Extensive Site - Fighting the NWO Spiritually

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Extensive Site - Fighting the NWO Spiritually

Postby NavnDansk » Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:40 am

<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.illuminati-news.com/counter-the-nwo.html">www.illuminati-news.com/c...e-nwo.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Their weakness is that they can't feel real love. They are terrified that we are going to break the programming by stop being afraid, angry, disillusioned, feeling discouraged and apathetic. Therefore, what we need to do is to start to love again and throw out the fear and terror we may feel, which are just illusions anyway. The more we feed into those negative emotions, the more we are in the grip of the Illuminati. They can ONLY succeed if they can keep us in fear! So what we can do, BOTH on an individual basis and in groups, is to stop being afraid and start loving ourselves, each other, the environment and everything there is. I know it is hard to do immediately, but we need to work on this. The Illuminati don't know how to love, and that is the weak spot in their armor. The more we are able to tune into the very high vibration of LOVE, the less power the Elite will have. It is impossible for them to create an effect on us if they can't feed on our fear.-- So, the sequence to start fighting the Illuminati and their New World Order is:<br><br> 1. Learn about the New World Order. Research it and understand how the Agenda is setup, so they can't fool you anymore. Anyone, who is NOT aware of the Illuminati Plan to take over the World, ignores it, or refuses to accept it, is hopelessly lost and can't develop spiritually. The door is closed. These people are facing a future in total slavery.<br><br> 2. Fight them on a spiritual level. This IS foremost a SPIRITUAL war, not a war of FORCE, I can't stress this enough.<br><br>By starting to love again, unconditionally, and letting our egos go, we are well on our way to win this battle. In addition, please also read my article, How to Fight the New World Order, and see for yourself if this makes sense to you.--We can not make choices about something we don't know. Thus we can't develop spiritually until we understand that we are manipulated, and we must learn how the manipulation is set up, and by whom. When we finally realize that this reality (the 3rd dimension) is an illusion and a creation of our manipulators, first then can we make choices that take us outside the prison walls. Doesn't<br>this make sense?<br><br>But to do this one also has to be very brave. It is extremely scary to disagree with other people and go your own way. It can be a very lonely path to begin with. Fear is what keeps us from seeing the truth in the first place, and fear keeps us from start walking the path in the opposite or different direction from most other people. So those of us who started breaking out from the line of sheep became scared and ran back into the fold again. However, no one said it is an easy task to break loose, because if it was, many people would have done it already. Nevertheless, it is absolutely necessary. The alternative, unfortunately, is a Living Hell on Earth.<br><br>This 3rd dimension reality can not be changed by fighting evil with force; per definition that only makes it worse and it will be even more of a hell to live in. Can you fight evil with good? Peaceful demonstrations? By waking people up and then have those enlightened souls go out and fight the enemy? No, that wouldn't be very successful either. That has already been tried quite a few times throughout history; last time was perhaps in the 60's, with the hippie movement. The intention was good, but the resistance was quite easily infiltrated and defeated by the Illuminati. After the movement of the 60's, humanity sank down into an abyss of apathy and violence for some time. A new awakening is taking place again since the late 80's and up to now, but this time we need to do things differently. To understand this situation better, let us ponder the following:<br><br>The Spirit: The spirit is immortal, and the spirit is YOU. You are not your body and you are not your brain or you mind. You are the SPIRIT. Your body is your tool here in the 3rd dimension, and you need it to operate here. However, the illusion of time, the agreed upon reality, deteriorates the body eventually. We call it aging and after a certain perceived amount of time the body cannot function anymore, and it "dies". However, only the body dies, you don't. No matter what the Illuminati or anyone else is doing to you, no one can kill you. <br><br>They can destroy your body and torture your mind, but they can't kill YOU, the spirit. This is very important to remember, because the Illuminati control us with FEAR and with TERROR. They need to create threats around us, so we feel unsafe and fear for our lives, and the lives of our dear ones. And to have us fear their threats, they need to have us believe that we are our bodies and that they can kill us. This way they keep us in check. So the first thing to do to fight the Illuminati is to realize that you are an immortal spirit, and no matter what they do to you, they can't kill you.<br><br> -The way to break the cycle of reincarnation is to be more aware spiritually and thus transform from the 3rd dimension to the next, and eventually experience what we may call Heaven, where no good and evil exists, only pure LOVE. Because LOVE is the only truth, the rest is an illusion. Love is equivalent to the soul.<br><br> ---I created called Illuminati News. The website tells you about how a secret shadow government called the Illuminati, or "The Conquering Wind of Moriah" is running the whole world, more or less, through banking, politics and occult power. Under them is a pyramid of secret societies, all with different purposes to entrap the population and withhold extremely important spiritual information from the world. <br><br>These relatively few Elite Members use this hidden wisdom and knowledge to oppress us all and make us slaves in something they call the "New World Order." You can read a lot about this oppression of the human spirit and body on the Illuminati News web site.<br><br>This new web site has as its main goal to balance out all the negative energies the Illuminati create. I am of the conviction that there is only ONE solution to the Illuminati problem, and that is knowledge in conjunction with wisdom. Only by knowing your spiritual self can you beat the Illuminati. You can't successfully fight them in battle or with the law; they own both the military and the courts. By being aware of yourself, of God and how this and other Universes beyond work can you break the chain and be free. <br><br>Hopefully the articles on this web site can be at least an inspiration and a start towards that goal.<br><br>Happy reading and may the God energy serve you well! Start your reading here.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.illuminati-news.com/000-spiritual/html/index.html">www.illuminati-news.com/0...index.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p216.ezboard.com/brigorousintuition.showUserPublicProfile?gid=navndansk>NavnDansk</A> at: 10/19/06 11:33 pm<br></i>
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Re: Extensive Site - Fighting the NWO Spiritually

