging informers ( penitenti ). 31 Until 1974, the indiscriminate bombers of the right constituted the main force behind political violence.

The first major explosion occurred in 1969 in Milan's Piazza Fontana; it killed 18 people and injured 90. In this and numerous other massacres, anarchists proved handy scapegoats for fascist provocateurs seeking to blame the left. Responding to a phone tip after the Milan massacre, police arrested 150 alleged anarchists and even put some on trial. But two years later, new evidence led to the indictment of several neofascists and SID officers. Three innocent anarchists were convicted, but later absolved, while those responsible for the attack emerged unpunished by Italian justice. 32

Conclusive Gladio links to political violence were found after a plane exploded in flight near Venice in November 1973. Venetian judge Carlo Mastelloni determined that the Argo-16 aircraft was used to shuttle trainees and munitions between the U.S. base in Sardinia and Gladio sites in northeast Italy.33 The apogee of right-wing terror came in 1974 with two massacres. One, a bombing at an antifascist rally in Brescia, killed eight and injured 102. The other was an explosion on the Italicus train near Bologna, killing 12 and wounding 105. At this point, President Giovanni Leone, with little exaggeration, summed up the situation: "With 10,000 armed civilians running around, as usual, I'm president of shit." 34

At Brescia, the initial call to police also blamed anarchists, but the malefactor later turned out to be a secret agent in the Parallel SID. 35 A similar connection was also alleged in the Italicus case. Two fascists who were eventually convicted were members of a clandestine police group called the Black Dragons, according to the left-wing paper, Lotta Continua. 36 Their sentences were also overturned. Although in these and other cases, many leftists were arrested and tried, fascists or neofascists were often the culprits, in league with Gladio groups and the Italian secret services. Reflecting the degree to which these forces controlled the government through the Parallel SID, nearly all the rightists implicated in these atrocities were later freed.

By 1974, right-wing terror began to be answered by the armed left, which favored carefully targeted hit-and-run attacks over the right's indiscriminate bombings. For the next six years, leftist militants, especially the Red Brigades, responded with a vengeance, accounting for far more acts of political violence than the right. 37 For several years, Italy plunged into a virtual civil war.


Meanwhile, groups of right-wingers were busy planning more takeovers of the elected government, with the active encouragement of U.S. officials. A seminal document was the 1970 132-page order on ``stability operations'' in ``host'' countries, published as Supplement B of the U.S. Army's Field Manual 30-31. Taking its cue from earlier NSC and CIA papers, the manual explained that if a country is not sufficiently anticommunist, ``serious attention must be given to possible modifications of the structure.'' If that country does not react with adequate ``vigor,'' the document continues, ``groups acting under U.S. Army intelligence control should be used to launch violent or nonviolent actions according to the nature of the case.'' 38

With such incendiary suggestions and thousands of U.S.-trained guerrillas ready, the fascists again attempted to take over the government by force in 1970. This time, the instigator was the ``Black Prince'' Borghese. Fifty men under the command of Stefano Delle Chiaie seized the Interior Ministry in Rome after being let in at night by an aide to political police head Federico D'Amato. But the operation was aborted when Borghese received a mysterious phone call later attributed to General Vito Miceli, the military intelligence chief. The plotters were not arrested; instead, they left with 180 stolen machine guns. 39

News of the attack remained secret until an informer tipped the press three months later. By then, the culprits had escaped to Spain. Although the ringleaders were convicted in 1975, the verdict was overturned on appeal. All but one of the machine guns were returned earlier. 40

It was in this atmosphere that the U.S. decided to make another all-out effort to block the communists from gaining strength in the 1972 elections. According to the Pike Report, the CIA disbursed $10 million to 21 candidates, mostly Christian Democrats. 41 That amount did not include $800,000 that Ambassador Graham Martin, going around the CIA, obtained through Henry Kissinger at the White House for General Miceli. 42 Miceli would later face charges for the Borghese coup attempt but, fitting the pattern, he was cleared.