Postby marykmusic » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:02 am

It is a spiritual warfare that we are involved in. Guerrilla warfare. We harry the enemy, and most of all we deny them territory. Every person who rises above the fear parradigm denies territory to the Dark Side, or Illuminati, whatever they might be called at the moment.<br><br>The first territory to be regained is the space between our ears. This is most certainly accomplished by education, by thinking for oneself, by refusing to rise to the Fear-bait. A crucial step is to turn off the television (why do you think they call it "programming"?)<br><br>Next is our bodies. Stop indulging in habits that hurt our health while enriching corporations. You know what to do.<br><br>After we have gotten control of our own territory, ourselves, then it's time to spread our thoughts outward: our neighborhood, our town, as far as we can reach.<br><br>This is how we take back our planet. --MaryK <p></p><i></i>
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I think what you say is very true, MaryK

Postby NavnDansk » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:11 am

I have been spending almost 100% of the time reading about what bushco is doing to the people of the world and not spending the time needed on spiritual things, which is the only way to defeat this evil.<br><br>It is a very serious time and it is hard to balance acknowledging what is going on and learning to fight spiritually. I like David Icke's motto that love is the only reality. Like Keith Olbermann, Watchman is acknowledging what we are facing and the need for spiritual warfare:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>THE TIME OF WARNING IS OVER...THE TIME OF MOURNING HAS BEGUN<br><br>OCTOBER 17, 2006: THE REAL MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED<br><br>For nearly a year, The Watchman Report has called upon God's people to come out of the strong delusion that was present in America and the world, but they refused. The time of warning and exposing the gross wickedness and deceptions within our country and the world has come to an end. America has now, as of October 17, 2006, been conquered. You are a conquered people with NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. America is now set up for the events of the Book of Revelation. I said over a year ago that the Constitution would be done away with - as of October 17, 2006 - it is destroyed, sadly, with the help and support of spiritually ignorant Christian leaders and their comatose and highly deceived flocks.<br><br>=Over the past year, I warned that TRUE BIBLE PROPHETIC UNDERSTANDING of the formerly sealed Book of Daniel revealed that the Constitution of America was about to be destroyed, to which many of you laughed, scoffed and mocked. On October 17, 2006, that prophecy was very sadly fulfilled. Next, according to prophecy will come Martial Law and the lock down of a once free and great nation, but a once free and great HYPOCRITCAL nation in rebellion to the Most High. All of this, though implemented by the hands of men, has been ordained by Yahweh as the beginning of a very horrible and ominous judgment of a so-called, Christian nation, a nation of hypocrites and rebels (and I am not speaking about the unbelievers, but those who call themselves CHRISTIANS!)<br><br>DON'T BLAME BUSH! Blame yourselves for the dark future you have CHOSEN for this country. As Yahweh told me to write a year ago, "Tell them, you can revolt, impeach and complain, but unless you repent, the course remains the same." This has truly come to pass, and I am in no way gloating over this sad realization. This is not an I told you so, this is still an urgent plea for those people who call themselves Christians to please repent of your self-righteousness and seek His protection in the days to come. There is little time to establish a REAL relationship with Him! Not a relationship with your church or pastor, but with HIM!<br><br>How did I know, a year ago, that the Constitution would be destroyed and that no one would be able to stop or impeach George W. Bush, regardless of the multitude of exposed lies and deceptions? Would it not be at great risk of being proven a false prophet that I would say something as bold and outlandish as the Constitution, the founding document of this country, would be done away with unless we repent? Is that not CRAZY, the ramblings of a madman, and certainly one that could easily be dismissed as a false prophecy from a false prophet when it didn't come to past. And now, everyone is in shock, shock that the Constitution HAS been made VOID on October 17, 2006, just as I was shown by Yahweh - it is now done. 2 Thessalonians, "that which restrains", has now been taken out of the way. =<br><br>(my note - Just call me Lucifer, cause I'm in need of some Restraint - Sympathy for the Devil) <br>=<br>There is no longer a watchman on the wall for the Christian Church. They would not listen nor heed the warnings of the Most High, but instead chose to listen to their lying and deceived leaders and in their own deluded self-righteousness, while wallowing in their Babylonian dainties. The time of warning is over...the time of mourning has begun, as America died on October 17, 2006 - Babylon has now truly fallen and become the habitation of devils it was prophesied to become. <br><br>This is the time of great LAMENTATIONS, but in your lamenting do not miss the point of all that has transpired - GROSS WICKEDNESS WITHIN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH! It is time for Christians in America to cut their playing church and get serious with the Most High - FOR THEIR VERY SURVIVAL. Time is very, very short for repentance to begin before tribulation breaks forth.<br><br>There is no more need of a watchman sounding the alarm, once the enemy has breached the city gate and conquered the city. Thus, this watchman's duty is over, just as I stated in many of my messages, that these messages of warning from the Most High would not last forever, but would, in time, go away, as that which was predicted would surely come to pass.<br><br>Good bye, and I pray that you survive the coming dark days in America, but more importantly, I pray that you will finally take Yahweh seriously.<br><br>- The Watchman<br><br>=<br><br>BRIEF MESSAGE FROM YAHSHUA<br>Stop focusing so much on what Satan is doing and going to do...Learn, prepare and begin to focus on what I am going to do!<br><br>I give you these stories and revelations, not that you would be ensnared by them, to be so caught up in investigating, but that you would simply understand what time it is and how close your redemption is. Do not spend your precious time investigating the deep things of Satan (Revelation 2:24), but the deep things of My Kingdom, which is coming very soon - even in troublous times. <br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.watchmanreport.com/">www.watchmanreport.com/</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p216.ezboard.com/brigorousintuition.showUserPublicProfile?gid=navndansk>NavnDansk</A> at: 10/19/06 11:28 pm<br></i>
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Re: I think what you say is very true, MaryK

Postby NavnDansk » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:19 am

The Beast is ready to turn on the Harlot, and has no more use for her.<br><br>Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:38 pm <br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Wow...<br><br>Even though I read it would happen in the pages of the prophecy of Daniel, it still is a shock to actually witness how the Christian Church assisted in the destruction of America. How could Congress give a man like this, caught in so many lies, deceptions and breaking of laws absolute power is beyond comprehension.<br><br>He even lied the day of this signing, saying America doesn't torture. EH!!!??? Can Bush EVER stop lying? More importantly, can Christians in America EVER see that they have been deceived - even with the mainstream expose saying just that?<br><br>There has NEVER been such a time of wickedness as this, but...it had to be done, as I knew that America, as we knew it, was not mentioned in Revelations. The democratic-republic had to fall. There HAD to be a dicatator installed - or the book of Revelation could not happen.<br><br>Well, the stage is set, the image of the beast is complete - let the tribulation period begin!<br><br>Thank you Christian Church for this gift, you spiritual frauds. If there was such a thing as a rapture, you had better HOPE that it happens soon - after what you have assisted in bringing to pass.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.matrix54.com/forums/watchman/viewtopic.php?t=5625&sid=885e1f31d6a31abe916dc2ac353c6278">www.matrix54.com/forums/w...ac353c6278</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Quote:<br><br>The warnings to the church may not be there anymore, that doesn't mean we won't be there for each other on this site and to talk about Yahweh and Yahshua.<br><br>The warnings to the church are over, though. With its help, the image of the Beast has been constructed. The warning was up for a year, and we sent the warnings out far and wide, repeatedly. The Beast is ready to turn on the Harlot, and has no more use for her.<br><hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><br>This I did understand. I understood this place was to wake up asleep Christians so they could repent. We knew the majority would not though we prayed they would.<br><br>Now that the act has been signed, it is like hearing the closing of a great metal door. No turning back. We knew this day would come. It is a time of rejoicing and a time to be sober and vigilant. To be ready; spiritual warfare has hit high gear. If there is any fear for me, it is that I am not ready enough. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p216.ezboard.com/brigorousintuition.showUserPublicProfile?gid=navndansk>NavnDansk</A> at: 10/19/06 11:24 pm<br></i>
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Re: I think what you say is very true, MaryK