Police foiled another attempted coup that same year. They found hit lists and other documents exposing some 20 subversive groups forming the Parallel SID structure. Roberto Cavallaro, a fascist trade unionist, was implicated, as were highly placed generals, who said they got approval from NATO and U.S. officials. In later testimony, Cavallaro said the group was set up to restore order after any trouble arose. ``When these troubles do not erupt [by themselves],'' he said, ``they are contrived by the far right.'' Gen. Miceli was arrested, but the courts eventually freed him, declaring that there had been no insurrection. 43

Still another right-wing attempt to overthrow the government was set for 1974, reportedly with the imprimatur of both the CIA and NATO. Its leader was Edgardo Sogno, one of Italy's most decorated resistance fighters, who had formed a Gladio-style group after the war. Sogno, who had gained many influential American friends while working at the Italian embassy in Washington during the 1960s, was later arrested, but he, too, was eventually cleared. 44


A triple murder at Peteano near Venice in May 1972 turned out to be pivotal in exposing Gladio. The crime occurred when three carabinieri, in response to an anonymous phone call, went to check out a suspicious car. When one of them opened the hood, all three were blown to bits by a boobytrap bomb. 45 An anonymous call two days later implicated the Red Brigades, the most active of the left's revolutionary groups. The police immediately rounded up 200 alleged communists, thieves and pimps for questioning, but no charges were brought. Ten years later, a courageous Venetian magistrate, Felice Casson, reopened the long-dormant case only to learn that there had been no police investigation at the scene. Despite receiving a false analysis from a secret service bomb expert and confronting numerous obstructions and delays, the judge traced the explosives to a militant outfit called New Order and to one of its active members, Vincenzo Vinciguerra. He promptly confessed and was sentenced to life, the only right-wing bomber ever locked up. 46

Vinciguerra refused to implicate others, but described the coverup:

"The carabinieri, the Ministry of Interior, the Customs and Excise police, the civilian and military secret services all knew the truth behind the attack, that I was responsible and all this within 20 days. So they decided, for totally political reasons, to cover it up.

As for his motive, the fascist true believer Vinciguerra said his misdeed was ``an act of revolt against the manipulation'' of neofascism since 1945 by the whole Gladio-based parallel structure. 48

Casson eventually found enough incriminating evidence to implicate the highest officials of the land. In what was the first such request to an Italian president, Casson demanded explanations from President Francesco Cossiga. But Casson didn't stop there; he also demanded that other officials come clean. In October 1990, under pressure from Casson, Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti ended 30 years of denials and described Gladio in detail. He added that all prime ministers had been aware of Gladio, though some later denied it. 49

Suddenly, Italians saw clues to many mysteries, including the unexplained death of Pope John Paul I in 1978. Author David Yallop lists Gelli as a suspect in that case, saying that he, ``for all practical purposes, ran Italy at the time.'' 50


Perhaps the most shocking political crime of the 1970s was the kidnapping and murder of Prime Minister Aldo Moro and five of his aides in 1978. The abduction occurred as Moro was on his way to submit a plan to strengthen Italian political stability by bringing communists into the government.

Earlier versions of the plan had sent U.S. officials into a tizzy. Four years before his death, on a visit to the U.S. as foreign minister, Moro was reportedly read the riot act by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and later by an unnamed intelligence official. In testimony during the inquiry into his murder, Moro's widow summed up their ominous words: ``You must abandon your policy of bringing all the political forces in your country into direct collaboration...or you will pay dearly for it.'' 51

Moro was so shaken by the threats, according to an aide, that he became ill the next day and cut short his U.S. visit, saying he was through with politics. 52 But U.S. pressure continued; Senator Henry Jackson (D-Wash.) issued a similar warning two years later in an interview in Italy. 53 Shortly before his kidnapping, Moro wrote an article replying to his U.S. critics, but decided not to publish it. 54

While being held captive for 55 days, Moro pleaded repeatedly with his fellow Christian Democrats to accept a ransom offer to exchange imprisoned Red Brigade members for his freedom. But they refused, to the delight of Allied officials who wanted the Italians to play hardball. In a letter found later, Moro predicted: ``My death will fall like a curse on all Christian Democrats, and it will initiate a disastrous and unstoppable collapse of all the party apparatus.'' 55

During Moro's captivity, police unbelievably claimed to have questioned millions of people and searched thousands of dwellings. But the initial judge investigating the case, Luciano Infelisi, said he had no police at his disposal. ``I ran the investigation with a single typist, without even a telephone in the room.'' He added that he received no useful information from the secret services during the time. 56 Other investigating magistrates suggested in 1985 that one reason for the inaction was that all the key officers involved were members of P-2 and were therefore acting at the behest of Gelli and the CIA. 57

Although the government eventually arrested and convicted several Red Brigade members, many in the press and parliament continue to ask whether SID arranged the kidnapping after receiving orders from higher up. Suspicions naturally turned toward the U.S., particularly Henry Kissinger, though he denied any role in the crime. In Gladio and the Mafia, Washington had the perfect apparatus for doing such a deed without leaving a trace.


That the Red Brigades had been thoroughly infiltrated for years by both the CIA and the Italian secret services is no longer contested. The purpose of the operation was to encourage violence from extremist sectors of the left in order to discredit the left as a whole. The Red Brigades were a perfect foil. With unflinching radicalism, they considered the Italian Communist Party too moderate and Moro's opening too compromising.

The Red Brigades worked closely with the Hyperion Language School in Paris, with some members not realizing it had CIA ties. The school had been founded by three pseudo-revolutionary Italians, one of whom, Corrado Simioni, had worked for the CIA at Radio Free Europe. 58 Another, Duccio Berio, has admitted passing information about Italian leftist groups to SID. 59 Hyperion opened an office in Italy shortly before the kidnapping and closed it a few months later. An Italian police report said Hyperion may be ``the most important CIA office in Europe.'' 60 Mario Moretti, one of those who handled arms deals and the Paris connection for the Red Brigades, managed to avoid arrest in the Moro case for three years even though he personally handled the kidnapping. 61

Venice magistrate Carlo Mastelloni concluded in 1984 that the Red Brigades had for years received arms from the PLO. 62 Mastelloni wrote that ``the de facto secret service level accord between the USA and the PLO was considered relevant to the present investigation into the ... relationship between the Red Brigades organization and the PLO.'' 63 One Gladio scholar, Phillip Willan, concludes that ``the arms deal between the PLO and the Red Brigades formed part of the secret accord between the PLO and the CIA.'' 64 His research indicates that the alleged deal between the CIA and the PLO occurred in 1976, a year after the U.S. promised Israel that it would have no political contacts with the PLO.

At the time of the Moro kidnapping, several leaders of the Brigades were in prison, having been turned in by a double agent after they kidnapped a judge. According to journalist Gianni Cipriani, one of those arrested was carrying phone numbers and personal notes leading to a high official of SID, who had boasted openly of having agents inside the Red Brigades. Other intriguing finds included the discovery in the Brigade offices of a printing press which had previously belonged to SID and ballistics tests showing more than half of the 92 bullets at the kidnapping scene were similar to those in Gladio stocks. 65

Several people have noted the unlikelihood of the Red Brigades pulling off such a smooth, military-style kidnapping in the center of Rome. Alberto Franceschini, a jailed member of the Brigades, said, ``I never thought my comrades outside had the capacity to carry out a complex military operation. ... We remembered ourselves as an organization formed by inexperienced young lads.'' 66 Two days after the crime, one secret service officer told the press that the perpetrators appeared to have had special commando training. 67

When letters written by Moro were found later in a Red Brigades site in Milan, investigators hoped they would reveal key evidence. But Francesco Biscioni, who studied Moro's responses to his captors' questions, concluded that important sections had been excised when they were transcribed. Nonetheless, in one uncensored passage, Moro worried about how Andreotti's ``smooth relationships with his colleagues of the CIA'' would affect his fate. 68

The two people with the most knowledge of Moro's letters were murdered. The Carabiniere general in charge of anti-terrorism, Carlo Alberto Della Chiesa, was transferred to Sicily and killed Mafia-style in 1982, a few months after raising questions about the missing letters. 69 Maverick journalist Mino Pecorelli was assassinated on a Rome street in 1979 just a month after reporting that he had obtained a list of 56 fascists betrayed to the police by Gelli. 70 Thomas Buscetta, a Mafia informer under witness protection in the U.S., accused Andreotti of ordering both killings for fear of being exposed. 71 But an inquiry by his political peers last year found no reason to prosecute the prime minister.

Della Chiesa and Pecorelli were only two of numerous witnesses and potential witnesses murdered before they could be questioned by judges untainted by links to Gladio. 72 President Cossiga, the interior minister when Moro died, told BBC: ``Aldo Moro's death still weighs heavily on the Christian Democrats as does the decision I came to, which turned my hair white, to practically sacrifice Moro to save the Republic.'' 73


A huge explosion at the Bologna train station two years after Moro's death may have whitened the hair of many Italians - not just for the grisly toll of 85 killed and more than 200 injured - but for the official inaction that followed. Although the investigating magistrates suspected neofascists, they were unable to issue credible arrest warrants for more than two years because of false data from the secret services. By that time, all but one of the five chief suspects, two of whom had ties to SID, had skipped the country. 74 The T4 explosive found at the scene matched the Gladio material used in Brescia, Peteano and other bombings, according to expert testimony before Judge Mastelloni. 75

In the trial, the judges cited the ``strategy of tension and its ties to `foreign powers.''' They also found the secret military and civilian structure tied into neofascist groups, P-2, and the secret services. 76 In short, they found the CIA and Gladio.