Postby marykmusic » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:40 am

You seem to be turning this into a religious thing disguised as a spiritual war.<br><br>This may be how you see it, but in my opinion it's the religions of the world that have created the control mechanism for the Illuminati to do their work. The organized religions are the handmaidens of the Darkside.<br><br>It looks to me like you have given someone else control of the space between your ears. That's what the Church does best. --MaryK <p></p><i></i>
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For the Michael Age

Postby 1 tal » Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:02 am

<br><br><br><br><br> <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes towards Man, out of the future. We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future.<br> <br> We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come. And we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom.<br><br> It is part of what we must learn in this age, namely, to live out of pure trust, without any security in existence - trust in the ever-present help of the spiritual world.<br><br> Truly, nothing else will do if our courage is not to fail us.<br><br> And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves, every morning and every evening.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Rudolf Steiner<br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: For the Michael Age

Postby yesferatu » Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:48 am

"Fighting spiritually" negates our reason for being in the flesh.<br>I will fight in the flesh and learn it's lessons. <br>We're not in the flesh to learn spirit. We are here to live in flesh.<br>Go ahead, tell the devil off, rebuke Satan, sweat in Gethsemane. <br>It all comes down to what you believe about the human condition...namely, your human condition. I will fight in the flesh, and rely as humanly possible on the Rational Mind, not mysticism, to steer me. I will also rely on the stubbornness of the flesh to help me make 'hard' choices. To realize it all ends in death, without seeking a reward, but merely expecting consiousness to continue as a matter of pragmatic continuance, not some glorious liberation, but that the fighting and opposition will only continue, and that there is far too much evidence the universe itself is an enterprise of nothing BUT struggle, with no respite. Indeed, our only respite may be a very brief childhood (and even childhood is in the flesh), and many are denied even a decent childhood. <br><br>None of this makes for good religion, but what the hell. <br><br>Most our time is spent, practically, in nothing more than learning how best to be a decent human towards others, using nothing more than tenuous-at-best ideas of how to be honest and fair. <br>That there are others to whom this concept is <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>foreign</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->, such lizards are to be fought "in the flesh", not prayed for. If they seek your harm, you seek theirs. Why should I have a spiritual concern for where they are evolutionarily? I see where they are at NOW, and since I am in the flesh, I will not simply "take it" with some powerless creeds of faux-meekness.<br><br><br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: For the Michael Age