But their efforts to exact justice for the Bologna bombing came to nothing when, in 1990, the court of appeals acquitted all the alleged ``brains.'' P-2 head Gelli went free, as did two secret service chiefs whose perjury convictions were overturned. Four gladiators convicted of participating in an armed group also won appeals. That left Peteano as the only major bombing case with a conviction of the actual bomber, thanks to Vinciguerra's confession.

The sorry judicial record in these monstrous crimes showed how completely the Gladio network enveloped the army, police, secret services and the top courts. Thanks to P-2, with its 963 well-placed brothers, 77 the collusion also extended into the top levels of media and business.


By the early 1980s, however, court data revealed enough CIA fingerprints to provoke strong anti-U.S. sentiment. In 1981, the offices of three U.S. firms in Rome were bombed. In 1982, the Red Brigades kidnapped James L. Dozier, a U.S. general attached to NATO, calling him a ``Yankee hangman.'' 78 He was freed after five weeks by police commandos, reportedly with the help of the CIA's Mafia connections. 79 But damage to the U.S. image has been remarkably constrained considering what the U.S. did to Italian society and government for 50 years in the name of anticommunism.

Moro's final prediction came true. Instead of bolstering the center parties, Gladio, helped by the corruption scandals, destroyed them. Instead of destroying the leftists, Gladio revelations helped them win control of major cities while retaining one-third of parliament. By the early 1980s, the Red Brigades were wiped out, but the major sources of right-wing terrorism - the Mafia and the neofascists - remained active.80

The end results lead some to question the whole rationale of U.S. involvement in Italy, particularly in regard to the ``communist menace.'' According to Phillip Willan, who wrote the definitive book on Italian terrorism:

"The U.S. has consistently refused to recognize the Italian Communist Party's
increasingly wholehearted commitment to the principles of Western democracy and
its validity as an alternative to the generally corrupt and incompetent political
parties that have governed Italy since the war. Had it done so, much of the
bloodshed resulting from the strategy of tension might have been avoided. 81"

Willan goes on to ask ``whether U.S. and Italian intelligence officials may have deliberately over-emphasized the communist threat in order to give themselves greater power and greater leeway for their own maneuvers.'' 82


As long as the U.S. public remains ignorant of this dark chapter in U.S. foreign relations, the agencies responsible for it will face little pressure to correct their ways. The end of the Cold War brought wholesale changes in other nations, but it changed little in Washington. In an ironic twist, confessed CIA mole Aldrich Ames has raised the basic question of whether the U.S. needs ``tens of thousands of agents working around the world primarily in and against friendly countries.'' ``The U.S.,'' he adds, ``still awaits a real national debate on the means and ends - and costs - of our national security policies.'' 83

The new government in Italy touts itself as a revolution of the disenfranchised, a clean break from the past. But the fascists are back and gaining ground. The anti-Mafia party has been rejected, and the big cartels have tightened their grip on the economy. With P-2 brother Berlusconi continuing to trade on the Cold War fear of communists, the Gladio perpetrators still unpunished, and ``experts'' in Washington raising fears of more terrorism, 84 it looks like business as usual in Italy.


Gladio's Roots

The policies that would evolve into Gladio began during World War II, when U.S. anticommunist phobias combined with geopolitical fears of a victorious USSR to create a holy war against the left. An ``ends justify the means'' atmosphere within the U.S. government and particularly within the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), fostered the creation of ``Stay Behind'' programs throughout Western Europe, ostensibly as the first line of defense in case the Soviets invaded.

But the main worry was internal. The Americans' great fear for Italy was that communist partisans fighting in the north would join with organized labor to bring the left to power. The OSS and its successors were apparently prepared to use any measures to forestall that event, including political assassination, terrorism, and alliances with organized crime. According to one OSS memo to Washington, the U.S. seemed to support a monarchist plan to use ``fascist killers'' to commit acts of terror and blame the left. 1 U.S. involvement in Italian politics began in 1942, when the OSS successfully pressured the Justice Department to release imprisoned mobster Charles ``Lucky'' Luciano. In return for early freedom, Luciano agreed to make contacts with Mafia pals to ease the way for the U.S. invasion of Sicily in 1943.2

The Luciano deal forged a long-standing alliance between the U.S. and the international Cosa Nostra. It also set a pattern of cooperation between U.S. intelligence agencies and international criminal organizations involved in drugs and arms traffic. The deal's godfather was Earl Brennan, OSS chief for Italy. Before the war, he had served in the U.S. Embassy, using his diplomatic cover to establish contacts with Mussolini's secret police and leading fascists. 3

The Catholic Church also cooperated. U.S. ties to the Vatican were already substantial; one of the strongest links was a secret fraternity, the Rome-based Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which dates back to the First Crusade. OSS head William ``Wild Bill'' Donovan was a member. So were other top U.S. officials, including Myron Taylor, U.S. envoy to the Vatican from 1939 to 1950, and William Casey, an OSS operative who rose to CIA chief under Reagan. OSS Italy chief Brennan had contacts as early as 1942 with Vatican Under-Secretary of State Gian Battista Montini, who became Pope Paul VI in 1963.4

Among the notable OSS operatives was James Jesus Angleton, the legendary, paranoid, future CIA counter-intelligence chief. Angleton built on family and business connections in Italy to lay the basis of Gladio by forming and financing a clandestine network of right-wing Italians who shared his fierce gung-ho style. 5 The paramilitary groups were filled with devout anticommunists ready to wage war on the left. He also helped notorious Nazi/fascist mass-murderers such as Junio Valerio ``Black Prince;; Borghese elude justice at war's end. 6

U.S. officials were worried that the communists and socialists would join forces after the fighting. The communist takeover in Czechoslovakia in 1948 added to their fears. As a result, the U.S. cooked up a variety of plans to manipulate Italian politics. Angleton, who by late 1948 had been promoted to special assistant to CIA director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, used the Vatican's 20,000 Civic Committees to conduct psychological warfare against communist influences, particularly in the unions. 7

The newly formed National Security Council (NSC) also joined the fray: ``If the Communist Party wins the [1948] election,'' the NSC advised, ``such aggression should immediately be countered by steps to extend the strategic disposition of U.S. armed forces in Italy.'' 8 The Communists did not win that pivotal election (nor any subsequent ones). But that didn't stop the U.S. from trying to destroy the left. The total cost to American taxpayers for such activities (and various aid programs) was $4 billion from the end of the war to 1953. 9 And that was just the beginning of the U.S. assault on Italian sovereignty.
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby stefano » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:17 pm

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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby cptmarginal » Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:57 pm

Another ISGP update that flew under the radar, posted the day after stefano's last contribution to this thread:

https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/miscellaneo ... France.htm

Known "Beyond Dutroux" ties to France
Reports of various low level child abuse network being exploited by "notables"

Author: Joël v.d. Reijden
Date: October 9, 2013

This site has dealt a lot with the topic of elite child abuse networks and pedophile entrapment ever since the 2007 article Beyond the Dutroux Affair, the first time the Dutroux X-Dossiers were made public. Various additions were written to this initial article.

In the original Beyond Dutroux article, newspaper clippings related to abuse cases in France had been reproduced on the left side of the page. These newspaper reports are discussed in more detail in this article, with several additions having been made. The content of this article is considerably less shocking than information that can be found in Beyond Dutroux, but it's nevertheless a good first look at where research in France should be focused in order to one day unearth more information.

Cases are discussed one by one, in no particular order.

Click through for more; I've not read it yet.

Here's an archived version of one source article, since it's behind a paywall now:

http://web.archive.org/web/201003222101 ... 05,00.html

Police are still searching for a group of men, who the children say arrived at Franck V.'s apartment in suits and ties, with their faces hidden behind masks — a striking contrast to the largely uneducated, unemployed defendants who fill the courtroom in rumpled sweatshirts and scuffed sneakers. Franck V.'s lawyer Pascal Rouiller says he is convinced the men were part of a sophisticated network of pedophiles who tapped into Angers' underbelly as word of the prostitution ring spread. They brought in customers who "had money, made appointments, and were punctual," Rouiller says. One man paid €458 for one sexual assault on a child, and Franck V.'s wife, Patricia, regularly took in about €1,200 a month. "Franck had telephone calls from the whole of France," says Rouiller. "He's a poor miserable man with no intelligence. He had no reason to have contact with people in Montpellier or Lille." Much like the pedophilia scandal that rocked Belgium in 1996, Angers is awash in suspicions that a wider ring of wealthy customers was among the child rapists, and is still at large.
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby cptmarginal » Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:50 am

https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/miscellaneo ... France.htm

Known "Beyond Dutroux" ties to France: Reports of various low level child abuse network being exploited by "notables"

By: Joël v.d. Reijden | Date: October 9, 2013 | Updated: August 14, 2014
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