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:13 am

When Jesus said love your enemies (he said that didn't he) he didn't say don't fight them.<br><br>Well maybe he did, but he smashed the crap out of the bankers in the temple.<br><br>Here's another useless footy analogy.<br><br>When you go onto the field you go as hard as you can, and that often means hurting peoiple or getting hurt by them. But when you walk off the field, if you carry any aggro off with you then you are not gonna enjoy sharing a beer and a scoob with the guys you played against.<br><br>I have some great mates who I played footy against, and we have hurt each other on the field, but its really nothing personal, even when its personal b4 the game, afterward its all good.<br><br>Sometimes people end up in hospital, and the people that put them there are often the first to visit after the game.<br><br>The people that take it too seriously, and don't make room for friendship with their opponents off field don't seem to enjoy the whole thing as much.<br><br>I dunno if there is any difference between spirit and flesh to be honest, how can anyone be sure that one exists without the other?<br><br>I am not saying don't fight Yesfer, do so, but its having a loving heart while you fight that is what the site is trying to get at IMO.<br><br>This doesn't even begin to address the idea's in buddism, er Buddhism, about desire pain and stepping off the wheel of Karma.<br><br>Since I am spamming song lyrics at the moment hows this:<br><br>Understanding the meaning of struggle<br>Giving your whole life to a single passion<br>Which others may or may not<br>Consider obsolete<br>Like a rare flower<br>Seen by a few before it withers and dies<br>(before it withers and dies)<br>Seeing it all<br>All the way through the very end<br>Regardless<br>A full stop followed by an exclamation mark<br>Written in your flesh and blood<br>Getting knocked down every time<br>Getting knocked down every moment<br>you get up - until you love getting up<br>I know what you've been going through<br>I've been there too<br>God knows I've been pushing hard Pushing so damn hard -<br>I've forgotten what the hell I'm even -<br>Pushing for<br>Recognize it when it happens to you<br>Learn to recognize it and know what to do<br>Stop clinging on, let go, own nothing<br>Do it out of love<br>Do it out of love<br>Words cannot substitute<br>Losing everything<br>Losing your home<br>Losing your money<br>Your dignity<br>Losing your mind - your beliefs, ideals<br>Then and only then<br>When everything is gone<br>You no longer care<br>Your soul standing naked and bare<br>Stripped down to the truth<br>Then you'll find everything<br>On heaven and earth<br>On heaven and earth<br>On heaven and earth<br>The struggle is long<br>The struggle is hard<br>The struggle is beautiful <br><br>Struggle, by Killing Joke<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: For the Michael Age

Postby cortez » Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:27 am

From a favorite book of mine. I Love this book, really for some reason blew my mind, and even with all the outlandish stories in it still resonates deeply with me.<br><br><br>Children of the Law of One : The Lost Teachings of Atlantis<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.atlantis.to/LTA/chapter-six-different-points-of-pg7.htm">www.atlantis.to/LTA/chapt...of-pg7.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>----------<br> <br><br> “Yes. In regards to a point of view, having separate self consciousness, means having a point of view that is limited to seeing things from only one ‘place’ - the ‘place’ where the separate self ‘is at’. This can mean seeing things from an actual physical point of view that is limited to just the place where the person is located, such as in the car allegory. Or it can also mean seeing things from a point of view that’s limited by the person’s beliefs, and programming. In any case, the point of view is very limited and the perspective is ‘narrow’, when a person has separate self consciousness. There are varying degrees of ‘narrow’ mindedness of course, but even the most broad point of view that comes from just one person with separate self consciousness, must be limited and incomplete, because it is a view that is still from only one place, only from that one separate self. Thus, it is a point of view that will have limited understanding. And if a person has such limited understanding, what kind of thoughts are they limited to? And if their thoughts are from such limited perception and understanding, what kind of action will they take regarding other people, and the world around them? For the answer to that, just look around at the world.”<br><br> “Do you mean that this creates problems in the world?”<br><br> “All problems spring forth from this.”<br><br> “How?”<br><br>Separate self consciousness, because of its limitations and narrow mindedness, ‘boxes’ its perceptions of the world into ‘pieces’ that are extensions of its self. Everything in your immediate world becomes an extension of you, of your separate self. For instance, there is your neighborhood, your town, your county, your state, your country, your part of the world (and depending on your socio-economic status, possibly your gang’s turf). Because the separate self relates to these as extensions of itself, most people support their country, for instance, just because it is their country. Sure, they come up with ‘reasons’ why their country is the best or most important. But the problem is, many peoplebelieve that their country is ‘It’, ‘the best’, the ‘most important’, the ‘most right’, regardless of any reason to think so or not. And by so doing, they care less about other countries, and the people of those other countries. And if everyone’s country is the best, who’s right? They can’t all be right. This phenomenon is even worse when it comes to a person’s outlook about their religion. Many people think theirs is the only right religion, and thus the only one that will provide salvation for anyone else. And many of these people actually hate other religions, and their practitioners. When there is more than one religion claiming to be ‘THE’ only right one, it creates a question of who’s right and who’s wrong, and the dilemma of choosing the right one, or facing the consequences of having chosen the ‘wrong’ one (not getting into heaven, going to hell, etc.). But getting back to the idea of everyone thinking their country is the best, consider this: what country ever went into battle without ‘God on their side’? In WWII, all sides believed God was on their side, including the Nazis. What country starts a war thinking that they’re in the wrong? All of these perceptions and beliefs originate from separate selves and the territories they consider extensions of them-selves. <br><br> Most everyone favors not just their country, but ALL the extensions of their separate selves - they favor their race, favor their ethnic group, favor their school, favor their local team, favor their political party, etc., etc.. But a precious few people have begun to expand their self consciousness to include ‘bigger pictures’. ...<br><br><br>...<br><br>“Please don’t let the teachings that promote Oneness be misunderstood as promoting a ‘one world religion or government’ where oneness and peace are enforced by human rule or dogma. Nothing could be further from what we mean to convey. We are first of all proponents of freedom, and free will. I’m talking about an internal way of being, a consciousness, that includes sensitivity, compassion, and freedom - and caring about all people, creatures, all creation, as much as you do about your self.<br><br>“Are you saying all governments are bad?”<br><br> “No. Just incomplete, and that they won’t ever solve all the problems, or work properly unless people themselves change inside. Certainly, some governments are formed just to wield power for an elite group over the people. But sometimes governments are formed to administer, and insure justice between all the separate beings it controls, but no form of government can really ‘work’, or last, when separate consciousness exists. Why? Because the people running the government have the same separate consciousness, and when they get power, you see the worst of selfishness, and they can appeal to the selfishness in the populace, to get what they want. When you stop and think about these things it is easier to understand why the Children teach that only when all people have Universal Consciousness, and everyone is primarily governed from within by the Universal Spirit, will there ever be peace & harmony, and freedom from tyranny on Earth.” <br><br>“Why did you say it that way - on Earth.”<br><br> “Because there is so much more, and the Earth is just one speck of dust, within an incredibly greater scheme of things. Outside of the Earth, the entire Universe functions in a beautiful, orderly, harmonious flow. On Earth, humans with separate self consciousness, are the only things that are out of step with the flow of nature, and the Universe. And the results of this have been disharmony, disruption, and destruction. That’s why the teachings of the Children of the Law of One™ promote the attainment of “Universal Consciousness”, by any means that works for you.”<br><br> We will cover the Children’s teachings about how humans attained separate self consciousness in the ancient history chapter, and the particulars of each individual’s “selfish separate self” later in a “separate” chapter, but first, let’s go over the meaning of Universal Consciousness....<br><br>....<br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: For the Michael Age

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:51 am

Cool Alice I fully love that.<br><br>Its not that different from the whole self/other duality that no one, not even the lecturers understood, when I did a philosophy course at uni. Well thats not quite true, crazy mushie munching freals like me got it well enough.<br><br>Self other duality is a perspective issue.<br><br>The self creates an other to create a context for its structural representation of reality. A base to build from if you like. Every perspective has to start somewhere or its lost in wash of meaningless signals.<br><br>Puts the warmongering in an interesting context.<br><br>I must have been onto something cos I passed the course and didn't hand any assignments, well ok 1 out of 3...<br><br><br>But it does put it all (the mess we are in or life) in an interesting framework. I often think about that islamo fascist/evil zionist orobouros with regard to that model. <p></p><i></i>
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Meanwhile, back at the topic...

Postby marykmusic » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:27 pm

We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a physical (3D) experience.<br><br>This is a quote from somewhere else, not my original thought.<br><br>Interesting angles being promoted here. The football analogy is sport, not warfare. And to me, it's the war, stupid. (Not really. But really.)<br><br>My war is against the Darkside, in whatever guise it may be found. The 3D expression of the Darkside is found in many instances to be organized religion, created wars, soul-sucking corporations, secret societies (such as the Illuminati.) --MaryK<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: For the Michael Age

Postby yesferatu » Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:03 pm

Thank you, Joe.<br><br>Jefferson, if not a christian, at least understood God is spirit.<br>That spirit and flesh are inexorably enmeshed. Thus his quote, which sums it up best:<br>"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." <br>Thomas Jefferson (Motto on his seal)<br><br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p216.ezboard.com/brigorousintuition.showUserPublicProfile?gid=yesferatu@rigorousintuition>yesferatu</A> at: 10/20/06 2:03 pm<br></i>

Re: For the Michael Age

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:02 pm

Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.<br><br>Yeah. That rings so true... <p></p><i></i>
Joe Hillshoist
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